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Most people don't say it seriously. For those that do, this is an extremely popular opinion.


I had 3 aunts that were all happily married with great husbands and lives but they joked around family when someone mentioned like Matt Damon (1990s): ‘I would leave my husband for him!’ I was a kid and I knew they were joking, it was just a silly thing 3 sisters said in private.


Yeah until they meet matt damon and he is DTF and all of a sudden they are in his room


I would def have a problem if my wife said shit like that for real


Yeah and 9 times out of 10 you would never meet those celebs anyways, so it’s just for fun


so 10% you'd meet those celebs? that's actually pretty good chances...


And when you meet them there's a 99% chance they smile and nod or at best shake your hand.


no offense but this is a bad point, this means if they were willing you'd go for it


It's more like 1 out of 100.000 but that crush you have, wouldn't want to sleep with you. LOL


That's meeting the celeb. There's actually quite a lot more steps than meeting celebs then banging.


If you work in the industry it happens, lol.


I mean, depending on where one lives, there's always a non-zero percent chance of meeting or coming in contact with a celebrity.


lol true, there’s always a small chance we could all randomly come across a celeb


…AND have a chance to hook up with them.


yeah, but the exact one that you have a "pass" for? i think the odds are more like 1 in 10,000 unless you live in LA or NY (or unless you're actively stalking), definitely not 1 in 10!


Me and my girlfriends hall pass Henry Cavill and he sat next to us at a bar one day, haha. I always tend to happen to run into people for whatever reason.


Awesome! Did you fuck him?


Sadly no. He was to pretty and I was to distracted to be on my game.


I still think it's just not a great thing to say to your partner. If it were anyone else than a celebrity it would be weird. "Yeah babe I'm committed to you but if I ever ran into a guy with a square jaw and 10 inch cock that would be my exception". But make that guy a celebrity and somehow it's ok to say it? I don't get it. Everyone is sexually attracted to people other than their partner and that's normal and fine, I'd say. What's not fine is voicing that if you're not both in on it.


Honestly can't imagine what's fun about this


Right?? “Haha, just imagine if we were in a situation when we were tempted to cheat. How fun!!!”


TBH there's zero chance my wife's sister would fuck me, but telling my wife I'd do it if given the chance would still be pretty fucked up...


Nobody ever hall passes a family member lmao. That's stupid, it's always a celebrity


Okay but it's the principal of the matter. I don't care if it never comes up.


But is it tho? Jokes usually have some truth in them.


What if you come across a lookalike?


Idk I’m just here for the conversation, I have no desire to sleep with anyone other than my partner


And even if you do… they wont even look at you…


Exactly, let alone ask you out lol it’s why I didn’t know people who took these convos seriously 😬


Talked about it in another comment, but to me, the fact that they would never meet that celebrity is beside the point; When someone says "I'd fuck with X actor", well they know absolutely nothing about what they are like... All they know is what they look like, really. (And their wealth/status). So to me it reads like "I'd fuck with a rich&handsome guy". It's kinda like if some guy says "I'd fuck that pornstar", well he knows nothing about that pornstar other than what she looks like. So to me that's just "I'd fuck any hot blonde with huge tits", etc..


I can see why people are against those convo topics, I just didn’t know people took them seriously and that people’s feelings got hurt by them, I thought it’s assumed that it wouldn’t actually happen.


Is it really extremely popular though? I mean judging from the comments there's lots of dissent, and I don't really think I fully understand yours. For the people that do say it seriously, this is an extremely popular opinion, but not for the ones that dont? I'm not trying to intentionally misrepresent you, just don't really understand what you mean.


If someone was to seriously say to someone "If i have a chance with x person, i am leaving you", a vast majority of the people would say that its wrong to say to someone. So its a popular opinion.


Okay, but is it wrong to joke about and not mean it even if they are uncomfortable or find it disrespectful?


