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As an ex-cork main i can agree with it being put on that tier, always made some Bullet's life hell until they lost or even rage quitted.


Where chronos :(


Chronos would be at the (Be careful) tier, it's below avarage dmg allows you to tank hits without worrying too much about block break. be careful going for m2 counters, they WILL dodge it, so feints are your best friend. but the possibility of a focus sweep is never out of the question, though i would consider this match-up easy, never feel too comfortable. (Also i forgor to add it to the list xp)


Iron fist is slightly annoying to play against with bullet as you don’t get the funny counter damage


I mean, turtle and basic are essentially the same thing but one has a bigger block and can't dash consecutively. I don't see why they aren't in the same tier.


turtle can make a lot more mistakes and still be safe from a guard break, turtle players are also (usually) very good at perfect dodging.


I main hitman and all bullet users be beating me, there are a few that are trash against me, but I think it's skill issue 😭


hitman usually will keep their distance, so them backdashing is VERY readable. once a bullet gets in against hitman, his best bet is to play chicken, and keep the offensive with delayed m1s and m2s to melt the health of the hitman. my personal favourite strat is abusing the habit of backdashing, by dashing to the side and slightly foward after they backdash, they'll be in range for an m2 or m1, this usually ends with me getting Two m2s, because they're try to backdash, but because m2 comes out right after i dash, i can land Massive counters. just work around their range, and Be Braver than them, if you notice they like to delay attacks, you can catch them mid pause with a well times m1.


how are you losing to slugger if he m1s he's yours if he doesn't he's hit, if he started to pd bait the pd and hit after. m2 back dash and watch them leave immediately


Though you can break block easily, and you can definitely catch him trying to walk up and m2 you, his dmg output is still insane, he can also just as easily destroy your block. his anti heal m1s forces you to take the defensive when your block is down, and he can snowball 1 guard break into a ton of dmg. being backed to a corner is deadly, since it removes your ability to backdash properly, so you need to watch your movements as well. his m2s are not always charged, so their timing is difficult is determine, and because of the problems previously stated, you can risk making too many mistakes against a slugger.


if you are side dodging m2 it's a skill or ego issue, backdash is free no m2. sure you are taking anti heal. but this is the only case if you are LOSING HARD just don't. being backed into a conner is no big deal he's gonna full charge and your going to get away. the issue is players try to prefect dodge the m2, it can't be. if you see a m2 it's time to side dodge off around him and back dash, and if you have space backdash. sluggar is super easy to beat down.


if you are letting slugger do anything but block or attempt to dodge you aren't putting any pressure on him. same with hawk, yes whille it's safe to let hawk meter run out, you can just smack him around baiting him into dodges and take his meter and life


someone sent a msg and deleted it, he will m2? back dash


As an ex-iron fist main, fighting bullet style users were annoying, mainly because they rage quit and the other half is because they are actually good