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It's a local ordinance where I live. I've never seen anyone stopped for it though. Sidewalks are fine here.


I almost always run on the sidewalk because I’m afraid of cars, but here’s some reasons people might be on the road: - asphalt is easier on the legs and if you’re training for a race, more like the conditions you will be experiencing. - people water the sidewalks. There are times of day that I’m either going on and off the sidewalk or getting soaked from poorly positioned sprinklers. - the sidewalks aren’t actually nice. The ones in my neighborhood are all screwed up from tree roots and kinda suck. - people’s vehicles are blocking the sidewalks. Large trucks or multi-vehicle households almost always park within the sidewalk, causing you to run through the grass which they’ll then come out to yell at you about.


In my neighborhood sidewalks are insane trip hazards. Broken and jagged concrete that’ll turn your ankle or catch your toe and bring you down. Not to mention cars in driveways that park across the sidewalk. Safest around here is to run on low traffic roads at non busy times, opposite traffic flow, always aware of cars and yielding to cars if necessary. OP has a point, I’ve seen idiots on way too busy streets at times.


 As my track teacher, Mr. Robert Navta said screaming(his jaw was wired shut after a bad running accident where he pretty much curb stomped himself): DO NOT RUN ON THE SIDE WALK OR YOU WILL FUCK UP YOUR LEGS AND THEN YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO RUN TRACK ANYMORE.


I assume he did this after his jaw was fixed, but I still imagined this as a dude making muffled "MMN NNT MMN NN N SNNDWNNK..." type noises with subtitles in all caps.


No, it was exactly how you think it was. Noise and spittle through clenched teeth 


he immediately banned me from the subreddit, but yes, he dislikes black people


Wait, how did your LGR reply end up here in Unpopularopinion?


lol i was banned from there so replied to your latest comment




Wait. You mean that the track teacher might not be an expert in bio-physics! Whaaaaat?




You think the human body weight will have a differential impact on asphalt vs concrete? Didn’t realize asphalt was that squishy




I’m definitely drunk so there’s…well yeah i re read


So the original marathon was run by [Pheidippides](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pheidippides), from Marathon to Athens. The ancient Greeks hadn't developed asphalt roads (we would have to wait for the Romans) so he had to run on the concrete sidewalk. That is why he died at the end of the run.


I too, have had some nasty spills on Improperly maintained sidewalk. Either catching the lip of an upturned piece from a tree and smashing my collarbone, or twisting my ankle rolling it over the edge while avoiding a baby stroller. The road is way safer and more sustainable for long distance runs in my area.




It's like all our infrastructure is focused on roads but no one gives a damn what condition and functionality the sidewalks are in. Points 2-4 are all issues for disabled people with mobility needs as well.


Very much yes.


Also, dogs. Most sidewalks fences are right up by the sidewalk, so if there is a dog in the fence it will be right by your face with no warning. I know several people who got bit pretty bad that way


They got bit through a fence?


They got bit by the dog jumping the fence or being able to reach them over the fence.


Well they should just go back inside their houses and sit on the sofa where it’s safe, obviously. (/s)


It’s a good thing that passing the fence five more feet away on the street won’t allow dog to jump the fence


I have no idea why you would jump to something completely crazy and illogical like that instead if the logical reality that more space means from the fence (and dog) means less likely to upset the dog to begin with. I also said nothing about the dog not jumping the fence. Sorry you can't think logically, though.


I used to run along the road when the sidewalks were very uneven. Running on very uneven sidewalks can be harsh on the legs. I also found that when running on uneven pavements after I had been on a long run, would make my legs feel jelly were I was concerned they'd just give way and I'd fall to the ground.


Yes, the only times I’ve fallen while running on the road has been on uneven sidewalks towards the end of double digit mileage runs.


Also in my neighborhood the bushes and stuff overhang and leave no room. I’m not leaning and getting cut by branches the entire time while I run 10 miles. I’m also going fast enough that walkers sometimes get pissed. I’m going closer to bike speed and run on the left so if a car gets close I can just bail over.


