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Look how real nations take care of business . Colombia , Argentina , Brazil and Uruguay, all secured qualification. Meanwhile we’re still losing to Panama because we’re fucking clowns getting red cards The gap is immense.


Discipline and leadership. Two qualities we desperately need.


Another factor: Pulisic has been run into the ground. Particularly the last game where he was run like crazy side to side defending the whole game.


The FIFA rankings are a scam, let’s be honest the US are barely a top 20 side right now.


France Argentina Croatia England Colombia Brazil Uruguay Germany Spain Portugal Netherlands Belgium Switzerland are clearly better imo. Italy, Ecuador better


It's really frustrating to me that Greg did not plan better for this ref and Panama... Everyone knew Ivan Barton absolutely loves to lets teams be physical with the US and any retaliation will be punished. The entire game plan for Panama was to play dirty and get some cheap shots in to try and frustrate US players to lose their cool. They know they can't actually beat the US in a technical game of soccer. We got CONCACAF'd again.




If you watch the replay I don't think he was trying to clock him in the back of the head... He was trying to push him off but it went straight to the back of his head... It's a red regardless but I don't think his intention was to do what happened.


You can slice it however you want, that action it a major problem


I think it matters from a team perspective. I think Weah is a huge part of this teams success as well so he deserves to be around.


I have three major gripes with Greggg for TNT game. 1. Going to the 5 was fine I understand that a point pretty much guarantees us through. It’s strategic and unsexy but not a criminal offense. I have issue with letting Turner stay on your the coach if he can’t go he can’t go. It’s your job to do what’s best for everyone and he let everyone down with that decision. 2. CCV was an absolute liability he may be in good club form as well as more talented but he’s looked nervy and not ready for the stage idk if I would have gone with Robinson over him it’s a rough decision. But taking off the only player with threat intent and the IQ when to hold it up, go for the corner and draw a foul off for a player who missed a sitter is a disaster decision and it’s haunting them. 3. The decision to go defensive worked for 60 minutes in the 80th we started looking for counters and hold the ball to spring the counter and they lost discipline of assignments. The decision to start to go for it was either his or the players and he has to own that because it directly lead to the goal. They were not tactical enough with the decisions when to counter and when to stay disciplined in the final ten. Down to ten men you have 4 fouls???? You don’t take like 4 tactical Fouls to give yourself a rest or make them beat you on a set piece? When they scored I was like we’re out of position just tug on his jersey do a soft foul to stop the play and reset the D. Maybe I’m crazy but taking a couple more fouls in moments is good move to give yourself chances to reset


how many subs did they use in total? imo it was clear the US could use another fresh pair of legs before the goal




Sargent was after the second goal, right? Imo Musah for Pulisic was a clear option


The fact that Timothy Weah lost his temper that fast says something about what could have caused it. That being the case, he still reacted wrong.


I am not so sure he lost his cool... I've seen the replay a ton of times and it looks like he was trying to push him in the back and he connect flush with the back of his head. There was a lot of physical play from Panama I just don't believe his intention was to clock him in the head.




He simply cannot start on Monday, he isn't even good enough to warrant it currently


It cost us a sub musah has to start


This is the serious thread and I'm serious as MF-ing cancer when I say this: Couva vibes. I realize that's a strong comparison but it's apt. We just lost at home to a good but inferior Concacaf side in a major tournament that is/was our sole chance to get real competition before the 26 WC. The loss very likely means we won't qualify out of the fucking group at the Copa that, again, we are hosting. Maybe not as bad as Couva bc nothing's as bad as not qualifying for the WC but in the same register.


Gregg never learns and so he is incapable of changing. His turtling was reminiscent of what cost the USMNT the win vs. Wales. Your best players are in the midfield. Rather than put in a much worse extra center back, the move would have been to shore up the midfield. Once again, he refuses to play to the strength of the player pool.


idk Panama's game when they had the US under pressure was getting balls into the box. I think doing both would have made sense rather than putting on Pepi


Truth. Musah and even Aaronson would be great at hounding the ball and making the quick outlet to release pressure. The goal came because we couldn’t release pressure for the entire second half and a goal was bound to happen if the opponent never has to restart possession for attack and just create a half circle camp around your penalty box.


