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Yeah, i go to Gold's gym in Venice, CA...they tried to enforce rules against tripods and camera crews, but they lost too much revenue and quickly began looking the other way. Now the gym is basically a full-production film set.


True… I see it on Pornhub all the time


Well then, other gym goers have the right to >!accidentally!< knock over those tripods if it gets in their way.


I mean sure, if you want to fistfight in a locker room or on your way home.


I'm sorry, people actually brought crews to the gym? Like that occurred often enough to be a specific problem? People there must be a whole other breed of insufferable


It’s Venice beach. It’s THE gym that all the greats worked out in, it’s a historic place for bodybuilding. It makes sense that you had small time YouTubers who had a cameraman and maybe a sound guy going in there to do recordings. You also have people who make montages and such for their social media. It’s apart of the sport. Anyone complaining about photography at a very famous bodybuilding gym should go to planet fitness. There are gyms for those who want to play into the sport, and there are some for people who want to stay fit and healthy.


Social media really is a cancer on society.


Also that's kinda free advertising for gyms if people post pictures or videos in them. OP sounds more entitled than the people who actually takes gym videos


>OP sounds more entitled than the people who actually takes gym videos That's a pretty terrible hot take. With the number of gym fail and other mocking or ridiculing videos people are posting to IG/TikTok, being self conscious about accidentally or unknowingly being recorded in a gym and that video ending up on social media is a legitimate and valid concern.


Reading your comment, I can’t help but think of that Playboy model a few years back who took a picture of a naked older woman in the shower of the gym locker room, put her picture on social media, and body shamed her. When you are so focused on yourself, you stop caring about how your actions harm others. That’s why cameras should be banned in gyms.


But OP didn’t mention intentionally taking pics of others? He’s specifically complains about people in the “background” of pics. It’s not the same thing.


People take their progress shots in the locker room. I would be mortified if I was in the background changing my clothes, much less naked. And most people don’t look their best in the gym. I don’t think anyone would welcome a picture of their face straining during a workout and looking a mess because someone wanted to film.


Well I go to planet fitness , there’s a sign that says NO PHONE USE IN LOCKER ROOMS. Think of how many other situations where people are in the background. This world is too damn sensitive if being in the background of someone else progress shot is that big of a deal.


Just because there is a sign doesn’t mean people will respect it. And getting upset that someone is so self-absorbed that their picture > your consent and comfort is a good reason to not like it.


If you don’t want to be in the picture then move? As I said , you’re not intentionally being recorded so what’s the issue. Locker room I understand but OP isn’t talking about locker rooms. He’s talking about the workout area which is NOT restricted for phone use. It’s 2022, people take pics and record themselves at the gym and there is nothing we can do about it. The self absorbed individual here would be the person who thinks someone give a fuck about them while trying to record their own progress/routines.


That’s exactly why so many people think of those people as self-absorbed. Because they don’t give a fuck about anyone else. By filming, they are the ones forcing other people to be involved. Why should someone have to move to another machine for that? If you want to film, find yourself a corner and have the camera face the wall. If people did that instead, no one would find this controversial.


Most of a gyms income is from people who don’t go to the gym, if they kick out a person that is posing they are more likely to attract other customers who will come in a few times and continue paying without coming to the gym.


I feel like gyms just capitalize on it and provide a film space perhaps.


Not everyone does it for social media clout. You can usually tell the ones that do. Some people just use it for motivation or take videos to see how their form looks. Watching your form during workouts is more important than a lot of people realize.


Especially for heavy compound lifts like deads and squats. Practicing bad form can cause serious injuries.


Exactly. I usually delete the video as soon as I watch it back anyways, unless my form is textbook level perfect in which case I’ll save it for future reference.


I hear ya man. Most of them are instructional but painful to watch


Someone recording a squat vs pro booty instagram model vs losers that just want a video of their triceps pull downs


No one wants their face in a strangers phone, even if it’s not posted on social media. I don’t take pictures of myself I sure don’t want another person to do it.


