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I personally felt uncomfortable with the #MeToo movement. I have been raped myself and I am not brave enough nor do I want to broadcast it on social media. It makes me feel less than these women who have been cat called etc. There are actual real victims out there feeling excluded because they cannot or will not share such a traumatic or personal event.


This is exactly how I feel as a survivor- you put it into words perfectly. Seeing almost all my friends on my facebook post stories of being cat called or similar shit with #metoo.. I actually de-activated for a bit because the stories were getting ridiculous, and it seemed like everyone is trying to “out-victim” eachother or something. Like yea it’s unfortunate that they were made to feel uncomfortable and people have every right to feel that way- it’s just really hard not to think when I read something about a woman traumatized from getting hit on or their butt groped that I wish that would have happened to me instead of being raped. Like I would give anything to have that memory wiped and just have my ass grabed or something. Life would be easier. I hate that it makes me feel like that though; because I do feel sympathy for any person who has been violated at any degree, and I know I shouldn’t compare myself. I’m working on it. I’m very sorry for what you have went through. You are not less than any other woman. Stay strong. Edit: Thank you for the gold kind stranger


I'm sorry that something so horrible happened to you. I'm also a survivor. You are right that many of the women speaking out are women of privilege. There have also been vocal women who are not as privileged like [Tarana Burke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarana_Burke), a black woman from the Bronx, coined the phrase "Me Too" in 2006. Since there are so many people who cannot speak up due to fear of retribution from their abuser, from friends, or from employers, a lot of #MeToo voices have called attention to the fact that low-income/marginalized people cannot always be vocal. There are now legal funds for victims who are not in places of power to take their abusers to court. You are not "not brave" for not sharing your story. The opposite of that. I looked at your comment history, you're a single mom getting a degree. You are stronger than many people I know. I'm sorry that you feel uncomfortable on account of the movement. Stories like yours are super important to keep in mind as we fight for equality. You are not less than. You should not feel compelled to speak if you are not comfortable doing so. Feel free to PM me if you ever want someone to chat with! If you need a pick me up, /r/TrollXChromosomes is a lil subreddit that makes me feel less alone.


Every time I see ‘#metoo’. All I can think is how ‘#’ was called ‘pound’ before it was called ‘hashtag’....




I’ve never been catcalled but I’ve been looked at. #metoo


I've never been looked at but I've been uncomfortable. #metoo




I've never been on Tumblr, but I know someone who has. #metoo


I've never known anyone but I can imagine what it's like to know someone #metoo


I can’t imagine what it’s like to know someone but I exist #metoo




Im a cat #meow


I am a Pokemon #mewtoo


Hey #metoo.






I saw a post that said "I've seen all my girlfriends say their stories, now I want to see my guy friends say how they are going to change". I almost lost it at that. Not a single bit of recognition that some of the guys they know have been abused/groped/assaulted, whatever. Just living in a bubble.


This is why, as a lady who has actually dealt with horrible sexual abuse before, the Me Too movement offends me. Catcalling is not rape. Verbal harassment is not rape.


Not every situation of misfortune warrants a "misery olympics." "You have it bad? Well I have it worse because..." There's nothing more cringy than people trying to one-up each other over horrible scenarios.


It's getting to a point where thinking about a woman is almost like raping her. A feminist friend of mine complained how some people don't respect personal space because someone abroad tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention, I said I agree about the personal space thing, but she should also understand that in some cultures tapping a person on the shoulder is normal, no reason to overthink it, to which she responds that in some cultures rape is also normal. How did we get from a tap on the shoulder to rape?






I read the word rape #metoo


I'm a school teacher and I tap my boys on the shoulder all the time to get their attention. Apparently I am raping teenage boys.


why are you talking to people on the metro?


sharing mass transit with people is rape #metro


It's in the comment you're replying to.


Because your friend is fucked in the head


I cannot even believe that someone would be offended by being tapped on the shoulder \(European here\)


I lived in Spain for a year. I mean, she should be glad someone was courteous enough to tap her on the shoulder. Lol. Edit to clarify: I loved Spain, and Italy. Just those are people with no concept of personal space.


Exactly my point, it did happen in The Netherlands, I'm not sure 100% but I guess its normal there to tap someone on the shoulder if you have a valid reason. Come to think about it its actually the less developed countries where such thing would be a problem, if you tap an unknown woman on the shoulder in Saudi Arabia, you're gonna have a bad time.


This is an aside but after the nobel prize guy said he doesn't want to work with females in the lab because they are too emotional, I kept telling my female \(science\) classmates that they need to toughen up if they ever want to get taken seriously by their male counterparts since we expect toughness from each other.They outright refused to change. Just recently one of my college friends was on the verge of crying because some random guy told her women are "genetically inferior". The guys in the group just watched each other and wondered why she didn't tell him to "fuck off" and move on with her life. And look at this now. Women are scampering off to CNN to complain how hurt they are that Morgan Freeman tells sex jokes and stares at breasts occasionally. This is exactly why so many guys literally hate feminists and feminism.


So many women are like this because they are coddled when children. Most boys are told to toughen up while adults seem to empathize more when it's a girl. It's hard to change once it's already ingrained in you. There needs to be a middle ground for both. Boys are treated too harshly while girls are overprotected. Parents need to stop being so sexist when it comes to raising their children. I'm a feminist and not all of us are like this. This new movement is actually pissing me off because it does treat women like they're children. Aziz is like 5'4'' and weighs 90 lbs, I don't see how any adult could be even slightly intimidated by him. And even if he was being pushy, fucking leave. What Louie CK did is disgusting but they could've just left. If feels like we are teaching women it's okay to be passive and be bossed around. It's bullshit, stand up for yourself.


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They will get jobs because of quotas and shit anyway, especially in science fields where they want more women to fill diversity quotas and other such bullshit. I'd certainly never hire a women for anything if I could avoid it as the risk is simply too great.


Wouldn't refusing to change their mind despite opposition be evidence of strength of character? If they were really docile wouldn't they be inclined to agree with you?


I disagree especially when their attitudes which they refuse to change may potentially impede work and be detrimental to the work environment.


I was with you until this post. Why should it be the women who have to change to fit in at a co-ed workplace? Like why is it your female classmates who need to toughen up instead of your male classmates who need to be more sensitive? I'd say both sides need to make some efforts to function better in a co-ed work environment.


Because men are told to change in order to fit in at a co-ed workplace on a constant basis.