I think putting on both Musah and CCV was the move


Sorry everyone - this loss is on me. I went to the match last night, my second USMNT match ever. My first match was way back during the Gold Cup in 2011 - also a 2-1 loss to Panama. I am cursed and should have known better than to attend.


I was just thinking Atlanta's sports luck rubbed off.


I fear that this gives USSF a pass to keep GGG. They'll say "It's not his fault Weah got a red card!" They'll fail to mention that his tactics after the red were horrific. He puts in CCV who has done NOTHING for us in the USMNT jersey and it almost costs us 2 separate PKs. He takes out Reyna who is one of our only guys that can hold possession. Not only did he make those subs, he does it right at the half when we would presumably have guys being a little more fresh. At least get 10 minutes out of the half for them and then make the subs. Using 3 of 5 subs at halftime plays right into what Panama would have wanted


strong point about the halftime subs


Adding a few thoughts. the officiating was poor especially the decision not to card panama when turner got hurt and the 4 mins of stoppage time. weah is a moron They were uncertain when moving to 10 men. They lack touch and passing out of the back that leads to NOT building offense in mid field this is not new. leads to prayer passes Out of the back and lost possession. they’re awful at set pieces. They had so many opportunities 20-30yards out to give Panama goalie the work and they did nothing. This is the big one no one seems to be addressing. Quality football teams make free kicks a problem for the other teams goalie. USA wasn’t even close. subbing Gio Reyna was bad coaching going 5 across the back was bad coaching subbing the goal scorer at 70 also bad coaching. horvath is not a good keeper. He is slow and looks uncertain .


i think 5 across the back was ok given the importance of crosses to Panama's attack for most of the game, but the US should have also subbed in an additional ball-hawk midfielder, probably for Pulisic


USA 🇺🇸 could get eliminated from their own Copa America tournament and they are the host nation. Just take that in for a second especially after their loss to Panama 🇵🇦 last night.  So basically for USA 🇺🇸 they have to beat Uruguay 🇺🇾 in their last group game to have any hope of the quarter finals. But then Panama 🇵🇦 they face Bolivia in their last group game. Bolivia 🇧🇴 have been the whipping boys of this group. So really then it comes down to goal difference especially if USA beats Uruguay and then Panama 🇵🇦 beats Bolivia by a large scoreline. But then if Uruguay vs USA ends in a draw...it gives Uruguay 7 points and USA ends up on 4 points but then if Panama beats Bolivia...that gives them 6 points. USA goes home in that scenario. But then if Uruguay vs USA ends up in a draw...and Panama vs Bolivia ends in a draw, USA and Panama each have 4 points. Then it comes down to goal difference to determine who goes home. Either way it doesn't look good but if USA go out in the group stage, perfect way to get Berhalter up out of there as manager. Think about this especially as the USMNT is trying to build towards 2026 as 1 of the 3 hosts too and this Copa America tournament is basically supposed to show that USA can compete with the big boys.


> But then if Uruguay vs USA ends up in a draw...and Panama vs Bolivia ends in a draw, USA and Panama each have 4 points. Then it comes down to goal difference to determine who goes home. Under that scenario we get through. We’re +1 ATM and Panama is -1. That can’t change if both final round games end in ties.


That's true but then if Panama wins and you guys lose or draw, you're screwed


Absofuckinglylutely. Ditto if we lose and Panama draws. If we both lose I think we’re back to goal differential and head-to-head.


Big boys you say? Can barely even compete in Concacaf lol. Lose last night. Failed to qualify in 2018 and needed a result in the last game of qualifying to qualify for 2022, finishing behind Mexico and Canada.


