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Present responder at the end of the precepting phase. Once you receive your referral, an interview will be established. You will be asked for references. If they contact those references after your interview it is a good sign. I was referred at the end of November of 2021. I started NEO on 3/27. Training is six weeks long. Precepting all depends on your ability and luck of taking calls. Some folks in my training class cleared right away. I had a rough week last week with long calls so my precepting got extended a bit, but I'm not complaining. I absolutely love the job, but it can be draining. Make sure you have a good self care plan set up. Best of luck?




Awesome! Tours are based off of availability and need. Some preceptees got night shift (1am-9am) i stayed on day shift. These were picked for us. I did have prior fed experience so that is also taken into account. Shift bidding comes some time later. Lunch is a half hour which kind of sucks, but I'm home so I manage. As far as leave requests, you will need to be put of NEO, however talking to the trainers can't hurt.


Tours are around the clock, multiple times. Different teams have slightly different tours. You could have an 8 hour tour for 5 days a week, a compressed tour with eight 9 hour days and one 8 hour day, or four 10 hour days. If you have vacation planned and paid for in Sept, you will want to push your start date back (no one blinks an eye about requesting to start later). You will likely not be out of training, or if you are, you will be on the floor precepting. They are not thrilled about approving leave for new folks, case by case basis. Just because there is SO MUCH to learn in training. If you are new to Feds, you may not even have enough leave to request. And then there are operational minimums ie how many people can be off on a particular shift.


Hello, do you know when the next training is?


Not sure. I think a new class is coming on this pay period. So next one in July sometime probably. Hiring like crazy these days.


Thank you so much!


The next class starts 1 August.


Thank you! 😊


hi! we’re you able to negotiate pay?


No. I've only heard of a few that were able to negotiate an extra step or two. Definition not typical.


Hello, if you don’t mind, can you tell me how the interview went? What kind of questions did they ask? I’m extremely nervous.




Thank you! 😊


Do you mind sharing your hiring timeline? Thank you




Thanks for sharing. I applied 3/9, interviewed 4/28 and haven't heard anything since. I'm continuing to apply, but would love this position. Congrats and thanks again.




Ok thanks for the info.


What was your interview like? Was it long? Did they ask you situational questions as well? Good luck to you!


It was at 630 am on a Thurs. It was situational questions.. about 5 of them. It was a panel of 3 women over the phone for me. Lasted about 25 minutes.


Which location did you interview with?


To my understanding they were located in NY


Oh ok I interviewed with Atlanta location.


Ok ok


We’re you able to negotiate pay?




Thank you for your response ❤️


And congratulations 🎉


I really appreciate your perspective! What is your working schedule? Do you like working from home? We’re you able to negotiate pay? I see the starting salary is 66K. I am really hoping I hear anything (even though I submitted initial application 5/22).


May I ask, are you still there? Do you still like the job?


Hi! I am. I absolutely adore what we do here. I have actually taken a precepting role, and am mentoring newer responders. The job takes a special person to do. I am on nights which is it's own thing.


Thank you for responding. I am already a first responder, so I hope I will already have some thick skin to work with. Is it possible at all to negotiate which step you get put in within GS-11? Hopefully, it is a good sign that they contacted my references?


As far as negotiating is concerned, I haven't heard of someone doing that successfully. Contact of references is a great sign. Hoping to meet you on the precepting side!


Hey I was searching google for info on Social Science Specialist for VCL and came across some of your responses! My friend has an interview Wednesday. Do you still work for the VCL? If so would love to pick your brain to help her nail her interview! Thanks!!


The job is not for everyone, but many love it. GS-11 full time remote. 6 weeks classroom, then training on the floor until you are cleared to work independently. Work all holidays unless time is solicited off. 24/7 operation, assigned tours based on need. The 988 roll out is in July so they are hiring a fuck ton of people. Last NEO class was almost 100 people. Once you are cleared there is a shit ton of OT too. I'm in Admin, not Responder or SSA.


Oh wow thank you very much for the insight. Do you currently work this job? What is the 988 role out? And what is NEO? I’m not a gov employee do I don’t know those acronyms.


I don't work the position, one of my besties does and loves it. I work in business administration for the agency. NEO=New Employee Orientation. The 988 roll out is going to be the new number for the crisis line. Instead of the 800 number, they are changing to 988, easy for people to remember like 911. If you have summer vacations planned and you are selected, have them push your start date back. Running into this a lot this year.


Thank you so much for explaining all of this. The work from home portion really stood out to me so hopefully I hear back. Thank you for all your insight!




Hello do you know if hiring will be complete by 8/31 and when is the next NEO. Thank you


They have multiple groups coming on, but I don't know specifics. Above my pay grade.


Ok cool.


Did think of one more thing. Everything goes by eastern time.


Ok thank u


Hi. Do you know if positions for this role will be opening up again? I am currently a crisis responder on the state level and would love to do this on the federal level.


I don't see any currently, but we are generally always hiring. Keep an eye out for Social Science Specialist jobs with VCL that are open to the public. They are fully remote.


Thank you so much!


I also applied and received my NOR on May 20th. I was not referred, wishing you luck!


What does “referred” mean?


