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People like complaining, they would rather complain than vote with their money. Same with Netflix when it cracked down on password sharing.


>Same with Netflix when it cracked down on password sharing. r/technology would have had you believe that Netflix was going out of business after they did that. Turns out that when people aren't paying, if they leave your platform you don't lose money.


They had an amazing financial quarter AFTER instituting the password aharing ban - they laughed all the way to the bank.


It's funny how much r/technology hates technology, that sub is such a joke. Take any headline from that sub, reverse it and you'll be closer to the truth.


With all do respect it’s hard to find any sub who’s members don’t hate the topic of the sub. See also just about all gaming , movie, city, political , and sports subs. Classic Groundkeeper Willy syndrome : “Damned Scots ! They ruined Scotland !”


I wasn't talking about the people who weren't paying. I was talking about the primary account holders who also complained because a lot were getting their family and friends to share the financial costs of the subscription.


It's the same thing. Netflix wants each user to pay. If you're in two + households they don't give af if each is paying a percentage or one is paying 100% and the other is mooching, they want each household to have their own


Yeah, nah, mate, it's not the same thing. You are missing my point.


I know what your point is, I'm just saying to netflix it's no different


Any technology company run by an r/technology user would be bankrupt within six months. The consensus on that subreddit is nearly always wrong


That's pretty much every subreddit. Every gaming subreddit has the dumbest fucking ideas ever


Yeah, comment after comment would say "i'm cancelling my subscription" or how they'd soon go out of business and then I'd reply, pointing out that "Ever since they've started these unpopular policies, their overal subscribership has gone up AND they've been making more money"


Exactly. Retail had decided to see what prices they can get away with, and guess what. They keep enough customers that it’s worth it to charge too much. So the retailers are right. Don’t patronize the rip offs. McDonalds is apparently going to be the first to find the limit and regret going past it


Narrator: they didn’t regret it because people are lazy, and also think 1/4 pounders are more than 1/3 pounders 🤦🏻‍♂️


I’ve been trying to get my husband to agree to a Netflix boycott and cancel our subscription for a few years now, that company is such bullshit, I can think of only one CEO in America who deserves to lose his job more than Reed Hastings of Netflix.


You really should look into more companies in America if you think Netflix is the most egregious lol.


Doortrash CEO makes Hastings look like a choirboy. They screw everybody even the customers. They deserve bankruptcy.


The mooch doesn't pay so not much a vote on the Netflix front


A lot of non-moochs were also complaining, but they chose to keep the subscription.


You have a big heart


As someone who is bothered by people like that, and also hates hypocrites, I'm trying very hard not to buy Ghost of Tsushima on PC rn lol


Buy it. Best game I've ever played.


My only problem with it is that it’s so variable. If I order chipotle I could be getting enough for 2 full meals or I could still be hungry when I finish, it all depends on who’s behind the counter. Like I get it, there’s a human back there just making a judgement call and it’s not the end of the world but it would be nice if I could know beforehand. The only time it really bothers me is when I’m going through the line with someone else and they dish it up for them and then give me tiny portions. I’m not a very big person but we both ordered a bowl and are paying the same amount why should they get twice as much shit?


My longstanding gripe with Chipotle and a big reason that I pretty much never go back these past couple years. I used to pay 12 bucks for a bowl with chips, and it would quite literally not be possible for me to finish in one sitting. It was a clean and even 2 meals, absolute value. Once I started finishing bowls and still remaining hungry, my resentment began to grow until I finally “voted with my wallet”.


I’ll laugh because portion sizes in Europe are smaller than the US.


Seems like your stomach got bigger


Yeah it may have changed a tiny bit, but it really hasn't changed anywhere near that much


Nope, I was actually eating like a piece of crap in stoner glory during the “peak years” of chipotle that I’m reminiscing upon. I’m a small dude 5’7”/155, about 25lbs lighter now than I was then, and thats how it was my last 3-4 chipotle stops over the last 3 years. They just used to serve you a ton of shit, and now they almost quizzically count the pieces of chicken as it falls from their ladle 😆 Chipotle being “2 Meals” was akin to only ordering a “little” fry at 5 Guys because you knew you’d get the cup and then a full scoop right into the bag on top after anyway


I know the portions have gotten smaller, but I still don't get how people are finishing a chipotle bowl and still hungry after. Like maybe not super full, but hungry...? Not trying to judge but even the most paltry bowls I've gotten were still plenty for a single meal. But I do agree, I used to get two meals out of a bowl before with a free tortilla.