I get that everyone wants to blame Gregg but this is on Weah, imo


If we don’t make it out of the group Gregg is mostly responsible.


Weah's red was costly but this team should be able to minimum draw with Panama after going up 1-0 with a man down... The talent gap is not even close between these two teams. Greg made some mind boggling subs and tactical decisions.


It's quite clearly on both. We had almost the entire game to adjust and the wrong adjustments were made.


70% Weah 30% GGG. The managing decisions after the red card were terrible.


Yep. Not only that though lmao. Our attack was already dog shit without Weah. Now take out one of our key players of playing out that back (Matt) and our attack gets even more fucked. Matt also saves that 2nd goal. Everything that could've gone wrong went wrong. No way this is on GGG. 90 percent of other managers would've struggled in this game with the same problems. Anyone who says different just hates GGG.


Anyone that refuses to see the coaching contributions to this loss just loves GGGG.


We absolutely have to win against Uruguay now......or we bribe the ref and help Bolivia win.


Based on the US's teams current form, Uruguay is gonna maul them.




We all know what’s going to happen. We won’t even make it out of the group, and the Gregg stans (which includes the USSF) will scapegoat Weah and let him keep his job. Uruguay aren’t going to let up against us even if they are already through, because they have a competent and ruthless manager in Bielsa, who could’ve been ours if the federation wasn’t afraid of bringing in a manager that they can’t control like a puppet.


It's hard to call it scapegoating Weah when he got a stupid red card so early in the match. I watched that and as soon as I saw it, I knew that: 1. We were going to lose because we're not good enough to play 70 minutes a man down. For the home team, 60% of the time, teams with a red card lose. And that percentage is higher if the red card happens early in the match. They only draw 18% of the time. And this wasn't a home game. All of the analytics pretty much agree that once you get a red card, goal scoring declines while opponent goal scoring goes up. And the longer a team is playing a man down, the greater the impact. And: 2) That the GGG out side of the conversation is going to minimize just how impactful that problem is. The worst thing for the GGG out argument is a red card from one of your best players early in the match. I know that people will say that the manager should have made the player keep his cool but I think that assigns way too much control to one man over another man's temperament. It's not like Weah doesn't know this is an important game and hasn't played in this type of match before. There's only so much that can be done from the sideline.


How about this.... This isn't the first time this team has had red card/retaliation issues. Dest just did it within the last year. Maybe it has something to do with the discipline from the coach?


The game was in Atlanta and majority of the crowd was American. Why do you say it wasn't a home game? US are the hosts of the tournament 😂


I was thinking more in the context of the analytics which were done more at the city level where the team is playing in their "home" stadium. In our international matches, we're frequently playing in different stadiums even though they are all within the country. The game was in the US but is Atlanta our "home" stadium? This game was in Atlanta. The previous game was in Arlington.


Yah, I can’t take this analysis seriously after reading that


Why is Tillman getting absolutely no play time? The guy was class all season in Europe. I can see him not starting, but not even a minute is some crazy stuff.


Worth noting The US has currently slid into being the betting favorite on Monday, which was very much not the case 24 hours ago. My guess would be the sports book are weighing Uruguay potentially resting players, and The US needing 3 points now (which it didn't seem like they were gonna need yesterday afternoon). Though the flip side of that is Panama moved from being a plus favorite to now hovering around -140


Panama are favored to advance out of the group stage. U.S. is not, even if the USA wins. It’ll probably be something like 2-1 while Panama will destroy Bolivia by 3-0, enough to send them through. US didn’t score enough on Bolivia. That’s all that really matters in the end.


Im not so sure Panama will blow out Bolivia, especially after losing on their better players. We just have to beat Uruguay, its not over yet.


