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All you would see is bones


Look at the pelvis on her šŸ˜


Check out the set of tibias and fibulas on her!


Poor alignment šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļø


I had the same thought. Assuming anyone has X-ray vision, how do you use it so that it "just" removes a person's clothes?




I was gonna say this and add that I would love this because then I could watch my own bones dislocate everyday and watch my bunny's bones move as he runs around. I just think it would be neat to see that from that perspective.


I meant more like just seeing through clothes, guess I should have been more specific, lol. But I guess on the up side if you could see inside the body you could be a doctor or something


Would actually be a funny concept for a tv showĀ 


It was done in an episode of the 80ā€™s Twilight Zone. Some kids caught a leprechaun, wished for x-ray vision, then it backfired when all he could see was bones.


That's not what x-ray machines do though.


For real. So many people have zero clue what x-ray vision meansšŸ˜­ x-ray is BONES, people. Seeing people naked would be see-through clothes vision.


Watch some bones and give you cancer.


You mean give other people cancer.


If you could see anyone naked at any time, it would lose itā€™s novelty pretty quick


Good point. Can you turn it off and on? There are a lot of bodies people do not want to see.


Of course I know him, he's me


I've seen my wife naked a lot, for decades. No novelty has been lost.


true, she looks good for her age


But doesn't she wear clothes often?


I also choose this guyā€™s wife to look at naked forever


Would it be the same as if you saw someone elseā€™s wife naked?


By definition, it has.


no it hasn't. EDIT: for instance, she recently got high heels (she usually doesn't wear them), and let me tell you, DAMN she looks good naked with just high heels on.


Your enjoyment may have not been lost, but you should google what Novelty means


Hooray weā€™re saved! The um actually police is here


That already happened with certain websites...


Agreed. If it also made makeup and prosthetics invisible I wonder how it would effect your view of people? There are lots of people who have various scars and blemishes you would just see all the time. You would definitely get used to what a normal human body looks like. Isn't that a comment about nude beaches... they never have the people who you \*want\* to see naked?


And there's people like me who hate nudity Why would I want that?


No it wouldnā€™t at all


Yea because everyone kind of loses interest in porn after seeing 4-5 videos


So true. Every guy I know looks at porn once and then says 'Whelp. I guess I've seen that. Now I don't have to look at it again."


Is that why porn is such a huge industry? Because it gets boring?


Well that certainly explains why Lois Lane and all the other women working in the Daily Planet all developed breast cancer and radiation sickness at roughly the same time. I heard the doctors said that the amount of radiation detected was like sitting under an x-ray for 8 hours a day for years. The experts were stumped on why only the women in the office were effected. More studies were needed.


Does Superman's eyes emit x-ray radiation or does he see passive X-ray radiation ?


I was thinking exactly of that Family Guy skit when I made this post, lol


In the new Superman series, Lois did develop breast cancer. All I could think was Clark was a sly dogā€¦


As an asexual person: lmao


Hey, another ace person clicked this thread.


Make it three šŸ«”


I like that you refer to yourself as Ace


That's exactly why I came in here Nudity grosses me out >_<




That's a big fat lie buddy


You're saying you wouldn't ever use it, not once in your life, even just for curiosity's sake?


Curiosity for what? Do you not know what genitalia looks like?


Lol.. no. Naked people tend to make me uncomfortable unless it's in a show or something.


Ew no If you're a creep that's on you Not everyone likes to push consent and do shit like that. I'm a repulsed ace. That stuff makes me super uncomfortable. I'll pass




you already said you were ace lmao


You know that you wouldnā€™t see them like just without clothes right? It would scan them youā€™ll see their bones etc


not how it works. you can choose what you see through


Google show me her naked


You can find most people's nudes on Google already.


We have generations of porn addicts. There are people who are so desensitized to naked bodies that it would probably make very little difference to them. People who have gone so far, though, are probably relatively rare. I would 100% use it for nefarious purposes and get bored of it fairly quickly. I would not feel moral obligation not to use it or stop using it because "it's wrong". My moral compass is out of whack. But I am fairly asexual too, so I might not be the best example here. I would however use it to figure out if someone is armed, trying to scam me, or something like that. Thinking more about it, if depth can be controlled, it would actually be as universally useful as reading minds. Speaking of reading minds, though, now you have my attention. That is certainly a universally useful skill. I would use that for my advantage in all instances I can.


You going to look at your mother naked?


I really dont care about seeing anyone naked lol. Even when im dating someone i think they look hotter with some clothes on somewhere šŸ¤£


No, most people are ugly. Genitalia is always ugly. I can see anything I want to see just by going to the beach. I am not refraining from looking at naked people for any moral reason, I just think naked people arenā€™t worth looking at. Now I will totally look at your credit card number through your wallet tho :).


This thread is why people say Reddittors are so insufferable. Everyone knows what OP means and just wants to put out the same shitty joke. Worst of all of your eyes shot X-rays it would need to project onto something so x-ray vision would work nothing like a real X-ray so the pendants are wrong anyway.


You could use it on game shows to guess what's behind curtains/in boxes.


That would be entertaining for all of 10 minutes. And maybe I'm just getting old but more and more it's just a naked body to me. I don't think nudity is inherently sexy, especially if a person is just existing nude and not doing anything lude or provocative.


Yeah, but it still proves my point of people using the power even though it's "morally wrong"


Most people do not look good naked


X-Ray does not stop at skin.


Do you mean look at peoples bones when you say ā€œnakedā€?


You think I wanna go around giving people cancer?


