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You’re not going to get jumped but find some kind of lock or safety measures for the bike if left alone.


You’ll be good bro, I’d be worried about your coworkers or people at the park stealing your bike tho lol


yeah i still gotta figure out where im gonna chain and charge it while im working


I'm sure they have a spot in the employee parking area. It's guarded


I ride my ebike all over town (over 200 miles around town since I got it) and haven't had any trouble. Lots of people curious about it (how fast, how long, etc) but nothing unpleasant. If I'm stopping anywhere I'll either lock it, or if there's nowhere to lock it I have a motion activate wheel lock alarm I set, but it's never been approached or touched. I did get one of those little Garmin radar units so I can tell when people are coming up behind me because with the exception of Sonoma and Georgia, Vallejo is pretty bike-lane free.


Oh cool! What kinda dya have? I have a costco jetson one and the low mileage on the battery is making me consider getting a better although more expensive bike


I have the Lectric XPremium I really like it and having ridden hub-motor bikes, the mid-motor is a different experience (more like each pedal stroke us extra powerful instead of somebody pushing you from behind) I bought it originally because I'm a big guy and wanted to make sure I got decent range but I'm down at least 40lbs since I started (not just the biking but it helps) and I think I would seriously consider the XP 3.0 or Xpedition (Cargo) from Lectric instead to save some dough, but no regrets about the XPremium. The Xpremium is a beast tho, 75lbs and around 72 inches long. Dual batteries are great though, I get at least 40 miles at PAS 3(middle setting) before worrying about recharging and I'm sure I could get more if I weighed less or used a lower PAS setting.


You'll be fine. Maybe get in airtag reflector housing off Amazon. I agree with Vallejobro. I'd be most worried about a coworker stealing it.


Just take a normal bike if you’re worried about it


i dont have one sadly :/


Carry pepper spray


The crest?! Breh


I imagine that on any given day you'd probably have a less than 1% chance of someone deciding to knock you off your bike and take it. Maybe mitigate it even more by varying your route a bit every day. If something feels sketch trust your feelings, turn around and go another way.


I'd like to know in general if e-bikes are going to get jumped in Vallejo. This place is sketch.


Which place ?


Vallejo. I hate it here. Mare Island is it's only redeeming quality. I don't care about the down votes. Vallejo is a dump.


I live by the shoreline and it’s lovely. Maybe ur the problem?


Live by the Shoreline. So still near Mare. I'm on the other side of vallejo. No. I'd say it's the thugs. The lack of law and order. The failed 911 system. The corruption. I'd say it's the people who are so oblivious they don't see it.


You should try to move to American canyon. Way more chill


American Canyon is full of white meth heads.


Pretty sure there’s white meth heads everywhere in the Bay Area lol


Not like AC though. It’s wild out there.


Compared to Vallejo, it’s not that bad. Plus the police don’t have anything better to do, so if you call them , they actually show up to do their job.


so why are you in the subreddit then ?


Then leave.


I'd like to. Economics say otherwise.


Ok, then keep your mouth shut. Just because you don't like something, it doesn't make sense for you to call it shitty. You're just being a little bitch. Do something about it like volunteer or something else and then complain.


I called it a dump. Don't try to put words in my mouth.


You like to run your mouth dude. Let’s meet up so I can work that out for you. If you ain’t meeting then shut your bitch ass up.


No. The answer is no. It’s also not sketch.


Oh lord. You’ll be fine.