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why is there never an unpopular opinion here


They’re posted to this sub, they just usually get downvoted because they’re actually unpopular


Some guy a couple weeks ago was vehemently defending the middle seat on an airplane as a premium choice, so while rare, it does happen


You should have looked at the early comments, all opposing this opinion.


You realize the sub's not called "unpopolaronreddit" right? [1.5 out of 8 billion people in the world eat no meat and 95% of them would if they could](https://www.greatgreenwall.org/supplements/vegetarian-statistics/), that should tell you everything you need to know about the popularity of this opinion.


... Tell me you've never eaten good Indian or Mexican without telling me you've never eaten it. But also? Dude. Sheet pan, olive oil, spice blend of choice, veggies cut evenly and tossed in oil and blend. Toss that sucker in the oven for 20-40 min depending. Devour.


... tell me you've never cooked Indian or Mexican without telling me you've never cooked it. The whole point of the post was that veggie stuff is harder to cook. Making a curry from scratch or getting all the veggies and spices in the right amount is hard. Much harder than throwing some meat on a pan for 6 mins and cooking a side of rice


This guy gets it. You can make great veggie food, but you need to give all the bits proper TLC.. add even more time if you grind and toast the spices fresh. Meat is a lot more forgiving. You can bang out a decent steak with much less prep time…. Unless it’s my mum cooking who I assume learned to cook supplying local cobblers with base material.


Nah. - Salt - Pepper - Butter - insert vegetable Wrap in tin foil. Put on grill. Done. If you're feeling fancy, sprinkle lemon/garlic/rosemary/whatever


No, I was referring to the portion of the post where OP said the vegetarian dishes at the restaurants they went to were sad. If you can't find good vegetarian with those two cuisines, you're going to the wrong restaurants.


Oh yea, fair enough. Plenty of restaurant options. Home cooking is just hard to do right


Easiest thing in the world to do. You just season to taste.


Ethiopian food as well has some really good vegetarian dishes


This. And im not even a vegetarian. Making a simple sauce for a few days is easy too. And talk about the insane amount of creative ways you can prepare a potato...


What does how to cook roasted vegetables have to do with this though? Thats easy, that’s a great side, how are you replacing the steak or chicken breast or whatever with vegetarian option that’s as easy as dropping a steak on a grill or pan?


Portobello mushrooms, halloumi cheese, veggie burgers. Many traditionally vegetarian cuisines don't have the concept of a main and a side and they're honestly better for it.


But to do that well you need to season each vegetable in a way that compliments its flavor; if you just use ‘your favorite spice blend’ everything will have the same flavor and be boring. That’s the point OP is making; cooking a nice vegetarian meal requires a bit more forethought and planning to execute in a way that makes someone say ‘WOW!’ In the same way that they would when they get a nicely grilled burger or steak that just uses salt/pepper to bring out the hearty flavors. Further, it’s very very very easy to overcook a veggie and turn it into mush, which adds an additional layer of difficulty compared to a steak/burger/meat which takes longer to cook, and as a consequence has a longer ‘good zone’ where it’s cooked but not overdone.


No. Fuck no. I will eat vegetarian dishes all day long, but that shit right there is the equivalent of pulling a slice of bologna out and calling it a meal.


Oh, I'm not saying it's a dish! Just that roasting veggies takes even less effort than grilling meat.


That's a side for a Steak dinner.


I mean, that sounds like a pretty lame meat dish. Just cooking some steak or chicken with salt and pepper is pretty rough.


If I had to try a chicken only seasoned with salt and pepper I would kindly kill myself.


Like??? Poorly seasoned chicken is 🤢🤢


Worse, when someone brines the chicken, and it tastes like sea water.


what are you eating? chicken boiled in salt water? meat is often cured or marinated in a brine. it's usually beneficial. a dry brine gives an excellent crust and flavour. you people been to learn to cook more than Kraft mac n cheese and hamburger helper


The key here was "someone". Someone fed them disgusting chicken.


You haven’t had a properly seasoned and cooked chicken homie


Counterpoint: Carbs. Vegetarian doesn’t mean healthy. If you mean specifically vegetarian dishes made to be healthy and that involve predominantly vegetables, then yes, absolutely harder than meat dishes. But being vegetarian doesn’t automatically mean every meal must be healthy


Mozzarella sticks are vegetarian and are definitely not healthy


I wanted to contest this based on eggs being used in the breading of most fried foods but google says eggs are vegetarian….is that true? Eating the unfertalized egg that could been a chicken is cool with vegetarians? Seems a little arbitrary


Yeah they’re vegetarian because they’re animal products, not live animals


I know a good number of vegetarians who don't consider eggs vegetarian, but they are also vegetarians for religious reasons.


Fair point, I forgot about that! There’s also lacto-vegetarians (I think) that don’t drink milk


your average grocery store egg is not fertilized. It had no chance of becoming an animal and was never alive. It is not an animal, there is no meat involved. Chickens will lay eggs whether or not they are fertilized. Vegans don't eat eggs, vegetarians do.


I mean meat dishes are absolutely not healthy. When you have average meat dish and average vegetarian dish, the vegetarian will be healthier just because it doesn't have meat.


