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Tim recorded Rachel without her consent and was rewarded with an arc promoting him this season. He made those OJ and George Floyd comments and they were half ass addressed at the reunion. Bravo has zero shame so it doesn't surprise me.


He made the same comparison on the show to Scott Peterson and they left it in!


His “allegedly” comment was so crazy to me.


That one still bothers me. Ain’t no allegedly, that bitch was convicted and went to prison.


Yeah that was super dark.


yeah how is this not talked about more


I know, right? It's disturbing that this is where his mind goes.


"Rehumanising" him - because apparently people holding him to account is inhumane.


They half ass addressed it and he just yelled at everyone. So pathetic


And then lala defended him!! Like what is even happening with these people internally


He's such a deflector! Did you hear him on The Viall Files podcast? I try never to listen to him, but Katie mentioned it on her podcast, so I listened. He was like 40+ minutes late, and when Nick asked him why he was late, Sandoval said, "YOU were late when you came on MY podcast!" Which wasn't true, as proven by Nick's texts. He would not drop the lie, no matter what! How about just answering the question, worm?


It was so creepy how he hit all the narcissistic points in one conversation. He truly doesn't think he's done anything wrong. It's Arianna's fault for trusting him and not following him to prove what a liar, cheater, and pumpkin eater he is


I know! Even in the reunion him still using the private conversation he had with Ariana concerning her mental health. “I didn’t believe it” so that’s why I f*cking said it? What in the actual f*ck. He has no awareness and expects people to protect him and give him a break. Yet he will not do that for anyone else. It’s scary.


He didn’t believe it and felt like it was being weaponised against him so that made it ok to talk about it so publicly and weaponise it against her but also he couldn’t leave her so he had to just keep sleeping with one of her best friends on the sly because she threatened him with doing something that he didn’t believe anyway…? Can’t have it both ways, make it make sense!


But also he was furious when people refused to believe he was suicidal because he was serious and telling the truth not at all faking it for sympathy.


Right?! He seems completely unable to make the connection, it’s like there’s no self awareness at all and that’s what has me shouting at the tv every time he opens his mouth.


I know, you’re totally right. It’s complicated but also not. ![gif](giphy|l0IykOsxLECVejOzm|downsized)


He’s so fucking weird and exhausting. I think he just exhausts people until they’re like Jesus dude whatever and he’s like YEAH SEE I ROCK!


And how bout when he said he learned his lesson and would never cheat like that again. The host said, "like that? Don't you mean you'll never cheat again?" And Tim got all defensive. He's the worst


And Scott Peterson (the convicted wife murderer) and, with a knife attached to his leg, said he was going to cut Mya in half. Oh and joked that he had Ariana locked up in a room but it was okay because he crushed up chips to give her. I’m just saying if I ever met someone irl that said even half of those I’d be running the opposite way so fucking fast.


I think he’s potentially violent too. Punching the wall like he did in drag, is a classic sign of abuse. (I speak from experience on this). Also the way he flips to anger (even rage) so quickly is really scary.


The mental trauma that happens when they show you how hard they can punch something when provoked is horrific. I know this all too well.


Yes - it’s all to create fear. Punching walls, throwing things, driving recklessly with you in the car - all abusive behaviors intended to frighten and keep control. I’m sorry you experienced this. I hope you are safe and healing now.


This is why I am shocked he has a girlfriend !!


Seriously. The novel almost writes itself. He may not be doing these things, but he's thinking about them.


I still don’t understand how he is on TV. Serial killer jokes? Sexually predatory behaviour, spousal abuse, gold diggers…..every low of humanity has been demonstrated by members of this cast and they are still employed


Oj, George Floyd, AND Scott Peterson! ![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS)


The stuff Brock is admitting to is so gross that it makes me wonder what things are true about him that he ignores or denies. Like I doubt very much of the extent of the Dv in his life was “one slap” as he claims. The same season he admits this to Lisa and everyone he’s also being shown coaching James to be “less controlling” and “teaching” the guys how to express anger in a “healthy” way and it’s like excuse me? Who are you and why is this nonsense on my tv?


100 percent I have always believed he was more abusive than that and only admitted to the one he got charges for. In the same vein as Sandoval and jax saying they only slept with their side pieces one time, when we know it was more. The men on this show will only admit to the least possible crime. Brock knew there was records of the DV incident and had to admit to it


I don't think you're wrong based on the way Brock tells his story. He glosses over the slap then throws in a reference to an altercation with his father in law and all of a sudden the wife and kids are gone? He follows up by saying he won't pay child support because he's not going to give money to the government,, has his girlfriend pay said support for him, tries to get someone to pay for his engagement, tries to hijack someone else's engagement, lies about his marriage (all so he can stay in the U.S.), then asks Ariana to define male rage. I'm trying not to hate on strangers but damn these people make it tough. That Bravo wants to make this guy a star is just fucking laughable.


