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As someone who works in high-end kitchens, this show gave me a panic attack more than once. The editing is frantic because the kitchen is frantic- everything going wrong, and it’s loud and aggressive and you constantly feel on edge.


That’s the reason it’s hard for me to watch. Working in a high energy kitchen in a big city mentally broke me and they got it perfect


I just left the industry, for good this time. Not going to watch season three, don’t have the energy to even cook dinner anymore, I’m done.


The folks who can do it everyday are up there mentally with navy seals. To be able to be under that much pressure and still preform is incredible


I did it for ten years, high volume and the stress always at a nine. Life shouldn’t be this miserable, I wanna go try other things, maybe get a degree.


To be fair, the folks who can do it every day are probably taking performance enhancing drugs (cocaine) daily


Nah amphetamines are way more prevalent in kitchens than cocaine. Coke is way too speedy and costs a ton and doesnt last long at all. Ive worked in several kitchens and adderall was pretty much everyones preference for work, though line cooks do love coke when not at work.


Looks like i’ve been out of the biz for too long lmao


38 years in the biz and I've never done a single line. There are people that thrive under pressure without drugs. You're fired.


You can’t be serious. I understand kitchens can be frantic and crazy, but cooks are like Navy SEALs now?


Please tell me that the way Jeremy Allen White is always touching his hair on the show is NOT how you guys do it. It was really annoying to see him constantly passing his fingers through his hair and then go about preparing food.


His nose takes up half the kitchen.


You didn’t deserve those downvotes, that was a solid roast


I worked in the opposite end of the spectrum (waffle house) and it was frantic as fuck when busy, but so much fun when it was slow.


I was discussing this with someone recently. While I’ve never worked in a high-end kitchen, I spent many years as a short-order cook. I mentioned that the show’s editing style excellently captures the hectic atmosphere of a busy kitchen. However, the guy I was talking to, who has experience as a cook in several high-end establishments, disagreed, saying it’s not accurate because people don’t “stage” anymore. I found that to be an oddly specific reason to dismiss an entire show. As someone outside the industry, I’m curious: is that even true?


According to my nephew who is a sous chef at a five-star restaurant, everything about the show is accurate. They still stage and do all the other things in the show. He says that it's the most accurate display of a high-end kitchen he's ever seen.


Stages are indeed a thing- wheres he work? Not a city?


Yip, OP has clearly never worked in a kitchen. My husband commented on how chaotic the show feels and I was like, yeah, it feels like a restaurant kitchen🤣


I actually have. Never high end (bistro type kitchens) but I cooked as a brunch chef in college….still make an incredible omelette. I’ve worked under a lot of stressful high pace conditions in my life. I just think the show is missing some lighthearted moments potentially with the relationships. First season had it in glimpses. S3E1 was a turnoff. I am trying so hard to like the show because of my experiences cooking.


This. Civvies have no idea what working in a kitchen is like. It's truly one of the hardest jobs on the planet. I did two tours of Denny's back in the early 2010s and I still can't see a spatula without getting flashbacks about my time on the line. Semper Fry brother


Thank you for your Service.


exactly. brought the memories back.


Yeah the show requires me to take an extra Xanax. It definitely gives me flashbacks (especially in the episode where they were overrun with tickets)


Yep, I left the industry at the start of the pandemic having worked in kitchens my entire adult life up until then. I can’t with that show, I left for a reason and I have no interest in going back.


Did you have the printer-nightmare?


That first season episode that's a continuous, frantic shot still gives me anxiety. I don't think I blinked or breathed through the whole episode.


did you try coke?


I had a panic attack during the second episode of season 1. I couldn't watch any more. It was too real for me.


You sound like you need to be haunted. Upvoted.


Omg the haunting scenes made me laugh 


Oh my god those haunting scenes are too fucking overdone. I can’t stand the Faks this season.


See I think the over-the top tomfoolery of the Faks is a nice contrast to the over-the-top seriousness from Carmy and the rest. It’s like the restaurant’s own little comedic relief circus.


I want a 100% Fak spin-off. 


the show is fun i laugh every episode


The kids party is hilarious.


Yea, it has plenty of heavy moments but I don't think it's taken it's self to seriously aside from the whole "chef culture" aspect.


I love the show, already finished season 3. I've worked in restaurants and have an interest in cooking so could be a reason why


Funny, I’m a life long cook training to be a chef in NYC now and I couldn’t finish after the ticket printer episode because it makes me think of shitty nights at my old soul crushing job. Very well done, just not something to watch after a 300 cover day lol




Some of the best writing on TV, idk what anyone says.