I swear so many women have no idea how men treat each other and the world. They really think men treat women harder than other men and that men don’t have to work hard to conform to norms. They seem to pretend this never happens.


No that’s not true. Work place is no place for emotions. Emotions lead to drama. I noticed it recently when my staff went from mostly female, to mostly male. We have nights where it’s all guys with our one chill girl host and bad ass lesbian butch girl host. So males and tomboy girls. Those are the best nights. No drama. No gossip. Just jokes and chill times. Women need to know when to suppress the emotion. It’s not always welcome.


>why is it your female classmates who need to toughen up Because emotions can get in the way of serious work. >instead of your male classmates who need to be more sensitive What does it even mean to be "more sensitive"? What do you want men to do? Cry alongside them when they're having a bad day? Be on constant tip\-toes around them so as not to shatter their fragile, sensitive spirits? To toughen up is to not allow your emotions to get the better of you. What's so wrong with wanting that?


it's the meme of "society needs to change, not individuals". I wouldn't want sensitive soldiers firefighters or surgeons but that includes some men so ... might we just judge according to individual merit ? the women in my physics college know what they're in for, and they work for it, if anyone cares for my anecdote


There isn't anything wrong with being emotional and sensitive.




Question, is tapping on someone to get their attention rude? I do it a class when it’s quiet and i need someone’s attention and they won’t respond. I’m Not guy tho


I was hit in the face at a concert (a fucking concert) for tapping a girl on the shoulder because she was obstructing my view (it was a seated show and she was the only one standing). I shoved her back and she tried to escalate the situation by lying to security about who hit whom first. We both got pulled out of the show, she was let go before I was even able to tell my side of the story, then was escorted to new seats after she tried to get her boyfriend to fight me. I assume the seats were better, but I'll never know.


>How did we get from a tap on the shoulder to rape? Literally same thing in her mind. Shoulder rape. #Metoo


They literally call that thought rape and want to make it a crime.


No, nobody fucking wants this, where are you even getting that idea from? You realize that the most insane people on tumblr do not represent any significant portion of feminists?


>she responds that in some cultures rape is also normal Ironically she’d likely be the first one to stand up for Muslims who favor sharia and Islamic jurisprudence that punishes the woman for being raped just so not to appear as racist to her fellow lefties. Also I could smell the shit from the #MeToo movement from a mile away. Yeah it looks good on paper and I’m glad that monsters like Weinstein and Kevin Spacey are being punished but it’s too the point where even talking to women the wrong way makes you a perv in the eyes of some of these feminists. What also pisses me off is that my feminist sister denounces people like Aziz Ansari and Morgan Freeman as being irredeemable perverted monsters who will never be forgiven despite debatably having even done anything wrong, while when I was 16 this creepy middle aged man came out of the bathroom and told me that “next time he pees come with him” and my sister wrote it off as him joking and to just get over it. And really, I feel as if she only feels that way because I’m a male. If that happened to a female she’d jump to her defense in a heartbeat. Regardless that was incredibly creepy and I’m super pissed that my sister would just right it off as goofing around. Shame on her. The thing is is that sexual assault allegations and rape are serious things, and an allegation can ruin someone’s life. When they’re just thrown around as a way to get back at someone or to do so out of spite, and given this current climate, their lives and careers could be permanently ended. Without even having proof no less! I’m always told to talk to women since I’m a shy socially anxious person who’s had shitty luck with women but now I’m genuinely terrified to even talk to them out of fear of the #MeToo movement.


Don’t eye rape me, bro.


You should just take it as a complement


Its not just women, the whole movement is toxic. The one that ticks me off the most is how George Takei was/is treated. His accuser has changed his story multiple times, was proven to be wrong/lying about his drink being spiked and now his story is he drank himself stupid, went back to Georges apartment and as soon as he said no George backed off but somehow George is still getting treated like a pariah for a non-incident that happened 40 years ago. Talk about hoist by your own petard! Hes been an activist his whole life and now has been ruined by activism gone wrong 😕


Hoisted by his own Picard*


I have no words for what is happening in the West right now. From someone coming from Africa, I think about the women in Congo, Central African Republic, who are raped while pregnant then stabbed then have their other children taken as child soldiers and their villages burned. And you see all these women like in the case of Aziz Ansari for instance, who seemed to have consented (whatever that word means now) to casual sex then with no absolute proof makes accusations that ruined a man's carrier through a social network public opinion court. Rape is bad, it is one of the most horrifying thing you can do to a human body. MeToo should have existed since a long time ago, it would have been a changing force to influence institutions to act upon sexual harrassment. I think what is happening right now can be detrimental to relations between men and women while it is supposed to improve it, not because of the movement iftself but because of how people approach this very sensitive problem. There is a clear problem of nuance when it comes to what consent means, what is sexual harrassment, in what context, what makes a man or a woman guilty of rape. In this highly sexualized culture of the West, a whole new form of public shaming morality seems to be installed right now, I wonder how this is going to turn out. I hope victims of real cases of harrassment and rape get justice, and that people that are proven guilty be convicted. I hope more people will condemn the evil high school level petty gossip of the media too.


I wouldn’t want to break this into a women vs men thing and I’m don’t think gender is the issue. I think the “me too” movement is a continuation of the current culture, where being the victim is given more importance than taking personal responsibility and carrying oneself, as the OP has described. The other factor here is social media. One of the negatives of social media is that ideas and opinions that are not well thought-out get airtime, which is then picked up by people reacting emotionally, instead of objectively. But what do I know? I’m just a random person on the internet. Edit: I just want to be clear that if a crime has been committed or a law broken, then the lawbreaker should be punished.


> I wouldn’t want to break this into a women vs men thing Too late, #metoo has already done that. There have been female stars accused of sexual harassment during it—but I bet you haven’t heard of them, have you?


You are correct, regarding the “me too” moment. That is basically a witch hunt. The point that I was trying to make is that we have a much bigger problem here and that goes beyond gender. The “me too” movement is just one of the most recent of this problem. In the end, the problem is that we are encouraging people to “be a victim”, instead of being a confident individual. You only have to look at the one-sided discussion around consent for sexual relationships.


It's not ok for any gender to disrespect someone sexually. What I like about this movement is that it is bringing attention to the topic. It would be nice to get rid of the "boys will be boys" excuse when a boy does something inappropriate. What I don't like are the attention whores who are destroying careers so they can have their 15 minutes.


Ya, we should also get rid of the excuse "boys like it," when a girl does something inappropriate.


