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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 1: Your post must be an unpopular opinion'. * Your post must be an opinion. Not a question. Not a showerthought. Not a rant. Not a proposal. Not a fact. An opinion. One opinion. A subjective statement about your position on some topic. Please have a clear, self contained opinion as your post title, and use the text field to elaborate and expand on why you think/feel this way. * Your opinion must be unpopular. The mods reserve the right to remove opinions * Elaborate on your topic and opinion give context to its unpopularity.


I gave you an upvote simply because both title and body of this post are unhinged in so many ways


I don't like soccer but the post made me think about reconsidering.


Apparently you just have to commit a crime and it's all good


the amount of power OP would hold if he posted this on like a european subspace on twitter. it would very well start WW3


LMAO Thanks




Being incarcerated with Mexicans makes most things ok.


Except the anal rape.  That’s still not okay.


LMAO rape is 10 times more common in prison fucking hilarious


What’s funny about that




Just make sure you don’t drop the soap


Aye fucking carumba with this


Do the Bartman!




Carajo does not mean penis. Carajo is like saying something far. In fact, “carajo” literally is the top part of a boat’s mast where the watcher is located. So telling someone to “go to” el carajo, means to go far or f-off.




I’ve always found this take from Americans interesting, because then they’ll watch the NFL, which is 60 minutes of actual game, that takes place over 3-4 hours because of the amount of adverts and stopping because of flags, and say that ain’t boring? (I’m also an NFL fan before anyone goes off lol) Don’t get me started with baseball 😂


60 minutes of actual game? I’ve read it’s more like 12 minutes lol


True lol, wasting the clock is one of the tactics which as a viewer is just boring as hell. Meanwhile the euros has been fantastically entertaining so far.


60 seconds left, no timeouts remaining, this could be a frantic finish! Oh wait, some dude knelt down 3 times and now the match has finished


I mean there’s plenty of examples of teams driving down the field when they are down in that situation. There’s no reason to if the leading team has possession though. It’s almost the same thing as a team parking the bus in the last five minutes.


what do you want them to do


They waste time in soccer all the time as well


FIFA has now changed in at least the EPL, if teams are intentionally flopping to waste time, every second is added onto extra time at the end, earlier there’s been as much as 15 minutes added on at the end to account for players intentionally wasting time. As a result, the time wasting has significantly decreased.


I mean just passing the ball back and forth and playing keep away with no intention of scoring or trying to


Most football games end within 2 hours as a 9 minute game including the ads. You're only missing about 5-10 minutes from time wasting normally


I was talking about team strategy and tactics wasting time with minimum actions


The EPL: try it and see what happens.


I have tried it just can’t get into it


Nah I meant about time-wasting


15 minute quarters


Yes, but the clock doesn't stop with each play, it continues. So the actual "action" of a football game is around 15-20 minutes. It's an advertiser's wet dream.


This is like saying chess is 60 seconds of actual game


You are 100%. It’s about 12mins of actual gameplay. The rest is commercials and replays.


What I like about baseball is that it provides ample opportunity catch up on your sleep. This is doubly true for the spectators.


Baseball is fun to see in person, otherwise holy shit is it boring


even in person. I give it a go every few years but still end with same result. Glad tickets are free otherwise hell no.


It’s fun for exactly one inning.


My local team is the Brewers and I’m usually getting shit faced. That’s makes it fun


Yeah well mine is the Pirates so…..


So it’s war


It’s also only fun if you know the lore of at least one of the teams playing imo


Baseball is the leader by a massive margin in number of times fans in the stands fall asleep


I love baseball....but i can't watch a baseball game i just can't, for starters they pass here in europe unreasonably late unless the yankees play at home on a afternoon game, then it is 3 hours of nothing with a stop every few minutes because someone sneezed, inning end ads, game resumes, pitch is thrown pitcher change...more ads it is just so dull!!! I watch hilights xD


Yeah Ive kinda come to the conclusion, its *allll* boring if you are expecting or only looking for one aspect to appreciate. And they all *DO* have their boring games or aspects. But as someone who enjoys them all, Ive hollered and screamed in excitement at each, and I’ve turned them off too.


