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For the next debate instead of questions we can just have them compete in physical exercises. I want to see who can do the most push ups. That guy gets my vote.


Okay, hear me out, we already have a standard: Have them do the Presidential Fitness Test that we give to highschoolers.


Will this be televised? Neither one can do a sit up without farting.


Hear me out. 50 golf courses in 50 states. 18 holes no cart. Which ever one wins and finishes all holes gets the White House.


It's the no cart that really makes this an important test of democracy and not just public spectacle.


I think you’re paraphrasing Madison.


I think the OP was paraphrasing Billy Madison


"Nudie Magazine Day!"


If I’m being honest, and I mean really honest, I don’t believe Biden could finish the front 9 if he’s walking. And I’d give Biden the women’s tees.


Of course is adds in the challenge physical fitness. Not just the ability to drive the ball 50 yards which any avg person can do. The presidency is a demanding job


Being a presidents handler is a demanding job. Can’t fuck over America and massively profit off of it without a sock puppet for a president now can they?


Only if your a senator from California


Whoever doesn’t die wins


Or they both die and we all win…


That’s not even whoever wins, that’s whichever one of the mfers don’t croak


Let's just make the [Presidential Fitness Test](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/20/well/move/presidential-fitness-test-adult.html) mandatory for POTUS hopefuls. Maybe 1 mile in under 12 minutes, 20 push-ups, and 2 pull-ups? lol


My bet is that the average Redditor can do none of those, so the idea of judging a 70 year old man for not being able to do all of them is so funny to me lol


No medics on standby either. The problem will sort itself out


RFK has entered the chat…


You seen the video of him shredding Jackson Hole with Travis Rice? Got my vote right there. https://youtu.be/jiehUh-I56o?si=wSBsEHL4x5ushRUb


Have them both draw a clock from memory. 


RFK Jr. is probably the only one who can actually do a pushup, haha.


They should bring back Shell's Wonderful World of Golf and have an 18 hole Sunday showdown. Loser drops out of the race.


Do the put the shapes in the holes test


Why not a cognitive test? Which is more important than a physical test


Do you honestly think Donald Trump has done a push up within the last 40 years


Things I have wondered about trump Has he ever pumped gas into a car. Has he ever used a screwdriver in his life Has he cooked a single meal


Better idea - each candidate has to build a piece of IKEA furniture from scratch, using only the included instructions and tools. Then stand on top of it and jump. That way to get tests of cogntive skill, reading comprehension, practical knowledge, risk, and confidence.


Feats of strength during Festivus


Biden HAS to say this until he doesn't. The White House and campaign HAVE to repeat this, until it is over. It may be over by end of the week.


This is the right take imo. He has to present a committed stance until/unless he decides to drop out.


Can we tell him the election already happened?


Build him a set and let him live like he is in office for 4 more years


I thought that's what they were doing now.


We kind of did this to our last dictator Salazar in Portugal. It was his regime, he fell from a chair when he was already old, he never regained full function, physically or mentally. So, he was kept in his oficial residence, custom made newspapers were printed just for him, and he got to “rule” until he died.


THIS is genius!!


Like the nursing homes for dementia patients where nurses and caretakers pretend to be city workers. 


Basically already happening 


“Sure grandpa, let’s get you to bed”


Then stop dropping the ball homie. Biden talks a big talk but keeps fucking up.


Watch me, Jack!


You alley cat


Now watch this drive


That man can bravely stumble up and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory better than anyone. I hope he stays in for comedic value alone.


This was probably heavily translated from whatever word dribble left his mouth


Lmao 100%


>Biden talks a big talk but keeps fucking up. *Bidens cue cards and social media managers talk a big talk The senile old meat bag is literally just a placeholder. Dems don't care to replace him because he's already doing what they need. It doesn't matter if he shits himself and doesn't know where he is, as long as Dems check the box come election day.


There is no chance Biden carries the Electoral College. He trailed Trump in every battleground state BEFORE the debate. The Dem Convention will tell us whether the party wants a chance at winning or whether they have already resigned themselves to losing.