We’re two goals up on Panama in goal differential. If we and they both tie our final games, we advance. If we and they both win our final games, your scenario is the minimum Panama must do to advance past us. We would both end up +2 in goal differential, in which event the winner of the head-to-head game advances.


if we end up ditching Berhalter.. who do you guys like (and is also realistic) for the job? I was on the Fabian Hürzeler/Wilfriend Nancy train this past season, but now Hürzeler’s been picked up.. seems like we’re priced out of the “world class” options, so I was thinking more “rising stars,” if that makes sense


In all honesty anyone would be better at this point. Jurgen klinnsman didn't have any tactics, berhalter is the exact opposite, very dogmatic about his style but its also just plain bad. People talk about marsch being dogmatic with tactics as well but marsch actually had a winning record while at MLS, while berhalter didn't. From mls there are coaches that have actually won titles like Schmetzer, Steve Cherundolo that I would prefer over gregg. But honestly best is to just have BJ callahan while we wait until someone competent becomes available. USSF shot the mens team in the foot by tying the coaches wages to the womens team coach wages. Such bad decisions are made all around from ussf.


There's not enough time to let an interim manager sit in the role until someone better becomes available. Almost immediately after this Copa, the manager - whomever that is - has to be all in on 2026. A lot of stuff happens behind the scenes. A new coach needs time to evaluate players for himself. He needs time to start developing a relationship with the players. He has to develop his staff. He has to start planning the roster for the fall friendlies in two months. Etc.


Morocco did the coach change right before the world cup. Chelsea won the campions league with a coach that was changed in the middle of the season and didn't the same thing happen with Schmeltzer and he won seattles first mls cup? I don't remember but anyways it can be positive. Though I agree with you that ideally giving the coach time and structure is better but I think right now we have a complacent incompetent coach and complacent players.


I’ve been thinking about this too. Nancy is probably an unrealistic target for us. He’s probably heading to a European club. There are a few, long shot “big name” options. For example, Pep Guardiola apparently really likes being in the US and has hinted that he wants to work less. Would he enjoy managing the home side at the World Cup? I think there are other, long shots that may be available for the same reasons. Another option is “international specialists.” Even though tactics are much less part of the international game than club soccer, tactical tweaks can provide big advantages. (For example, I watched Rangnick’s Austria demolish Poland by switching the fullbacks. Could we have had a better result against Colombia by playing long, diagonal balls to break up the midfield trap?) I can’t really think of many options here. I don’t think Hervé Renard would leave the French women’s team, but maybe after the Olympics? I think Carlos Quiroz is a non-starter because he lived in Tehran working for the Iranian national team for some years, but maybe I’m wrong? Maybe there are others? An international specialist might be a great call for getting us ready for the Cup in a short period of time, but do they have enough gravitas to motivate players who consider themselves big-name players? Then, there are “domestic options” in MLS. I don’t think we lure Marsch away from Canada. I think I could get excited for Cherundolo. I think others have mentioned Curtin. I don’t know what I think of that.


David Moyes? He is leaving West Hams this summer.


Jesse marsch after Canada makes the semis. Big dicking Canada would be hilarious 


There is nothing serious to take away from this game.


A win will likely be enough, but we could still fall short with a single goal win and Panama putting 3 past Bolivia I scoffed at people bringing up goal differential against Bolivia, but it genuinely could matter now


GD will always matter in these types of tournaments and we should always be trying to run up the score when we can.


Not scoring despite our many chances in the second half against Bolivia feels even worse now.


The Pepi misses are adding up...


Weah should be sent home tonight. Regardless of his reasons or feelings after the fact, he showed a gross lack of respect for the crest and should be disciplined accordingly.


Umm you don't send him home. But you absolutely have to punish him. We need his talent but he needs to be on the bench and put in some work.


Scoutmaster GGG would start him immediately, too. This speaks to the squad's lack of accountability and arrogance, which has only emboldened them to do dumb stuff like hitting a competitor upside the head in a competitive international match.




Let's totally negate our best assets in the midfield and just make this an athletic contest of first to kicky bally. You are dreaming, US Soccer will just say, "US Soccer had a historic win against Bolivia and gained some great experience narrowly loosing out in the group".