Concrete and asphalt are no different to run on in terms of hardness, it is ridiculous to think otherwise. If the roughness is your problem... stay away from technical running then ahaha Tessutti, V., Ribeiro, A., Trombini-Souza, F., & Sacco, I. (2012). Attenuation of foot pressure during running on four different surfaces: asphalt, concrete, rubber, and natural grass. Journal of Sports Sciences, 30, 1545 - 1550. https://doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2012.713975.


here's an important one regarding "vehicles blocking the sidewalks" Between fences and trees, more often than not the sidewalk is more blind to someone backing out of their driveway than the road is


Lol that is when they get the middle finger 


Around where I live the sidewalks are all uneven because of disrepair and tree roots making them like an obstacle course. I know what you’re saying about being annoyed but the roads are in 10x better shape around me


I think I would rather trip than get hit by a car


That's what gets me. Why the hell would you want to be jogging a few feet away from 3000lbs of metal hurling by? So many people are unfortunately on the phone while driving.   That risk is not worth the reward, i'll take the busted side walk anyday.


Do you think they're jogging on the highway?


lol fr 


You do realize that it's far more likely to trip or twist an ankle than to get hit by a car? That is why people do it.


I'd like to see that statistic


Because tripping every other block is far more likely to happen than getting hit by a car. IOW, under no circumstances would I ever run or cycle on the sidewalk because I expect to get creamed every 20 meters. That's just how awful it is to walk and cycle in the US due to cars monopolizing public space as well as the decriminalization of car violence.


Well yeah. You can trip 100 times and be fine. You can only get hit by a car once lmao


Our sidewalks are pristine where we live. Where do you live where sidewalks are in such disrepair that you trip every other block???


The problems is mostly driveways. There is really no way to walk properly in places with driveways, which just happens to be everywhere. Sorry, I don't make the rules. That and narrow sidewalks, roots pushing up plates, bushes, branches, trees, garbage, turning cars, runners, strollers, children, dogs, slow old people, etc. The only place to walk in peace is at the park, \*OR\* in the street so that the focus can be on ONE THING and ONE THING ONLY, the oncoming cars.


You clearly don't run.


5000 lbs *


What narrow ass streets do you live on


Most all city streets 


it depends on the road. Obviously you'd be running on the sidewalk if the road is insanely busy or a highway, but your typical residential streets where the speed limit is 25-30 mph (40-50 kph), the asphalt is way safer than the sidewalk is for that reason. On top of matters, the sidewalks along the major roads are way more likely to be in better shape than the sidewalks on residential roads are and more often than not the major roads have an asphalt path built into where the sidewalk is to help keep bikes off those roads.


Hurling by? You mean one car passing every 2-3 minutes going at about 20mph (32kph). I feel relatively safe, but thanks for your concern.


You're bad at risk management. The likelihood of being hot by a car is tiny. To alter your life for something that happens so infrequently is wild.


I altering my life... By running on the side walk or trail running?  What radical life altering thing would start happening if I was to run in the street?  Would the secrets of the universe open themselves up to me? What am I missing? 


Think people pulling out of their driveway pay more attention


Genuinely one of the only valid comments that isn't psuedo-scientifically claiming that asphalt is better on the joints.


That is why i run on the road. I also run against oncoming traffic (silly sentence to write) and just hop onto the sidewalk when I see an oncoming vehicle. This is a neighborhood I am talking about. Running the same direction as traffic on a road with a speed limit above 30mph is wild.


This. If the sidewalks were well-maintained, it would make sense to cite people for not using them. When the sidewalks are not worth trying to run on, it's on the city for not keeping them in good enough condition.


In LA sidewalks are taken up by homeless people. So we must run on the street.


That'd just make my run more exciting. I'd pretended they're just hurtles I need to jump over.


Change steeplechase to needlechase and we got a new Olympic sport


Parks and residential areas are places where it should be perfectly fine to jog on the road. If it was downtown or on a major road I would think it's odd but what kind of miserable person gets upset about a person jogging on a quiet residential street.


