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Isn’t this what the non-emergency line is for?


The what


Don't know about other countries but in the UK we have a non emergency contact to emergency services for issues that don't require an immediate response to danger or threat of life. It keeps the more qualified response staff available for the emergency situations where a more experienced head is required in answering calls rather than them being distracted over some loud music


The us has a non emergency line. This would be appropriate for a noise complaint


In Canada, or at least in my area, we have non-emergency police you can call for stuff like that.


In the U.S. I believe you just call your local police station.


The US has non-emergency lines too.


Big cities usually have a non emergency line.


Small towns do too.


I live in a big city, and the cops really don't show up for anything that does not involve a death or a gun.


You live in a shitty city. I use to live in Philly ( not saying it’s a nice city) they would come out for noise complaints


I wonder if this is where defunding the police comes in


The US definitely has non emergency lines and if more people used them (and 911 operators were better trained at distributing calls to other types of programs which need more funding) less people would probably die from police in the US every year


Yes, they exist in the U.S. but having used them in the past, sometimes the operators are snippy and annoyed you called (small town experience, you just call the police station) or the designated number will have you on hold for hours (big city experience).


The US has non-emergency lines everywhere. It's just that we don't have a special number for it like 311 or something. It's either the number of you local police station, or a regular, 9-digit phone number for the county or regional area.




Theoretically, but I've taken the time to call the non emergency number for some thing before and it just went straight to dispatch like a normal 911 call.


My next door neighbour was invited to my dad’s 50th, along with about 35-40 other people. His friends even came from overseas cause my dad never has anything for his birthday. My neighbour came, ate the catering which my parents paid a lot for, stayed until 10:30-11:00, then went back home and, I’m being dead serious, called the cops at 12:00. Luckily the cops could see it was just a tame 50th, but it was seriously a fucked up thing to do. 


The worst part is, they had to have call the cops earlier than 12:00 for them to show up by that time. They probably got home, brushed their teeth, put their pajamas on, called the police, and went to bed


That’s so true! The cops actually came at around 11:45, I remember cause 10 year old me was still awake when the cops came so they literally could’ve called the cops the moment they went home. 


That means that your Dad's 50th was *lit*! I'll bet he still tells the story...


That's the kind of professional level douchebaggery I really admire. This should be a LPT for douchebags.




Some chance the guy was insulted by something. That's why he immediately went home and called the cops. I still admire his gall though. That is so hilariously self centered and devious. It takes a special kind of person to have the thick skin to weather doing something like that.


It was a woman. She was known amongst our neighbours for being an absolute nutter, she’d call the RSPCA if one of our pets barked even for 5 seconds. My parents only invited her to be kind. 




How did you find out it was your next door neighbour who called the cops?


The cops told us! They actually mentioned to the cops they had been to the party because the operator asked them how they knew how many people were there and that it was a 50th. Zero shame! The cops were laughing about it. 😭


“Your neighbor called it in. He also said their were spring rolls…?”


It’s fucked up because you were on familiar terms with him and he probably knew you at least well enough to know you weren’t going to cause shit for asking to keep it down. If it’s neighbors you aren’t close with, who aren’t even next door but who are still throwing parties you can hear down the block, calling the cops is reasonable. 


The craziest part is that it was my parents only party in the 20 years they lived there (and the neighbours knew that because they are still there). My parents had the courtesy to go around inviting all the neighbours and asking if it was okay. It was also wrapping up by 12pm, half the guests had gone home, I mean it was a 50th ffs! The only people left were the stray wine mums who didn’t want to leave yet. 


They’re your neighbours, you being in close proximity to them means you know them at least well enough to know how often they’re throwing parties. If it’s the first time you’re having this issue with them, don’t call the cops. People are still allowed to have parties, as long as it’s on the weekend and isn’t a safety hazard. If they’re having them regularly and it’s the third time in 6 months then by all means call the cops. 


Yes if it's a rare occurrence and is not horribly unreasonable (time, day, volume) then cut them some slack. I had these neighbours who weren't even throwing parties per-say but just BLASTING music all the time. I live down the street from them and even with a warehouse fan on full blast in my bedroom, could not sleep because it felt like my room was vibrating to the beat. Even my dog was uncomfortable. I let this go for weeks but one time, on a Sunday at 1am it was still going. Finally reported it because I had to get up for work in the morning and was soooo frustrated. Multiple of our other neighbours with children have tried asking them to stop as well and they do for the night but will be right back at it two nights later. There are some cases where it's completely warranted to report. And yet I still felt bad about it! But really it stopped an hour later compared to going all night like the other times. Not sure if it was because of me or if they just stopped but yeah it can get so ridiculous, it is not "Karen" behavior to report something like that. ON A SUNDAY NIGHT. who blasts music THAT loud on a Sunday night in the suburbs😭. To be fair it actually has not been nearly as much of an issue since I reported it so maybe it worked...