A lot of people look at the extremists and treat the movement like that. But then you have comments like one up top in this thread rejoicing about how in their small town it's acceptable to slap a random girl on the ass. That's not okay.


Yeah no. #metoo ruined themselves with their actions. They brought to light whats already been known for years. Its funny because their were child actors (boys) speaking out about the rape and pedo rings and everybody just laughed and scoffed them off. Oh shit but you get a few women involved qith the same issue and suddenly its a fucking viral hashtag and on every fucking headline. Fuck you#metoo. Fuck you. :)


Same thoughts. The most positive effect of the “movement” is that it brings awareness, specifically to those who don’t understand how prevalent it is and how unspoken it is. Seeing so many of my connections on social media speak about their experiences was definitely eye opening. But of course, it’s got its consequences as well. As many have already pointed out. It’s not a perfect social statement by any means


I've had a drunk woman wrap herself around me, uninvited, and try to make out with me while walking near a bar. When I pushed her off she proceeded to tell me how good looking I was and came at me again, this time getting a hand on my junk before I once again shoved her away. I ended up just jogging down the street. At the end of the day, I didn't care then and I certainly don't care now. When I hear about men being reported for innocuous things, like staring at tits, or just being generally lewd without any physical interaction, it's infuriating. When was your comfort a guarantee? Show some strength, some psychological endurance. Tell them to fuck off. On top of it all, these sensationalist reports undermine the real, genuine horror stories reported by women who experience actual physical trauma or rape. It's senseless.


Good for you that you were able to shove her away. Not all women are able to do that and yes, part of this “movement” is empowering women to say “fuck off”. Change doesn’t happen over night.


Yeah, I have similar thoughts about that exact thing. Women likely feel more threatened in any given situation based on general physicality.


I’m sorry that happened to you. What’s shitty in our double standard society is that if a woman is overpowered by a man she, albeit rightfully, is given full support by friends, acquaintances and family. But if a man is overpowered/raped by a woman, he’s told that he should just stop being a pussy and suck it up and deal with it since men supposedly always want sex.


the movement has fail due to its mob mentality. there's no trial, no investigation, you're just assumed guilty. You're life can be ruined when someone brings up your name to the movement. Even worse it can unravel what the justice system have already done. such as in the cases where there's already settlement, but the case still being brought up by the movement.




I feel like MGTOW and incels, and hardcore alt left feminists alike, need to go outside and meet real people. Not everyone wants to rape feminists, MGTOW/incels need to realize also that girls aren’t all crazy lunatics. It’s all internet shit. If your a 400 pound feminist with crazy blue dyed hair with a pixie cut, *nobody* wants to rape you. You can go outside. If your a 400 pound man who eats Doritos and your favorite hobby is going on 4chan, no girl wants to marry a man like that. “Nice guys” need to stop complaining also. Don’t be a nice guy to find women, be a nice and kind human being to anybody. There’s a difference.


That's really true. Anyone who hates the opposite sex or thinks that their sex is oppressed has no idea what the real world is like.




Somebody on r/theredpill stated the nature of Nice Guys perfectly to me once. "Good people are good to everyone they meet. A Nice Guy is only nice to their targets."


I think some guys really need to find other ways to flirt and not pass as either a "nice guy" or a rapist.




Lol you didnt say anything controversil Inwas just adding something to your comment.


I don’t got a problem with the original premise of MGTOW like you said. But the whole sub has turned into a “fuck woman they’ll steal everything you have put you 100k into debt and take your kids.” I’m not really a “snowflake” but like dude, go outside and you’ll realize not every female wants to ruin your life.


Damn right!


I literally just had that idea or something like it a while ago. I always scratched my head about why r/MRA was so much against feminism. Now it's like the pieces are all falling in place.




>That's when I started really thinking about how much I want women in my life other than my mum and sister. Well I don't know about that lol. But I 100% see where you're coming from. Sometimes you wonder if it's worth the trouble. You become famous one day and suddenly it's "I wasn't really into it but I did it. I wanted it then but now I don't know if I wanted it then. Also, he looked me up and down once". And just like that the media is in a frenzy and your career is dead. Also, I wonder if they would have gone to CNN if the actor from Thor stared at them and told bad jokes.


I can still be opposed to MRA and Feminism and thing this gender war is understandable, see both sides and know #metoo has gone too far.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/MRA using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MRA/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Man serves 4 YEARS in prison for a fake rape accusation until it’s discovered the woman lied](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufl0kLTdQ3c) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MRA/comments/6lq0fl/man_serves_4_years_in_prison_for_a_fake_rape/) \#2: [Facts are sexist](https://np.reddit.com/r/MRA/comments/7wk2pj/facts_are_sexist/) \#3: [Kids are bleeding. Glad Dad kept his cool. Can you imagine if a guy did that to a woman? Jail time for sure, and supervised visitation (someday) if he was lucky.](https://www.facebook.com/realdavesitto/videos/799140810277312/) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/MRA/comments/85nxku/kids_are_bleeding_glad_dad_kept_his_cool_can_you/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/7o7jnj/blacklist/)


I agree and disagree, I think because women have been “more objectified” so to speak, they are getting sick to death of men being like “ooh look at her”. I was sat in a train station with my brother and a few of his mates and a girl walked by. Without missing a beat all three said “Look at the bum on her!” And went on to discuss how she looked. I think if you were a woman, and every time you spoke no one listened and just stared at your boobs. You would get sick to death of it too. If women stopped complaining about this stuff, some men would start to think it’s acceptable. I’m not saying in anyway that only women have to deal with sexual harassment. But I could then argue that men should discuss it more. So they can be taken seriously.




I for one have never in my life been catcalled by a women, been groped inappropriately by a women, or been sexually mistreated by a woman. So I wouldn't say "it's not any different" at all. Also, people look at this movement from a first-world perspective, but second and third world countries are *much* more backwards in these things. Here it's a very common occurrence for girls to be catcalled, mistreated, stared at, etc just for going out into the street. You have to take into account the positive, global impact of the movement as well, not just on the US where half the battle has already been fought.


What you are saying may need a bit more nuance because in some cultures being catcalled is not frowned upon. Groping a girl is I think a universal signal of sexual harrassment.


I’ve been all three of those things. 22 Y/O guy. But the difference between my experience and women’s experience is guys are normally at least a little covert about it because they usually know they shouldn’t be doing it and someone will call them out. All the experiences I’ve had, the women were brazen as fuck about it because they know no one will call them out. Same thing with a girl breaking my tail light. She did it in broad daylight because the idea of facing consequences doesn’t even occur to white women above a certain economic class.