That one depends. If they are legitimately uncomfortable or felt disrespectful, and then communicated as such, and the jokes are going one way, then if someone continues to make the jokes, then yes they're being an asshole. Otherwise it sounds fine to me.


My dad married my mom knowing full well that if she could, she would’ve married Jon Bon Jovi.


Yeah my partner often jokes about running away with Rihanna


If my partner jokes about running away Rihanna I will tell them they’re gunna have to beat me to it lmao 🤣


Yeah but go ahead and tell your s/o who you would leave them for and watch how fast you turn into a pos for “even considering that”. Double standards suck


This is so weird to me. Like, if I said "Oh my god, I love this coffee so much I'd like to drown in it," no one is going to think I actually want to die in coffee. Me and my girl have a joke "hall pass" because we both recognize the other person is a human being and that is a safe way for us to have these little crushes that don't actually mean anything. No one thinks we're actually scheming to find a way. I think it's weirder to hide these sort of things lol. Granted, I had a friend who would make collages of said crush while porn played in the background, and then he would hang said collage up next to the bed (beside the others) and I think it is fair to draw the line at that.


>Most people don't say it seriously. So then what's funny about joking about cheating?


What's funny about joking about anything?


It's really obnoxious because it implies that you're only with your SO because it's the best you could do. I don't like the idea that if a "better" option comes across you'd leave at the drop of a hat


100% agreed And some people seem to think that "It's never gonna happen anyway!" means something, but to me it doesn't. No, Brad Pitt is never gonna proposition them for sex... But some rich handsome dude who looks like Brad Pitt might. And what is "Brad Pitt" to someone who doesn't know him personally? Just a cute face on a wealthy dude? They can find that outside of "Brad Pitt", so what happens then? (Brad Pitt might not be all the hype anymore given he's 60 now, but I don't really know young actors to use for that example hah).


They don’t make them like they used to. The talent pool is also extremely competitive and diluted now from numerous streaming services and studios always in high gear. Names don’t pop like they used to.


That don’t impress me much


yeah its so classless


Yea, i dont understand people who view relationships as objects


It also points to our culture’s weird worship of celebrities. It suggests that in your mind they wouldn’t count as normal cheating because they’re godlike figures or something


Had the free pass discussion with my wife … she said “David Bowie” and I said “omfg I’m married to a necrophiliac 🤮”


I picked Audrey Hepburn, so I'm even more of a ghoul


My girlfriend and I have a pact that we’re allowed to fuck alien life.


I'm not only not kink shaming, but I'm into it. Please record evidence for the rest of us. For science, obviously... 🫡


That’s the idea. We agree it’s an opportunity not worth passing.


light deranged wakeful scary poor deserve rain simplistic drunk zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's just universal so it doesn't count


All fun & games until Jack Black is teaching your wife about the school of cock


When I was a child, everyone said my celebrity crushes were questionable (blue doodlebop, Jesus, etc.) But they all agreed that Jack black is an acceptable celebrity crush


I have paul giamatti on mine, so I can't judge He has a sleazy lawyer vibe that I find endearing


When I was married, our mutual pass was Johnny Depp or Ryan reynolds.


My hubby was talking about how grey his beard was but only in certain spots and was like "...I'm going to look like Jack Black soon." And I said, "Fine with me. I always had a crush on him."


If Jack Black **ISN'T** on someone's list, I'm immediately slightly suspicious of them as a person!


Mine too!!


I guess it is an unpopular opinion based on the comments lmao. Although I’m in agreement with you overall. It’s very odd to say things like that. Even if it’s almost always meant to be lighthearted, there is an element of truth to it, otherwise it wouldn’t be said. It’s best to keep that stuff to yourself IMO.


The element of truth is “I think this celebrity is hot” My partner thinks people other than me are hot and I’m perfectly okay with this fact. If she met one of the people on her list she thinks is hot, it is understood that she still wouldn’t sleep with them. If someone shows evidence of taking this conversation about celebrity hall passes too seriously, it’s a red flag.


