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Shokz bone conduction headphones are where it’s at: one single unit, hard to lose, sits nice on my ears, and can hear ambient noises for riding/running on road.


Hard agree (on bone conduction headphones). I’ve tried dozens of designs of earbuds and find them all (physically) painful to wear.


I wonder what they're like for people with hearing issues? The tiny bones in my ear have started to separate so sound doesn't travel as well.


I don’t have the tiny bones (ossicles) in one of my ears. Bone conduction seems to work pretty well.


At all? they should definitely work for me then lol


Yup, all gone. And I can still hear on that side (50% without my hearing aid)


I think it vibrates through like, all rhe bones. Not just the ones in your ears so it should travel past whatever disconnect through the sides of your head


I’ve had this same issue with earbuds hurting my ears cuz I have small ear canals but my dad bought new earbuds for me for my 21st birthday and omg they actually fit in my ears and doesn’t make it hurt. I can finally wear earbuds comfortably!!


Sound quality is lesser That being said I’m also a shokz guy because I really dislike earbuds. They work great when you need to use hearing protection too.


It is, but if you are primarily a podcast or audiobook person I think the convenience massively outweighs this.


Only issue is that your music sounds like shit. I really like the concept but don’t like hearing my tunes on what sounds like a tin can underwater


I love my Shokz, but will agree that music sound quality is indeed shit. I wear them all day for work meetings and for podcasts when I'm out and they're perfect for both of those. You don't even notice you're wearing them after 5 minutes.


I’ll be honest I don’t find the sound quality that bad, and I think their pros outweigh the cons especially for endurance athletes


They also bleed horribly, so hope you like others also hearing it


If you take them off you can only hear when they’re above 70% volume. Which is to loud in many practical uses.


Cheaper ones bleed horribly.


Weird. My husband had them on and I didn’t hear a single thing until he cranked it to pretty much max volume. And I couldn’t actually make out what was being said.


They’re my favourite as well. Charge fast, last a whole day, and I haven’t lost them yet. Not fantastic for music, but I mostly listen to podcasts anyway.


Are they good for small ears? I have small ears and every earbud falls out or hurts my ears.


Yea I’d imagine they’re great for that then, they go over your ears and conduct thru the bone right in front of your ears


I have something for you! I have issues with earbuds staying snug in my ears and then needed surgery on one of them that made it malformed enough that it would actively push it out. Get some Comply Foam Ear Tips or similar depending on your earbuds. I wish I would have found them sooner!


They have a smaller size band one that should fit decently. The way they wrap around your ears should allow them to sit without hurting and you don't have to worry about them falling out.


my main problem with those, that loudness and quality of sound drops drastically when I'm opening my mouth - like during eating and chewing, or "simulating" a singer ;)


I found some in a 2nd hand store once and got them on a whim without any research and god damn they are amazing. Sound quality is good enough, and they got me through my time in retail.


I read “earbuds with neckbeards”




Not for me. I find the earbuds with the neckband is way less convenient for workouts and jogging. If I am bench pressing the extra wire hangs down and pulls the buds out of my ears. Same with jogging, having the extra wire dangling is a pain in the ass. I do still have a pair of Sony's with the wire which are my backup. I love them and still use them for other things. ( mowing the grass, talking on the phone etc.


Exactly. It does not matter what I do, if there is a wire on my ear buds in any way, it will 100% come out when I'm working out in some way or another.


I admit - the wired ones don't stay in my ears as well as non-wired. I think the little bit of weight from the wire is enough to pull them out.


i have the opposite problem. I can't keep wireless headphones in for the life of me for some reason


I have never lost an earbud since I got my first pair in 2018. I can only use one or I can use the "ambient mode". Have no wires is a fucking bliss.


By "extra wire" do you just mean the bit between ear and neck band?


It’s really annoying for me too bc I have long hair and it’s gets wrapped around it when I move so if I need to adjust my hair or pull it up then my earbuds get ripped off. Plus I don’t like the feel of them hanging around my neck, I typically only have one in for safety/work reasons so I’d much rather have to carry the case than feel it dangling. I had a pair of wired that wrapped around my neck and the cable started to crack and tear from using them one at a time. I hate the old fashioned wired ones too. Even as a teen I’d get so annoyed bc my front pockets have never been big enough for my phone so I have to use my back pocket and it was always snagging and rubbing against stuff. I have to lift, bend, squat, twist and carry bulk a lot for my job so wireless are truly the most convenient for my lifestyle. I hate dealing with cords. It’s nothing to do with trends it actually just works better for me.