>I mean meat dishes are absolutely not healthy. That just isn't true. >the vegetarian will be healthier just because it doesn't have meat. Grilled salmon is going to be so much healthier for you than potatoes au gratin for example. Sashimi will be healthier than onion rings.




Cooking a nice veggie stir fry is definitely more complicated than slapping a steak on the grill. each different vegetable cooks at a different pace, if someone were to just throw them all in a pan at once the softer/thinner veg would be mush by the time the harder veg are reaching a nice al dente consistency


Each different cut and source of meat cooks at a different pace...


Ok? That’s not really applicable in most meals outside of like a roast turkey, it’s not like you cook dinner and one person gets a fillet, one gets a burger, and one gets a pork chop.


The lack of self-awareness dude...


You're both right


I cook both meat and vegetarian dishes and think you just don't know how to cook.


You cook a steak with salt pepper and some garlic powder with a side of fries and you have a meal every meat eater finds tasty. Never ever you can go that low effort with vegetarian diet.


Nah. - Salt - Pepper - Butter - insert vegetable, e.g. green beans, peppers, onions, mushrooms, potato Wrap in tin foil. Put on grill. Done. If you're feeling fancy, sprinkle lemon/garlic/rosemary/whatever


That's nowhere near as good as a steak.


The criteria was to make the food not taste bland, it wasn't to make it taste better than the other. It's just as easy to make many vegetables taste good as it is for meat. Salt, pepper, and some fat is about it. Grilled veggies are the easiest example because the prep is fairly comparable to the kind of prep you might do with meat.


Yep, fair enough. I should've read the OP better.


Source: “the limited restaurants I’ve tried in god knows where, stopped me from becoming vegetarian… I tried though.” Also: “I can’t cook outside of salt and pepper”. But then: “meat juice”.


what is your actual point though. just randomly quoting the post?


Yeah she didn't site any sources or reputable professionals from who she got her opinion from, where are the facts to this opinion? No I'm just fucking with you, literally she's just posting an opinion and you're looking for any excuse to belittle people, if anything she's complimenting vegetarians. Ffs


Fat and spices my dude. Veggies are almost impossible to ruin. You have to be pretty skilled to fail cooking, idk, cauliflower. Meat on the other hand... Do you really enjoy chicken breast with nothing but salt and pepper? Do you really know how to cook the meat so it's not dry af? Do you actually follow food safety rules?


I've been a vegetarian for 20 years and actually agree with this. Especially when dining out. A lot of restaurants just put more effort into their meat dishes and they just slap some boring thing on the side without meat for the vegetarian option. Vegetarian dishes can be amazing if you actually take the time to pair flavours, use the right spices, cook things the right way etc. But many places just have the bare minimum of "it doesn't have meatn and has vegetables so it will be fine" then serve these boring ass bland vegetarian dishes. I think it is easier to make a meat dish taste good with lower effort. But you need a bit more effort for vegetarian dishes and sadly some eateries don't put that effort in.


half of the time restaurants just throw soggy salad on the menu and call it their vegetarian option. I don't actually think it's \*hard\* to make vegetarian food taste good, I just think that if no one involved in the production/menu decision cares, they don't really care/think about it because they wouldn't order it anyway.


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I totally agree. I actually became a "good cook" when I switched to being largely vegetarian. I was making new recipes 2 or 3 times a week for a year or so to build up a repertoire of good dinner recipes I can regularly make (for me personally: relatively cheap, healthy, tasty, MAX 1h to make).


As somebody who was strict vegetarian for a couple of years, I promise you this is in fact one of the *most* popular opinions.


So as a chef, the answer is it depends. Obviously if you are comparing going to the store buying a steak, seasoning it and grilling it vs making a nice veggie stir fry, then sure. But, if you plan on actually cooking something like a steak and kidney pie than absolutely not. I don’t buy butchered chickens, I buy them whole cause it’s way cheaper for me to take one down at home, that’s much harder to do than clean cauliflower or peel some carrots. So it really depends on how what dish you want to cook


Neither unpopular nor informed


Veggies are also good with salt pepper and oil? Roasted broccoli or carrots or brussels etc with oil salt and pepper on a sheet pan are delicious and super easy.


I've been trending more and more vegan and it does require more skill and more work IMO but I've been having so much fun in the kitchen lately. I hated the sensory and mess experience of preparing meat and fish. I've been eating well and enjoy creating things more this way.


The problem I have with some vegetarian dishes is that they don’t make me feel full the way a dish with meat does. Fried rice, while is absolutely excellent, doesn’t satisfy like fried rice with chicken. I feel like it has something to do with the saturated fats because both would have egg in it.


It depends on the setup of your kitchen, your ingredients, and your go-to seasonings. I can pull vegetables out of the fridge with no pre-planning, wash them then and there, and make something okay. But for meat, I have to think ahead to defrost it. If it's not a solid hunk of muscle, I have to spend time cutting out the unwanted bits and it's super messy. Some meat or fish are smelly and can't just take simple salt and pepper, and need more complicated seasonings to get rid of the smell, whereas fresh veggies aren't stinky.


