• By -


That meditation scene was really uncomfortable to watch. Why did you sit there next to Sandoval? Was it assigned seating? Did you know you'd be breaking off into partner work? (Timestamp: 16:45) - Scheana: So when we first came to the mats, I originally sat where Brock sat in between Allie and Lala. I didn't know it was like a partner thing or whatever. And the instructor asked me to please sit on the end. And I was like, okay, is this like camera blocking? Like what? And so when she told me she needed me to move, that's when I sat over there. - Scheana: I now see why they wanted me to move because they wanted us to do the whole turn the back partner exchange, which was extremely uncomfortable. I was not in a good place that day. I felt very under the weather. - Scheana: I did not want to do that whatsoever. But I also was like, look, you got a job to do and this is your job today. So suck it up and try to get through this. And maybe, maybe there can be some healing on the other side of this. It felt very manipulative when the meditation guide made you look Sandoval in the face and imagine it would be the last time you ever saw him. How did you feel about that? Did you feel uncomfortable being forced to participate in that? (Timestamp: 18:00) - Scheana: Yes, that felt extremely uncomfortable. That was the moment when she was saying that and we're looking in each other's eyes and he started crying. That was the moment where I was like, oh fuck, he really does miss me as his friend. - Scheana: And I immediately started feeling guilt because I'm like, Ariana deserves genuine tears from you. Ariana deserves these feelings. Why is it being directed at me? And so there was a mix of emotions going through, but also remembering who he used to be to me but no longer was. And it was just a cluster fuck of emotions, to put it candidly. When you said that you still fucking hate him and went back inside the house, why did you even come back out? Do you regret that? (Timestamp: 18:48) - Scheana: I was just trying to get through my job that day. I don't regret going back out. I was proud of myself for pushing through something extremely hard. But yeah, that was not easy and it was not fun. Looking at your podcast past, I can't see when it was canceled. We see that it wasn't. (Timestamp: 19:13) - Scheana: Okay, so when I said it was canceled, Podcast One, who I was originally with for Scheananigans, dropped like 50% of their shows in March of 2020. - Scheana: And my show was one of the many that got dropped. I wanted to continue Scheananigans, so I started doing it on my own, which also then cost me money out of pocket because I had to pay someone hourly to edit the podcast. I don't do any editing at all. - Scheana: So as much as I still wanted to put the show out, I'm like, okay, cool, now I have to get someone who can do this for me and upload it and all of that. So we did it on our own for a bit. I put it on Patreon for a bit. So the podcast has always been there. I just wasn't with the company. Therefore, I was making zero dollars in ad revenue. - Scheana: So that job on top of the show being on pause for almost two years, zero brand deals were coming in during that time. And if you guys have heard Kristen Doute’s podcast, I know she explains a little more about her position she was in on the show at the time. So take with that what you want. - Scheana: But I just wasn't in a good financial position after season eight, and I had bills to take care of. And Tom did help both Kristen and I out. I know she declined it at the time I did accept it. And I said, I'm going to pay you back. And he's like, no, you're not. I'm never accepting you to pay me back. - Scheana: And I was like, okay, then I'm gonna do something really cool for you. And that year, you actually never even saw it on the show. His whole birthday party season nine was completely cut. We did this Western themed birthday. And I got him this crystal. It was like a Swarovski crystal replica, something or another. - Scheana: Maybe it wasn't Swarovski. Those were the real ones, whatever it was. It was a very expensive motorcycle helmet that was a replica of something that Post Malone wore.And I was in a better position at that time. And I got him this as a birthday gift because he was like, I'm not taking the money back. And then Brock was like, I want to build you an ax throwing yard. - Scheana: And so we were trying to just do fun things that equaled the amount of money he gave us because he refused to take it back because that was just who he was to us back then. Why were you so broke during the pandemic? Yeah, I think I just explained that. How are you and Katie (Timestamp: 21:48) - Scheana: So we're in a good place. We, as much as I'm seeing now her inner monologue and everything she says about me on the show, her and I didn't really have any negative exchanges this season. I felt like we were pretty solid throughout. - Scheana: We also just filmed something really fun together that I believe will be out in April. And I can't wait for y'all to see that. I was at her very intimate close friends Christmas party at her birthday dinner with only like seven other people. So I mean, I think her and I are in a good place. ***continues below


>I feel often at times when I tend to be self-deprecating, it’s not received well Self-deprecating jokes… are about yourself not others…


Glad someone is pointing this part out. I don’t think she knows what self-deprecating means.