Unpopular opinion, but I agree. I like Bluetooth with the wire in between. It’s very convenient to carry them with the wire over your neck, when not using them.


Exactly my preference as well. You need to talk to someone, take one out, let it hang, no danger of forgetting or misplacing it.


I’ve lost 2 pairs of wireless earbuds connected by wire. I swapped to unconnected earbuds and have never lost them. Don’t ask me how, I’m clearly an idiot, but I think I’m more careful with the unconnected ones, which ultimately means I’m less likely to lose them.


That was my thought, too, until I bought a pair of galaxy buds 2 pro. Ambient mode is fantastic, and if you start talking, they lower the music volume and turn up ambient volume. I don't have to drop whatever tool or material is in my hand and can have a full conversation. Game changer for me.


My buds of choice as well!


i fine the ones with the wire work there way to one side or the other then fall off. the sold collar i can put around my neck, and it will be there all day.


Counter: I can wear just one earbud if I want without having the other one out. I do this running a lot so I can still hear cars and bicyclists, but also the sweet, dulcet tones of the Sexier Deftones.


This also means it’s easy to lose just one earbud. If they are connected you either have both or none.


eh, I do the same thing and have never lost an earbud. Dropped, yes, but the great thing about only having one earbud in is that you'll IMMEDIATELY know if it's fallen out, so can look for it


Ive left just one earbud in pants pockets and run them through the washing machine.




Just keep them in the case, then it’s charging too. When power runs out on one, you’ve a fresh second side.


I did that too... and it worked after being washed and dried... 


And I definitely killed several pairs of wired headphones the same way when I was younger.


Just don't lose them. I don't understand this at all. Like, when you take it out of your ear, you put it in the case. Y'all really just be doing shit out here.


> Counter: I can wear just one earbud if I want without having the other one out You can do that with neckband earbuds too though. I had [these](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51zUWOgVNVL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg) and regularly just put one bud in, and tucked the other down the neck of my shirt if I was cycling etc.


They also make plenty of these where the earbuds are retractable, so one bud spends all its time nested into the band. For instance [all these LG ones](https://www.lg.com/us/neckbands)


Yes you can, I do it all the time.  Edit: sorry I misinterpreted what “neckband” meant as I am not familiar with this type of ear bud


Doing this means you’ll never hear the pan left/right in a song. If you’re gonna do this at least switch your phone audio to mono. It’s in accessibility settings


Mine do it automatically.


Probably 80% of the time I only have one earbud in.


Why do I need to drop them to listen when I can turn on active listening? I used to be on the same hill but have now been using true wireless headphones for 2 years. The case is not a downside but a benefit because it also charges the headphones. Instead of charging them every day, I charge maybe once per week.


The case for mine has wireless charging. So I just put them on the pad at night and never even have to think about charging.


This is the first time I've ever seen/heard the word neckband. I didn't even know these existed, they look like the harmonica ones. Honestly, I agree. I've never had wireless ear buds that didn't cut out now and then due to connection.


I'd much rather just.. put them away. And charge them.


Honestly, i feel apple is to blame for that partly because they wanted to sell people the idea "no more wires to untangle."


GUYS WE MADE THE PHONE THINNER DONT YOU GET IT, HAVE AN EXTRA DOMGLE TO BUY WE SAVED YOU 1MM OF POCKET SPACE I do not need my phone to be paper thin. I want to be able to use my phone, headphone jack included. I want to be able to use my phone as a phone and not a sheet to throw alpha particles through


If we’d continued on the trend of getting smaller and smaller parodied in [Zoolander](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLOZgDgw4YE), super thin would make sense. But if your phone is 6 inches plus a beefy case, what difference does a millimeter of width make?




Team neckband 4 life. Love my Beats Flex. My wireless earbuds dont leave the house cause I'm afraid of losing them


Upvoted because I truly believe this is unpopular


Loss is one concern about the wireless buds and having a neckband would be nice. As Im not one of those people that like to "present my conversation to the world" I still prefer the wired ones so if I do talk I can move the mic close to my mouth.