We get smoked by Uruguay, and we finally get a new coach. Then we get bounced in the round of 16 at the world cup.


We could win 4 nil against Uruguay and you still couldn't unsee this game (unless you are on the board at US Soccer).


Argentina after they won the world cup.. they eventually will have to change their lineup.. GGG however will keep the same defensive line going till maybe 5 years from now.


So, Tim Ream is the next Pepe? Let's fucking go!


I get Adams being subbed, but I don't get subbing off Reyna for Carter Vickers. I mean, how about Musah instead of Cardoso and leave Reyna in, or Musah for Reyna. CCV has been awful for USMNT and was awful again today. We go max defensive with five at the back and still concede against a depleted mid team. This team is a comedy of errors.


Ccv was terrible


When you are down 10 men, who the fuck subs out 2 at half time? Let them know they are coming out and have them run like devils for 10 or 20 minutes and then take them out. Just WTF?


Lol Adams clearly can only play 45 minutes and Turner was injured. What was he supposed to do, keep them in? 




The broadcast claimed he was on a 60 minute limit for this match.


How about not start Adam’s 


Sure, you can debate the starting XI ah you want but I'm responding to someone saying that can't believe we made 2 subs at half time, when both guys that got subbed out literally couldn't have continued playing.


People are complaining a lot about the coach but what are the odds of winning when you get a red card in the first 20 minutes of a game? I assume they are very poor.


Extremely poor. This game made me explore the statistics of red cards. There are actually research papers about this topic. About 59% of teams who receive a red card lose. The earlier the red card is received the less likely the affected team is to win. Only about 21% of teams in the USA position go on to win. Usually, the team that receives the red card needs to be up a goal or more when the red card is given to really have a chance. Clearly, this loss is on Tim Weah. (and I like Tim ) But, if you want to blame Gregg for this result, I guess the argument to make is that he isn't able to properly control the team. Personally, I just think it was an extremely stupid in the moment mistake from a player. But, if the team doesn't advance (highly likely) someone will take the blame and it will likely be Berhalter. Makes me a bit worried because I do think that outside of this moment of extremely stupidity, this team actually did seem to be finding its footing in this tournament prior to the red card. Even at the beginning of this game, they were playing with an intensity that they l have lacked in many games previously. Hopefully, the next coach builds on that foundation and the whole team learns to control their emotions. No one wants to be the next Tim Weah......


It's crazy that there's a large subset of people honestly believe we should have beaten Panama playing with 10 men for most of the game.


They should have learned this lesson after the Sergino Dest red card.


Should have, of course. But, in the end that didn't have any real serious consequences. This situation OTOH...




I think moving on without Berhalter is the move but I do feel for him a bit today, he has no control over players making stupid decisons on the pitch


He has no control*


The head coach lost his cool and kicked his wife. Can’t expect his players to keep their composure either 


Yeah, man, these things happen.


Uruguay please bring the GGG era to and end


I absolutely despise Greg but if I had to choose between losing and firing Greg vs Winning and Keeping him I will always take the win as a US Soccer fan. I will never hope for bad things to happen for this team even if some believe it makes it better in the long run.


I'm thinking long term 2026 . Do you really think the mentality and tactics of this squad are going to make a 180 turn by then ?? Greg hasn't changed and won't change. We need a new voice in that locker room. A voice that's both feared and respected. We actually had 2 good home crowds out there when I expected patches of empty sections. The support has actually been there against 2 minnows. Yet the desire and mentality of this team reflect the amateur manager.


Under Greg? Probably not... I would much rather it not happen in a huge tournament like this though. He has had enough strikes against him that eventually he will be gone. Even if he squeaks through this tournament I think his firing is probably still inventible.


If we had CONCACAF qualifiers maybe we would have a chance to can him earlier but all we have is the Gold Cup next. With the current state of Mexicos talent , Costa Rica bebuild and Panama there's no way we lose out if we bring full squad. Sadly it comes down to Monday for Greg future. Offcourse I would love to pull out a result vs Uruguay but I just don't see Bielsa getting out managed. This has the makings of another van Gaal schooling.


