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I mean I feel the same way about beer, it's just less stigmatized. Most successful adults that use weed to unwind are not running around bragging about using weed to unwind.


This is the answer. Productive stoners don’t make being a stoner their whole personality. If I share that I support cannabis use, whether for medicinal or recreational uses, then people automatically assume I consume more than I do. I use primarily for medical purposes, but I like to get high sometimes, too. I keep a clean home and whatnot, but I am super fucked up in a lot of ways, so you’ve got me there, lol.


I'm sober and my house is a mess. It has nothing to do with substances and everything to do with my untreated ADHD. Correlation absolutely does not equal causation.


This comment reminds me of the time I was a kid and said "sorry for the mess, we're poor" 😂😂


Brilliant. I'm using that from now on


Can confirm. ADHD household, not poor, pay for cleaners every week. Not so messy.


Fair. My wife has ADHD, so I am familiar with the mess. Personally, I have a hard time functioning in a space that doesn’t feel clean and moderately organized.


I know exactly where everything is and it causes my mother significant distress every time she comes over lol. I guess the difference is it's clutter not dirt.


lol, I wish my wife remembered where things were, that ADHD super power somehow passed her over. I can handle clutter better than I can handle filth, but even just seeing a cluttered room, my brain is immediately trying to figure out how to make the space more functional. I don’t know why I enjoy domestic things, but it’s definitely come in handy!


This is why I normally stay in my home office. As soon as I step into another room, there are piles of dirty plates and toys all over the floor that I have to tidy up before I can even sit down in a room. It literally hurts my brain to see the mess.


Im prescribed weed for adhd. I vape bud all day every day. I have a good job, I have 2 kids, and I am also quite a successful local club dj too. So if you need weed for adhd there's nothing wring with that mate, it really does help. It's not recreational and is a medicine


Out of interest, what characteristics of weed make a variety good for ADHD? Presumably the one that locks you to the sofa is not ideal?!


I take an Incredibles brand gummy with a 2:1 ratio of thc to cbd and it has been life changing. I can sit down and do my job like a good little worker bee. I was beginning to think I would become unemployable.


My job won't allow it. I would definitely consider weed before Adderall, though.


How come, did you have adverse side effects from prescribed stimulants?


I'm.presribed it by a doctor so my work can't say fuck all because under the disability discrimination act in uk prescribed medication can't be denied unless you are in charge of heavy machinery, I sit at a desk all day so I'm sweet


I am in the US and under federal employment. Our federal government still considers it a schedule 1 drug and though many local governments have decriminalized and legalized both medically and recreationally, that isn't recognized by the federal government.


How did you get weed for ADHD in the UK?


I got a summary of care from my gp and applied through the cantourage clinic. If it shows the diagnosis and 2 forms of medications then you'll be accepted


I would research more on it before deciding to take any drug for ADHD. There are now non-stimulant medications for ADHD that are showing promise, but stimulants are still good for treating ADHD no matter how much people like say otherwise. There's also long release medications, but Adderall is not your only option nor a bad one. It wouldn't still be prescribed or show effectiveness if it was as bad as everyone claims.


No one at work even knows I smoke. I am a top performer. OP has allowed a small number of outspoken individuals to justify stereotyping.


It's like saying criminals go to jail, but we only see the criminals who get caught. 100% confirmation bias. OP might be surprised to learn that drug users earn higher salaries in general than non-users. e: Also the harder drug users have higher level of employment too. Because you need money to buy drugs.


I have never got why people make a thing their personality. Be it work, life style etc. I had a roommate whose brother was a pot farmer. He was a chill dude, he talked about how the farm was doing for like 5-10 min and It was farmer problems. He then moved on to talk about movies and tv and even a little electrical knowledge.


As a dispensary salesperson and a stoner myself, most of us also dislike "pot heads". Most of my customers are senior citizens. Several are medical professionals. A couple lawyers. You don't hear about the stoner who have their lives together because it's not as noticeable then.


Maybe that's the key. The only reason I know of these folks is because they plaster it all over their social media


There are definitely doctors, lawyers, dentists, pharmacists, stock brokers out there smoking weed but they are much more covert about it because they have higher consequences for people knowing they are potheads.