Wireless stuff definitely looks cooler, but the small ones always fall out of my ear. I can't wear non-wireless earbuds it's torture. Especially when skating. I used wireless ones, one fell down and of course I reacted too late and crushed it lol


I was resistant to the idea but I've really come to like the full wireless ones. I thought I'd lose them easily but it hasn't been a problem. I thought that they'd fall out more, but it turns out that the main reason my wired ones used to fall out was the wire.


Wired earbuds are more convenient than both. Don't have to charge them, can thread them under your shirt to keep them from swinging around everywhere. Also if you need to take them out for a sec, instead of removing them and holding them/sticking them in your pocket, you can just pull them out and they won't go anywhere because they'll rest on your shirt. Don't have to worry about the sound quality dropping as the battery gets low either. MUCH MUCH cheaper too. Harder to lose etc etc 🤣


Idc where I thread the wire, 100% chance of the ear buds coming out when I'm working out. That wire is still moving around and there's more stuff for gravity to pull on. Also, not really much cheaper these days. A decent wired earbuds costs like $20 if you want it to last more than like 2 months. You can get comparable wireless ones for like $30.


Placing the box on a charging pad once a week is somehow less convenient than having to deal with a wire? In what reality?


>Idc where I thread the wire, 100% chance of the ear buds coming out when I'm working out. I absolutely HATED that shit back before wireless buds were widespread. Nothing more annoying than having a wired earbud yanked out of your ear randomly during workouts, putting on/removing a back pack, getting tugged on/tangled with my lanyard/ID badge I have to wear at work, putting on a seat belt.... Once I tried the airpods pro during the pandemic, I knew could never go back. I ended up switching to the galaxy buds pro when I forgot all my shit on a back bumper of a car and it eventually got ran over, but I've surprisingly never lost a single bud and I'm notorious for always losing shit.


Nah I'm good. Fuck having to untangle headphones every time you want to put them in your bag or pocket. Never again


But you always need to have clothes with pockets large enough for your phone. I disliked the feeling of the wire under my clothes and if I left it out it would get tangled with door knobs and things like that and the earbuds would be yanked off my ears. Maybe it’s a slightly gendered issue, men are on average likelier to be flat shaped and have pockets that are large enough. I like wearing dressing in the summer, with large enough pockets but no real opportunity to hide the wire. I do have one very specific case for wired earbuds, Steamdeck gaming in public transport after one traumatic time when my Bluetooth earbuds unpaired and the everyone in the quiet car got to hear my game.


Well to argue with one of your points, with AirPod Pros and I’m sure tons of other wireless earbuds, I can just hold the touch sensor on them to go from noise canceling to transparency mode, allowing me to hear my surroundings without taking them out. As for the rest of your argument, I think it’s just a preference thing. I don’t want something resting on my neck all day. And if you do get tired of it on your neck, you’re now stuck holding it, or putting it in a bag. I mean at the end of the day, yeah, being able to just “drop out your earbuds” is nice, but pulling out a case from my pocket is close enough that it’s worth the trade off of not having something around my neck.


Diagreed. The neckband is uncomfortable when you turn your head to sides, and One earbud usually fall from the ear. Never more.


I actually switched from AirPods back to wired-in headphones for conference calls. I don’t have to ever charge them, don’t have to go through and reconnect them to Bluetooth if one stops working, the mic is located in a better position, and I don’t really have to worry about them getting lost. Since I direct connect them to a device, I don’t have to worry about them accidentally connecting to my phone when I’m trying to use them on my Mac and have to go through and reconfigure. I can still have one in (which I prefer) and let the other hang tucked into my shirt collar. So that’s not really an issue compared to true wireless. The only downsides are untangling and they’re not as convenient for working out since they’re kind of dangling out or you have to tuck them in your shirt which can impact range of motion for some things.


People hated AirPods when they first came out. Me included. Then I tried them and couldn't go back to wired headphones again


95% of the time I only use one earbud. So different use case but hard disagree. If I want to actually listen to stuff for real I'll use my over ears


I’ve had both. I hated the wired ones - I love the wireless ones. I’ll often only have one in at a time while I’m working so I can hear people or just to make sure I always have one charged. Plus, who wants that annoying cable hanging around the back of your neck all the time?


I have ears that just don't play well with wireless regardless of the bud size. The OG airpods were horrendous for me and I would take any wired headphone over them (and any decent ones over the latest models). Love bluetooth, but wires all day baby


Overear beats earbuds, due to not being so bad for your ears


When that neckband grips my neck and pulls when I turn my head. NOPE! true wireless are the only option for me.