And basketball where you'll see a whistle blown because a bigger guy was somehow thrown off his feet by someone 20kg lighter.


I don't get how it's only 48 minutes. Not that I could stand another 12 minutes of it. But it's got to be the shortest amount of play time of any sport with a clock. And the whistles and the timeouts and the buzzer. Tedium.


I like the "score" argument, american footbal has more score, then i watch a game, fall asleep midway through, and in the end the score was like 3-2 but is inflated to 27-18...




For me it's the suspense of the game I guess, every play is crucial but yeah the amount of commercials is annoying as fuck. And soccer imo is pretty fun to play but I could never watch a soccer game because it gets boring watching players kick a ball for 90 mins just for it end like 1-0 Or maybe it's just cause I'm American lol.


How is a soccer game that ends 3-2 any different from an NFL game that ends 21-14? The Steelers scored 3 touchdowns and the Broncos scored 2. It’s the exact same score line.


Why does the size of the number correlate to the enjoyment though? Basketball game scores run up into the dozens, but each net feels relatively inconsequential as a result. There’s far more drama in ‘soccer’ where games can be decided by a single point scored. Although, there are few sights in sport more dramatic than a fingertip catch for a touchdown — I’ll give the yanks that. Condense an NFL game down into 10 minutes of highlights and it’s the most exciting game on earth. But I remember me and my mates tried to watch the Super Bowl one year and it was just so frustrating watching nothing happen for literal hours just for that one payoff of adrenaline every now and then. I’d love to go see a game live, with all the drinking and sideshows. But on TV it feels like background watching material more than anything.


This is even funnier once you realize most NFL games are like 2-2 or 3-2 in terms of actual scoring. Just cos a score counts for 6/8 doesn't change the fundamental nature of the event. 


>But on TV it feels like background watching material more than anything This is really the best way to watch it imo. I'm British so only started watching the last few years and didn't really understand the appeal before that. Once I came to terms with the fact I wasn't actually supposed to be glued to the TV the whole time and it was more something to have on in the background while chilling with friends, it became a lot more enjoyable Go to someone's house/a nice venue that has it on and just drink, eat and chat with each other while occasionally tuning in when shit is happening


Maybe get incarcerated and you'll get into baseball


American here... With ADHD. I don't like soccer, American football, baseball or most sports. I appreciate soccer but it's too slow for me to bother watching. I used to watch hockey a lot. Outside of commercials it generally moves at a fast pace. Basketball can be good but I haven't watched in forever and ever. Playing the clock at the end sucks hard. I know that's common in college, idk about the NBA.


Baseball is definitely one of the most boring sports


I can say the same for baseball and American football. We all love sports that others think are boring.


Baseball is its own category of boring, triggers *almost* the same brain cells for me when I watch golf. Going to the games is fun though, just the classic night out of eating baseball junk food and hanging out with friends - sometimes fireworks. I never know what’s actually going on during the game.


All sports for me, at least on tv. Love going to games though


Can you say that about hockey though? Hockey objectively has an excellent pace. Basketball too


What were you incarcerated for


hating on football


This is maybe the single greatest reddit post ever.


You were watching World Cup soccer with a bunch of Mexicans in prison and you were bored? Must have spent most of the time in the showers


I’m your typical American that didn’t grow up watching soccer except for the World Cup (and still not caring more that “Go Murrica! Oh, they didn’t win? Ok, moving on now”), but in college I had a friend that was a massive soccer fan that explained the game and the tactics to me, and now I love it as much as American football. Of course there are boring soccer games, but there are plenty of boring football games too. Did you watch Iowa last year?