My absolute worst neighbor of all time, who finally died (sounds harsh but…) had six big dogs that he just let out to run wild and unrestrained in a dog run, barking from sun up to sundown and then would chainsaw basically for hours every day. I don’t think anyone in a several block radius was sorry to see him go, which is kind of sad but I swear my hearing is damaged from having lived near him. Town kept taking legal action but things don’t always work as they should.


Oh my god I have a neighbor that does the same. She has like 5 or 6 massive dogs that she keeps outside and during the summer months it’s not so bad but during the winter, these dogs bark and howl ALL NIGHT LONG. I tried leaving a few notes on her door to no avail and I keep thinking I can’t be the only neighbor bothered by this.


Ehh to an extent. You also have to be reasonable and considerate. If you live in an apartment building, just don’t have your party there late at night. You don’t know who has work in the morning. Hearing music or loud laughing throughout the night or feet stomping around is annoying af when you’re trying to sleep. If it’s a house in a neighborhood, then just don’t blast your music loud af. I’m always on the considerate side. I do my best to not disturb people. When I lived in apartments i never had people over at night. I don’t know what anyone else has going on and I know when I need to wake up early the last thing I want is someone disturbing my sleep.


Fuck that, I have kids that need to sleep and there are rules about how late you can blast music and shit.


People have forgotten that society is living with others and not just doing everything you want when you want. When I was growing up if it was loud after 9 pm on a week night or 10 on the weekend you could expect basically a posse of angry dudes to show up. I look at ten and think, hey, that’s kind of early. But then I think back and that was the time and I liked it better.


There has to be some prior animosity here


People like that lack perspective. Burned a bridge and a relationship for basically nothing other than pettiness. Bet she wasn't invited to the next party.


I have to wake up at 03:30 for work and the schedule is not Monday- Friday. This means summer weekends can be ROUGH. Neighbors having company over when I’m trying to get to bed around 8-9pm (20:00-21:00). That said, I would never call the cops on them. I’m on really good terms with my neighbors so I prob would just text them “can you turn it down a little I have work in the morn”. Once you call the police, you can never undo that. My neighbor didn’t even call the cops when I hit his car with my truck. We just called our insurance agencies. Police do escalate things—no thanks. A simple text works fine.


How do you know who called? The cops dont usually give names when they come to say turn it down. They just say “we got a complaint”


That's actually pretty hilarious


I think context in these cases does matter, and in this situation I would rather tolerate the noise than call the police. I do value my peace and quiet, but there has to be tolerance for special events such as this one. However, when my neighbors are hosting a group of bachelors, blasting music and shouting like maniacs at 12am on a Tuesday, you best believe I’m not hesitating on that phone call.


Absolutely need to do this sometimes. On third floor of a large concrete apartment building we could hear someone 5 doors down on tenth floor.


This math is not making sense to me


Op is on third floor Apt X. Noise is on tenth floor Apt X+5. So not only is it crossing 7 floors vertically it's also crossing 4 units horizontally.


Great timing. I had to call them at 4:30 A.M. this morning. My neighbors four houses down were blasting 70s rock & roll (good taste in music, at least), and even with my fan on I could hear it. If forcing people to be decent humans is unpopular, I'm okay with that. Edit: I live in the city and am used to my environment being louder than the suburbs. But this was an unacceptable level of noise, and I have elderly neighbors who I try and look after


Do you find it insane that the people living closer and hear it louder don't call?


I do. However, what I do find intriguing are the people who, weirdly, condone this kind of behavior. It’s a Friday night, people want to rest after a long week of work, yet these people blasting their music think otherwise. As for other neighbors, I cannot lament on their thoughts on the matter. Perhaps they’re heavy sleepers, but that’s irrelevant considering it’s a matter of basic decency.


The pressure to be "civil"/avoid confrontation/tough it out is immense and beaten into some people from childhood.


I honestly when I was younger I was scared that it would jeopardize my lease for some reason. Like my landlord would learn that I am calling the police and would assume I am the problem, not the neighbors. Which maybe stupid, but I had really great deal there - didn’t want to threaten that 😅


Cities aren't necessarily louder than suburbs. Where I live, large parts of the city have much less vehicle traffic than anywhere in the first and second-ring suburbs where the built environment forces everyone to drive, even for easily walkable distances.


Vehicle traffic noises just sort of become background noise after a short while living in the city or anywhere really. It’s loud booming music that will get me to complain.