Most people who do pics and videos try to be respectful about it. The type that's going around lately on reddit are influencers shaming and getting angry that someone dared step in the way of their video.


They probably just watch the video and stare themselves and don’t even see the people in the background


I take it you've never been on IG or TikTok? There are millions of clips uploaded with the sole intent to mock or ridicule people unknowingly being filmed in the gym.


I think it should be fine to record yourself, but recording others should be against the rules. I have seen videos of people getting shamed, but I’ve never seen videos where someone took a video of themselves and then someone in the background got shamed.


Might be an issue with practicality. Imagine you're trying to record your squat form so you can watch it later to improve. Nothing is stopping people from walking behind, or in front of, you while doing so. You just recorded them.


reply yoke puzzled reminiscent hurry zephyr fade teeny fragile direful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>And there are millions more of people who aren’t being singled out on video. I guess we also shouldn't worry about the millions of starving children because there are millions who aren't starving? >Just cause you see it more on TikTok doesn’t mean it’s more common. It is a perfectly reasonable concern for someone to have while in the gym. The fact there are people who don't do it does nothing to deligitimize the concern or issue. That is the point. Im sorry you missed it. >Maybe you should watch more weightlifting and less fitness influencers and your FYP will have different trends. I don't even have TikTok. That doesn't mean I'm unaware of reality. And it doesn't mean people don't have a legitimate concern about being publicly shamed for something they did in the gym while being unknowingly filmed and shameposted on social media


summer snatch sleep grey stupendous punch chunky carpenter offer scandalous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


and any sane person would side with the person struggling to better themselves in such a video. I get how it would still be rough to have the vid posted and see a lot of weird children laugh at you, but also any normal person will find that content awful.


If you make a video about someone without them knowing, especially to mock them, then I think it is fine to kick them out of the gym. If they just take a pic or vid of themselves training it's usually fine


I’m actually watching it to check my form so in a way, yea….you’re right.


sorry if i’m mistaken but that’s the point right? most people take videos of them in the gym for themselves and their progress right?




I don't mind it, just don't get pissy if someone is in your shot because they want to use a particular machine or space. You don't get to dictate that


I saw a video of someone filming herself during an exercise, I’m assuming to see her form, and someone walked in front of the phone. They didn’t see it and apologized to the girl for ruining her video. She told them there was no need to apologize and that it was a public space. Made me happy to see that interaction.


I really thought you were going the other way with that story. A very welcome plot twist


Yeah when I first saw the video I thought that’s what was gonna happen at first too. The girl was really sweet tho


See now, mutual respect is kinda nice, isn't it


The people who glare at you as if to say “*Ya mind? You ruined my shot!*” are the worst.


Exactly. I'd say you just have to move to a different spot to avoid to be in the camera


Bro my guy dude I'm just trying to perfect my gains my guy I'm just built different bro.


This would encourage 1000s of people to start filming, finally finding an easy way to cancel their membership.


I swear leaving a gym is like leaving the mob,especially planet fitness fuck those guys


Spoiler: there are at least 50 other pics with you in the background that aren’t at a gym


Eh I disagree. Filming your form is super important. If you don't have another person who can check your technique, then there's really no other option but to film. And no, mirrors don't work. You don't look to your side when doing any sort of bench press, squat, or deadlift. That's a big no no and is just asking for a lumbar injury


Are you joking? Mirrors don't have to be on the side


Have you worked out? When doing a squat or deadlift, you have to see it from the side, not from the front


Yes I have. I worked out long before I had a phone. And I never took my phone cause I am not an idiot.


Well, if your technique is ok, more power to you. Form checks are done from the side view and no gym mirror is going to help you out in that regard. You either need another person or a camera


I'm ok with it if the gym is suitably large that it's not imposing and you do your best to avoid getting other people in frame.


