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I can tell you this much - As soon as I mentioned “ivermectin” in the vaccinelonghaulers subreddit (which is composed of victims of the Covid vax), I got an insta-ban. No reason was provided other than the Mod saying I broke a “rule”. I checked all the rules, and I feel like I never broke any of their stupid rules.


Yes, Ivermectin and HCL both work.


Yup. Worked for me. 


Same here.


Picked some up in Mexico every time I’m there. During Covid I took it when I tested positive, was slightly sick for one day tested negative the next day. I think what’s interesting is the cancer research going on with Ivermectin now.


Yea I just read that as well.


Ivermectin is a noble price-winning drug. I have taken it for weeks with absolutely no side effects.


you know what you get when you combine Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin? You get better. 😐


I take Ivermectin couple times a week. I swear by it. Whenever I'm sick, it helps me recover much quicker than normal.


Ivermectin can work wonders


I haven't had a cold in 3.5 years. First hint of the sniffles i take it.


My fever broke within a nap/3 hours of my first dose and I was on the upswing. Doctors are actively prescribing it now for covid symptoms.


I have quite the stash of this and Hydroxychloroquine


Hydroxycloroquine sulfate?


I’ve only ever heard it called Hydroxychloroquine, but yeah I think it’s the same thing


I had to take both ivermectin and hcq a few days ago for a parasite cleanse and let me tell you... Those drugs are miracle drugs. Ivermectin is on the list of essential medications, one of the safest drugs on the planet and is revered as a miracle drug by experts.


Against Cov19 it's most effective when taken early, at first onset of symptoms. Still, it's safer for you than Aspirin or Ibuprofen, so it isn't going to hurt anything to do a course, even this late.


Saved my life. Save a friends life I had to smuggle IVM into hospital


You are a hero!


Oh my goodness!!! I would love to hear the full story behind this!


Got covid Jan 5 2022. Hospital Jan 15. Told I needed to be intubated and needed a new lung. FOund a nurse who supplied prednisone, Hydroxychloroquine(HQL) and ivermectin (IVM). Smuggled into hospital under the inner sole of shoes. Felt better 9 hours after taking IVM. Discharged a week later. Took NAC to cure lungs. Since then I keep a supply from India and give to friends if needed.


Holy cow! My grandpa went through similar, he was hospitalized and intubated but was given remdesivir. He died the same week. I'm so glad you survived! it's amazing that ivermectin literally saved your life, and without you needing a new lung. The sad part is how politics got involved and prioritized more than giving out medications that actually are shown to help people.


My father got covid in may of 2020 from nursing home. They transferred him to a hospital. They gave him the same treatment your grandpa got. My father died a few days later. I begged them to give my father ivermectin and they refused. They murdered my father and your grandpa.


I take Quercetin for immune support, really like it.


I use it with a zinc/copper supplement. Only time I think I had covid was when my daughter tested positive and I had a slight cough for a day or 2.


Yes it's been used for several decades for many different ailments.


My father in law, who is over 70 with COPD and tends to stay somewhat ill, probably due to being vaxxed, took the monoclonal antibodies when he caught COVID and got better in 3 days. My understanding is you can't get them anymore and everyone that I have talked to that has taken them, swear by them. I have not heard of an infection beyond three days when taking them.


Ivermectin has been proven effective against a wide variety of adenovirus, lots of parasites, and has been used in combination with fenbendazole (another antiparasitic) with great success to treat, and even prevent cancer. Of course, it's much cheaper than chemo, and that's big pharma's cash cow, so it's not commonly used. https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/synergistic-pairing-of-ivermectin It was awarded a Nobel prize in 2018 for being one of the best medicines ever invented by humanity. It's on par with antibiotics in terms of usefulness. Do what you will with that information. Edit, spelling


