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"I think, therefore I am sure that's malarkey, Jack!"


Man this guy has an endless bag of material. šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m fully prepared for him to accuse Biden of shitting himself at the debate


They should do diaper checks on both of them about an hour in. Then every 30 mins thereafter.


And drug test both of them.


Hell yeah


I believe it is only scheduled for 1hr. Every 15 minutes is appropriate.


He already did that about the Resolute Desk. Such a specific claim to make that I think we can safely assume which one of them actually shit on the Resolute Desk, and it ain't Biden.


I'm fully prepared for Trump to accuse Biden of shitting in Trump's diaper during the debate.


Amazing how the same trump supporting losers are projecting on Biden. Like they didnt look like morons just 4 years ago when Biden showed up to the debates. The sheer volume of detatchment from reality and siloing is shocking. Buncha sheep


It'd be really funny if he wasn't promising to burn down the entire country if he wins. šŸ« 


Or if he loses




And then you have Trump.


Trump has been quoted saying the above. Unplug from the conservative propaganda bubble. Biden is a boring middle of the road capitalist moderate. Lmao, it's pretty mind-blowing how they have painted the most boring guy as nefarious. Trump literally stole money from kids with cancer.


Provide that quote.


It's easy when you don't have to tell the truth. It's easy when you don't have to make sense. It's easy when you can even directly insult your supporters, and receive zero accountability for what you say.


Like when Biden said that black people don't know how to use the internet, and media pretended it didn't happen because over 80% of employees at major media corporations are registered Democrats?


Or when Biden said that if black people donā€™t vote for him then theyā€™re not really black. Classic.


Did you have a link to that clip? I missed that, if it exists But then that's in opposition to the guy who thinks him getting a kid's gloves trial with no jail time for a massive years long business fraud and still getting convicted of a felony, he thinks that will make Black people think he is cool and understands them? The only thing that shows is how little he thinks of black people, like they can't see the difference in how he is treated by the legal system, and how a legal system under him is going to treat people as the "deport people workout asking questions", you know what evidence they have if they have a policy of not asking questions? That mostly only leaves skin color, trump is saying he will deport people based on how they look, regardless of any documentation they have.


For reference of what I'm referring to: https://theconversation.com/trump-promises-to-deport-all-undocumented-immigrants-resurrecting-a-1950s-strategy-but-it-didnt-work-then-and-is-less-likely-to-do-so-now-226943


Direct quote - "The other thing we found is, and Iā€™m sorry to go on, but this is really important to me. The other portion is a lot of people donā€™t know how to register," Biden said of the vaccination process.Ā "Not everybody in the community, in the Hispanic and the African-American community, particularly in rural areas that are distant and/or inner city districts, know how to use ā€¦ Know how to get online to determine how to get in line for that COVID vaccination at the Walgreens or at the particular store."Ā 


There was plenty of information on registration and information barriers at that time. People in poorer groups and neighborhoods are harder to reach, so we had wealthier white people taking the vaccination appointments in poorer marginalized communities further increasing those barriers. Nothing Biden said here was incorrect or offensive. It was a serious issue we had that led to more deaths in those communities.


Every where was dishing out the vaccine! My Moderna stock could tell you that. Rich got richer but at least I got a small piece of the pie.


I mean, how is him citing the findings like that a problem? The stats might suck but it's just a stat. He wasn't making a value judgement about said stat either. Not like the new repub talking point stat that per capita trans people are worst for shootings. No shit, it's a shitty stat used offensively. Biden... Did no such thing. Are you people not capable of nuance? Context? I think it's funny you want to try to match Biden for trump on horrible shit said. You will not win even with his 50 year political career.


Weird how I don't get the same reaction when citing FBI UCJ report on violent crime statistics...


No, like when Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall, dummy.


Using the foreign aid money we give to Mexico to build a wall is a great idea. I wish we had the same border security as Israel.


source please ? i dont remember seing that...but i remember the central park 5 very well


Well that is factual but the down vote people will be strong. šŸ˜‚ ā€œIf you didnā€™t vote for him you ainā€™t black ā€œ!šŸ˜‚


He can also eat an endless bag of dicks.


Itā€™s ok to laugh sometimes bud


Is it though for this?


U donā€™t get it, Trump ALWAYS badā€” not allowed to laugh even when he says or does something so absurd itā€™s funny


Iā€™m not a Trump supporter but I think heā€™s hilarious sometimes. Especially when he says things that get the left in a huge tizzy. Heā€™s the ultimate troll and people jump on that hook.