Oh man, wait till you discover wired earbuds. They never go dead and they have a built in neckband.


See my last paragraph. Or do you mean something different?


Oop. My bad. I didn't see the last one. Personally, I've always loved wired earbuds. I still kind of think the removal of the audio jacks on the phones was a conspiracy to force people to buy the wireless.


yeah, exactly. I liked wired earbuds too, but where would I use them these days? My last one lives on my work laptop, until they remove the audio jacks from laptops too...


I hate wireless. Bought Apple's when they were new. Lasted about a week before I gave them to my kid and went back to wired.


what about wireless headsets? you can put them around your neck if you don't want to listen to it anymore


Nothing wrong with having your own preference. Where you’re wrong is assuming people only have a different preference from marketing. I used the connected buds for a while before wireless buds. The only advantage was that I could pop them out and hang them over my neck real quick instead of putting them in the case, but there are many more reasons I prefer wireless: The wire connecting the 2 buds weighs the buds down and drags them out of the ideal position in the ear. With wireless buds, I can wear one while charging the other so that they never both run out of battery. If I only wear one of the wired buds, the problem with the weight dragging down only gets worse, and the out-of-ear end flops around and can get caught in stuff, or even pose a hazard in certain environments like machine shops. The wire hanging behind the neck isn’t a good look aesthetically compared to just having something in your ears. If I’m listening to something while wearing hearing protection ear muffs, the wire gets between the muff and my skin, causing discomfort and breaking the seal so that more outside sound gets through


I haven't tried that kind. My earbuds have a rubber hook, so they don't fall out, though. I don't like wires


I like to wear 1 earbud a lot while I charge the other. The case also charges so it doesn't feel inconvenient to carry really. Even under my shirt, I swear wired ones will find a way to pull out when I'm running. A problem I don't have with wireless presumably because there's less shit being pulled down by gravity and moving around when I move.


My issue with wired headphones is new phones not having a dedicated port for it and not being able to walk away from the device while listening. Like I will have my computer set up in the kitchen on the table and be listening to a show (and semi watching) while cleaning the kitchen or I will be on a phone call and leave my phone in one room to charge while I do other things through the house. Wired headphones I can't do that with. I don't like connected Bluetooth earbuds because every time I let one just hang out, the other one gets pulled and eventually falls out. Most non connected ones can also be charged individually in the case as long as the case has a charge so they last longer than the connected ones.


If they had replaceable batteries and didn't seem to cut out every 100m I'd like them a lot more. My Audio Technica wireless earbuds sound fantastic, but they certainly are a little annoying


I agree but I’m still looking for a pair I like. Can you recommend one? I still use my Skullcandy Ink’d earbuds bc they’re the most comfortable for me.


Very true. I have all types though and switch between them depending on what I'm doing or going to do. For example, for my walks I'll use earbuds since neckbands will get sweaty and I find that uncomfortable. For long calls however, I use neckbands exclusively. When I want to listen to music at home, I use wireless headphones. When watching movies, or playing games I use wired models. I find the delay due to latency very irritating with wireless. For music it does not matter of course.


Absolutely false. Mine would always get pulled out of my ear with the weight of the band. They are the worst headphones I’ve used.


I agree, and because of that, I'm using my Platronics BackBeat FIT for years, handling then in hands is much better that small buds and additional case. sadly, battery life is garbage after those 7 years...


I like to wear earbuds in my workshop and not having any wire or string helps keep everything out of the way of my PPE. Fits with a respirator, glasses, hat, and over-the-ear ear protection.


I found a great pair of lost Bluetooth earphones (don’t worry, I tried to locate the owner) but had to stop wearing them for this exact reason. What’s the point if you’re always worried about knowing them out? I did buy a pair of second hand Powerbeats for running though since they have an over-ear hook. Unfortunately I have small ears so the hooks sort of float above them 😂


I can get up and walk to the other side of the room without carrying my device with me.


Its hard to judge on this opinion. I had earbuds without the nechband twice. I had them close to 2 weeks in total untill I lost/damaged them. Now I have a neckband which is absolutely amazing with more playtime. I am just not sure if I had the others long enough to judge


good post. I actually hear what you’re saying. Personally I’m not a fan of the neckband though


I like the ones that hook over the ear and have a neckband. Bluetooth to the device. Nothing else I've used stays firmly in place when I go running.