Exactly what I came to say. I think you’d be surprised at how many users there are with whom you interact on a regular basis.


Legit 2/3-3/4 of the people I worked in the emergency department with used weed every day. You’d never know because they don’t really talk about it. But they were all incredibly well functioning and saved lives daily


My whole family is in the medical profession and I know that what you are saying is true. They were not users, but many of their colleagues did smoke. It’s a stressful job.


Same here but for the legal profession - it’s definitely more common than people would think I suspect


Haha yeah


my last three doctors i was honest about my thc use and they proceeded to tell me their favorite ways to make edibles lmao. sounds crazy but it’s no joke, they’re right OP WAY more professionals use cannabis, tbh i wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to find out folk in the white house consumed cannabis


You don't have idea the type of substance abuse that there is on healthcare personnel. Normally weed is one of the least concerning ones.


The amount of people who enter the medical field with the *intention* of trying to score opiates would shock most people (who aren’t in the field to witness it). Security guards, maintenance, admin, cafeteria, lab techs, assistants, nurses, reception, gift shop, and doctors - literally every single position in the field has seen plenty of people who only wanted the job because they thought they’d have easy access to drugs. Weed is the LAST thing anyone should care about when it comes to their medical team 🥴


My brother in law is super smart, top of his class in medical school and balances family, work, school and his friends very well… I only found out this year that he’s been smoking weed nearly daily for years now. Bro is a ninja because I’ve never noticed him high lol


Yep I knew a doctor and kindergarten teacher that both smoked weed regularly. Only their inner circle knew and yes I smoked with both of them.


A solid 1/3rd of teachers I know smoke weed. And those are just the ones who have told me. Not the ones hiding it from everyone. It's enough people that our district no longer tests for it. They can't afford to replace all the staff who would come up positive. Many of these people are daily users. I do it daily. It messes me up a lot less than drinking every night would.


I'm a field service engineer who trains all the new guys. They'll tell you I'm annoyingly organized and detail oriented. I make them act the same way while I have a say. Once they're on their own that's the boss's job to keep tabs on. They have no clue but the second I'm able to I smoke every single day.


You may be surprised to learn what Dan Svagae has to say about people im successful open relationships- "they don't talk about it w everyone". Consider.


The chill ones don't talk about it unless you bring it up first I promise lol


This is 100% a case of selection bias. I bet way more people than you would think partake


Yeah, a whole lot more people just don't plaster it everywhere and make it their personality.


Then that's confirmation bias


Yeah there’s your problem right there, the people that plaster it all over social media tend to be the most insufferable potheads. I don’t smoke anymore but when I did I always hated “stoner culture” cause it gives a bad stigma to people who have their shit in order and just like to occasionally unwind with a few puffs


That and I’d argue the ones who are using it all day every day, leaving work early to use it, etc. might have other issues they are hiding from you. Maybe their house isn’t just dirty because of the weed. Maybe they are depressed and that’s why they smoke all the time.


One of my coworkers is the hardest working guy I know. Found out him and his roommate regularly smoke together after classes/work. I never understood why people liked to smoke until I tried it. It's pretty great, I felt super relaxed and sleepy


Exactly on all points. Alcohol is way worse in my life experience and there's so many abusers of it. Every single day gotta drink and get drunk. And yes most successful users of any substance you would never know they do it.


I always kept my "weed habit" a secret from everyone I shared a business relationship with. The only ones that knew I smoked weed were close friends because we would obviously smoke together. I no longer smoke because sometimes my job is contracted with the local nuclear plant and they drug test, and I've grown tired of it as well


This. Im 30, i smoke daily but i don't tell anyone. Im also a CPO currently.










Honestly, you probably just don’t realize a lot of people you know do this. Because they’re private about it with people they’re not close to.


I know big time money managers, surgeons, etc. that smoke all the time. You aren't automatically a burnout stoner if you smoke weed lol


I think you just know crappy people, I don’t think the weed matters.


yeah, a few folks in my social circle smoke regularly and are successful, put together people. they don’t smoke weed then watch TV and eat Cheetos, they write code or go cycling or teach a class. those people wouldn’t really call themselves “stoners”, they’re folks who have much going on in their lives than weed who also enjoy weed. The lazy stoners OP describes are absolutely a big slice of the “weed smokers pie” but they ain’t the pie.