"I would cheat on you with this person" VS "That person is attractive" (doesn't mention cheating because it shouldn't even be a thought)


Well the post is explicitly about having a hall pass/I would sleep with them if I had the chance type of thing. If it’s just a regular “I think this celebrity is hot” thing, that’s fine.


This. It's really no different to me then all the comments you see about men jokingly talking about how they'd sleep with Ryan Reynolds or whatever. It's always tongue in cheek, and never meant to be too literal.


Now see, this gets to the heart of it for me kind of, because I'm heterosexual so there's a complete assumption that I would never actually do that beyond it being absurd because of celebs so it seems funnier because of how absurd it is. I'm not actually attracted to anyone I joke about like that in the same way and SO might joke about a celeb they actually are attracted to


This. I'm a straight man and I regularly joke about my male celebrity "crush", it doesn't mean anything.


Agreed with this. Saying you’d cheat on anyone as a “joke” is just dumb. Its fine to think they’re hot, cant really change that & not only one person is hot, but saying you’d cheat is not it.


Someone else said the same thing in this thread and I agree. It’s an odd thing to joke about. Maybe I just take myself too seriously lol.


>It's best to keep that stuff to yourself IMO I disagree. My wife and I always tell each other when we think someone's sexy. Being honest and open kills jealousy and mistrust.


I'm a huge fan of wrestling and think the ladies of WWE,AEW, and other promotions are some of the hottest women on the planet. I'd be a dumb mutherfucker to tell my wife I'd sleep with any of them because of their perceived status in my eyes. I've known men and women that straight up told their partner they'd fuck their celebrity crush no questions asked then wonder why their relationship didn't work out. Stop idolizing celebrities or athletes people. They don't give a damn about you no matter what you give up to them.


Great take, maybe my opinion is not so unpopular


I don’t understand. So I’m in a committed relationship. I get the opportunity to sleep with a famous person. And I do it? So the exemption to cheating is fame?


Maybe I'm missing your point but OP is talking about those "celebrity hall pass" agreements that couples have. It's not just any famous person, but like a specific one you've agreed to let your S.O. sleep with and it wouldn't count as cheating. I've always thought it was kinda dumb too. A lot of couples view it as normal joking/banter but, like, there's gotta be better ways to banter with your partner than "Let's talk about other people we wish we could sleep with".


This! Celebs are just regular people whom other people have deified because they... what... did something very publicly and have been seen by many around the world? Does it even matter that they did? Does it only matter how they look? Or does it only matter that they're famous?


There is a clip out there of Anna Kendrick on some talk show and an audience member telling her that Anna is her husband's (who is sitting right next to her) hall pass. Like, can you imagine telling any regular person, "hey, my husband wants to fuck you and I'm ok with that"? Pretty gross.


Right. I can't stand how some average people look up to celebs/rich and worship them like followers or some shit. It's very odd putting to me in general even without adding in a sexual layer


Especially when you factor in how many famous people there are that look outright average, or worse.


Exactly! It's not funny to me and just seems downright wrong, although I understand others saying they don't think so.


How famous is famous? Like a tiktoker? A person on a local band? The captain of the high school football team? I mean what are we talking about?


I agree. Saying you'll cheat on someone as a joke isn't funny at all. It doesn't matter if it's about someone you'll likely never meet. It's still not funny or really ok imo


yeah I don't believe in those lists, some famous hot rich person gets to sleep with me but what's in it for me?


I think it's more of a joke, but yeah, I'm with you on that. Saying that you find celeb xy attractive is one thing, saying you got "a list of people you'd cheat on your partner for" is... not something I'd be comfortable with. No offense to anyone who has that joke list, it's just weird to me. You do you.


Feel like that's a conversation fraught with peril no matter who it is you say you'd cheat with. I dunno, seems there's little to no upside vs potentially having terrible downside so why even go there??? 🤷


Right and it's weird to me how common of a thing it is to just say to people on dates and things.