I disagree wholeheartedly, form and technique in the gym is paramount. I record myself sometimes to check my form, lifting heavy weights with the wrong form can really fuck your body up. And what’s wrong with taking pride in your body? I don’t do it but I seriously can’t find any problems with people taking photos of themselves in the gym, they worked hard for it.


I sympathise but only a little bit. THERE. IS. NO. EXPECTATION. OF. PRIVACY. IN. A. PUBLIC. SPACE. I get that you feel insecure but you chose to exercise in a public space, exercise at home if you can't handle being seen. The gym won't side with you, that free advertising from progress pics and vids is great for them. The reality is no one cares about you in the background, half cut off and out of focus. Just focus on your shit, keep running, lifting or whatever. Or take classes at said gym, they're most likely in a separate room and too tightly regimented for people to take pics or vids until they're finished. Take it from me, a 5'9" chonky metal head, who does Legs,Bums and Tums with his partner. No one cares. **EDIT** For my fucking sanity. It's not a public space in actual legal terms, I KNOW. It is still a wide open space which anyone able to meet the very low bar to entry can enter. It is definitely a place with ZERO assumptions of privacy, actually the opposite, when you go to a gym you EXPECT people to be taking selfies and videos.


A privately owned gym is by definition not a public space. Not to mention this 'I'm in public so common decency is not needed' mindset sucks.


*"THERE. IS. NO. EXPECTATION. OF. PRIVACY. IN. A. PUBLIC. SPACE."* That's what OP is addressing, and why it would require a ban by the gyms to prevent recording (and I've heard / seen people mention gyms that do ban it). "No expectation of privacy in public spaces" is not absolute, by the way - restrictions do exist and can be imposed.




"We" who?




Huh? What do you mean "where this might be going"? And I live in the states.




Absolutely, I'm saying the general expectation and the standard behaviour is against OP. And gyms aren't likely to change this because it's free advertising.


A gym is not a public space. It’s a private business. Public spaces are places that are funded by the public, like the lobbies of government buildings and the sidewalk. A private gym could have a rule that they don’t allow recording in their gym and you couldn’t defy their rule via the 1st amendment.


>A gym is not a public space. It’s a private business. Public spaces are places that are funded by the public, like the lobbies of government buildings and the sidewalk Without knowing the spcific country of the OP you can't make that statement, in the UK you would be completely wrong [uk definition of public place by law](https://qsc.law/news/is-the-communal-area-of-a-block-of-flats-a-public-or-private-place/#:~:text=The%20statutory%20definition%20of%20%E2%80%9Cpublic,whether%20on%20payment%20or%20otherwise'.) The gym could ban the taking of photos and videos, but it absolutely could be classed as a public space depending on country, so unless the management care then it could be fair to say there should be no expectation of privacy


It's a public space in that any member of the public can easily attain entry, entirely legally. You knew what I meant, you're just a pedant.


No, it’s literally not a public space because you have to pay money and be a member to stay in the gym. I don’t have to pay the parks department if my town a membership fee to use the park down the street.


In WA state there are several state funded parks we have to pay to use. Discover Pass is equivalent to a gym membership pass. You pay, you get to use pass to parks. If you can’t understand this man didn’t mean legally public or market public, idk man. It’s pretty obvious a gym is considered a 3rd space where the public is around lol. Idk why y’all complicate things just to sound like the “well actually” asshole that everyone avoids in real life.


The bar to entry is "want to exercise". Is a public space to anyone with a few bucks. You're a pedant, you completely understand what I mean when I said it, you're just "Um, aktchually"ing. Fact of the matter is, a gym has no reasonable expectations of privacy. Also the membership you pay to have a nice stroll on the park is called taxes.