Oddly, when in moved to the city, my life got much quieter. In a city, we’re all living on top of each other and if you are not considerate to your neighbors, then what goes around will come around, and will come around quicker than one might think. Whereas in rural areas, and suburbs to some extent, fosters a mentality of “this is my property and I’ll do what I want in it” sort of mindset.


1) Maintain a passably supportive/positive relationship with your neighborhood. 2) Try to contact your neighbors first to communicate to them directly. 3) if it persists/ neighbors won’t solve the problem- Call local dispatch (not 911) and be very clear over the phone that the issue is the neighbors are being noisy. A lot of times, people make situations out to be worse to get the cops to come out sooner. If dispatch / operators ask whether they have weapons out or seem hostile, answer honestly not with vague “maybe” type language. “Karens” are not everyone who calls law enforcement. Karens are people who are out to get others, cause a scene, have things their way. ** Edit- I am ONLY speaking about noise complaints in my comment. If you are scared of your neighbors escalating based on actual evidence, clearly that’s another situation. If you are speaking about DV and violence, NO DUH, I am NOT suggesting to talk it out with your neighbors. That needs to be an anonymous call to LE or getting tips from a DV support center on how to report/get help for those involved. It is so frustrating here on Reddit when we are addressing ONE specific topic and people have this need to then try and apply the reply to every known situation that they’ve ever encountered to explain why the advice that was about ONLY ONE SPECIFIC ISSUE won’t work for XYZ much more serious issues.


I think contacting the neighbors directly is a bad move. Because then if you move onto step 3 and call the cops, the neighbors assume/pretty much know it was you who involved law enforcement and that could cause an even bigger issue.


The cops will tell them anyway


Exactly. It’s either do steps 1+ 2 and deal with whatever outcomes or 1 and 3


I guess it depends about the type of neighborhood and how dangerous you think the neighbors are. Because if it's just about "burning a bridge", well they already did that first when they ignored you. But if you're afraid they're going to threaten you at gunpoint when the cops leave, that's a different story.


If you don’t reach out how are they ignoring you lol


Doesn’t even have to be a gun, what if they’re just a vindictive prick and come upend your trash can and scatter it across your yard, or egg your house/car. There’s a lot of ways a vindictive neighbor can make your life hell, better to stay anonymous in the situation


Had upstairs neighbors having a domestic dispute that was really violent. I was definitely NOT going to talk to them when that is going on


Had a house with four sailors living next door. Threw occasional parties, but hey I’m the “cool” neighbor and it didn’t really bother me that much. Then one night they decided to shoot off a bunch of fireworks at like 1am. In February. My PTSD from one too many roadside bombs and rocket attacks can mostly handle NYE and July 4th fireworks because they’re *expected.* But yeah, this wasn’t great. So for the first time ever I went out and asked “hey, could you guys maybe not do the fireworks thing tonight?” Which was met with the most snide “sure thing, *brooo*” I’ve ever heard in my life. And also more fireworks five minutes later. Next call was the cops. And the next day I had a talk with them and told them that from now on I’d be doing the same every single time they made literally any noise after 10pm (our city’s ordinance). Guess they didn’t believe me, heard their music from their hot tub a couple nights later. 10:01, called cops. This continued for a couple weeks. Also told them to stop using my driveway to roll their trash cans up to the alley (they’d often wind up blocking my driveway and I’d have to move them). They could use the other street, by their garage, to take their trash out. Just put a stop to all the things I’d “let slide.” Next week trash cans were at the top of my driveway again. Knocked and told them my next calls wouldn’t even be to the cops, it’d be to their landlord *and* to their command (which I’d looked up, easy enough). The one dude asked, honestly enough, “why’s it gotta be like this man?” So I told him that yeah you guys were *always* kinda obnoxious neighbors but I was young once so I’d let it go. But told him that it was the fireworks bullshit that was finally over the line, and that the “cool neighbor” thing was over *forever.* Until their lease was up and they moved the hell on, this was how it was gonna be. To his credit, he didn’t argue. And they kept their shit in check after that.


And this is why it never pays to be the “cool neighbor” shitty people will see you as a doormat and push the limits as far as they can.


It's good to be a cool neighbor when you don't have shitty neighbors. It doesn't work if you do have shitty neighbors though


100% agree. Some people won’t listen unless you get the po-po involved.