One of my ex's loved the typical acoustic playing good looking guy (e.g. Shawn Mendes and Justin bieber) when I told her if me and Bieber who were in a room then who would she choose, when she mentioned Bieber I pretty much broke the relationship off.


Yeah like, there's a difference between lighthearted joking and "riling" your partner up for sex like another commenter mentioned but if you seriously mean that you would definitely choose them over your partner if given the choice then that's exactly what I'm talking about about, a relationship doomed to fail


Good for you, you deserve more respect than that, unless she was being openly and obviously sarcastic and I assume that she wasn’t since you broke it off. It’s nice to hear of someone not compromising their boundaries in “little ways”, it’s not fair to you or your partner to do that.


>pretty much broke the relationship off Pretty much? Did you break it off or not lol.


Yeah, I've always found that odd too. And when men or women openly discuss how hot a celeb is right in front of their spouse. Like what the fuck? It's okay to find other people attractive but why harp about it right next to the person you fuck?


I think it depends on what kind of relationship you have. For some people that would be a major act of disrespect, but for other people it’s just good fun. Me and my bf talk about which actors/actresses are hot in movies, ask eachother “which character would you sleep with from x”, he even likes to show me posts from some of the thirst trap twitter accounts he follows if he thinks I’ll think the girl is hot too. Obviously we both find other people attractive because we are human, so why not talk about it? I fully trust him and it’s a fun thing to banter about so why not? I’ve never really been the jealous type, and our relationship started off non-exclusive (eventually we wanted to switch from condoms to hormonal brith control so we went exclusive for safety reasons), so I get why other people might feel differently about it for their own relationships, but for us talking about people we find attractive has always just been a fun conversation topic, not something that causes issues.


I feel like that's because your relationship is not that serious yet and a short term one maybe. People who usually have problems with this concept consider their spouse above everyone else.


unless you're actively not fucking your partner I don't understand why it would be weird.


I would hate it if I was in a relationship where I wasn't allowed to mention things like this. It's normal to find other people attractive and in my opinion silly to hide it especially with regards to celebrities, we are never going to meet. I'd rather be allowed to talk about it.


>Yeah, I've always found that odd too. And when men or women openly discuss how hot a celeb is right in front of their spouse. Me and my girlfriend both do this. No harm done as neither of us are insecure and it doesn't cross any boundaries that we have between us.


I don't have a celebrity crush, but I do tell my GF that if I ever run into Mark Wahlberg he gets to raw dog me. Just to keep her looking over her shoulders. I don't find him attractive. I'm not bi. I don't even particularly like the movies he's in. I just think it's funny.


Right, because there is an extra layer of absurdity on top of the joke that you aren't even gay or anything so obviously there's no iota of truth to your joke compared to if there is one.


I remember my cousin's new wife talking about her celebrity cheat list on their wedding night. Guess how happy they are and how that relationship is going?


Just be wary when your girl has a local band on her cheat list.


I never entertain or vocalize the thought of cheating. It’s just against my moral compass. But yeah, I wouldn’t appreciate being told that even if it was a joke. Just not my kind of humor.


Yup exactly. I find it so disrespectful


As a 31 year old man, any time my wife asks me which celebrity I would sleep with my answer is always the same. Danny DeVito.


It's a joke. It's meant to be funny. I wouldn't have sex with anyone other than my wife, but we joke about it because we don't take shit that seriously.


For real. My fiancee and I have talked about who we think is hot, celebrity-wise. We were watching White Lotus and she said, about Alexandra Daddario, "I wouldn't even be mad if you cheated on me with her." I've said the same thing to her about Henry Cavill. Does she think I'm going to meet Alexandra Daddario, much less manage to seduce her? No, it's just silly talk.


Yep! Same kinda' vein as "fuck/marry/kill", and, it's important to note, you only do it with celebrities. If you use actual people in your life, it sounds very suspicious!


Lol, yeah it can't be people you regularly spend time with.


