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No President will score high numbers like they did in the past with the current media landscape. The echo chambers can’t look objectively at the other side.


Orrrr maybe people who voted for Biden are tired of the guy? Myself am a voter who voted for Biden who is tired of the pandering for votes during election year and the mishandling of the Israel situation


So youre tired of a politician doing what they do…..pandering for votes. Must have been quite a journey reaching that point.


I’m shocked a politician would try to care about votes


Meh. You vote for Trump or don’t vote at all, you’ll get worse than what you have now. I’m no Biden super-fan, but another Trump admin would be a disaster. I’m voting for Biden.




People need to get off this fixation with needing to adore someone. I trust Biden to put together a cabinet that works and people in positions to impact positive change.


Why vote for a guy who presided over the best economy in decades? Highest growth in GDP. Lowest unemployment. Historic infrastructure investment. More people with health insurance. Supreme court picks who aren't insane. Insulin capped at $35 per month. Prescription drugs capped at $2000 per year for seniors. trump could have done any of those but didn't do any of them.


He literally inherited an economy that had been growing nonstop since 2009 and he immediately started to fuck it up with his dumbass trade war that only resulted in Midwest soy farmers getting screwed. His biggest achievement is ballooning the debt. Plus he’s just not fucking fit for the office. He’s morally bankrupt and reacts to everything like a toddler with ridiculous nicknames. Fucking national embarrassment.


I think you should specify you’re talking about Trump, not Biden. Given you replied to someone talking about Biden it’s very confusing


>Highest growth in GDP. Because of inflation >Lowest unemployment. Off of trumps coattails >Historic infrastructure investment. Socialism >Supreme court picks who aren't insane. Woke mind virus >Insulin capped at $35 per month. More socialism >Prescription drugs capped at $2000 per year for seniors God there's so much socialism! >trump could have done any of those but didn't do any of them. Trump was the best president since the Qing dynasty /s for those unfortunate enough to need it


Had me in the first half ngl


Or you live in a blue state that will not ever elect trump so you just don’t vote at all. It’s fine in my state to do this but maybe the DNC should actually be doing something positive and not falling back on “we are not as bad as that other guy” because if swing state voters start feeling disillusioned like we are then that’s when you have another 2016 shock win


Biden made historic investments in climate change legislation. Changes the effing world!


They HAVE done a lot of positive things. Biden’s track record is quietly quite solid on domestic policy.


Thank you. I could not have said that better.


"Meh" attitudes towards shitty candidates in your own ranks is why there are only two "viable" options and both are shitty.


Trump pandering for votes? Never.


He’d suck your dick for an electoral vote


He'd probably pay someone to do it. I also would like some money. Say, $130,000?


He'd say that Mexico was going to pay for it, and then pretend he never said it.


i honestly feel like we have a very very small # of current politicians that can actually handle the israel situation properly. bernie sanders is one of them, and some of the younger progressives


Yes there are many confused dipshits among us as you described


I'm curious, as someone who voted for Biden, what exactly are you referring to with respect to his "mishandling of the Israel situation".


The part where the United States was the only UN Security Council who didn’t vote for a ceasefire. The fact we continue to send millions of dollars without a ceasefire. The fact Netanyahu gets to do whatever he wants and the US foots the bill


Did you make more $ in 2022 or 2023 per your taxes?


That's fair.


I voted biden, and will again. I also hate the Israel situation. But he's been one of the most effective presidents in history. And when the choice is between him and Trump again, the answer is obviously clear. Still, I wish the dnc didn't prop up such unpopular candidates. Imagine if someone other than Hilary had run against Trump in 16.


I never said I’m voting for trump. This post is about poll results. 50ish% of people are automatically against Biden, a number of his voters don’t like his time in office, and then you have the blind left who are so much alike with the far right the irony is actually pretty funny. End of the day this poll wasn’t about who are you voting for, it’s about what you think of Bidens term


Also giving Israel 28 billion dollars as they commit genocide and banning 170 million peoples favorite app doesn't help either


Fuck tiktok im glad its goin


Also claiming we have to do more for the environment, then banning 10k fully equipped electric vehicles from china because the billionaires can't compete. We're tired of this old fart