I have it plus HCQ. I use them right away when feeling sickness coming on. When someone's respiratory illness is trying to linger, I try a bunch of things like: bee propolis throat spray manuka honey as throat spray and just eating it colloidal silver as eye drops nasal spray with xylitol, such as NutriBiotic or Xlear Boiron Oscillococcinum Cold-pressed Black Seed Oil X-Ceptic Extract by Dr. Christopher tons of vitamins and zinc Grapefruit seed extract gargle Betadine Antiseptic Medicated Gargle saline nasal rinse CloSYS gargle Christopher's Original Formulas Lung Plus Bronchial Supplement Colloidal silver breathed into the lungs through a nebulizer


ivermectin is really only effective in preventing infection and in the early stages of viral infection as far as i know. Not a doctor so look more into it yourself. But if you've been sick all month you're probably better of just getting rest and taking plenty of vitamins and nutrients (vitamin C, D, and zinc) However here's a link for ivermectin "for pets" (wink). [https://www.virex.health/index.php?route=product/product&product\_id=53](https://www.virex.health/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=53) as well as a substack account that talks about ivermectin and other drugs related to managing not only covid but also post-vaccination management for vaccine injured: [https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/send-this-article-to-people-who-say](https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/send-this-article-to-people-who-say) I usually take ivermectin beforehand if i know i'm going to be around large groups of people for extended periods of time (where i work there are a lot of vaccinated so pretty much everyone's immune systems are shot to shit at this point) as well as a few other things and I've had no issues. Again, not a doctor, just some guy on reddit. Also, RFK Jr.'s book The Real Anthony Fauci has a lot to say about ivermectin (it's safer than ibuprofen). Good luck.


> Not a doctor so look more into it yourself lurker here and am curious - do you have a primary care doctor you trust? many doctors recommend vaccines, and i'm curious about your personal experience


I don't go to doctors. Not in a long time anyway. Taken a few vaccines when I was a very young child maybe 2 or three. That's probably why I'm still alive lol. I'm sure their out their tho. Thing is from what I hear most doctors understand more of the destruction going on than they're usually made out to. They're just mostly cowards who won't stand up to their hospital administrations or the regulators who are really just the pharma companies.


Edit: still alive cause I haven't taken many vaccines, not the vaccines themselves.


> Thing is from what I hear most doctors understand more of the destruction going on than they're usually made out to. They're just mostly cowards who won't stand up to their hospital administrations or the regulators who are really just the pharma companies. So just to ensure I understand, it's that you trust doctors are knowledgeable about health/medicine, but suspect they might not tell patients(?) the truth because of the hospital administrators that measure their performance/determine their schedule/compensation? Just trying to reconcile this with your comment about asking a doctor about the efficacy of ivermectin in the early stage of an infection -- even if one were to ask a doctor, how would one know whether the doctor was "one of the good ones" versus being unduly influenced by those administrators?


Basically yes. But also there are definitely doctors out there who are willfully ignorant about things. They just go along with whatever the CDC and FDA say. Look at this way: doctors are just people at the end of the day. They're doing a job and going home with a paycheck at the end of the week. Different people do different things for God knows what reasons. Some people lie to keep their job. Some people don't look at certain things or data so they don't technically have to lie. And then some people say fuck it, I'm going to do what's best for the people im charged with helping, my own circumstances be damned. Imperfect creatures in an imperfect world. The way I look at is you are ultimately responsible for your own health. Read books, scientific studies, check out independent media sources (good way to know if they're truthful is when they get attacked by legacy media).


Our family swears by it. I travel regularly and exposed to God knows what, but haven’t been *sick* for more than two years. It’s our go-to prophylactic.


Get it if you can! It most definitely helps. Dr Stella Immanuel


One of my first symptoms when I got my first case in April of this year was a burning feeling in my lungs. Within an hr of taking ivermectin, the burning stopped. I did have a 3-day acute phase with fever, aches, nasal congestion, vomiting, but only minor coughing. I took it for 5 days only, 1x/day, about 6 mg. - very moderate and careful bc I was self-medicating. My regret is stopping it a bit too soon and maybe not taking a tad more per dose, because I had many weeks of lingering fatigue before restarting it as part of my campaign to fend off long covid. Today I am fine.