Mine just broke. And I was thinking if to buy neckband or pods I think I agree with you


I have had completely wired headphones and earbuds as well as Bluetooth earbuds with the wire between the buds, and with true blutooth wireless earbuds.  I will never got for any wires. True wireless earbuds WITH AN EAR LOOP MIND YOU, are the absolute best option for me. I can't do wires of any kind anymore. If the Bluetooth is slowly killing me, it can speed it up, idgaf.


I mostly agree with this and used to die on this hill unconditionally. I loved my Powerbeats because I could carry them in one piece without losing them, they wouldn't fall out of my ears, and I could charge them with my regular iPhone charger. I still miss them a little, but discovered that if you find some earbuds that fit perfectly, they can be just as good. My Powerbeats died one day and I went and bought some JLab Go Air Pops, meaning them as a temporary replacement/cheap alternative, and I haven't found the need to get new ones. They never fall out and have a built-in charge cable, plus the battery lasts forever. I carry a tiny case around in my pocket and barely notice it. Plus they're super cheap. So for my purposes now, I don't need a neckband, though I still agree that it's preferable to 90% of wireless earbuds.


I moved to open ear earbuds that hook around the ear and have loved them. No more major issues with impacted earwax and I can hear whats around me much better when outside. They do get a bit hard to hear if there is a ton of noise around, but thats worth the trade of not having to debrox my ears on a regular basis and they never fall out. I've forget I have them on on a regular basis. Which never happens with in ear buds.


I find the cord between ears very annoying since I constantly rubs against my skin. Plus it's heavy and can while about, or shift the balance of the placement in the ears. But they're better for not getting lost.


Have no opinion on this matter, just wanted to say I read this as "Earbuds with neckbeard".


#Pizza is better with mushrooms!!!


You speak the truth. We innovated too quickly and missed out on a great point in music listening history and also, the charging connectors on all of my wireless earbuds are SHIT. I just stopped using my PowerBeats after a year of them not lining up with the charging pins and continually reconnecting with my phone


It’s been a while since I’ve checked, has Bluetooth phone profile (bidirectional) quality gotten any better? Last I experienced, it was still absolutely dog 💩. I spend a fair amount of time on the phone for work and having a decent headset for music and calls is well worth any other “inconvenience”. Besides, I’d much rather tuck them in a case and into my pocket when not in use rather than it dangling around my neck when I’m tooling about.


if we designed better looking neckbands that looked more casual on us-- thatd be nice :( i dont need fluorescent Beats flex neckbands, but something that looks like a necklace when not in use.


Fuck earbuds. I’m noise cancel full phones all day


I’ve used the Beats Flex for years. I’ve got weird shaped ears so they never stay in all the time and fall out occasionally. I work in nursing homes and I really don’t want earbud in a toilet or something so I definitely always use those


Especially doing sports less risk of losing one, also any that have extra bands and hooks on the buds to keep them from falling out


Absolutely agree. But unfortunately mine broke down and they don't make the ones with a wire running between them anymore. Everything is true wireless. So I switched back to cheap wired erabuds.


I dont like things around my neck, so love true wireless earbuds and I am not an audiophile, so I can deal with cheap ones.


As someone who lost the right bud I sadly agree 


I actually agree, I hate ear buds and have never understood the hype. I far prefer something with a neckband or something that wraps around my ear


Can I get a new set of wired in ear plugs(drums) i got some music over the last couple Of years I would love to listen to.


Is this really that unpopular? I never really thought about it, but i would agree.


I knew this all along.


I'm with you, I had one pair of earbuds with neckband and they lasted me like 3 years until one fucker stole my jacket on a pub with the earbuds in the jacket. After that I had 3 pairs of regular wireless earbuds and I keep losing those mfs. So inconvenient.


so yeah.. all the earbuds i try aside from the shure-connect in back are lousy. i thought the neck band ones i think y’all describe were extinct lol i like to hoop. some bmx biking.. what’s gonna stay on and feel comfy. also. I like it loud.


i’ve been debating on getting some with the neck band thing when i need new ones bc then they won’t like fall off and go missing lol


From a form factor perspective, I can agree with your opinion. But unfortunately true wireless have been adopted by pretty much the entire industry, and most development and new features introduced in the last 10 years are not available with any neckband earbuds. I don’t think there’s any neckband earbuds with noise cancelling/transparency, in ear detection, voice assistants triggered by hotword etc


Nope. Watch is something you wear 24/7, earbuds are something you'd want to put away sometime. Not a good comparison Also imagine sleeping with neckband earbuds...