I haven’t finished reading, I just got to the self depricating part & immediate scrolled to make a comment 🤣 I’m glad I’m not the only one thinking that. 






As soon as I read the first sentence, I ran here to say this! I just can't with this girl. 🤦‍♀️


That’s what I was thinking


And humor is not her strong suit so maybe stop trying it ?


I mean she 💯 wasn’t trying to be funny and was dead serious and jealous at the time but she’s spinning it now


That’s where I stopped reading. Fuck these excuses Scheana, we aren’t as stupid as you look and are.


I stopped reading at “now that I’m a mom.” It’s annoying when we play the mom card to say why we’re above things. Just stop.


She so easily explained everything away. And what's worse is she does get how Katie and Ariana could be feeling some type of way, but she does the things anyway.


That part


She doesn’t understand the word self lol imagine that.. schenerrrr doesn’t get what self means


Ok, I have never defended Scheana before this week, but I think the point she was making was that she was in on the joke, or that she knew saying Ariana had come a long way from being her back up dancer would make people laugh at her.


The person making the joke would obvs be in on the joke they're making. That said, she was so not joking.


I actually get what she’s saying and appreciate that form of humor. Her delivery was very poor. She almost needed a dramatic fake cry after saying it. Schwartz is good at it/would deliver it well.


I was just about to comment this!


I don’t think Scheana understands how well the audience would receive “I shouldn’t have said that - it was not from a place of kindness, and I know I’ve missed the mark this season.” Her doubling down just proves what everyone thinks about her right.


This 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼




And that's why she gets along so well with Tim. Birds of a feather. Or Dumb and Dumber.


Just like Sando 🙄


I’m sorry but her and Brock playing a space engineer and surgeon is hilarious. I’m picturing bad p*rno level of acting.


I’d def watch just for the laugh. You just know it’s going to be so silly 🤭


100000% I can’t wait for the clips to circle online lmao


Never heard of Lopez vs Lopez in uk but found on Variety: “Shay and Davies join Season 2 as characters named Erica and Justin, respectively. Per NBC, they are “Mayan and Quinten’s rival parents at Chance’s school. When both of their children get into the gifted program, the rivalry escalates to a battle of brains.”” I would definitely watch Brock as a space engineer called Justin in a battle of the brains.  The most ardent Brock ridiculer on this sub could not have come up with a better part for him.  Hope the clip goes on YouTube 


I won't watch. I don't think I could stomach it. But here she goes profiting off Ariana's pain of having to go through scandoval.


I couldn't keep reading the recap because that part took me out. I'm dead!


Yup, saw that and her "self-deprecating joke" excuse, and immediately scrolled to the comments.


Honestly same I didn’t finish reading lmao


I need her to define the job of a space engineer.


LMFAO same


Lol it totally reminded me of Denise Richards playing a nuclear scientist on James Bond.


Thank you!


“Do you get tired of it seeming like people are determined to misunderstand you?” And at this point, as a public figure who’s been on TV for 10 years, always getting “misinterpreted,” and is constantly so defensive and is also SO obsessed with her public image… Scheana needs to learn to speak and move more deliberately. Gain some self-awareness on how she could be coming off. If every time you open your mouth people don’t understand what you’re saying, you’re the one with the poor communication skills. How many times in recent memory has Scheana had an anxiety spiral about needing to “set the record straight” in instances where she looked like a backstabbing disingenuous friend and a Sandoval apologist? Going to Sandoval’s hotel room at Bravocon. “The picture.” Her podcast interview with the producers. Everything airing this season. There’s probably more I’m not naming here. My point is, in every instance she comes off looking terrible, tells us what we saw is not really what we saw 🙄 and panics about the backlash so she obsessively needs to overexplain herself. If it takes THIS much effort for her to come off as a good friend, she’s not actually a good friend. If she needs to jump through all these mental loopholes about how she isn’t softening towards Sandoval, she actually is.


I stopped reading after she said stay tuned in the first few paragraphs because of literally what you wrote.


Yeah exactly. The more Scheana talks, the less she says. I haven’t watched since episode 3 this season and the recaps show that each episode is getting worse, so I won’t be staying tuned because my expectations are on the floor.


I stopped after the 3rd episode too!!! I just get my updates from here lol.


The ol’ “it was supposed to be a joke” defense!! What was the funny part? She, herself, didn’t even laugh - just had that stupid ass smirk. And of course it wouldn’t be classic Scheana if there wasn’t a dig at Katie: “… as much as I’m seeing now her inner monologue and everything she says about me on the show…” 1. She didn’t say anything that wasn’t the truth 2. You did the exact same thing to Ariana - you literally just spoke about it minutes ago.