The road outside my apt complex is a 4 lane 55mph road. People run in the bike lane(forcing cyclists into traffic) or even on the road sometimes. I run on the sidewalk there. Yeah “concrete bad” but so is getting smacked by a truck going 10 over at highway speeds.


Tbf idt 55mph roads should be built right outside apt complexes. It's incredibly hostile to pedestrians (especially children), makes it dangerous for drivers to exit the neighborhood, creates an unhealthy level of noise and air pollution, is just unpleasant to be around, and the measures taken to make it easier to leave the neighborhood in a car (only half successful) like increased number of intersections makes the 55mph road significantly slower, annoying, and dangerous than a 55mph road would be if they just built it a little further from the neighborhood, which in turn leads to wider and faster roads to compensate, leading to more of the original issue. I mean yeah, if you live there you don't exactly have a choice, but it really shouldn't be a thing anywhere. It's bad for both drivers and the people who live there.


It is, and I agree, although my city is… topologically challenging, so there’s a lot of infrastructure that’s suboptimal. I mean I’m upset that we have no good transit outside downtown, but I get it. Like there’s a neighborhood 2 miles away that is a 15 mile drive because there’s two mountains and a ravine in the way. As a result we have a lot more fast secondary roads but unlike most places there’s… not a great way to fix them 


yeah roads in residential areas and of course parks are fine for jogging. the thing that really kills me is joggers/runners in bike lanes. those are also roads, except they're way narrower. I'm just salty about cyclists always being discounted


Last time I saw someone jogging in the road is was in a main roadway that opens up to a 4 lane road. Speed limit 45 mph. The dude was just causally jogging right in front of me coming towards me. Good thing I was paying attention I guess but what a stupid place for him to jog. I don’t care if you’re training for a marathon and the asphalt is “easier” on your little feetsies. Don’t be a danger to the people around. Go run in a park away from traffic


Roads weren't created for you alone.


Roads with a 45 mph speed limit were created for things that can go 45 mph. If you’re running on said road, you’re a danger to yourself, to drivers and everyone around you. You’re being selfish and an asshole


I'm a runner and I definitely stick to sidewalks when practical. I've never understood people who choose to run on the road. If you're really worried about the surface, run on the grass.


those joggers have way too much faith for drivers.


A lot of people choose to run/jog on the road over the sidewalk because asphalt is a bit softer than concrete, so there's lower impact on your joints.


Lot more impact from the cars though


Not in my experience


The sidewalk doesn’t offer any more protection. If someone loses control of their car they will still hit the curb and murder you


Still should be using the proper path.


Is it less impact than getting hit by a car?


Most runners don't get hit by cars. So you're comment is a funny self-own.


I’m completely with you on this one. I live in one of the most bike-friendly cities in the world - which means a lot of people use bikes as daily transport, myself included - and runners are constantly on the bike paths even though the sidewalks are nice, well-kept and often quite empty. Now people will say that you can just swerve around. But the fact is that (a) it makes it dangerous in high-traffic situations where a lot of people are overtaking you on the left side and (b) that road is not fucking FOR them. So frankly I dgaf if it’s easier on the knees or it’s less stressful because there are no pedestrians to avoid, they’re literally inconveniencing other traffic so as not to be inconvenienced themselves. If you want to run unobstructed on softer ground, find a park and go nuts. You don’t see me jogging along the freeway just because there’s “more room”.


I live in a similar city and see the same thing. Infuriating.


The weird thing is, I’ve been biking to and from work five days a week since 2021 and only in the last year or so the number of runners on the paths has skyrocketed. They’re cheeky too, and often will not move even if you ring at them. There’s been several posts on this issue in my local subreddit and every time people defend the runners and get very offended that it’s even brought up since “there should be space for everyone”. They literally don’t get that *that* space is on the sidewalk and how intense bike paths with tens of cyclists at once can be. You don’t always have time to look behind you and make sure you can move and frankly, you shouldn’t have to because some pinhead thinks he has a right to run wherever he wants.