One of my favorite female friends doesn't dress like she's looking for attention. I find it refreshing.


This. The point of it is to show that just about every woman has dealt with harassment in their lives. It's impossible to merely exist without being sexualized. Men don't realize that even though they might not be the type to assault a woman, that doesn't mean their friends and colleagues feel the same. This isn't just some stranger in an alleyway attacking unsuspecting women. It's men at bars plying women with alcohol for a chance at "getting lucky." It's men pressuring their partners into sexual acts they don't want to perform. It's young boys getting a slap on the wrist for repeatedly touching their classmates inappropriately because "boys will be boys" Do some women abuse this movement? Yes. Does that mean it's a bad movement? No.




The word "infantilize" comes up a lot when it comes to things that people get really defensive about.


Have you even read the accusations against Morgan Freeman? he repeatedly tried to lift up a woman's skirt after being told not to several times, that's sexual assault


That's an allegation. She should take that up with the police not CNN. What happens if he is taken to court and cleared of all wrongdoing. Do the woman and CNN get off scot\-free?


The point is that those are real allegations of genuine sexual misconduct. Ansari's allegations are the only ones in my memory that, independant of them being true or false, are frivolous. You can argue that it gives people a platform to lie and slander someone's career, but to say that it infantalizes women and makes any sexual advances or some guy looking at your dick in the bathroom sexual assault is rediculous.


There's people who take it advantage of the movement and use it as a witch hunt, but to dismiss the whole movement is ridiculous imo. We have a serious problem with sexual harassment in society that should be addressed. Look at people like Dr. Larry Nassar for example who molested up to 265 girls. While we need to understand innocent until proven guilty, we also need to teach people to speak up.


The point would be that the movement is not helping the cause. The courts would be the best solution, but that's not what happening. I'm all for fighting sexual harassment. I feel like men would benefit even more than women. Women, as a group, don't seem to have confidence or trust for men. We need that to change, badly.


Totally agree. While I think the witch hunting aspect is bad (especially as a straight male), I feel like the reason why this came about is because the court system and the public have failed them. How many instances have high school girls been harassed online for speaking out about being raped, only to find that it was true? How many times has news come out that a female teacher had sex with a minor boy, only for older people to say shit online like "wow, what a lucky young man! I'm jealous!" How many times have rich people with connections payed their way out of facing their crimes? How many times has news come out that a musician admitted to sexually assaulting people, only to receive post after post from adoring fans expressing their sympathies for said musician, and blaming the accuser and "haters" for the musician actually having to face the consequences of their actions? It's disgusting. Unfortunately, until we all learn to value consent, learn to condemn those are found guilty and finally, learn to hear both sides and get the facts before defending either the accuser or the accused, this is the social atmosphere we create. Also the law going seemingly easy on people of power is another HUGE part of the problem. A lot of people are to blame, not just the #metoo witchhunters (though they are certainly a part of the problem).


Yeah. This guy gets it. You've written that so much better than I could have.


> Look at people like Dr. Larry Nassar for example who molested up to 265 girls. While we need to understand innocent until proven guilty, we also need to teach people to speak up. I don't see the relevance. The metoo movement had nothing to do with that case. It's how law and order works on a normal basis. Furthermore, kids are not even part of the metoo movement so they wouldn't be affected by it anyway.


I was drugged, raped and left naked on the shore of a lake. Being catcalled is not the same thing, and women crying about it on tv trivializes experiences like mine. You’re right, the pendulum has swung too far the other direction. However, this movement is not about you. It’s not about how you feel hearing the experiences of others. It’s about women who are ashamed of what happened to them, women like me, knowing we’re not alone and that it’s not our fault. The movement is a good thing, even if every individual story isn’t.


Well that's shitty, sorry that happened to you :(


You're not totally wrong about everything you're saying, but I think you're missing some of the point. A big part of the movement is that these things have been going on for so long in society. Women have been objectified sexually and treated unequally for so long and had to put up with it because that's just the way things have been. The movement is changing the standard in society. The reason why someone like Morgan Freeman, who isn't a rapist or pedophile or anything like that, felt entitled to do the things he did was because society dictated that he was allowed to treat women like that, even if it was morally shaky on his part. Women shouldn't have to be treated that way in a public setting. And the difference between someone checking you out at a urinal vs. Morgan Freeman's (or anyone else in the movement) behavior is that Freeman was in a position of power and prestige. Imagine if that guy who checked you out at the urinal was your boss, or someone who could have large influence over your career, and he constantly made sexual comments to you every day and did things like what he did in the bathroom.


But times change. Can we persecute people for ALL things that they did at one point in their lives, that HAVE SINCE become taboo, but which they engaged in before such time. I'm not talking the sexual advances point *per se* but ones that include any prejudice or labelling. I read a post the other day about someone saying babies should be asked if it's okay to change their diaper, rather than just changing it. So playing devil's advocate, let's imagine a time, say, 10 years from now where it is completely socially unacceptable for someone to NOT ask their baby if they want their diaper changing. So, then, should all who DIDN'T ask BEFORE such time, should they be brought to contemporary justice? Should drivers who did 80MPH on a road that eventually becomes a 70MPH limit, should they be prosecuted for speeding because they did, at one point, do 80MPH, regardless of it being legal at the time? We live in a progressive society. It's awesome that things are changing for the better, and the further we move away from discrimination, the better. But as a human race we can't realise our flaws all at once. What's acceptable today may be unacceptable tomorrow, but we can't know that now. We'll just do our best by being great humans, and make changes one at a time.


That's fair. However, I think the behavior of say, Louis C.K. and Morgan Freeman was morally shaky for it's time at best anyway. I wouldn't compare it to doing 80 on a road before the speed limit was changed. This is different. Those guys were taking advantage of their status and just because people were able to get away with it in past generations doesn't mean these guys are entitled to get away with it or something. They're paying for their actions with their reputation, and those actions were no more okay when they took place than they are now.


