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I accepted my TJO and done with my fingerprints and photos on 4/3. Still have not received eapp and fjo. I feel you. I check my email every 5minutes. Lol! This wait is killing me. 😂


I’m glad I’m not the only one lol I wish this was faster. It’s the first thing I think about when I wake up😂 Is your position low risk too?


Im losing sleep because of it too. Lol! Constantly checking my phone is becoming a disease. 😂 its an RA position with the IRS.


Best of luck to us both😅🙏🏽


Well count me in. Finished my SF85 Wednesday. I check my email every 10 minutes. It’s a holiday weekend, so my brain will get a break from checking emails.


Thanks! We got this! 😂


Update: I got my FJO yesterday!


That's awesome! Congratulations! I am however accepted another offer within the private sector. Waiting this long is sinking my bank account so i gotta have something. This way i can also wait in peace. Im happy for you brother!


That makes sense, hopefully you hear back soon but until then best of luck in the private sector!


Congratulations. I’m so happy for you ❤️


Samesies! Got my TJO on 4/3. Already have word that I passed my background check about a month ago. COME ON ALREADY!


SERIOUSLY, right!? What is the hold up? Lol


Did you get your FJO yet?


Nope! 75 days now. Thanks for asking! Have you?


Nope, still waiting! We’ve got this :)


It came yesterday!


So happy for you!


Thank you! Yours is coming!


Yep that’s what the HR person has said… but it’s been radio silence from her for over 2 weeks


It’s risky but I went from probably emailing HR only once a month to like every 8 days. I know that may irritate some HR personnel, but mine didn’t seem to be bothered by it. They seemed like they wanted me pushed through as much as I did. I did always start every email with “Good Morning, I hope this email finds you well and I apologize if this is bothersome, I was wondering if you have heard back from so and so”


You just keep kicking butt in your current position until you get the notice that you’re in. Eventually it’ll be your turn and all that stress and anxiety will melt away.  Took 10 days between asking for references till I got the tjo, then another 30 between tjo and fjo. I had my gmail up in a tab the whole time and was clicking everytime something came in. 


I’m going to use this as motivation to keep working hard at my current job because the wait is just dragging.


>shouldn't take long In government time that's highly variable. Could be 6 weeks, could be 3 months. The wait is the worst part. The easiest way to deal is just to keep applying to other jobs.


The furthest I make it is just browsing other jobs🥲 I need to get a grip


Listen, idk what to tell you. You're like me, I know you're tired of asking the status, and then everyone telling you to be patient. But the truth is ... they are right. I feel your concerns, and I just want to let you know that I empathize with you. I also lost my job after the TJO, so I am anxiously waiting for the FJO. If it makes you feel better, I got my TJO on 3/5, and I've yet to hear anything back. I also know someone who got a TJO in late February and has yet to hear anything back. Advice? I'd check up every month with an HR person, and I would stop checking your email more than once a day. Act like you forgot you applied.


This is such great advice, I’m going to do my best to only check once.


Hey Me to!! I summited my Sf85 on march 27 and still haven’t heard anything back.


Have you sent a follow up email at all? I’m not sure if they help or annoy hr🥲


Have you heard anything 🥲


Nothing yet!! I been emailing Hr almost every week and I get the same answer that “ your hiring action is still with the suitability office pending closure” I don’t know what to do anymore.


I got mine yesterday! Hang in there!


Its been 6 weeks and counting after phone interview. The wait is killing me.


Praying we both get FJO’s, the wait is quite literally causing me to have diarrhea


I am praying for us too Sis.


Have you heard anything 🥲


No, but i did get a TJO for another agency.


Hey maybe that one will move faster


I’m 3 weeks into my background investigation on an SF85P. Thankfully I got an FJO with a confirmed start date while the background check is still ongoing so I’m a little less anxious.


Has any of your references and current/past employers been contacted?


I think nearly everyone except personal references have been contacted based on what people have been contacted and what they said.


Just keep plugging away on applying. I applied for 43 jobs, the one I have I applied for in February last year. I heard nothing until April, interviewed in May, started in June. Recruitement is low priority with the workload which is I know counter intuitive, but you'll get there.


Thank you so much for this






A friend texted me to see how things were going. I answered that it was going okay but I joined an emotional support group on Reddit to help with this wait 😁


I don’t get on Reddit much but I’ve been on this subreddit daily 😅


Likewise 😀


Can you invite me to this emotional support group.


Welcome, when did you apply and get your TJO?😅


I'm sorry to be misleading. This very subreddit is what I consider a great source of emotional support so I call it my emotional support group. I, like you, am scanning this group daily for others' experiences and how they manage/managed and I find a lot here that is actually very comforting, But I also come across other topics about things I hadn't thought about like how to negotiate my hours, discussions about insurance, etc. all things that are putting the cart before the horse but are welcome distractions. Likewise, I check my phone at least 4 to 5 times a day while I'm working my current job. When I get an email about a task/tasks I'm asked to complete (like fingerprints) I take personal time off from my current job to attend to those tasks. This process really is a test but I think is will all be worthwhile and before we know it we will be settled and looking back on this time, or at least I hope so.


I only a verbal offer over 6 weeks ago.


I was lucky in that I learned enough about the process of applying for Federal jobs when I first started to know that everything is 'hurry up and wait'. Patience is a requirement and follow up is a judgement call. If you have a contact you can reach out to I think a respectable amount of time has passed so reach out and see if there are any updates. In the meantime the one thing you will hear over and over in this subreddit will be to keep applying for any and all positions you are qualified for until you are in a role and working. I hope this helps.


I reached out 3 weeks ago and was told. “It will take a while”.


It's good you have a contact who will get back with you. Here is a good resource, with some timeline examples that is both helpful and stress reducing. [https://www.reddit.com/r/usajobs/wiki/guide/](https://www.reddit.com/r/usajobs/wiki/guide/) . No two folks' experience is the same but you are not alone. Best of luck and I hope that email comes soon for you.


Agreed. My first time posting but I got an offer like 3 weeks ago, tjo and still no fingerprints. I’m so anxious. I’d love to work for the irs, like a life goal of mines.


I’m in the same boat, this is my dream job


Me too. I wrote HR like twice because it said you should get the fingerprint within 2 days but nobody has responded so I’m just being patient with my fingers crossed 🤞🏾


It’s so odd how they operate! Keep me updated, I want someone here to tell me they got an FJO!! HR never seems too worried about how long it all takes, they’re probably used to it.


So I got my fingerprint email today and a hr rep emailed me back.


Yay! How close are you now to your FJO?


Idk, I haven’t heard anything since the fingerprint. Emailed today to follow up. Still haven’t done E-app or got a EOD.


Your situation seems odd like mine, where I constantly have to send emails. I’m hoping it works out for us both in the end!


I signed my TJO signed and got my fingerprints done in the same day. Been 2 business days since then, hopefully dont have to wait 1000 business days for a FJO 😂


1000 business days that don’t include holidays🥲


Anything for you?😭


I got my starting date for July 15. Hopefully my investigation doesnt f$&@ me lol


YAY! I can’t wait to have a starting date! Congrats!