On a very specific slice of my whole arguement, which when addressed favours my stance. Gyms are private businesses and they love selfies and vids being put out there, it's against me their interests to ban pictures or videos


The first amendment doesn’t protect you inside of someone’s business dude. Feel free to walk into a gym, start recording everyone, and if a staff member tells you to stop, try telling them you have the right to record. If it was a government lobby you’d be correct but you would get kicked out if a private business didn’t want you recording. This is very simple


The first amendment. America is not the whole world FFS. People have documented their progress in gym mirrors since hand held cameras were a thing. The expectation is that people will take selfies in a gym, and has been for years. A gym is a private business (with a remarkably low bar to entry) that thrives on the free advertising these success stories generate. When you go to a gym, you accept there will be people there taking selfies. How fucking vain and insecure do you need to be to make someone else's journey of self improvement about you?


Filming others without consent is a shitty move, legal or not.


>Filming others without consent is a shitty move, legal or not Across the board in all situations?


That's not the issue, OP is sad because they might be in the background of someone's pic or vid, it's very whataboutist. No one cares about the out of focus randos I. The background. Strangers don't care about you, in the best possible way.


That's *exactly* the issue - OP does not want to consent to being in other peoples' gym photos/videos (like you just described) in order to use the gym. Calling it "whataboutist" makes no sense whatsoever.


The point being made is clearly about there being no expectation of privacy when in public, whether that means a public park or a business that is open to the public. You're arguing a pedantic point solely for the sake of arguing, and completely ignoring the point OP here is making. *"A private gym could have a rule that they don’t allow recording in their gym"* And absent any such rule, there is no reasonable expectation of privacy with regard to being recorded / photographed in said gym. ***That's the point OP is making.*** I think it's pretty clear that OP here is not arguing that all gyms are owned by the government, and nowhere have they made any argument about rights or the First Amendment.


The point I made is that a private business is not a public space, legally. You will be removed from that public space and your first amendment rights will not protect your ability to occupy that space or record that space, the way you could if you were doing a FA audit in a public building. This is a simple concept and it’s mind blowing you are incapable of understanding, so I’ll assume you’re being obtuse just to be a contrarian.


Do you even read comments before replying to them? *"The point I made is that a private business is not a public space, legally."* Yes, I know. OP knows as well. They are making a point about being in public - as in being around members of the public outside of one's own home. They used incorrect legal terminology - congratulations for pointing that out. It has been explained to you that although you are correct, the point you are making has nothing to do with the argument OP of this thread is putting forth. You are arguing for the sake of arguing. And again - they did not make any argument about rights or The First Amendment. I ***just*** explained that to you. Also: >The point I made is that a private business is not a public space, legally. You will be removed from that ***public space*** and your first amendment rights will not protect your ability to occupy that space or record that space, the way you could if you were doing a FA audit in a public building. You just called a gym a public space. The very thing that you are throwing a shit fit over OP having done.


Irrelevant, legally. A public space is a space legally open to the public aka a business lobby (not its offices and break room). A public space must comply with certain laws; by your definition no business would have to be ADA accessible, and customers could be turned away based on their skin color alone.


If a gym employee tells you to leave due to recording, the cops would make you leave. This is very simple.




The big gyms would welcome you with open arms and likely give you a free 1 week guest pass.


Again, read my other comments, you are like the 5th jackass to say this. Gyms are a private business that thrives and vanity and insecurity, and they basically are a public space to any with a few bucks Edit. I know you cherry picked because I literally ended the comment you responded to saying that me and my partner regularly attend the gym together


you may have gone too far ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


In the USA, even if you're in a private business, like a gym, or a grocery store, or a hotel lobby, you have no expectation of privacy, and photography is allowed. There are exceptions, e.g. bathrooms and changing rooms. Rules, aka policies, are not the same as laws. No rule, or policy can override your constitutional rights. If a private business has a policy against photography, and that policy is made known via signage, then you can be ordered to leave the premises, if you continue to violate the policy. They can also trespass you if you refuse to leave and call the police to enforce the trespass violation. They can ask for you to delete the photos, but they can't order you to do so.


