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This always seemed like the most likely lineup. Lets see what Scally has


Yeah, this is the “obvious” lineup. Maybe we’ll see some experimenting in the second half.


Yeah hope we see a lil experimenting in the 2nd half at RB if Scally is doing poorly


scally was utter dogshit and greg never even touched him. instead subbed out mckennie hahaha


What game were you watching lol. Scally was fine


he was responsible for the second goal. columbia broke scally open like a russian doll.


Big game for Scally, I hope Gregg learned from the Jamaica game and utilizes him more as a defensive fullback versus an attacking on like Dest is 


> I hope Ggg learned Learned what? That Scally can’t attack and has to sit back? Jamaica had 11 in their own box and there wasn’t much to defend. Scally couldn’t provide as an outlet or creativity source.


that dude is absolute fucking dogshit. his teammates hate him. they literally hate him. they refuse to pass him the ball even when he’s wide open and the other team is flooding the left side.


let’s see what scal… well fuck


No real surprises - Johnny and Scally are plug and play subs for the 6 and RB spots, and Balo keeps the starting job up top.


Huge match for Scally I think. If he doesn’t look up to snuff here I could see us moving Weah to RB and running Haji as a winger for Copa. If he looks solid then we might be running him out with more comfidence


Ugh how bad does Balo need to stink before GGG gives Pepi a chance. Pepi saved GGGs ass several years now.


Balo’s stats with the national team are pretty good. With Monaco he’s been excellent at everything but finishing. Pepi is good too, and could start, but it’s crazy to think Balo “stinks.”


When's the last time Balo scored for the US? Sorry he ain't the only striker on the team, if he ain't scoring it's time to try someone else. Balo was damn near invisible against Jamaica.


Balo only has 10 caps lol 5 g/a in those caps btw


3 goals, last one in October. Time to try someone else as a starter.


Alright man you clearly have no interest in a good faith discussion so whatever lol


Lol nah homie we just disagree, I just think it's time to start someone else. I'm not saying drop Balo from the roster.


If he wasn't an English dual-nat who made a high profile switch there's no way he'd still be starting


He’s the only American to have 20+ goals in a top 5 league. He’s gonna be our striker for the foreseeable future until someone more talented comes along


He had one 20 goal season for a mid table French club and has been largely unimpressive outside of that. Sure he had a nice youth resume but so did Konrad De La Fuente.


Pepi got less minutes in a worse league. I think Sargent might have the best run to be the starter, but he isn’t on the squad this game.


I have a lot more confidence in Pepi getting a goal than I do Balogun. And are PSV and Monaco really that much different?


This makes sense. You give the obvious like-for-like replacements in Scally/Johnny a chance against a good team with the rest of the first team and see what they look like. Then in game two you experiment with other options and compare. Ream starting was a little bit of a surprise. It would have been my preferred choice because he was so good for us in the WC and we get a chance to see if he can hold up against elite teams at his age. If he can't you have multiple options going forward. But he's by far our best CB playing the ball and Richards speed helps him a bit. Robinson would be better defensively but then we'd have two CBs that aren't consistent on the ball AND two DBs that aren't consistent on the ball. That's a recipe for problems against a press.


starting scally first game is smart imo, best case scenario is he performs and we don't have too worry too much about trying wes/weah there. also curious to see how ream looks- was him not playing at fulham a result of other players improving, or has father time caught up to him?


Worst case scenario you take Scally off at half and experiment.


he isnt a bad player he just needs time to gel with the starters i think that was his biggest problem


Nottingham Forest, Borussia Monchengladbach, Crystal Palace, Fulham, Fulham, Real Betis, Juventus, Borussia Dortmund, Juventus, AC Milan, Monaco Our players have found themselves in great places. The individual situations might not be awesome across the board, but a lot of our guys have made their way to the top of the top now.


Johnny gonna be pretty much doubling Diaz on the left cuz Scally gonna get cooked if he’s on an island lol


Saving this because this will be used to defend Scally if he doesn’t get cooked.