I’ve done both. I’d say it’s about even. If you’re doing nothing more than salt and pepper your meat probably isn’t very good lol


That's generally because you don't need to try to fool someone into thinking meat is something it isn't. Nobody is trying to pass beef off as some kind of vegetable dish.


Retired chef here. Just like cheap meat, cheap veggies are bland. I religiously don’t waste my money on Walmart steak even prime, since the marbling is complete ass compared to a local butcher’s choice grade. There are crops that are grown for flavor, a farm to table broccoli for example has sweetness to it. High quality veggies just need salt, pepper and oil then tossed into the oven. The restaurant Blue Hill takes this to the extreme where they present super tiny vegetable absolutely packed with flavor, and they plate it with pretty much nothing but salt. Of course, if budget is a concern then I can’t blame you on your opinion on vegetable cooking.


I mean, they aren't constantly trying to make meat taste like veggies, so this seems like an obvious popular opinion.


Disagree, cooking good veggie dishes is actually way fucking easier. Do you not like spices and sauces? It's literally as easy as cooking to the consistency you want in any medium Not much different than meat, but you have to worry about undercooking meat


I actually agree cuz I’ve been trying to make both: non vegetarian and vegetarian foods. And my goal is to make sure same dish would taste and smell and look as close as possible for both versions. Even with all the substitutes,there are still some problems like texture or flavour,…but a pure vegetarian dish (without mimic a non vegetarian dish) isn’t hard to cook but will make me feel bored fast.


I swear, I've never had a thread actually make it past the mods in this sub due to their absurdly narrow definition of "unpopular" (my last attempt, where I said the Sphere is not a good concert venue, was removed for being an r/self style post, whatever the hell that means). Yet I see threads like this regularly that aren't even unpopular opinions at all. The quality of this sub is piss-poor. Who the HELL says that good vegetarian dishes are easier to cook? Meat is like a cheat code for satiety and flavor.


I’ve also had so many removed for being “low effort” or something else dumb (they never tell me exactly how I broke the rules). But yeah, I didn’t think anyone thought this. Most vegetarians aren’t doing it because it tastes better than meat or is easier. They have plenty of other valid reasons that are enough to overcome the challenges for them


How is this unpopular? If vegetarian food could easily taste as good as meat a lot more people would be vegetarian, meat is expensive. You don't need any fancy sauce to make a steak taste good. You just put it on the grill for a minute and it's delicious as is.


I mean, how hard is it really to just cook veggies in a pan and season them?


Sounds like you just suck at cooking. Also, this is definitely not unpopular.


Vegetables are not hard to cook. You can literally throw some salt, pepper, and light oil on them....put them in the oven for 15 minutes....and BAM, delicious.


And that’s an equivalent dish to eating a meal based around a meat entree like steak/pork chop/chicken breast or not at all? They didn’t say cooking vegetables, they said cooking vegetarian.


We have very different definitions of delicious. What you described sounds... Fine, not delicious.


Are you me, making zucchini for the 6th time this month? I love zucchini in the oven because it tastes good and a brainless non-cook can’t screw that up


Make sure you eat it when it’s super hot….because the second cooked zuch gets below ‘warm’ it turns into nastiness lol


Yeah, vegetables on average take more time to prepare. Some of them need to be prepare in a specific way to remove the poison.


Just curious, 11 years in the industry. Which vegetable expertise are needed to remove the poison?


The poison??? What vegetables are you eating?


But then the rest of the time you just instinctively cook it.


Meat with only salt and pepper is also bland. It’s just bland meat instead of bland veggies. Poorly seasoned chicken or pork is one of the worst things I’ve ever eaten. And not to mention the added safety hazard of undercooked meat and/or the jaw workout that comes with eating overcooked meat.


You probably just suck at cooking and have bad eating habits.


That generally falls to the cook. I mean I can boil some cabbage and potatoes together with salt and pepper and it'll be good, I can fry some eggplant and dip it in vinegar and that is good. It depends on what you as an individual require to enjoy your food. Personally I hate seasoning on my steak, but have to have seasons on pork. I spent years cooking, never once got a complaint about veggies, even tofu which I honestly don't think I should be cooking, but people will bitch about like crazy, chicken parmesan was the worst, do you know how many people think the red tomato juice (watery parts not the chunks) is blood. I always thought veggies were so much easier to cook, people are just happy as long as it tastes good, but meat is expected to pass through scrutiny and paranoia. You ever have a person complaining that their fish is flaky, or that they had a chicken sandwich at McDonald's and that I'm doing it wrong because McDonald's doesn't do it the same way. I love cooking veggies, fried, smoked or boiled way better than cooking meat at least from my perspective.


Dude get a recipe book if you can't manage it yourself, there's over a billion vegetarian people on the planet.... They manage just fine....


Cooking with stuff you’re familiar with will always be easier. My partner is a vegetarian and is a wonderful cook, she could as easily say cooking with meat is much harder, because she never does. She wouldn’t of course, because she doesn’t have marmite for brains.


More of an uneducated, ignorant and can't cook opinion lmao


Well definitely not true, historically meat has been harder to get so people have worked hard to make vegetarian dishes tasty because that’s all they had