Do we really want to support the Chinese economy by inviting them into the US (electric) automobile market? We know we can't compete with their pricing, where workers [work themselves to the bone for pennies on the dollar.](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-59245708#) The money they'd make in the US would support their military buildup, where [China is manufacturing one warship every two weeks.](https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2023/1/26/analysis-shipyard-capacity-chinas-naval-buildup-worries-us-military-leaders) China's military buildup is said to be the [fastest buildup since WW2, and quite possibly ever in human history.](https://asiatimes.com/2023/11/chinas-military-buildup-enough-to-win-a-war-with-us/#:~:text=American%20analysts%20now%20mostly%20agree%20there%20is%20a,II%20–%20possibly%20the%20fastest%20in%20human%20history) All this with China acting increasingly [more aggressive in the region, and against the US.](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/us-commander-warns-china-is-fast-becoming-more-aggressive-in-region/ar-AA1nuHL6) Personally, I get the frustration as a consumer, but I also tend to think that strategically, it's a smart move from the position of the US Government.


This post has nothing to do with the topic of this sub.


Unusual whales got political a few years ago. Was better when they stuck to just showing option trades and we could discuss that. But there’s more money in pandering to one of the two political parties than what they used to do


Yeah I used to follow for market news, but then it became increasingly political and biased - a lot of the finance and consulting meme accounts really took a hard turn and just churn out Fox News content now


Thank you I just joined and was so confused why this was posted


You sure? Quite a few posts here just seem to be some variety of right wing bullshit. This seems pretty on brand.


People just ain't happy.


Yep. Wait until they find out how low generic republicans poll compared to generic democrats. This is the biggest waste and I hope the death of the republican party. No ideas, no leadership. Just coast along under the democrats and complain. We could do real conservative solutions that would really work. Instead we're letting the party that doesn't know what a man or woman is lead us.


4 years at Bernie’s


I know this is a joke but I really wanted Bernie sanders to run against Trump instead of Hilary. He had some crazy ideas but after watching our deficit go to 30+ trillion I would have been much happier knowing our money was spent on Americans. And delt with American issues. People said I was crazy when they asked me who I wanted in the primaries. I guess I would be called radical left. Oh well. But now I really would like some young blood like 40-50 year old candidates. These old geezers are just yes men bobble heads who will absolutely put the burden on the upcoming generations.


It seems like the support that he does have is cope from the "at least he's not Trump" camp. Unsure why politics at this point has devolved into two guys older than the average life expectancy being the only choices. Both stand a significant chance of dying of old age while in office- you don't know when things are going to turn south at that age, and four years is a really long time when you are 80+. Never mind that listening to Biden especially but also Trump to an extent is a real clear indication that neither are as sharp as they once were.


Why would either of them dying be a problem?


Who are their VPs?


This is the concern..... Kamala isn't getting my vote, but she might very well get to hold the office.


>Biden especially but also Trump You haven’t listened to Trump talk recently, have you?


But it's a binary choice in November. It literally is Trump versus Biden. When that is the choice there is no choice it is very clearly Biden. And it's not close. It's Biden by a mile. Are they both too old? Absolutely. No one over 70 should be president of the United States. Every single person you know who is older than 70 is in mental decline. That's biology. That does not mean that they can't still do stuff or have useful expertise It just means they should not be President of the United States. But again in every single category Biden is a better option than Trump and is in better shape than Trump despite being older. Trump was in worse mental state than Biden is now when he took office in 2016. The man has never been able to string together a coherent sentence. I thought Biden should have stepped aside and encouraged Newsom, Pritzker and Whitmer to run. How are you going to have three incredible governors sitting on the bench and claim that the only option that we have is an 80+ year old man?


If Biden is struggling in the polls against Trump, then he likely thinks any other person running against him will outright lose. And it’s likely true. Biden is the only one who polls well against Trump and even then it’s a dead heat at best for him.


I still question the polls because anyone who voted for Biden in 2020 is most definitely not going to be voting for Trump in 2024. Any independents who voted for Trump in 2020 will most likely not vote for Trump again in 2024 given his latest legal issues and other issues as a global leader. Old school conservatives are probably cringing at every inch they have seeing Trump bend the knee to Putin and Russia.