I know a ton of very successful business owners / C level people who smoke in the evening or weekends to unwind. It's much better than poisoning yourself and having a hangover the next day.


I think it's telling that his examples are an incompetent boss and an unreliable coworker. Homie, that's something that pretty much everyone deals with. I don't think it was the weed lol


Right. Also, competent bosses and coworkers don’t tell their sober coworkers about their habits.




This is the answer


He's judging them based on social media. Like ya, people who post about weed on social media are not the best representation haha


So I’m a pothead and have been for years, I’m fairly successful, I’m reliable, my coworkers say good things for the most part, and I travel and do enough interesting things to connect with people and enjoy conversations. I do have some struggles though, including romantic relationships, which I often blame on the weed. Your post did make me stop and think. Thing is, I’m a pretty neurotic person anyway, so it helps me sleep (which dramatically helps my mood) and helps me relax and reflect on how I can be a better person. Also, when I’ve quit I’m more social in general but also drink way too much, sleep too little, and my performance in work (and in life) declines. Maybe I need to quit for longer and figure things in a healthier way, but it’s definitely hard when the immediate results are so bad, especially when it negatively affects those around me. It might eventually help me figure some things out to quit too, who knows. I agree with a lot of the comments though, I doubt many at work know I’m a stoner. And I think a lot of bad friends, coworkers, etc. are probably low on the conscientious scale, making them prone to impulsiveness, which includes drugs like weed. Plus the weed probably makes that personality type worse.


Your comments resonate heavily with me, you’re not alone brother


Very well articulated, I relate to a lot of the things you said. Glad we’re not as alone as we might think


Same boat here. For what it’s worth meditation has helped with my sleep some personally. I was in a bad spot for awhile with sleep/stress/anxiety. Had a week over the summer where I probably only got 10-15 hours or so the whole time. Out of my mind miserable. Weed was night and day, slept like a teenager again. Also helped me get right enough to focus on my issues and I realized it was mainly anxiety keeping me up. Focusing meditation does help me clear my head a bit even without it. I can at least get close to 5-6 hours sleep most nights now doing that to fall asleep.


Funny but I think the same things about people who are regular drinkers.


I think both are fitting.


What part of OPs point does this negate?


It's stoner cope


It’s not funny lol it’s like the first counterargument people make when the topic of alcohol is brought up. Like a reflex or law of nature


Correlation/causation. They aren't screwups because they're smoking weed, maybe they smoke weed because they are screwups.


On the other hand, constantly smoking weed while there are serious problems in your life that need fixing probably isn´t helping either.


Do most people have social circles where everyone is thriving, super duper content, and have no problems in life? I notice that on Reddit, people are very very judgemental. Everyone has all their shit together and have no problems. I've personally never met anyone whose life is perfect. So, I think this can apply to anything.


Reddit sentiments have almost no bearing on the real world.


Well… another thing…. I don’t know a single person who has every facet of their life in order. I’ve seen people who appear that way on the outside, but something is always suffering. I kind of feel like if you have a spotless house, you are probably being too restrictive in your children and not playing with enough. If you are superstar at work, how do you have time to make sure family or relationships are all in order? I think everything is a little give and take; and the best we can do is have organized chaos while juggling multiple facets of our lives.


Who has every facet of their life in order 😂😂


Exactly. These people need to lighten up.






I side eyed that too. Literally no one has every facet of their life in order.


I don't smoke weed at all and I'm not a regular drinker. I don't have my life in order lol


Maybe you need a different circle. I work in tech and we're all pot heads. Something about being calm and listening to music helps coding just flow easier


My professor for Real Analysis always wore tie-dye shirts. If he wasn’t smoking up, he was definitely doing tabs. PHD in Mathematics and lives near the beach, but never bragged about his lifestyle.


