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Going normal.posted speeds they handle just fine. You dont like them? Dont buy one.


Not on the very mountainous terrain we have. I know this first hand from having to suffer through driving several different SUVs for work because the rental companies don't have enough cars. They wallow and roll around in the corners in a way that few cars do.


I live in a flat area with a grid system. Im sure thats much different. Some of the smaller crossovers arent too bad though.


That is all very true - but a car built on the same platform will generally handle significantly better due to having a lower centre of gravity.


The only justification anyone needs to buy something with their own money is that they want it. You earned it, you deserve to spend it as you please.


To the detriment of everyone else? That's the very definition of selfishness.


You can deprive yourself and watch the world go to shit or enjoy yourself and watch the world go to shit. Either way it's going to shit. You only have one life. Might as well enjoy it.


Deprive myself of what, a car that's nice to drive? I would enjoy myself far more in a proper car than a pretend SUV. It's like buying a boat that only sort of floats, or a plane that kinda flies. Why not just get the right tool for the job, instead of a show-off toy? On top of that, I feel like a pretentious prick every time I have to drive something like that, or to be a passenger in one.


Ok, you do you. But let others do as they please too.


I think you should read what I've said more carefully. I'm NOT the one being an advocate for obnoxiously tall vehicles that create a big inconvenience, and more importantly, a huge safety risk for others, all in the name of vanity. I'm not the one who's basically saying "*I'm going to drive whatever I want because I'm so important and screw everyone else because it's all about me me me me me me me and no one else matters*". My vehicle choice does not cause such an obstruction and safety hazard for people who drive a normal car. I wouldn't care if it didn't directly affect me in such a manner, but it does affect me.


Isn't it clear, though, by the overwhelming popularity of SUVs and crossovers, that these are what nearly everyone wants to drive, and you would force them to drive something else because you're bothered? Seems like you're prioritizing your own happiness over everyone else's. Also, I drive a corvette and a civic and have no idea why you would be bothered by large SUVs around you. I could practically drive under some large SUVs in my corvette and it doesn't bother me.


A truly unpopular opinion well done. There is a reason they are so popular and the traditional 4 door car is just about obsolete. They are versatile, comfortable, easier to get in and out, and give much better visibility to name but a few benefits.


No, they're popular just so the owners can show off, or to compensate for something else that is severely lacking in their life. In general, cars are much more comfortable than an SUV, cars are easier to get in and out of because you don't have to climb up into it. While YOU may have better visibility, **it comes at the expense of car drivers**. You have just proved my point for me with that extremely selfish attitude! Well done. So what you are advocating for is an arms race. You get an SUV, I get a bigger SUV, you get a truck, I get a bigger truck, then you get a tank. Where does it end? Do we all just drive jacked-up 40 ton tanks just to go to a supermarket?


Small SUVs are definitely easier to get into and out of than normal cars. At least for anyone over 40.


> You get an SUV, I get a bigger SUV, you get a truck, I get a bigger truck, then you get a tank. Where does it end? Do we all just drive jacked-up 40 ton tanks just to go to a supermarket? Where does it end? It ends when you learn what [slippery slope](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slippery_slope) is.


Omg so many mad SUV owners in the comments. Yes, SUVs and light trucks are proven to cause more damage to smaller vehicles in accidents due to misaligned bumpers and bigger size, and their height gives them a blindspot that makes them more likely to hit children and animals than other types of cars. The difference in height compared to other vehicles also changes the headlight height, making headlights blind smaller drivers on the road. It gives the driver more safety at the expense of everyone else. Yeah, you can buy what you want, but while me buying a sedan doesn’t pose you any danger, you buying an SUV poses everyone a danger.


Absolutely agree, my country had a large surgence of people buying SUVs to just show off, never even taking them out of the city. And theyve been a bane of my existance ever since i got my own car


>Pretend SUVs should be taxed off the roads no. just mind your business >However, it is my business when these clowns "share" the road with me it's really not. i don't care what people drive >No one needs a pretend SUV, who cares? let people buy what they want


> no. just mind your business This is the mindset of people who think they live on an island. Do you think your life absolutely affects no one else? Your purchasing decisions don't influence what's made? Have you considered you might actually be a selfish person?


my dream truck is a ford f550 pickup and i'm getting it whether people like it or not. love my current car. i just need more space


If I were rich enough I'd probably also buy an F550 to tow my (hypothetical) boat and still be able to carry a dirt bike on the back. It's a very practical vehicle that can do stuff no car can do. I wouldn't drive it around town with nothing on the back, however. As I've mentioned, there's nothing wrong with buying a tall vehicle *if one really needs it* for reasons other than showing off.


as much as i love my current car it's not comfortable enough. a custom f550 pickup truck would be way more comfortable and better accommodate the shoes i wear when driving


Then get a more comfortable car, or do you have to frequently drive on rough, dirt roads?


i'll just get an f550. there's no dirt roads where i live


>my dream truck is a ford f550 pickup This is the saddest thing I've read all month.


why is it sad? i'm confused


If you're doing something legit with it, I guess it's cool. If not, it strikes me as extremely materialistic. I assume someone able to afford an F550 at their age would grow out of materialism.


it's the truck i've wanted ever since i was a kid. that's all the reason i need to buy it one day


who am i to criticize someone of their childhood dream


Let the man spend his money however he likes. If buying a thing makes him feel happy, let him buy the thing.


It really just has to be repeated 1,000x. What you buy influences what is made. If you buy cheap Shien or Temu garbage, they will keep making cheap Shien, Temu garbage. Do you think the supply chain has no consequences? Child labor, pollution; all because you need that knock off Stanley cup.


Whether or not any single person buys any single thing has no noticeable effect on any market.


Then it is easy. You become the person to make a cartoon about how cool bike is so every kids want to buy a bike instead of a truck. Be the change you want to see in the world.


Wow, buddy, that's so reasonable. Hear me out, instead, we suggest people don't buy mindlessly.


I'm finding it really funny that arrogant, selfish people are literally proving my point right for me in a pathetic attempt to discredit me and what I've said. You don't need me to make you look like and idiot when you can do it all by yourself. I'm getting the popcorn out for this one, it's going to be a fun night.


I agree in the opinion but your responses are also arrogant, aggressive and insecure. Maybe you should get an SUV?


I'm not the one who started getting aggressive, it was simply a response to what I received. I think I made my points pretty clear and I was justified in what I said. If I had the money and space to store it, I probably would buy a proper SUV with mud tires and have it lifted, but I wouldn't drive it on the roads unless I were to go to or from an offroad trail. For normal driving around, I'd get a car.


Downvoted because I completely agree with you