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Generally speaking, if you can tell there’s been plastic surgery it’s either a lousy job or they did way too much.


a simple rhinoplasty will be noticed while at the same time is not *too much* or dangerous


It will be noticed by those who know them, but if you'd never seen them before the surgery you probably won't notice


Yeah when i was in my 20s, my mom told me she had a nose job before I was born, and I was shocked because you really couldn't tell. But I assume people who knew her before obviously noticed she had a different nose lol


I have way too much shit going on in my own life to worry about people that I don't know doing things that don't affect me.


OP just got done watching S4 of The Boys lmao.


To be fair- it sounded like she couldn’t move her upper lip sometimes.


Exactly what I was thinking 💀


Is that the locker room episode?


It was noticeable in season 3 but Jesus. Honestly kinda sad how insecurities and the media can make someone do that to themself.


I see a lot of comments saying “it doesn’t affect me or it’s none of my business so let people do what they want to do”. And while I get that philosophy to an extent, no one exists in a vacuum and what people do DOES affect others. We coexist together and it sends a message that might not be inherently good to a population of young vulnerable people, which is to conform to a Eurocentric look that is only achievable if you have lots of disposable income or financial support. I’m not saying we should regulate other people because ultimately it is their choice. But it does make me sad that we came so close to body positivity, celebrating human diversity, and accepting ourselves, but somewhere in the last couple years we dropped the ball.


Like a lot of wide reaching issues, focusing on your own family and social circle is going to be the most effective way to make a change.


People for whom this is true aren't here yass queening in the comments lmao


I'd say this question is more directed to the people who don't have too much shit going on in their own lives, who have the time and energy to ponder such thoughts, a luxury that over-extended people do not get to enjoy.




Exactly this. Who gives a fuck about what people do with their bodies. “Everyone else should the feel the way I feel about this”


Plastic surgeries are already shunned, mostly the very obvious ones, a good one is the one that you can't tell it's surgery. Yes obvious surgeries are very ugly imo and you have all the right to criticize them but ultimately people are free to make stupid choices But this isn't really an unpopular opinion


Its unpopular. Most people feel if it makes you happy.. like OP used to feel.


In my experience when people see a woman that have a very obvious surgery someone always make a comment on it 100% of the time


And they make jokes about it as if it’s not permanent it’s so rude how entitled people feel to speaking on other people’s physical appearance


Idk. I find it that usually if they still look conventionally attractive, most people just shrugged. The issue is that usually the commented one are very unconventional, like bolt on breasts is certainly... an aesthetic choice.


And it‘ll be downvoted to hell and have 20 negative reactions to it.


But everyone is still thinking it


I think everyone is entitled to their own decisions and I don’t think anyone should be shamed for getting work done. But promoting it, sure. I do completely agree that it isn’t empowering to women (or anyone) in the slightest. I honestly don’t love that so many people get plastic surgery because I think everyone is inherently beautiful just the way they are and human diversity is beautiful. A lot of people are trying achieve the same look. But for many, it is the unique traits that make people attractive. Also you want to attract someone who will love you for who you are. Not just the version of you that fits into a socially rewarded box. I also feel social media is increasing people’s desire for these procedures. It also makes them feel worse about aging. I feel bad for each generation of young people that may feel more and more insecure and inadequate in how they look.


My aunt got an arm lift. Those wings that happen when you get older. She always hated hers. She had the money (5-8k.) Since the kids are grown. She lost. 4 pounds of skin and fat. I could tell something was different but not what until I said she was looking better. Her choice. If it makes her happier, and no one gets hurt, why care?


I agree and this make sense. However, a complicating factor to consider. Younger people have been shown so many physiques that have been digitally, chemically, or surgically altered that they have difficulty accepting the human body in it's natural form and find regular people to be below average. What used to be optional and excessive has become a baseline standard for people who have been raised on image based social media and have the associated body dysmorphia from consuming such content. So people shouldn't necessarily be shunned but they do need to reassess things. Sadly I think once the genie is out of the bottle and once someone has been exposed to this type of imagery it is hard for them to go back or accept normal bodies.


Upvoted because I just got hairline surgery and fuck you i wanted it and now i look better.


I think it’s ok if you had cancer/burns. A lot of women get it after breast cancer surgery.


Maybe if people stopped bullying TF out of people for their looks, they wouldn't feel the need to get plastic surgery in the first place. You can't deride someone for being ugly, then get mad at them for finding a solution to "fix" that.


