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I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion for most non-gen z people


Its not an unpopular opinion among most gen z people. Everyone I know is just kinda confused as to why its so popular


It’s herd culture. Especially for younger people, they will always try to fit in with the crowd and what others are doing. For example also look at what the broccolis are wearing. I bet you find a lot of similarities in clothing too. Girls have the same thing for hairstyle and clothes, for distinct generations.


I remember when I was in college in the fall, every girl was dressed like Han Solo


I've seen those pics on Reddit a decade ago


All. My kids gen z friends have buzzed their hair in recent weeks. Is the broccoli era now behind us?


Who is to blame for triggering the latest round this time? I remember one time it was Lenny Kravitz.


I think more recently Patrick Mahomes


I've been buzzing my own hair for 20+ years, I'm gonna laugh if suddenly my "my hair is too thick to do anything appealing with and I'm too cheap and lazy to go get my hair cut so I do it myself" haircut becomes trendy.


im gen z n i literally had friends get perms for this style. straightest hair ever, and they go spend money to get it to look like that. just tragic really.


As someone born in 2002, no I fucking hate it too. I think it looks cringe and it ends up one of two ways. It makes them look like they’re special ed and can’t help it or they end up looking like late night tweakers that drive a clapped out stock Altima/Hyundai Elantra at 90mph in a 35.


It's because yall don't know who sideshow bob is.


Man I am old.


Im gen z and I hate broccoli haircuts tbh.


Isn’t this just the Skrillex haircut for people with curly hair? Short on the sides but long on top? Curly hair or no, that seems rather popular to me amongst millennials and younger Gen X.


as a gen Z, i hate that hairstyle more than any boomer


Gen Z: I’m swaggy


I had to Google what this is, and then told my son he's got a broccoli haircut. He denies it but the proof is on his head. Edit: he made me show him pictures and then he cursed and walked away. I laughed so hard.


lol, “the proof is on his head” 😂


This should make you really chuckle hard too…. https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/Pe8KMYEtHZ


omfg lmao 😂


This is hilarious!!


Came here to see this.


Yes! One down. Im going on a hunt for my Broccoli headed nephew later and tell him he looks like a bellend.


The all look like fucking alpacas.


Poor kid😂😂




first there was the onion bun , now we have the broccoli hair , next we getting the avocado toast lol


I think that's more of a gen z thing, they'll grow out of it. In my day we had myspace haircuts. In my mom's day everyone had perms.


Yep, it's basically this generation's Justin Bieber swoop hairstyle that dudes rocked in the early 2010s.


I was in my preteens/teens in the 90s, era of frosted tips and spiked hair, with a silk button-up shirt with either flames or a green looking smokey dragon on it The bieber haircut was the first style i didnt understand. Now im into the broccoli era of confusion.


I forgot about all those middle school kids wearing those silk dragon shirts. We laughed at you guys, while wearing patchwork cord flares big enough to drive a Miata up and black eyeliner we applied last week because we were soooo cool.


Don’t forget the bowl cuts Millenials also had in the late 90s


dammit that was me, 2010-2011 in middle school. Guess I can't hate on broccoli now.


I remember in middle school everybody either had bleached blonde hair because of Eminem or spiky front hair because of boy bands lol Then shortly after came the buzz cut.


Hey now! I had the Justin Bieber hair *BEFORE* he was popular! (What I always said when people said I had Justin Bieber hair)


Same. It was always called the “skater hair” where I’m from until JB became famous


You're not going to believe this, but hairdressers had the genius idea (that's sarcasm, folks) to try the broccoli cut out in the 20th century. It's an in-again, out-again hairstyle trend that outdates many on Reddit. The mullet's due to make its round in the mainstream again soon.


Dude the mullets here (and just about gone). It came in a few years ago.


There's very little authenticity and originality in this world anymore, unfortunately.


I mean… there’s only so much you can do with hair 🤨


It's the commodification of everything.


I don't even know what a broccoli haircut is. Guess google, here I come.


Just go to the axe body spray aisle in any store.


It's the "Jersey Shore" haircut for GenZ.


lol! It really is.


I had a bowl cut in the 90s, so I really can’t talk shit. They’ll grow out of it. We were all annoying trend followers at that age.


My hair is naturally curly due to Greek heritage. I was the only kid in my Aussie school with “Afro” curly hair. People used to roast me for it all the time. In uni/work, countless people have asked me if it’s a perm, and how they wish they had curly hair.


it’s cute when you moisturize it and take care of it!! don’t let anyone tell u otherwise


Dude, same. I was actually kinda excited to see curly hair finally on trend as I've always shaved it or straightened it to get by, and now people are already dunking on it 😓


Curly hair due to Greek heritage? Sorry lad you must've been lied to, cause 90% of us have boring straight hair


Not unpopular. 100% of the people who like the broccoli cut already have it.