Exactly. I felt dread every time he opened his mouth. When the moderator said he had 40 more seconds, I felt terrified. 


He has made a career out of lying. At this point he’s under the impression he creates the truth and everybody will believe anything he says.


It's a bold strategy Cotton. Let's see how it plays out for him.


Post the audio/video or it didn't happen. Like when Kamala says Biden is super sharp and strong and leading in private... Evidently he only has dementia in public.


Reddit has been telling us that Biden is perfectly AOK. Then the debate happened and they had to face reality. Then the excuses and deflection came, and the major subreddits are back to the same. Like clockwork.


The cope on the popular subreddits is truly next level. "Its a stutter", "Its a cold"....nah morons the dudes brain is fried.


The record *must* be corrected.


Yeah I was gonna say, they are doing everything in their power to NOT face reality. Vast swathes of redditors are still insisting that Joe is up to snuff and we should all be voting for him.


Up to snuff and up to sniff - all those little girls.


He's totally fine! Nothing wrong with him! Well he might be brain dead, but he's not Trump. I'll vote for anyone against Trump! How about we replace Biden with someone alive then? NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!


The amount of people unironically saying they will vote for a corpse is just sad. Like obviously the dems have your vote no matter what so how would running someone else be bad?


This isn't even about an election anymore, this is about being the current President. He's not well. I do not trust my country to him because he's not making the choices. As far as I'm concerned, the Democrat Party can fuck their election up however the fuck they want, I just want someone who's going to answer the phone at 3am and *do* something other than mumble while a shadow goverment does the real work.


Remember in 2016 when people were shamed for not liking Hilary and saying she was a weak candidate. “Bernie Bros will be to blame if Hilary loses!”, or “this is the most important election of our lives, just vote Hilary next election you can vote for whomever”. It’s the same folks and the same excuses, deflection, unawareness, and condescending bullshit.


And if the corrupt DNC hadn’t rigged the past primaries we wouldn’t be in this situation.


Seriously wouldn’t be surprised if Reddit is overrun by bots from the left downvoting anything negative about Biden. I said something completely logical the other day and had like -6 downvotes within a couple minutes. Not that I care but it definitely sends that comment straight to the bottom and suppresses those ideas. Saw a post saying someone would vote for whoever is on the ballot as long as it’s democrat and had 3 awards before it even got any votes. Strange. I think after the debate the outrage was so loud that bots couldn’t suppress it which is why you saw tons of people talking crap about Biden for a little while even though it’s super rare to see on Reddit.


I wouldn't say it's bots, just a bunch of geniuses looking for guidance. Every time there's a big Dem fuck-up, reddit is suddenly sane for a bit, especially the main political subreddit. About a day later, right back to the agenda. Hell, they tried to pitch "he has a cold" as Biden was showing his cognitive decline in the debate. And somehow now are spamming articles saying Trump isn't cognitively there. I mean, everything that came out of Trump's mouth was a lie, but he looked like 2016 Trump. Biden looked and sounded like a confused grandpa in a nursing home. "we beat medicare"


It should be an official statement. Audios can be deep faked so easily nowadays


The DNC literally has a golden opportunity to reset the candidate and try to pull back in all the progressives (Israel war) and independents (inflation) they've lost during the past few years. If they're too stupid to see that, they deserve to get crushed in November.


The same people who whine about democracy are going to disenfranchise the voters who voted in the primary for biden. Those same dems who kept Rfk jr off the ballot. But you know - trump blah blah . Hypocrisy to the end.


Primary was a joke though. My state Florida didn't even have one. You can't disenfranchise what wasn't a legitimate primary.


And republicans who think trump is terrible


'Who cares what the voters want, this is a Democracy for godssake!'


Nobody is forcing him out, he's being asked to bow out. If he really cared about trump not winning he would give someone with a better chance the opportunity. He's being selfish and I blame him if Trump wins.


Dark Brandon won’t go down without a fight, at least not until he’s had another ice cream cone.


You can take that to the bank, Jack!