> However, I think the behavior of say, Louis C.K. and Morgan Freeman was morally shaky for it's time at best anyway. That's my point. What's currently morally shaky but not morally outrageous? The speed the slider moves is faster than any point in history, therefore more people will be on morally shaky ground (from a future perspective, if not current) at some point in their lives. The receptionist you may have smiled at on your way into work for the past 20 years. You did it because you wanted to make her day feel brighter but, sure, you probably also did it because you found her attractive. And maybe not in some sleazy way, but just human attraction (is that currently morally shaky?) Let's say in 10 years time, we're inundated with the #neveraskedforyourattention hashtag. Imagine the receptionist feels that having you smile at her everyday made her feel like a whore, but was unable to say something at the time because "I would have been seen as crazy" or something like that? How many others will be guilty of this thing which is, at that point in time, socially unacceptable. I'm not excusing anyone found guilty here; anyone should be subject to the same parameters of socially acceptable behaviour, be they celebrity or otherwise.


Louis C.K. masterbaded in front of female comedians basically unprompted. Morgan Freeman tried to lift up a girls skirt, constantly made sexually suggestive comments/looks at young female employees to the point where they did everything they could to avoid him. You're right that we all do things today that will be considered no good in 10-15 years. Nobody's being persecuted for something that was okay at the time they did it as far as I see.


Louis literally asked them outright if he could jerk off in front of them. I don’t like Louis. I think he’s a self-righteous douchebag. But he literally asked for affirmative consent.


People these days take everything that starts off with some meaning and power and turn it into an meaningless joke.


Neoliberalism is an economic philosophy that calls for less regulated markets and the privatization of public services. I’m not sure how it relates to feminism and the “me too” movement.


I agree with some of what you said, but I upvoted because of your story. What is it with dudes looking at other people’s dicks at the urinal? I was never pee shy until I started going to sports games and all these drunk fucks will bs with you, then immediately look at your dick...wtf? Now I try to block my dick from being scene like I’m an offensive linemen. IMO, at the urinal, you look straight ahead and pee. I don’t want some 6’7” drunk lanky fuck feeling good about himself cuz he has an extra inch or two on me. If I was 6’7”, I’d be proportionate too!


What did Aziz do


I think it’s getting out of hand because now it’s happening in Korea and other entertainment communities


Because everything started on Twitter is just terrible and destructive. People there are just angry all the time and love to complain and push other people under the bus. So no wonder they fucked up a movement for more freedom by making it about taking away rights and just attacking people here and there. It's just idiots in a flock controlling a movement and everyone plays along because they don't want the angry mob to attack them. Go to any political Twitter comment and read the replies. Most big names there just want to start an outrage lavine because a lavine gets you more upvotes and followers. I have seen people making up obvious lies that can be proved wrong with a simple internet search. All because they knew that enough people would upvote their comment without asking for evidence first. If anyone thinks the metoo movement is great then they need to look under the hood and see how it became big.




I've lost friends after being assaulted as well. I am so sorry you had to go through that- it is isolating and exhausting. It wasn't until I made more female friends in college that I understood I was not alone. In a room of more than 20 women, all but two had been assaulted. Those two still had been harassed. Ignore the comments you see in this thread. They are toxic and come from people who would rather turn a blind eye to gross injustice because if they did recognize it, they might be compelled to do something or care about someone other than themselves or those like them. I believe you and I'm happy to hear that you are doing better. You're going to be a great friend and resource for other survivors who do not feel heard. PS. Your English is fantastic!!! I never would have thought you were not a native speaker without your note.




I think what people in this thread don't realize is that the vast majority of the movement speaks out **very strongly** against false accusations as well. They enrage me. 1. They cause an innocent person irreparable harm, not limited to shame, jail time, and just plain old pain and suffering 2. False accusations make *real* accusations less trustworthy. They make the world more dangerous for actual survivors. I don't know how to fix it either. Sexual assault cases are notoriously hard to prove due to lack of physical evidence, lack of witnesses, etc. I literally don't have a clue for this one. Thank you! I am doing so much better now. I've realized those people were not friends I would want anyway, they were not willing to stand by me in times of trouble. Shitty way to find out but I dodged some bullets there.


Solidary man here. MeToo should exist and continue its work. Victims need a voice, I have met or dated quite a few women that have been raped in the past, many of them needed psychiatric help because of the pent up frustration, trauma and anger they had for so long. Some people on this sub are talking smack but if they themselves were sexually assaulted and were deliberately silenced or censored themselves they would also be frustrated and suffer from neurosis. I think this whole issue goes for both genders in many cases, my older brother was sexually harrassed by a co-worker and when he complained about it to his superiors he wasnt taken seriously (they laughed) actually people said that he may have unwillingly sent "flirty signs" that encouraged the woman's behavior. The issue of sexual interaction between men and women being at the core of the gender war is tremendously complicated becaude it has to deal with issues like double standards, what consent actually means, hoe can it be proven, what are the permissible behaviors, what does it mean going too far.


Yeah. And if it was a young Brad Pitt instead of old and wrinkly Morgan Freeman or fat Louis CK, she'd be over the moon about the whole ordeal. It's only #metoo when guys you don't like do it. I am not talking about *actual* rape and assault, of course.


Couldn't agree more


I have been saying this the whole time. It's a reductionist logic that reduces women to possible/probable victims and men in to possible/probable perpetrators. It reinforces gender roles to a very high degree and also injects an unneeded level of violence and vigilence.


Some things that should be understood: 1. Some of the women in Hollywood could have been groupies that felt a certain way when they were left behind. Also, there were some women who tried to use what they had to get what they wanted. When it all fell through, they were very bitter women. 2. I've worked at jobs where some women used sex to advance their careers. At one such job, they actually had a quote, "You advance by who you know or who you blow!" Some women took advantage of that but, the #metoo movement doesn't address that or tell women that's not cool either. 3. It does too much making celebrities out of victims and, some people are going to lie to seek out the attention that comes with it. 4. Not one thing is being said to women to prevent these matters such as: 1. If a man invites you to a hotel after 10:00pm, it's not to play Go Fish and Apples to Apples. 2. Present yourself as ladylike and not like a stereotypical Party Girl. 3. You can as easily make men uncomfortable if you are acting like you are on a witch hunt to find the first thing wrong.