Yep. Reminds me of that time in uni when a group of like 5 students came right under my bedroom window at like 1:30 am to... Sled down a small slope that had formed on the parking lot. But like, each time they'd slide down, they would absolutely SCREAM their lungs out like you would in an amusement park on these scary thrill things. Right. Under. My. Window. I was sick with like a small flu or pharyngitis or something and had an exam the next day that required me to wake up at 7:00. I seriously couldn't afford this shit. I woke up, put on my coat and boots, went outside in the fucking cold, asked them gently with my sickly voice "hey guys, I'm sorry but you're right under my window and I can't sleep and I got an exam tomorrow, could you please at least not scream that much?" ONE person in the group deigned to look at me and said nothing, two or three others kept on sliding and laughing, the last one didn't even look at me and said" yeah sure" and that was it. I went back up in my bed. They kept FUCKING SCREAMING just like before. I called the campus police. They agreed to send an agent. I heard everything since they were right under MY WINDOW god dammit. They went away with a bunch of "yessir, sorry sir" and it was done in one minute tops. Then had a good night's sleep. Important to mention : I get that winter games and uni life makes this sort of night activities fun. I do, I've been there too. Except there was literally a HUGE fucking empty slope like 5 mins from there on foot, where no one lived because there was only the uni stadium around. No apartment buildings. WHY DIDN'T THEY JUST GO THERE and stop pestering everyone?? Yk? Such fucking disrespect. Of course people should be able to call the authorities without guilt, wtf? Since when are victims the ones supposed to be ashamed?


I have an even more unpopular opinion - disturbances during the day that last hours should be addressed as well!!! 🙂 For 20 years i have been stuck with neighbors from both sides that play music very loud with the worst bass for many hours during the day or during night. I get migraines from the vibrations and there's no place to hide. When I come to them to ask to lower the volume, they say "f*ck you, I will do what I want, it's my house" or don't open the door at all. What can I do then? Both of those neighbors hate my household now and wrote us hate letters that we are bullying them and we should move out to the mountains with no neighbours, they also drop empty alcohol bottles on our lawn and cigarette butts on our car. But I just want to live in peace. Can't wait to move out. My dream is to have normal neighbours or none at all. I will *never* think bad of calling the cops on neighbours that are too loud if they didn't change after asking them politely to lower the volume. Unfortunately no one can really help you if you live among assholes. Edit: if a neighbour says in advance or when you ask that they have a birthday party etc then obv it's okay since it's not something that happens all the time.


Did you end up calling the police?


They should, and they should document the littering tbh. I'd set up a camera watching my front lawn and get them on camera if I could, just to document the behavior in case it escalates to something serious. Nothing like having more evidence to support your case


I called the cops on my neighbor. They had a birthday party which was nice. But the live Mariachi band kept playing past 11PM and I had a migraine and had to work the next day. I went to talk to them to ask if they could just turn it down. They saw me and ignored me. So went back home and called the cops and they shut them down about 15 minutes later. I enjoyed it. Same neighbor burned trash in a canyon during summer in CA. Stay classy.


All well and good until you work graveyards. All y’all are noisy when I’m trying to sleep…


The difference between a Karen and a person with a valid complaint is the context. Back in the US I had neighbors with a huge extended family in the area. Once a year, on a weekend, they would have a huge party outside. Lots of people, lots of music, the whole nine yards. It was loud, sure, but they only did it once a year, it was a family event, and they wrapped it up by 10. I actually loved it, even before they started inviting me over. If it had been rowdy or had gone on until 2 AM Sunday morning, that would have been a whole different story.


Agreed. Some people are dangerous when confronted and I’m not going to risk my own safety because someone else is being an inconsiderate ass. I don’t think a lot of people fully appreciate how injurious it is to repeatedly interfere with people’s peace and quiet and *especially* their sleep. Or they don’t care. Either way, fuck em.


I'd go one further and say that stealing people's sleep is a worse crime than stealing their physical belongings. Nothing is more precious than my sleep.


Sleep ties directly to health and well-being. And if you are being loud enough to disturb one person, odds are you are being loud enough to disturb many.


Sometimes you're the noisy neighbor but it's considered socially acceptable so you don't think about it. I don't call the cops on people at 2am anymore than I would at 2PM. I work nights. I'm respectful that other people work days. When I worked days I didn't call the cops if people were being noisy. Unless that noise is them breaking into my place then it's none of my business.


I wish I could do this, I live in the UK and we aren’t allowed to call the police for noise complaints, which I just discovered. The flat two floors above me has a party every weekend. It’s so bad that I can’t hear my tv over the noise and my lights shake. They also have all their drunk friends buzzing my door to get inside the building and shouting loudly up to the third floor to be let in constantly. This goes on from 5pm-2.am every single Saturday and sometimes Sundays aswell. One night I finally called the police to be told I’m only supposed to call emergency services if I or someone else is in a life threatening situation. I’ve complained to the council who have promised to send them a letter. These people are drunks who I doubt can even read. Sorry, I needed that rant lol.


It's fucking crazy isnt it. This is my life pretty much every weekend in the summer months.