You're 100% right on all of this but I think the issue is less about voter crossover and more one of how many people who voted Biden in 2020 will simply stay home/not vote in 2024? It wouldn't take that many nationwide to swing the election.     I think voter apathy is a bigger challenge for Biden than Trump is.   


PA just had 67/67 counties(for the 1st time in history) where Republicans out registered the Democrats to vote this year. So this assumption of yours is very clearly wrong. https://penncapital-star.com/voting/analysis-pennsylvania-gop-enjoys-clean-sweep-of-voter-registration-gains-ahead-of-primary-election/


This is the correct take. You’re not just voting for a person, you’re voting for the entire executive branch of our government. Do you really want more religious nut jobs on the Supreme Court? Do you really want an administration full of maga loyalists? Do you want the Secretary of defense & education, and the heads of the CDC, the FED, SEC, etc… to be career experts, or people who’s only qualification is their loyalty to Donny. Oh, also one is a conman and garbage human being that wants to overthrow 250yrs of American democracy. It’s not that hard


I think you are underestimating how many people who voted for Biden in 2020 are so disgusted with everything he's done that they will vote for Trump or RFK Jr. Biden is so awful that 4 more years of Trump sounds more appealing to A LOT of people.


I voted for Trump in 2016. >will vote for Trump Trump will lose far more voters than Biden will. Anyone disgusted with Trump then will still be disgusted with him. >RFK Jr. Again, anyone disgusted by Trump will likely be even more put off by RFK, Jr. At least Trump believed in vaccines.


Yes, very weird, I'm happy with Biden and not concerned about age. Warren Buffet is 12 years older running a fortune 500 company.


In my opinion, Warren Buffet definitely comes across as more mentally fit than Biden does, even at 12 years older.


Warren Buffett doesn't have a stutter.


I think they're both still sharp, Trump on the other has never been sharp at any point in his life.


Listening to Biden speak anything at all right now makes it obvious he's not sharp. I don't know where you're getting that idea.


Without devolving this into another Trump vs Biden Reddit post, you must be watching a very curated version of the "news" to not see the gaffe's every time Biden talks. Just last week he said his uncle may have been eaten by cannibals in Papua New Guinea after his plane was shot down in WW2... but the plane wasn't shot down, it apparently suffered a malfunction, and went down in the ocean.


Gettysburg. Wow.


Right, I don't watch Fox News or mainstream media. To me it's all misinformation and right-wing propaganda. But I did watch the State of the Union where he negotiated with Republicans in real-time to protect Social Security. Meanwhile Trump thinks there were airports during the Civil War (been corrected it was the Revolutionary war).


Disinfo. It was the Revolutionary War.


The other guy still claims election fraud


Shhh this sub is full of right wing regards.


To be fair I too forget if my uncle was eaten by cannibals in Papa New Guinea and I'm in my 30s.


Really. How many buildings did he build? Joe dropped out of the race in 88 because his campaign was soon suspended after incidents of plagiarism in campaign speeches and during his time in law school came to light. Joe has never done anything in the private sector.


Why are u happy with him?




Because he saved the economy from collapsing, did a great job getting people vaccinated, ended the Afghanistan disaster of a war, invested the most ever in renewable energy, invested in our infrastructure, there's a long list of great things he's done, and recently brought back net neutrality and cancelled non-competes which greatly help workers.


Great job getting eveyone vaccinated is a comical statement. Trying to make a positive how we left Afghanistan is also quite funny… You clearly are easily impressed lol.




Hint: he's white, upper class, and not one of the 10,000 Palestinian children being buried alive by our weapons and genocide that can only continue with Biden's consent. 


Warren Buffet maybe just a tad smarter.


It’s scary that we “allowed” this ridiculous rematch of a stupid matchup to begin with.


Dark money buys a lot of propaganda.


lol who is putting weight into these ratings? No republican is going to say they agree with Biden and progressives are going to want to punish him for his israel support. But when it comes time to vote - do people really think we're re-electing the guy who brags about raping women and tells school shooting victims to "Get over it", all while displaying absolutely zero competency in understanding the major issues of the country? lol come on, we live in a great country right?


