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how is compromising in a relationship an unpopular opinion?


It is on Reddit, but not IRL


ah fair, skill issue on my part.


Compromising being the most important is. Even without love people can stay with mutual respect but without compromise its most difficult


No it’s literally not. It’s actually widely considered the most important aspect of a relationship


I think you are picking and choosing scenarios rather than seeing the whole relationship as a compromise. A relationship itself is a compromise. you are no longer single and you must be selfless in many scenarios and compromise with your partner and yourself in order to mature the relationship.


I thought you meant compromise as in communicate and understand stuff you're capable of changing for the benefit of your partner if they really need it Were you instead talking about settling forn a 9/10 instead of a 10/10???


That's what it sounds like to me


How is this an unpopular opinion?


How do you compromise on deal breakers? Can you compromise on the idea that your partner will never work in their life and that you provide the entire stream of income? You can't compromise on everything.


By not having everything be a deal breaker


Well, how do you do that? As OP mentioned, you don't need a 10/10. You can also get a 9/10. That looks like a small difference in terms of looks, but in terms of other things, this gap is incredibly big. It's like the difference between a millionaire and someone who is poor giving you 100 dollars. It might not mean much for the millionaire, but it means the world for the poor. That's why people tend to use the term "value". What is the value of looks with respect to income?


This is Reddit, if your married partner of 35 years doesn’t like what you pick for dinner - you should divorce them immediately


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This is a wildly popular opinion.


Disagree. The problem with relationships is that you have two people who each have their own lives and interests, and sometimes these conflict.  You could choose to resolve this by learning to “compromise”, but the better way is to just have your roles defined.  This is traditionally solved by husbands having a leadership position and wives submitting to their husbands when the two of them have disagreements. People often find that appalling today, but the bottom line is you can’t have two wheels steering a ship, if you each have your own wheel, then you might as well be on separate boats.


If you find your right-wing trad wife, more power to you. But this sounds like something written by someone who's never been in an adult relationship. If my fiancee and I disagree on something, you know what we do? We discuss it. Sometimes we meet in the middle. Sometimes one of us will give way on the issue because it's clear the issue is more important to one of us in particular. Sometimes it's just rearranging things.


That’s exactly what I did while engaged to my fiancé, and we continue to discuss issues when they arise as a married couple. But at the end of the day, if in some rare circumstance we don’t come to an agreement about what is acceptable in a given situation, one of us is the leader who has to make the final say, and that’s me.   I try to never abuse this authority and such decisions aren’t rashly made without considering my wife’s best interest. It is natural for men to be leaders of their family, so I hope you won’t permanently dismiss this as a useless framework in marriage. One day, especially if you have children, you may find there’s something you and your lady are each not willing to bend on. May the lack of a final single authority not doom your relationship in such a circumstance.


Say it again for the people in the back.