Ice chips broke me. This is a cooking show right? Oh, let's go ahead and provide groundbreaking television for mother daughter trauma.


The story is good but you don't like the way it's told?


When I going adventuring with my friends and some shit goes down it’s usually me who retells the experience to other people despite my friends being present because they like the way tell stories. Presentation is important


This is a classic post on this sub that has no substance. There is a whole library of articles and “hot takes” about how The Bear “tries too hard” (to borrow OP’s phrase), but those criticisms need a little more behind them. Saying the show is ruined by its editing isn’t really the kind of thing you can just drop and walk away. It’s almost like OP is just saying things they don’t understand or that don’t mean anything for their own sake.


It’s a good show but the portrayal of kitchen work is difficult to relate to. I was in the industry for a long time and while some things are pretty on point, some are total bs.


Were you back of house? I think front of house is a little off in the show, but that’s not really the point of the show. So, I forgave them.


No it’s actually really good in my opinion.


Not everything has to be fun.


From working in the industry, this show gives me PTSD. Not great.


The online order episode in season one haunts my dreams


I work for a large and widely known italian restaurant (not OG). When everything was closed during quarantine we stayed open for carryout. The first Mother’s Day into Covid we did a massive amount of orders, hitting about $43k solely on carryout/curbside orders. We turned off our online ordering system (OLO) at about 2:00pm because it was too much for us to handle. Somehow, none of my managers figured out what actually happened to this day, OLO turned back on 4 hours later around 6:30ish and we got absolutely annihilated. Watching the online ordering episode made my heart rate jump insanely high as I was just sitting on my couch watching it. I felt like I was back in the restaurant dealing with so many phone calls and tickets printing up from OLO 😭


Correction.  You have ptsd from working in the industry and the show triggers it.  As it does to me 


Exactly. I literally get stressed out and stopped watching after 4 episodes.


I did that too, but I'm very glad I started watching it again. The episode "forks" in season 2 is just beautiful


‘Forks’ made my heart happy.


There's plenty of mindless entertainment out there to numb you out. Maybe you should try keeping up with the Kardashians.


Lmao these guys acting like they were in the military


See, see… I think the fact that it triggers an emotional response from people that work in the dining industry speaks to the realism. I haven’t worked in the dining industry but from what I’ve heard, I thought the show seemed realistic


In a world where everything is a remake of a sequel of a spin-off, can we not appreciate the show for what it is? It’s a drama, not a comedy. If you want a fun show, I’m sure you can find one. Personally, I find it original, compelling, and interesting. You, of course, are welcome to your opinion. That said, you definitely posted it to the right subreddit.


eh, I know that's a popular criticism to make, but the shows it competed against for the best comedy emmy were abbott elementary, jury duty, and ted lasso. so 1. clearly the producers and studio consider it a conedy drama, and 2. regardless of personal taste every one of those shows are original ideas




Yeah the yelling can be a bit much. Thats why I like Cicero - he is the only one that control Carmy




25 years in the industry and I have no interest in watching a dramatization of my life.


Front of house or back of house?


I got bored of it, but I d say its objectively good show.


It sucks because it’s a serious show? Definitely one of the opinions of all time


Dude right?! I started watching it and I just cannot. So much loud drama for the sake of drama! I don’t like drama in real life and certainly am not entertained or relaxed by overly dramatic tv


I always think of that one 4chan post that says “FUCK I HAVE TO MAKE FOOD THAT A CUSTOMER ORDERED IN MY RESTAURANT SHIIIIIIT!”


It’s incredibly accurate to the professional kitchens I’ve worked in.


And it is NOT a comedy!


Truly unpopular. Take an upvote.


I got through the first season, but just can't get myself to watch the second and third seasons. The actors are great, why do I want to watch people struggle at work. I watch TV to get away from that. Watching people be stressed and yell at each other isn't enjoyable. I also dislike the overly complicated flashbacks and nonlinear storytelling many TV shows do now.


>I also dislike the overly complicated flashbacks and nonlinear storytelling many TV shows do now *Laughs while rewatching **LOST***


The 2nd season was better imo and has 2 of the best episodes of anything on tv in the last decade. Season 3 is only just dropping so no opinions on that, did see a mixed review in the Guardian though.


I agree it sucks, but not because of the reasons you gave. I just think it's fucking loud and annoying, it's just people screaming without A SINGLE THING EVER HAPPENING.


Did we watch the same show? It’s a character driven show though, which is not what a lot of people like apparently.


I posted basically the same thing here a few months back. I agree totally. As a comedy, it's not funny. As a drama, it's boring. The acting's good but the characters are uninteresting.