A nightmare honestly.


My sister got a letter from the council for loud noises on Saturday afternoon. Her kids were playing with water. It is summer. It wasn't even late since the kids bathing time is 7pm. Apparently the neighbour's are difficult. No other neighrbour complained. My brother in law caught them throwing leaves to their garden over the fence. He better put a camera.


Some people are ridiculous, they complain when you are just living. My neighbour below me came and knocked my door complaining about me using my washing machine at around 8pm, said it was scaring his daughter. I hardly ever do that but I forgot to do it in the day. This same neighbour has never gone upstairs to the ones having party’s every weekend till the early hours of the morning.


911 no. Non emergency yes


I have before. Just be sure to call the non emergency number vs 911.


not unpopular, one of the many reasons i don’t live in a city


Sure it’s ok but your neighbors will know you called them.


It really depends on your perception of what “unreasonably loud and frequent” is. If this is a fact, then the other neighbors are probably also just as upset. Are they?


If you've tried speaking to them and they still carry on being noisy then do what you have to.


Out here we just slash your tires. You can just fuck right off. I mean, we’ll warn you first but if you’re still too loud you’re gonna call a tow truck.


Move to the Tremont section of the Bronx where my mom lives. You'd probably end up committing a murder due to loud music from parties at 3AM all the time. And I have a bridge to sell you if you think the NYPD gives a shit.


If it's a frequent every night thing, maybe I could see getting to the point of calling the cops. But if it's a once in a blue moon type of thing I'm not gonna care. I mind my business


Part of living near other people is not being a jerk. If they don't care about bothering the neighbors at all hours (be it music, yelling, working on a very loud car, ect) then I have no problem calling the cops on them. They absolutely know they are being loud, and 99% of the time just don't give a shit so screw em let them get a ticket for being a jerk. If they escalate it and end up getting arrested for being stupid oh well.


Just don't call 911, use the non emergency number. It's easy to look up. Also, don't call a noise complaint before 1030pm on the weekdays, 2am on the weekends. These are reasonable times for noise because not everyone has the same schedule.


That’s what I do.


Cool. Some people don't understand that. 


Approach them yourself in 2024? Good way to get yourself punched in the face or worse. People don’t give a fuck anymore.


Not quite the same thing but we had neighbors be very passive agressive and leave a note on our trash can that was extremely snarky. I don’t remember if we or they called the cops, I think they did, but the cops said we need to handle this like adults.  Cops usually don’t escalate if you cooperate. 


You aren't a Karen if you are trying to deal with obnoxious assholes. A Karen is someone who calls the cops on people who aren't really doing anything wrong. But people who generate a massive amount of noise pollution while living next to other people are far from innocent.


It seems every neighbor of mine either blasts music at a ridiculous volume or is in a screaming match at 1am.i have zero qualms about this Edit: typo


Technically in most cities it is apart of code to abide by noise ordinances and the police are who distribute fines. It’s their job, not sure why it’s frowned apon because they can come at any time and do what they need to do, or leave if they need to and come back later


> is apart of code Did you mean to say "a part of"? Explanation: "apart" is an adverb meaning separately, while "a part" is a noun meaning a portion. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


100% agree. You know your shit is too loud. I don’t need to knock on your door and tell you. You can tell the popo that


It really depends on the situation, like most things in life. If it's an occasion that makes sense - a holiday, graduation, birthday, etc - and they're usually good neighbors, I'm gonna let it slide unless the party gets 90s teen comedy levels of insane party. People should be allowed to celebrate the good things in life without worrying someone is going to ruin their party. There aren't enough good things in life as there is. I'm also not going to flip out if it's the normal things you expect in life. A baby crying occasionally in the night, a dog barking a couple of times a day, foot steps at reasonable hours, etc. If those noises get to be too much, I'd first knock on their door before doing anything else, unless I have an actual reason to be afraid of them. If absolutely nothing else, in my area, the cops are going to ask if you tried to resolve it like a normal person first. When I lived in an apartment, my upstairs neighbor and I would tap the ceiling/floor if the other got too loud, but we'd established that was a way to communicate that. It was easier and faster than calling one another! On the flipside, if you're an asshole I'm definitely taking the opportunity to call the cops. We had a family of 6+ move into a two bedroom apartment and proceed to be nuisances in every way possible; loud parties, mentally ill relative trying to break in, smoking weed off the balcony and in their cars, stealing designated spaces, etc. Honestly the nights that they threw a party were the best, because I could call the cops and have it shut down for the whole night and they'd be too afraid to do their other dumb bullshit for a day or two. Sadly the worst that ever happened to them were a few tickets and I think someone got pepper sprayed once. Cops really dropped the ball there.


