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I disagree. Related rant: Eating out anymore isn’t worth it. The prices are outrageous and the food is meh most of the time.


It's the salt for me. Once you go without fast food for a while, you can start to taste the obscene amount of salt in it


This. Most restaurant food is loaded with salt and sometimes butter to trick you into thinking it’s better than something you could make at home. 


We're you looking for r/fiction? ☹️


8$ for a crappy meal at McDonald’s is not cheap!


Imagine eating at McDonald's . Food is cheap, paying someone else to cook it for you is not 


Read some history and think about the context. Put yourself in a mindset where burgers or modernity don't exist, and then try to build it from the ground up when there are nothing but farms. OP is 100% correct.




I’m not tryna be an ass, what are you comparing it against? How many years, and how far geographically are you comparing an $8 meal against?


You can get Pho at Vietnam for 50 American cents. 


So don’t go there and fuck McDonalds; I don’t disagree with your point at all, that’s just how it works in a society with choices.


What is the purpose though. Who cares what it cost 100 years ago. Today it's overpriced for corporate greed and that is the only issue.


I absolutely agree, I was commenting on the post tho, not the spinoff thoughts and subsequent shit we have to deal with. we are a billion times better off than our predecessors, we’re standing on the shoulders of giants, and we are all struggling with the age we’re born into. But we are also all equally responsible for fixing the shit that isn’t working for us. I am not suggesting for a second it’s easy or that we aren’t fucked, but the “comparatively” the OP was referring to was from where people came from. It wasn’t trying to say today is ok




Food is cheap. Your favorite consumer brands from Frito Lay, Pepsi, Monstanto and Procter & Gamble are expensive.


"You should be grateful with what you have" doesn't cut it anymore considering the fact that the technology and production methods you outline keep on becoming more and more productive as prices nevertheless increase.


$100 bucks will get me a weeks worth a food. Maybe a week and a half. Compared to 7 years ago $50 would get me two weeks.


Just seems like a thinly veiled promotion of rolling coal. FYI it takes 16 fossil fuel calories to bring 1 nutritional calorie into the grocery store. Which is precisely why this is an unsustainable model.


What a weird argument. I mean 100 years ago people used leeches as medical procedures. They drilled holes in peoples skull to let the demons out. Stop making this about anything more than pure corporate greed. There is no other version of the truth.


There are additional reasons such as inflation and supply chain problems


Inflation will never account for the 40% - 200%+ price increases that we've seen these past couple of years. And the supply chain 'problems' were self created by telling shipping companies to leave it on the boats for months, because if they hadn't pretended there was a supply shortage they could have never used inflation as an excuse to raise prices as much as they have. Sure some things were delayed or hard to get, for about a year, but nothing even close to what they pretend it was.


My overall point is that the government is partially responsible for this too


I wish I could agree. I love to make spinach artichoke dip. I paid around $30 for the ingredients about 7 years ago. Now I pay around $65-80 depending on if there are sales. It’s only 5 ingridients. Cream cheese, mayo, spinach, artichoke, and chips. The rest are seasoning I have at home. It’s ridiculous.


While I, in no way, agree with the OP you are hyperbolizing to a ridiculous degree. I put those five items into a New Jersey grocery store website. It came to $12.33. Stop just making things up. If you paid $80 for dip you are just a really bad shopper. Also good spinach artichoke dip should have double that many ingredients.


Heard that price difference and how shopping at Aldi's from r/povertyfinance can help.


I love Aldi. I was shopping there when it was still considered a poor people store lol. Unfortunately in my area they have raised their prices so much they are on par with Walmart now. I still shop there but only because it's so small I still spend less because there is a lot less impulse buying.


I’m not making it up, I just get double of each to make a larger amount. Even so it was still $30 before like I said. If I told my family they could get it for that low they would all start going there lol New Jersey also has many different areas. So a store in south Jersey, central, north, etc. will all be different. Like I said I live very close to New York. I’m trying to say without giving my exact living area.