Yeah so you admitted I was correct in that last 2 sentences so I’m not sure why you’re arguing. The ultimate question is: if someone called the police could they have you arrested for failing to comply? If it’s a private business the answer is yes. There are first amendment auditors that take huge risks to show people these things, it’s not a mystery that a private business can impose rules on you


Being "seen" is entirely different from being *filmed*. And some people don't have the luxury of working out at home. Gym equipment is expensive and takes up a lot of space. Gym memberships are like $10/month. "If you don't like it, stay home" is not a great take when we're talking about things that improve a person's health.


you may have gone too far ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Join the conga line dude. And maybe address the meat of my discussion, not just some triviality you think sinks my whole arguement. .


Also the gym is recording everything anyway, if you’re creeping on people that’s one thing but it’s not like that data doesn’t already exist.


It helps me check my form


Life is too short to care if I happened to appear briefly in the background of some social media post that is completely ephemeral. Fitness influencers post videos and pics every damn day, no one gives more than a fleeting thought to them. Even if recognized, oh, so some random people may get the shocking news that I do normal gym stuff at the gym. I doubt they are paying attention to the background, certainly not enough to be scrutinizing my outfit or form. And if they are, fuck em. They probably do the same to everybody in real life. I would like gyms to more explicitly ban phone use in the locker/changing rooms, but that seems to be a bit of a lost cause too.


Why ban phone use in there? Camera use I get but phone use just seems stupid


Phones can take pictures.


Joey Swoll is a great guy to follow. I really wish they would just have an influencer day or something to just let people get it out of the system.


Just make it „Media Mondays“ and I’ll never go there again 😂


Or not? Its literally free publicity for the gym, why would they revoke memberships for something so low stakes.


Everything this guy said sounds like “I am so damn insecure that I think someone should be banned from a gym for merely taking a selfie”


i don’t have a bench press at home and i wanna show my guys a mean 350 push


Sounds like a good way to finally terminate gym memberships that people complain they can't cancel! "What's up everyone, welcome to the GymChannel™ fam, be sure to check out my Patreon and our sponsor NordVPN..." "Uh, excuse me, are you filming?" "Yeah, segment for my YouTube channel." "This is a violation, we're going to have to terminate your membership and ask you to leave." "Finally!" "What?" "What?"


I do it so I can compare my form. It never gets posted anywhere and I never even look at anyone in the background.


Some people don't have access to the large mirrors and lighting required to send progress pictures to their trainers. Some people also film themselves to check on their technique. But I do think there should be rules about being courteous, avoiding other people in your shot and not disturbing others who are working out in the area.


My friend was at the gym the other day and whilst she was getting changed out of her gym kit and was at one point naked, she noticed 2 young ladies in the changing room with her and one of them was on Facebook doing a live stream. My friend was obviously not happy, confronted the girls and was told to fuck off. She complained to the management team, but nothing will probably happen.


Not specific to gyms, but I hate the current trend of walking up to random strangers filming them and posting it on TikTok or whatever. It’s so invasive.


you care too much. just let it go


Not only a bad unpopular opinion, it doesn’t even make sense. Good job! You’ve actually posted an unpopular opinion.


This is why I stopped going to the gym and converted half my garage into a mini workout space. I get people want to “check their form” and that’s fine. But if you think there aren’t creepy assholes taking pictures and videos of people for the sole purpose of posting online and mocking them then you’re incredibly naive. Since you can never really know why someone is filming phones should not be allowed for everyone’s safety and comfort.


Shit take makes no sense buisness wise


Nor anything else-wise too


>The gym shouldn’t be a place where people need to dodge or leave a spot just because they want to avoid the chances of being publicly shamed online. So I can record as long as its not posted online?


My gym does this. They have signs posted.