I don't know how well this will fly even here but I've had several discussions with my mom on this topic and she thinks the whole MeToo campaign is a ploy to destabilize the concept of heterosexuality and biological families and push the US culture towards a form of Sharia law. The way she sees it, the entire thing not only infantilizes women but emasculates men, forcing them to check themselves in every little interaction with women, giving them the fear that the slightest thing could be harassment or that consent could later be contrived as rape or could be accused of something that never happened behind closed doors. Men interviewing women will have a witness present in the interview for the sake of personal security. It's creating an environment where men cannot trust women and vice versa, until the two genders are entirely separated and women are almost entirely autonomous from men. In her perspective, once the two genders are almost completely dichotomized in our society the groundwork will be laid for Sharia to infiltrate the US in a similar way to how it has in the UK. She's branched the idea into other aspects of our society, perhaps most notably that men today are often skinny and "chicken-legged" as she described them and generally more feminine in appearance compared to say men of the 1980's who "had firm asses and were stocky". She feels that this is a part of a whole secret campaign to emasculate men and everything from food to culture is a factor, and MeToo is connected to it. I'm not sure how much I agree with all of it but in some ways it does make sense and in some ways there is evidence of these things. However I am fully prepared that some people will think all that is just a bit too "out there".


I believe the objective situation's far more complicated than this, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't love a good conspiracy theory. The more plausible the better. Why does your mom think they're installing Sharia Law? Who's spearheading this global campaign? Why are they doing this to society? What's their ultimate objective?


The ultimate objective is the destabilization of American society and free thinking. Who's spearheading it? Who knows? People with power who pull strings in the shadows. Is it global even? No idea. Why Sharia? It serves as a model of a controlled society, which is the ultimate objective. Perhaps in her example Sharia is simply a basis for ideas on how to control and manipulate a populace than the exact ideology itself being the goal, but I don't think she's entirely thought that far and I've never asked her those questions. But ultimately the goal is always control and the destruction of freedom. Honestly The Winter Solider film really hit the nail on it when he describes a world so turned on its head that mankind gives up its freedom willingly for the sake of security and a sense of order.


Um, Morgan Freeman molested several women. There were 16 witnesses of this. I seriously doubt he’s innocent


\#metoo is a joke. Did you know there can be 16 witnesses to something like a car accident and each and every one of them can have a different story? There are **numerous** studies available about how influenced witnesses can be by how a situation ends up unfolding and how unreliable the memory can be. The fact that witnesses are trusted like physical evidences is beyond mind-boggling to me. And morally, you're supposed to presume innocence in all respects of the accused until you're provided with *actual* evidence that dictates otherwise. You morally cannot assume motive, intention, or anything of that nature.


when I was younger a guy staring at your tits instead of listening to what you're saying was called "pretty fuckin annoying" but nowadays it's called "assault" the movement has become a narcisisstic circlejerking bandwagon of head-patting to the tune of "oh u poor creature" that pisses all over the actually horrific treatment suffered by women and girls in many other cultures while simultaneously making us other western women look like fragile, self-obsessed lunatics *we* have freedom in our society and yet they're still bitching at men to fix things for us. pathetic


It empowers women to say fuck you to people like you and that terrifies you. If you treat women like humans you will make it if not your days are numbered and good luck getting fucked.


Good God your ignorance is fucking astounding. Have you actually researched this at all? Morgan Freeman only had accusations thrown at him, I agree with you that it's way too early to judge him. However I didn't hear him get accused of "checking a woman out" I heard he was accused of lifting up a woman's skirt multiple times. Which I *hope* you recognize isn't behavior that should be "brushed off." IF he did do that then he should have consequences. Louis CK is where I'm starting to realsie that you're talking out of your ass and haven't looked into this at all. He FUCKING ADMITTED HE DID IT. He was in a position of power, and he asked multiple women if they would consentually watch him masturbate. I personally believe that's an honest mistake, it was wrong of him, but it's easy to see how someone would do that and not think of themselves as a predator. But he's not in the "accused" category. We all know he did it.


I'm reluctant to waste my time with you but alas. 1 woman accused him of *trying* to lift up her skirt. That's 1 non\-trivial allegation out of a dozen "he looked at my boobs" and "he made sex jokes". My apprehension of the law surrounding this sort of thing is non\-existent but if she were serious at solving this grievance, she would and should have gone to the police. You don't go to the press on a whim and torpedo someone's career. >FUCKING ADMITTED HE DID IT What he admitted to is important. The border between creepy behaviour and sexual assault is eroded by your use of 'it'. What he did was invite two adult women to a hotel room and asked their permission to whip his dick out and proceeded to masturbate. Totally inappropriate but is it on the level millions of dollars worth of "psychological" damage or whatever? I wouldn't entertain such an inane thought. And define this "position of power" to me\- it is the most ambiguous thing I've yet to come across especially since Louis CK was a nobody in 1994. How does one determine if one has this immeasurable mind control power over another and does that this "power" preclude one from ever having bad or awkward sexual encounter that would be written off as such if they didn't have this "power"? Can't millionaires get that benefit or do they need to suffer on account of their increased earnings?


>I'm reluctant to waste my time with you but alas. >1 woman accused him of *trying* to lift up her skirt. That's 1 non\-trivial allegation out of a dozen "he looked at my boobs" and "he made sex jokes". My apprehension of the law surrounding this sort of thing is non\-existent but if she were serious at solving this grievance, she would and should have gone to the police. You don't go to the press on a whim and torpedo someone's career. That's fair enough so long as you're only claiming that the women who should "brush it off" were the ones being stared at and nothing more. I still don't think "brushing it off" is the responsibility of someone being leered at. It's not ok to stare at people's boobs (or your dick) so I don't see the problem in publicly calling out that behavior. Is it worth losing a job over? Probably not, that was a political move. >What he admitted to is important. The border between creepy behaviour and sexual assault is eroded by your use of 'it'. What he did was invite two adult women to a hotel room and asked their permission to whip his dick out and proceeded to masturbate. Totally inappropriate but is it on the level millions of dollars worth of "psychological" damage or whatever? I wouldn't entertain such an inane thought. He claimed there were five, but whatever. He said himself that his position of power is that these women admired him. Under normal circumstances I'd agree that's incredibly vauge and not inherently unethical, but given the fact that the five women claim it was unpleasant and then Louis agreed with them, id say it's fair to assume that the line of consent was blurred.


Mixed feelings here too. I feel like some of these women traded sexuality favors for fame but later came back playing the victim. Did they abhor what they did at the time? Yes but did it anyways. I read an article where one of Weinstein's victims was a promising actress who, even knowing that he was putting on the moves on her, went back and met with him over several occasions. She knew she had to do this for her career but instead of staying away from someone that apparently made her fearful she went back again and again. Now she is saying she was a victim too. The me too movement has female stars saying 'we've had enough' but they did what they felt they had to to get ahead...? Conversely, every time someone gets accused of sexual misconduct on the news I think surely this time it's not true. The Matt Lauer thing blew me away. So there are a lot of important people being protected as well by their reputations and fame.