We live in idiocracy the movie


Almost like the corporate media has gone out of their way to ignore/downplay his various policy achievements. CHIPS act, Infrastructure bill, inflation reduction, plus standing up to Wall Street and saying no to endless mergers. Reinstating regulations Trump repealed. Handling the mess Trump made of the economy. Plus I'm a single issue voter. I like trains. Biden builds trains. I vote Biden. He's also not a convicted rapist, failed businessman, traitor, and attempted dictator. Nor is he getting his ass kicked in court.


Most people have a severe deficit of imagination. That’s why so many were pulled in by the “build the wall” shit without thinking of future consequences. Policies take time for them to show anything. But most people are all about now…look at what years of tax cuts for the rich did in 40 years.


I have no idea why this race is even close. I judge America for it being so. Honestly, Everything to do with your electing a president, is shite. Citizens United, SCOTUS's clearly siding with one of the candidates, Thomas not being forced to recuse himself, Being able to lie in political adverts with zero consequence, the power of lobbies, meaning candidates ignore what is good for people, the nonsense with electors, the fact that every single person involved in J6 isn't behind bars, the fact that a president being effectively an emperor is even being discussed... so much utter crap.


Imagine living here and believing this. 😞 I'll never understand how anybody can support Trump, yet damn near half the country does. It's truly mind boggling.


It makes sense when you consider that about 30% of the population is an active cancer on the country


Th e poorly educated are being well represented.


That it's this close tells you how badly most Americans are struggling right now. 


Fair point.


Shhhhh you're gonna bring in the "but pedo Biden crime family" weirdos out the termite holes


None of his achievements matter if people aren't feeling them and clearly they're not. 


Plus he was the FIRST president ever to stand with a striking group of workers on the picket line. The first ever. He is the most pro-worker president we've had since FDR and for some reason people think that Trump would be better for them economically.


"Biden signs bill to block U.S. railroad strike" first google result I get when I search biden and strike


Bro. Lol


Gee whiz. I wonder why


Biden is trending to score the lowest approval rate since Bush. "Between the start of his second term and December 2008, Bush’s approval rating dropped from 50% to 24%, a level that rivals the historic lows recorded by Gallup for Harry S Truman as he left office in 1952." [https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2008/12/18/bush-and-public-opinion/](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2008/12/18/bush-and-public-opinion/) Americans tire quickly of middling presidents.


So is there a problem ? It's a fact ! That bowl of oatmeal that shuffles like it has a loaded diaper on has no business RUINING AMERICA !


Reddit swears he's doing a great job though


imagine, people lying on the internet


I guess he thought out of control inflation ,high gasoline and utility costs, putting illegals above Americans and weaponizing the Justice system against political opponents would make him popular.. oh well…




He sucks. How could this possibly surprise anyone?


It's so bad that he abandoned the term biden-nomics


I became an independent since obama. I don't vote for either parties, they're actually functioning as a uni-party. But yes, biden is epic trash. A lot of partisan democrats keep chirping the same spin... but no, the economy is not doing well. Inflation is out of control, energy dependency is back up, wars everywhere (again), america divided more than ever, the top 0.1% are richer than ever (at the cost of everyone else), crime out of control. infinite money printing for private interest groups to cash out on hack policies like "green energy" and "infrastructure", and he's a pathetic doormat on the world stage. Weak. Old. Unreliable. Caters to corporations and private interest. Easily walked on. Gaslights nonstop. Keeps running the printer. A total failure. We call tent cities here around LA "biden-villes" - A testiment to him being only slightly less worse than herbert hoover. The only thing he (and the rest of the useless democrats) can run on is "BUT TRUMP...!" Come on, man 🍦


As an outsider, do either side realize that they are both finger-pointing and criticizing the other side of the exact same thing? From a global standpoint under Biden, the US economy is thriving. Under Trump, your economy was flat. Also, why are no Americans angry that 4M Americans died under Trump during covid?


There ate SO MANY reasons to love or hate a president. The economic performance during their term is not one of them, as they truly have no direct control over it and very little indirect control over it.


Fair enough


As an outsider, you’re borderline retarded. 4 million people didn’t die under trump during Covid. The majority of Covid deaths happened under biden, in 2021 Biden had 100k more deaths under him with trumps vaccine than trumps worst year in 2020 without any vaccine.  