I was thinking as I started season 3 today - How long am I wiling to watch sad chefs exist joylessly? It does feel like a bummer with no positive resolution to anything. It’s akin to how depression feels, the looming dread, the general unhappiness, anxious and overwhelming sadness.


Working in a kitchen isn't fun.


I also hate the show for the anxiety and panic it induces in me. That doesn’t mean it sucks though. It means it’s realistic as hell and I’m not a fan of that realism. I’ve worked in a bunch of kitchens and the show completely captured the chaotic energy and conflict that goes on in them.


This is... unpopular so good job. [FWIW there's at least one Slate writer who agrees with you.](https://slate.com/culture/2024/06/the-bear-season-3-fx-hulu-bad.html)


Wow, great article. It really speaks to how I feel. Thanks for sharing. And on a positive note I can’t agree more with this aside from the article: (One exception to this is Moss-Bachrach, who is so good as cousin Richie it sometimes feels as if he’s carrying the whole show, even from an ostensibly supporting role.)


I want to like this show but all i ca think when i see jermey allen whites puckered up wasp mouth is how punchable he looks. I know that says more about me than him.


It insists upon itself


It sucks because it's fucking stupid. It's a sandwich shop. It's literally a greasy spoon cafe in a shit hole part of town. And he's screaming and having a breakdown. And then the donut guy has his feelings hurt that he shouts at him...  Well acted though. But I just don't gaf about ppl stressing out over a bit of lunch. Chill out. 


I assume you haven’t watched much of the show? The whole point is that Carmy is trying to turn that greasy spoon into a Michelin star restaurant.


I was going to make this post last year. The individual actors are fine, but the show honestly seems to simple, as if the writers are following this perfect formula they know will pull at the heartstrings of simple folk. Also, and this one really gets me, it isn't even close to a comedy. Why on earth did it win best comedy? It is so overly dramatic, even during non-dramatic scenes. It's not the worst show on television or anything, but it is definitely overrated. I wish they would tone it down a bit. The kitchen scenes, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Bob Odenkirk are all great, though.


It tries too hard to be ‘real’ imo


I definitely think it’s overrated, and they get a lot of things in kitchens wrong. Number 1 - it’s a walk in. No one calls it a fridge. A fridge is an appliance you keep things cold in, and you can open it and reach your hand in and grab a coke thing and then you close the fridge. A walk in is a whole room you walk into that keeps things cold. 1a. In reference to the last episode of season 2, when Carmie locks himself in the walk in - no restaurant would ever be able to get through a single night without access to the walk-in. I get that’s it’s a show and you gotta roll with some things have the whole “suspension of disbelief” thing, but I just can’t get passed that. I’m blanking on my other gripes so I’ll pause. The acting is good, the soundtrack has been great. The Christmas episode was awesome. As someone who has worked in kitchens, the show just gives me PTSD.


Is that the cooking show where the cooks do hard drugs and fly into rages if someone orders extra pickles?


Their problems are less "extra pickles" and more "if we don't pass this gas safety test we're all fucked." But otherwise, yeah.


"Aargh, someone came in ten minutes before closing! I'm losing my mind!" All I know about this show are memes.


To be fair, while there is a lot of “drama” the crises they face would genuinely push anyone to their limit.


None of the characters in the show do drugs except smoke. Well none of the living ones.


That's actually fairly accurate. Drugs are huge in that line of work.


It's mostly one guy who rages idk the show is pretty bland and the episodes move slow without much substance


It's ridiculous how many issues on the show could be solved if any of the characters were just functional adults that could communicate. But I guess that's every show with drama.


I feel like that's also real life.


That's **Outstanding Comedy Series 2024 Winner** The Bear.


i agree, i like it but the editing is an issue


Show stresses me out honestly. That’s because I worked in the industry otherwise it’s probably the best hospo-centric media I’ve ever watched.


I thought differently, when I watched the show I thought some of the acting was kinda bad from some actors, but the writing is good.


the new season is painful .


Someone said it made him feel like he was at work. “Why would I wanna do that!?”


Yeah. It’s ok to not like those things, for example Uncut Gems uses the same techniques to put the audience on edge, but I didn’t LOVE being in that zone for 2 hours or w/e.  Odd because I love The Bear, but I can understand why someone wouldn’t want to feel anxious while they’re relaxing and watching tv. Bit weird IMHO to say it sucks because of that though, like I think that’s a by of an odd way to talk about them setting a tone and achieving that tone. 


And they have the nerve to market themselves as a comedy


Yeah, I couldn’t even finish the first season.