What do expect them to do, storm US Soccer headquarters, kidnap them, and sell them all to the Mexican drug cartels? How much do you think a thing like that would cost?


You are never a fan when you are wishing the opposing team knocks us out of a tournament.


He just wants the team to get better. By firing Greg.


I think its a way of people coming to terms with the fact that their team is cooked... coming up with silver linings to their defeat. I know cus I do that shit all the time as a blazers fan


Realistically this was a two game group.


We have almost never defended for our lives and it showed


This match was actually a legit stress test on our players' mentality and concentration. We need this test some point before the World Cup and Tim Weah delivered.


It was disappointing to see the team fail the first test however. Fortunately they will get one more chance to succeed.


The defended plenty. And again and again and again, because gregg decided to bunker against might Panama in a two game tournament.


Eggs halftime changes were trash! -We were still having the better chances after weah red. -why would you not let the players you intend to sub give 10-15 mins more into the 2nd half to put in work and then have fresh legs close it out against tired opponents -we should have made zero changes (besides turner due to injury) and played a 4311 for 10-15 mins then malik and pepi for gio and balogun -but going into a defensive 531 shell, we lost all attacking depth in the 2nd half -Egg clearly was playing for a draw -lastly, Scally is garbage


How do you know those guys didn't get a cramp from eating too man orange slices at half time. It happens you know.


Am I doing this right moderators? Don’t want to upset anyone’s egos and make a separate post specifically about halftime changes that can be a center point of conversation. The turning point wasn’t the red, our goal, their first goal, it was the terrible halftime changes


You bunker for 70 minutes, odds are the other team is going to score a goal.


Personally, I think several players showed their quality tonight, but the game tactics and subs don’t give them the opportunity to thrive.  Balo proved he can be our guy up top Puli reminded us that he’s the best player on the field Robinson was incredible on both ends of the pitch McKennie was involved in several key moments throughout the game Adams did what he does of putting out fires before they even light Found myself disappointed by Johnny, CCV, and Richard’s though. Passing and defending was pretty suspect from all 3 of them


I agree with almost everything you wrote. I have just wanted to write here for a long time, that while I realize there is buzz about Johnny and he apparently has shown well enough in a Betis kit to have increased his value and drawn interest from bigger clubs--I have to admit I have only ever watched him in a US kit and I honestly don't see his quality at all.


We should have easily handed Panama their asses with 10 men.


Rarely can you pin a loss on a singular player, but I don't see how Weah doesn't wear this one. He's put this team in an enormous hole. And for a team that is going to lack serious competition over the next couple years, that really hurts.


I have enough hate in my heart to blame Weah and gregg.


bro no way the US should be settling for a draw against Panama, even down to 10 men.


I could understand settling for a draw when you are down a man. Absolutely no excuse for not getting the draw though.


Especially in a two game group and where the other team is actually decent.


No way should you put your team in a position to play a man down for 70 mins


Agreed, but it happened. Should be deeper than that.


No shit.


how the fuck is usa ranked 11th in world lol


FIFA rankings are not good and the U.S. gets a massive advantage by having all the tournaments hosted on home soil. The U.S. is 30th in ELO which is a much better representation.


Because that means there are 10 better teams than us at least and about 50 that can beat us on any given Sunday, and about 150 with gregg at the helm.


We just beat up on CONCACAF and constantly beating Mexico who is a top 15 ranked team (lol) probably pads our stats.


The elo system fifa uses is very fucked and doesn't take into account any real changes Mexico got a ton of points over the years and we've been able to farm them off them. Concacaf doesn't have a lot of churn for who's good and who's not. Everywhere else either does or never has had much success at the world cup.