“Trump’s worst year” lmao covid was not widespread in the US til like august of 2020, after a summer of trump holding his superspreader events


I’m sure the fact that Trump gave vaccine skeptics and states who challenged shutdown policies plenty of ammunition to encourage the eventual out of control climb in covid cases.  You literally can’t look at Biden who inherited that and suddenly say it was his fault. This is as wrong as Trump entering the white house and immediately claiming victory over ISIS when the coalition was already well into Mosul with operations. 


No horse race here folks ABORTION will lose in every fucking district and so will the right.


They're letting Trump and the GOP limp along now, cause "why stop a rival making mistakes". The facts (and the GOP's lack of facts) will bury The right for their past bad choices...Heck, Put Bill Barr and Trump on the poster for the Dem's.


People cannot afford food, mortgages at 8% means almost no one can buy a new home but killing babies will decide the election you say. \*facepalm\* It's going to be abortion on one side (all the Dems have to offer is killing babies) vs everyone else who prioritizes the economy, inflation, illegal immigration, and crime.


If you prioritize the economy the last thing you should do is vote republican.


You aren't very smart, are you? You do know that Trump has said he will place tariffs on ALL IMPORTS coming into the country, right? If you think inflation has been bad, wait until everything starts costing 10% more, including Chinese products which will cost at least 50% more. Tariffs are universally hated by all economists because they are idiotic. The person you want to elect is an absolute moron. And I mean that sincerely. He is without a doubt the stupidest person ever to be president and would become the stupidest person ever to be president again. But whatever, go ahead and vote for him. You're gonna make your own life worse but I guess at least you'll be making other people worse off too and you seem to enjoy that.


Not a single person who thinks Biden is bad because of inflation and interest rates can point to anything Trump would do to fix it. He hasn't suggested a single policy that would improve things.


The guy is over 80. We need term limits. If you cant see the need here. You missed life the past 4yrs. Horrible.


Not shocking. Younger generation hates his guts and he'll go down as one of the worst presidents ever in my book


Of course, he is the least liked President. He is the absolute worst President human being to ever sit in the White House. This guy was a joke before he even became president november Cannot get here quick enough. Trump is gonna run this creep right over and everyone knows it. I cannot wait.


Oh... its the nypost LOL


[they linked the Gallup poll](https://news.gallup.com/poll/644252/biden-13th-quarter-approval-average-lowest-historically.aspx)


Lmfao the "get the data" tab for the graph that shows the approval poll they did just leads to a excel sheet that has the approval percentages in table format lol


We seriously saying Gallup Polls are fake now too? What else do you need? Does [CNN](https://www.cnn.com/polling/approval-rating-polls) count?


Turns out bankrolling new forever wars and backstopping active genocide aren't popular positions to take... surprise surprise.




Biden is perfecting being in the basement, makes Carter look good, Nixon was better than Carter


Damn can people STFU about politics and get an actual hobby?


Why is he running again?


He's histories greatest monster!


The cartels love him.


Not only the least popular , I’d say the WORST. 


gee what a shock. it's almost like having a senile president is a bad idea.




This moron makes Jimmy Carter look good and I never thought I would say that.


It’s hard to have popular when you’re on the wrong side of a supposed war.


Reddit is going to explode in conspiracy if Trump wins in November, while conveniently forgetting that Biden is an absolute horse shit candidate. He's actively forcing young people to not vote for him with his stance on Palestine.


Its almost like the 2020 election was entirely a vote not to have Trump.


He hasn't done anything. He hasn't shown leadership. He hasn't fixed the country.


Can you imagine if this angry ooold dementia patient wins and then dies shortly after and we're stuck with Kumswallow? Holy shit!


Biden is a career politician. His job, specifically, is to screw over regular people for his corporate overlords. Also, an extremely polarized political landscape doesn’t help


His administration is adding to the genocide in Gaza by giving billions to Israel, and we get "good guy points" by saying, "at least give them aid." It's disgusting... There's Almost nothing left of Gaza...


He’s disgusting


Trump is far worse. Biden’s current rating is 38.7% fueled mostly by border issues trumps worse job approval rating was 29% abysmal in comparison. And trumps wants the job back? Biden is unpopular with MAGAT’s. His 13th quarter ratings are not a reflection of his ability to beat trump in an election.


Border issue is the Republican's fault...Trump urged Speaker Johnson to not even bring the bipartisan border bill ( some of which was penned by very conservative maga types in the republican party) to a vote so he could have that issue to hamfist his way through. Dems had a bill, Republicans killed it because a unelected oaf told them to.