Sorry sir but the number of women accusing men of assault etc when they were actually assaulted is far greater than the amount of women lying and just bandwagonning. In fact the amount of women being molested assaulted that haven't spoken up and are unable is FAR GREATER than the amount who have spoken up and the number who have lied combined. Food for thought. For years women didn't have a voice and still don't in certain countries, please don't try to silence them because of a few false accusations.




You had me at-‘While at a urinal.’


I am a woman (who has been taken advantage of) and I agree completely.




And they totally ignore all of the little boys whose lives were ruined in Hollywood. It seems to be only a woman thing according to the “movement”. I’m a girl myself and the movement is sickening because people forget what the term “allegedly” means. Only a matter of time before every male celebrity has lost their job and it’s just female celebrities left


Feminism was never about gender equality, and it proves that females are inferior.


Do you own a fedora?


Women lie about rape all the time so it's not surprising that they would lie about something less serious. Especially when we inhabit a culture that makes automatic heroes out of victims.


I downvoted because I don’t need your permission to do so.


Oh, absolutely. Blame the women for not enjoying sexual harassment from people in a position of power over them. Demonize them for saying “enough of this shit.” Not one word of condemnation for the behavior of these men (Louis CK? Really?). I dearly hope you never have daughters.


Louis CK never raped anyone yet he is lumped in with those who did.


Extreme sexual harassment. Not a good guy.


Move to a small town and don't buy into MSM drama. I live in a small(ish) town in rural(ish) Aus. At the pub arses are slapped, inappropriate comments are made. Girls will giggle and protest jovially or they'll get shitty and tell you to get fucked. If the latter you laugh, apologise and leave them alone. Everyone moves on to the more important aspects of the lives. Lads enjoy their masculinity and women enjoy their femininity. Gender rolls aren't shamed but are comforting. The old lady at the pie shop loves to feed the boys working at the construction site. The lads down her street enjoy keeping an eye on her and her property when her husband is out on call. Hell as far as sociability goes it's like being in a chat room with 100,000 vs 50 people. I made the move and it's the best decision I ever made. Not everyone can do it for work reasons but look into it if you're sick of pretentious, mentally exhausting tripe like this being forcefed to you as well the people who actually **indulge** in this shit. Avoid metro areas. Most importantly bullshit like this doesn't exist. There are no movements or cultures to label and shame people. If someone is being a pest - it'll get addressed on an individual basis.


Trust me I'm the last person to buy into hype. But the fact remains that Morgan Freeman just lost millions over what we can justly call bullshit and I don't think that is trivial. This comes after my favourite comic, Louis CK, also lost millions because he committed the worst act of all: jerking off in front of women whom he had invited to a hotel room and who stayed and watched the show and later regretted it when Louis was a millionaire. Again, I find this non\-trivial. MeToo is a big deal and has spread to lots of countries around the world. It's no longer limited to the Twitterverse. If it is to maintain its legitimate purpose of taking down rapists, it has to desist from encouraging those with bad sex stories to come forward and to assassinate the character of so many men without the benefit of the doubt.


Um... Metoo isn't just some kind of a feminist plot to teach women to hate butt slapping. It started as women being fed up with being butt slapped. Laughing is a defense mechanism. Men are physically a lot stronger and you don't aleays want to find up what happends if you protest. Some men can be scary. As a woman I can say that getting harassed seriously sucks. My right to not be touched like that is more important than your right to "enjoy your maculinity". I mean would you be okay with being fondled by a gay man? Sucks, right?Of course you can physically protest but I CAN NOT. Also we live in a society with laws. The point of laws is that justice is dealt by the justice system. Thank god. I mean where would you draw the line what you should deal with in an individual basis? Is lynching okay? What about in the case of pedophilia?


You guys need to not be so sensitive in your ball area. Be stronger down there guys...cool off. Learn to handle it better. I’m tired of dudes falling on the ground and holding themselves when they get hurt. Walk it off....shit!!!!


I'll just throw this out there as a point of discussion... Men do this to other men (stare at you while urinating)... Men do this to women (whether in positions of power or not) Women do not do this to each other or men (at least not remotely close to the same degree as men do). What about seeing it from another angle? Rather than "women are weak for not having thicker skin and accepting this as a part of life"... Why don't we turn that around and say.. "many men do this almost exclusively.. why?"


First of all, men do this to other men, huh? Tell me, am I not a man for being excluded from this hasty generalization you've made? Secondly, does the person who once stared at me in an embarrassing "moment" not a woman because of what she did? Right, anecdotes. But what's more invalid is this generalization crap that everybody coming to "throw things out there" tends to do, either because they like to sit on the fence or because they're trying to defend something absurd. The suggestion you make at the end of the post is non-sequitur anyway. What does women not participating in the act of staring have anything to do with the legitimacy of the assertion that women are weak for overreacting when they themselves are stared at? Furthermore, what does the question you pose have anything to do with the topic? It doesn't need answering if it's unproductive.


Wow... A quick glance at your post history really gave me some insight as to why this may have pushed a big button for you. So let's back track: do you think it's okay for anyone (male or female) to stare, touch, or expose another person's genitals? If your answer is no, then why would it make the person who owns said genitals thin-skinned to be upset at the person who violated them in this way? Actually let me put it in a way you may understand... Do you think it is okay for anyone to make a decision over ending someone else's life and well-being? Your post history tells me no. Does it make you thin-skinned to be pro-life? This might be reaching since these two topics are completely unrelated. But they do have one thing in common: if you have never been in a woman's shoes (one who has endured either of these two scenarios), then no one (and certainly no male) will ever be able to equate what they feel. We can have an opinion and we can certainly voice it but I don't think it is fair to call an entire population of people "thin-skinned" or "weak" if you've never been in their shoes. But you know what? This is what this subreddit is for. Opinions! Thanks for attempting to engage with me in a discussion, but you forfeited the moment you called my opinion "unproductive."


You lost respect in women entirely because of recent events? Before I say this keep in mind I agree with you for the most part, and I’m no feminist, but there are definitely sexist undertones here


Or maybe men should learn to behave and treat women like human beings. Are some people taking it too far? As with every movement, yes, of course. But until *all* men learn to keep their hands and demeaning comments to themselves and until rape is taken seriously by *all* courts of law, women have every right to complain and demand change.