Yeah but like, what's funny about it? I'm also the type of person that never understood giving people shit all the time or teasing them to "show love" so maybe it's just not my type of humor


It's fun because it let's you know about what kind of person your partner thinks it's attractive so you can give each other shit over it or maybe even agree. It's not really deep. It's just a fun game and it's been around forever. There's even an episode of Friends about it.


And almost all the couples in friends are not that great. So what's your point


I don't know, but I have a type and the celebrities I find attractive are kind of like my wife. I think she likes that part of it? Also, it's about not taking everything so seriously. We all find other people attractive, why not just voice it and move on?


I love my husband because sometimes we will watch shows with very hot people, and I'll comment that I would bang one of the dudes, and this whole ass straight man I am married to just goes, "Me too." Lmfao


Does he ever comment on banging the women or is it just a you thing


The concept of a bucket list or hall pass is mostly for fun. It sounds like you are taking a fun concept and turning it into a way to judge people and have the moral high ground.


It’s probably unpopular on Reddit and depends on where you come from as well. I’d be pretty pissed if my partner even joked about that in front of me, because I don’t suck up to celebrities and they aren’t different from regular people, it’s the same as telling me a random person on the streets is a hall pass.


I know some couples joke about this but I just feel like is disrespectful to my partner. I don’t like hearing that shit either. It’s not because I think it will come true, more likely cuz I have a pretty negative esteem issue at the moment. I can’t see the benefit to the relationship by making these types of “jokes”. Maybe it’s also because I’m not a “looks” girl. I’m a punk rock chick, I don’t want to fuck any of those Hollywood sellouts. That’s just me, I can’t find someone attractive sexually without personality anyway.


100% agree. I kept thinking of the word sellout when writing this and it feels like just selling out on your partner to be with someone so artificial. It's almost worst than saying it about a random on the street because I'm willing to entertain a real conversation about actually involving someone else or opening the relationship, just not jokes when we are supposed to be mono.


Yeah. I don’t notice people on the streets and how they look even, tbh. Not unless they’re reading an interesting book, or maybe they have a bands tee shirt or patch that I like. Even then, it’s “that’s a rad patch, where’d you cop it?…. Oh yeah? Dope.” And that’s where it ends. Attractiveness is so much deeper to me than just seeing someone play a role. I owe my hypothetical partner more than that.


I would never cheat on my spouse.


Personally I don’t mind a partner saying a celebrity is good looking. And I know plenty of couples where both have their “celebrity hall pass.” But I personally would hate a partner constantly going on and on about their celebrity crush or saying things like “if X asked to sleep with me, I’d do it no matter what.” Or “I’d leave my wife for Taylor Swift. I’d leave my husband for Ryan Reynolds.” That’s disrespectful to the partner and relationship.


I don't mind saying a celebrity is good looking either! Hell, I'll joke about how much fun it would be, but I wouldn't take it as far as to "joke" that id do it if given the chance or that we should give passes.


i am not letting my wife bang mario or luigi... >:(


My girl said she would join me if Xochitl Gomez came twirling into my room. In between sobs she said "dibs on Trent reznor tho"


It’s all fun and games until an Ariana grande actually comes into the picture and steals your SpongeBob


If I’m not the guy that you’re going to do compare everyone else to then I don’t want to be with you. I don’t need some “alpha widowed” broken woman. That guy that you had a “situationship” with that would never commit to you. You realize you weren’t good enough for him right? He ain’t coming back, certainly not to marry you. 


Finally an unpopular opinion, look at the comments


It's not serious. It's meant to be lighthearted.


Is it always, though? And even if it is, if you're SO is uncomfortable with it does that mean they are in the wrong for being insecure?


Yeah I call total BS on that. There’s a ton of truth behind those “Jokes”


Idk my mom used to joke to my dad about movie characters she found hot and she has yet to end their 30 year marriage by running off with Legolas from lord of the rings.


Sometimes a ribbing is just a ribbing


even if there is, most women not going back to idris Elba's hotel room. it's okay.