Most people who go to the gym just want to see their progression and be proud of themselves. I’ve been a gym rat for 12 years and I think I’ve maybe seen one or two influencers. I’m in cali too lol


Video taking can be a good way to look at your form especially on heavy compound lifts like Deadlifts or Squats where injury is more likely to happen. They can also be a good way to log your strength and form progress overtime. But at the end of the day, you should not get pissed over people walking through your recording, it's still a public place. I have mutuals on Tiktok that record respectfully without accidentally recording strangers to log their progress. Also, most gym owners/companies won't risk losing money because some guy wanted to record and look over their deadlift form


I'm more concerned about people who sit on the equipment but aren't using it to exercise. (I.E Sitting on a leg press and texting. No working out, just texting)


If you’re taking videos for yourself to watch your form, that’s one thing, but the people who show up with ring lights and a buddy or two to help film give me second hand embarrassment


A lot of people record themselves to check their form. Recording or taking pictures not necessarily a bad thing


This is an L take, the gym is a public space just like anywhere else, address the culture of shaming people instead


Totally agree! It's your image, and you're not looking the best.. Now someone dares to pull out a camera. Ban cams. Period!


My gym literally has a sign on the bathroom mirror that says "post your progress!" But I do make a habit of making sure there's never strangers in my photos, cause I do find that rude. If I wait till I get home I'll never take the picture.


This isn't an unpopular opinion


WOW what a fragile mle. You are stupid.


I hope something happens to you and maybe your opinion will change.


How does it in any way hurt anything, or affect you in any way?


Tell us you have a shitty pump without telling us you have a shitty pump


100% agree. Too many creeps taking photos/videos of other people. It’s not just about accidentally appearing in the background - people deliberately film others and it’s gross. It’s also horrible etiquette to expect other people to make room for your phone / camera / whatever so you can film yourself. It’s a gym - people are there to workout. It’s not your private studio. If you want to make sure people aren’t walking between you and your camera, or that people aren’t messing up your shot, go record somewhere else. People shouldn’t be taking up space on machines / benches / weight floors to take pictures, and they especially shouldn’t be doing any of that sh*t in the locker rooms.


>It’s also horrible etiquette to expect other people to make room for your phone / camera / whatever so you can film yourself. Not to dismiss the rest of your comment, but in my experience, this just doesn't happen as often as the internet tends to think. I've been lifting pretty much every day for the last 20 years. I've lifted in gyms all across the US and a few in Europe. The few times I've encountered people recording themselves, they either accept that people are going to walk through their shot or they've secluded themselves into a corner where no one will bother them and vice versa. Stuff like this may be an issue at influencer gyms like Zoo Culture or Alphalete, but then again, you are at an influencer gym...


Well, this is a stupid opinion. What if I’m checking my form on video? And if you really REALLY want a gym where taking pictures is not allowed start your own, but don’t tell gym owners how to run their business.


Agreed, gyms are private spaces, I pay my membership and the law gives a reasonable expectation of privacy in my country. I dont go to a gym with the expectation to be filmed. Edit: The gym I go to has the rule that no one else should appear in your pictures, so the onus is on the selfie taker to avoid it.


Sometimes recording helps for checking your form, not everyone with a camera or tripod for their phone is just trying to make a dumb thirst trap video or whatever. And they shouldn’t care if random people show up in their videos background, I certainly don’t.


I take photos at the gym to track my progress and it’s no one’s business but my own. This is a truly strange opinion. Why should it be any of your business if someone takes a photo of themselves? You sound hella insecure about yourself, to be honest. Workout at home if you’re that worried about it.


>the chances of being publicly shamed online Who the heck gets shamed (and let alone know they are being shamed) because they happen to be in someone else's photo?


You've never seen comments shaming / mocking people that are in photos / videos posted online? Some people even [record](https://www.menshealth.com/uk/fitness/lifestyle/a39306755/woman-schooled-by-bodybuilder-tiktok-video/) unsuspecting people for the purpose of doing [just that](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-40038332).


Go watch Joey Swoll's tiktok for examples.


Why? This makes absolutely no sense, should you also be banned from a restaurant for taking pictures? From airports? Zoos?