Ya know, if he hadnā€™t been the POTUS for 4 years and wasnā€™t now a major threat to become the POTUS again, Iā€™d agree with you that heā€™s nothing but a mean troll and witless comedian.


Iā€™ve gotten to the point where I donā€™t pay attention. He did something? Cool whatā€™s for dinner.


You're giving him too much credit. He's hilarious, don't get me wrong, but he lacks the self awareness required for trolling.


Now that I think about it, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen Donald Trump laugh. And thatā€™s really weird.


It's not just you, he never laughs


That's the thing, he's not funny.


Itā€™s also funny he doesnā€™t want you to be able to vote! Ā Hilarious!


Weird because most Trumpers have absolutely ZERO sense of humor


Riiiiiiight, not a trumper and neither is he based on his comments. So because I think his comments are funny Iā€™m a trumper, thatā€™s wild


Canā€™t believe he made it 4 years in office! I lost $100 a year betting a friend that someone was going to be known by all 3 of their names.


It's hard to laugh at a guy that wants to strip your rights away even if what they said was the most unhinged shit on the planet.


I did laugh at his eating dicks comment. Ā ā€˜Eat a dickā€™ will never not be funny. Ā Especially telling Trump to eat a dick.Ā 


I laugh at funny things.


Well you got two clowns to pick from!


With that waistline seems he has a good head start.


He adds one bag of dicks for every Big Mac he has.


How much you charging Trump for all that rental space in your head?


Wow. Someone mentioned a presidential candidate. Yo, dat shiz whack! He *cray cray*! Bonus point for the ā€˜charging for rentā€™ joke. Nice to hear some fresh material.


Sorry I said something bad about your cult leader. My bad, pal.


Not your pal, guy. And he isnā€™t ā€œmy cultā€ leader. Iā€™m not in a cult. However, the entire left is. If you donā€™t agree with leftist orthodoxy you are a right wing extremist. That is the definition of a cult, thinking that anyone outside of your bubble is wrong. Nice deflection too, btw.


lolā€¦. Ok


Damn you really owned orange man drumpf!!! Youā€™re so brave!!! Reddit on broseph!!!! Take my updoots!!!


So brave


All pulled from Trumpā€™s deep well of personal experience.


If you can objectively ignore his policies/presidency, he is fucking hilarious lol the Rosie Oā€™Donnell comment will be an all timer.


Trump should be a standup comedian not a president


He should be buried under the fuckin prison (after he dies of natural causes, of course) for selling our intelligence to the Saudis.


He should be in prison for attempting an actual coup. And Iā€™m not talking about the Jan 6 riots. Iā€™m talking about the false elector scheme. Which was an actual coup attempt. How anyone could ever even consider voting for him after that is ridiculous.


Agreed. He's an absolutely seditious traitor.


Not standup, an insult comic. He has two areas of bona fide genius: insults and grift.Ā 


Only fucking morons think Trump is funny tho.


Not really. Its mostly the same shit ocer and over again. Soon he will go back to how he has to flush 3 times if the toilet is low flow. Dude says and takes massive shit


trump is a retarded piece of garbage. one day, in the not so distant future, he will be dead. That's something to be hopeful about at least.


If you notice, Trump doesnā€™t talk about policy so he attacks personally


Trump acting like he hasn't completely zoned out on stage and isn't a fellow Geriatric patients How are our 2 options these geriatrics again? One was born while WWII was still going, the other not long after but keeps shitting himself... how are these the candidates in 2024


Because no one with real intellect wants that job.


No one with real money wants anyone else




A few weeks ago, Trump kept thinking he was in Texas while attending a rally in Arizona.


You have to fight dementia with dementia.


Last week he invented ā€œa washing machine but for dishesā€ but said we canā€™t have it because democrats donā€™t want people to have water


I hope Biden asks Trump if heā€™s wearing a diaper during the debates and comments how it smells like someone just shit their pants.


Biden would never be able to get through delivering that joke without getting sidetracked and talking about cornpop or some other nonsense.


> cornpopĀ Ā Ā  Ā The mere fact that you call it that tells me youā€™re not readyĀ 


Haha, people not getting the Arrested Development reference?


Biden is gonna get steamrolled like fresh pavement


Nope. The moderator can mute trump when his turn is over, no chance.