“Doing the Katie thing and getting a jab in”… girl you’re doing the thing you’re accusing her of in this very sentence. It drives me bonkers. She finally acknowledges that the Toms have been abusive to Katie but completely omits the role she’s played in that for years, especially last season.


Scheana the bafoon. ![gif](giphy|3o85xnoIXebk3xYx4Q)


It's a "joke" now cause she's getting backlash. But if the audience was Team Tim like the producers, Scheana, and Lala somehow thought then it would've been looked at as "justified shade thrown at Ariana" She's backtracking per usual and of course the dig at Katie which was expected.


Sheener shades Ariana then refers to it as self deprecating. That girl just never ends on an intelligent note.


I need a therapist to just unpack all of that.


As does she.


This really illustrates the problems in the later seasons of the show. At the start, the drama was about trying to be friends with your coworkers. And they could be open about work conflicts like tricking each other into side work and getting orders wrong, switching shifts, etc. And the show is still about trying to be friends with your coworkers, but they aren’t allowed to say that anymore because now the job IS the show. So they have to say all of that on podcasts and interviews and things instead of on the show where it would be the most interesting.


So we’ve learned that like Sandoval Scheana can’t take accountability, so no wonder they are such good friends.


With narcissists, it’s always someone else’s fault.


I just don’t see how this is a successful podcast..how does this woman have any fans lol


I actually feel for her on this point and see why she will do ANYTHING producers tell her this season- it's not just the salary from VPR - once the show is over, no one will be paying attention to the podcast or her other endeavors that are too wrapped up in her being a castmember. She doesn't seem to recognize much beyond what's right in front of her. She is listening to the producers and doing the most but it is dropping her Q rating which is too shortsighted. Glad she got a role in a movie- she REALLY needs to (already way behind IMHO) figure out what the hell she is going to do after the show ends.


It's a TV show, actually


Her voice is also grating on there.


Haven’t read all of it but just her saying “That’s why I asked Ariana to be a part of *my* Roxy show!” is so self unaware of how she continues to try pose Ariana as her side character that’s getting this singular moment of stardom, lmao.


And she also snuck in that she was the only reason Ariana was on the show


If I'm remembering correctly that's only partially true. From what I can recall Ariana was originally asked to be part of Season 1 but declined. So, the option to join was already there without the Scheana aspect


Yes and she was working at villa blanca (rip)


This is the truth. Scheana is trying to take credit for her spot on the show




Right and didn't Ariana say Tom didn't want her to do the show?


That's pretty gross. She's mentioned that several times on podcasts/interviews fairly recently. It's like she wants to remind the audience AND Ariana that all this, whatever is it is only possible because of her. I could not be friends with this chick. Idk how Ariana does it. I would give her Katie energy.


She isn’t taking any accountability for her meanness to Ariana. You can do all of these - be sad, want peace, talk about feelings, etc., without getting mad at Ariana. That’s what doesn’t make any sense. She has absolutely no awareness.


Oh I caught that.  Her new thing too that I’ve seen her bring up on multiple occasions is texting Ariana’s mom behind her back. Like she seems to think this is great example of her being a good friend. But she seems to forget or be oblivious to the fact that her mom reached out to Scheana because she was worried about Ariana’s emotional state because this was like a year after her dad died, and the same season Scheana was calling Ariana miserable and “Bitchy Barbie”.  She was actively annoyed with Ariana that season, and a lot of that had to do with her being friends with Kristen who still had a huge hate  boner for Ariana and Ariana not wanting hang out in social settings with Kristen. So her texting Ariana’s mom to trash Ariana’s relationship wasn’t coming from a completely genuine place of concern. 


I mean she was talking about when she performed at the Roxy in LA. How else is she supposed to frame it?


I get that, but it (to me) has the same connotation as her saying “she’s come a long way from being my backup dancer!” Or at the least it’s not the time and place to say that line, lmao. When you’re trying to say how you don’t mean to shade her by bringing up how she’s been in these inferior/sidekick roles in the past, it feels weird to then mention yet again how she was second string or just support to you in the past. ETA - “I didn’t mean to shade her by saying she was my backup dancer, she was great when I invited her to perform at this other show of mine” is how it comes across to me. She could’ve just said she’s always known Ariana was talented and leave it at that.


That’s def a joke…


There is a lot to take in and I feel like a lot of this she should have saved for the reunion when people can respond to it. She definitely tip toes around what Sandoval is to her moving forward, which is wild she still can’t 100% get it. I also need an investigation on why Scheana and Kristen were demoted to per day. Was it to allow the new cast? Pay existing cast more? I feel like they have always brought the entertainment, intentionally or not.