All of this. ALL his behavior on the show has been gross and dismissive of everyone else. He is really the worst kind of enabler for someone like scheana. As terrible as she is, I don’t think she would’ve come up with the whole “let’s crash James (of all people) and Rachel’s engagement party.” Reminds me of when she was Katie’s bridesmaid and bitched to Katie about having to chip in $500 and when someone brings it up she starts screaming “it was tacky it was classless it was rude,” but obviously learned absolutely NOTHING.


I don’t really think they need to investigate because he admitted to it. It’s so disgusting that he’s on our screens at all, but especially now that they’re shoving him down our throats as a full time cast member. Brock needs to go. How selfish is Scheana? The limit does not exist.


Remember when he asked what male rage was??? https://i.redd.it/g0rgrkj91e1d1.gif


My jaw dropped. The absolute audacity.


I'll give Scheana credit for calling him out (don't remember what episode) when he was going on about Ariana yelling at Sando, and she got him to admit that he does the same thing, then asked him "so who the fuck are you to judge Ariana?" Along with her Sando conversation in S10 finale and calling Schwartz a "shitty husband" to his face and on camera, these are her best moments on the show IMO.


And the Schwartz was surprised and tried to argue that he wasn't a shitty husband!  I wanted Andy to ask him:  then why do *you* think you got divorced???  Because as a viewer, his decade of disrespecting Katie seemed like the reason she finally left him.  


I know! He was an awful husband and treated her like absolute sh*t. And she forgave, forgave and forgave him.


I mean really, naming your daughter Summer Moon to outshine one Winter Sky is the epitome of disrespect. In what world is that not THE WORST?!


Scheana said on her podcast this week that her middle name isn’t Sky or anything close to that. She could be lying, but assuming she is telling the truth, naming her daughter Summer when her abandoned sister is Winter is bad enough.


Thanks for the update provided on the podcast- I hadn’t seen that yet. But, you get it - Winter vs. Summer is terrible.


Wait, she addressed it? Did she address whatever bizarre logic she used that made even the name "Summer" okay?


She said on the show that she always wanted to name her daughter Summer so it had nothing to do with Winter.  However they flashed to her saying previously that she wanted to name her daughter Madison so she’s full of it.  


RIP the memory of Madison Marie Parks Velletta


Seriously!!!! Scheana thinks we are stupid


Her and lala both do this with things they’ve said in the past and it’s such a pet peeve of mine. Jax used to do it too, just blatantly lying knowing he’s going to get busted. But that never read to me like he thought the audience was too stupid to realize, it was more like he was just flying by the seat of his pants.


One of the most infuriating things about these shows is how some people seem to forget they’ve been on camera for however many years??


I only read the recap on here, but it doesn’t seem like it. She said the middle name seems to be some kind of internet rumor, it isn’t Sky or anything close, and that she wouldn’t say what her real middle name is since it wasn’t her place to share and then moved on.


I remember she told a story about when she got her fake ID and her fake name was Summer, what a weird thing to also name your child lol


Who is Winter Sky?


One of the children he abandoned.


His eldest daughter. His youngest also shares the same birth day as his eldest. How fucked up is that? Didn’t scheana schedule a c-section or induced birth to make sure they had the same date?


Why was she spiteful to another mother? that’s deranged


Because Scheana believes it to be a competition. Everything is a competition to her. The sad thing is Winter Sky will never know her sister Summer Moon OTHER than the kid replaced her.


I think the middle name is a rumor, Scheana said on her podcast this week that the daughter’s middle name is not sky or anything seasonal.   The first name is bad enough, but I do think that part is a Reddit rumor.  No one knows anything about those kids so I don’t know how anyone would have found out their middle names. 


Tbf I’m pretty sure she had preeclampsia and didn’t choose to deliver that day.


The daughter he abandoned.


His other daughter in Australia.


Right. I meant Andy did not know if it was true supposedly because he asked him if it happened. I mean why did they let him on the show? He admitted it and they still have him on. I think if a woman had admitted to being violent and not seeing her kids in years she’d be judged more harshly and differently.


Bravo and Andy and the rest of the folks in charge only care about money. If people are watching they truly don’t give a shit.


Bravo rewards bad behavior and people if they will get viewers


Yeah like that friend of Brock’s who grabbed Charli’s ass and then got a spot on another show (Southern Hospitality). WTF?!