Thatā€™s the only chance Biden has at getting a slurred word in


An 81 year old known for his gaffs throughout his political career slurs his words on occasion but continues to deliver fully formed sentences gets criticized, but the man who is four years younger and goes on random unhinged tangents and forgets who heā€™s even talking about gets a pass. The bar is literally in hell for that man and he can barely even touch it.


Trump will slur his daughter right in


Watch the Howard Stern interview. Or stay ignorant, biased, and keep slurping Fox News/New York Post koolaid, itā€™s up to you


Iā€™ve been watching him fuck up speeches since his campaign in 2020 Love how anybody who doesnā€™t like Biden instantly watches Fox News lmao


Thatā€™s what the TV tells them to think


Trump also has slurred speech, and the whole point of a debate is that you follow the rules and take turns speaking. Talking over your opponent isn't good debate skills.


Biden has a stutter and always has. Way to be an ignorant idiot by demeaning people who are neurodivergent.


Trump is a level of imbecile unparalleled for presidents.


Ah yes, the 77 year old senile grandpa has concerns about someone elseā€™s mental acumen. Ā  ā€˜Person, man, woman, camera, TV.ā€™ Ā Trump has an incredible ability to (checks notes) remember 5 words. Ā  Biden is no spring chicken, very true, but Trump the rambling old coot is the absolute LAST person to bring up cognitive abilities. Ā 


78 now, and his father had dementia and Alzheimerā€™s, so pretty likely trump is starting to experience it as well.


It typically comes from the maternal side. I know this from research. Males, for some reason, tend to get it more often when their mothers had it. My mom does.


at what institution did you conduct your research on neurodegenerative disease?


You an expert? Iā€™m always happy to learn something. Or maybe you are just being a smug cunt.


in order to understand neurodegenerative disease it would take a lifetime of academic research, in fact you would need a graduate degree to even comprehend most rudimentary journals on the subject


There's basic biology we learn in high school. Male's get their X chromosome from their mother. The X chromosome expresses nearly every gene, the Y just makes them male. Women's genes, XX, are 50/50 mother and father. I'm surprised by how many students didn't pay attention when this was told to their face.


Did you?


I was published as an assistant in a Huntington's study during undergrad


Whatā€™s the name of the study?


Itā€™s a geocities blog so you need the wayback machine to read it


yeah like I'm gonna doxx myself lol


Crazy how experts always seem to pop up on a political comment thread, isnā€™t it. But hey, Iā€™ll take your word for it. I donā€™t want to talk to you though. Your approach is shit


I'm not an expert but you claiming to do 'research' is laughable, skimming through wikipedia while drinking beer doesnt count


Piss off. My son is a graduate student at Penn, studying to become a neurologist. You assume too much and have zero idea what I know or what Iā€™ve read. You are just being a cunt


Is he good with the cyber, like Barron?


yeah so what lol


Trump is miles ahead of Biden cognitively, letā€™s not kid ourselves Edit: Itā€™s crazy that Iā€™m being downvoted (then again, this is Reddit). Put your liberal biases aside and just watch a video of Trump talking versus a video of Biden talking. Trump can actually speak a coherent sentence. If you disagree, you probably need to take your head out of your ass


In the past week Trump has gone on bizarre rants about batteries and sharks, tents in airports, and water faucets. There's no sign of intelligence in anything Trump says.


or sense either.


ā€œTalented and well-practiced in every vice, a stranger to compassion or empathy, a liar and a cheat so complete in perfidy that he has elevated his dishonesty to hold it up as an ersatz moral principle. Violent, so long as he can order someone else to do the dirty work. Grotesque in body, graceless in action, in possession of a wounded self-regard so colossal as to smother any spark of grace. Treasonous, not only to country, but to every ally he has ever had, the poisoned fruit and rankest flower of racism and contempt for women, and utterly devoid of shame for his moral and spiritual bankruptcy. That is your leader. That is to whom you give your money. That is who you follow and laud. That is whose banner you willingly carry. Why? Because he is a mirror, not a lighthouse. You see yourselves in him. He is what you would be, if you had inherited money and could shed the last vestiges of conscience and shame. No, I do not ā€œrespect your choices,ā€ nor do I admire your loyalty and dedication to this miserific, demoniac vision. You have demonstrated not only a lack of civic virtue, loyalty to the Republic and to the rule of law, but a willingness to engage in violence and sedition at his slightest expressed wish. And you will never, ever admit you were wrong. Because you see your dark, twisted, resentful dreams in him. And to renounce him is to renounce yourselves.ā€ ā€” Advocatus Peregrini


bro in here quoting sparkling water


What is this? From a gay porno?