Really enjoyed the first two seasons. Struggled mightily with Season 3 and bailed after just 3 episodes. Disappointing.


I loved season 1. The first few episodes of season 2, there was so much of characters wandering around and "getting inspiration" that I almost stopped watching.  After the Christmas episode, season 2 improved, but I get the sentiment. 


Interesting comment and I have a love/hate response to the show. Some individual episodes are brilliant and some are as described. I have a problem with one particular character that takes me out of it and rings false but I won't go into that. I've been hesitating on S3 because I just haven't been ready for the inevitable stress but expect to eventually dive in. To those who're defending it with comments like "It's good because it's accurate..." etc., none of that matters when it comes to evaluating the entertainment value of a series or movie. It's either satisfying entertainment or it isn't. Unless it's a training video for a particular profession. I'm sure you could make a very accurate series about a Men's room attendant's working life but I'm even more sure that nobody would want to watch.


I agree, tried to watch it once. It just isn't an enjoyable experience. It's not even interesting, just stressful. I have enough of that in my real life.


It should not be listed as a comedy. It's good though.


This show gives me anxiety


I really don’t get it. Thanks be it’s not just me. I work in tough environment with lots of stress. Last thing I want to do is relax in the evening by watching characters stressed and full of anxiety. It just puts me on edge, and I don’t need my relax time to be induced with anxiety.


Totally this ⬆️


I've watched many shows that are supposed to be based in Chicago. They never are, not authentic. This is. I watch it for that.


It does suck, I couldn’t even make it through season 1. Kitchen stressful, main characters can’t catch a break. Repeat every episode


It's shit


I 10000000 percent agree with you. The constant close up shots and the stressful noises literally only remove from the story. And I really don’t like looking at the main actors face. I know that’s really rude, but he just looks kind of like a snapping turtle to me


Congratulations! You just described what it feels like to work in most kitchens! The Bear is amazing BECAUSE of the exact feeling it gives you, that's exactly how it feels while being under pressure working on the line Go back to watching Chef or Hell's Kitchen, let the rest of us enjoy our real kitchen show


This is like saying Godfather 2 is actually lame


I agree it's shit although for slightly different reasons. I hate that it spends so long on romanticising food, and distracting from the story with food porn. It's annoying and self-satisfied. Boiling Point is a much better and underrated film / series that doesn't try to pretend there's something specially noble about cooking.


I hate the way Hollywood portrays chefs. If u talked to ur employees/co workers like that they’d find you in the dumpster before dinner rush


Most chefs in restaurants from my experience have been the worst co workers, either super angry or super drug addicted 


I like polar bears 


I think that’s just the type of show it is. I wouldn’t call The Walking Dead a fun show, but it has a lot of intensity and dramatic aspects to it that make it enjoyable. Sometimes a nice dramatic, depressing show is just what I want to watch




I wanted to love it because I was obsessed with shameless but I just can’t get into it


Carmy and Claire’s flashback conversation to start that episode was 🤮


Half agree. I don't think it sucks, it's just incredibly meh to me. 


I agree but in a different way. The story telling sucks (seriously, you went Pepsi Kardashian on a bunch of gangsters to get along by giving them sandwiches???) and you're training dysfunctional sandwich shop cooks to become fine dining chefs all while you completely do an overhaul to the sandwich shop. Also the acting from a main character in particular among a cast of greats just falls really short and takes ne out of it.


Why does it suck?


I loved season 1 but I felt like season 2 was one of those seasons that was written after the 1st season did well. It felt like a completely different show. The tone was way more serious and not as enjoyable. I'll definitely watch season 3 though.


It ripped off british movie “boiling point”


I'm with you op. Everyone talking about how it's a real kitchen that comes with anxiety. We'll, I don't want to work in a kitchen like that, so why would I want to watch it on TV? Its like the infatuation with horror movies that I'll never understand.


It's on my "why would I watch it" list.


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Took me months to get through season 2. I dropped Hulu and will not have to go through the chore that is The Bear again.


Being a 20+ yr vet in the kitchen.. The show is amazing. Season 2 is definitely the best so far


How dare you! Haha enjoy the upvote.


Yeah. Made it thru 1.5 episodes, Chef. 🥱


Season 1 and 2 are brilliant. Season 3 is a meandering turd fest


OP, could you please share your mean omelette recipe?


I know kitchens can be chaotic but when they had a meltdown serving maybe a dozen tables with a dozen (well a lot of) chefs on friends and family night?


Saw the first season and agree 100% its a terrible show. Might as well just watch a cooking show. I disagree with you with the acting and writing, its awful.


it really do.