I thought the same when I was a kid . As I became an adult , I started getting hooked little by little It’s actually a fun sport to follow especially given that there’s so much variety (La Liga, Premier League, Champions League, Euro, copa america, World Cup, etc) Soccer/football fan bases is next level


if it helps, football is about the tension in the game which can explode any time. one mistake and a team scores a goal. i understand if you find it boring tho


I read it like- incarnated as The Mexicans


I read incinerated


Oh yeah you seem like you know what’s good and what’s bad




This is not an unpopular opinion in the US. For the rest of the world, yeah. But most of the US agrees with this.


I both disagree and find you opinion to be quite unpopular. Therefore, I've upvoted your post as the rules of this sub indicate I should.


this post is hilarious 😭 i completely agree though


Soccer matches can be boring, I'm not a huge fan myself. But I also find many other sports boring too. Basketball is probably less boring, in the sense that there's always something happening. At the same time when they are not boring and you care, soccer matches can be really exciting, there is a dynamic in excitement in soccer and that's part of the allure of the game.


This is so unconvincing that I’m now willing to watch more soccer


Truth. Soccer/futbol is a mid tier sport *at best*, both to play and watch. It's just not fun or entertaining, and just like in basketball they ham up injuries to such an absurd degree when it's obvious nothing happened that I can't take it seriously as a sport. When that happens in American Football, which is far less often than basketball or soccer/futbol, the players are shit on for being a faker, and it seems the discouragement works well enough to actually prevent players from trying to abuse the rules to cheat and get an unfair advantage in the game. Like, how the fuck is faking injuries to help your team win unfairly and unjustly *fun*? How is it sporting? Where is the challenge? What's the point of even *playing* if you can't win standing on your own merits alone? The fact it happens so often just leaves a sour taste in my mouth.


I think you’re on the wrong sub. This is UNPOPULAR opinions.


Maybe if soccer involved some incendiary devices or weapons, that would up the excitement level. Give 'em guns to Americanize it. I would watch the shit out of that.


Many dedicated fans actually bring their own incendiary devices to European football games.


I used to love watching soccer (Still do to this day). My absolute only issue with it, are the games locked behind streaming services. For example, "Oh you want to watch the premier league? Well you are going to need peacock. If you don't have Peacock the only way to watch it is via a TV subscription just so you can get NBCSN". Its the literal worst. Last I checked the German League was behind ESPN+ and even then for some games you needed a TV service provider to even watch the best games. Then you have paramount+ that just hogs the international games for the most part or last I checked Serie A which is the Italian league. Lastly, some of the leagues are on FS1 and FS2 as well with no streaming options. It gets ridiculous when you want to follow a league and for a non cable person for anything I don't get on my OTA I don't really watch. All of this has honestly made me stop watching soccer and some sports in general. I just am not going to pay 60ish bucks a month just for a TV streaming service that I only use on the weekends.


Americans don’t understand real football.


I think with most sport, when ita good ita great, but if ita average it can be a chore. The fact the world cup and euros have both been extended has added a conplacent attitude to the groip stages where before it was much more cut throaght.


That's good to know! I'm following the Euros for the first time this year, and was wondering if the games were going to get better.


Fun to play boring to watch, just like basketball. I used to love watching football but it's not the same, especially since I'm a chiefs fan.


Yep. Also hate it.


Not enough ads for ya?




I watch soccer and NFL, it’s hard to watch the NFL after watching soccer just given all the commercials


That’s ok. I find baseball super boring. But I love futbol (soccer). But Im Argentinean so that’s almost a given. To each their own. Golf is also incredibly boring to watch, yet many people enjoy it and Im glad they do.


All of Europe is about to dogpile onto your post. ⚽️


Yea I see they're here already lol


Bro what, homie was incarcerated by Mexicans just for them to force him to watch the World Cup


Take my down vote as I agree. Nothing is more boring than soccer.


It's not an unpopular opinion from people that call it "soccer."