Itā€™s from logjamminā€™


Regrettably, it's true, standards have fallen in adult entertainment. It's video, Dude. Now that we're competing with the amateurs, we can't afford to invest that little extra in story, production value, feeling. People forget that the brain is the biggest erogenous zone


Ask an educated person to read it to you.


So not you, got it


You've earned your rubles for the day.


Something somethingā€¦glass houses


Can we all agree, that once again, our choice is between two people who are no where near our best and brightest?


Can we all agree that despite this attempt at reduction to absurdity that both candidates aren't the same. While Biden isn't our best or brightest, he's leagues better than trump. Also how is this applicable to unusual whales. Seems only here to normalize Trumps rambling mess.


And, I 100% trust Biden to put together a team of advisors that really are (if not close to) the ā€œbest and brightestā€. Trump will give us Kushner, the daughter he wants to have sex with, and his two idiot sons (oh yea, and Rudy).


Except Biden is the incumbent and already didn't put together a good team of advisors at all. Ā His only good advisor is Obama. Ā Exhibit A : KamalaĀ 


The economy is doing well. Is that all Biden or advisors? Kamala is a diversity hire, sucks but it's true. Obama has nothing to do with the running of this administration and if he were advising, the vast majority of Americans would be okay with it. When people just show up and do their job well, you don't hear about it. This is why you don't know about all of the people in Biden's administration. You got used to Trumps people shitting the bed all the time and making the national news, this wasn't normal. Biden's people, show up, do there jobs well, and go home. You never hear about them. There are no scandals as in Trumps administration. Like once a month a Trump cabinet member would be on the national news talking about how dangerously incompetent Trump was and these were apparently the best in brightest because that is who Trump said he would hire.


We never get to choose the best and brightest, because those people don't run for office. It's obvious that one candidate is a hell of a lot more educated, intelligent, and thoughtful than the other, though.


Hate Trump all you want. Ā Biden went to a mid level college and graduated low in his class. Ā Not exactly Mensa, just a career politician.


Youā€™re being downvoted but youā€™re completely correct. Not to mention people tend to ignore Bidens history of racism towards blacks in particular.


Sure but also irrelevant to the task at hand. What a candidate should be evaluated on is their policy and ability to enact it. Pure and simple. Trump has never had a consistent policy, and the things he rambles about range from bigotry to insanity. Biden is a career politician and he's talking politics, the literal point to keep society going.


Is that true though? I mean one of these dudes spent 36 years as a senator, 8 years as vice president, and 4 years as president. If this was literally any other profession we would consider them to be the most qualified for the job. He may be old and yea definitely not as bright as maybe he once was but the guy has the experience to run a government. You may not agree with his policy but he is very competent at being president. At the very least itā€™s been nice to see a presidential cabinet full of people who just simply know how to do their job.


Trumps uncle was a professor at MIT. Those genetics allowed Trump to invent the dishwasher last week. And we would all have dishwashers if it werenā€™t for the democrats. They donā€™t want anyone to have water.


One them is a remarkably effective legislative president who passed an infrastructure bill. The other is a bloated treason-piggy seditionist who attempted a coup on democracy.


I have zero faith that either of them are good for the country. Especially for younger generations. They are so consumed with their own power that the future isnā€™t in their radar.


Biden is consumed with his own power? Please elaborate.Ā 


Biden has been consumed with becoming president since he was first elected to the Senate. Heā€™s obviously way too old to continue but heā€™s not going to give up becoming a 2 term president. But, if you want to act like heā€™s the bestā€¦..go for it. Iā€™m not trying to change your mind. You do you.


So got nothing. Got it.


This. Ā You see it's okay to point out the flaws of Biden while not being a right wing nutjob. Ā Not mutually exclusive. Ā Biden is a career politician who has tons of documented lies and was guilty of plagiarism many times earlier in his career. Ā Not saying this to praise Trump. Ā Saying this because it's true about Biden. Ā He was the right person at the right time for Democratic win in 2020. Bernie, Warren, Kamala and Pete wouldn't have won and the party knew this so they suddenly coalesced behind Joe who was running like 4th or worse at the time. Ā 


EVERYONE who runs for president is consumed by the idea of being president, otherwise they wouldnā€™t try to run for the office to begin with.