NOR means Notice of Referral. When you receive that email, it will state whether you are qualified for the different levels of a position. For example: If position is a 9-11, It will say eligible for GS 9, Eligible for GS 10, not eligible for GS 11. Something to that effect. After it states whether you are eligible or ineligible for each level, in the next paragraph it will say referred or not referred to the Hiring Manager. Then at some point a day or weeks later, you will be contacted for interview. If you are referred. I hope that helps!


I forgot to mention when you are referred it depends on the 3 categories you are placed. i.e Highly Qualified, Qualified or Good something to that effect. If for example say 150 ppl applied and you were referred but only placed in the 3rd category. You may not hear anything back, depending on amount of positions and how many chosen to be interviewed etc. Hope this infomation helps! I have been referred and haven't heard anything on jobs.


So very helpful! Thank you very much for the insight!! I’m praying for the best. Thank you


Amen me too! I wish you the best of luck! I have above the required Education, but I didn't have the experience. So I wasn't referred. Wishing you the best!


Thank you! I’m praying something happens for you too :)


Keep the faith, you will get a job soon!


They are probably still reviewing applications either by HR or the hiring manager. Unless it was capped at the number of applications there will be hundreds.


Thank you that’s what I figured. Very long process I see.


Apply and forget. The number one rule to keeping your sanity when applying to Federal jobs.


Yeah that’s what many people have said lol “apply and forget” .. I’m just trying to get outta my current city job so I’m constantly looking for other opportunities.


Hi I interviewed April 28 and still haven't heard anything back yet.


Hopefully we both will hear something soon :) This has been a long process!


Yes it has. Prayerfully so. Blessings and best wishes to you.


Not particularly. There is a comprehensive "Final Knowledge Check" that must be passed as well as simulated calls that should be passed. Training was a lot of fun because my cohort had a Teams group that we goofed around in a bunch. Focus on preparing for simulated calls and the Knowledge Check. Training performance isn't really measured other than that. Some folks never said a word. Some said way too much. It doesn't really matter as long as you put the work in and prepare for precepting.


Thank you very much for your perspective. I really appreciate it ❤️


Is the test super hard? Or is it manageable?


I’ve had my interview, and my references have been contacted. I work in education and have a fantastic work life balance. If offered the position, I’m so nervous about switching careers only to be stuck with a horrible work schedule. I would literally cry lol Worst case scenario, what shifts do they have that seem like the worst of the worst? ***like the actual hours (hopefully this isn’t breaking a rule)


how long after you applied we’re you contacted? I am open to any work schedule to be honest. I wouldn’t even care lol. Education is another difficult field and I’m sure there is a reason why you applied here :)


I believe I applied in late March. I was contacted last Thursday and interviewed last Thursday. My references were contacted Thursday as well. They had until yesterday to respond to the email. Tbh I applied because of the possibility of a financial increase. 66500-105k was pretty tempting, especially being remote. A friend posted it in a group chat and I just applied on a whim.


Well congratulations! I am happy to hear your transition moved along so fast once you were actually contacted. The remote PLUS the pay was tempting for me as well. So I am praying I hear something back. I applied May 25 so it’s only been a month.


Congrats I also applied in March and had my interview on the 15th and my references were checked the following day. I heard if they send for references that’s a good sign good luck hopefully we get offers together


Wow congratulations 🎉


Any update for you yet?


No not yet hoping to hear something soon. How about you.


Nothing here either. The suspense is killing me 😩😂.


I really hope they reply soon. I accepted a tentative offer with the IRS with EOD August 1st. I really would love the VA position though


Congratulations 🎉 🎉 yea, VHA seems to be pretty slow!


Hello I received a TO on Tuesday hopefully you here something soon.


Congratulations 🎉🎉 I’m so happy for you ☺️. Still nothing for me.


They are 24/7, so shift could be 3rd (overnight worst case). I guess it just varies.


Thank you.


Hello, i have a interview this week and was wondering for questions asked? Thanks in advance


I love working from home. Your standard 40 hr. Week is what to expect. Plenty of OT opportunities once you clear for independent work.


How long after are you cleared for independent work? Depending on how quickly you pick up the work?


A lot has to deal with luck. Preceptors are there to guide you, however a great deal of it is subjective. You won't clear on just admin calls (misrouted callers who need to be transferred.) Depending on how well you do with "core" calls, which are people in crisis or in need of support, and how well you apply guidance given, you will eventually clear. I have taken longer than some folks in my training cohort, however I'm ok with that. It would be great to not have someone listening to 100% of my calls, however the help they offer and tips they give is great. I'm in this for the long haul. I have a family to feed. Best of luck my friend.


Wow, I really appreciate your perspective! That really means a lot to me!


We’re you able to negotiate your pay?


Does performance in training determine shift assignment? Did you notice a “pattern” amongst your training class?


Is that the one that closes at the end of August?! It’s been up for awhile and I too was thinking about applying. Glad you asked!


Yes, that’s correct. I applied because it’s work from home and that’s all I am interested in lol. Also, the pay appears reasonable.


I agree! Work from home, don’t have any travel requirements and yeah the pay isn’t too bad and I think it can go higher based on location. Hopefully you’ll get it! Good luck! I hope someone responds and explains the job.


What are the training locations for these jobs? Can we work from anywhere in the US?