Roads are multi use. Drive carefully and you won't hit someone.


Only problem is I don’t trust a lot of drivers. I live in a suburb where tons of people driving the cars are on their phone so I would not trust them and be worried that they would hit someone. Luckily the sidewalks are mostly flat except for a few places where they’re slightly elevated, but they don’t have gaps since they were sealed due to tree roots.


Just because sidewalks are "designed" for pedestrians, doesn't mean they are designed properly or maintained well. You should be thankful how it is now with how the auto industry lobbied so hard to gut the transportation infrastructure that involves anything but cars.


Omg so true and even if the sidewalk isn't bad, one low branch can ruin your day


Please, tell us your nuanced take about road cyclists as well. Also, why are you swerving constantly? Get off your phone and pay attention like a normal human.


ITT tubbies who have never run in their lives.


"JusT rUn oN ThE SidEwALk or tHe trEAdmILL" If you can string together 5+ miles on safe, well maintained, unobstructed sidewalks, you live in a utopia.


We don't have sidewalks.


You could come to where I live, where the sidewalk just randomly ends for a few blocks then picks back up and then 4 blocks of nothing, followed by the nicest sidewalk you have ever seen followed by a sidewalk that looks like the surface of the moon, complete with heaving so bad you can catch air pushing a stroller.


I actually saw someone get hit by a car walking on the side of the road instead of the sidewalk




Learn to share the road. I've never almost hit a cyclist or a jogger who was on the road and not acting stupid. If you're close to it then you're a bad driver. Slow down and be cautious


100 percent agree! This happened to me just last week, as I was making a left hand turn onto my Street. I thought, what a selfish jerk. He’s going to get hit & it will become the drivers fault.


Yep! People need to simply get off the road. I read another commenter complaining about small rocks on the sidewalk messing up their form…. They’ll come up with any excuse


Because it is the driver's fault. I'm pretty good at recognizing when people aren't paying attention and I can easily avoid it, but you always have to watch for pedestrians going against the flow of traffic. If there are no sidewalks, they're allowed to be there. If the sidewalks are shitty, they have a good legal argument to be there. 


Option A: run uninterrupted in the street Option B: deal with uneven sidewalks, trash cans, cars in driveways blocking the sidewalk, low branches, overgrown bushes, etc etc etc


Option C: run in a park, track, gym, treadmill, find a better sidewalk……


Option D: don't be a shit ass driver and we can share the road.


The reason is because asphalt creates less stress and impact on joints than concrete.


It’s funny that people keep upvoting this even though it’s been proven to be wrong repeatedly.


For me it’s that there’s constantly driveways on the sidewalks, so there’s a 6-12” drop every 10 feet for one side of the body, which is really bad for your body over time


I heard running on molten lava is good on your joints too.




If that is what you are worried about, just ride a bycicle. Better for everything and more fun.


Hilarious this coming on the tail of the other unpopular opinion post about how cyclists should ride on the sidewalks (illegally) and stay off the road. Maybe we should all just drive for exercise.


Falling while running is a million times more fun than falling off a bike


Getting smacked by a car is equally unfun though. If the speed limit is >25 I’m running on the sidewalk and so should you.


Why do you think you have more of a right to be on the road than joggers?


Because it’s THE ROAD.


There ain't a law saying cars are the only ones allowed to use the neighborhood streets.


Dumb. I know you don’t just say that public road laws apply differently in neighborhoods.. lol


So? You need more than to repeat the name to make an argument.


Read up on the law buddy. You’d be surprised what you can find


They’d have to be doing something illegal in order to be cited. Maybe just be a better, more attentive driver.


“Hello Officer, I just hit a guy running on the side of the road. Can you come cite him for not being on the sidewalk?”




Other people exist in society and despite what you make think their time is just as important as yours my guy.


Thanks my guy. What’s your mile time?