As a 26 year old with a wild curly hair texture, there aren’t many options for haircuts that don’t end up like it. However I keep mine in a Mohawk, so I’m good


Yo that’s sick. Post a pic, I need inspiration.


https://ibb.co/BZzgTwr Here you go my good man, may the Hawk bless you


Fuck man that is clean, your locks are indeed luscious.


Embrace the shaven sides. It’ll give you buckets of completely unearned confidence


30 and this is the first time I've been comfortable growing my hair out.


“Young people’s haircuts are stupid” - every older person throughout the history of time.


It's a little bit of both. Everyone is an individual with their own tastes, but it seems that every generation comes up with a hideous, stupid haircut. In my generation it was the emo skater helmet grown-out bowlcut. Generation before mine, it was the jaw-length and parted in the middle. Before that, it was the teased and poofy mullet perm. And so on, and so forth. Every generation has an ugly, new, trendy hairstyle.


And most of the time they were right 


im an older person and im uncomfortable saying something is stupid or saying someone is stupid. its like namecalling its stupid ha


Naw, there are bad cuts every generation, you just don't figure it out until later. Bowl cuts, spiked hair, gheri curls, mullets all awful, no one is pretending differently. Broccoli cut will be in this category soon and its fading faster than expected. I had spiked hair and a bowl cut at one time, but they were still bad. We also had good hair curs during that time, you just don't hear about them, because they weren't awful. Broccoli is Gheri Curl 2.0 and still bad


My nephew had that haircut and I called him broccoli head before there was even a name for that haircut and my mom started crying laughing


so genuinely what are men with curly hair supposed to do?


Def not get a brocolli style head lol


that doesnt answer my question either way yall will criticize and say it looks unruly


grow it


they do and yall are criticizing them


I had a mullet. I can't throw stones.


This douche cut is my least favourite to do as a barber


It’s the new man bun and will hopefully fade just like that did.


You do not see men wearing that cut. You are seeing boys wear that cut.


It’s a gen z thing. But as gen z, I hate it too


You mean boys.. that cut is a boys haircut.


Men with this haircut just look like they’re mean to women


They look like they want absolutely nothing to do with women at all.


Am I the only one who finds OP's Rant funny?


Ive never see a man with this haircut. Only boys.


One thing I notice as an old man is that people's fashion is generally "stuck" like their music taste, in a 16 to 28 year old range. I still wear Jordan's and Nike air max and listen to the same shit I used to. New just looks wack...maybe vegehead is the new shit and we just don't "know" how cool it is cause we old af


It's fine who cares


>he could be the nicest person and do everything for me and I'll still think he's an asshole. Maybe you're the asshole. Its just a hair style, no need to be so judgemental. I don't particularly like it either but each to their own.


Every high-school aged white boy today has a haircut like Blanche Devereaux…they’re gonna look back and *laugh*…


It’s soo awful. I’m all for kids doing their thing, but this is on par with really bad mullets and rat tails. I’d have more respect if was an exact Blanche.


My unpopular opinion is that it's too accepted that we can criticize people for trying something with their appearance, that we dont stop and think that actually maybe it's pretty shitty to make people feel bad about the way they look and that when they try out a style maybe that haircut is for them and not you. As a guy I don't go around ripping women for hairstyles they have I dont like, before you say "yeah but heaps of guys do", way to go, you're acting just like them.


Totally agree with you, at one side people defend their rights and still do shit like this. it's their hair they can do whatever they want with it and to judge someone from their haircut is just stupid. Sad to see how people still mob against something they don't like.


Lemme tell you something: if I can get a hair cut that’s easy to describe, most barbers won’t fuck it up, and only a few uncool people have a problem with it then imma get it 10/10 times. Generally what I’ve found is that when a status quo is hated it’s usually hated by nerds. Not the cool kind, the high and mighty annoying ones. Upvote


This, I consider myself a nerd but “broccoli” boys are some of my best friends and its so stupid to judge people based off superficial shit


Only assholes like it


This is the Jersey Shore haircut for Gen Z. It’s harmless, they look just as silly as those dudes with the Jersey Shore cut and big glass fake diamond earrings did in our time. That was also a douche look.


I'd argue it was more embroidered jeans. The haircut was there, but if you saw embroidered, shredded jeans....you knew what was up.


Men have haircuts and style for the women that like it. The only way to stop it is for women their age to not like it. I'm sure you had an ugly haircut at their age that older people hated too


Orange you glad mullets are making a comeback? -mullet owner


Lol yeah. The one I hate idk what it's called but i call it the penis head hair cut. Head looks like the head of a penis. It's like a normal current style hair cut but the edges where it's faded... The edge is flared out wide the rim around the head of a penis


It's the Patrick Mahomes cut I believe you are speaking of. It seems like when he started dominating the NFL and winning superbowls his hair style became popular.