This is definitely the best you can do.


There is best and brightest and then there is "tried to overturn democracy itself." None of our presidents have ever been our best and brightest.


Is the unusual whale trumps fat gut in this case?


"Biden is directing all of the court cases against me!"


is this truth social now? ffs


Well, if Joe Biden isn't alive, he sure has done a great job fooling us by passing major legislation like the American Rescue Plan, leading the infrastructure bill and expanding the Child Tax Credit. Meanwhile, Trump didn't deliver on a promised healthcare plan, failed to secure infrastructure improvements, and rolled back environmental protections.


lol, you got downvoted for facts.Ā 


Yep. He's been a fucking great president.


LMAO. Braindead take


"LMAO" = the call of the dipshit.


It isnā€™t easy righting the ship after the previous guy flooded the economy with additional currency leading up to the worst inflationary environment Americans have seen in 50 years. Biden did that


I started following unusual whales for their tracking of politicians trades and big traders making big bets. I get enough politics on here.


Says the guy who looks like an exhumed corpse chilling in a bog for few hundred years.




What's wrong with needing physical support to walk? That says nothing about his ability to do the job of President. And needing physical help certainly doesn't make him an asshole... FDR had to conceal his use of a literal wheelchair. Let's not judge people for their physical abilities, but for the ideas and policies that they support.


Hereā€™s a key difference for the two geezers: one thinks he along can make America great and thus fills his cabinet with sycophants. The other hires smart people to specialize in different areas then lets the talent do the work with his supervision.




Biden: I donā€™t know if Trump knows he will be in prison soon lol


Biden should ask why that dipshit thinks anyone is stupid enough to vote for someone that is a convicted felon that also loves the idea of partaking in incest


and a racist and a rapist


Defrauded a cancer charity


What bothers me is that the DNC stopped any democratic contender to represent the party. 2016 DNC primary was in the bag for Clinton and Bernie was shut out even though he was more popular.


Bernie wasnā€™t you just live on Reddit, which contrary to popular belief, doesnā€™t reflect reality.


For real. Hillary was way more popular, and Bernie destroyed his own chance at winning when he leaned into the whole ā€œdemocratic socialistā€ shit


Then Hillary has the balls to come out after she lost, and blame Bernie and call his supporters sexist. It couldn't be the absolute shit campaign she ran right? She was severely unlikeable, alienated Bernie's supporters, and was tied to shady shit. Just fuck off.


Bernie is like 82 and heā€™s getting ready to run again. Heā€™s part of the problem. Fucking retire.


The DNC is also working hard to stop RFK Jr. from contending and keeping him off the ballot. The DNC is also a working to stop Trump from being on the ballot. For a party claiming to be defending democracy, their leadership sure acts anti-democratic.


***Will never vote trump .... never


This is over a week old


Does this dirtbag traitor even know he's a convicted felon?


Joe is just a puppet, or a living corpse without a brain


But he isnā€™t a rapist like Trump


You should know that




The is more here [https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1033&context=dignity](https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1033&context=dignity)


Mandatory heartrate monitors, drug tests, and diapers for both candidates. If an 80 year old is running the country, they need to be at least continent.


What does this have to do with options and stock activity?


Its amazing that people post every retarded thing he says. An endless supply of bullshit to post


Well, nobody else is either. Weekend at Bernie's!


How both these old farts became your ā€œbest optionsā€ is whatā€™s wrong with America


335,000,000 and we just couldnā€™t find ANYONE better. Itā€™s legit astonishing.


You canā€™t force people to run for office or leave office if they havenā€™t done anything wrong. Maybe voters should look in the mirror and ask themselves maybe they are partly to blame for these two being our choices?


When pudding brain speaks


Trump will be muted , not allowed to have notes , and no audience to pander to. They will have to give him 50 B12 shots laced with cocaine for this one


Is trump using ChatGPT? I found all his speeches on his rallies very similar to what ChatGPT would say,


The orange one is looking rough lately


I like how both sides are trying to act like only their opponent is way too old.


Really? I'd be surprised if you could find a single Biden voter saying he isn't way too old.


They're both too old. If Trump wins in November he's going to be basically the same age Biden was when he was inaugurated, and he was too old then. It's splitting hairs.


Clone 7 does not know if clone 3 is alive


Fascism is hilarious