I think it depends on the culture of the neighborhood. If it's a quiet suburban neighborhood, yes, that's appropriate to call the cops. I've read stories of people renting or buying condos next to pre-existing bars/clubs and then filing noise complaints about the bar. Same issue with neighborhoods that are known for house parties. Don't move to those places if noise bothers you.


Funny story an apartment building went up next to an entertainment complex with a restaurant, pub, movie theater, Dave and busters. Now they're closing the Dave and Busters due to noise complaints. 


Had that happen to a friend that owns a bar on a beach in West Africa. It did not end well for the foreigner who decided to build his beach house next to the locally-owned established bar. After losing his case, he actually tried to open a competing bar but neglected to get the necessary licenses. He was deported back to his home country. That was 6 years ago, but we still laugh about it.


That's awesome! I wonder if he was trying to force the bar to sell with the noise complaints.


Exactly what I was thinking! In college I lived about 2 blocks off of campus, every house on the street was rented by college students. Our house has been a 5+ student house since the 90s so it’s been established as a party area for awhile. I mean we were in between frats and sororities!! An old ass couple moved in next door while we were there, not a cheap house either so I feel as though this wasn’t their ONLY option. The only time we threw parties was when one of us turned 21, they would last until 11:30 and then we would all leave to be at the bars when their birthday started. In the year and a half we lived there they called the cops 20+ times. Most of the time the cops would come and be like ‘we didn’t even know a party was going on bc it’s so quiet’ and we’d explain we weren’t even having a party but usually we’re just daring to hang out with all 5 of us in the backyard at 8 pm on a Friday. We even tried giving them our number so they wouldn’t have to call the cops and waste everyone’s time but the woman legitimately said “we’ll let the cops handle people like you”. It was the most ridiculous thing to have to deal with. TLDR: old couple moves onto same block as frat and expects a party-free quiet neighborhood.


Eh, if you operate a business next to a place that’s zoned for residential buildings you should be required to operate in a manner that ensures those places are livable.


If they're being legitimately loud after 9pm, make that call. No need to confront people you have to live next to. Let the cops deal with that shit. It's not a big deal. They'll just tell them to keep it down. If they do it repeatedly despite being warned, they'll eventually get a ticket but that's the extent of it.


9pm lol. Most cities sound ordinances go to 11-12. That’s reasonable.


My city's nose ordinance doesn't specify a time. If someone's speakers are loud enough to bother the neighbors, they can be fined at any time of day. I've never seen it tested before about 11:00 PM though.


The sound ordinances usually coincide with a decibel limit as well and it’s usually wayyyy louder than you think, 100db in some cities like key west where I live and DJ. Where do you live? Makes a big difference. And even within the city, if you’re downtown…it’s gonna be loud due to clubs bars etc.


It does not have a decibel limit. It says something like "if an officer can hear it within 50 feet of a dwelling, it's too loud". I'm in a city in SE Michigan, about ~~20-30~~ miles north of Detroit. Edit: I guess it's more like 15-20 miles or 20 minutes north of Detroit. It's a lot of older, small houses that are densely packed. There aren't any loud businesses particularly close to homes.


>No need to confront people you have to live next to I would argue that it is 100% worth respectfully approaching your loud neighbors at least once. Be kind and respectful but make your complaints known. If an agreement can't be reached and they continue to be a nuisance, call the police.


9pm? You're a fucking asshole




i mean, if the consequences are a slap on the wrist and maybe a fine, sure. but with the way police brutality is, the consequences for some people might be way more than they deserve


If we are talking about repetitive, deliberately provocative behavior, then this is only unpopular among kids in college and on tik tok maybe. Ppl need sleep so of course call the cops. If we decide to defund the police all the better we can utilize unaccountable “private security” to help the Darwinism along


> If someone violates the rules of living in a society, they should face consequences until they learn to behave. I felt so incredibly happy when I read this. Glad somebody else is on the same page.


People can obviously be obnoxiously loud, but 'first shifters' have to be one of the most entitled groups of people in existence. I bet you DGAF about third shift employees when running that nearly 100 decibel lawn mower at 9am in the morning. If people want quiet, that's on them. Sound-deadening is available...as are earplugs and not living in densely populated areas.


Yeah I don't understand all these people who want to live in the center of a cluster of hundreds of thousands of other people but also want the serene silence of a winter forest. Tf do they think a city is?


You had me until the ignorant comment about cops being murderers


Because people say that you should never call the cops on people because it’s a death sentence.


People are idiots.


I agree. I’m just explaining why OP said what they said.


