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You've never had good ones.


I’ve had ones that were supposed to be good, but I still agree with OP


It would hurt my grandma’s feelings because EVERYONE loved hers. I don’t suffer alone.


Upvote for a truly unpopular opinion, at least from my personal experience, seems most everyone likes them. Especially with a good gravy.


Used to do gravy, now I’m more of a pool of butter kinda guy, but agreed nonetheless.


Gravy and butter are fine but all I *need* is plenty of salt and pepper and a little cheese. 


FAVORITE way is take some garlic n herb goat cheese and mash that in there. 🤤


You can't go wrong with potatoes, OP needs professional help


You can't go wrong with potatoes, OP needs professional help


Wrong. Take my upvote


Everyone is entitled to their opinions about things like food. \^\_\^ I'm merely curious- How have they been cooked / prepared for you? Because I'll be honest, I've / had/ mashed potatoes that were utterly just the pits... Mine, however, (who I learned how to make from a chef) people have basically told me "changed their minds about mashed potatoes." - I donno.




Yes! See, this... Mine have so much ridiculous stuff in them... Butter, cream, mayo, sour cream, salt, pepper, garlic powder, cheese and bacon when done?


Bight? Good lord lol


There is no wrong way to consume a potato other than that weird internet rumour a few years back that people were soaking tampons in vodka and inserted them in their rectums.


The thought of meatloaf sitting next to French fries makes me sad. Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and peas to mix in is the ultimate comfort dinner.


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I’ve never even thought to grill potatoes. Imagine slicing them to a sort of thing-medium thickness, spraying oil over them and sprinkling a bit of salt. Bung them under the grill until they go golden.. this actually sounds good ima try this


![gif](giphy|l0MYu3mmRtjxX28tq) How can something like this be disgusting?? Mashed potatoes are pure deliciousness when done right


I bet you don't like ketchup but eat tomatoes, and drink milk but eat ice cream? I think I know you, I can't forget such a person of those tastes?


I upvoted you man. The opinion of the utterly depraved; but you’re entitled to your awful palate.


Do you mix anything in? As a kid, I never liked it either, but my brother put corn in his and it was a game-changer for me.


Thank you!! I agree 100%! My dad is a great chef, and his mashed potatoes always have a lot of flavour, but I find the texture absolutely disgusting. There’s so many great ways to prepare potatoes and mashed is positively the worst


Tell me you don't know how to cook without telling me


Im sorry to hear you never had a good cook in your family


FYI you can roast potatoes and use them in mashed potatoes, you dont need to boil them


Everyone is entitled to their opinion, as incorrect or deluded as it may be. Just because OP has ineffective taste buds doesn't mean the rest of us have to suffer.


You're mistaken. Have an upvote.


Agreed! Never been a fan of them. Weird texture. Waste of a good potato.


Tell me you didnt grow up in a Polish household, where the most delicious thing ever was mashed potatoes wrapped in carbs (pierogi) Take my upvote!


Agreed. Upvoted. Respect


Exactly! I swear i just can’t have crumbly mush in my mouth without feeling disgusted, and I hate gravy too! Literally the only thing good with it is poutine and that’s it, I especially hate having to eat it every. single. thanksgiving, it just feels like something toddlers would eat


How do you add a cup of heavy cream to roasted potatoes?


blasphemy 😡


There are dozens of us! DOZENS! No but seriously I hate mashed potatoes. Was force fed them as a child and I’ve never liked them since. It’s the gritty sandy texture of them that makes me want to gag…


Mashed potatoes with butter, a bit of cream, and garlic with a good gravy are bomb.


Try a baked potato, butter salt pepper and cheese then mash up the ingredients👌


Wrong 😭


Do I upvote or downvote if I feel OP is wrong? 


Heathen, potatoes in any shape or form is the best.


Horrible texture


Fluffy buttery mash??? How?? I’m literally craving it now. Even better w gravyyy


How can you like potatoes and not mashed potatoes if they taste is the same.


Fuck your opinion sucks or your social circle sucks at cooking but either way, this is truly unpopular. Well done


I have to wonder if we're talking about the same thing. Boxed mashed potatoes are nasty. Whipped potatoes are bland. Mashed potatoes should be lumpy and the peels left in, and if you don't have gravy, add some sour cream and cream cheese. They should have some texture and substance, not be like potato pudding. The kind old people used to make, not the kind old people slurp in hospice care.


Fried is the only way, for me. Everything else is disgusting without a fuck ton of sauce, usually ketchup or ranch. I will say, tho; ranch or kranch with, like, 30-40% mashed potato is pretty good if I'm drunk or hungover


Potato dishes live or die based on the seasoning or lack of it.  Sauces count too.  Good mashed potatoes have that cooked in already. Salt, pepper, garlic, and a ton of butter and cream.  If you cooked all that separately you would have a decent amount of creamy sauce.  Mashed potatoes make that easier by precombining everything 


Mashed potato isn't just for eating


OOOOH like pudding, please tell me more on mashed potato uses as I am an artist looking to paint with such delicious things to all that wishes.


I agree. I never liked the texture of potatoes, the only acceptable way I will eat a potato is if it’s cut into very very very thin fries like they have at Freddy’s