100% and safer than aspirin. If you search the US Patent & Trademark Office (Tess), in December of 2020, a way to kill Covid in the body was registered using Ivermectin and HCL and a few other things, including Zinc, the binder. Most never heard of that…I wonder why🧐


Took it both times I got Covid and recovered quite rapidly. It works


Currently taking ivermectin, not for anything covid-related, just to see if there are surprising results. It's true that once my mom started taking it, she's much less bothered by random rashes on her skin (which most of you would say is caused by shedding). I was fortunate to find an effervescent thing for vitamins C, D and zinc, by Bayer of all people lol, so I take that too. I used to take Quercetin during 2020/21 and that worked too. I already take 5-10 other supplements for other things like male cough performance cough cough, so I have to limit myself lol.


When you said “surprising results” is what you’re looking for, I thought you meant like, finding parasites in your poop! You meant like unintended consequences with benefits. Not poop surprises. Right on right on my bad


I think you should try NAC first.


I was surrounded by super sick people with fluey symptoms over the winter. I started to feel like I was coming down with something so I took some, along with a boosted dose of zinc E C and D. my very slight sickness disappeared , but I can't actually confirm that it was the medication, vitamins, or if that's as sick as I was going to get. It didn't do me any harm though and absolutely recommend the protocol.


Absolutely. Dosed billions of times with no drug company immunity. Works incredibly well.


yes ivermectin is worth it. I take it once a week and my gf got real sick a couple weeks ago, I gave it to her and she was fine in 2 days.


I’m hearing many people say they use it for lung Covid symptoms. Even Chris Cuomo is taking it for his symptoms. I believe long covid is the excuse they give for rolling out gene therapy and wreaking havoc on the general population. The same people who called the vaccines safe and effective are the same ones saying it’s long covid and not vaccine injured by the facui ouchi.


I know a lot of people who took /take it both prophylactic or acute and they report very easy cases or quicker recovery when they do. There are good reasons, IVM has repeatedly confirmed antiviral and anti inflammatory effects.


I got some from the feed store right at the start been taking it every time I feel even the slightest bit bad or my wife or daughter get sick and in these last 3 years I’ve been very well… even slept in bed with my wife when she had Covid and didn’t get it


Yes. It worked for me. And even if it doesn't (like if you got misdiagnosed with covid and are treating the wrong issue), the safety profile is excellent and you're not going to have any side effects.


I used it the first time I had covid and within 1 hours I felt almost normal and I was feeling pretty bad and really weird. Not to mention my fever dropped from 101.7 to 99.8 within that time too


Great stuff.


I buy it for my animals (heartworm prevention). That stuff costs a fortune at the vet so in that sense it's very much worth it as I can get years and years for all of them for less than half the cost of a month for a single animal. It's very much worth it for poverty mass animal health care. It goes by Sheep Drench. Agricultural/pretty low strength. But it can mess certain breeds/the very young up real bad if there is sensitivity or bad math in the dose. I would say it's the same for you. You don't want to get the math wrong so you need to know those decimal places to the active ingredient and you don't want to take a huge or even a normal dose of something NEW that you don't know how will impact you. The old addage you can always take more, but never less. So I always say try 1/3 day one, if ok go to 1/2 day two, if ok, then go to the norm. If ok, then ok. You just need to personally rule out sensitivity to anything new. I've had no cause to take it personally. I can tell you it tastes like shit just from being a dirty boy and not washing my hands and thinking snack time getting a dab and also the first thing the animals do after you squirt it in is go drink water to be rid of the taste. That may prove QOL thing for you. You may want to pay more for a more concentrated thing just to have to drink less of it. I don't know how to properly describe it, but something akin to cotton mouth with a nasty taste. I stand by olive leaf tea on the regular. That's good stuff. You put a spoon of honey in it and it tastes the same as most plants. Sorta pricey to buy compared to other bulk options for some reason but it's as simple as drying tree leaves out and grinding them up and making some tea. If you try it x2-3 a day you'll notice it and in the long run you might want to plant some trees to strip them of their leaves like a giraffe.