My unpopular opinion is that I love to see drivers crying about every little thing that inconveniences them even a tiny bit. Bunch of babies.  'Wahhh there's a cyclist/runner/pedestrian/animal/pothole on the road' 'wahh I have to pay to park' 'wahh I have to stop at red lights' 'wahh I have to let pedestrians cross at crossings' 'wahhh the speed limit is too slow' 'wahh fuel/insurance is too expensive' Etc


Honestly I think you're being a bit of a weeny. Do you get mad at people on bikes as well? Are you really going so fast and our of control that you have to swerve around people? Are these major streets you're seeing these people on that have a speed limit of 40mph, or are they residential streets with a limit of 20? On residential streets, I'm normally going slow enough to know how safe it is to get near someone that's jogging. I don't need to take some gigantic swerve


It sounds like you should definitely not be driving a car


The side walk is where you run if you want to fuck up your ankle.


I take it you’re not a runner.


Why run when you can walk? It’s easier on the joints.


People who think toads paid for with tax money ONLY belong to cars are the worst.


Most of the things which make sidewalks dangerous for bikes also make them dangerous for anyone running/jogging fast enough. It's almost certainly safer to jog in the street.


Bikes shouldn’t be on sidewalks anyway.


I am not saying otherwise! What I *am* saying is that a jogger on a sidewalk is likely to be hit by a car backing out of a blind driveway, or hit a car door which suddenly opens, or a business/apartment door which suddenly opens, or little kid running out from between parked cars, etc..


Parks and neighborhoods??


Agreed. Jerks. Ticket em


The sidewalks here are really really uneven, and often slanted. The roads have very limited traffic, maybe a car every 10 minutes or so, and they're wide. I hop up on the sidewalk if two cars happen to go by at once but that's rare.


Sidewalks are great to walk on but terrible to run on. They're often uneven, stop and start at intersections, cars often park over them at driveways, not present at times and generally bad for runners.


Aww another car driver sad about a minor inconvenience. Too much of our public space is already devoted exclusively to cars.


Lack of self preservation instincts


I’m an oh-dark-thirty runner and I often have to run in the road if I want to stay dry. Too many people water their perfectly good sidewalks. Some others allow their bushes and plants to crowd the perfectly good sidewalk. Runners and walkers should be using the “wrong” side of the road. If you’re walking or running with traffic please rethink your life!


Driving stresses you out. You should hand in your license and sell your car.


Yeah totally.


Support your community in taking better care of sidewalks. Lots of sidewalks are poorly maintained and I know if I was doing a run I wouldn’t want to run on them either. Just walking on them sucks. Not to mention in winter, anyone who’s still going for runs may have to contend with the fact the sidewalks won’t be cleared of snow or ice while the roads are more likely to be. So again makes more sense to run on the much more well maintained roads. That being said it can be more dangerous due to cars but at the end of the day sometimes the benefits outweigh the risks


75% of the time I'm running on the road, I've been forced there by uncontrolled dogs, trucks or trailers parked in driveways they don't fit in blocking the sidewalk, or there is literally or functionally no sidewalk. The other 25% of the time I'm in a quiet residential area and just didn't feel like dealing with the sidewalk or there were people coming and I hopped on the road to better share the space. Through over a decade of running I have been injured multiple times from eating shit due to an uneven or blocked sidewalk. Once, I even got stabbed by a stick sticking through a fence due to a poorly trimmed bush on the other side of the fence. I've never been hit by a car nor do I know any runners that have been hit by a car while running. As long as you aren't running along busy highways or in the middle of the road, you're no more unsafe than a cyclist.


I have been hit by a car while running, but ironically it was when I was running on a side walk (drunk driver came up on the sidewalk). I generally stick to sidewalks when I can, but as many have mentioned it is not always that simple as you do have to sometimes go to the road to avoid obstacles, dogs or to get around pedestrians. And of course in the winter the sidewalks are typically not safe to run on so you end up in the road. I will always recommend being cautious of your surroundings when on the road, or really in general, and be cautious of cars trust me being hit was not fun). And if dark please wear something to make yourself visible. Drivers should also be aware of their surroundings as every runner I know has almost been hit by idiot drivers not paying attention. And the annoying sorry wave you give does not make it alright.