Silver linings: 1. Uruguay will probably rest some of their starters 2. We’re still ahead on goal differential 3. Panama’s best player was red carded


Minuses: 1. There is no way to unsee this game and believe anything positive is going to go forward in the direction we are going.


I don't see how you can have watched that game and not see Balo's play as a positive for one. Robinson had a good game also.


This game was perfect for Musah. I was shocked when he didn’t come on at half. Aaronson too, we needed defensively capable ball-carrying players who can not only press but spark counter attacks.. But nope, Pepi comes in for our best player of the game and a 80% Sargent whos BARELY played with this team. Still this game isn’t ALL on Berhalter, it’s on Weah— shit happens. Let’s see how these last games shake out before tearing the house down. Rally behind these guys, they can do it.


He had plenty of good players to choose from to execute his bunker and hope you get a lucky bounce on the counter straetgy.


I thought Turner’s positioning on the first goal was atrocious. The way the Panamanian was defended, he was only shooting to his left. Turner should have been moving in that direction.


Shit happens, especially with 10 men. What you need to do in that situation is take advantage of your quality and score more goals.


That has nothing to do with Turner completely misreading the situation for the goal.




I really don’t see how anyone can blame Gregg for tonight’s events. I love Weah as a player but tonight’s all on him. I do think it was soft but it was contact to the head and that’s enough to force the refs hand, you can’t give him that chance. I’m confident that Weah will learn from this and it won’t happen again. I think people in this sub are greatly underestimating how much of a disadvantage losing a man gives you. You can’t dominate a game with 10 men unless you’re a team like man city. National teams can never reach the level of organization that club teams can, so when you get down to 10 in national team you don’t have much of a choice but to go defensive. My only complaint with GGG tonight is I would’ve used Musah instead of Johnny, I rate Musah so highly and am lukewarm on Johnny. I think Musah’s ball retention would’ve really helped. But otherwise when you combine being down to 10 men and the individual turnovers our players kept making we were fighting up hill the whole time, not to GGG’s fault.


I feel like you’re the only person I can actually discuss this with haha. I feel similarly. I was disappointed in the subs as they were happening and I’m trying to unpack that feeling into concrete thoughts. I haven’t spent a lot of time analyzing being down a man to be honest. First and foremost, It’s hard to know the fitness restrictions Gregg was working under. That being said, Flo was kind of dominating and drawing attention and fouls, I would have kept him on as long as I could. I felt that Gio coming off was perhaps a bit timid of a decision. Gio isn’t a super fast pressing player, but he can be positionally compact and clean enough defensively to spring counter attacks. He is also just fucking good. Tylers aggressive pressing / lack of cohesion with gio caused the goal in my view. I’m still wrestling with that one. It seemed like he wanted Gio to press the wing, while Gio was still compact. Tyler aggressively stepped over Gio’s position and it sprung a leak. Also, our quality in the middle is superior, and removing a player from there(gio) and the attacking wing (weah) concedes a lot of our advantages. I supposed he expected CCV to defend better, I also did. Bleh


I like Gio but I’m not sold on him playing as a CM. In general I’d prefer Musah to start over him if we’re going to play 433. I love the Musah, Adams, McKennie midfield. It’s hard to have 10 men cover enough ground, they have to run a lot more to make it happen so I’m not that pressed about the subs. Flo was great but I also like Pepi and it’s hard to play both. Idk what I would’ve done for that sub


I wouldn’t blame him for anything other than subbing on CCV. That fundamentally lost us the game and while that’s mostly on the player, the coach loses points if he subs on a player that fundamentally makes the negative difference in the game


Then you are blind.