It's bussin fr fr


what if i just have curly hair?


I’m convinced these guys are getting perms.


What men have their hair like this? I only see teenagers


This is the most hated thing across Reddit at the moment it’s literally the hive mind opinion


Lmao my nephew loves his and we bully the shit out of him for it. Good natured bullying goes around my whole family. We all take pot shots at each other.


That moment Reddit wouldn't dare shit on a women's choice of style and makes it clear that it's their choice, but the moment it's a guy it's "not a real man" or "probably an asshole". Great job. And people wonder why young lads are being pushed towards shitty online male role models when they see a double standard like this. A difference in taste is one thing, "I'm not a fan of X haircut". But "this haircut makes me assume you're an asshole" is completely different.


I also find it irritating but maybe it's an age thing. Like at a certain age people just look at the young generation's hair and just go WTF?


It irritating that people like a hair style you don't?


Redditors don’t handle other peoples lifestyles/interests very well.


The young white dude modern afro is the Gen Z obsession with mumble rap only. 😀🥦


Not just white dudes....matter of fact, its kinda getting abandoned by them. If you really wanna rag on someone, look at middle eastern and latino dudes. They're still REALLY in to that hairstyle, and they all drive the same damn cars--Infiniti G37s (which has become THE broccoli haircut dude's favorite car), Scion TC coupes, pony cars (mustang, camaro). Generally speaking, if the dude drives a coupe....expect a broccoli haircut and all associated stereotypes along with it. It's likely true. The exception is a Corvette. People who drive Corvettes are almost never a douche.


Woah woah woah. People who drive corvettes are almost *ALWAYS* a douche! No other car guy on the planet says “well my car was the only one in this factory on this Tuesday after 5pm to be made in this color. So therefore, mine is one of a kind. I’ll take $300k for it now. Thanks.”


hahah. I beg to differ! Every Corvette dude where I live--and there's a decent amount of them--are enthusiasts, typically in their 40s or 50s. What I keep seeing is these cats always keeping their distance in traffic like champs. They dont ride on your ass like G37s, Challengers, Chargers or Altimas. One guy I met actually bought his C7s directly from Paul Stanley of Kiss. TWO of them. One custom made, the other stock.


That’s true. They’re much more considerate drivers. Just don’t ask them about their vette


Sorry, gotta downvote you for your very popular opinion.


Nah not unpopular. My hot take is that fades look goofy on white people. It's generic at best and if done poorly, looks like an incomplete haircut.


There's actually a stereotype that's been created for these exact people. It's really funny how all of them follow the same pattern


This is definitely an unpopular opinion because everyone I know loves the Broccoli haircut


Women don’t care what the guys hair looks like if he’s attractive or rich enough. It’s just like the supermodel effect. If you’re hot enough you can look good in whatever the fuck you wear.


"it's a douche cut" I'm going to have to steal this one😂


I think it's today's version of a cootie garage


You keep saying man ![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized)


see also: Sideshow Bob


It's just so mullet adjacent, I have traumatic flashbacks to the 80s. So many of these guys just resemble lesbians from 1986. The Indigo Girls called and want their hairstyle back from teen boys.


As a millenial, we have the Phil and Lil from Rugrats haircut lmfao!


I like it, too bad a certain type of person has it


I agree with you though.


It was called beans on toast back in my day. The broccoli seems a bit more voluminous than I remember the beans being though.


I take my 8th grade grandson to school occasionally. Every single middle school boy has one


Every single time old people hate on kids haircut is because they remember their haircut when they was younger




I thought it was an internet/American thing, but have seen a few of them irl around Australia in probably the last couple of months. Can confirm they look much worse and silly in person lol


this made me laugh so fucking hard dude


Downvoting cause this is a popular opinion. There's a reason everyone makes fun of broccoli haircuts.


Every time someone gets on my train with that haircut, 9/10 times, they are going to be playing shitty music on their phone at full volume with no headphones.


This hair cut is for ppl who can’t grow hair lmao.


So you're making fun of people because their hair can't grow quickly. Making fun of them for something they can't control.


My mom stole money out of my grandpa's wallet and creeped over to the salon and got one of those 14 year old scene girl haircuts. Raccoon mode. Kids are sneaking out to get broccoli now


Is the broccoli hair cut and the lama haircut the same thing?


Speaking of ugly. You girls need to stop doing wuteva u doin wit ur eyebrows. It's getting silly


Nah this ain’t an unpopular opinion


No idea but that's how most fads go


It's the pants below your ass of haircuts


This ain’t unpopular, everyone aside from certain teen guys thinks that hairstyle sucks.