Ik what you mean. And i dont get why people who throw massive parties dont seem to at least have the courtesy to inform neighbours in advance. Most people will be WAYYY more understanding and cooperative if you tell them the week BEFORE you throw a fat rager so that at least they arent babysitting a kid trying to sleep that night or something.


I’ve had to call the cops on noisy neighbors and never once had the cops be anything but polite and proper. It feels weird being the Karen in the situation, but I can only listen to four small dogs bark for 14 hours straight so many times.


Agreed. Your rights end where mine begin.


My rule is that I will call the cops on someone if I would expect to have the cops called on me for doing the same thing. Like I don’t think I can blare outdoor speakers so loud that you can hear it loudly over a block away. I would assume if I did that, someone is going to show up, probably the police, and tell me I can’t do that. You should already know that you can’t just do that and not expect a possibility of the cops showing up. And I usually try to never complain when it’s the weekend and it’s just people having a party, but to be honest, if you’re having a loud party, you should simply be prepared for the cops to show up with a noise complaint. That’s normal and common, and if you can’t handle that then you shouldn’t have loud parties. It’s weird to me that so many people that have issues with police and get stressed out about dealing with them also seem to love inviting them to their house or to pull their car, etc. by doing the very most likely things that would summon the police. Like if you don’t want the cops at your house, maybe don’t loudly disturb your neighbors? If you don’t like police pulling you over, maybe obey traffic laws? If you don’t want to get stopped on the street, maybe don’t harass random people on the street?


People who insist on making noise and waking others up are the Karens. Having a legitimate gripe and expressing it is not being a Karen. Karens are those who bitch at someone for nothing at all, usually based on race.


Yes. There are too many uncivilized.


I'm not doing this because I fear the way cops in America tend to escalate things. And depending on my neighbors race I'm not going to put their life in jeopardy. I'll be alright I'm from NYC so it doesn't bother me most times


What annoys me is that i'd have like 1 party until 2am every three years, but at 11pm the cops are there. Like you can let me have fun 1 night right?


I almost lost my mind from sleep deprivation and a very demanding job because my neighbors couldn't be bothered to turn their fucking radio off, all hours of the night. I couldn't sleep. It was so fucked and of course the cops did absolutely nothing. We ended up having to move because they never turned their music off,and I had a meltdown and couldn't function. Sleep deprivation is torture. Even now, when my neighbors occasionally play loud music, it sets me down a spiral, even though they don't do it very often. The worst is the rude ass people who blast their car music so you can hear it from several blocks. It's so disruptive and I have a fucking panic attack damm near everytime I hear loud music, it makes me angry and I feel trapped. And I absolutely hate loud cars and motorcycles. Those are some of the worst noises. Atp I really want to find a piece of land where there is no chance of hearing neighbors.


What people don’t realize is most sound ordinances are pretty loud till 11-12. Usually 100db. At least in key west they are, source: am DJ.


Totally agree with you , don’t fuck with people’s sleeping time


My neighbor is like 2 miles away. It's not ok.


In my country, I heard you need to ask the neighbors to keep it down first, only then should you call the cops. I don't know if that's still the case or an urban legend. I also heard horror stories where people approached the neighbors nicely to keep it down at really unreasonable hours to get (almost physically, definitely verbally) attacked by drunk people. If I have any reason to fear my safety, I'd rather call the cops first. It is not unreasonable at all. Unless they talked to you about it about a party that happens once a year or so, and even then there should be a limit.


The issue is when its loud and non violent and 911 gets called rather than the non emergency line. I also belive that 99 percent of these calls are from Karrens. My downstairs neighbors called 911 for me walking too loud at 11 am while i was cleaning this weekend.


Depends on the circumstances. Are they doing something reasonable for the circumstances and will they respond if you ask then to keep it quiet? If yes, then calling the cops is overkill. If not, then it's understandable.


Ya I felt horrible calling the cops on our neighbors once. It would be 2am and they would always pull up to their house with their music blaring and then sit in their car for like 20 minutes without turning it down. My bedroom was next to their driveway and it was a very old house with thin windows. I called the cops, they eventually moved out. Not sure if it was due to that but I couldn’t stand them


Aside from junkies, I’ve never had a neighbor refuse to lower the volume of their gathering when politely requested


Is this an unpopular opinion?