You’re in public. Sorry. Also people see you anyway. If you’re worried about Shame… well, it’s(potentially) happening with the human eye already… if you think people actually give a shit what you look like at the gym… especially people who look better than you, you’re neurotic. They look good, they know it, and aren’t worried about your physique.


Insecure ass 🤣


Hella insecure lol like tf?


Lol, who gives a fuck about taking pics in the gym. If you’re worrying about that you got bigger problems


I don't give a shit if someone gets my sweaty face in the background of their video. It's mildy amusing how many people lose their shit over the idea of being inadvertently filmed in the gym vs the hundred thousand other cameras out there from doorbells to dashcams.


A lot of people film their workouts and a lot of people benefit from workouts being filmed. I don’t know anyone who’s gotten into the gym that doesn’t look to some kind of influenced or gym rat for form and lifting tips. Some people (me) even film themselves doing things like deadlifting or squatting to see what they’ve been getting wrong in terms of form. I think people should be more considerate of where they film and try to avoid getting anyone else in the frame for sure but even trainers would have a harder time.


> The gym shouldn’t be a place where people need to dodge or leave a spot just because they want to avoid the chances of being publicly shamed online. Don't worry about it. A majority of people who record themselves at gyms are either doing it to look at their own form or because they want to look at themselves and feel good. Don't go out of your way to avoid it. Just focus on whatever you are doing. If you feel like they are recording you specifically, bring it up to them or take it up with the front desk.


It's really not uncommon at all - last night I had a dude ask me if I've video him doing squats so he could review his form afterwards and I've done the same at times. It's part of training and improving - and thats what a gym is focused on.


Maybe get out of your own head? Nobody really cares about you in those videos.


I hate it too but whats the problem with letting people do what they want to if it doesnt really do anything to you?


Why don't you just take your pictures at home? You All sound like some entitled assholes, seriously let the gym be a safe space. Like look inside yourself and be KIND. Or just be aware of your surroundings and be more careful about shooting your videos.


Better take a photo while I'm still active than taking a photo back home when I'm tired af


The exact thing can be said about you, you sound like an entitled asshole as well. Did they not pay for the membership too? Unless the gym in question explicitly said no cameras or photos, taking photos of themselves is fine.


mixed feelings, using your phone in a public gym is fine, recording yourself in a public gym is meh, still fine as long as the owner says so. Secretly recording ppl/ getting pissed when they walk in front of the camera is WRONG, ive seen ppl like that and those are the only one that SUCK. but nah, shoudnt be forbiden to record a PR or a quick squat to improve tequnique


Man, I’m glad I work out at home and go to a yoga studio cause I get all tomato faced when I work out. I would not like people taking pictures with me in the background.


Some version of this opinion has been posted in here like 3 times. So i wouldnt call it unpopular. But ill say it again. Gyms suck and are always a shitshow for one reason or another. Previously it was crossfit cultists. And meatheads not cleaning up after themselves. Now its filming and influencers. Just switch to a gym that has a no recording policy and actually enforces it.


Have you ever considered that maybe these people are filming their lifts so that they can analyze and improve their form? Ya know, so that they can improve themselves and overcome their insecurities or whatever. I doubt you're doing anything interesting enough to warrant being purposely filmed by strangers.


Nothing is more cringe than a gym selfie.


But what about people who film themselves to correct their form? It’s short sighted to perceive it as just vanity for the sake of social media or something Sometimes people are getting ready for competitions, or have bad posture, or are recovering from an injury and need to analyze their form to improve it. So you think these people (who often are the hardcore gym rats who are really into fitness and are the main consumer base for many gyms) should be banned?


>People at the gym go there to improve themselves and overcome their insecurities. Part of improving yourself is not giving a fuck what others think.


