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You realize you can carpool with children? Like one parent drives some other parents’ kids and the parents take turns. This is probably more common than adults carpooling to work together


But those kids dont drive, so no less gas is used, and no extra cars are taken off the road. Whether parent #1 drives or parent #2 drives the kids is irrelevant.


If the kids weren't in a carpool, how do you think they would get to school? If one parent didn't drive multiple kids, then each parent would have to drive their child to school, which would increase the number of cars...thus a parent driving multiple peoples kids would indeed lessen the amount of cars. Sure, kids don't drive but someone has to drive to get them to school... you know that, right?


Not at all. You're assuming that they're carpooling to use the carpool lane and not because one has other obligations or plans.


Holy shit this makes no sense.


Insane troll logic. I can't tell if its more crazy or troll though 


Yes it does. If parent #1 is driving both their kids and parent #2's kids, that means parent #2 isn't on the road.


You're assuming that parents are carpooling to use the carpool lane, and not because one has work or other obligations.


You're making assumptions too. The point is, there's no way to know so it would be a silly thing to try to enforce.


No license, no carpool. Parents can save their gas in the slow lane, where they should be with kids in the car.


Ok, but how would that be enforced? Do we expect police to pull over every car in the car pool lane to check for licensed passengers? They can’t even pull you over without cause to make sure the driver is licensed. That’s harassment.


Traffic from moms driving babies in the carpool lane is harassment. Traffic from your lame friend who doesn't want a drivers license is harassment.


The carpool lane is not conditional on people going to work, it's for *any* travel purpose.


But if they didn’t carpool, then both sets of parents would drive their kids to school, thus using more gas


It's the carpool lane not the save-the-earth lane


Save my fucking patience lane


>But those kids dont drive, so no less gas is used, and no extra cars are taken off the road .... If 1 parent drives 3 parents kids... that's 2 less parents driving, aka 2 less cars, and 2 less vehicles worth of gas... It doesn't matter that the *kids* can't drive, their parents have to drive them. So if I, while taking my own kids to school, also take the neighbors on either side of me, those 2 households no longer have to drive.


So take the non carpool lane with those kids who can't drive if you want to save gas. No one's advocating to stop the ability to drive the kids in one vehicle, just don't take up my carpool space with people who can't drive cars.


Wow you are obtuse... Carpooling is to utilize one vehicle in a situation in which multiple vehicles would normally be used. Picking up multiple kids is doing exactly that; ERGO, they are in the exact lane they belong in. Your entitlement and self obsession don't negate that fact. *You* are not the center of the world.


Your kids who can't drive, or friends who dont, aren't the center of the world either


No, but they are following the purpose of the lane; you are requesting that they don't. Thereby I repeat; you are not the center of the world. You literally want the whole world to change *FOR YOU*. Entitled, to the extreme.




So...cops pull over all cars in the carpool lanes and check for papers? Sounds logical to me.


Sounds more like a authoritarian nightmare.... papers please!


It’s not like they regularly do for singles either.


Tell us how you'd enforce that.


And a complete waste of resources to pull every car over that might not comply. Also, this would mean taxis, ubers, busses, and any other vehicle that could have a passenger without a license to be restricted from using the very lane it was intended for. Be a bitch about something else.


Not only an unpopular opinion, but a stupid one.


Sure but how would you enforce this? Does this mean a cop has the authority to pull over a car in the carpool lane if they think the passenger looks too young? This seems like an easy way for police to abuse power and pull over anyone they want with “probable cause” It’s not a bad idea in theory but realistically it wouldn’t work out


Anyone riding in a car with the driver is a passenger. That's why it's called the passenger seat.


People really just be saying anything


The carpool lane is never crowded where I live. I think we should encourage any number of cars to use it, whether they are full of non-drivers or not. Carpooling in any fashion is a good thing.


I actually can’t fault the logic of this.


The rule of the carpool lane is you have to have 2 or more people in the car. You’re saying people should stop counting as people if they’re not driving the car.


Only if they don't possess the ability to drive a car.


Cars carry passengers. If you start removing access to carpool lanes based on the number of licensed passengers then 1) carpool lane usage drops tremendously, forcing more cars into non-carpool lanes. This is due to the fact that most adults who drive would not be allowed to drive in the carpool lanes for the majority of their driving time, because they have more driving commitments with non-licensed passengers than with licensed passengers. The end result of this would almost certainly be that the carpool lanes would then be removed as carpool-only lanes, which would then remove the convenience of the carpool lane in the first place. Or they would never be built at all, since cities would look at studies about carpool lanes, and see how ineffective they are overall due to their use being restricted to licensed-only passengers.


1) sounds good. Use the other lanes to cart kids & lazy/irresponsible unlicensed friends around.


Carpool lanes shouldn't exist. Neither should express lanes that you pay extra for. Tax money should be used to build better roads that benefit everyone and take real traffic into consideration with design solutions that prevent major traffic buildup.


Smartest thing I've read on Reddit


Wow that’s sad. 😄😄


This is definitely an opinion of all time


What is a carpool lane? I never heard of something like this. Is that another one of those north American things?


Yeah, on the freeway if you have a certain amount of ppl in your car you get to go into the carpool lane it has a solid line so ppl can't cross in and out of it a bunch meaning you usually go faster and you're usually in it for a long time


That seems to be so much extra cost just to get people to carpool. You build extra lanes in which only a few people are allowed to drive. I get extra lanes for busses and trucks but for people that carpool? That whole concept sounds a bit weird. If you want to incentive carpooling just make parking and fuel more expensive. That wouldn't be very popular in the US at first but be way more effective.


We are incredibly car dependent and continually try to fix the issue by expanding the freeways. I live in the DC area and expanding public transit would make a ton of sense but the morons in the rural areas don’t want THEIR money going to such projects. Land has more power than people in the US.


Yeah logically it's stupid and unnecessary especially since a lot of ppl just use the lane anyway with one person in the car but it is really nice for road trips


Logically, sure. Logistically, how?


Maybe turn every carpool lane into a toll road. You got a toll road transponder on your windshield. The transponder has a card reader for driver license. Each person in your car scan their driver license to the transponder before the trip. The transponder simply counts how many unique ID.


That’s fucking nuts. You’re crazy.


Not only this doesn't make sense but this would also increase the amount of cars on the road if other passengers didn't count towards the carpool lane. Children themselves are too young to drive let alone getting a licenses and with this hypothetical law in place. Multiple cares would have to be used in order to take people to school/work. Not to mention this take is authoritarian and not practical as enforcing this law would result in stopping every car in the carpool lane which will make traffic worse.


Children and passengers in Uber/taxis should be counted as 0.5 passengers. Parent with 1 child = no HOV lane taxi with 1 passenger = no NOV lane Driver with 2 children or taxi with 2 customers = HOV lane OK.


I'm not willing to make that compromise.