I'm really pulling for Scally to show up tonight. I think his past NT performances haven't reflected his better club performances. Maybe nerves? Who knows?!? But tonight I'm rooting for him. The team needs him to show out. I'm pulling for Cardoso too. He has quality and hopefully he can show that he is rising in a way that could make him a 1st choice option between now and the WC. His career and trajectory have him perfectly poised for such an arc. Let's go!


No they both suck


This is the lineup I was hoping for. Excited to see how they look


No beuno


Full tilt wow Turner, Scally, Richards, Ream, Robinson, Johnny, McKennie, Reyna, Weah, Pulisic, Balogun Hyped to see the Johnny/McKennie pivot if we’re playing Gio in the 10, but he’s also been pretty good in midfield since coming back for us, his defensive contributions have been increasing. So CM isn’t out of the question. Either way, that midfield has sauce.




They prolly trying to see if scaly is a suitable replacement for dest 


i imagine that scally will play against the stronger offensive sides when we have to defend, and the games where teams sit back against us we try out our other options at RB (weah/mckennie/musah)


Assuming Josh and Tyler aren't fit enough to start, this is the best lineup possible.


Yeah Josh isn’t available today. Will probably end up being our 1 cut which is a bummer cause I really want to see him with our starters.


I would bet Tyler comes in at 60


Pre-show says he's not playing at all this game.




Josh not starting over Balogun even if healthy


youre right, but it doesnt mean it should be that way. what can i say, i just dont really rate balogun the same way a lot of people do.


Idk about best, I'm really hoping for Weah at right back and either another winger or Gio pushed up with Yunus in his place. Hoping Scally shows something today though.


i dont think weah is a good choice for RB in a back 4 against any decent side.


Why is Turner dog shit now? Dude needs to be replaced or go somewhere to play every game again. Both goals should have been saved.


Scally left a bad taste in everyone’s mouth last time out for us, big spot for him today to correct that. Solid player with a lot of potential, hope he has a great game and gives us some confidence going forward with Dest out this summer.


No he still sucks




Best lineup possible right now. The CB spot next to Richards is the only toss up at this point and just depends on how the opponent will play their strikers.


![gif](giphy|frZa7tIItv9UxfqMzJ|downsized) It’s time


I don’t have any complaints. Interested to see how the CB’s do. I still think one spot is wide open


What a lineup man i’m in tears


I’m a newbie to soccer is this a good lineup?


Not our best considering injuries and other extenuating circumstances. But it’s exactly the lineup I would’ve used. The point of these friendlies is to get experience playing the teams we’ll see in the copa, as well as figuring out any question marks around the lineup. For example, Reyna has had a bad season for his club(s), so it’s not 100% certain he’s in good enough form to start for the US right now. Similar story for Tim Ream (due to age). We’ll see how those two do today. At RB, we normally have Sergino Dest, but he’s injured so we’re using Joe Scally today (who’s pretty divisive among fans) instead of converting Tim Weah to that position. These friendlies give us the opportunity to play around with the team setup before the actual tournament to figure out who works where. All things considered, this is a pretty strong lineup


You think the US comes in as the favorites? I just checked the world standings and the US is at 11 while Colombia is at 12.


The FIFA standings aren’t the best measure of team quality. Colombia are probably favorites, but not by a ton. We could certainly win today if we play at our best


Number of wins vs. good sides under Berhalter: 0 I don't have huge hopes.


No time like the present




Cook Gio!




Columbia is very good…


Looking absolutely rough out there. This can easily turn into a blowout already lol


Really surprised about Ream. Surprised but more so excited about Johnny. Even if the justification is that Adams is not 100%, he’s played well enough at club level that there’s no way you don’t at least give him a start.


im totally okay with riding ream till the wheels fall off


Are we not doing phrasing? I agree though except when CCV is a good matchup (which he’s not today)




It’s not


It is. Learn how to read the players and the field, not because of having a “10” on the field means something else.


It’s a 4-2-3-1, based on the players announced. Or more simply put: it’s not a 4-3-3


It’s a 4-3-3 with Johnny as the 6, McKennie as the 8, and Gio as the higher 8, in the more attacking position. Just as it has been before. McKennie will adjust higher and lower as a b2b. And same with Gio taking on McKennie’s older role. Or more simply put: it’s not a 4-2-3-1.