I’d also love to know more about the demotions


I’m curious if the demotions are indicative of the network’s plan for the future of the show, pre-firings obviously. Seasons 7/8 were really focused on engagements, weddings and TomTom and Scheana didn’t really fit in those storylines? That’s the only thing I could really think of.


Yeah seasons seven and eight felt so stassi and Jax heavy so I assume there was a reason


That was an interesting tidbit for sure. Unpopular opinion, Scheana is carrying this season. Sure she’s flawed as hell but it’s fun to watch since it’s mostly superficial bullshit.


"I mean, I did a show in Vegas and she's on freaking Broadway" you know she just had to toss that brag in their, always gotta be about scheana. She even thinks her dig at Ariana was about her? like how does she not know what self depreciating means


Hahahahahha the “she even thinks her dig about Ariana is about her” hahahahah hilarious. And true


She said a whole lot of nothing in response to Katie’s (very accurate) read of her being a male sympathizer lol


Yep and instead of unpacking that to see why Katie might think she’s a make sympathiser she decided instead that Katie was just projecting because of how much she hates the Toms. So is she trying to imply “I’m not a male sympathiser, Katie is a male hater”?


I really wish she would just say yeah I am a male sympathizer sometimes - I’m not really one for the girl code or bro code thing and will judge situations in a way that is consistent my own internal values (or whatever). I would respect that way more even though hers differ from mine. But just chalking it up to a jab aint it


I don’t have energy to read this but reading a bit of it all I have to say is.. ***How is calling someone come a long way since HER back up dancer self deprecating ? That’s really putting the other person down not yourself and you know what you were saying. Or Do we need to relearn English scheana? Like John Oliver said- BULLSHIT


It’s not BUT I can maybe try to follow the train of thought lol If she had said like “Ariana’s come a long way since being a backup dancer for my awful performances” it would’ve been self deprecating. Maaaaybe she thinks the explicit acknowledgment her performance was awful was unnecessary as it’s been roasted endlessly for a decade online? And it was “implied” in her head? Having watched scheana I don’t think she’s quite that self aware, but there’s me trying to be charitable lol.


The way she’s trying to back track but actually proving everyone’s point about her… oh Scheana.


She really circles all around the point and never grasps it, it's kind of impressive lol


Scheana flip flopping .. again!


Her discussion of feeling guilty because Sandoval cried to Scheana and not Ariana is odd. Does she think Sandoval didn’t cry when Ariana broke up with him? Does she not remember his sobbing at the reunion?? Her view of things is so wild.


I think she absolutely does think that. I wouldn't be surprised if she's twisted it in her head that Sandoval was more concerned about his affair coming out b/c it would destroy his friendship with Scheana than his relationship with Ariana.


But didn’t he actually yell and get mad at Ariana when she found out about the affair? And when they talked the next morning he seemed defensive and angry at Ariana. I don’t believe for a second that his tears on the reunion were for Ariana - that was all for show. The thing that offends me the most about all of this aside from the cheating itself was that he did it while she was grieving charlotte and her grandmothers deaths and even after it broke was more concerned about him and Rachel’s future than about Ariana.


Okay but do you believe his tears at the meditation were genuinely for Scheana? That’s what she’s saying. He did cry during their break up scene. Yes he also yelled. And I believed his tears at the end of the reunion. Were they for Ariana? I don’t know. But I don’t believe his tears at meditation were sincere for Scheana either.


Fair point. I guess in her Scheana centered world it means more when it happens to her. 🤷🏻‍♀️


None of them were sincere. He wasn't crying about Ariana specifically since he'd moved past her and on to Rachel long before the affair news broke. He's simply a good enough manipulator to play the part and probably get off on sneaking around versus doing the right thing and breaking up before trying to date Rachel. Those tears in their final scene together last season were because he got caught and nothing more. He didn't want to be exposed on camera and wanted to control the narrative, only he was too asinine to cover his trail (on top of filming Rachel without her consent... ick). All of his tears are manipulative and designed to guilt trip the other person into feeling sorry for him. Case in point: his tears with Scheana and, honestly, his tears throughout most of the seasons. How many times did he fake sob over Schwartz or Jax? He's such a con artist.