Tbf,every sport are boring when u not know enough about them but once u know thing like Tactical Gameplan or how he play, it's different thing.Learn about shape in Position like Volante,Box to Box or Inside Forward u will see how fun of Football(Soccer)


Exactly this is how I feel when people say baseball is boring too. I don't really understand soccer well so I don't personally find it very entertaining but when I watch with my dad who does know way more its far more interesting cause I know whats going on


Yanks don't like sports which scores are only single digits. "Super Sacramento Warriors 1067 - Mega Minnesota Mudmen - 1385"


The Super Sacramento Warriors score and now it’s 1754-1385


Are y'all putting scores or years? 😭😭




Baseball and hockey. 


Soccer fan here, People that don’t like it ridicule it for low scoring. While this is true, they fail to realize there’s constant tension of a possible goal throughout most of the game. This is what makes the game good. Also, a goal is exciting and means something when they don’t happen often.


The obviously faked injury’s ruin it for me! As an American I wish rugby was popular in North America, that the best mix of American Football and soccer.


Rugby matches can be terrible too if you aren't interested.


I still don't get why Americans have such weird sports takes


Yeah it’s pretty much 90 minutes of passing


Take the ball pass the ball


He holds it. Holds it! HOLDS IT!!!


No shit Sherlock they need to pass the ball to get a chance to shoot


Definitely a snooze fest of a sport 😴


It’s not boring you just don’t understand it.


As someone who used to be a big soccer fan and played for years this is just incorrect.


I’ve seen tons of Americans love the game. Outside of international competition. It’s my favorite and I can’t get into basketball. I will say when both teams are shite and aren’t doing anything to try to score it can be boring.


You just haven't seen THE match to get it


He did, im assuming he saw the World Cup final. It is said to be one of the best games of the century.


If something exciting happens in a soccer game, it’s usually called back because of offsides.


I'm an American and I grew up playing organized baseball and a little organized american football. Never played organized soccer, though, but we did play informal games during recess, etc., and I have subbed a few times as an adult (when a team was super desperate because I suck). Nowadays, my opinion of soccer is very similar to my opinion of baseball. Fun to play, boring as hell to watch, *unless* there is a lot at stake, esp. if you're watching with a large group of enthusiastic fans, but I enjoy watching highlights.


I can't watch for five minutes without wanting to leap up from my chair and holler, "Will one of you pick up the dammed ball?"


as a massive football (soccer) fan, I upvote because this is truly an unpopular opinion... I agree that football could be boring if you dont really understand the game


As a brit who understands a bit of football (had uni friends who would explain every single rule when I didn't know it). It's still boring to watch. Still fun to play, but 90+ mins with little events of point scoring makes it very hard to focus. Penalties have fun tension but other than that it's 2 potential goals in an hour and a half. Compared to tennis, which is much longer but a point is scored every few minutes or competition bouldering which is played against the clock so is tense all the time or formula 1 where each corner could be a huge disaster, football is jus lt not much stuff


Congratulations you have an unpopular opinion


Thank you 🙏🏿


LOL that you post this right before two super late thrilling stoppage time goals in the Euros today


You can't have an opinion about football as long as you call it soccer. Go watch some handegg.


hey that’s very rude of you to aussies i’ll let you know rugby is the best


I agree. I'm a US expat living in The Netherlands and have been invited to watch soccer matches in pubs. Found them excruciatingly boring and was dying for the matches to end so I could go home. Never got the appeal of soccer. Not saying it's a bad sport, it's just not for me.


So boring lol


I think it's super boring as well, plus the fact you can run next to someone and fall down then everyone starts again and 10min later continue the game is annoying, don't get me wrong I watch it with my father in law and I've been to about 5 MLS games, it's a lot more exciting in person but in my opinion it's boring, it doesn't help everyone that loves soccer acts like soccer players are gods and are the best athletes around which I just don't think is true. Again, all of this is my opinion, and from my own experience, it is fun to watch live. I just need to reiterate that. It's just not my sport.


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A lot of matches are a drag to watch but some are intense. The 90 minutes runtime is a downer but also a bonus at times




I saw*


I thought so at first then started coaching it lol


Bro of course if you want america to win it would be boring watching america is torture and suicide inducing


It’s more about the whole culture of following your team than the actual entertainment half the time, outside the US at least. My team can be shite but you still follow them everywhere, it’s a way of life


i could understand you if you were forced to see only mexico matches


The real question is what is more boring? Baseball or soccer/futboll?


