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Human beings are wired to be jealous, hence non-poly.


That’s not much of an argument lol there’s plenty of ways to do polyamory without jealousy. It can be as basic as watching porn with another couple, all the way to wife swapping. Plenty of people do great with mostly monogamy but sharing a fuckbuddy as a duo now and then, as one example~


Basically humans are somewhere in between completely monogamous and polygamous. Essentially we re a weird mix between tournament and pair bonding species.


Yeah that’s why I say some people do fine with monogamy, and there’s various levels of open relationships. It can be like as simple as masturbating with an other couple all the way to full on wife swapping. People weirdly assume there’s only one kind of polyamory


No, people do not do well with opening up relationships: [https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/comments/xrsuns/polyamory\_doesnt\_work\_unless\_you\_want\_a\_breakup\_i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/comments/xrsuns/polyamory_doesnt_work_unless_you_want_a_breakup_i/) If you need more links, I can give you them.


LOL are you for reals sharing a personal anecdote Reddit story as your “proof”?? I say the opposite and my life has shown me that I’m right. There. Countered their personal anecdote. Now we’re back at square one 🤷‍♀️


[https://youtu.be/fUEjCXpOjPY?t=8454](https://youtu.be/fUEjCXpOjPY?t=8454) Here's another link for you. "for reals"


“From a research perspective this would be flawed” are literally his first words LOL


Actually, here is a good source on the matter: [https://ifstudies.org/blog/the-problem-with-polyamory-a-social-scientific-view](https://ifstudies.org/blog/the-problem-with-polyamory-a-social-scientific-view) Thanks for your persistence.


LOL !!!!! You can keep trying to rebut, or you can try to take away something from it. Lemme know if you do find a scientific study on it.


I did rebut. With your own video. “From a research perspective this would be flawed” is basically like saying ‘well I guess the slander was truthful’ in court 😂


Well you're welcome for the thoughts. But feel free to keep bashing your head against them. Brilliant


That’s less of a rebuttal than what I gave you but alright lol


cause i dont wanna go work for 12 hrs in a coalmine to have someone else have sex with my wife and for me to feed the kids that are produced off that affair having monogamy provides kids with at least 1 father ideally and 1 mother, instead of having nobody after 6 men impregnate 1 woman and they all leave cause they dont wanna take care of 5 extra kids


That’s how a lot of hippie-open-relationship-communities fail. Some are out working all day and a couple of the ‘spiritual gurus’ are banging all of the available partners. At a certain point it breaks people.


You’re fallacy here is assuming ‘polyamory’ means ‘just fuck people’ There’s an infinite way to structure the rules in your relationship and it’s easy to tailor them to your needs. My wife and I for example only do three-ways with dudes who’ll fuck both of us. We don’t cheat or fuck without the other. Calm down lol


That explains a lot


Why do most polyamorous relationships or open relationships fail? If relationships and marriages fall apart because of cheating, that means we are not predisposed against monogamy.


Im convinced you pulled the ‘most polys fail’ thing out of your ass, or are going off misinformation. There’s also cultural sabotage. Polyamorous relationships are hard to make work because of monogamy permeating our culture. Plenty of us make it work and honesty most people who can’t make it work, really just didn’t have a chance. You spend the vast majority of your life being hammered on by monogamy everywhere and it leads to anxieties about breaking away from it. People pressure you about it, shame you about it, point out how they’d never do something so wild.. It’s in shows, movies, in law, fucking EVERYWHERE. People can be excused for a little stumbling with this new concept. Also, communication. That’s literally all it takes.


It could be misinformation. Feel free to share something credible that disagrees with what I said.


While I get your point, that’s a pretty dumb reason for polyamory to fail. “Because the culture prefers monogamy” like why do you care? Are the people who are getting scared and leaving poly situations maybe agreeing with the virtues of monogamy?


Oh I don’t care in the slightest lol I honestly love laughing at pathetic, loveless, sexless marriages lol~ This is a genuine opinion though. The world would be better off my way, though I don’t care either way. Just sharing an unpopular opinion 🤷‍♀️


That’s sad, do you laugh at the homeless too?


Nah. They can’t just decide to stop being homeless, and literally any relationship you can end at l i t e r a l l y any time. ANY time. You choose to stay in that, that’s on you buddy!


Not all homeless people, but many made constant bad decisions that led to them being homeless. I don’t laugh at them either, I also don’t laugh at sad relationships. My parents were really stressed and snapping at eachother when I was a kid. They soldiered on and are very happy now. “Loveless and sexless” marriages can only be a blip in time, if you honestly think getting out is the smarter option you are selling a lot of people short.


Woooow you’re the one blaming the homeless now. Amazing. I guess calling them out at first was just virtue signaling 🤷‍♀️


Ask anyone who works in soup kitchens and such, they see a lot of weirdos and addicts. To become addicted means making bad decisions, this shouldn’t be controversial. I hear roughly 10% are actually down on their luck, the rest usually played a part in becoming homeless.


