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I'm sorry people who religiously follow instagram follows really do need to take a nap lol


The person is like arguing that Ariana needs to “pipe down” for her response, I’m like girl you came to her page to call her a child after checking who she follows 😭 BFFR


I saw someone on Twitter saying that Ariana should just be quiet and not take any of the opportunities that are coming her way. I’m thinking, to hell with that. She deserves the good stuff


Sounds like a typical twitter user


Too true, the reasonable people are drowned out


Why in hell should she be quiet, what was the persons reasons for their opinion? (If they gave a reason.)


They weren’t specific just that she shouldn’t be profiting off the scandal, it was such a dumb take


Definitely a poopoo head


If Tom starts whining that he didn't get any opportunities from this, the brands should all go "Dude! Every time we thought about reaching out to you, we just, like, got the vibe that you didn't wanna know!"


I see what you did there, lol 🤣






I seriously wild out at how people think they can be with reality tv stars on their socials.


James needs to come put this person in time out


Yes! You know he would just destroy them but in the funniest way possible.


I’m probably going to show my age here, but are instagram follows really that important? Are they really representative of the real life relationships people have? Like if there is a person in my life who I no longer want to be friends with, my first thought isn’t to unfollow them. I will just…no longer be friends with them. Social media is not real life. I don’t know, it just seems weird and juvenile to me. But again, it’s probably an age thing because I didn’t grow up with social media and I realize it is ingrained in our culture now


This is exactly how I feel. I'm 40 and I can't be bothered to unfollow anyone. I just don't care.


This is partly why I deleted my Facebook. It got to the point where if I deleted someone (in an effort to make my socials more private and peaceful), my older sister would have people speak to her about my decision to delete them. It was too weird for me. I just deleted the whole damn thing.


We deleted ours in 2016 when it became a political bully pulpit


Yes omg. I removed a few of my ex's friends back when we were together and had one reach out to my ex to say he thought I had a problem with him. Like no, dude, I just dgaf about your political affiliations and this was during the height of the elections, COVID, all of it. That whole point in time is what made me realize I don't like most social media.


Lol! I'm 55 & don't even know how to unfollow


I grieve for 40; barely remember it now 😆


I agree. It is so strange to monitor that.


Gosh, I completely agree with this. Anytime there is a friendship falling out on the Bravo shows, the arguing parties do the unfollow thing like it's supposed to mean something. Why does the public or fans care which Bravo celeb follows/unfollows who?? If people were smarter, they'd just mute their stories and posts - works just like an unfollow without someone reporting it in the media.


It's kind of like reverse psychology. Unless you're trying to be an influencer, followers don't matter. So, when you go out of your way to unfollow someone on Instagram to "remove them" from keeping up with your life, it's a big statement. It's like the cherry on the top of deleting all your photos of you and your ex on your phone. It all sounds dumb, but it's just another way for people to be petty. We're also at a point where we give out IG handles instead of phone numbers 😂


It's such a weird thing to me. I also hate-follow people because I'm that kind of person. I dunno. I can't with instagram anyway, I'm all about reddit's insanity and twitter's pure chaos fuel.


You are my people.


Yes it’s like a red flag for me when ppl do this excessively and stalking likes also


Like, who has TIME to see who follows whom? Also, Lisa is Ariana’s boss? So it would be weird for them to follow each other.


One person probably noticed and then it spread like wildfire. People commenting about the alleged unfollows like fact all over the place without doing any basic research like “did they ever follow each other”. They just assume they did because of the show. So dumb.


I'm stealing that phrase


Fr like who keeps track of that? Or even thinks to check that? 😂😂😂😂 I’m here for the tea though.🥴


How about instead of being sorry you simply don't post your snide comment in the first place?


No, but thanks for your concern Also I was talking about the person coming for her not anyone here but ok


Sorry misread that my apologies!


How about instead of being sorry, you don't post your snide comments in the first place? (I'm just teasing I couldn't help it based on how this exchange unfolded lol)


Smartass 😁 Nah all good its deserved :)


Snide comment for making a snide comment for making a snide comment. We all know what this sub is for, let’s not judge each other for our perceived appropriate level of snideness.


I misread the comment - mibad!


Yup. People better be prepared to get burned if they're gonna go after someone like that. Lol


LVP only follows 87 people, and I *think* only 3 from VPR — Sandoval, Scheana, Katie; it seems like she only followed the OGs then unfollowed the three she has problems with (Jax, Kristen, and Stassi); seems like she never followed people from VPR after Reasonable but idk it is social media age in 2023 and people do tend to over-interpret Instagram followers for celebrities; even if it is ultimately silly it’s a weird look to just follow Sandoval and not Ariana and idk strictly for optics purposes even though it’s all so stupid in the grand scheme of things it’s something id consider if I were her esp since she’s already getting backlash *** this is too long of a breakdown of LVP’s Instagram followers than I ever thought I’d make and I do indeed need to take a nap


Four: she also follows Peter.


I absolutely love this for some reason.


She probably didn’t give Peter a raise one year and followed him on instagram instead. 😂


"So Peter, about that raise you wanted. I think if I follow you on Instagram, that should about cover it, right?"