Maybe I'm an outlier, but I can tell you that I've smoked weed for over 2 decades, I love it - and I keep it to myself - you wouldn't know it by meeting me. My family / in-laws don't know I do it, no one at work knows I do it. Sure my friends know but other than that I don't live the stereotype pot smoker lifestyle so no one ever picks up on it. I have a great job, own my house, awesome wife and decent enough kids, and a love of smoking the reefer.


In a very similar boat myself. Sounds like OP just happens to know a bunch of burnouts.


Leave common sense, reason, and choice out of this, sir. OP is almost 30 after all and knows all things /s


Decent enough kids hahaha I feel this


Decent enough kids lmao


I also fall into this category, but I have quit smoking for the last few years because I have been producing humans and then breastfeeding said humans. Once they are a bit older I will probably jump back in casually when I can send them off for a sleep over to their grandparents.


your family doesn't know? i'm lucky enough to smoke with my family lol


My wife knows, but no one else.


Maybe one day when your kids are fully decent.


“I’m a grown man, almost 30” feels like an oxymoron


He's a grown man of 29 and three quarters.


He got that fully formed frontal lobe


"I'm 29 and a half"


You only know the potheads you know. I’d say there’s way more you don’t know. Truth is there are very high functioning individuals using every substance out there and you’ll never know because they aren’t telling anyone at work they go home and smoke meth, or drink a case of beer or smoke a joint. Or are a hoarder, etc. You don’t know enough about people who smoke weed, nor does anyone because drug use is mostly done in private.


Plenty of people who smoke don't make it a defining personality trait. I feel like if someone is the type of person who regularly posts about it on social media and consistently talks about it, while also making it a priority throughout their day is more likely to struggle with it than someone who winds down with it and has other things to worry about. Plenty of successful people smoke regularly, but rarely make it a defining personality trait, or are even covert about it.


I guess the successful people you're acquainted with don't invite you to get high, lol.


And the reasons are obvious with just a few sentences


That was my thought... Judgmental shitty person seems to only know shitty people. No surprise there. I don't even smoke weed, but I judge people based upon how they treat other people not based upon how clean their house is or what they do to unwind.


I have never met ANYONE and thought I wanted to be this person. I very much enjoy being me and only me.


Yeah, I want to see the guy OP envies. I'm envisioning the manager from Office Space.




Dude I've smoked for half my life. I've seen lots of potheads and lots of stoners, and yes there is a difference. I smoke to manage anxiety and back pain, I work a very physical job in a warehouse and have 3 kids. Is every facet of my life figured out? Fuck no, I'm 32 and support 5 people on one income, but you know what I do? I get up everyday and go to work and do my best to get through my day without snapping. And the best way for that is cannabis. Now that being said, not everyone can or should do that. It works for me. My point is that things affect people differently and just because someone is lazy or lacking doesn't mean it's the weed. Probably doesn't help but it should be the first place you place blame.


You need to smoke some weed


Uh I just sat with an 80 year old, ex doctor of kids in hospice who lost dying parents, good father, owner of wolves on a land with two creeks, who said after a smoke of pipe he does every Sunday say "I just love being high". 🤣 I laughed. Didn't partake. But he was at peace. I think some of our hard opinions may change as we age. Have a good night. I'm so blessed.


I think it’s funny when people’s whole thing is like I don’t do this thing, like is there somehow a reason to feel superior cause you abstain from a random thing that you don’t even ever have to partake in to begin with? If someone does something medically or oh my jeez dare I say recreationally does that make them somehow less than? Everyone doesn’t have the same standard of living and that fine; if it doesn’t hurt you why even give a second thought.


1. Not an unpopular opinion at all, most people who don’t smoke generally have this holier than thou attitude. 2. I doubt any of those people you met would like to have been you either. You’re not special and you’re not superior for not smoking weed.


That 2nd part lmaoo


My favourite comment in the whole thread. Succinct, no bullshit take


Theres lazy sober people too so yea I don’t think it’s the weed. You have internalized prejudice against the herb. 420 69 smoke it fire up homie. Don’t hate spread love they’re just crappy workers.


The laziest person I know is stone cold sober. The most productive, weirdly conservative, social person I know smokes dabs literally 24/7. For me though, weed is bad. I had to quit.