I disagree, as a trans woman, a rhinoplasty might be very helpful to me in the future and some "cosmetic procedures" make people healthier like Liposuction. What I will agree on tho is that stuff like a BBL and Botox I definitely view in a negative light!


Watching cosmetic surgery become more and more normalised over time is dark as all hell. In an ideal world anyone who thinks they need to enhance already attractive faces/bodies should instead be offered therapy to learn to accept and love who they already are. In some countries (like Korea) plastic surgery is so normalised that everyone is starting to look the like clones.


i love the tiddies i bought thank you very much😂they’ve greatly improved my life and look amazing and the surgeon i worked with was honest and real. 10/10 experience. if you’ve never had plastic surgery you don’t understand the process and some of the core values these offices have of honoring their patients and creating life changing results. it can be a very positive experience for most people!


Darn. I was going to point out that plastic surgery can help people like burn victims 🤣.


Idk.. there are people who walk around with botched lips and cheeks but the way some of those nose jobs completely change someone’s appearance is impressive.


There’s a 15% pay gap for between conventionally attractive and conventionally unattractive attractive women. I can be sure it’s not other women insuring this pay gap. I think it’s fine to do what you want with your looks, you will not please everyone.


Nah my body my choice, I’ve never wanted plastic surgery but who am I to say that just bc I don’t want it no one can have it bc I think it looks like crap. I also hate the color pink but I’m not gonna outlaw it. Let people live 😤😂


Adults should have everyright to do with their bodies, whatever the hell they please. There's something hypocritical in saying people shouldn't be forced to follow eurocentric standards (agreed) but knocking them for not following yours. If it doesn't affect you, or harm anyone else, then quite simply it's none of your buisness.


Why do you care what other people do when it doesn't affect you in any way shape or form? Let them be masters of their bodies even if you don't like plastic surgery


Tbh I do not know how, for instance, the BBL craze can be traced back to Eurocentric beauty standards… I think the desire for cosmetic procedures comes from the influence of TV and social media. 


You are right, having a big butt only became popular a few years ago I think? I remember as a kid the standard was being slim, less emphasis on breasts and buttocks.


Who cares what other people do to their bodies?


If you can’t afford it, just say that I got my breasts done and got lipo suction on my entire mid-section and back and I will *never* regret it 🤷‍♀️


Naw. If it makes people happier and helps them with their insecurities, then I’m for it. Plastic surgeons being unethical and performing an obscene amount of surgeries should and is shunned.


Did OP edit out a boys reference cause I'm seeing multiple comments relating to the show/cast?


sure, but it's a free country. People do all kinds of stupid things.


Agree completely. I used to think "to each their own" too, but not anymore. It should be used to help with defects and that kind of thing, not to mask who you are. Yr face reflects yr personality and it's something we just have to live with. Pretty privilege should be shunned, we don't all have to win.


So... you're proposing trying to shame people who have had plastic surgery? Or..? Honestly... why do you care? People should do what makes them happier as long as it doesn't hurt others.


I got a rhinoplasty done because I needed to get a deviated septum fixed anyway. People around me didn't even notice, it didn't take that long to recover and I have a bit more confidence so not a big deal. I didn't feel like I could "learn to live with it" when people were pointing it out my whole life or calling me Squidward.


I think this is too complex to say if it's good or bad. Obviously everyone can see the poor, unnatural looking outcomes, but what about the people that had their lives transformed for the better by gaining a more proportional, healthier looking face? Surgery is not the only problem, it's also the environment that discriminates the less-atttactive ones.


Literally a massive swing in fascist bullshit taking over in the world and this is somthing you care about? Ffs we are doomed.


Most people can’t afford plastic surgery or to take time off from work and other responsibilities to do it. Only the wealthy leisure class gets plastic surgery for the sake of vanity. Plastic surgeons also fix little kids cleft lips, help burn victims, perform breast reductions to help women who have back pain, help people who’ve been attacked by dogs etc. Most people aren’t out there paying thousands for facelifts and tummy tucks, and those who are are also wasting money on all kinds of other superficial nonsense as well.




There's like a slight racial undertone here that's very interesting. Not good, just interesting.


What racial undertone


>conform to beauty standards that are rooted in unrealistic and Eurocentric beauty standards


Isn't that true though? Especially in Asia with wanting lighter skin, double lids etc.


Yes, of course it's true


you also see this in the "style" of nose that is popular in rhinoplasty. small, slim, pointed, straight bridge, narrow nostrils. very very white / eurocentric. looking at the website or social media of a plastic surgeon who does noses, they all look the same very quickly. it bums me out so much.