‘Well I hear that roughly 10% of broken marriages are genuinely stuck in an unbeatable situation’ see how easy it is to do that? Fuck man, be less shitty about the homeless. Everyone, including you, is one bad day away from being on the streets. Don’t get cocky.


Yeah I'm sure you'll be fine with your wife getting railed by a new guy twice a week while you only manage one tinder hookup with a fat chick in the last two years.


If you wanna be poly go do it, if people wanna be monogamous leave them be it’s that simple


I literally said that people can and should be monogamous if that’s how they’re wired but do go off queen.


Nothing is queen over this way but k


We played monogamy all the time when we were on vacation. I was always the race car.


Hah. I’m glad your relationship survived it


Divorce lawyers would be the biggest winners with way more business


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Consider this: if monogamy were not the norm, even more people would be frustrated and angry because they would struggle to find a partner.


Please explain your reasoning.


You’ll end up in situations/cultures where 1 man dates/marries several women. Which in turns means you have a large group of single men desperate to date but can’t because there’s not enough women to date. One of the bigger theories for why monogamy (and with it, men owning/ruling women) was created in the first place was to avoid exactly this.


Has that ever happened in a country where women have equal rights as men and work?


No recorded history of such a thing. Throughout ancient history women have always had different rights, even in the few instances of almost equal rights it was in a monogamous society.


I don't think it's what would happen in a modern society.


I’m not so confident, we live in a mostly monogamous society already and we’ve already seen the rise of Incels.


Definitely. But I don't see those guys having meaningful relationships regardless of it being a monogamous society or not. I just think it's a non factor.


I’m going to take a wild guess here and say it’s probably a sort of incel/red pill mentality where it’s assumed that if the sexual market was left on its own without some sort of culturally enforced monogamy, only a small subset of men would be getting all the sex with women and the rest (80%, 90% 99%?) would be left to rot alone. It’s obviously false but it’s a fairly common point of view.


My problem with the 50% divorce rate in general is that it’s used as if monogamy and marriage is like a roll of the dice. I don’t think this way. I can agree that pushed monogamy does tend to leave people with making rash decisions about getting married. Many people marry because they feel they “have” to do it soon, thus they rush into it before issues between eachother arise, or finding reasons to regret your decision. Like, I always want to live with my partners before marriage (I am engaged now), apparently the statistics show that couples that live together before marriage are more likely to get divorced. While I can understand the reasons, I don’t see it that way, so I don’t think of my life at now some 70% chance of failing, I think I am beating the odds. Stuff like cheating is all very contextual, and using statistics obfuscates the causes of divorce. People pick bad partners, I try not to. I am with the love of my life now and I can’t see what could possibly go wrong. It’s just stress of life and kids and people make bad decisions. I feel like polyamory is just as susceptible to any myriad of emotional decisions that cause heartbreak. We are human, we love commitment, building a team and a family unit. I assume most polyamory relationships don’t want kids either. So it does come off as just wanting lots of sex with effectively roommates.


You could write a whole essay with the “50% divorce” thing. Long story short it’s a huge myth. Let’s start with facts, **50% of marriages do not end in divorce**, this myth started 50+ years ago when they attempted to estimate how much people will divorce in the future if the current pattern of divorces at the time kept continuing. That pattern slowed down and never hit the 50%. Another thing, the stats are skewed by people who get married and divorced 3, 4, 5+ times. If you have 5 people, each one gets married once but 1 guy gets married and divorced 5 times, the “average divorce rate” would be 55%, when in reality most people are marrying just fine, there’s just the few people who aren’t taking marriage seriously.


It’s myths like these that permeate into facts amongst people. It’s all very sad. My ex pretty much didn’t want marriage because she felt it’s a 50% chance of failing by virtue of these statistics. Seems op operates with the same mindsets of statistical determinism.


Our structure is my wife and I and a femboy pet that all live together, but my wife and I are the only two who love each other and we only play with a third party together. As for sex with all my roommates? Sure if they’re hot and into it! I think that sounds great~


You have a sex toy who is another person. To me this is different than polyamory. You are still married to one person and you like threesomes. I think a lot of this is the fleeting thrills of sex, which is very human, vs the point of having a family unit. You didn’t mention anything about kids and I think it severely changes the dynamic. To me you really gotta spin polyamory as having a family with like 3 parents and selling that. Being open to threesomes in what seems like still monogamy isn’t how most people perceive polyamory.


“To me it’s different” well definitionally, you’re objectively wrong. Threesomes are polyamory. There’s no more conversation to be had if you simply refuse the language so I’ll leave you to it here~


I looked at the definition, I know what you are saying. But you seem to actually be monogamous if you are married.