I always love these posts where neuronormative assholes opine on how ‘teh weedz’ are the reason other people don’t have their shit together. I get it. It makes you feel superior. Shrugs.


You haven’t met my mother. She is the life of a party and worked her entire adult life smoking copious amounts of weed. And then even more so when my grade 4 ass got all DARE program on her to get her to quit cigs. She replaced it with more weed xD The key is (based on other comments I have seen) is that the potheads that make it their entire personality are weird. Whereas my mom doesn’t give a shit, 4/20 is just another day. We are in Canada and she even realized “I don’t need it to be legal, I was gonna keep smoking anyways!” She smokes a lot but doesn’t over do it when she has obligations.


I have a genuine question. If you met a person that smoked weed regularly and you thought “I want to be this person.” What would that weed smoking person be like? Just a person who regularly smokes weed but you can’t even tell? So now they aren’t even a “person who regularly smokes weed”. They are just a person. Considering all of that it just seems like you’re not a big stereotypical weed culture guy/girl. Which is fine. Edit: OHHHHH. I decided to read the last part of your post. All you are saying is that you have never met a person that smoked weed regularly that you find appealing, but you also admit they probably exist. I don’t think that is unpopular or even an opinion.


I dunno man, sure there are people who are total burnouts, but they were lazy and incompetent with or without weed. But everyone I know who smokes weed are very productive and motivated. I smoked every day for 20 years. It was a better alternative to drinking alcohol.


I'm a trucker, and I can't smoke weed, and I regularly think, "I wish I was this person," when I see my friends that smoke weed and party all the time.


Anytime you lump a big group of people together over ONE thing, you’re going to be wrong.


I feel the same way about people begging for validation on reddit, these persons have a proven track record in my life of being the crappiest coworkers and friends. Maybe because I'm a grown man


It's funny, I feel the same way about non -smokers. I'd never want their life and the people I know are far less happy than me from what I can tell. The non smokers are a bunch people who seemingly constantly have a stick up their butt. They can't and don't even appear to know how to relax. I get my work done, sorry I'm not going above and beyond for an uncaring corporation. Of course I leave on time. How is that even a complaint? Honestly, sounds like you could use some weed and chill out.


You just don't know that most of those "good workers" are smoking it too. They choose to keep it that way.


Thats because these people are shitty people, not because they are smokers. I smoke every day, but very few people know (few family and friends) No one at my work knows, and I'm a stylist at a high-end dress store - I work with people all day, and I am praised for how well I do my job. I made some new friends recently, and when I told them I smoked almost every day, they were surprised. I know a local lawyer (mums friend) he smokes every day but no one but his smoker friends know - he's the best local lawyer but as I said - dosent make it public knowledge he smokes. I have always found that people judge you more if they find out you smoke when you first meet them - where as if you get to know them and build a relationship before they know you smoke - they generally don't care as they already know your personality without the pre-concived idea your a smoker. There's more people than you think that smoke - but for a lot of people, it's not their personality - the smokers you know have made smoking their personality.


Dumb take. go touch grass instead of trying to stigmatize it


As an adult, you've met a ton of people that regularly smoke weed and you have no idea


You seem like the annoying coworker that nobody likes. Anal, rule follower, and probably an NPC lol If you've never met anyone successful who smokes weed you haven't met enough people.


Bless your heart, you definitely have coworkers that don’t tell you they smoke.


This isn't an unpopular opinion, this is just an objective observation from what you have experienced personally in your own life. Maybe if you are only friends with potheads who are unsuccessful losers, part of the problem is that you pick shitty human beings to be friends with, that also happen to smoke weed.


That's alright. The nice thing about being a stoner is that we don't care if you like us.


TBH you probably admire others that hide it.


You sound like a nerd


PREACH!! Before I say anything else I just want to say that I’m talking about STONERS, not people who do it every so often. Alcohol and drugs are much worse but if they are doing it every day they all have an addition. Couldn’t have said it any better, especially the unreliable part. I truly believe weed ruined my friends life, she went from a straight A student who never missed school to hanging out potheads smoking every day and barely passing high school. Now she gets fired from nearly every job because she can’t get up in the morning and is super unreliable and unmotivated to do better in life, it’s almost as if the weed made her slow. You can say that that’s just who she is as a person but I know first hand prior to smoking she wasn’t that way and a completely different person. All the potheads she surrounds her with don’t have jobs and never had jobs in their mid 20’s, sit in dark rooms all day doing nothing, don’t have their license not because of anxiety but by choice, didn’t do any form of college or trade school/work and are just doing nothing with their lives but being bums and living off their parents. Weed does make you lazy if you do it too often, idc what anyone says.