I didn't expect it. But I'm intrigued.






This is a very popular opinion based on confirmation bias. You only notice botched / poorly done cosmetic surgery results. Promoting cosmetic surgery can be morally questionable when it comes to shit like botox or other "unnecessary" surgeries sure but that's very different from someone who was born with some kind of deformity laying under the knife to fix it. In the end of the day if people have the ability to do something there will be individuals who overdo it. People usually undergo process like this for themselves and their own mental health. It's easy to talk down from the high horse until you are the only who has to live with a deformity.


No I agree people look way too plastic and fake when they do this crap


Not if they quit in time. In many older people it is done subtly and you just think they aged well.


I agree, but my reasoning is based on the fact that giving yourself cosmetic plastic surgery makes another 10+ people insecure about themselves. Getting plastic surgery provides you pleasure while putting others down. And because of the standards that that person raises, a larger percentage of people now have to cater to that beauty standard. I guess I’m ok with cosmetic surgery in theory. If people were doing plastic surgery for features they liked despite fitting the beauty standard or not, I’d be fine. It’s your life. But continuously chasing a perfect body of perfection with only certain features being consistently selective is not ok in my books.


You’re not responsible for other people’s insecurities


People say this but then demand we affirm a thousand different things. I wish the world was so blunt lmao.


Ever heard of free will? If you hate a part of you that you see everyday and have an option to fix it, why not? People aren’t getting plastic surgery to make others insecure or jealous, it’s to give themselves more confidence.


I completely agree, and you're brave to say it! Our obsession with looks is a total sickness.


I don’t see how shunning it would solve any problems. If anything, prominent figures, like celebrities, will just get even more secretive than they already are. Like “oh no, hahaha I never had anything done, I’m *all natural* “ despite having had an obvious rhinoplasty, fillers, face lift, etc


I got lots of plastic surgery. It made my life a lot better and me genuinely less depressed. So I would never judge someone else who got it.


How about let people do what they want to their bodies with their own money? None of your fuckin business as long as their lives arent in danger.


Comparing Starlight in S1 to S4 is like looking at a different girl.


Forgot to mention all the “fans” saying shes ugly and not hot enough Sure she could have gotten on her own and not because of bullying but who knows But spoiler alert, they still don’t find her hot, and are now memeing her every episode


No one was saying that. She was definitely objectively beautiful before.


Just because you didn't see it happen on the internet where millions of people are communicating 24/7 doesn't mean it wasn't happening.


It wasn't happening. Definitely not in a noticeable amount especially compared to the people saying she's beautiful. That is just the narrative going around to try and make her a victim in all this. She did it to herself. In her words it was just some weight loss and contouring tho.


I had more of an issue with her speech. There were times it sounded like she couldn’t enunciate.


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It can be both true that cosmetic surgery as an industry can be predatory, and freedom of choice is empowering. They aren't mutually exclusive. It's perfectly in your right to dislike what cosmetic surgery looks like, or to acknowledge potential harmful incentives in social life or the surgery industry or whatever, but that distaste would be better served pointing it at the sources of those problems instead of at every individual participant.


I’m not into body shaming


Some people need it. A lot of people don’t


I feel the same way and realized that the influx of plastic surgery came from media making it acceptable to comment on celebrity women's looks the way they'd never DARE comment on men's. This causes celebrity women to go into plastic surgery to "fix" themselves and everyone else follows suit. I myself comment on looks all the time, it's always women's.


To each their own, but I think when it’s overdone or looks ridiculous, people naturally shun them. It’s just looking cray. The thing that concerns me is how much long term damage is done to the brain and heart after multiple optional surgeries going under anaesthesia? But yeah, it can be very addictive a person with dysmorphia and that’s when it gets really concerning. Optimally people embrace their unique beauty but let’s be real, or culture doesn’t encourage that really.


It was


I don’t think people should be shunned or shamed for it, but you have a point that it shouldn’t be normalized to the extent that it is. Plastic surgery is a very serious operation. You’re literally breaking entire bones in your body and slicing up and destroying perfectly healthy tissue purely to achieve an aesthetic. If I were to take a knife and do this to my own self, people would call me mental. People really downplay the seriousness of these surgeries.


Good luck with that lol Girls always looking to improve themselves in the laziest way possible


I agree. Also used to think “live and let live” and even considered breast implants after having kids if I disliked my body. But then I read so many stories of health problems from them. I don’t get any procedures but almost all of my friends do. I’ll be the only one with wrinkles, but I don’t care.


