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Get as much sleep now as you can. It’s gonna be a rough few weeks.


Just do what you’re told. If you see someone else struggling and you can help them….do so.


Enjoy a nice hot long shower tonight because it’ll be the last good shower you will take for 8 weeks.


Be fast, be loud and remember, it's not personal. Also, time will feel slow in Bootcamp but, when you graduate you're gonna feel it was quick. Just don't quit!


Wear pink sweat pants that say "JUICY" on the back to assert dominance on the CC's.


remember to have fun! one of the funniest 8 weeks of my life


Drink water. Don't be dirty. Be loud. Look them in the eyes at the galley, every single one to assert your status as a good recruit. Enjoy the PB&J bar always.


Don’t be a company Yeoman. Yes No AYE AYE the less you say the better off you’ll be.


“Don’t be a company Yeoman” Realer words have never been spoken. Laundry detail is where it’s at


Art crew was CAKE


I remember I got signed up for band. Woke up early af, marched with a few others over to the hall and they asked what instrument I can play. I said none and they told me to get out and don’t come back. I was tired af from then on lol.


When/how do they take volunteers for band?


Idk. They walked in read some names and told me to get up early and go there and try out. Kind of like most things at bootcamp.


Art crew is 100% the move


What is Art crew?


The group that designs the company t-shirt and gifts for the CCs! It’s like 30 minutes every night where you get together and work on the drawings


Our company it was an hour after taps. Few months ago, this was. I don't miss it.


Eh, it’s been a while. Half hour, hour, whatevs. Thanks for specifying. I mean I don’t miss boot, but being art crew keeps you out of the duty rotation and lets you be creative if you’re into art. So I’d definitely recommend


Colors detail as a road guard all you gotta do is stand in the road


Colors detail was cool. I was the cannon guy.


Tf I don’t remember that when I was there


I was a company Yoeman and I loved it! So much stress, so little time, and so much less sleep!!!


I was company Yeoman for an hour. I got fired for sounding off in imitation of the previous Yeoman’s thick southern accent


Laundry crew is pretty great, not enough visibility to get honed in on by the CC’s, but just enough that it’s a good look.


Try Yeoman & Squad Leader 😂… luckily I had drill to break it up


This is the advice given to underperformers by underperformers that cant handle responsibility. OP, Don't listen to this. Boot camp will suck NO MATTER what you gonna do, might as well do it while being a leader. Being a company Yeoman is legit a great opportunity. Don't try that "Fly in the wall" BS. 99% of the times, it backfires and IDK how to this day still such a common advise.


Say hi to my wife for me.


She says hi back


Went through a year ago, so I might not be too up to date, but feel free to PM me if you’d like. Remember what you’re there for. It won’t be easy, and it is not too uncommon to get reverted. Don’t let it bring you down, happens to a lot of people. Week 4 is hardest. Every person I’ve talked to has said it made them want to quit at times, myself included. Remember what you’re there for. Your goal should be to stay under the radar. Don’t be the best, don’t be the worst. That said, Company Commanders love to see real effort. Don’t try to be better than the rest of your company, but if you scream your face off and put in 100%, your life will be much easier and your CC’s will definitely notice your effort.


Whats significant about week four? I leave july 28th


Week 4 is known as “SAR” week. It’s essentially the most drastic change in routine/increase in intensity besides initially showing up to Cape May, and initially getting your CC’s at the end of the first week. Definitely the most physically and mentally demanding week at Cape May. You’ll wake up earlier than you’ve been used to, with an even stricter time limit. Smoke sessions will last longer with an increased intensity, and you’ll be getting smoked way more frequently. In top of the required knowledge you’ve been learning up to this point, even more will be dropped on you, and you’re now expected to know/learn most of it extremely quickly else risk being reverted. Sounds tough, and it absolutely is, but by the adaptation comes *way* quicker than you expect. You’ll be able to do shit and even *learn* shit at speeds you never thought was possible.