I saw a post a while back questioning of Ariana and Rachel were actually close friends because they looked at her Instagram and didn’t see many photos of them together. Luckily people nicely told them that Rachel did in fact delete them because they existed before the affair broke. In fact there was an insane amount of all three of them together. So removing people or photos can feed into any narrative you want and that’s why it shouldn’t be taken so seriously. I just hate it when it turns into a storyline for a show and that has happened sooooo often throughout the years.


Sandoval (and prob Scheana let’s be honest) prob begged LVP to follow them until she did it to shut them up lol


I think she’ll always have a soft spot for scheana because her link to Brandi is what helped create the hype for VPR in the first place. So really they should all hail scheana right 😂😂


Also, isn’t Scheana close to Pandora?


I don’t follow anyone on socials so I’m not sure but I know pandora was a bridesmaid in the Shay wedding and I think she was at the Brock one ?


Yeah, I’m not sure about the socials either, but I figured that’s why Lisa was always so interested in Scheana/protective of her since she’s close to her daughter.


I just checked the photo from the wedding, and she’s not pictured as a brides maid


I don’t think she was a bmaid but I thought I saw her in a guest panshoot during the ceremony. I’ll have to rewatch the wedding




I feel like it’s her assistant who handled her social like most celebrities therefore it’s irrelevant


Wonder if she follows Richardson... she seemed like him a lot 4 seasons ago


Isn't lisa her boss ? I wouldn't follow or want my boss to follow me on social media .




Right? And I rarely even post anymore except for cat pictures and updates on my niece.


Glad she clarified this. So many people have been running with the narrative of them unfollowing Lisa. I just know these producers are loving all of the social media attention VPR is getting.


The comment towards Ariana and Lala is so absurd. Like you’re insulting someone based on something you just saw on social media 😂 truly take a nap lmfao. Ppl are going feral over this.


I hate how social media has become a way of validating how you feel about your friends and family. Personally, I like to follow people who I don't know IRL and accounts that focus on interests of mine (like fashion, interior design, etc.). I don't need to follow my real-life friends or my family because I (gasp!) talk to them and see them often. I don't have to go to their feeds to know that they got a new puppy or are expecting a baby because I get that info firsthand. Ariana's response was perfect.


My boyfriend and I were not friends on Facebook until recently… we’ve only been dating almost 2 years haha. We don’t care about social media validation!


God I remember in 2006 people stalking facebook pages and finding out who broke up with who. And don't get started on MySpace Top 8 reckonings 😂🤣😂😂😂


This. My real life folks tell me things. My SM is for kittens being cute or being wierd in an entertaining way.


I never post my 4 year old and rarely post my husband of 7 years. I’m with them 24/7 365! People are so annoying about social media.


This is why I’m beginning to hate social media. People are too obsessed with it.


Same. My husband never “likes” anything i post because he tries to remain as incognito as possible online. He wants to view stuff but not be viewed if that makes sense.


I also do not follow my boss or coworkers on social media. *Celebrities: They're Just Like Us!*


This! I would never want to follow my coworkers on IG nor would I want any of them to follow me! It's called boundaries 😂🫠 I already spend enough time with them at work!


It’s completely different when you work in the restaurant industry though.


No it isn't. I worked in restaurants for a long time and never shared social media with anyone. If they asked I would lie and say I didn't have it. Some people just don't want anyone they work with to know their social media, no matter what industry.


In the 10 years I spent in restaurants, I never encountered a single co-worker who shared that mentality so I really think it’s far from the norm. Of course there are people like that in every walk of life, but the norm in restaurants is to be friends outside of work.


Thanks for posting this! I hope this means the end of the breathless *ariana unfollowed lvp because lvp knew!!!!!!!01* posts on this sub now


Take a nap. Nice. ![gif](giphy|mjccDIeCcTEkgNMQjM)


What I wouldn’t do to see Ariana & Candiace together raising hell!


I thought the same when she came up on WWHL and Ariana seemed so excited about her - I think they would be amazing together!


Oh you just made me wish UGT would fill in with other bravolebrities.


We need younger, more dynamic cast members for UGT, as well. Watching the divas tear each other down & get wasted is getting stale for me after this most recent trip. It didn’t seem like fun at all.


You’re right. Season 3 felt like a group of women at work, not on vacation.


I will NEVER understand people who keep up with who follows who and who unfollowed who 🤯🤯


Same. It sounds exhausting lol.


My poor adhd brain could never remember anyway. 😭


I feel that way about myself as well and then sometimes my brain does things so astonishing it just like really surprises me. I have often been reading in threads on Reddit and noticed a comment scraping bot that stole an earlier comment. I like to always report those and then comment back that it is a comment stealer bot and that people should report spam. I can't do a lot of things that normal people probably find easy but then my brain will be like a crow with something sparkly, suddenly out of nowhere noticing something that kind of astonishes me.


Im loving this new era of Ariana


imagine getting told to take a nap by Ariana. you done fucked up girl 🥶


One might say she's done diddly fucked herself over, perhaps.