My metabolism is out of control so I’m always hungry. I stay skinny tho


Fair enough, though I'd still keep tabs on stuff like sodium. Part of the reason I stopped eating there.


Unless you have a real medical sensitivity, sodium intake really doesn't matter. Just stay hydrated.


Um, I mean that's factually inaccurate. Eating tons of sodium will create a medical issue. When is the question. But you do you.


The vast, ga majority of people do not need to worry about it. There's just no reason to tell random people to "keep tabs on the sodium because eating tons of it is bad." Also my "treated" should've been "hydrated".


Heart disease is literally the leading cause of death in the US, and salt/sodium levels are one of the primary factors that can lead to that. So no it's really not something irrelevant to most people in the US.


Trust me I’m in the same boat, I don’t eat large portion sizes at all. I used to have a joke about Chipotle filling me up for 12hrs like somebody threw football at my gut. This is where my concerns lie, and also I thought this was America?!


I love Chipotle but I agree. The problem is pretty easily solvable too imo with either pre weighed portions or serving cup or some way to measure the serving of each ingredient


All the fast food Mexican places are super dumb. Comically expensive for mediocre food. Chipotle and Moes are both about 13-15 dollars for food wirh a drink. A local Mexican place is the exact same price before a tip. So you’re paying 15% more to get much much better food. Or skip soda at the authentic place and pay as much as a moes meal for much better food.


Dog, you can literally ask for exactly the amount you want of anything except for obviously the protein, guac, and queso. 3 scoops of rice, 1 scoop of each beans, extra veggies, however much cheese you want and can even get salsas on the side for free without the chips. What are you doing? It's free to have as much as you want as long as it can fit in the bowl.


Edit: Agreeing I dislike chipotle always was overrated IMO. Regardless, I think people are just beginning to understand what a burrito is. In fact it has always been beans and rice as much as you want with portioned protein and guac basically. The bigness factor has always been psychological for protein (steak, chicken, pork verde, Colorado, etc). Break down any big good burrito at any Mexican restaurant, like don’t eat it, take it home, dissect it the next day and you’ll be like wow, not a lot pork verde meat in that at all. But is it tasty with the stew yes. So yeah I agree with your point. Ask for more rice or beans if size is your thing. I would rather have it portioned correctly. Of course, I’m not 20 anymore…so I get it….




Hell yeah


I wasn't really on board with automation until this moment.


When the robots decide to revolt, then what? We are all stuck in a burrito-less, robot-ran hellscape


I don’t understand why they don’t use scoops instead of spoons. That would resolve the consistency issue.


Funny enough I just had a conversation with my husband and I legit have a theory they scale the size of the bowl to whoever is in front of them commensurate to what they think a serving size is for “them” and they’re coached to do so during peak times. As an example, we went on Sunday after working out with him. I’m only 5’2 120 but I like to eat A LOT haha. Guy in front of me was a big burly dude, and they loaded up his burrito to the point they had to double wrap it and it’s almost the same as my bowl order. My husband orders, and he’s a big fella and built and all, but he gets like 5 things in total on his bowl and they always give him a massive ass scoop and it’s always filled to the top and he eats in small portions throughout the day so he eats maybe half of it at most. A lot of the time he just ends up throwing part of it out a day or two after or giving it to me later. I’m pretty sure a portion of it is still in our fridge right now because he got so much and I ate all of mine that day and was still hungry haha. My bowl, even after asking for extra rice and beans I just get these little small plops of things on it where I’m still hungry. It’s like that by myself too pretty much across the board at any chipotle I’ve been to and I was so confused as to why his were so full compared to mine all of the time. Anytime he orders the exact same thing for me? *Massive* and it’s like he ordered triple protein. That definitely bothers me, I’m paying the same amount (or more) but receiving less because they just assume I want less.