I think the idea that you'd have sex with some random person you don't know just because they're famous is already cringey, but when you're in a committed relationship, it's even more disgusting. It sounds to me that people like that shouldn't be in serious/committed relationships. I can't imagine a single person worth destroying my happy relationship over.


Wholeheartedly agree, couldn't have said it better.


Yeah the idea of hall passes sucks


Agreed. Weird normalized habit.


Super fuckin weird… the more I see people like standing up for it, the weirder it gets.


Nothing about cheating is a joke. People who do this are insane. Or probably considering cheating, and wanted to gage their partner's reaction with a shitty "joke". My wife used to do this, she would call the affair partner "Sancho". Yes she is Hispanic, not that that matters. At first I would ignore it, even though it hurt to hear. Especially considering the harsh past I've had with numerous short term/long term relationships. That she knew all about, all the intimate and painful details. 7 years into our relationship/marriage and she cheats on me with a guy who lives in Jordan, 3000 miles away. We live in the US. She was professing her love to this man, sexting, the works. This happened 2 years ago. There are more details but it's painful to visit those memories. We 'worked' things out and we are still together, for better or worse. She seems to have been honest about not stepping out of our relationship. I'm saying all this simply to get my point across...there is absolutely NOTHING funny or joke worthy about cheating. As a side note, I didn't give my story for advice or to be judged. Just to prove this point. Joking about cheating can absolutely lead to that same person actually cheating.


At minimum it suggests to me at least that to the person, infidelity isn't entirely out of the question. Namely, there's at min one scenario they can see themselves being unfaithful. Are there others they're not comfortable bringing up/talking about?


If my wife has ever got a shot at Ozzy Osbourne, by all means.


My wife and I have never talked about this even though she knows my type and I know hers. Not that it’s taboo or anything but it was always been an unspoken area, I wouldn’t be offended in any way shape or form if she did. Like I know she fancies Mr Darcy from Pride and Prejudice, it’s obvious to me. We were at a festival one year and this came up in mixed conversation with a group of girls, I was chilling listening to music casually eavesdropping. My wife explained that one of the things she loved about me is I never check out women in her presence and never talked about stuff like this. It’s always been more of a respect thing I guess. And to be clear, it’s not like we are prudes or anything. I’ve been skinny dipping with her in a hot tub with guys/gals.


Excuse me but have you seen Henry Cavill .


Y'all take life way too seriously


It is something that bothers me. It wouldn't be so bad if the celebraty in question wasn't so different than who I am as a person both physically and in personality. But they are. So every time it's said, and it's often, it makes me question why she chose me when I'm clearly not of a certain type.


I think this is an unpopular opinion. I agree though, and I may even take it a step further because I don’t think wanting a “hall pass,” even as a joke, is something I’m comfortable with. It’s one thing to see Michael B. Jordan in a movie and say “he’s so hot, I would so fuck him” because attraction isn’t something you can help, and I may even agree. But to take it a step further and say “if I ever got the opportunity to fuck Michael B. Jordan while we are together, I would,” is something completely different in my opinion. I understand that it is almost always a joke, but I think it’s something that is a joke up until it isn’t. Especially nowadays when people can actually have access to the celebrities they’re talking about through social media whereas in the past the only way that would happen is if they ran into them in person. I may have a unique view on this though because I have a friend whose girlfriend in college got flown to Portland by a dude. He was pretty sure it was an NBA player she had made the hall pass “joke” about and DM’ed before they were together.


Yes, this is exactly what I mean. Very well put. I did the same thing with my ex where we would say when people were attractive in public or in movies and even fantasize a little together but when they would say that they would act on it I feel like it took it too far and wasn't funny


I don’t agree with the “just like sleeping with normal people, just that they’re famous” most Redditors are commenting, I think it’s even worse because you KNOW this famous person isn’t interested in you at all. You are very well aware that this is going to be a one off thing for ego purposes, and you’re telling me you’re willing to throw what you and your SO have built together for months or years for a couple of hours of pleasure with somebody that’s not even going to remember your name? That’s kinda fucked up IMO.