That's where I like to live where I don't have any neighbors in site, no neighbors, no problems


I have a neighbor, next door to the lady across the street. She parties basically every weekend which I wouldn’t normally care about, but the problem is they party in the garage with the door completely open. We moved in about 5 years ago, according to our neighbors it’s been this way for way longer. They have told her time and time again how loud she is. Never changes. In fact, in 2020, during the Florida v LSU football game, they were throwing a birthday party for the kids. It was very loud, but whatever, I guess it’s for the kids. Now, anyone that follows college football closely will remember this as the game that Marco Wilson ripped off and threw the shoe of an opponent downfield, giving LSU an opportunity to win the game. As a Florida Gator fan, I was already livid. Then, around 11:00 pm, I hear banging on my front door. I run outside to see a group of young kids sprinting towards the neighbors party. I walk over, and I shit you not this lady has speaker towers, concert style, set up in her garage. I said I have never complained about the noise, but I will 100% call the cops if your children start making a habit of banging on my door along with it. She laughed it away like it was no big deal. To this day, it has not gotten any better. One of my neighbors told her straight up he would start leaving dead animals in garage if she kept leaving it open. I’m waiting for Larry to keep good on that one… I have video of me sitting on my porch at 3:00 pm while her and her “crew” play RATM’s Killing in the Name Of, while screaming “fuck you I won’t do what you tell me.” So if anyone needs evidence to believe I’m not being dramatic, I’ve got it.


🙃 seems there was a party last night... outside. On the sidewalk. Right next to my window. Till 3 AM...


Is this an every weekend thing??


Yes. Every weekend, all night and into morning. It’s funny/frustrating when people assume 8pm dinner parties are the only reason people call the cops. 


Oh hell no. Absolutely no respect. Sounds like a little more than weed and alcohol. I hope you two parties can settle this peacefully and respectfully. Sorry you gotta go through this.


I lived in a college neighborhood when I was younger and this shit would go on every single night. I had to be to work at 7:30 in the morning and would have to listen to this bullshit. I feel for you.


If you can't talk to your neighbors today about issues you're having with them, you're going to be disappointed to find out who lives there tomorrow.


I had a situation years ago where I was shooting on my own property. I had an angry vegetarian on one side, a mousy girl on the other side that was afraid of loud noises, and a first generation German immigrant that lived across from me. The vegetarian and the mousey girl frequently called the police, the German immigrant came over and very politely asked me to not shoot certain things at certain times, and I respected his wishes and responded far better to that. Before calling the police, try taking some time to talk to the people. ...then start calling the police if they continue.


Do you honestly think most people are going to feel safe coming over to the gun nut next door who is always out shooting? You may be the exception but most of those guys are usually grade A assholes who will only ramp up what they are doing to prove a point.


I think it's a lot in the way that one presents themselves. A lot of gun nuts are the sort of people that I don't even trust with a butter knife, but there are exceptions. There are a couple of people that I have actually gone over, did the "getting to know you", and then brought up the shooting bit. Maybe we could start a thread where we share tactics for this lol


I’m renting, so I called our property manager because our neighbor broke a lease rule, and tied his dog out on a tie-out. We share a backyard so when I took my dogs out on a leash(what we’re supposed to do per lease) his dog was unsupervised on a tie-out lunging at us). So I let our property manager know. They contacted him and he blew up at me about it, called me an asshole for the way I handled it. I’m sorry, I don’t know you, and you broke the rules. Now there is mad tension between us, and he still puts his dog out on the tie-out. I’m afraid to report it because of how he blew up the first time.


It's funny you mention this because last night, I was kept up by neighbors down the street, who were partying till 2 a.m., with kids running and screaming up and down the street. I was extremely tempted to call the cops on them, but didn't. I am still dealing with some jetlag from a recent trip, so I'm very tired.


Yup. Sleep is more important than them liking you


In the US they have this neat thing where it's hard to track down anyone to call about this kind of problem


I feel the same way about dogs barking, my neighbor let's his big dog bark at all hours of the night.


yea if its loud as hell maybe. but at the very least ask them directly first instead of skipping to police instantly


Yes but only if they are being obtusely noisy, and on a regular basis. I had a neighbor who was not only extremely noisy and playing incredibly loud music all the time that I could hear, but he was smoking insane amounts of weed that you could smell clear across the hall of the floors above and below (like, I love weed, I smoke it myself, but I also like to have guests over!) Enough was enough so I finally put in a complaint. One time that guy almost burned the building down "burning a steak" allegedly. Pretty sure he got evicted after that.


It’s ok if you have actually tried talking with them first. Peacefully


The neighbor who lives above me on the second floor used to play their music so loudly you could hear in echoing like super loud church music in the Lobby. Like in the LOBBY it was too loud for apt use. Never during the day, only after midnight. He still plays stuff too loud from time to time and I’m convinced he has his speakers directly on the floor because I can hear it loudest in my apt (vs in front of his apt door)


Maybe it’s okay, as in not unethical. But it many places it won’t do anything. The cops are both lazy and stretched to thing. They’re letting violent crimes just happen. You think they’re gonna get off their asses to help keep your neighbors quiet? Fat chance.