Where he did it again with no consequences


These shows were built on bad behavior. It’s why a lot of us started watching these shows, especially VPR. But the fact that they can’t distinguish bad behavior from domestic violence is very worrying. So many of these shows are so dark now. They aren’t fun to watch anymore.


It’s still a good show, but they need to understand that we aren’t going to accept the “boys will be boys” narrative anymore. Too many people, usually women, are hurt by the ever lasting “bro code”, and too many get away with this kind of behaviour.


I mean, look at Taylor and Russell. That was early days. They've always shown some very dark things.


They have, it’s true, and I don’t want everything sanitized. Reality tv should reflect real life. It seems like there used to be more balance, some of these shows feel downright sinister to me now, but maybe I was just more willing to overlook a lot of this stuff when I was younger. Maybe it’s a combination of both. I’ve probably outgrown a lot of these shows and should just stop watching. I’ve stopped watching most. I watch this one on Twitch. It’s probably just time for me to move on. I’m a creature of habit and I’m mostly bedbound so it’s easy to get stuck in the habit of watching.


They showed trav abusing Catherine


This is a fantastic point. Could you imagine if a woman did this? My god. The misogyny is so real on this show. Brock gets a “second chance at being a dad” but if a woman did it, it would be scorched earth by everyone on this show.


A women did do this. Stassi broke Jax’s nose and was accused of hitting Frank and slapped Kristen on camera. Nobody cared and most people thought it was funny.


Yep the gif is commonly used around here


I don't like that gif of Stassi hitting Kristen.


I was referring to no women having abandoned their children.


No, I meant about abandoning their children. So, no, no women have done that.


Where did you hear Stassi broke Jax's nose? I remember her says she hit him cause he cornered her and wouldn't give her her keys. If she broke his nose, oh well. She said he punched a bunch of holes in the wall too and owed her money. So fuck Jax.


Stassi admitted to hitting Jax and busting his nose open during the S1 reunion. Stassi then asks Jax, “and why did I do it,” to which Jax replies, “because I deserve it.” It came straight from the horses mouth on camera.


I always found that exchange disturbing as hell


It is disturbing. Stassi almost seemed proud that she hits Jax and she also was physical with Frank and Kristen.


Women on Bravo are violent all the time and are also abusive toward their kids onscreen. Yolanda is the original almond mom. Jill had an entire storyline about trying to make Ali lose weight. Tamara didn’t speak to her daughter for years. Russell was abusing Taylor, Thomas was abusing Kathryn. Bob told Sheree on camera that he should have hit her harder. I can understand Bravo not wanting to be the parenting police, and also the actual police. These scandals drive ratings, and will only stop when the network sees a decline in viewership with a clear correlation to the bad behavior of their casts.


Yeah after airing the second season of RHBH about ten years ago it's pretty clear there is no line that they won't cross and people expecting otherwise are a bit ridiculous. Not only was Russell abusing Taylor but he committed suicide before the season aired, it was all ghoulish and insane for a "silly" TV show.


But not many of them did not see their kid 4 years or they would get judged. Kathryn got judged not having custody


Ugh and Cam told Tom he was such a good dad for having custody…when he kept them in another building!


Nobody said that women have not shown violence. But He is a much larger person putting his hands on his kids mom .




I don't mind him being on the show as Scheanas husband like they did on season 10.. but I am having trouble with him on the reunion stage as if he is a full cast member?! Like why wasn't Ally there as well?


"Isn't Brock such a great dad, oh its another chance for him to be such a great dad. What a great dad he is." Great dads don't abandon their children and start a new family. Great dads don't let their kids grow up seeing how "great" he is to his new rich wife and kid.


What happened to Madison…. the name she said she wanted since forever?


That's not a dig at his old life


Your right…


She only wanted that name when she was dating Rob


Brock’s engagement ring buy bothered me a lot too. It felt like he made his priorities clear. He also named his daughter Summer when he already has a daughter (he seems to have alienated) named Winter. I was thinking about how upset Winter must have been at that. Almost like being replaced. And that Scheana should never have gone along with that name and would have asked for a cheaper ring if she had any real consideration for his other daughters. I am a single mom and have dealt with a stepmom who has no strong regard for my kids’s well being. My child wasn’t even told about or invited to their wedding and her stepmom didn’t seem to have questioned or concerned herself about whether that would make my daughter feel excluded and lessen her bond to her dad even more.


Absolutely replaced. They share the same birthday too.


Didn’t Scheana have a planned c-section and choose the same birthday intentionally? I could be mistaken but I think I read that somewhere.


Scheana is a horrible person through and through. Always has been. 


That’s what I remember.