But note also that whether or not SAR week occurs is dependent on the company. I’m not sure exactly whose choice it is, but I assume it is up to the CC’s. My company didn’t have a SAR week, thank the heavens.


It was week 5 while I was there


Shut up and do what your told. You will be alright!


Listen. Go with the flow. Don’t take any of it personally. You’re all fucking up, and you’ll all sweat for each other mistakes. It’s fine. Don’t trip.


Don't ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER, *EVER* lie about anything. If you lie about the smallest thing, they WILL find out, and you WILL be reverted to the next company on the spot. Extending your stay at beautiful Cape May.


What sort of things do people even lie about? Curious about the questions that people wouldn’t want to answer


We had a guy swing his lanyard in class told them he didnt and they then proceeded to fuck him


Do the right thing when no one’s looking


Look for ways to help others.


Really only need to do a few things to be successful. Do these things 100% of the time and you’ll be fine…. Be as loud as humanly possible… be as fast as humanly possible…. Do what you’re told without hesitation… don’t look CCs in the eyes and always look straight ahead…. Don’t talk when you’re not supposed to… always try your hardest Remember it’s one big game and the coast guard wants you to pass. It’s not designed to send you home. Just keep your eye on the prize and remember why you’re there. Quitting would be a huge regret, the fleet is totally different , don’t give up on the coast guard cause of a few weeks at a crappy summer camp …. They’re paying you to learn, workout, sleep and eat, it’s not that bad


Honestly, take advantage of chapel on Sundays whether you’re religious or not. It’s a time to relax and let your guard down a bit and also gives you a chance to interact and seek advice/mentorship from people in other companies. It was actually quite a shock to go the first time, being so rigid while everyone else is relaxed and acting normal. Then the next week when the new company comes in, they’ll do the same. It’s an interesting thing to witness.


Don’t volunteer for anything ever. Don’t stand out, just keep your head down, be loud and do what you are told. The best thing you can accomplish is that the CCs ask who you are at graduation. Boot camp means nothing, they want you to pass.


Or volunteer for anything because they’ll notice if you’re trying. If you’re hiding and just trying to skip by they notice. Also just don’t be that shipmate. Volunteer for things often gets you out of getting smoked. Sure you might get yelled at for pushing a laundry cart across base but would you rather be holding a mattress?


Why is this SHIT of advise still being given to this day? It is terrible advice and 100% they will notice those who don't try and will make life even harder SPECIFICALLY for them. I wonder if people that give this advice do it maliciously to get people chewed up at boot camp.


Did I say don't try, or can you not read. Do not volunteer for anything, but bust your ass and be loud in everything. That was my experience and it worked out very well, same with many of my shipmates. I can tell you are always angry. What is your SHIT advice? Volunteer as company YN, ask the CC's if you can get them coffee and a tugger? If you want to get through boot camp successfully, come prepared, try as hard as you can in every task, be louder than you thought you could be and do not volunteer for things. Or you know what? Don't take advice from strangers on the internet. Good lord dude, chill out


Work hard and take it seriously but with a grain of salt. Just remember that none of it matters once you go to the fleet but in order to get there in 8 weeks you have to do everything you're told quickly and without question.


You can literally do everything perfect, as an individual or as a company, your CCs will still find the smallest, tiniest thing to pick out (no matter how ridiculous) or just make up shit on the spot and use that as an excuse to IT all of you. I say this so you keep it in mind not to turn against one another. It's all calculated as everything you will be doing is on a strict schedule and there are times where there is a little or alot of time to kill in between classes, organized pt, etc.. which means that will be time used to fuck with you guys. Don't take it personally and keep a good attitude throughout. It's such a small blip in your career let alone life so enjoy it


Don't get any jobs, blend into the company, and learn everything fast. Know your general orders before week one finishes. Avoid eye contact with the CC's, walk fast, eat fast, shit fast, and drink plenty of water. Boot camp is easy physically unless you're out of shape. The hardest part is to get used to screaming and being sick for eight weeks. Don't get pink eye.