So if I got 20x the quantity I could then claim that I spent $500+ & that that is too expensive? Obviously higher quantity of something costs more money...


Thanks I feel very enlightened now


Hold on, how are the ingredients you described $65-$80, unless you're making a huge quantity? Am I missing something here? None of those ingredients are expensive.


I explained to someone else. The area I live in is expensive. For example, I was born in Brooklyn where a water bottle was about $1.50. Go to Manhattan and it’s $5. The area I live in caters to people from New York. Naturally, things are pretty expensive. It’s why we moved a while back, but prices caught up.


So what, is a thing of cream cheese like $15? You’re describing prices like you’d find in remote Alaskan towns where they have to fly everything in on small airplanes. I live in a nice area and shop at a pretty expensive grocery store. Could literally get everything you mentioned for $20 max.


16 oz Cream cheese I bought recently was $6.97. The store brand was more expensive because the brand one had a little sale, but without the sale just about the same price . A pack of 4 bell peppers $7.50. Then they sell the individual ones on the verge of going bad, but at a price of $2. A pack of 6 bagels was $5.49. Peanut butter also $6 something. And these aren’t the super size ones. If I shop in those German stores like Lidl or Aldi that are coming about I can save a bit, but still not much. A lot of the time to shop and get decent prices you have to store hop and it takes up a lot of time in the day. That’s if I’m doing a large amount of grocery shopping. Then I’m being very smart about it. If I’m just trying to pick up a few things then the closest store to me is crazy expensive, but it’s local in the town I live in. So it’s the quickest and easiest to just run to. Every one is leaving and going south. My town has literally become a ghost town, all stores and businesses shut down and there are a million empty shops in our town center.


It’s impossible to live here. No jobs are hiring, and if they are they want a degree but pay $16. Then to buy a studio apartment that’s old is $1.5k-$2k. Houses are about 500-600k for a 2 bed 1 bath and unfinished basement just because of location.


Where do you live?!?


In the US. I live in New Jersey. Pretty expensive. Especially because we are next to New York. Most people who live here want to leave.


That’s insane! I just looked up a recipe online, put the ingredients in a local online grocery cart, and it came out to $13. I’m in Tennessee.


I need to move south! It’s so bad that it really doesn’t make a difference if you order takeout or if you cook at home. Both are starting to equal the same price now.


[what I was talking about](https://www.instagram.com/p/C85SYHZydHc/?igsh=emtkd3lsNG54Njc1)


Politicians making your life better: Maybe the odd one at best. Inventors and discoverers making your life better: A million.


i went and got 9 items today at walmart and it was $110. it was literally dinner for tomorrow night. Just enough groceries for one meal for me and my fiancé. There’s no way that’s comparatively cheap.


Upvoted as I do think this is unpopular, but I agree. If people choose to they can afford to eat off of very little money. Not if they're buying steak & such, but even if you're making $5,000/year in the US or Canada you can afford groceries. The only reason people can't afford groceries is because so much of their money is going to rent/housing in general. Housing prices are ridiculous, but food is quite cheap. If you make $15/hour for 8 hours that makes enough money for 5~7 days of groceries pretty easily.


I am in LA and I am glad that the ethnic food around me is still cheap. Can't beat $4.99 a rice box. Also, ethnic supermarket with $1.5 for 10 lbs of potatoes would last me a very long time. I think my groceries $$ is even lower than pre-COVID although technically the inflation had gone up a bit.


4.99 for a box of rice?!?! Uhhh yeah.... u can beat that. Back when I was in Iraq in 2003-05, a box of rice (even the costly shit like uncle ben's) was only $1.25 tops so yeah. Inflation is blowing up (get it? Inflation, blowing up...) like a jihad on anything other than suhnni


Rice box= a box of rice with protein and veggies in a restaurant. .