On the contrary that's why it seems less bad? There's no emotional cheating. I'd way rather my partner sleep with a celeb that would never call him again vs flirt and have deep emotional conversations but no sex with a coworker.


Of if you can’t take a joke you’re with the wrong person lmao 🤣. No one says this seriously because no one can actually be with that person. My parents have been happily married for 50+ years and the entire family knows the inside joke that my mom is in love with Denzel 😂. My Dad laughs it off and has his own inside jokes about it. If you can’t be secure enough in your relationship to joke like this… you’re not with the right person.


I don't see how it's wrong. My ex always said they would trade me in for someone younger and they did just that. It taught me that people tend to tell you the truth in what seems like a joke ... Same with this ...


It seems like we agree?? It's wrong because you shouldn't "joke" like that but I think you knew what I meant?


I had a girlfriend who said" lets make a list, we each choose 5 people, haha" "I chose, brad pitt, Chris Evans .... " I said " your sister, the girl who live 3 doors down, The girl who works in purchasing in my office ..... " .... Apparently that's not how it works 😒




Having your SO say she'd let some random dude screw her because he's famous is so messed up.


It's okay to feel that way, and don't listen to people in the comments saying that it's mostly a joke/light-hearted. If you don't feel comfortable with a partner like that, then it's always good to communicate and if it won't change anything then break up


Yeah fuck that, I dated a girl and hanging out with her siblings and her playing a board game and this shit came up. They all acted like I was the weird one when I said fuck that even as a joke I'm not a cheater and I find that kind of question disgusting.  Apparently I was the weird one. Guess who fucking cheated on me a few years later... My now ex


I aggree, and I don't think it's just you or your circumstances. It's just something some people care a lot about. Ive always been one of those people who just cant forgive cheating. You cheat, including kissing etc, you're done. Unless you were drugged unwittingly by someone else, no excuses. Being drunk's not an excuse. It's really easy to *not* cheat on someone and you have to actively choose *to* do it. That would include celebrities. Them being famous changes nothing. But mostly it's just people talking, if presented with the oppertunity I highly doubt they'd actually do it.


Whenever Henry Cavill or Tom Hardy are on the tv my partner goes into detail as to how much she wants one or both of them to plow her and i'm supposed to be cool with it. As soon as I say oh that actress is pretty, i'm in fucken trouble.


Don't waste your time with immature people, king.


Thank god me and my boyfriend aren't this insecure like this sounds exhausting


It isn’t unpopular. I read your edit though. I’m sorry you got cheated on. Nobody deserves that.


Thanks for that.


I'm going to be honest. Every time I've met a celebrity I thought was "attractive", they were always decidedly less attractive in person. Hollywood is good at making people look good on camera. I've made this joke before, but I'm not sure the celeb would live up to the expectations my head has produced.


Right because they are just a human being and the whole joke about it being okay because they are celebs or whatever just doesn't sit well with me.


I agree with you. Even saying, "I'd cheat on you with [insert famous person]," insinuates you'd cheat on me anyway.


This is beyond true. It's disgusting to me that people can blatantly disrespect their SO's like this.


I read that as irish celebrity


For the love of money


hall pass is hliarious but does the celebrity get a choice in the matter? for the people i am attracted to to sink to my level of subhuman would tarnish them


Are you saying Tom Hardy and Natalie Portman are off the table if we all happen to meet and consent to brief, consensual relations? Well shucks.


So I am 60yo now... Are "Hall Passes" no longer a thing?


Both me and my GF have the list. The really awesome thing is that Drew Barrymore is on both our lists!


3 edits tells you everything you need to know about a post like this.


Me and mine would make a sandwich out of: Queen Latifa Dolly Parton Nicole Kidman (pre plastic surgery) And apparently Obi Wan Kenobi.