I would compare it to a person who heavy drinks regularly. Always talking about next weekend, and eager to get the first drink are signs of functional alcoholic. You can use weed or alcohol casually, but having it be your whole personality just makes you an addict, which eventually fucks up your life.


I’m a pro poker player. Numbers analysis all day. It helps shut my brain off.. kills my ego. So many of us poker players smoke occasionally or else we’d go fucking insane, just like McConnochagey said in Wolf of Wall Street. Gotta feed the Geese. I agree with you though. Most people smoke weed and eat junk food. Watch TV. I smoke weed and go for a run.. take ice baths…. Etc. I do feel like marijuana is good if used right. Most people use it to keep piling garbage into their body and mind. You can use it to strip away your ego and enjoy life a bit sometimes. You’d never guess I was a smoker if you knew me. The people who use it as a personality are the losers.


I mean I’m in my early 30s, have 3 degrees and am working on my PhD right now and smoke regularly. Most people don’t know I smoke unless we’re close friends. I’d say I’m pretty put together. Married, nice home, nice cars, we do alright, we definitely keep our home clean The vast majority of smokers are regular normal people with normal jobs/lives


Cannabis also has a stigma and people often hide their use so others don't end up treating them with prejudice


I have a lot of co-workers who are lifelong pot heads, and they are some of the most reliable people. At least when it comes to work. I don't really hang out with any of them outside of work, so I couldn't say if the same applies or not. I've been at my job for almost 10 years now, and almost all the top guys are the same top guys when I came in, and almost all of them smoke weed for recreation. Out of them, I'd say most are dependent on the stuff lol. I wish I could smoke weed to relax or unwind, but it doesn't jive well with me.


I'm a medical patient these days, but before that, I maybe smoked 2 out of every 3 days. I'm married, have a job that pays me above the national average and I manage 5 people. You're confusing 'stoners' with cannabis users.


I am an alcoholic and drug addict, clean for 5 years. I'm bipolar. I smoke every single day. I have a successful career, loving family, and I manage not to reek of pot constantly. I'm a stoner. But I'm not any of the negative things you mentioned. Just to add a bit of colour since you seem dead set on categorizing all weed smokers together :)


Oh, you've met them. You just don't know it.


You only hear from the ones that brag because they’ve made weed their whole personality. You probably just don’t realize how many of your other coworkers smoke weed


I live in the Netherlands now one of my best friends is a Chemical engineer, super organized, beautiful clean house, nice girlfriend, great cook, works out etc. And as soon as he gets home he’s rolling and smoking. It’s definitely possible. Not for me unfortunately but it is


Don't worry. They aren't impressed by you either


I bet there are people that smoke weed often, and you have no clue that they do. Believe it or not, there are and they like to remain discrete.


Well don’t speak for all of us. I’m 43, retired military, and am a cannabis user. I don’t smoke it, so I was just going to move on from this post, but then you mentioned edibles, which shows you don’t know much about cannabis. Hey, do you drink?


I could be blitzed out of my mind and literally outwork everyone around me.( I've only ever had physically demanding jobs that most wouldn't do) I think it definitely just depends on the person. Have 4 kids and am on my second owned home at 38. Do I slack off on days off? Sometimes but I'll do that stone cold sober as well. I'll smoke to be productive funny enough sometimes. Sounds like you just work with a couple dummies to me but sober or not mfs like that are everywhere.


This isn't an opinion, this is an anecdote.


What is this, a DARE testimony? Nobody is asking you to be like somebody. You’re an adult, find what makes you happy, and be the person you want to be. Leave everybody else alone, and don’t look to your fellow man as some sort of idol.


Aw honey. They just don’t tell you they smoke.