I like football but can definetly see why others find it boring, you have my upvote


Cant stand the constant fucking diving and moaning.


All team sports are boring to watch


Let me guess you watch NFL and NBA


No just NFL that's it.


I watch them all but all big sports can be very boring. MLB - Just catch almost any middle of the summer game. NFL - Have your pick of any TNF game of this past season. Unbearable. NBA - Anything pre-ASG is just boring with defense. Soccer definitely can have some snoozers but there a lot of great games. Right now with the Euro’s, I can see how one can find a group stage match boring but once you get into knockout stages it’s a whole different thing. Even during the club season there’s going to be some stinkers with 38 match days a season. Also if you missed out on the previous WC final, then that’s just a major loss on your part. It was a great game, and my hate for Argentina really fuels the excitement.


Were you spitroasted by Latin Kings?


Wanted America to win 😂😂😂😂


Go to a game.




Soccer (We call it football in England) is boring as hell to me, its far to uneventful.


TV can be brutal, but being there in person is a vastly different experience. My brother in law took my son to the FC Cincinnati/Philadelphia match this week with his extra ticket. Check youtube for the highlights - that game was delirium and I was so jealous I wasn't there. You do feel cheated tho going to a match that ends in a tie.


That's uh, quite the body text. I agree regardless... It's an extremely boring sport.  Still beats football, at least soccer players don't have to stop every 5 seconds to re-line up like an elementary school training session


Much more entertaining than baseball and American football (that are weird). The first and most significant - soccer is fluent. The American games mentioned above are about one shoot, one throw and then everything stops. After what could be a long break, it starts again, only to be halted after less than a min. For me, is the epitome of boring. Only Golf is in the same category. In contrast soccer is fluent, the ball goes back and forth and changes sides from one team to the other. Other fun to watch fluent games: basketball, volleyball, ice hockey, handball, Lacrosse.


I share this thought for the most part. It can be boring to watch I think part of the reason some sports fans particularly dislike watching soccer is because MOST of the time the camera view is from very far away. Which is kind of unavoidable with how far the ball travels. Professional soccer players are insanely skilled, but it is difficult to notice or appreciate what they are doing because the camera view is too far




well, america did win. the winner was argentina, which is in america, which is a continent.


I think most sports where you’re a neutral fan aren’t that exciting. If you’re from a football country, it’s very exciting watching your team/country compete.


I can see that but honestly every sport can be boring if you are not into it. NBA is just back and forth then foul and free throws, NFL has too many stoppages then commercials, baseball is so slow. I can go on about every sport.


Not an unpopular opinion. I wholeheartedly agree. Can’t stand it.


Give me that Blernsball and i will be happy!


Howdy y’all, yank here. Soccerball is boring, okay? I mean USA didn’t even win the world championship over The Argetinian Wildcats. Anyways next year we will win those championship rings, over and out.


You should go back to prison with that kind of opinion




1st it's called Football 2nd not as boring as Handegg


American HandEgg is fucking bonkers. Tried to watch a Super Bowl once and felt like my attention span was being insulted. Totally unwatchable.


That's how I feel about soccer, I can fall asleep for 47 minutes and nothing happens, can't say the same thing about football


47 minutes worth of football happens in 47 minutes, sorry if you don’t understand it.


The more you watch a sport, the more you understand it, the more you enjoy it.


⚽ football


Soccer is popular because it's accessible, not because it's the "best sport"; you literally just need a ball and some space.


Americans really need to improve their public schooling system.


i was like you when i started watching Football (it's football not soccer hehe) it was boring at first but once you start watch a lot of it and start love a team and support it, it will be fun


It's not my favorite sport but it gets more interesting the more you know about it


I’m glad soccer made being incarcerated in Mexico more bearable?


As the most popular sport in the world, this might just be the most unpopular opinion, thus winning the sub-reddit!