She thinks it’s an achievement for her because Sandoval ‘cried’ for her and not for Ariana 🙄 They weren’t real tears scheana. You’re an absolute fool for thinking that they are…


Typical Scheana. Has to make herself more important


Ugh, she uses way too many words 😆 Just get to the point Scheana 🙄


Couldn’t even get past the 1st “it was a joke” part. Ugh


It’s such a terrible line and I’ve watched plenty of narcs over the years use it as their only defense of their poor actions.


Her face said it all!


Yeah, that stupid little smirk while looking directly at the camera.


Yep! They take jabs and when you justifiably get upset because that’s exactly wtf they were going for they gaslight you with “it’s just a joke, gawd, you’re so sensitive!” Fuck of Scheana. The smirk said it all.


She who doth protest too much. The more long-winded Scheana is describing something, the more guilty she is and the more egregious the thing is 😂


Brock and Scheana playing a “space engineer” and surgeon…😒


A few thoughts: - nope. Stop encouraging flashbacks. We've crossed the threshold. There's too many flashbacks. Give me actual content. Stop being lazy. - I'm glad she's getting other work. Hilarious who ever casted them in those roles. - the way she put Katie's relationship with Tom on Katie while explaining the male sympathizer comment should be used in psych 101 class. To see years after years of Tom's continue attacks on Katie and the way he tore apart Schwartz and Katie's relationship and sit there to say that no Katie is the one with the bad relationship. She doesn't like Tom. As if she has zero basis to not like him?? I just can't, Sheshu. - the Ariana bits are ridiculous. Like I get it your jealous that your friend is doing well but like it has nothing to do with you. Because if it did it would have happened ages ago.


It’s really clear this cast is self producing too much. All this talk about waiting to have certain conversations on camera, discussing what you’ll talk about in your scenes together, and apparently deliberately trying to create opportunities for flashback clips? Let producers and editors think about that stuff.


She was just trying to get video of her performance more airtime


Re Tom & Katie's relationship - she yet again doesn't acknowledge her role in the whole Rachel of it all last season...


Based on the photos I’ve seen of Brock and Scheana at events, they def dress up like they’re about to perform a waltz on DWTS.


I really appreciate that Scheana is willing to share all her ridiculous thoughts. It makes for good tv.


Honestly I agree lol. Like what she said about DWTS was cringey but it was also sooo real. I can understand her feeling that way even if it's petty and jealous-- who isn't petty and jealous sometimes? Her running around and trying to make her feelings Ariana's problem, though, is bananas.


Yeah I am not a fan of hers but I appreciate that she will always be ridiculous and give me something to talk about


Me too!!


i’m so confused - so she can have empathy for tom bc of how she felt during the katie/stassi/kristen era - and understands the clamming up and tight chest feeling …..but for some reason neither Lala nor Scheana can understand or fathom why Ariana doesn’t want to be around Sandoval? ITS THE EXACT SAME FEELING SCHEANA. and Ariana feels it EVERY time you bring up Sandoval, or want to talk about him, or when ur hanging out in his hotel room at bravo con, etc. if you’re open to having empathy towards the guy who supported a restraining order against you, why in the world can’t you understand where Ariana is coming from and WHY it upsets her so much when you make intentional decisions to be around him/make the story about you to “do your job and make good tv”. I hope your clout chasing was worth losing your friendship with Ariana. it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out WHY Ariana’s put space in the friendship ….. like cmon Scheana use ur brain Edit: fixed cant to can bc i forgot how the english language worked for a second 😂


Because she’s a misogynist, just like LVP, and holds her female friends to a higher standard. Her male friends can be assholes and not give a shit about her, but her female friends need to fall in line and consider Scheana’s feelings above everything else.


You just can’t fix her self deprecating ways 🙄 /s**


But that wasn’t a self-deprecating comment… it was shade at Ariana. 🙄


I’m listening to this now and my jaw was on the floor for the first part about the back up dancer comment. She said a whole lotta words and not one of them was “yes, I regret it, it was meant to be a joke but I now see it was just a mean comment and I’m sorry” GOOD LORD. She literally only apologized that it “came out” as a “shady” comment.


Her saying she’s in a good place with the girls and then a little surprised watching the after show and wondering “are we good?”, YEAH I bet they (and specifically Ariana) were also wondering that! I really hope her ass gets dragged with Lala at the reunion.


In the aftershow Katie said that Scheana acts like a buffoon pretending she's accidently hanging out with Sandoval & acting shocked when people call her out on it. Id say they aren't in great place.


So similar to Shartz always saying he and Katie are in a good place. That’s automatically code for the exact opposite. Both are delusional.


💯 Katie is pretty transparent about how she feels too. Imo Schwartz just wants Katie back. He loved having a wife, but refused to be a husband.