It kills me how people rage about the portion size but don’t care about the quality.


Yeah their steak is like 50% gristle nowadays. I choose a good local taqueria 100% of the time, it's only when my wife decides she wants "healthy" takeout for the family that we need up getting chipotle. But yeah, the quality has dropped off a ton.


Lol Chipotle? Healthy?


Hence the quotes. There are fairly healthy options compared to a lot of other takeout spots. Like one could stick with a lettuce base and skimp or abstain from rice/beans and/or the fattier meats.




Its gross. Bland ass food.


People do that idiotic stuff? Chipotle burritos are already huge. What kind of fat f is complaining there of all places?


If you look up videos on YouTube/TikTok/Instagram you’ll see people getting burritos that can literally fit in a persons hand. Or just search “small chipotle burrito” on Google or Reddit. It 100% varies by place but it’s been getting worse overall with shrinkflation.


It varies but I do think the videos showing extremely small portions are like the same 2 videos just getting re-upped everywhere. I've been to several chipotles, my burrito is the same size every time.


I stopped going to them years ago because it was so hit and miss with sizes. Sometimes I’d get more than I could finish and other times a good 25% of the bowl just had nothing in it. Like a quarter of it was empty and it just wasn’t worth the money to he still be hungry after for the price I was paying. Got so bad I took a pic and out it up on the yelp review to prove what I was talking about. Apparently some locations are notorious for it and multiple people all had the same story with tiny portions.


I just did some searching for these small burritos and yeah, they look smaller than before but they still look like they are at least 600 calories.


This was my exact thought. I have to tell them to go easy on certain ingredients so that I can actually hold my burrito.


I don't have a chipotle in my town, but the people i know who have been to one always described their burritos as being huge. I'm fat, so i would love to try them.


I get 2 meals out of their bowls. The serving size is HUGE.


The last time I got Chipotle, my burrito was so big it wouldn't stay wrapped


Never had Chipotle, But this is what I imagined...


And next time it will be the size of a taco bell taco. They should use a scale for their meat since they can't be consistent


It's the meat, they use to give you just enough to be respectable, then took like a quarter of that away.


>What kind of fat f is complaining there of all places? The more food the merrier, especially if it's relatively inexpensive.


Dude this was my thought. I can eat a burrito but I’m gorging and I feel bloated after. I can’t believe that people need more just to stave off hunger. Also just get a chip bag, you can get cheese. I do it if I’m sharing with people and it’s good.


Wait, wait, wait…people think the portions at Chipotle are too *small??*  Jfc no wonder we’re all fat af. 


Last time I went there, about a year ago, it was my first time in years. I got a bowl and it was very small, very expensive, and extra mid. Also, the dining room was filthy. Haven’t been back since and probably never will again.


Define 'extra mid'. So, like... better than average?


Haha, good question. I’ma say I meant kinda what I expected, taste-wise, but still somewhat disappointed.


In some locations, they reduced the portions quite a bit during 2021 and 2022. Even now, online orders at some locations have less portions. For a while now, if you ask for extra rice at a location near us, they are giving quite a bit.


What annoys me about the online ordering is it feels they just totally ignore any "extra" options you put down. I said to add extra rice and beans and still got like half a bowl :/ At least in person you can just ask for more until they add enough.




Going into Chipotle you either get a bowl that won’t close and you’ll waddle out the door, or get barely enough to feed a toddler


This person chipotles. When I used to go there, I’d either get 2 meals worth or I’d still be pretty hungry after. Depending on who was serving that day or whatever the ever changing metric was.


how is this unpopular in any way


Because the popular thing to do these days is to walk out of the restaurant if you don't like the portions. It is pretty funny to watch people do that.


just because something is trending doesn’t mean it’s agreeable I feel like most people who agree this is pretty shit behavior


I agree with it 100%. Fastest way to make a change is to make them lose money quick. Ingredients from half prepared orders thrown out plus upset employees quitting and no one willing to replace them. We need more people following the trend to speed it up. Board won't put up with the new CEO for long if it keeps up.