I was an advocate for true wireless earbuds ever since I saw a Kickstarter project for “Earin” (the first attempt at commercial earbuds). Since then I have used a lot of different brands: Xiaomi, Apple, you name it. Then someone gifted me Marshall bluetooth headphones and everything changed. They work for a week without charging, the sound quality is astounding and noise reduction is on another level. Still use earbuds for sports, though.


Bose Open Ultra are worth a look. They are unbelievably comfortable, I often turn off what I'm listening to and forget they're in - better than awkward wire under your shirt, and better than taking the things off at all, just press pause. Done.


My husband agrees. Whenever he's doing yard or tractor work he uses the neck band type to listen to music, can take them out any time, and he's never lost a one! I have the true wireless pod type and am constantly having them drop out of my odd shaped ears or get forgotten in pockets when I need to take one out to hear something else. The neckband has longer battery life per use as well. If anyone has suggestions for a really sturdy comfy brand of neckband-attached earbuds, please hit me with it! We both need a new set soon.


I used to have [these](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51zUWOgVNVL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg) Anker Soundbuds Life ones, they were fantastic. Battery life was about 18 hours or so, always got clear audio quality with the mic, even when windy, as it was on the inner side of the band. A version with noise cancellation was released, but it was US only, as far as I'm aware. I wish they'd go back to making neckband sets with ANC, they were great.


True wireless sucks. Personally I bought cheap neckband BT8 and replaced earbuds with EDX Pro. Now I get my favorite sound with perfect battery life.


>I might even go further, maybe wired in-ears were a better option than true wireless. You would just put the cable under your shirt and leave it there for the rest of the day, and at all times you'd have the headphones right where you needed them to be for use. There was[ a sports model from Sony that was actually pretty cool](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1724413593/sony-walkman-headphones-blue-silver-caps?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=vintage+sony+headphones&ref=sr_gallery-2-6&content_source=e985816b678816c1f6996a3aa7d35cb72fbc1a3e%253A1724413593&organic_search_click=1), very comfortable, an hybrid between the classic headphones and earbuds? You'd hang the headphones in the neck of the t-shirt when not in use. Unfortunately I found them in a random drawer in my college dorm and were already half broken (they held fine but the bass was broken or something on those lines) and when I found a cheap copy years later at the "dollarstore"(UK) this cheap imitation didn't hold that well. These could be used as you describe, wire behind a t-shirt and player inside a inner pocket and they would hold decently without stressing my hear too much because they wouldn't tangle that often or weight on anything. I'd hold my cd player in the inner jacket or the top pocket of a bag or backpack so there wasn't that much of a pull, the mp3 player was actually smaller than my phone is now and could be clipped on the inside of the shirts. I would put it in those key pockets or something and it wouldn't hinder running or any other movements. There was definitely some earpulling and wire tangling, I broke way too many expensive headphones because they got stuck between a book or some other heavy items. Anyway, I agree [platronics backbeat fit something something ](https://ca.mobilefun.com/plantronics-backbeat-fit-wireless-bluetooth-headphones-green-58900)were somewhat perfect. I bought two, the second one was a gift that never been used and has been returned and the battery got damaged because it wasn't charged -ever-. My only problem was that I sweat through them until the silicone broke and exposed the inner wires (so no longer waterproof). I choose a cheap version of random earbuds now because of longevity: they do last around 4-6hrs against the 8hrs of the platronics, but since they're buds I can put one down and take up the other, lasting up to 18hr or more while constantly charging. They're more jittery, and I need ear protection if I do something noisy or a lot of movement, because they to fall more often and they don't hang anywhere.


Earbuds never stay in my ears. (I think my ears are normal looking.) They invariably wiggle out of one or both ears. I'm with you on this.


This a million times. I have samsung buds but for all the reasons you listed I prefer the neck type.


I wish I could agree with you but no. My hair gets all tangled up in the neckband style so I heavily prefer the earbuds.


Fully wireless ones hurt my ears. But I've got the ones with a hook that goes around your ear and they're actually really comfortable. Probably because I don't have to jam them in to stay put.


As someone who's lost earbuds 4x.. yes, I agree. Neckband earbuds are definitely more practical. And I like how they just hang around my neck when I'm not using them.