I have never seen anyone with every facet of their life in order. I don’t use cannabis in any form. Many of the people I know and I love do, I don’t typically rate them on a “togetherness” scale but they’re at least on par with my level of togetherness. I suspect OP would not be impressed with every facet of my life either.


Cool. You don't sound like fun to hang out with either. Let's never meet.


This post is self-righteous crap. No one smokes weed to impress you. In fact no one even wants you to acknowledge how they relax. We don't care if you don't want our life. You are not the main character. If you want to be a "grown man" stop spending time judging people for what they find joy in. Doing so might actually make you a better person.


so, to be clear, every facet of your life is in order? in 2023? fair play if so. but I doubt it.


I’m sorry you had a bad experience or two and after reading your little story I don’t think I’d want to be you either … If you are looking at people and judging their success based of your own envy to be them (god knows what their life and emotions are really like) then you are not someone to aspire to either. 420blazeit1time2wice


I smoke every day. I've got a staff that loves me (or at least pretends), a big house, a nice car, 3 kids and a hot wife. I'd say I'm doing juuuuust fine.


Wow. You should take all that time and thought and use it on yourself. Reflect on you and how to improve how you live your life. Do you seriously meet someone and pick them apart down to their flaws just to feel superior to them? Worry about yourself. People like you are what's wrong with humanity. This isn't an insult. Forgive the Bible reference, but it fits here. He who has never sinned may throw the first stone.


Lmao I had a boss tell me this once, complained about how every weed smoker he's met is lazy and a bad worker and clearly the stuff is bad. He was so glad he hired me, a hard working young person and not a stoner. I am a stoner though. He just never would've guessed it because his perception of weed smokers is extremely specific and biased. In fact, all of his favorite employees were stoners. OP, I promise you've met and worked with stoners that you never knew were such, and had zero problems.


You would be surprised how easy it is to smoke a shit ton of weed and NOT make it your personality or make it obvious to the average person even ones you see everyday. Of course the ones who make it obvious are going to be lazy crappy coworkers. I smoke weed almost every day and my entire department hates any day I’m not there. Those fuckers need me or they actually have to do their jobs. The only coworkers who know are ones I have told or are my friends (not the type of job where there is any benefit to going after each other). I’m not saying this to brag but it’s the same idea as how doctors can be heavily addicted to hard drugs. You probably have thought you want to be more like someone who smokes a shit ton of weed, you just didn’t realize they smoke a shit ton of weed


I work in a hospital and lemme tell you, doctors LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE cocaine.




How would you know? Someone that smokes daily at night after work isn't going to signal it.


I would suggest that there may be more people out there who you are regularly interacting with and you are oblivious to the fact that they are using. Edibles especially, since they dont leave the telltale reek.


The question is, who looks at you and thinks "I want to be this dude!" Nobody. You're not a celebrity. Nobody wants to be you anymore than you want to be a pot smoker.


Ive seen many alcoholics that dont make good friends




Ehhhh. I know multiple folks who partake more than a few time a week and I promise you they are more successful than you.


Says someone who believes in UFOs 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Proof you don’t need drugs to be unhinged lmfao


That's a great way to put it.


yeah those people are called addicts. weed might not be addictive intrinsically but those people straight do not want to be sober and that's an addiction. dated this one person like that, wouldn't take no for an answer when i told em to go without weed while traveling internationally. noped out of the relationship pretty soon after that because no i will not put myself in danger because you can't be sober for 4 days.


I swear there isn't a more easily offended group of people than reddit potheads. this thread is hilarious.


The trait I hate is that they are often very angry and have this resentment when not high that they never have any self awareness about. As they often believe they are more chill than everybody else cause of weed. But they can’t get enough to make them chill anymore just using enough to take the edge off. Stoners when not partying are the worst, way nastier and bleaker than drunks.