I dont think you understand what x-ray sees


Nah, sorry, I wouldn't use x-ray vision to look at naked people because I don't want to see naked people. Nothing morally superior about it, I just have zero interest.


That's not what x-rays do or how they work. I'm fun at parties btw. I'm also asexual and don't think there's anything special about naked bodies.


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Iā€™m not saying that I wouldnā€™t want to see naked people with my X-ray vision but as a more practical application, I feel that it would help me immensely at my job. I would think troubleshooting would be a lot easier if you could literally see inside machines.


I'm sure it would happen by accident at times when looking at other stuff, but on purpose?Ā  Why would you want to do that? What's in it for you?Ā  I can almost understand scamming gamblers with mind-reading powers since you would get money from it, but what's the point of looking under people's clothes?Ā  Then you just feel like a creep for no real benefit.Ā  Anyway you're right about one thing. I wouldĀ mind-trick police officers if I could. I wouldn't even feel bad about it lol


Vast majority of people have bodies you wouldnā€™t want to look at anyway


maybe like 30 years ago lmao. in seconds you can see an unlimited number of naked people who are (usually) people who chose to get naked for a camera. its not even a matter of morality as much as practicality.


I would use it to know what empanada or tamal has more meat


[crosses fingers] Youā€™re wrong about me, OP.


Wouldnā€™t MRI vision be more usefulā€¦ and profitable.


Take my upvote because I have zero desire to look at naked people because consent is a thing and I respect it


You speak for your damn self, I want to see your bones, not your weird ass


You would. And you'd probably learn not to care anymore.


Yeah probably tbh, I'd still probably use it though just because I could


"you can feel it in your bones"


What choice would you have?


You are going to have to define this power ā€œx-rayā€ vision better.


X ray vision seems like it would have some limitations based on its description. X rays dont show too much. I feel you need to be invisible to be effective in this area.


Define x-ray vision; can I select what I see through in a well controlled manner? Because if so then I would probably sneak a peek here and there, but I canā€™t understand how that could work in a science-fiction way that doesnā€™t also create a lot of issues. Have you ever seen an MRI image live, where you can see a cross-section of someone swallowing? Itā€™s fucking creepy looking, and if I had to see that all day long, I think I would go insane. If itā€™s actual x-ray then I can see dense minerals in bones and metal objects. Halloween mode at all times, not really something I would care to do unless I wanted to work in security or something.


I feel like even if your specific x-ray vision powers let you see through clothes without going through skin, it wouldn't look particularly attractive. Everything would sorta just be squished up together and pressed into an awkward shape.


Even if we disregard the fact you'll see bones instead of naked people, why the hell would I want to look at all the wobbly sweaty wrinkled hairy biomass around me?? Seriously, what is the appeal?


Nah. Seeing bodies the way they are squeezed into clothes isnā€™t the least bit interesting.


I think the thing is you're going to be looking through naked people: it's not going to be as sexy as you think it will be.


X ray vision wouldn't be all that useful without an x-ray emitting device


Hmm look at that femur ye that's so hot.


Considering Xray vision would not work like that, it couldn't be used like that. Enjoy perving on some bones.


Why would you need X-ray vision to look at naked people? They're already naked.


Why would I use it to look at naked people when they're already naked?


If the people are naked, I don't need x-ray vision. They're already naked.


If everyone had that type of x-ray vision it wouldn't take society long to accept it, and people could even begin to walk around naked if it was warm enough.. The problem arises when only some people have the ability. It would be an invasion of privacy, and the "muggles" would kill the x-ray vision people. There's an entire comic book franchise called X-Men that addresses these types of question.. I'm sure you're familiar with it!


My luck, it would be too powerful and all I would see are skeletons.


a lot of people wood


As a straight woman, no. I really donā€™t see the appeal


Why would x-ray vision stop at people's clothes? Wouldn't I see through to their bones?


Fuck yeah i will. Pf


I see a lot of comments refuting the idea that theyā€™d use the ā€œnaked peopleā€ vision, regardless of the comments arguing bout x-rays and what they mean. I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything in my head that Iā€™d be upset about someone else learning. I might get annoyed at them answering my thoughts before I got to speak, but I also might lean into it and just think at them instead of bothering to speak. What yā€™all hiding in your heads that youā€™re so worried about someone hearing?


No šŸ˜­ that's gross


Go look at x-rays online. Anything sexy about those to you?


I don't want to see most people naked.


Iā€™d go around seeing who had internal parasites.


X-ray doesn't allow you to look at what's underneath a person's clothes, but the bones and skin folds. You might wanna understand how x-rays work first


You're not wrong, I'd use X-ray vision to peek at celeb nakedness too


this is more of an assumption than opinion


I feel it's more like a human nature thing. If you have an ability no one else has, you're going to use it to your benefit, even if it's not always ethical


I love how you so confidently don't know what xrays do.


I've seen enough naked people. Would use it to get wealthy and retire early.


30 years ago fuck yeah all the time. Now with so much porn available online I wouldn't want to sully my eyes with what I would see 95% of the time. Edit: probably more like 99%


Xray vision wouldn't allow you to see people naked. As the name implies, you would see xray images of people.


wrong >Although called X-ray vision, this power has little to do with the actual effect of X-rays. Instead, it is usually presented as the ability to selectively see through certain objects as though they are invisible or transparent in order to see objects or surfaces beyond or deep inside the affected object or material.


A lot of people on reddit like to think or act like they are morally superior.


Using X-ray vision on people is only exciting if you find skeletons sexy.


that's not how x-ray vision works