Trumps disapproval happened on day 1. Even during a flourishing Obama/Trump economy and no new US involved wars. Trump's disapproval was based entirely on him as a character not policy. Biden's disapproval is due to his high spending/war on fossil fuels (inflation), border crisis, US backed wars, and a multitude of other issues


Trump has a cult to fall back on, though. His poll numbers have a floor. Biden does not have this so his poll numbers can dip lower.


Trumps last job approval rating was 34%.


Worst president by far


Not surprised but the alternative that the Republicans have served up is even less appealing.


Sending billions to nations that the American people don't want will do that .


Fuck Joe Biden


Why is Unusual Whales becoming a news channel? Lately a lot of posts are about news that have NOTHING to do with Unusual Whales. Show me Unusual Whales trades before hand and not afterward so I can track these trades. With this cross post, it's like Brigading, isn't it? I can find anything to fit my narrative and cross post it here for no reason what so ever and have nothing to do with Unusual Whales.


2016-2019 I had a great cost of living, regular raises, taxes were lower. I work in social services and people who were previously unemployable with felonies or other issues were getting living wage jobs left and right. It's gotten a lot darker out there. 2-3 part time jobs instead for those people, or they're trying to get a disability and just giving up. I can't pretend to understand all the macro-economics of it, and as a person, I am not sure Trump is a great guy, but I have not seen 1 positive thing out of the Biden era that has made life better for people.


this. not to mention how he screwed younger voters. thanks to him I won't be able to afford a house until I'm 80 and even at the discount grocery store I still end up blowing over 50 bucks on only a weeks worth of basic groceries. and I don't even have student loan debt so why should I be made to pay for someone else's bad decisions when I can barely afford to pay for my own rent.


Erm…wasn’t W. Bush polled as low as 19%?


Bush was at roughly 50% at roughly the same time frame during his first term. https://news.gallup.com/poll/116500/presidential-approval-ratings-george-bush.aspx


38.7% still seems a little high. Dude is an absolute disaster


Can you give reasons why he's a disaster? At least 3, please. I imagine you have answers at the ready given how strong your belief is that "dude is an absolute disaster".


Youll never get a response from him that's legit


He only gets that much because the people saying yes to him don't like the alternative. What a disaster. Can we get a gen x president? Americans over 50 struggle to get good jobs. So much age discrimination unless they're running for president or applying as a Wal mart greeter.


Is it the strong economy you hate? The record low Black unemployment? Longest stretch of sub 4% unemployment since the late '60s? The CHIPS Act? Negotiating drug prices? Capping insulin at $35 for Medicare patients? What?


Literal propaganda. Your average US citizen right now is leaving paycheck to paycheck or close to that. Regurgitating political points doesn't mean the economy isn't doing abysmal at the moment.


Hes accomplished more than any president in at least 50 years


Still doesn’t change the fact that runaway inflation, particularly in the housing market and groceries, has resulted in voters feeling further from the American Dream than ever before…


This full-throated DNC talking point is, funnily enough, only parroted by full-throated DNC nuts. I'm as left as it gets, and it would make me gag to say something this ridiculous.


The people downvoting get their news from Truth Social. Remember which sub this is.


That's why when they need to provide evidence it's all deflection and whatabouts lolol


Name one thing he has done to better our country


He keeps saying, but why do American never feel any of these accomplishments? Working on shit that doesn't impact the material conditions of citizens often doesn't mean much to voters.


"If it doesn't immediately change my life, it doesn't count" is a weird opinion


No, it's practical. People feel their lives are getting more unstable. We see billions being poured into foreign conflicts while homelessness and housing insecurity is on the rise. We're seeing both parties effectively abandoning domestic policy in favor of no policy, because their whole selling point is simply "we're not the other guy." Government is supposed to be for the people. People need to feel it.


None of that is new. And not being the other guy is a hell of a selling point when the other guy wants to be a dictator and sucks up to dictators around the world because hes jealous of them.


>why do American never feel any of these accomplishments? Who says they don't?


What did he accomplish?




Considering he inherited a global pandemic, impending inflation, a global supply chain crisis, and was on a near certain collision course with recession, or worse, I’d love to hear what specifically you feel he’s done to be an “absolute disaster.”


