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Humans literally created the word EVIL to describe vile actions committed by HUMANS. Evil only pertains to humans.


They also created the word Pure, to describe other humans, whats ya point?


Who is pure though?


Bad stuff is more memorable than good stuff.


Yeah, thas uh, thats how the human brain works but that's perception, not fact.


Saying that humans are capable of good and evil is also a matter of perception as you put. One man's evil is another man's good, and vice versa.


I mean, I guess but morality is usually around the same for everyone, things like y'know, murder is bad. There is outliers and such but, most people would agree on whats bad and whats good.


okay so what is the evilest thing


Not until it stops being true


Man escaped from the aslume?




A virus will proclaim itself the pinnacle of creation, if it could talk. But it's still a virus.


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Well it is not an either or thing. People are great at their best and the most vile at their worst. Both ends exist simultaneously. I don't believe you can point to any other creature on earth that has done greater evil to humans than humans have to each other.


When I was a kid, my family took care of a large bowl of fish we had caught from the wild. Whenever a single fish fell ill or became weak, the others would immediately attack it. Usually, by the next day, nothing was left of the weak fish because it had been eaten. Humans, as a species, stand out for their care and compassion toward the weak and unfortunate. In contrast, most species do not exhibit such behavior. In many animal societies, the sick or disabled are often abandoned or killed, whereas humans provide care and support, allowing all members of society to coexist.


I have yet to see a female equivalent Hitler or Jeffrey Dahmer. Men are evil /s


“The evil men do lives after them, the good is oft interred with their bones”




Not a fan.


What would you say is the evilest thing in existence?


I guess satan if he exists? And I'm not sure what the evilest thing in existence even is, cause like, we can only reach like 8 planets right now. There could be something FAR worse then humans out there.


So then what is the evilest thing that we know exists?


The evilest thing we know exists? Other humans, cause we're still stuck on a big rock and haven't found the other stuff that's out there, we probably won't find it for a while because its pretty far away, but I bet its there.