Yes, I used it every time I felt something coming on and also when I was very sick. Cleared things in a day to a couple of days, depending on how sick I was.


I used Fluvoxamine as directed on day one of symptoms after testing positive 2 years ago (sore throat). Gone in 2 days. Another very common, long approved, antiviral widely prescribed drug for OCD.


If-only its skeptics (‘fluvixamine has many drug interaction, there are better!’) went on PubMed for a minute. You get these stupid pharmacists who do everything just short of refusing to dispense it just-because it has a few drug-drug interactions. People like that really don’t know fluvoxamine or understand the value of it. Unfortunately that includes many doctors, especially GPs, who don’t know much to begin with.


I'm lucky that at 67 I'm healthy, active, condition free and am not on any medications. I saw a doctor who was interviewed on CNN early in the pandemic who mentioned Fluvoxamine's possible anti-viral advantages over covid. Yeah.....CNN of all places. So I bought a bunch. Never heard anything but "get the vax" on CNN after that....


I'm going through chemotherapy for stage 3 inflammatory breast cancer and I'm pregnant. I have only been ill once and that was before I started taking ivermectin routinely. I truly think ivermectin is a miracle drug and very safe. I am continuing to take it almost daily and will be upping my dose once I give birth.


Yes, it is absolutely worth it. During the plandemic, my physician wouldn't prescribe it, so I had to go 2 hrs away to the Dallas area to Dr. Peter McCulloughs office who prescribed it prophylactic cause im a nurse.. I did ,sorta a little test on myself.. After taking it for 5 months straight, I got off it, and within 2 months, I got flu- like symptoms..in which was pos for the rona. My husband never got off of it and never got sick.. Now, I've heard, (correct me someone if I'm wrong) that now in Tennessee , you can putchase it over the counter....


Yes, it worked for me and my family. My cousin got the virus and it was bad, we had to buy oxygen for him. But when he took ivermectin, his breathing got better until he doesn't need the oxygen tanks anymore. I also got the virus but caught early on, took ivermectin and after 3 days I was better.


Yes, worth it. I even used it when I had a bad flu. Totally works.


Where are you getting ivermectin? Prescribed or horse paste on Amazon? Need to know please. Thanks


I take it for covid. Works wonders with zero side effects. BUT, I start taking it day one. The earlier you take it, the more effective it is. It probably won’t do a thing for you at this late stage. Having said that the FLCCC does include IVM in their “long covid” protocol, I believe. Check out their website. But if you have something else going on, you’d really need a diagnosis first. I’m no doctor, but everything I’ve said is based on either experience or common sense. No medical background necessary for that.


It works and I didn’t notice any side effects either.


On one side, I feel like it helped me…on the other side, it did weird things to my eyes…like light and dark were more high contrast, it did wear off around an hour after waking. Weird, I know. I’m not huge on pharmaceuticals either, but I do have to take thyroid meds and low dose naltrexone has been really helpful for the hashimotos. Ivermectin was worth a try.


I dont know shit about this but my gf is an unvaxxed doctor that lost her license during this shit so i take her word on all this stuff. She will claim that ivm is useless at best and possibly harmful at worst. 


She really lost her license?


Yep revoked for almost a year and then reinstated 🤷‍♂️ she ain't going back


She has integrity! And wisdom. So glad she got her license back. What an amazing person. She's a "keeper" 😇💕


They are pushing Ivermectin for a nefarious reason. I bought some when Covid first hit but never had to take it. Now I see researchers say it also has major side effects that can cause death. It would not surprise me if they created this entire anti Ivermectin vs Pro Ivermectin just like Anti Vax vs Pro Vax. They play both sides.


