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They will absolutely not be required to take classes at the Sandy campus. Sandy might have sections of courses that fill up on main campus, but it's very doable to get your degree without ever taking courses anywhere other than main campus.


Why isn’t public transportation not very viable? It may not be convenient, but a quick google search says there are multiple bus stops near there.


Public transportation is great. Yes it takes a little longer to get to class/campus, but I find it very reliable. Same time pickup with few delays. But I do understand public transport isn’t the same everywhere.


Just FYI, public transit in SLC is free with a student ID, so even if your student doesn’t need to go to Sandy they should still take advantage of the busses and trains :)


Train goes from downtown to a couple blocks from there. I taught classes at sandy and i recommend it. I taught a class that normally had 300+ people and my section had 25. Much better experience for students.


Thank you. That’s good to know.


Using trax and bus is nice and free still, it’s tough. Sandy campus usually provides late evening class so I’d never recommend it to someone who doesn’t have a vehicle.