I'm also guessing it's a 4-3-3. We haven't really seen a true 10 be played even when Gio has been on the field. Gio tends to be deployed on the left side of midfield and drifts wide, interchanging with Puli. Expect that's exactly what we see today too


Exactly. You’ll also see McKennie drop in and out of the line of a 6 but on one side, but it doesn’t mean they’re playing with 2 defensive DMs as some think when they see a “10” style of a player. You also stayish on 1 side because otherwise you’re ball chasing leaving a giant hole when the team switches to the other side.


Maybe. More general rule seems to be that Gio is nominally the 10 but is allowed to wander to wherever he wants. Last game that was mostly in the left, but then that would turn this lineup into a 4-1-2-3, which is certainly also possible. But I get it, it’s fun to type “GGG 4-3-3”because they rhyme


Reality is is you’re going to see multiple “formations” in the game depending on who has the ball and in the position of the field, not just a 4-3-3 or a 4-2-3-1 for 90 minutes. And no, it’s not because it’s “more fun to type GGG 4-3-3 because it rhymes”. It’s because he’s discussed this in the past with it being attacking (1 6 vs 2 6’s), because it’s more of that’s what he’s employed in the past, because it’s what the players have done in the past if you watched their position and their style, because you’ve heard him discuss how the players are supposed to be offset, because we have also heard him clearly him ask BJ to monitor this while the game is going on and make sure to address this if not.


Yep, agreed, well said.


Strong, stable lineup. Glad to see Cardoso getting a run out. Scally must have had a great camp as well. Come on you Yanks!


Well good news is that this will likely be Reams last tournament.


Quality players make little difference with a management and coaching team that is out of touch and substandard. We have the quality to deserve better coaching. Would a European or South American country accept this?


I have a feeling this will be the game cardoso cements his role as starting 6


No surprises here honestly. I was never really a fan of putting Weah or Mckennie on RB instead of Scally.


Like this lineup. Pulling for Johnny and Scally. Would love to see Reyna have a massively creative game.  Edit: Who would you like to see come off the bench? Malik Tillman, Pepi, Musah are my votes. 


People are really acting like Scally is a make-a-wish after one appearance. Actually crazy lol


Well, Scally’s make or break moment. He’s shown he can defend well in the Bundesliga, but hasn’t ever shown it for the US. Really hope Balogun shows up well. He’s in need of a big confidence boost. Big game. Big opportunity. Let’s get it 🇺🇸


How can Balogun have any opportunities when they don't even try to pass it to him. All they do is pass it to the wings and hope for a good cross. They miss 2 good passes to Balogun but nope...


the scally hate boner is a bit bizarre lol. hope to see a lot of creativity today. yes it’s a friendly, but columbia is full of world class talent and has been playing unbelievably well as a nation in recent memory, so I do think it’s important friendly or not to be competitive and not settle for southgate behavior


Big test for Scally vs Luis Diaz


I live in Colombia so I’ve been looking forward to this match for awhile. Don’t embarrass us boys please


Why is Ream starting for this team it’s just wild I don’t care how much of a leader he is


Dam I didn’t wanna get excited about a first game pre tournament friendly… and now here I am again


Anywhere to stream this in English? I think peacock only has it in Spanish


I found it on Max


It is on TNT if u don't have Max


Anyone else’s max stream laggy


Watch it on TNT


Fire this clown….again


Where are all those marsh haters now?


The RMC midfield-Reyna Mckennie Cardoso


It is definitely "the baller's" choice in midfield tonight.


Is the game actually starting at 5:30?


If we aren't going to try a different CB duo in a friendly, then when? It feels a bit like a wasted opportunity.


We already have Scally and cardosa starting though so Ream can be the veteran experience in the back. 


Because they're trying to get their best players more time together before a big tournament.


Pretty predictable lineup but would like to see us play around with 3 atb vs. Brazil. Not sure we can play our usual 4-3-3 or 4-2-3-1 with s team of that quality.