I see a lot of people saying don’t volunteer for anything but honestly I would say volunteer for everything I graduated out of basic as best shipmate and honestly I still don’t know my 11 general orders but I was a watch coordinator yeoman religious petty officer I just never got asked anything from my CCs and at the end of it all they all told me they can’t wait to see how far I go in the coast guard


Watch out for the jellyfish.


You’ll probably read this as you get up in the morning. NO MATTER WHAT, EMBRACE THE SUCK, LAUGH WHEN YOU CAN, DONT QUIT


Don't ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER, *EVER* lie about anything. If you lie about the smallest thing, they WILL find out, and you WILL be reverted to the next company on the spot. Extending your stay at beautiful Cape May.


Be loud be fast do exactly as your told nothing more nothing less


Don’t be last, don’t be first. Do as your told and nothing more, especially during the first couple of weeks. It will be hard, it will get tough, but it is temporary.


Don’t volunteer for any jobs, beat job by far is laundry crew, mail, or art crew if you can draw. They get a bunch of time away from company during the hard weeks. Try your best to avoid becoming a yeoman or watch coordinator, they ALWAYS get heat.


You’re going to get in late tomorrow night when everyone will be asleep. It doesn’t really start until the day after, when you’ll be plenty rested and settled in.


Play the game, actually try hard, laugh at the funnies, have fun. You only do it once and soon it will be a distant blur of a memory. Your CC's are there to help you succeed. Welcome to the Coast Guard!


Don’t do anything I extend your stay. And don’t go to DHE


What would extend my stay? And what’s DHE?


DHE is discharge hold element …. They’re the people who are going home … basically you quit, or are leaving for some other reason, but you don’t jsut get to go home right away, you’re grouped with other recruits going home and still live on base for basically the entire time your company is there , possibly even working their graduation event. It’s the saddest looking depressing group of people I’ve seen in awhile…. There’s also RHE which is regemental hold element, similar except those people aren’t going home, they’re just on pause due to injury usually. Basically once they’re healed up they just jump right back into it with a diff company


When I was there the recruits in DHE that quit where made examples of I don’t think I’ve seen people that degraded before in my life


Depends on what the CC is and the section commander could be something as small as your swimsuit was not labeled in your dirty laundry bag. DHE should be avoided like the plaque


My boot camp was back in 2004, Sierra 168. Remember it's all a mind game. They also can push you to be better. Just get prepared to get yelled at a lot, learn a lot, and get fit. Some fun times too. My head CC was good looking too. I got lucky. HS1 DeVore was funny too.


Laundry crew or Art Crew are what ur gunning to get, brush up on the pocket guide it’s online you’re going to have to know sections of it verbatim by a specific week kinda thing


What’s the big deal about laundry crew? Why does everyone say this is one of the best jobs?


I was laundry captain and I got out of so much sweat while we were heading to the laundry building


I was told by a nonrate just be confident and be loud


Volunteer as much as possible


Go to choir


Don’t drop the soap. 


I will


Please do. 


Godspeed boot! Nothing you need now that the MC won't provide.


Don’t fucking quit. It will be very hard, but it’s a mind game. Give it your best. Believe in yourself. Lift each other up. Be a team.


There may be times where they fuck with you for no reason other than to fuck with you. Might say it’s because of XYZ, but really you’re just getting PT’d because they say so and you’re in boot so that’s life


Just lay low, and save your energy for crushing it as hard as you can when in front of the CCs. I hope you read the general orders. Learn them, know them, be able to repeat them under stress. You got this.


There’s 11


Shoots, you're right.


Dont volunteer for shit


Enjoy the ride - both literally and figuratively


Mailman is the best job, always move fast, and be loud. All there is to it.


Enjoy your last day