Ironically, when I was in high school someone got hit by a car walking to practice but not while running. They were legally in a crosswalk and a car stopped then went and hit them. Thankfully, they didn't hurt him very bad. They did, however, cost their insurance company a decent amount of money.


Today I was walking on the sidewalk and a motorcycle was parked on it.  A bit further down a truck was blocking the sidewalk.  


Just a heads up you accidentally posted this reply twice :) But yeah that makes a lot of sense to me. Just walking on a sidewalk can be sketchy sometimes so I’m not surprised that a lot of the time the road is the better option


Thank you. Reddit told me it failed to post, so I hit post again lol


All good lmao it’s awful about that sometimes


I've got an honest answer. I will try to use the sidewalk, but I am 6'4". I often have to duck and dodge low hanging limbs that creep over the sidewalk. So if I see a stretch of sidewalk with a lot of trees, I slide to the road. Also, I hate running into spider webs..and they're always there in the mornings.


Go run for 2 hours on sidewalks vs the road and get back to me. Running long distance is a sport, like cycling, tripping on roots, head bashing into bushes, being hit by cars from driveways, dodging babies in prams and dogs on leaches is not the sport.


I get both sides. I live in a very overgrown neighborhood, so portions of sidewalk are obstructed by bushes or hedges. That causes me to walk on the road because I don't know about you, but I am physically unable to walk through a solid bush


I've tried jogging on the sidewalks. It's sooo easy to trip. Plus, you often have to duck under leaves from trees, people put their recycling bins there sometimes, there could be a bicycle, etc. Road it is.


It's a pain in the ass but as a bicycle rider I gotta give respect. The road is for everyone


If the cities actually maintained and designed the sidewalks well, this would be a valid point. When the city hasn't maintained their sidewalks in years, there are tree roots breaking the concrete left and right, people watering their lawns and spraying the sidewalks, and the sidewalks aren't wide enough for two people to comfortable pass each other, you can't really blame people for running nest to them.


In OP's world you take one step on a road in a quiet neighborhood and 50 cars doing 50mph thresh you into the soil.


Or cyclists on a very narrow or busy/dangerous road when the bike path is mere meters away. Then they complain about cars.


There's a bit of nuance with this one though, when it's a shared path with walkers/runners, a cyclist is either dangerous to those on the path due to the speed difference, or going so slow it defeats the purpose of being on the bike. This is why dedicated bike lanes are so heavily advocated for by the cycling community.


Ever consider that sidewalks aren't always around and asphalt is actually better for runners' knees than concrete? It's a well-known fact among athletes that roads can be safer for joint health. And about visibility—runners on the road are easier to spot than those weaving through sidewalk obstacles. It’s utterly ridiculous to call this a nuisance. You’re in a vehicle, shielded and powerful, and they’re vulnerable. The real hazard? An impatient driver who can’t handle minor inconveniences. Roads are shared spaces, not exclusive speed tracks for cars. So, before demanding joggers to use the “damn sidewalk,” maybe you should try slowing down and showing a little respect. It’s not just logical; it’s a sign of basic empathy and community awareness.


Roads are for vehicles. Sidewalks are for pedestrians. It's literally that simple. In other words, roads are *not* shared spaces for these two groups. Obviously the scenario here is when there *are* sidewalks so your hypothetical about them not being around doesn't apply.


Thank you!!


Car culture sucks. No, dude, you don't own everything just because you're ina car


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Running on the sidewalk is actually worse for you, concrete doesn’t absorb impact so your risks of stress injuries like shin splints are higher. Clearly you’ve never been a runner so stop judging people for caring about their health and mind your business.