If OP is a guy I bet OP lusts over so called “all natural“ beauties who have had nose jobs, fillers, chin implants, breast implants, etc and wear pounds of makeup.


Shunning is not a useful thing! I’m a huge hater of the plastic surgery industry but we should not be mean to the people who get it.


Anyone else think Erin Moriarty looked better before plastic surgery


i hate plastic surgery. i feel like if you're ugly, you should just be proud of the ugly and move on.


I have never understood this point of view. If someone has been bullied to the point of depression their whole life about something like their nose or ears, why would you shame them for changing that feature? I think everyone should be able to feel confident in their own skin and if that means plastic surgery then there’s nothing wrong with that.


I think it just depends tbh


It’s not my place to shun others for their personal life choices.


Hard agree. I don't respect people who get plastic surgery for any reason other than medical necessity.


I think it’s kind of shamed bc everyone I know who’s had it didn’t want anyone to know and hid as much as possible during recovery. Like a girl I went to school with went to some plastic surgery retreat thing in Florida where you could stay for weeks after surgery with nurses checking on you so you could fully recover (or recover to a point you could take care of yourself and not obviously just had surgery) before going home.


I dislike most of them but i dont care that much. My wife had recently nasty oil burn on face (that healed nice) and on one boob. Pregnant at the moment. We talked about it and she will (after breastfeeding is over) go to surgery to repair skin on boob, lift and fill boobs (they are down and flat after three kids) but no extreme size. She had As so something like that. And she will get belly repaired (torn muscles from pregnancy).


Tbh if u wanna be an idiot and pay that much money for a stupid surgery that’s ur prerogative and I honestly could care less. Theres a lot of unnecessary industries, but at least this one it’s the idiots fault for buying into it


People who continuously get work done to try and look better have a mental illness.


Never forget, Kanye Wests mom died from a plastic surgery operation. Shits dangerous


I couldn’t agree with you more.


Why are you focused so much on that persons looks, instead of their character, education, career, or health?


Fake on the outside fake on the inside


got my breast implants and lip filler can't wait to get my rib removal and calf implants 💖 i fully believe in customizing your video game character🫡 always been told how pretty i am perfect body before surgery etc so people question why id change anything. imo, it's better to start with a good base than start 'ugly' and try to change things you dislike about yourself, i've never disliked anything about my appearance yet still want/got surgery


Some people spend their money on nice clothes, some on a gym membership and supplements, some spend it on skincare products, some spend it on some fancy hairdresser. People have always wanted to look better and younger than average and spent money on it. Should we shun all those people? Also, you underestimate the attractiveness bias, where people usually get higher salaries, are seen as nicer and smarter all because they look better. Looks matter and I’m tired of pretending it does not.


I think plastic surgery looks bad,and most people probably do too,however I think that people should have the right to do it if they wanted to.


Why do you care? Either have it or not


Well, hence the title of this sub, it’s an unpopular opinion, so that’s why I made this post 😂 If someone I know decided to get plastic surgery, I obviously wouldn’t say this to them. Free will exists for a reason. I just view plastic surgery as one of the worst aspects of society.


Why do you make the same post only for it to get taken down?


Have I?? I don't care enough to even try and remember


Yes. It would be hard to forget the same title being posted repeatedly only for it to get taken down every time.


Just looked they are about how bad dating is too.


yeah people are definitely becoming too plastic and shallow People complaining about people not wearing deodorant at the gym shows me how we've devolved similar kind of thing


Personally I could care less what other people do to their bodies. You can be happy in your own body without bringing those who choose to change their bodies with plastic down.


So long as you aren’t suggesting making it illegal in some way sure, I guess. It just makes people look absolutely disgusting 90% of the time, and you’re right that it affects how others feel about themselves. But I don’t think that people should have any legal limitations in doing what they want with their bodies outside of selling organs.


Yeah! And next we can bring back the stigma for piercings and tattoos and hair dye and makeup. People have too much control of their bodies these days


What could be more insecure than accepting the mere whims of fate about the one and only body you get?


“Unconventionally attractive” is such a hilariously PC way to say it. In any event this boils down to a matter of personal freedom and autonomy. The bottom line is that you have no business telling other people what they can or can’t/should or shouldn’t do unless it directly affects you. Even if we humor you and assume that your assumptions about their reasons are correct, it wouldn’t matter, because what you think about their reasons doesn’t matter. People can do whatever the hell they want with their own body for whatever reason. We all have absolute sovereign authority over our own flesh.


Why do you care so much?