Did he have a teleprompter mirror in front of him?


No. There were 11 jumpcuts in his statement.


He says this as the governors are meeting with him. He IS going to lose the election.


Good work buddy. You finished a whole sentence and it had some big words in it too. Well done Biden. Here’s a cookie. 🍪


The best news Trump supporters want to hear. Once they see Trump's political ad, no narration, just Joe trailing off and saying he killed Medicare, on a loop. I think Joe changes his mind or has his mind changed for him. Sadly, I think Biden is lying to gauge reaction.


Now if you’ll excuse me, it’s time for my daily 12 o’clock nap


Sounds great! Me too.






Our country is a fucking joke


he may be in the race til the end, but definitely not the 4 year term if he wins 


I took care of an aging grandparent that had dementia and he was more with it than Biden. And he wasn’t allowed to plan his own day, drive, go anywhere alone expect the bathroom or control his money. Voting for Biden or advocating for him to stay in is advocating for elder abuse. And the Democrats did this to him and made sure we didn’t get a primary to decide if we actually wanted to go through with this. Now they’d rather risk Trump getting elected for what? Jill Biden’s ego? Honestly, fuck Jill Biden for doing this to her husband! If they actually believed that Trump was a threat to democracy, the Bidens would have stepped down and let the voters select a replacement. Now they’ve thrown the Democratic Party into chaos and are risking its destruction all for their own ego!


Just like how Ruth Bader Ginsburg was too fucking prideful to step down for the betterment of the country. Instead she refused to step down and it screwed everyone over for possibly many decades to come. These arrogant old fucks need to get the fuck out of the way so people that have futures can help shape it in a direction that benefits the rest of us. I swear the DNC is a death cult.


but but but the media narrative! think of the media people!


"Now who am I talking to again?"


Spoiler: he’s not going to win.


Reminds me of when there are like 90 year old presidents in Africa that refuse to step down. Biden vowing to stay in office shows it’s all about his desire to retain power, rather than do what is best for the country. Corruption through and through.


HUUUURRRRRRAYYYYYYY!!!! Democracy is served! Let the people who voted for him in the primary get what they asked for!!!


Hillary 2.0


Make America Great Again


Look at how fast hes declined in 4 years. Imagine him in another 4. Jesus christ.


I’ll be surprised if he’s alive in 2


As a Trump voter and Republican, please biden, stay in the race!!!


Wow he sounds like a dictator LoL


Biden was being touted as a one term president in 2020. They thought Trump will be caught up in legal troubles and barred from running and changed their mind to try and get an easy re-election but now all of this has backfired and the DNC is panicking about what to do


It’s kinda crazy how the left keeps talking about ‘dictatorship’ and the ‘end of democracy’ yet all they can muster up is Biden? It’s starting to look like they don’t even believe themselves.




Saying things clearly would be a good start.


This is dystopian af. Please wake me up if there's a country left in 2045?


Guess it's time to buy a big MAGA foam hat. Maybe if I try hard enough I can blend in and avoid some the oppression after Trump curb stumps Biden in November.




Elder abuse


While his determination is admirable he is asking us to ignore his performance in a debate where he essentially chose the time, place and rules. It's like we're in a boat headed for the falls, and Joe won't let go of the paddle.


He's literally handing the victory to Trump by doing this, I don't get it.


No, you’re not going to win. You’re going to usher in a christo-fascist regime and subsequently a revolution when the people don’t support it. There is nothing but violence ahead, and it scares the crap out of me. Stand aside Biden, let someone more capable take the reins. You’re a puppet. We need more than a puppet.


Somehow RFK Jr won the debate despite not being invited to participate.