I don't care if people are recording or taking videos as long as they're only doing it of themselves. I don't want to be included in anybody's pictures ,or videotapes without my permission, even if it is a public place they should respect that not all people like being videotaped or recorded but we all know that is not the etiquette in the real world because people nowadays don't care what other people want,only what they want. If I see people recording I move away!


Agree to disagree. If there isn’t any people in the background of the photo, I don’t really see a problem with it


while creepshots are definitely a problem, where else can you easily access a full length mirror with great lighting?


What, you really just can't be respectful? You sound like a douchebag asshole that would run me off the road for passing you. WOW, what an entitled ass clown. Go FUCK YOURSELF buddy, but you really sound like a dick head. My comment must have really bothered you.


I’m sorry that you’re so insecure you think other people should change to accommodate you.




Gyms are private businesses free to enforce their own rules to make customers feel comfortable and safe. >unless someone is butt[sic] naked (which shouldn’t be allowed in the first place) Do your gyms not have locker rooms?


I agree but unfortunately the days of just going to gym to train hard instead of ponsing around taking videos / pictures and engaging in braggadocio online behaviour because you lifted some weights are long, long gone


I shouldn't take pictures at school, or at a library, or in nature? People are trying to better themselves there, too.


Narcisism is rife amongst a lot of people nowadays, especially with those on instagram. A gym that i used to go to had this girl who would regularly set her phone up to record on a bench while she pretended to lift weights on the next bench even if there were people waiting to use it. i saw people lose it with her a couple times. "Social media is an amusement park for clinical narcissists."


How did this affect you?


I couldnt use the bench. I think i did cardio instead.


Every time I see someone complaining about society being full of nothing but narcissists, I immediately assume that they’re schizophrenic. I have yet to see a rational person say that.


Maybe it's true regardless of whether you like it or not... Also, you should probably look up what schizophrenia is.


People who post gym selfies are just a bad as the toilet selfie lol ugggghhh cringe


I actually really like when people post their workouts because it helps me figure out the exercises I need to do in order to get the results I want and provides motivation. It also helps me see how a machine works before I go to the gym because I’m really shy and I hate having to stand there and read the instructions and figure it out on my own. Also, I love when my husband sends me gym selfies lol


What if you are filming to check your form while lifting?


Never gonna happen. Banning that will cost gyms too many customers for the next gym over that allows it. Unless the gym is location locked and is the only one in 20+ miles.


My gym actually has a community tripod that everyone is allowed to use


How to close your gym in 30 days or less.


I thought this post was gonna be about taking pictures of other people but you're mad at people taking selfies??? Grow the fuck up lmao are you jealous that people have the self control to go to the gym and work out and you dont or something?


Literally what does it matter to you ?


Actually good unpopular opinion


I couldn't care less about someone getting me in the frame of their video or picture. I just don't hold any weight in what others think of me because guess what they don't know who I am and if anything they are the main character and I'm just a NPC they will never interact with.


No, something so harmless should not revoke your membership without warning


The only thing they should really do, is warn others that they're taking selfies. This is a gym. People like showing off their progress. And honestly, this sounds more like some tall poppy stuff, rather than someone who's truly annoyed by the loss of privacy.


Ok satan!


What if I’m filming to do a form check to make sure I’m not gonna hurt myself doing something new? O_o or, filming myself rock climbing at the gym so I can make sure my technique is okay?


Do you realize how many people would lose there professions if that happened, fitness influencers, supplements promoters, clothing brands I could go on dude, you say people go to the gym to improve Themselves not be shamed by being caught in the background of a selfie but without influencers or promoters there wouldn’t be anyone to influence people to make a change in there life and support them with online content, a lot of fitness influencers provide a ton of emotional support for people who struggle with self image and if your into fitness them I’m sure you know this I respectfully disagree with this opinion


Considering how often a variation of this is posted here, im saying this isn't unpopular


Mmmmm agree to disagree


Just stay home FFS.


I agree. And it would also solve the problem of guys taking pics of girls asses etc


I choose to not give a F and focus on MY workout.


Found the fun police