What I can ascertain from these comments - weed smokers generally would love to believe that they are the exception or that the effects that are bad do not affect them, or that you wouldnt be able to tell they are a weed smoker. Maybe its because Im Australian and the weed here is worse or whatever, but I normally can tell if someone smokes weed quite immediately and when I ask them they always are suprised I picked it. Thats not exclusively a skill I have tho, my wife is the same and so is a few in my social group. I always wonder when it comes to weed much like alcohol, sure marijuana has many positive medicinal effects but the ones I see who DO use it, seem to always be so defensive about it like a classical drug addicted individual which is ironic because apparently you cant be addicted to weed or so i am told. takeaways: maybe, just maybe, people are being polite to you but still can tell your a stoner. no matter what job, suit your wearing or car/home you have.


Yeah. Pretty sure weed rots the mind. Not surprising to see so many r*dditors jumping up and down about it.


Felt this way since I was 12. Never tried it. Never will, makes people lazy and stupid.


It's the same with alcohol. People just used to it at this point.


Tbh I feel the same way which is sad bc the people who are the most important to me smoke.


It’s scary how much people normalize it too. “My kid is in rehab for xyz, he’s coming home Friday” they say as they exhale a huge toke.


Well, since so many are defending against your views, and I almost did too, congratulations on your unpopular opinion


This is like half of California .


Very unpopular opinion specially in California.


Everyone I know smokes pot, it’s hard to find ppl that don’t, so I wouldn’t know what to compare it too. I think I miss it sometimes but I get a bad reaction now.


I’ve met some who do smoke a lot of weed that I want to be like, I’ve met alot that smoke alot of weed that I don’t want to be like. Same for alcohol. Same for sugary foods. Same for religion.I’ve met sober people you want nothing to do with, and some you do. The wider net of people you really start to look for, the more you realize some people regardless of what they do or abuse you don’t want to be like them, and that habit wouldn’t change. My moms never met a weed smoker that she really wants to be like, but she has an extremely small sample limited to running into junky types. Being around the Bay Area I’ve met huge amounts of people that do a hell of a lot more than weed, have phds/masters degrees, and live a great life. I don’t mean I know a few, there’s a ton of them.


Take it one step further, nothing bugs me more than someone busting out the weed at a party. Everyone having a good time drinking, talking, then someone brings the pot out and half the party falls asleep.


I definitely wouldn't say this about all pot-heads, but a lot of them. Particularly the ones that are high much of the day every day. I don't smoke, but I can see lighting up a couple hours before bed every night and during the day every once in a while, but even that is pushing it. My friend is a huge pot head. Smokes within a couple hours of waking up and is high until they go to sleep. They've become annoying to be around. They take pride in saying things like "I'm too high to understand this right now". It's embarrassing. I feel like I can't hold any meaningful conversations with them anymore because they're always too high. Needless to say we're growing apart. That same friend's father also smokes weed. He smokes less frequently but still semi-regularly. He's successful at work. He has a great friend group who he's very engaged with. He's a member of a book club and whenever I've sat in on it he has meaningful and insightful contributions to the discussion. He's an active father and husband. He takes good care of himself and is generally very easy to be around. So yeah, I wouldnt make broad sweeping generalizations, but overall I know what you mean. I'm 22 and in the alternative community so I often feel like an outsider being the one who doesn't smoke, but I'm not interested in weed and I'm definitely not interested in being perceived as a pot head.


TIL some people don't like addicts, I am SHOCKED


One of my friends is at the point where they can’t even sleep without smoking first. I feel kind of bad for them.


A lot of people smoke weed but don't talk about it. Especially at work.


If you don't know anything between "using for medical reasons" and "getting off work and lighting up" then you're bound to have unpopular opinions yea


The people who are not complete assholes keep their pot consumption to themselves, ESPECIALLY at work. Only an A-level jerk and complete idiot is so unprofessional as to brag to co-workers about this. Believe me, you probably DO know cool people, nice people who use cannabis recreationally (on vacation, during time off) or use it for other reasons even every day, but who keep their mouth shut about it with co-workers or acquaintences, and they probably would only tell you after you became a close friend. I don't talk about medical or personal issues at work, nor do I do so with people I seldom see.


This seems like a longer version of the toupee falacy. Like, the ones who do it and don't make it their identity go undetected and you only notice the ones that do. Same can be said about a lot of things and hobbies. Ie difference between the anime weeb that has his car decked out with anime girls and the guy who watches it but doesn't make a huge deal out of it.