As someone who has gone from wired to true wireless and now back to wired, wired is nice for a few reasons: - No need to charge - No worrying about one/both earbuds dying - No need to worry about one or both earbuds getting lost - No worrying about sweat/water affecting the electronics - No worrying about one earbud losing signal - Overall cheaper, not worrying about when the battery lifespan gets degraded after repeated long term use


I agree with your comparison, but the neck band buds are the pocket watch. Over-the-ear full headphones are best but TW>neckband


> which is just one more redundant thing in your pockets, also you can't just drop them whenever you need to be aware/listen and have your hands free. Pixel buds have a transparency mode (active noise cancellation) and will turn off your music and allow sound through. https://support.google.com/googlepixelbuds/answer/12312672?hl=en


I don't care about the marketing. I just don't like having a thing on my neck. It is very annoying when people assume that everyone who has a different opinion must have been brainwashed by commercials or whatever.


I have no choice with my phone, there is no earphone jack.


I agree with OP on this one. Downvote


Wait till you find out about headphones


Airpods pass through basically sounds like real life, no need to take them out just pause the song and turn off noise cancellation. Atleast on the pro models. I own air pods pro 2 and air pod max. I prefer the in ear verson unless i am in a very noisy environment ie a plane then the maxs are better.


Sound and mic quality is always way better too


I prefer the ones with the ear loop thing. Ear buds do not stay in my ears during exercise. I usually wear big headphones, but have ear buds for the gym/ running


I buy a cheap chinese pair of earbuds for the gym. I cannot stand working out eith galaxy buds one drop of sweat and theyre sliding all over your ear popping out and flying 10 feet across the room under someones 405 pound barbell.  The best part is for 15 dollars and sometime less they last the same amount of sweaty usage hours as beats and all the other expensive pairs.


I temporarily lost one of my airpods yesterday...I didn't bring my case and had stuck them in my pocket but one popped out while I was riding a golf cart around campus. I wandered around in 95\* heat with the sun beating down on me and was lucky enough to find it after over an hour of searching. Really could have used something to hold them together. But, I don't want them attached to my phone either.


I don't like wires hanging off of me if I'm working out or on a run or cycling.


I use both for work, but each for different things and wouldn't want to pick one or the other. I'll use galaxy buds 2 pro or w.e for mild hearing protection (think a 1/4" hex impact or drill, not very loud) and even with hands full, I just have to start talking and it lowers volume of music and turns on ambient mode and I can have a normal conversation. Great for busy jobsites with other contractors around. But I also have a pair of Elgins with a neckband that are OSHA rated for 25db protection, which works nicely for heavier stuff like grinding/saws. They also save me needing to carry specific hearing protection, and their battery will last 10+ hours, which is great. I don't love how the rubber ear pieces collect dirt and shit, so I have to tuck them into my shirt, but oh well.


They are. I have a knockoff pair of AirPods that aren’t slightly larger and don’t fit well in my ear canals. One of them fell out in a parking lot recently and I could never find it.


Agreed, they're way better, I've no idea why wireless ones have taken over


History will vindicate us!


As someone who has their earbuds in all day every day at work, couldn’t disagree more. What do I need a cable for? It’s not like I’m gonna lose the earbud, it’s playing music into my ear And really how much longer does it take to put an earbud into a case than to pull out a wired earbud and leave it dangling?


The ones with an inline microphone imbedded in the connecting cable are also good, because you get the mic next to your MOUTH instead of next to your ear so the person you're call with doesn't have to listen to the background noise near you.


For casual use, absolutely! But if you’re moving a lot, they can be pretty annoying. I climb, so they’re a hard no for me, but otherwise, yeah much more convenient


I like my wired earbuds best, but I am clumsy and keep hitting the wires. I don't want wires going through my shirt/bra, and I don't want a band or anything going through my hair either. I was sure I'd lose my wireless earbuds in a second but miraculously I've had my first pair for close to 4 years now. Works for me!


You don't work out. We get it. Every time this pops up, any single person who works out knows what is going on. Wired < wireless buds < wireless headphones for working out.


I have used the earphones on wires connected to my phone, and found it a real pain. I use air pods to watch TV on my phone at the gym and nothing gets tangled up.


Sigh, upvote I guess. I don't like the feeling of wires and they always somehow got ripped out of my ears when I was working with them. True wireless got rid of those problems for me. The case is an extra battery you carry around so when Im not using my buds, they are charging. It's nice to not have to charge them so frequently. I don't even like airpods cause the shape hurts my ears, I use the Samsung ones. Don't care for marketing cause I had to do research for my perfect pair. Enjoy your buds, I will enjoy mine.