Yep I will if she recorded this before or after Ariana’s WWHL appearance because I don’t know how she can listen to Ariana say that the things Scheana has being saying about her behind her back have been very hurtful to Ariana and just ignore all that and unilaterally decide that their friendship is fine.


Me thinks she doesn't understand what self-deprecating means.


This seems like Scheana doing a practice round for the reunion.


I’ve never seen someone’s people pleasing being so malignant in their life and relationships. She truly just lets people abuse the hell out of her and will never close the door. I’m glad she’s understanding that her kindness to people who genuinely don’t deserve it hurts the people in her life who have always and will always be there for her. I hope she keeps working on it because I genuinely want to root for her.


I don’t know that Scheana even is a people pleaser. I think that’s something she uses to deflect from her shitty behavior. Everything Scheana does is about Scheana and for Scheana. She uses her relationships to further herself along. If production had decided to give Sandoval the Kristen treatment, Scheana would not have needed to forgive Sandoval to be a “good mother “ or to better her mental health. Scheana does what ( she thinks ) is best for Scheana.


I’m with you. I don’t see her behavior as true people pleasing. More like doing anything for male validation and always doing whatever gets her the most money/clout, and seeing true friends like Ariana as stepping stones/sidekicks to her role as the main character of everything


She’s the kind of person who makes the bully and the victim hug it out and say sorry, when there was only 1 person causing the harm or problem. Putting everyone on the same level only helps the bullies of the world. She is so vapid and deeply insecure. Wow.


Someone, anyone, please tell me when anything Sheener “explains” will land. ever!


That backup dancer comment was not self-deprecating. 🤣 Scheana is hilarious.


I don’t think she knows what self-deprecating actually means lol


I actually think Scheana is trying to pivot and backtrack but (much like Sandoval ironically) she just can't help but slide a few sentences in that reveal it's disingenuous.


I mean I’ve never been a Scheana fan but I appreciate her explanations and that she and Ariana are good in real life. She clearly sees VPR as a job and is hilariously self producing in all the wrong directions but it makes for good TV.


Considering what Ariana had said on WWHL this week I don’t know that they are as good as scheana is saying.


I agree and I think I am one of the few that understood what she was explained as attempting self deprecating humor. The awareness that even claiming to be a backup dancer for Scheana would be a joke because it was a little bar performance Ariana danced in to support a friend. Scheana Shay’s backup dancer doesn’t rank enough to be listed on Ariana’s bio. Now her comment about trying to grow each season…. Ouch. If this is her growing- she needs some more vitamins or something. Scheana on tv is painful. Scheana reflecting on her tv performance interests me.


Good TV? For me personally, it makes me nauseous 😕


Let me put this in the most pretentious way I can. I love Wes Anderson, but I hated Asteroid City. It felt like he took the most Wes Anderson movie ever, stuck the second most Wes Anderson movie ever up its butt like a hand puppet, and then took all the other Wes Anderson movies and ground them into flour and baked a cake and made the movie eat all of it. This is that, but for Scheana. This is Scheana's Asteroid City. And one could go through and unpack all the many delulu things she says here, but it's probably best to stand back and watch the spectacle.




I’m so sick of Scheana’s “it was a joke” excuses. You said what you said, just fucking own it.


Exactly. “Say it with your whole chest, bitch.”🤣


The Most hysterical thing about Sheana is had anyone tried the shit she has done,(it if she got dancing with the Stars, someone gettingmarried/engaged on her engagement weekend/someone explaining to her hoe much they were the ",other women" cuz of trips earring ect,) she would be ballistic she is TONE DEAF to everyone around her


Her discussion of feeling guilty because Sandoval cried to Scheana and not Ariana is odd. Does she think Sandoval didn’t cry when Ariana broke up with him? Does she not remember his sobbing at the reunion?? Her view of things is so wild.


Oh no, he was crying at the reunion because his bast frond Scheana wasn't going to speak to him anymore.


By all accounts Sandoval was really angry and remorseless to Ariana when it first came out. Then she chose to stop talking to him. So it seems likely Ariana has never had a genuine remorse moment with him. I get what Scheana is trying to say here.


I disagree. I think what she’s trying to say is that Sandoval is crying for her and has never cried for Ariana. And I do not think that is true. Also, Ariana has given him no chance to cry to her now. Also, Sandoval can be genuinely sad to not have both of them in his life anymore (I mean I don’t believe he feels that way but it’s possible). It’s not an either or situation and the fact that she’s comparing it is odd to me.