The word you want to look up is ‘polycule’ kid. It’s a form of polyamory. And my wife and I have a live-in femboy pet so it’s not just us.


Don’t say kid, you are clearly younger than me 😂 You’re in a monogamous relationship with a fuck buddy. Frankly you are kinda on both sides pragmatically. Why don’t you marry the femboy?


I don't even know what you're talking about. What are these words?


no. you miss a part. in other cultures, there is monogamy AND people don't divorce or cheat. it's just this culture of today. you in fact CAN accept only having one husband/wife, yet the problem is; you don't want to accept that.


You are beyond delulu if you think other cultures don’t divorce or cheat LOL Also, a cultural shaming and ostracizing of divorced people in certain nations sure has nothing to do with it nah


Oh also reread the post and maybe see the part where I said monogamy is plenty fine for some people who are wired that way. Eesh.


but it's not about "some people", it's about culture. these people will accept polygamy if they live like you and you would accept monogamy if you lived like them. got it? now we must find out what's better, and why. and not just: what's more fun. we must strive towards the best species that we can imagine. am with you, we should not force monogamy, but we should realize, that in satisfaction there is real joy, and not in greed. how was your childhood? would you like your mum getting banged by another dude each week? your father maybe coming home only once a week because he has some young chick a few miles away? i think you are just not satisfied with your sexlife, that does not mean polyarmory is the answer. yes it might be to some folk, yet i think for most not. most people just imagine it being fun, like it is for a kid to imagine eating 1kg of sugar.


Every one of you people seems to assume that polyamory means just getting fucked randomly. That’s the biggest fallacy you can have here. And yes, whatever I advocate for myself I advocate for everyone. Even family. Good try though.


does not need to be randomly. it starts with your boss, or whoever you fancy right now. yet he will become boring one day too, and then you'll want the next. satisfaction comes from acceptance, from nothing else


You literally just reiterated the exact same point. Again, fallaciously. If that’s all you think a polycule is then you need to educate yourself hard.


or fuck around and find out, i guess. yet many did so, and it seems to me they are more desperate then ever.


Not even. The issue is settling with someone you're not happy with and people not taking relationships seriously. If you don't befriend your partner first, then that's where your relationship has failed. Once both parties feel comfortable with one another and have found common ground, then the relationship will work. I blame poor upbringings more than anything. If your parents have a rocky relationship, then it's taught to the child that a rocky relationship is normal


Alot of cultures were polyamrous but god fearing Christians couldn't accept such a sin. So they murdered them.


nah. christians killed mostly pagans in europe, monogamous people


I didn’t get into the religion thing here but I could write a book with how much I could rant about that. 😐


Reddit hates polyamory because the majority of the incels and nerds here can’t keep one women or get laid easily.


Oh yeah the incel rhetoric is real lol


Less monogamy could work if and only if women became property again.


I think human beings are wired to do exactly what we do today. There is no correct way of doing the human experience, other than the way we do it. This is it. There is no escape. We are the epitome of human evolution and we will just have to get through it. I'm talking about the friction and the fucking and the games and the betrayals, the jealousy, the falling in love with different people, the lying, the speaking the truth, the falling out of love, the indecisiveness, the thought of greener grass, the temporary temptation, even masturbation - it's all part of our nature. It was just the way it sort of happened. Enjoy it while you can!




Literally how did you come up with the idea that polyamory triples a population??




That is some of the most ignorant math I’ve ever seen in my life kid lol




People in polyamorous relationships don’t have more kids LOL that’s the most ignorant thing I’ve ever heard. For real dude polyamory could be as simple as you and your partner have safe sex with a fuck friend sometimes. No one’s following specific rules and usually people aren’t getting cross-married. Just, sheesh kid. Seriously.


If 4 women want a kid, they'll do so with between 1-4 men. The number of babies doesn't change - just the number of fathers.


How? You can only produce a baby once every 9 months, that doesn’t change regardless of how many different people you sleep with.


I’m not talking about sleeping with multiple people. I’m talking about why it’s not a good idea for the majority of the worlds population to be involved in Polygamous relationships.


But again why? You didn’t explained how polygamous would triple the earth’s population.




But if those women weren’t dating that man, they would still be dating other men and still have 8 kids after 9 months, so nothing changes. The only thing that changes is now you have 1 father instead of 4.


In how many countries have you lived and how many cultures have you experienced?


I spent five years in Mexico growing up from the ages 9-10 and otherwise and lived in drastically different environments in the US. I got a taste of both poor and rich Mexico while I was down there. Saw plenty. Also it’s not hard to study cultures dude. We have the internet.


So your first hand experience are Mexico (American Latin environment?!) and the US environment. How about the; Balkan, Mediterranean, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, all the diverse subcultures of Asia, Middle East or Africa? How would you know their take on that perspective?