Rape is taken *extremely* seriously. That’s the whole fucking point. Rape is taken so seriously that just accusing someone of looking at you the wrong way is enough to ruin their life.


You should look into the allegations of those celebrities. It is FAR more than someone glancing at you in the urinal. There is also a power dynamic, where the women were afraid or unable to speak up or properly defend themselves because people like you think it’s no big deal.


Posts like this are just an attempt to shut down discussion because talking about these things seems to make some men uncomfortable.


Counterpoint; sexual harassment is a bad thing and it's good when women are not afraid to speak out about their own experiences firstly to raise awareness of it and secondly to help others come forward that need support


That isn't a counterpoint. I'm not saying women shouldn't speak up about sexual harassment. What I'm saying is stop running to the newspaper because a man \(famous or otherwise\) stared at your chest and stop equating this to assault. Do you think I should go to my college disciplinary board to report the guy who stared at my dick in the urinal? Because that's what the MeToo movement would have me do \(I won't because I'm not a sensitive child\)


I’m of very mixed feelings about #metoo, because you’re right, it has empowered a lot of women who were putting up with women pretty heinous shit to speak up against industries that demanded their silence. However, it has also resulted in a blurring of the lines in understanding what sexual assault is vs sexual harassment vs just plain old sexual misunderstandings. #metoo has treated them all the same, and I think created another sex panic. So, I suppose I’m glad #metoo happened, but it’s gone too far, and now we need a movement of people coming out and challenging it, saying enough is enough, we need to attend to the serious cases, but also learn to lighten up about the less serious ones and tell women that (a) if they speak up about serious abuse they will be taken seriously, but (b) some of them need to learn to set clearer limits with men. And I do think that last bit is an important part of the problem. Most men are no sexual predators and don’t feel entitled to women’s bodies; they’re just doing what society has trained them to do to flirt. The problem with this behavior that some women find offensive (e.g. mild touching, sexual jokes, etc) is that plenty of other women find it attractive. So #metoo hasn’t really been speaking for all women here, it’s been speaking disproportionately for women who are prudish. But the message hasn’t been that these women need to thicken their skin a bit and learn not to feel so threatened by benign behavior, it’s been that men need to effectively childproof their behavior around women, because some women aren’t taught how to set boundaries assertively. I think that’s just as big a takeaway here, a lot of this is due to an aspect of toxic feminity: women feeling they need to stay quiet to be a good woman. And finally, another largely ignored part of this problem: women who actually *use* sex and their sex appeal to get ahead. Plenty of women actually do this, and they unfortunately do create expectations among some men that all women are up for it. Something I’ve wondered for a long time: when are we going to start demanding that women wear appropriate work attire, particularly in terms of how revealing it is? Men are very visual in their sexual appetites, and women being allowed to wear sleeveless blouses, high-cut dresses, low-cut shirts, etc, is frankly distracting. I was walking into work just the other day, and one of the secretaries came in wearing a low-cut t-shirt and what appeared to be gym tights (spandex pants that tightly outlined her legs, ass, and even crotch). Why is that allowed? #metoo ignores that, but if that woman caught me glancing at her butt a few times, it would be all over me. So, yeah, I think #metoo has run its course, and it’s time for a more nuanced conversation to begin, because #metoo is anything but nuanced.


"Why dont these women brush off getting raped like I brushed off getting my junk looked at" are you fucking kidding me dude what kind of sociopath are you?


Looking at breasts = raped? Gotcha. Thanks for clarifying this.


Because a good amount of women have been experiencing things like this for almost their entire lives. If I had to go outside everyday knowing that at least one other guy was gonna take a look at my dick or worse, I'd be telling the whole fucking world all about it everyday


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First just in general: it is weird no matter what that someone stared at your dick. Just wanted to throw it out there. I'm sorry that these circumstances have caused you to lose some respect for women. I believe most people in life are inherently striving to be decent humans, regardless of gender. I certainly am. And other people in my life are. I also would hope though, that you think about the women in your life that are strong when doubting yourself.


The thing about the #metoo movement is that people started making it a joke. It was for victims of rape/sexual assault. As someone who would be a part of the actual #metoo movement, people are making it into a joke. It was a good idea to start with, but now it's a laughing stock because people don't know how to take anything seriously. Now, actual people that belong in the movement are losing credibility because of morons like this.


What's really going to cook your noodle is that the founder of the #metoo movement, Tarana Burke, is being played by rapper KRS-One. It's a fake movement. For what purpose? We can only speculate. It turns out when you have millions of people who never question the digital media they're being shown, you can get away with pretty much anything.


I hate the thought of men becoming afraid of women. Never striking up conversations due to the risk...etc.


I’d give you fifty upvotes if I could!!


I love women, my favorite parent is a woman and my favorite professor is a woman. That being said, many women are weak-minded petty children. It's just the truth. They will blow something completely out of proportion for the sake of attention and pity points. On top of that, chicks will lie through their teeth to save face because they regretted something they did before.


Feminist and sexist are two different things. Please look up the definitions and don’t be afraid to be feminist.


I can see the neckbeard oozing from this post


YES! I feel like you've hit the nail on the head.


Op is neckbeard. He said females are docile creatures. Only neckbeards describe women like this.


Dude, the MeToo movement isn't about you. Yes this crap happens to everyone, and it's about trying to stop it, by placing greater awareness on how it's unacceptable. Women have been silently taking this shit for hundreds of years, and it definitely didn't make us respected by men.


I've always thought that all this hysteria does a real disservice to actual real victims. Now their voices are drowned out in a sea of bullshit.


If your premise were true I would agree, but didn’t Morgan Freeman’s stuff involve uninvited touching too


Free my man freeman


To me, this "me too" movement was mostly good. It helped me feel less alone in an experience that has made me feel isolated. In my opinion, a lengthy stare or catcall isn't what I think of when I hear sexual harassment. Yes, catcalls make me uncomfortable, but I pass them off as tacky and rude. I explain more of how I feel in this article. https://viva.media/when-i-said-me-too Whether you are for or against this movement, I believe, it started an important conversation.


200 men were seen protesting in New Delhi against #MeToo on International Men's Day as they felt threatened. Read more about it here: ​ [https://edtimes.in/200-men-are-protesting-against-metoo-in-cp-because-they-are-threatened/](https://edtimes.in/200-men-are-protesting-against-metoo-in-cp-because-they-are-threatened/) ​