Not really a surprise in today's media landscape. You have 40% of the country watching 24-7 anti Biden propaganda, young people on Tik Tok seeing Pro-palestine anti Biden propaganda, and the rest probably focusing too much on the fact that he's old over all the accomplishments he's actually made. The flood of misinformation over the internet has completely poisoned the news well.


The news has also turned into "So and so said thing on Twitter, more at 11". Which is a sign that not-so news worthy things that drive outrage makes people money.


Yeah it has nothing to do with interest rates, the housing market, student loans, inflation, CPI, a shared feeling of malaise that I have personally never witnessed ... it's TikTok showing softcore porn 24 hours a day to 12 year olds.


>The flood of misinformation Lol, truth hurts. Seeth little bitch, seeth. Your traitorous president fucking sucks.


Strange this pattern among people who have this position always being insulting, uncivilized, unhinged, psychotic. Almost like there's an association.


It’s a NY Post article…lol might as well be from Breitbart


Four More Years Pause Four More Years Pause Four More Years Pause


Libs coping in the comments. No, he's not unpopular because "corporate media's out to get him". He's unpopular because his presidency-defining policy is literally an assault on his own Democratic base. It was bad enough to support genocide in the face of massive opposition from your own voting blocks. But to make it worse by using state violence to silence that opposition. This is gonna be a hard pill for you guys to swallow but Democrats are controlled opposition and are intentionally throwing the election for Republicans.


Like I said ...I don't have a "horse in the US election race" but you have to see that both sides are being played? You are being played by the Russians, the Saudis, Iran, the Chinese and key people like Elon are making sure the game is played by all Americans.


lol TFW you’re defaulting to the NY Post for “data”




Biden should’ve been tried for treason to the American people and then impeached if only for the border fiasco alone


Biden is a tired bitch who has done Israels bidding for decades.


Funding a genocide will do that


Even if you love his politics and have the capacity to suspend belief far enough to think that he's mentally sound, it's hard to ignore a 300 dollar cart of fucking groceries.


Am I taking crazy pills here? Less popular than the convicted by a jury of peers rapist with 90+ felony charges and multiple criminal trials across 3 states and potentially Michigan and Arizona to come? On trial for stealing and potentially selling classified state secrets. Bro what. To the crayon eaters shoving shit in your ears to ignore the truth, the evidence is at your finger tips, and it's overwhelming. Biden has done a good job with the hand dealt. [https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/s/k8Y7mPSzLU](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/s/k8Y7mPSzLU)


Republicans deeply in need of copium.


Because he's not even a president, he's just a stuttering roomba with executive powers.


But ... but ... Jan 6th! /s People cannot afford food or to pay an 8% (!) mortgage to buy a new home so they want to go back to when they could afford to buy food without getting a bank loan and buy a new home with a 2.5% mortgage. An example. Back in 2018, I got a new car loan at 3.5% interest. The car was $33k, my loan was $36k. I paid only $3k in interest over 6 years because the rate was so low. People associate Biden with high interest rates and inflation and so they want change.


Of the two pieces of shit we have to choose from, I prefer the piece of shit that endoresed peace not multiple wars, didn't jack the cost of living super high, didn't let the doors of our Southern border swing open, and tried to do what he said he'd do. The most crap I remember about the Trump presidency was the non-stop attacks by the left and the media over stupid tweets and non-existent Russian collusion. Yes, he fucked up at the end by not taking defeat well. The not wanting to lose attitude can be a problem. He just couldn't expect the fact, along with many other Americans, that a guy who hid down in his basement for most of the election... won.


Someone has accused every president since Clinton of being the one who opened up the southern border. This isn't a new problem. It was a problem under Trump as well, just as it was under Obama, Bush, and Clinton. During that whole time no one could pass comprehensive immigration legislation until recently when it looked like a new immigration bill would pass. Trump lobbied members of congress to oppose it. All so he could run on immigration and smear Biden. Pathetic, is what that is.


What about dismantling the pandemic preparedness team??


The difference is that Trump's poll numbers have a floor: his cult. Biden has no cult so his poll numbers can dip lower.


Same policy bidens 10-15 years younger number would be different lol


Nixon was popular