Maybe? I've never done it myself -- I don't go to Chipotle -- but I've certainly sent restaurant food back that I wasn't happy with. I'm not sure how this is much different.


I'm amazed this is even an unpopular opinion. People would rather buy and complain than simply not go huh?


I work in the food industry and my boss said to turn away anyone walking in with a phone up with camera on, if they're looking for trouble then we just deny service, simple as that. They can get food when they wanna be civilized.


Haven't been to one in years but they used to make pretty big burritos at the one I went to regularly. Did they make them smaller?


Yeah, they went from a burrito that I couldn’t finish to one that leaves me satisfied. They’re slightly smaller but they were honestly too big before. I personally don’t think chipotle reheats well so you either end up with people overeating or food waste.


For me it was two meals. I just buy my own rice black beans corn chicken and shredded cheese now.  You can get like four burritos out of the cost of one.


Yes they have started giving way less meat and general serving sizes even in the burrito


Not in my experience, all the Chipotle’s in my area give you huge portions.


Really? Where do you live


People who get bent out of shape over fast food are the worst.


Yeah it’s getting really annoying to see people hassling service workers because of beef with the company. Either buy two meals so you can have the ridiculous portions you require or take your broke ass to tacobell. Don’t pull out your phone to pretend to be an influencer so you can intimidate a minimum wage employee who’s just trying to get you tf out of there.


Not unpopular but the real problem is that it’s completely different every time. I’m a bigger fan of Qdoba, but they have the same problem. Same location, same order. Portions vary by almost 3x. Sometimes it’s a kids meal and sometimes I have a full meal as leftovers.


Exactly. At least with Qdoba it is significantly cheaper and a ton more options.


I feel like a combo of a boycott and viral bad publicity is probably most effective. So definitely go there less but also post about it if you do


Idk that video of that guy asking for an extra scoop, the cook fiddling around in the bowl and mimicking the motion and not putting anything in, and still charging for an extra scoop is fucked


Where is it?


^That's what I said when I got my bowl I said "Where is it? Where's my dinner bitch?"


I saw it on both YT and Instagram at some point


ppl still good cuz it actually does take pretty good. a lot of other burritos don't pack as much flavor


Not sure where you get burritos, but the average taqueria on the west coast/southwest will have much better flavor.


Why do I feel uncomfortable with this take, even though it is been a year or two since I’ve gone to Chipotle for exactly this reason


Or even better, just ask for more? Legit how hard is it to just simply ask for more of a certain product, especially without being rude or sticking a camera in a workers face?


Wish more people knew this. I think the bigger problem is people ordering online and not being happy with what they get. You need to physically go to the counter, tell them what you want, and tell them what you want more of. You can any extra ingredients for free besides meat, queso, and guac.


They used to fill bowls to the top without being asked for more before the new CEO was hired. Now they hardly fill them half way and asking for more means charging extra.


Precisely. like hate watching. Why go to a place you don't like, let people who actually ENJOY the place enjoy it. I leave them be, and enjoy In N Out, and Jack in the Box.


I gave them up many years ago. They are sooooo bad on portions. I hate the feeling of watching them make it and see them skimp that scoop on purpose. When I go to other resteraunts I usually get the same amounts. Why is Chipotle not using a fucking scale if it's that hard.


It’s like playing a scratch lottery ticket. Sometime you get your money back but the point leading up to it is exciting so you’re still getting something in return.


I take it to be people complaining about food inflation in general. Like, you used to have something that worked for you and now you don't. People complain about Chipotle and McDonald's because they are the most disruptive to a lot of people, in part because they used to represent better value vs. competitors and now they don't


Exactly what I did with Taco Bell post 5 layer beefy burrito. Was a good decision, I can make my own crappy yet filling burritos at home


What I really hate is when you get small scoops because they’re low on whatever protein and they’re trying to save it, so they don’t run out or walk to the kitchen area and grab another vat…


If y'all had any idea how cheap beans, rice, and tortillas were, you'd be really mad at yourselves.


I have stopped.


