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I think you'd be better stating that pork chops are better than they get credit for, because they do. I feel that steaks get the appropriate amount of praise, but that pork chops are criminally underpraised.


Pork shoulder steaks , cheap, fatty and juicy, flavourful... love em im feeling beef steaks get too much glory when we have amazing other steaks


Pork chops are criminally underrated. That we agree on. Full heartedly. I still think steaks are overrated. I do want to make it clear that I LOVE steaks, but they are overrated. Many cuts of meat can be as good as steak, if you actually know how to cook. (Being overrated doesn’t mean bad, it just means being rated higher then it should be)


Nothing beats a perfectly cooked ribeye. I love burgers, hotdogs, pizzas, gyros, italian cold cut sammiches, italian beef, any form of american bbq but all of them combined pale in comparison to a 1lb+ well cooked medium rare ribeye with some mashed potatoes/asparagus and tons of grilled garlic.


This comment changed my mind. Idt I comprehended what you were saying, but I now understand your taste. I am more focused on the rounded flavor the meal gives, but you seem to enjoy the deep taste the meal brings. Which I respect deeply.


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Yup. Most pork chops are overcooked. Even in restaurants. You know it is overcooked when it is no longer pink.... All I want is restaurants and people would treat the doneness of the pork chop religiously like how much they care about steak.


Decent places in UK do them pink at least...can recommend the PIG chain in new forest area


Spoken like a true person who has never experienced a perfectly cooked ribeye.


I love all kinds of meats, and definitely enjoy a good pork chop. But for me, a perfectly prepared steak is like a divine experience. I’ve had steaks so good that I literally feel orgasmic eating it.