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>suspend license for a(t least a) week if using your phone while driving. Nah, treat it like a dui. Restricted license for 6 months. Require the installation of a phone interlock device. Possible jail time and **BIG** fines


I like this I always end up behind someone at the lights playing on their phone instead of watching for a green light. I think 6 months for a first offense then it doubles from every time after.


I once witnessed a man driving down the freeway 80 miles an hour watching a MOVIE. He was holding it with his thumbs so it was on the wheel. He was swerving in and out of the lanes. He may as well have been drunk out of his mind at that point, it was extremely disturbing to see. So ya, I agree, using a phone while driving should be treated like a dui.


I had a taxi driver in Cuba a few years ago who installed a portable DVD player on the drivers side sun visor so he could watch videos as he drove.


Interesting that you want a work around for your test taking weakness while complaining the system isn't hard enough


Apples and oranges, Brochacha. Also, it’s an opinion. You can agree or cry about it, that’s your opinion.


This isn't "unpopular" at all. Pretty much all major cities have traffic problems and it's universally hated.


Judging from all the negative responses, it seems unpopular haha


Probably your rules are the problem with the post We all know traffic sucks and there should be different rules Same goes with most things rape 3 years what a joke


Moar traens!!


Too many cars period.


This is build-in the US system. Cities aren't designed for public transportation but for you to buy a car to get around. Though there is not right in driving a car, you are granted the privilege to drive. To me, cities aren't as great if you walk as cars will interact with you. I even lost interest in driving a car. I mean i am driving a car to be in a traffic jam and spend hours to get from and to home. Accomplishment. And with each newer generation there will be more cars. Perhaps a Chinese system would solve the too many cars problem. Make it a lottery.


The issue here is that you assume criminal punishment is a deterrent for bad driving practices. We already have deterrents and that doesn’t stop people. If the nearest job/grocery store/whatever is 20 miles away, it doesn’t matter what laws there are, a person with a car will drive it whether they are allowed to or not. Like all traffic stuff, the solution to get people off the roads is give them a preferable and cheaper alternative to driving. But until we have an efficient public transit system, driving is the only viable means. Punish people all you want, they’ll stay on the road as long as they need to


Better public transport ?!?!?!?!??!


I was first really afraid this was going to be another cringe generic anti car post with a mandatory post about how much better Japan is but then I saw your reasoning and now I wholeheartedly agree.


After 70 years old you need to physically present your self to renew your license and take a renewal test. My grandpa was driving before we had street lights and has renewed his license by mail for the last 15 years. We took his car away 13 years ago cause he kept hitting shit.


I hear you, but I present to you this : young male drivers are the most dangerous drivers on the road. If elderly people should take a renewal test (and I don't disagree with you), should young male drivers be more strictly tested for their license?


how about we just make driving privileges based on IQ?


Having a high iq doesn't mean that one is a good driver.


of course, but a person with higher IQ would at least be aware of that and moderate their own driving to be safer


Yeah, no. It is impossible to assume how someone will behave based on something as trivial as IQ, as someone with a lower IQ would also moderate their driving to prevent dealing with tickets.


Yes. Breeding as well.


It’s always amazed me that driving is a privilege but having kids is a human right.


you not good at written test? too bad, you fail. Also point 4 & 5 increases traffic, the other 3 will barely change the amount of traffic. Actual "solutions": 1. Make alternatives (public transport, biking, walking) more feasable (less expensive, & more practical) 2. Don't put places where people want to be (work, store, park) super far away from the places people are (homes). 3. Put stuff closer together (higher density housing) & repurpose space used for parking 4. Make driving significantly more expensive for everyone (unpopular, will work tho (only after implementing 1)) 5. Make streets smaller, which reduces throughput and speed, which will make car driving even less desirable (will result in "less cars on the road", but equal/more traffic)


Tickets based on income are ignorant. Why penalize successful people who are paying more in taxes already?


More successful people are paying less taxes due to how tax breaks work. You new here?


I’m not talking about 1% of the population.


Why should successful people get to break the law?


They shouldn’t, they should be ticketed the same as anyone else.


A ticket that's only a few hundred dollars means nothing to someone who makes hundreds of thousands or more a year.


I still think the punishment should be based on the crime, not the persons income.


The punishment is a fine. If the fine is too small then it is only a punishment for the poor.


Any fine that someone receives is a punishment… just because you think someone with more money doesn’t care, doesn’t change the fact that it is a punishment.


…well, they aren’t paying more in taxes already. That’s not ignorant, it’s leveling the playing field. The point of a punishment is to avoid repeat offenders. Do you think bill gates paying 500 bucks for a violation is the same as a minimum wage worker paying 500 bucks? No…