Is Chipotle getting flooded with bodybuilders or something? Their portions are fine for non 350 meat castles of human beings


I agree. I find myself barely go there anymore. If you have the option to try Freebirds you should try it out.


I worked at Chipotle for about 3 years give or take; I quit twice. When the CEO change happened about 6 months after I was hired, the place became a nightmare. EVERYTHING is about numbers and how fast you are going at any given time. You are set to ridículous standards that are very much robot-like; it is so incredibly easy to make mistakes, accidentally short ingredients and is overwhelming. If you work there, the meat and guac are weighed every night and if you're "missing" portions you'll face some sort of punishment. These customers are so abusive. Ask nicely for more, they're been through enough on a shift.


I've never been to a Chipotle


It sucks


Hot take


Based 🌯


Common ecoli enjoyer


I find it strange that americans are so use to rediculous portion sizes that if your not walking away having a heart attack its not enough food


It’s not that it’s not enough food, it’s the portions have gotten smaller while the prices have stayed the same or, depending upon location, have increased. Meaning that you are either paying the same or more, for less. I’m fine with the portions I get and I can go to other places if I’m really just wanting a burrito that badly. That being said, I do still think it’s valid to be upset that a company is actively making you pay the same or more for a worse product/service than you used to get.


Ah shrinkflation. We have had that in the uk for many years, chocolate bars getting smaller, bags of crisps (chips) keeping the same bag but filling it less etc. Just another scummy tactic of corporations to sqeeze more profit out of us


It isn't that it isn't enough food... it is that it isn't enough food *for fourteen dollars*.


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Make it yourself at home


I don’t go to chipotle because it’s so dang bland


It was soooo much better in the 2000s. Actual flavor, high quality meat, massive portions...once it went "super corporate" everything went to shit.


I’ve never understood the Chipotle hype. Their food is just okay to begin with and they upcharge for everything. I’d rather go to a sit down Mexican place, have some chips and salsa and a good meal that I can take half of it home, including sides for the same price , if not less than Chipotle.




Moe’s is better


I agree that we don't need to see countless videos of people recording their interaction at Chipotle. There was this trend of the customer just walking away if they didn't get enough in their bowl. Guess what? They have to throw that food away now... they can't serve it to someone else. That hurts the consumer in the end when prices go up and portions stay the same. Meanwhile you could punish them by simply not eating there. When I heard that Chipotle cut their portion sizes I reacted the same way I did when McDonalds raised their prices, Burger King got sued for false advertising, etc.... I stopped giving them my money.


I order online. My wife and I split a bowl all the time and she can’t finish her portion. 


For real, just find somewhere else. There's a local Mexican place near me that serves burritos so big that I need to split it into 2 meals.


I think it’s the consistency that’s the problem


Moe's Southwest Grill is waaaaay better


Actually people blowing them up online is doing way more than if people just didn’t go. Its giving them bad publicity which is an actual thing for brands targeting millenials and Gen Z


Very true. MOEs is far more superior


I used to like eating at Chipotle once in awhile. 20 years ago, they were freaking fantastic. Like literally every other fast food chain, they've managed to make the food terrible and cut portion sizes in half, while simultaneously doubling the prices. What the fuck? Why continue to eat there?


My local chipotle has huge portions. Just went today for a bowl and it was towering, things were literally falling off like an avalanche.


It’s not an unpopular opinion literally all of your favorite influencers are talking about this, and that’s probably how it was brought to your attention


I never got the bitching and moaning about it. Their burritos are huge.


What I don't like about Chipotle was how badly their online app sucked during the pandemic and the fact that they blatantly engaged in union busting. There *used* to be a Chipotle in my town. Management decided to close it about 3 days after the employees formally decided to unionize. It's just a coincidence that the closure happened at that time. I'm fact, it was such a coincidence that I'm pretty sure a court ended up weighing in by basically coughing into its hand and saying *bullshit* at the same time. I'll get a burrito somewhere else.


I ask in a nice way and always get more portions


How is chipotle not enough food?


Honestly the portions are too big, cut that and the price by half and I’m good. Even if the price was like 40% of it is now it’d be good.