>Earbuds with neckband are more convenient than true wireless earbuds Until the neckband gets tangled. That's why I switched to true wireless earbuds.


Personally... I can hear head and neck and collar movement through the cord or neck band. I have the same issue with the earplugs that have the attached plastic color to connect them. EVERY single movement of my head translates to a rubbing sound inside my ears. I don't have that issue with ear buds, or over the head sets. But if I wear a over the head set with the band behind the head or at neck level I do. So there might be a use case for the various types of wireless options.


Apple started this major popularity surge with their earpods, Just like they did with glass phone backs and no headphone jacks. All designed to maximize profits. Wire-connected BT earphones: * Easy to pull out one bud to talk to somebody for a while * Actual buttons on the cord * Microphone is closer to your mouth since it's on the cord button thingy * Longer battery life without recharging * Can't lose the case * Can't lose one earbud * Many have a clip to clip it to the back of your shirt/blouse so that it can't fall off you * Most can be work like a necklace with magnets on the buds so that they're always there; you don't need to take a case out of pocket/purse and take buds out and put case back in pocket/purse * Easy to sleep on your side, just pull out the pillow bud. To switch sides, put the other side back in your ear and pull out the other one.


Except they look stupid 😂


Are true wireless earbuds truly wireless? Like, are the components inside each individual earbud themselves wired to the speaker within or not? This has been driving me crazy since I heard the term "true wireless earbuds"


Also unpopular- earbuds suck. They hurt after an hour. Apple ones are probably the worst.




One hundred percent agree. When my last pair went out I was heartbroken to find that the connected version of backbeat fits were no longer made. It was real tough to find another pair that did everything that pair did and in the end it was still a compromise. Why do so many of the connected ones have the battery and controls on the cable. That is terrible for running and just bounces around.


Upvote because I disagree LOL But also I just wanna say you don’t need to take the airpods out of your ears because with transparency mode you can hear everything (with the right setup you can even amplify outside noise so you pick up sounds better than just your ears) so there is never a scenario when you have to “drop them whenever you need to he aware/listen.” Also I don’t think you know what redundant means


But wireless doesn’t snag on gym equipment, infuriating me beyond belief


I HATE how the neckband feels on my neck. Also, if I turn my head my earbuds fall out


100%, I wear mine with a full face helmet and need a remote I can operate manually.


Well, since you ask, the most recent ones I have tried are over ears. And I still have problems getting them into my ears. Especially if I am also wearing glasses and/or having a big hair day. And these aren’t noise canceling because they still don’t fit in my ear cavity comfortably. I mean, I’m not sure because I’ve never had the experience, but it seems like some ppl are able to actually wear headphones/ earplugs comfortably and effectively. Which is a wild idea for me.


Yup, I refuse to use wireless earbuds. ONE more square object taking up space in my bag. ONE more thing to charge. THREE more small things to potentially lose. I’ll take the extra 30 seconds to untangle and hook up my wired headphones instead please.


Op you are absolutely correct


I use AirPods with a tapper cord/tether thing. I can drop the pods out of my ear any time and let them hang and the lightweight nylon cords don’t pull the AirPods out. the metal chains are nicer but they’re heavier and may cause the AirPod to fall out if you have too small of tips in. I also use some memory foam tips on the AirPods that make the seal a bit better for sound and hold them in place better.


I totally agree. Another benefit of headphones with a band are the controls. There is a tiny pannel on the band for adjusting volume and play/pause. Which is much better then having it directly on the ear bud, because whenever I would adjust the ear bud in my ear I would mess with volume/pause the song or something. This does not happen with banded headphones. 


I am panicky afraid of losing an earbud cause I can't afford to replace it. So I got the ones with a wire. Makes me feel safe and the audio is still great.


I totally agree to this one. Never really liked the completely wireless earbuds.


I preferred wired headphones. I run with my phone in my pocket, and every single wireless headphone I've tried cuts out. 


The pocket watch comparison sent me


I feel like you should change your analogy because a wrist watch is way more convenient than a pocket watch…


I refused to try earbuds because I hated wireless tech. Thought it was a gimmick to help foolish people part with their money. Maybe deep down I just wanted to be contrarian. Once I tried them tho… never went back