Well it’s like her saying in the last episode that Sandoval “100%” misses his friendship with Scheana more then his relationship with Ariana. Like even if she genuinely thinks that what an awful bitchy hurtful thing to say out loud for Ariana to eventually hear when Ariana probably is already questioning if he ever loved her. Its rubbing salt on the wound and it’s Scheana basically inserting her self in their breakup to such an extent that if someone is watching VPR for first time this season they would think Scheana was the one that was betrayed.  


I think it’s cuz she was lying lol


Is it just me or does it feel like rubbing salt in the wound?


Yeah I think so


All I can say is that this podcast has done absolutely nothing to change my perception of her. She’s just as gross, selfish and unlikable as ever.


Scheana already expects to be defending herself tomorrow lol.


Self derogating? How is making fun of someone else self deprecating???


Came here to post exactly this


I honestly do understand Scheana more from this episode. I am still disappointed in her because it does seem like she wants to forgive and forget everything bad Sandoval did, and if Ariana gave her the go ahead she would be friends with him again. But it does seem like she is reflecting and working on herself. I’m glad she listened to what Katie said and is looking inward instead of just ignoring it, and hopefully with more time away from Sandoval she will finally see him for what he really is.


“Ugggglayyy” lmao (Amanda Bynes, “She’s the Man”)


Lmfao! AB was killer in her prime!❤️‍🔥


Yes I would say I hate her about 10% less after this


Yeah me too. I get it. And I do appreciate her being real on the show


Her discussion of feeling guilty because Sandoval cried to Scheana and not Ariana is odd. Does she think Sandoval didn’t cry when Ariana broke up with him? Does she not remember his sobbing at the reunion?? Her view of things is so wild.


I think her point is more that she never believed his tears UNTIL the meditation exercise, and shes saying she feels guilty he genuinely cried for her and not ariana.


But my point is that’s a wild statement to make since she wasn’t in any of the conversations Sandoval had with Ariana after she found out. Also, his tears were obviously performative during the meditation.


I agree his tears were performative, but I’m prettty sure ariana has said Tom was pretty much yelling at her until cameras came on and they haven’t had any convos since.


To think those tears were genuine and none of the other times were is stupid IMO


Hasnt Ariana made a few statements after Tahoe defending Scheana saying she's a good friend to her? I wonder how organic those were or if they were made under pressure from Scheana & Lala.


She made one IG stories but that's it.


Thanks! Its hard to keep track b/c the off camera stuff is now more exciting than the on camera stuff


She did the IG one after Lala pressured her to


I also think this is what happens when you spend too much time in ur mentions. The constant need to explain while trying to make it seem like something it's not - the dancer comment about Ariana is self depracating?! - just comes across as disingenuous (which i think it is).


Yep, but I thought she came off as a twat


Thank you for the recap my lovely!!!! I’ve bought you a coffee but you deserve a million!!! ❤️❤️


Aww thank you so much!!


Scheana is full of shit. Anytime she gets called out on something she said she claims she was joking and that it just came out wrong or was misinterpreted.


She deffo reads Reddit, her comments about Katie & sandavol & Schwartz I read on a thread the other day 😭😅 sheshu just repeats what other people want to hear with her lil bobble head ![gif](giphy|fQuiwZdNvUiABHG2jU)


Assholes when they say asshole things that they get called out for always follow up with “it was a jooooooke guys!” 🙄


That and it seems like the new line in reality tv is, “I had a job to do/it was part of my job.”


How she’s going on about how ‘Ariana doesn’t always text me back, but I know it’s not just me.’ She’s absolutely texted all of Ariana’s friends asking if she responds to them 🙄 chill out scheana please.


I don’t believe a word she says…I find her very unbalanced


Who thinks she just fast forwarded through everyone else just so she can see her parts in this season?


She constantly contradicts herself. Like the online chatter just being ‘noise’. Then, why have Lala pressure Ariana on making a post about YOU and how you look? I mean the only part of this podcast that seemed honest was the filming of the meditation scene. Which in a way is disappointing because the reason they did that, worked on her. They wanted to break Scheana, on being soft (or looking like) on Tom. Crying with him, possibly slowly letting him into the group again.


Just constant contradictions!!


miami girl deserves a public apology, just sayin’. what’s also kind of scary to me is that ariana and sandoval started to seem realllll convincing in their responses and lied for years. for what purpose? gaslighting and calling kristen crazy and making hurtful comments like she has BPD? not a fan of kristen, but weaponizing someone’s mental health when you have mental health challenges is pretty gross. i dunno man, ariana didn’t deserve what happened and tim is not a good person, it saddens me there seems to be zero tears shed for the life they shared, but we cannot deny she played a role in his lies and manipulation towards others. clearly her and kristen are cool so hopefully there was some accountability taken. i’ll get downvoted for this i’m sure


Miami girl doesn’t want to be spoken to or about. She’s made it clear that she just wants to be left alone.