Well GGs. Conservative SCOTUS for another 20 years, R senate, congress, etc and Biden's legacy is about to get it's back blown out. I'm rich and I'm probably going to get richer under DJT so I'm fine but this R domination probably won't be great for the country and horrible for some minorities. edit: In case anyone is curious, this is leaked Biden campaign internal polling: [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fi-hope-this-is-finally-ok-to-really-talk-about-here-but-v0-dtgxaju2t8ad1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1317%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D7c173006539116770a3faec67ffcca1a9295b89d](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fi-hope-this-is-finally-ok-to-really-talk-about-here-but-v0-dtgxaju2t8ad1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1317%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D7c173006539116770a3faec67ffcca1a9295b89d)


the stock market is literally waiting to rally around trumps election, anyone with assets will just grow richer


DJT stated economic policies so far: Interest rates, what interest rates? 10-60% blanket import tariffs. Remove all income tax. $$$$ for me for however long a USD will be worth anything. Maybe it is time for crypto lol.


The stock market has consistently hit all time highs under biden lol You're going to ignore that and say "the stock market is literally waiting to rally around trump's election!" Such disingenuous bs and you know it


It's already at an all time high, thanks Joe


The market is at an all time high. "Waiting to rally?" It rallied all of Biden's term! Are you on drugs?


Most of the western world is praying for you to get your shit together and not vote the convicted rapist and alleged pedophile back into the white house. People with assets want stability, not world war 3 spearheaded by Putin an Trump.


The stock market has been at an all time high for months and it had nothing to do with Prison Don lol


Jesus christ


Jill Biden really fucking loves running the country.


U think so? After showing what a foolish oldman you are on national tv of 55 million


We are fucked, say bye bye to democracy.


Wouldn't that be considered a lie? There's enough talk from people around him that he's considering dropping out. The more important question, if he's not mentally able to run as the Democratic candidate, then why is he mentally able to continue as President?


Then he asked where he was.


Guess we're ridin with Biden straight to the grave


The fact that he didn't have a press conference to announce this says it all. Just like he didn't show up on any Sunday morning news shows.


Good luck Joe, it's gonna be a uphill struggle, and you know how you are going uphill.


Just genuinely, is he so arrogant he can’t see that right now he’s probably the worst choice for the Democratic Party?


Dude needs to fucking do something about SC and HF. Now.


I wonder who will be blamed if Trump wins? 


When and where did he say this? Checked his twitter and nothing there.




He should have never ran.


This reads like he's in this race until he dies of old age.


Handed Trump the election unless he officially gets rid of him


Stubborn old man syndrome


By the end you mean death.. 💀


Dude literally only got elected because Covid and the opposite candidate was the least popular modern President ever. If he doesn't drop out, and he gets smoked by 10 points, and they lose both House and Senate, this decision would go down as one of the most selfish moves in the history of American politics.




Until his bosses call him


Enough Malarkey out of everyone against Dark Brandon


He’s done. lol. No one comes out this hard without bowing out.


With his level of certainty of winning, it's like he knows the fix is already in.


Jimmy Carter for prez


Clearly delusional 😂


“I’m not fucking leaving” - old ass MF


Rock on. Win this fucker!


It will be funny watching everyone that said he should drop out now have to do a 180 and pretend they fully believe in him.


I dont care if he collapses on the next debate he has my vote


“Let me say this as clearly as I possibly can” . That will be a real change of pace Joe, because I don’t think I’ve ever heard you talk without bumbling,stuttering and flubbing your way through a damn sentence.


Did he read that off of a teleprompter while on the call?


I bet someone had to translate that


Biden Biden Biden


*quote edited for brevity and clarity


He’d better win or we are all fucked


Best news I’ve heard in a week!


We re so fucked. He has literally zero chance of winning. Sadly, it's probably gonna be trump who wins. This is the best that both parties have offer. Pathetic.


We are gonna fucking lose. Thanks joe. Glad we beat medicare


Lemme see the video of him saying that as clearly as he can


This is the best possible gift Joe could give to Trump. 😂


Things like this just show me people who like Biden aren’t even watching him. This isn’t new, he’s had much worse in front of the camera. It’s really sad.


The real question isn't whether he should be rubbing for reelection, it's whether he should immediately resign. The country deserves someone that can pick up the phone at 3 am and make a decision that could make or break the world. That's not Sleepy!


Fucking Biden making me vote for a walking dead just because project 2025 would be even worse.