Definitely agree about musah for Adams instead of Johnny. He just hasn’t replicated his club form for country yet. Musah needs to be on the field. He or even weah would do better filing in at rb than Scally. Haji wright also should be on the field


The team plays scared. Plays stressed. Lacks confidence and I think was just not mentally prepared for this tournament. It’s not just this game a game like this was bound to happen. The almost loss to Jamaica, the route by Colombia, and now this game. Do we really think we are a better team than we were at the end of qualifiers in 2022? I think we are actually somehow worse even with the continuity and increase in talent. This has been more of a failure than a success GGG has to own a part of that. I think he has been given plenty of chances at this point and this team will have severely underperformed the biggest test before the World Cup if they fail to get out of the group. I doubt they will fire him. The Federation and US Soccer is too insular of an organization to truly be self evaluating. It’s a shame but this talented generation is being wasted.


Gregg [rallying ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FPELc1wEvk)the troops after equalizer.


This game almost doesn't even count -- winning a match with 10 men is incredibly improbable, it completely changes the game. I hear what you're saying but lets wait until the game against Uruguay to burn the house down. Gregg def needs to go tho


You know we were playing against Panama right?


Eggs halftime changes were trash! -We were still having the better chances after weah red. -why would you not let the players you intend to sub give 10-15 mins more into the 2nd half to put in work and then have fresh legs close it out against tired opponents -we should have made zero changes (besides turner due to injury) and played a 4311 for 10-15 mins then malik and pepi for gio and balogun -but going into a defensive 531 shell, we lost all attacking depth in the 2nd half -Egg clearly was playing for a draw -lastly, Scally is garbage


This was completely inexplicable unless there was a massive locker collapse during half time injuring many players.


stop spamming this comment everywhere holy s, like 15x so far


It's worth being said the 16th time until you get it.


I made to post about it and everyone told me over and over again to post here. So I did. Seems like everyone here just wants to be negative instead of talk tactics. Your response is much of the same


No. We were out playing them a man down but his defensive shell and personnel changes at halftime killed the game entirely. No need to make the changes he did


It was a good adjustment. Panama was much more dangerous than we were in the last 20 minutes of the first half. A draw would have preserved the possibility that we could get through with a draw with Uruguay (or possibly even a loss). It almost worked.




Do you have access to any statistics to back up that much more dangerous last 20 mins bc I saw it differently. We were playing wide open and so were they, evident by the goals, balogun hitting the post right before halftime, etc


If Balo had bagged that second goal, wow, would the conversation be different right now methinks...


Balo should have given that ball up to one of the two runners in the box. Talent often brings the traits of selfishness and self-deceit.


Its a good point, I haven't seen him look to pass in that situation too many times, but I hope that comes with time with these teammates and trust.


The game against Bolivia where they should have buried more chances hurt this team more than the game against Panama


Maybe read some of the tournament rules first before commenting.




I didn’t realize how many great players Uruguay has. Well it was fun I guess. And no one knows how to cross and do free kicks. What’s with these gentle floaters? It needs bend, pace and the right height. Whoever can do that needs to replace Pulisic on free kicks. And Robinson can’t cross.


Uruguay is the type of team we came her to play, unfortunately it looks like they'll be the only one we get.


we played Panama. We play Uruguay Monday lol. Also, we were down a man for 80 minutes, what you saw wasn't our team.


Yeah I know we played Panama… I was just looking at all the goal scorers Uruguay had vs Bolivia and didn’t know some great players are Uruguayan like valverede


They have a decent shot at winning the whole tournament, they're definitely better than us -- still, that doesn't mean we're incapable of beating them.


Surprised no one is bringing up Johnnys effort on the last goal


Wow, so much doom and gloom. So many of you think this is over lol. Look how we responded after the Colombia game and played with Brazil. This Uruguay game is honestly gonna be a tossup, especially with them not needing a win. We’re absolutely capable of beating them. And this result is going to light a bonfire their ass, no more games. We just have to hope Panama doesn’t run the score up— that’s it, rest is on our players


Even if they beat Uruguay and advance, you can't unsee this game.


Not only do we have to beat them but Panama can’t beat Bolivia by more than 2 goals more than we beat Uruguay. So, yeah, it’s unfortunately unlikely


Good news, southgate is not our manager. Still think berhailer is better coach than southgate.