You may be expecting a comedy. It’s less comedy and more drama. That is something I think it does well


S3E1 sucks and I agree with the turn off. I’m on episode 4 right now as we speak lol.


"This show sucks. The acting is good, the writing is good, the story is good... but IT SUCKS!"


Bojack Horseman is depressing too but it still is one of the best shows of all time


I cannot stop watching. Too each their own


I was starting to think that i'm only one who can't stand this show. Now do one for The Office.


I’ve only watched season one, and I thought it had a ton of levity.


The new season so far is pretentious and boring and repetitive.


Thank you for saying that. Pretentious is a turn off for me too.


I remember watching the Denmark episode, and thinking "wow, this was the quietest episode of TV I've ever seen. How nice!" Aaaaaand then the next episode is the Christmas dinner, probably the loudest episode of TV I've ever seen


I could not agree with you more. I couldn't get through the second season. I just turned it off in the middle of an episode.


I have a hard time watching because Richie hits too close to home.


We have a radio station called the bear and it does indeed suck. No idea about this show but I'll assume you're wrong for the sake of the sub.


I hate the color palate and the last season was booooring. I remember liking the first one and the second being ok


The Internet’s turn against this show in the 3rd season was the most predictable turn of events.


>It tries way too hard.  Come on, dude. This means nothing. It's what people say when they can't think of a reason that they don't like something.


I hear it’s great but I worked in restaurants for years and the last thing I want to do is watch a show about that.


It does


It insists upon itself


I don't think this is just unpopular, I think it's off-base. One of the things I enjoy most about it is how it can be so utterly serious one moment and the next so hilariously dysfunctional (and startingly accurate on so many levels).


At first I expected this to just be a contrarian hating something very popular but it's actually a good unpopular opinion so well done. Some of the reasoning in the post and comments are funny to me though "It tries too hard". Yeah these are all professionals creating something they want to have an impact. They're going to try pretty hard. "It's not as fun or funny as it could be". Not everything is supposed to be a joke after joke comedy. They still do a really good job having a lot of humor in serious situations and it can be much more effective when thrown into the right moments "It's stressful". That's the point. That's like hating a horror movie for scaring you. This show is like a roller coaster that'll make you anxious for an hour. I wanted more to happen in S3 E1 but I respected it as a different type of recap episode to get you fully back into the story and set up the pieces you need to have in mind moving forward


I enjoy it but yeah I think it also shows how low the bar is getting for high quality shows


I could never work the way they do on the show. Most people I know in the industry couldn’t either.


Dude it's PTSD inducing for anyone who's worked in a restaurant. My roommate was watching it last night before bed. I sat down for 5 mins to watch and could actually feel my heart rate going up. Couldn't sleep for two hours after that.


Yeah episode 1 season 3 was terrible


Holy shit thats an unpopular opinion if I've ever heard one.


I thought this was gonna be about the bear vs man in the woods scenario


I think the character development in season 2 was off the charts but season 3 hasn't been doing it for me.


I like the show but I agree with you about the editing. Montages are to The Bear what monologues are to Mike Flanagan shows. They really need to pull back a bit.


I enjoy it but yeah, I can see why it isn’t for everyone and I don’t knock people who don’t like it. It’s slightly overrated


As someone who spent 12 years in restaurants, 4 years free and still has server nightmares, I don’t watch this show. It triggers mad anxiety even though it’s not 100% accurate.


I know where you are coming from. I, too, was once a dishwasher and an assistant principal, by the way. I have to be in the right mood to watch The Bear. I will say that the editing, etc. does a fantastic job of conveying an actual tense response from me, which is impressive. I just don't always want to feel that sort of stress from a TV program.


It’s extremely pretentious. It looks great and the cast is fine. But it’s absurd how serious it takes itself.


Everyone I’ve spoken to about this show absolutely hates it, not sure who is out there enjoying it. Despise every single character and the whole thing is annoying. Upvote but not convinced it’s an unpopular opinion.


I can not get through it. Kept going back but it’s just a boring show. Main actor is great but everyone else is not even close. The black girls personality is so annoying, everyone is really.


The editing was unusual, abrasive, and extremely creative. The show is is fantastic. The third season fell off a little for me (sentimental, hardcore, and funny aspect felt a little disjointed). But, the first 2 are some of the best series I’ve seen, I still enjoyed the 3rd season. A few episode were fantastic, could even say a masterpiece.


I really enjoyed the previous two seasons. I'm struggling to finish the first few episodes of this season.


Let’s be honest, most people are only watching for Jeremy Allen white


Seasons 1 and 2 are honestly really good. Season 1 is my favorite. Season 3 is the weakest of the three.