God I hate these old men


So do we have to choose between a felon and a guy who lost his thoughts? Reminds me of Jesus vs Barabbas!


He fails to understand that his loss or victory is not a win for America. Biden seems selfish in this scenario.


When did he say this? Did he say it in front of people? Did he say it without gasping for air? He got back from overseas a month ago and he's still going through jet lag, it's okay.


He needs to replace Kamala on the ticket if he’s staying in.


The fun part about politics is... this is exactly what someone would say when they mean every word, and when they know they're dropping out next week.


And as a result, Trump will win. Time to accept that he's not the best candidate for the country.


There's already a woman president in office. It's Jill.


FTFY Biden me boy: *"I’m in this race to the end and we’re going to ~~win~~ lose."*


What a selfish, stubborn, and delusional old man. He’s going to usher in a felon.


Allan Lichtman has said it would be foolish of the DNC to switch out Biden now. Only time he got it “wrong” was when scotus ruled on an election for Bush. Which we are admittedly at risk of scotus overruling an election this year, but it seems otherwise Biden meets Lichtmans criteria.


good, we need to hear this. In fact Biden should go on a campaign tour this summer. Kiss babies, hug people, be out and seen.


Vegetable 2024


Great, Joe. Now say it live on TV after 9pm, no prompter, then take questions for 30 minutes. Sheesh it's all talk and no action. 


I guess Trump isn’t an existential threat to democracy.


Followed by: where am I?


It's not enough to win. The Republican party needs to be defeated to the point that it cannot recover.


This is *excellent* news! virtually guarantees another trump presidency


“Let me simply and forward…straightforward, simply running, as I can….(40 second pause with lost expression)…as simply, running, leaving. In the end the race. The race…..I’m not leaving”


He has my


Unfortunately he's going to lose. If the Democratic party truly Care about the citizens it will put up two viable candidates. Biden/Harris is a lame duck ticket.


Voters: good lord what happening with your campaign? DNC: Biden is coherent, confident, energetic, and is saying with enthusiasm he is staying in the debate! Voters: Biden coherent? At this time of year, at this time of night localized entirely within private conversations and behind closed doors? DNC: Yes. Voters: Can we see? DNC: No.


The problem isn't finishing the race to win the election old man, it's living for another 4 years, with your wits about you, to lead this damnable nation out of the grips of fascism. I'm not sure there's anything that can convince me he will be healthy 4 years from now, considering how much he has aged and declined in the last 3.5. I sure as hell don't want the insanity that the GOP is threatening, but we need someone healthier than Biden. That's just the honest truth.


Yes this is what politics is about Biden has the fire of RGB and Diane Feinstein, keep fighting even after the are sick. And if you lose and the republic suffers, at least you are not a quitter. /s. I’m so sick of old politicians I could barf. The country is run by nursing home patients.


With the inflation on everything these days, he had time to fix it. He will not win. Can’t wait to get back to a $2/gallon gas price and not 4x of the amount for groceries. It’s ridiculous. Who here wants to save money? Then vote for Trump. Otherwise, enjoy more inflation and less in your accounts.


My man


I’m not sure what to believe anymore.


He was pretty coherent the one time I met him a few months ago in person. Had a coherent convo on the debt ceiling. He seems to only have dementia and stutter episodes when he’s on TV


Lol, that's the same power-hungry arrogance that Hillary Clinton brought to the race that gave us Trump. I see Trump winning again.


It's like that time you had the chance to kill Hitler, and didn't.


I love it, keep the guy with alzheimer's in the race. All in all both are awful, but wow….I wouldn’t let grandpa Biden watch my kids, let alone the USA.


Cause Jill told him to.


Biden is in **WAY** better health than Donald Trump.


if there was ever a time to go third party, it's now.


Oh my, I wonder who typed that for Biden haha. You know he didn't out this word salad together himself


The entire left collectively sighs…LOUDLY


Give em hell Joe!


Bro I was so confused because of the subreddit name. Then I found out the sub was about stocks and I’m only slightly less confused.