9/10 it’s a joke. Think about it, you honestly think a rich or famous person would waste their time on people who are essentially nobodies? Like I don’t see Matt Daemon slumming around for some strange in some suburb that’s not even on the map.


Look, I love my wife. She loves me. If either of us actually did meet and hook up with a celeb crush, it would probably result in the end of the marriage. I suspect we both know that, but it would still be really hard for me to tell Natalie Portman no, just like I’m sure it would be very hard for her to tell Ryan Gosling no.


It’s just having fun.


Yup! Hubby has a pass for his preferred and I have a pass for mine. 1 time use only! It will never happen lol But the agreement exists just the same lol


YAL must be super fun to be married to that you can’t take jokes and get upset over a significant other cracking a joke about something that would never ever happen unless you’re married to a famous model lol 😂. People are so insecure it’s embarrassing


Are you ok..??? What makes you think some Hollywood star would want you or your spouse to begin with? Like the assumed confidence is great but pretty sure they don't want mess with someone like you or your wife/ex/whatever...stars have nda's and other legalities before even considering anything...so easy to say you're either dumb or super naive...and are living in some fairy tale land ...this ain't notting hill


Wow a lot of people on Reddit need the sticks taken out of their asses.


Popular, unpopular opinion right here.


tbh this is a joke you and the comments have taken way too seriously


“I’m going to project my own hurt and experience onto every relationship in the world” This isn’t an unpopular opinion. Something really nasty happened to you and this is one of the thought processes that’s helping you process it. Now you’ve learnt a great boundary for yourself - not unpopular, not an opinion, just growth!


ITT - people who don't get a joke beating the joke into the ground


I've been with my husband for 13 years this year. Some of you people need to mellow the fuck out. When you are in a relationship your partner isn't going to stop noticing attractive people. Its not possible. This idea that if you are with someone you cannot find another person attractive is absolutely asinine and unrealistic. And hall passes are jokes between couples who have that sort of humor. I would sleep with giulio berruti in a split second. My husband knows this. Guess who bought me copies of his movies for our anniversary the last 3 years? My husband. Because its a joke and he's not an insecure ninny. Get a grip people.


I don’t care if it’s joking in my personal life. It still sounds icky and hurtful.


I fully agree. Saying “Omg I would cheat on you and bang X celebrity if I had a chance!” adds nothing to a relationship or conversation. To me, it feels like on some level people are condoning infidelity under the right circumstances. But apparently every couple on reddit does this so it’s extremely unpopular here. Same with commenting on other people’s attraction in front of your partner. I have never had the audacity to do that. Even if its an actress I wouldn’t play with fire like that “Many a true word is said in jest”


My wife and I would have a fist fight just to have Selma Hayek look disdainfully in our direction. We also wouldn't actually cheat. Things can be nuanced. Now if they're "I'd cheat on you with" is a normal person, ya got problems. But good unpopular opinion.


>Edit: So I did just get out of a marriage where I was cheated on, lol surprise surprise, so definitely insecure ATM. Did they bang a celebrity?


I agree with you but also think it’s disrespectful to tell your SO you are attracted to another person in general, it’s a very rude and demeaning thing to do in my opinion. If a couple want to talk that way to each other than that’s their business but personally if I were on a date with a guy and he told me how hot the waitress was, I’d be on my way home. I don’t understand people thinking that’s normal, just totally weird to me.


I agree. I wouldn't ever talk about something like that unless we are very comfortable and well into our relationship, and even then I'm not joking about actually doing it in any sort of way


Yeah, I am married now but I would still feel disrespected if my husband started calling other girls hot like whats the point, does he want me picturing him with another woman? Just to see if I will be jealous? Just something I will never understand personally.


I usually just say how I used to have a crush on a celebrity in past sense. It sounds more respectable that way. Natural human behavior to have a celebrity crush.


I agree. Cheating is always wrong. If you love Margot Robbie so much why don’t you date her or a lookalike or something?


Yeah, unnecessary comment and makes me uncomfortable. I’m shocked everybody is in disagreement