They’re not pushing it, they’re doing the opposite.


Mainstream Media "Pro Vaxx" banned any mention of it while the Alternative "Anti Vaxx" media pushed it.


It’s livestock dewormer… if you have worms or parasites then it will help you ETA; downvoting me doesn’t make me wrong. I was attempting to help you, but whatever. You will find it locked up at TSC, just tell them it’s for your chickens and they’ll sell it to you.


Horses eat carrots and apples. So when you eat carrots and apples, YOU'RE EATING HORSE FOOD.


What does that mean?


Not surprised that you don't understand.


Again, you are not giving me anything to go on here. I don’t buy my veggies at tractor supply, but I do share my veggies with my livestock. If my livestock gets worms I’ll get ivermectin, if I get worms, I’ll use some of theirs. I really and truly don’t understand where you are coming from at all. There’s no need for your aggression and I don’t appreciate it


Haha! OK, troll, enjoy your summer COVID, masked and distanced. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-06-24/summer-covid-bump-continues-as-flirt-variants-fuel-rise-in-l-a-county-cases Oooo, scary! Better get another booster!




😂😂 …You’re kidding, right?




Jesus Christ. You are truly living under a rock.


No, but you are. If you’re not serious about this then you’re part of the problem.


It's >used< in animal dewormer. It's much more than that. That's why you're getting downvoted. I was prescribed it years ago by a doctor when I suspected I had a parasite. It's a safe and useful drug.


Yes, it’s an anti parasitic that is safe for use by humans, I actually get most of my meds from animal sources. But it’s important to remember what the meds do. I get antibiotics and everything else, I’m a homesteader which means I’m also a prepper. I just wanted to point out that it’s dewormer


Hmmm. Are you saying it is only used to treat animals and not used to treat humans? Because it’s developers received Nobel Prize based on the drug’s efficacy in humans and livestock: “William C. Campbell and Satoshi Ōmura were truly awarded a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2015 for the development of a "novel therapy against infections caused by roundworm parasites" called ivermectin. It's not entirely accurate to say that they were awarded the Nobel for ivermectin's "outstanding results in treating HUMANS," however, **as the drug was proven to be extremely effective in both animals and humans**.” https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/did-ivermectin-win-a-nobel-prize/


Not even close to what I said. Your reading comprehension is lacking


Haha. Okay, I’ll bite. Please elaborate on your “livestock dewormer” comment — that so clearly suggests Ivermectin is not suitable for human consumption. Let’s see how far off my reading comprehension actually was. This should be good. 🍿


You didn’t actually read anything I typed. You wasted my time and yours. I explained that it is a dewormer, and you can go reread all of my comments.


If you have worms Ivermectin is what you need


Funny, for someone who has named themselves Maverick, you sure are in lockstep with the media, the politicians, the pharmaceutical companies, etc. And you've successfully burned anyone who has efficaciously used the Nobel Prize-winning drug to treat dozens of ailments (on and off label) ranging from malaria to blindness. Wow, you really put everyone in their place! /s


Well who could possibly argue with the ramblings of someone called "fact checker" do you have a podcast I could follow or something? One where all the pseudoscience is in one place so I could finally know which dewormers cure my cancers or what?


Here's a fact for you: You're a Kool-aid drinking internet troll wearing blinders. I can't help you until you want to be honest.


Actwually... that's just like... your opinion man


How dare you. Fact checkers can not be questioned! The DNC/media complex tells us so! Questioning the wet market bat theory? Unacceptable! Questioning Hunter's laptop as Russian disinformation? Unacceptable! Questioning the dangers of using Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine off-label? Unacceptable! Questioning the legitimacy of the Steele Dossier? Unacceptable! Questioning irregularities in voting and insisting impartial observers be allowed to watch the tabulation? Unacceptable! I could go on, but I'll just leave this warning: If you keep challenging the establishment shills (fact checkers), Hillary will endorse your internment camp card....