I’ll die anti Miami girl lol. Even though they did hook up it was beyond weird to come confront him about it on the show. Actually even weirder behavior on her part knowing his gf knew and didn’t care. Kristen also was crazy. I love her and she’s gotten a lot better. But involving herself with Miami girl was batshit behavior and not AT ALL vindicated by the fact that it was true. To this day I feel that Ariana was better to Kristen than she could’ve been. She was ugly at the reunion and gaslit her for sure, not excusing that at all and she needed to apologize for it and has. But there was a loooong time after of being very forgiving toward Kristen despite Kristen repeatedly treating her awful. And she was also very understanding of scheana trying to have a friendship with Kristen also at a time when Katie and stassi were absolutely berating scheana for it


I'll always have a soft spot for She Shu 🤷🏼‍♀️She always clocks in for the show even if it's to her detriment She seems like she's in a much healthier place and has a healthier perspective on things than she did a year ago I'm definitely interested in seeing how the reunion goes down with her and Ariana. I don't think Ariana is simply going to let her slide for some of her comments. I predict a lot of tears lol.




I think Scheana is being authentic, she is trying to be honest and explain herself and reflect that little bit that she right now is able to. Also I also believe her reasons behind certain actions and words, as the show has been relying on her for many years for drama. Scheana gets a lot of hate but she does know how to keep people talking and the interest up. (A showman, Erika Jayne might say. Something less flattering, Dorit would say.) You do you Sheeshu❤️


I've only read partway through so far, but I have to agree with at least one aspect... She is definitely putting herself out there. She has gotten criticism for years over acting as though her life is perfect on camera, and she is 1000% not doing that so far this season. \- she has been fighting and arguing with her husband over very real life issues \- she has admitted to having a mental health concern and to taking medication for it She's never been open on camera before about those kind of issues happening in her life, and I will give her credit for at least trying to be more authentic in that aspect. I've also seen many comments online from other moms who relate to her post baby mental health struggles. My break is over, so I'll finish reading shortly.


Honestly I got like 1/3 through and thought “I’m too tired for these scheananigans” and her backpedaling bullshit. The “it was a JOKE!!!” and the “I’m NOT trashing Ariana!!!!” AND “I’m being open and honest this time” AND MY BIGGEST ISSUE when she’s mad that fans judge her without listening to her full podcast/read recaps but she CONSTANTLY talks about shit she hasn’t watched in full and just references TikToks and Instagram Reels. If you don’t want to be judged without people seeing the full picture then why are you doing it to others & profiting off it????


*Scheana: I wanted to make peace, so I wasn't triggered by his presence anymore, and I needed to do what was best for my mental health, so I could start sleeping well again at night and being present for my kid during the day. It's like, I'm on a show with this person. I needed to get to a place where I could film with him, be at the same venue as him, and not have such a strong knee jerk reaction where when someone walks in the room.* ​ That is BS. Wasn't she wailing about how she missed her fRiEnD and she didn't want to be mad at him for Ariana, which is something Ariana never asked her to do anyway


If what she's saying is genuine. I wish she said it on the show


Maybe she will though. I think she might during her convo with Ariana in tuesday's episode.


So... SheShu isn't doing couples therapy with her husband yet but jokes that her and Katie should.... I mean, shouldnt she just get Katie on her supplement regime?? /s


Why are they filming the reunion before the whole season is out?? I don't get it!


It always happened though. For every Bravo shows, they always film the reunion in advance. Also like Scheana said, they have screeners so they can binge the rest of the season.


Thanks for responding! I'm new to the bravo universe and didn't know that. Don't get why I got a downvote for asking a question 😬


No problem. The cast usually have screeners for the rest of the season before the reunion so it doesn't really matters when they film it.


One more question, if you don't mind: what are screeners?


It’s the episodes


they always film the reunion before the entire season is out because they need time to edit, get voiceovers, etc. The cast gets the episodes ahead of time so they usually film once they've given the cast screeners of everything up to the finale.


Thanks for responding! Didn't know that. As long as they see all the episodes beforehand, I'm happy:)


There’s a world where the whole cast says we don’t want to film with this person. They are bad for our mental heath. And then that’s his problem to figure out. He’s not a “need” for the show.


Ah, listen to all that backtracking going on.