I don’t mind people running on the side of the road as long as they stay out of the way, there’s not really any sidewalks where I drive anyway. The real problem is people jogging in the middle of the road, and people walking at night in black, non reflective clothing. I saw both yesterday


Even more unpopular opinion: At least they're safer to pass than a bike or electric scooter.


Often it’s that the sidewalks suck. Cracks and tree root stuff.


There’s a sidewalk near me that’s paved asphalt with grass dividing it from the road and people still choose to walk on the road. I know some people choose to walk on the grass because it’s easier on their knees, but get off the road


Where I'm from you're lucky to find any sidewalks. The ones that do exist are awful and a huge hazard. I, too, would love to run on the sidewall when there is one, but especially when it's icy the sidewalks aren't even fit for walking.


I'll run on the sidewalk when people stop parking their truck, trailer, or boat on the part of their driveway that intersects the sidewalk. And when the sidewalks stop randomly ending. And when the sidewalk is smooth enough to actually run on. And when snow removers remove snow from the sidewalk instead of dumping snow from the road onto tje sidewalk. And when city workers don't put the road work ahead sign on the sidewalk, blocking off the sidewalk for no reason. And when... It's ridiculous cars get all this space but I can't get the space to walk as a human. If there's the space for both, great, build both. But if there's not, the car should always be second class.


A lot of sidewalks are not safe to run on. Trip hazards can be a huge problem with a sidewalk. I is 100 times safer to run in the road.


It can’t be THAT many people doing it


I live in a newer development in the US and it is almost 50/50


It's better on the feet/joints or something.


I prefer running on asphalt roads generally. The main reason is that where I live, the neighborhoods are more mature, and the sidewalks are uneven. I’ve taken two spills on sidewalks in low light and have bruised myself up pretty well. On the road, I get a much more consistent surface and grade. I also don’t constantly dip for every driveway cutout like I do on the sidewalks. Or have to duck for trees that are improperly trimmed. This is all very helpful if you run fast and for real distance. Sure if you are half ass jogging a mile around the neighborhood it doesn’t matter as much. As for driving, I personally haven’t see it be an issue. You’d have to be driving way too fast and recklessly for this to pose any real inconvenience or safety hazard.


Track and treadmills are really only good for short distances. My calves hate anything above 10 km on a treadmill and both the track and treadmill would have me board stiff on my 20 km + runs. You obviously don’t run or you would realize how dumb your suggestion is. I do generally stick the side walks but unfortunately not always possible due to obstacles or weather. Drivers should also be aware of their surroundings and what usually makes my swerve out as a driver is usually parked cars more than runners as most runners stick close to the curb.


I'm a runner and I agree with you


I run where the cars park 🤷‍♀️ and go on the side walk if there is a car parked there. I hate running on the sidewalk constantly dodging walkers and dogs and people on their bikes. Plus lots of side walks (in my area) are very degraded and crumbling and the road provides a more consistent surface which is easier for me.


You know road tax doesn't fully pay for roads right? If I can't get a licence what exactly am I getting in return for not only the 8% more road funding drivers get via me having been barred from drinking until 21 but also from you using my tax dollars to pay for the roads in my neighborhood you came into and started degrading?


Where I live the sidewalks slope down toward the road, which causes my ankles to get injured.


sidewalks are not designed for runners. they are often too narrow to accommodate two people walking in opposite directions. As you suggested, swerving around people is inconvenient. Also where do you live that the sidewalks are perfectly clear?


To that I say go to a track or get a treadmill


or you can take a taxi or an uber if you don't like sharing the road with the public *shrug*


Sidewalk my friend, not siderun. But seriously, annoys the fuck out of me too. These people are one distracted driver aaa from quadriplegia.


I don't know why people run on the side of the road. Unless its absolutely crucial that you have to walk somewhere, just don't. The microplastics from the tires and the toxic gas from the exhaust is going to lower your health, you are not making yourself healthier by exercising.


What are you doing driving so close to the curb that you have to swing around a jogger?


I worry that you don’t know what a two-way street looks like