This is part of why america is facing an obesity epidemic


They can still have all my coin unfortunately


What the fuck is a chipotle? They sell peppers?


Please preach to vegan protesters at my local market. They don’t seem to understand the concept..lol


Just give them a shrug Wtf


I've been there exactly one time. I have no desire for a rice filled burrito.




See, I skip all of that and just don't go to Chipotle because I don't like their food.


If I didn’t think Americans enjoy low quality, dirty, long wait, inconsistent portioning, rude service, overpriced garbage I would be shorting Chipotle’s stock along with Taco Bell and McDonald’s but alas…


I mean, putting your complaints out there can also be a way to create change by flushing out like-minded people.


People working at Chipotle, or any restaurant for that matter, should give the customer the bare minimum if a camera is put in their face at any point. I'd say give them less, but that could result in complaints/getting fired. This is just another stupid tiktok trend that needs to die.


so true


I mean... complaining is a way to get change. I don't go to Chipotle often anymore. I've had one too many shitty burritos. For whatever reason, I seem to get extra helpings of fat a gristle in my steak burritos.


My only problem with them is the same as every other big chain. The CEO made 22 million in salary compensation last year. He owns 77 million in stock. The Stock is 3,130.20/share today. They can pay more and not stress over a scoop of chicken.


This isn't an opinion, it's an order with "if" at the start




This is the real reason why people are complaining. How is a mom and pop shop making better food for half the price?


I share the same opinion for basically very restaurant out there...if you're unhappy, stop f*cking going. I love me some Cracker Barrel but the only one close has let me down multiple times. Wait staff was pretty bad twice and another time they were out of basically everything. Because of this we will never return. Endostory


I bet you are a manager there, stop being a sheister and give me your mom’s phone number and a box of condoms.


Good point. But not everyone is cool like me and loves to cook & meal prep. Some people are dorks who want to cry and complain


Nah keep filming that shit. Shame the greedy corporations.


Shaming the workers doesn't shame the company. Company isn't gonna care if you're paying for it either way.


Serving sizes from chipotle have always been large for me. People are just greedy


It's just a bunch of lazy slobs complaining about fast food. Anyone doing this is a fucking loser. Instead of just cooking, or eating elsewhere, they going to harass some kud at a tex mex chain and act like revolutionaries. They're pathetic.


Chipotle is fine, solid fast and healthier option. It’s not gourmet food idk why people bitch


This. I don’t have portion issues after Chipotle. I’m always satisfied from my burrito. Maybe the portions are smaller than they used to be but that’s not a bad thing. So many people expect a massive amount of food when they go anywhere but I don’t need that much food and Chipotle doesn’t reheat well imo


The portions being smaller is bad if the prices haven’t gone down to reflect that. People should be upset if a company decides to make their product worse while charging the same. It doesn’t justify being rude to the workers just doing their job. However, being upset at the overall company is completely valid, and as the OP does say the best way to show that distaste is to just not go there. There’s many other options for burritos if you’re going out to eat, as well as the ingredients for a burrito being overall not that expensive.


The prices haven’t changed much which is actually a good thing given inflation. My meal at Moe’s is the same price as at Chipotle and Moe’s burritos are smaller which was not the case a few years ago, and they’re no longer giving chips by default.


No, the best thing you can do is ask for some more because the only thing that is limited is the protein, bad guac, and bad queso. They will give you 2, 3 scoops of anything there, including veggies free of charge. Theyll give you extra salsas on the side for free. And they dont care. What the fuck is wrong with people? My only complaint are the giant shards of fuckin onion in the corn and tomato salsas. Like, that shit is supposed to be completely blended, or maybe cut into baaarely detectable pieces. I literally pick out 30 individual massive 1cm long shard of onion now, it's fuckin nuts. Nobody wants that and if they do ... that's what the fajitas are for.


nah they gonna make me a big burrito on god


It’s easier to lay the blame on someone else than take responsibility.


What stupid is if you ask for more of most of the items, they’ll just add them for no additional cost.


Didn't the ceo or something tell people to bribe & harass the workers for bigger portions?


Id prefer less food. Its flavorless crap anyway.


Trash take. Give me more food