I’ve gotten into so many fights on Instagram lately, the folks there are really nasty towards the women on the show. Except the poor sweet innocent little BEB of course, they love a guy’s girl they can infantilize.


Yeah I feel like people have such parasocial relationship mentalities on there, thinking they can just say whatever they want to the person as if they know them. It’s weird.


It seems like it’s worse with reality tv people, that since they’re not portraying fictional characters but (edited) versions of themselves instead. Makes people think they *know* these folks


And Twitter is even worse somehow!


These people are unhinged 🫣




I love that Ariana sticks up for herself on the internet 👑 she doesn’t let herself get trolled irl or on the web


TAKE A NAP 😂😂 she is legend.


Love this. Take a nap LOL


I’m glad I don’t have Instagram.


You’re not missing much.


Instagram comments are the worst. So many troll accounts saying the most horrible things. I try not to look now and stay in my safe space of this sub where the majority of people can communicate in a reasonable manner 😆


“Take a nap” is now going to be the way I end every insult.


She’s baaaaack. 😻🔥 ![gif](giphy|gJo7mUUmCCXJWTl3zX|downsized)


Who is this and how do I watch her whole show?


[https://www.marieforleo.com](https://www.marieforleo.com) I'm a little disappointed that she appears to be some kind of "let me tell you how to run your life" coach-type, but I'm also exactly hungover (i.e. suggestible) enough to think maybe she's the one who could really help me figure my shit out.


Omg - firstly thank you for that info and secondly my husband and I are so hungover today. We pretended like we were in our 20s and had drinks instead of dinner last night. I don’t have the energy to self-reflect today.


Oof, you have my sympathies. Gatorade and greasy comfort food!


Legend has it she’s still sleeping right now 💤


"take a nap" is the new "touch grass," i ❤️ it, thx Ariana!


take a nap 😂😂😂


Well said, Ariana!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote) ![gif](giphy|vIZ0U63Ig0uOI|downsized)


Lol her answer… take a nap. 🤣🤣


They probably all follow each other on their Finstas. Their main profiles are for marketing. This is their job, y'all.


I’m sorry but it’s extremely annoying that no matter what accomplishments the VPR cast has, Lisa takes the credit and is “the hand that feeds them” because she came up for the show. How little involvement Lisa had this season is all the indication needed that she is no longer integral and that this show would survive without her. She is not the hand feeds anybody anymore


Ariana is such a queen 🩷🩷😭


Their IGs are all public. So in reality, IMO, follows mean zilch.


Lmao. Point for Ariana


I replied to that user and ended with my comment with “disengage bitch.” Caught a case on IG 🤣




Not that it’s that deep, but is there any reason in particular why Ariana never followed Lisa? Ariana is following 1000 people, so she’s not one of those people who is picky about who they follow and she and Lisa have always gotten along. Is it because Lisa only follows 87 people and might not have followed Ariana back?


I'd bet Lisa doesn't manage her own page ... and it's just easier to just text her.


True, that makes sense


I love Ariana! Take a nap! 😂


Did this person not watch ariana on wwhl? She was very kind about LVP


Take a nap 🤣 ![gif](giphy|r1HGFou3mUwMw|downsized)


I hope that troll is on this sub and sees this! How embarrassing. 🤣🤣


There's following drama, and then there's trying to be in the drama


‘take a nap’ 😂😂😂😂😂 good as gold




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Lol who the fuck does she think she is. Ariana can do as she pleases. She doesn’t have to suck off Lisa like the Toms to be successful


Bahahaha take a nap…a queen always knows how to clap back 👏🏻


Are people that bored?? Hell I am just trying to get 1k followers on twitter


How do people even know? Do they keep track? It happens with housewives, too, people just seem to know who is following who and who isn't. 🤷🏻‍♀️


LVP is a little under being twice ariana’s age, why would she follow her? it would be one thing if she didn’t know her irl or they were like family i guess but they’re not.


People of different generations can be friends?


yeah you’re right, if anything she probably doesn’t follow her since it’s clearly just a pr account


I think that's exactly it. Ariana knows her page is run by an assistant or staff member and mostly for PR.




Naps needed all around!


People need to chill out in general over Scandoval.






This was removed for breaking the "No Speculating" rule: Speculation of pregnancy, drug use, sexuality, or mental health will not be allowed.


Haha great answer Ariana. 🤣😂


Whew, that knocks that one out .. yay.


Take a nap 💀


They’re really gonna have a go at Ariana?


Some people are chronically online…. And I say this as someone who’s been glued to this subreddit since the scandal broke! 😅


I wish this ding dong detective from the 502 hyuk hyuk area code would show up here. Might still be napping tho


I👏🏼LOVE👏🏼HER👏🏼 Take a nap, she still slaying throug it all


take a nap🤣


Let me at that little twat


Take a nap 🤣🤣 I LOVE this!


Embarrassing for “LuvLee” who thought they did something.


![gif](giphy|M32QB6wXERKdANkEj7) Take a nap lol


Tom took money from the house so she should be profiting off the scandal so she can sell the house.