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Not a pacer test. If I recall correctly, in boot camp you will be running around a quarter mile track 6 times. Running a mile and a half, even when you are in shape, is not fun when you’re sick as shit (and trust me, you will get sick as shit in boot camp) and already sore. If you have any worried at all about passing the running portion, start running now. Find a routine or system that you enjoy and stick with it.


I’ve been running, I just want to know what to expect because I’ve been getting conflicting information


You'll do your pushups and situps directly before your run as well. You'll get a, maybe, one minute break, but that's something to factor regardless since it's obvious wear on stamina


I practiced y sit ups and push ups after I ran 3 miles to prep for boot camp and I did fine. I don't remember how much time I had between them at boot camp but I think it was 10+ minutes to get outside and on the track.


Everything regarding requirements is documented and easy to find. Just google Uscg pt test and you’ll find it. If male, need to run it in 12:51


I know what the pt test requirements are. That’s not my question. My recruiter gave me new information that isn’t really documented. I literally tried googling it and I couldn’t find anything because it’s apparently a new and recent thing. So I posed this question here because I don’t know where else to ask. I didn’t see anyone else talking about a coast guard pacer test until I made this post, and I did try to search


It is a pacer test it just got changed recently. there was also another change its no longer situps but planks now


how does the pacer test work? and how long do you have to hold planks?


Your recruiter is confused. I just graduated boot last month. In order to form with your company the first week of boot, you will do a forming PT test. Part of that test is you will have to do a pacer test, which is essentially a timed suicide run in the basketball court. That’s just to FORM with your company. In week 4 you will have to do the actual PT test which entails the push-ups and sit-ups as well as a 1.5 mile run which is 6 laps around the track.


Ok. How many laps is needed to pass the pacer test?


I don’t remember exactly it depends on your age. But if you’re able to do the 1.5 mile run in 12:51 you’ll have no problem with it


You’re going places George W Kush, keep it up.


I do what I can 🫡


28 or something. The forming physical is easy


I just got out of boot. I did a pacer test in week 1 or 2. You do pushups and planks too. And then for the week 4 and week 6 physical you actually run the track, and do pushups and sit ups.


Just run 1.5 miles it’s not that hard


Doing at that pace can be very hard if you havent built up the cardio over time to support it.


What is a pacer test


The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.


I PMd you re: intel careers if you get a second




You take a pacer test at the start of basic like week 1 like super easy 20 something laps only like 2 failed out of 120 in my company then rest of time you run 1.5 miles on track for the actual test pacer is forming company


I graduated February 2nd. We had 3 physical fitness tests. The first one was week 1. It's not technically a physical fitness test per-se but it will determine if you have to go to physical fitness enhancement (wake up before everyone else and go do pt at the gym). It's different from the actual PT tests that you'll take in weeks 4 and 6. For my company it involved a pacer test, push ups, and sit ups. For the push ups and sit ups they give you two minutes to do as many reps as you can. I don't remember how many passes you have to do on the pacer test. But yes you will most likely be doing a pacer test.


Huh, so there's 3 physical tests. So the week 1 test is forming, then week 4 is the initial and week 6 is the final?


Yeah that's how it was for me. I doubt they've changed anything. The pacer is forming week. Week 4 you'll do your 1.5 mile run. Depending on the weather you may do it in the gym or out on the track. If you pass the run in week 4 then you don't have to do the run in week 6, you'll just do push ups and sit ups. At least that's how it was for my company. I believe week 2 is the swim assessment, it should tell you in your Helmsman. The swim isn't bad, just keep going. I didn't think I'd pass the 100 meter swim, I got about halfway done and started running out of breath but I made it. Immediately after the 100 meter swim you'll tread water for 5 minutes. It's super easy. If you pass the 100 meter swim you'll have no trouble treading water. They'll give you a small break to catch your breath after the 100 meter.


Pacer test? What is this, 1980s gym class? The standard USCG PF Test a 1.5-mile run and max situps and push-ups in a minute. I personally disagree with the push ups and situps being timed, though. Go to failure or cut it off at 5 minutes or something because only giving one minute just promotes bad form and injury.


Agree push up and sit up shouldn't be really time. As longest they are being done correct. The reason why I say this is because if you think about it some bodies need more time than other not exactly a lot of time but maybe 1-2 sec more . . Whether you are just over weight or are just a tall human lol .. gonna be little be of struggle. Its just hard to be time not like you are gonna win the lottery for any extra second.




When did you go to boot?