It's a silly look that will die with the decade. Like the middle part. That died with the 90s (mostly) but Gen Z tried to bring it back. I don't know why. They're just going through the library and trying things. Seeing what works.


Very few men have this haircut. Boys have this haircut.


I work in a middle school and I've seen this more frequently in recent years. I assumed it was isolated to adolescents.


Agreed. I think it’s one of the worst haircuts for males that I’ve ever seen


As a teacher, the Venn diagram of boys with this hair cut and boys who can't behave like civilised humans is pretty close to a circle.


not unpopular 


I totally agree! It looks so douchey, I don't even know what these guys like so much about it that it got SO popular. Weird.


I HATE it.


The official haircut of douchebag who is going to harass some low income employee.


TIL about broccoli haircuts and that's the name of the style my new coworker has. I've seen worse.


I think you mean “teenage guys,” men don’t sport hair that looks like ![gif](giphy|TpEINJrrbrGYo)




At this point, just rename the sub to popularopinion


You should sing the Veggietales theme song whenever you walk past a person with that cut lol


My sister had this cut in the 80's, it was a "mushroom head" then, she was class of 1984, I was '86. You can bet your ass I was sporting a mullet then, too hahaha


Cauliflower haircut might be better.


Generally haircut styles can be polarising and some dont age well. 70s had the perm 80s had the mullet 90s had the undercut All terrible but v popular at the time. Love the broccolli description though ive been callong them perm wankers but i will modify this.


So I have had this hair since I was like 5(I am 25 now), and I dont really know how to get rid of it. My head is quite large so I don’t think cutting it shorter would help. And growing it longer just makes it look more like a birds nest :(


It's not an unpopular opinion. I think it's a popular opinion. I also don't like it at all when I saw teenagers having broccoli haircut.


Right. It's so unflattering. I once ended up with it on accident and had to fuss with it.


My son in law has it... I call him broccoli for a while he doesn't get it


It's this generation's emo haircut, or the mullet, or the pompadour. Teens doing dumb trendcentric haircuts isn't exactly a new thing.


Never seen someone it looks good on. Im in my 30s so ive seen plenty of trend haircuts. But its the only one in the last decades that looks 100% shit on evryone.


Well when I was a kid a had my head shaved almost completely while I still had hair down past my shoulders lol


Male hair fashion is typically really bad for some reason. Broccoli head, nearly bald sides with something on top, buzzcut (depends on person but usually naur) etc.


I love that haircut. It's so bad it makes me laugh every time. Those lads will be looking at photos in 30 years time going, "What was I thinking??"


I think the official name for the style is the "Meet me at Mcdonalds" haircut. Dunno why.


I mean if you have curly hair you almost have to have a broccoli-adjacent cut you dont really have a lot of other options there


I call the guys with this haircut alpacas cause that’s what they look like


Wouldn't a broccoli haircut be an afro? I have no idea what a broccoli cut is, but I'm thinking of a broccoli, and the closest thing to that is an afro.


I seen teenagers the other day when I was shopping with these haircuts. I guess they thought I was funny looking cause they kept saying shit under their breath and laughing. Broccoli head and the chowder gang thinking they’re hard. Like bruh your mommy paid for that gawd awful haircut you think looks good


I had one back in 1980-81. Kind of fun to see it popular now


This can’t be an unpopular opinion


It's the new bowl cut


As someone who sorta has it (sides and back are lower with more ontop/upfront. I also think it looks bad on most ppl). My hair is more afro than brocolli though, i just need enough hair to cover the scar i got from a tumour being removed on my forehead. So i will be sticking with my slightly strange pompadour.


Much agreed


People older than you said the same thing about your generation’s hairstyles. Fashion changes, get over it.


Boy, the medieval monk bowl cut is also all the rage and I think it looks hideous. I truly think the economy is so dire that people have opted to cut their own hair.


I do it because my hair is thinning at the front, and it’s pretty much the only haircut where you push your hair forward


I heard powdered wigs are making a comeback. ![gif](giphy|3ohuPhGdHfof7jLDnW)


It's funny that you associate this hair cut with any kind of "man" because anyone I've seen wearing it can only be described as a boy.


“Men,” is doing a lot of heavy lifting here…


You keep saying “men” but I’ve only seen teenagers with it.


It’s the I have no job or education but I think I’m the bees knees and I get all the girls haircut.


Unpopular opinion: chocolate is delicious.


Kids wear this style to emulate 30 year old "influencers" who started the cut to hide their male pattern baldness and appear younger.


Funny enough, the post above this is about actual broccoli.