It was an induction and she chose that date. It’s true that you don’t know you will give birth the day you’re induced, but it is fairly likely, esp since she had complications that could’ve ended with a c section (and maybe it did, I don’t remember)


I’m commenting this everywhere because this isn’t a fair narrative. She had a difficult pregnancy, and preeclampsia that developed into HELLP. Induction and c-section were likely medically necessary and probably emergent.


Wow, what a coincidence


Not a coincidence…Scheana chose her induction date. It’s sick.


What??? Edit: that’s creepy as hell 😭what was her reasoning? So they can be bast frands


I can picture Scheana thinking, *summers are the better months*.


opposite hemispheres so they're the same season is what's really fucked up


Yes! I was just going to reply with this as well. It’s so gross. Poor winter.


She just did a article explaining the “half siblings real name’. Nope any way you look at it, Sheana tried to usurp his previous children.


I low-key hope Winter becomes super successful and famous. That would eat away at Scheana's soul.


The way they keep referencing Summer as his 'second chance at being a dad' is icky to me. It infers that he messed up the first time so now he's trying again, and Summer is the replacement.


My sister treats her own stepkids like this. Sadly, this kind of stuff is rampant in the real world and we’re bound to see some of it on reality TV.


In Scheana's self-absorbed brain, and in Brock's tiny one, I think together they thought Summer and Winter's names would flow together as a family. Kind of like how all the Kardashian's start with a K. So I can see that. But if they pulled their heads out of their asses for just 5 minutes, they would realize that Summer and Winter don't work in their current family dynamic. The relationships are too strained. This should have been their very first instinct, their first pre-caution. But no, Scheana's been wanting to name her daughter Summer since she was a kid. 🙄


She even “practiced” the name on her pets….. 🙈


Wait, your ex didn’t invite his own daughter to his wedding, but you blame the woman?


Scheana is petty and vindictive. The name was probably her idea as a way to needle Brock’s ex.


I ***loathe*** Brock. His Main Character energy this season was as annoying as Scheana is on a daily basis. She sure can pick 'em. /s


The amount of times they have said he us getting a "second chance" at being a dad. Kids are not interchangeable. Fuck this man for acting like somehow he gets a magical do-over. It will be great for summer to find out she's a replacement too. It's all so gross


I care about this and am frustrated no one else does. He was also clearly coached into saying some of the right things last episode and all of a sudden tons of people were praising him. These men get away with everything


Sheana should not want him to spend it on her even if he had no other kids he owed a life to. She has a daughter he could use it for w her. He had no job. He says he has no job now. She bitches about money so much. Why want him to go into debt? She is so Selfish. Her college no but her ring. If u can afford it fine. If u do not owe to innocent kids


Brock has “entrepreneur “ in his IG bio😂😂. I do think he has a conundrum with being married to Scheana. I think she wants him home so she can be gone all day (and night) to take care of Summer (he has squawked about this), but I think she wants to also keep an eye on him because of her trust issues. And while this is happening she probably gets pissed he isn’t pulling in $$$, and constantly complains about being the breadwinner….


Scheana doesn't care because scheana thinks she's more important than his ex wife and other children. He's changing for HER. He's getting his life on track because of SCHEANA.


Another Brock story (for folks who haven't watched all the seasons): Charley and her bf had just moved into a place. Brock offered to mount their tv, to see if he could do it faster than the man Scheana previously obsessed over, Rob. Brock mounted the whole thing in faster time, but the whole thing came crashing down in the middle of the night. Scheana was mad that Charley made this public. I'd imagine Charley was mad to be awoken in the middle of the night by her broken items. This pales in comparison to the things mentioned by OP, but the producers delegated this man to scold the cast this season. Ariana was still nice to him, wore his merch on the show, and cheered him on, likely because she didn't know what he and his wife were saying behind her back.


And that goon friend of Brock’s feeling Charli up at a pool party and Brock and Scheana just laughed about it when Charli was clearly upset….


Which again bravo doesn’t care because that friend is on southern hospitality.


On really? VPR is the only reality I watch so I thought it was a random friend


Yes, his name is Oisin and he’s in the second season. There was a thread going around that made the connection. Soooo pretty much almost all bravo men suck.


Pretty much


Where he did it again and suffered no consequences.


Yes, that was awful.


I think about the tv mounting story every time I come across his Brock the Builder content on social.


I miss Charli!!


Ahhh i forgot about the tv hanging thing lol


Imo I'm not going to take Scheana or Brock's word about anything pertaining to his child support, ex wife, or his children in Australia. I've seen too many deadbeat parents in my life weave bs tales about why they don't see & support their children. I hope it's true that he's a good dad to Summer Moon, but that doesn't fix his issues with his other kids.


I think the fact that he was able to visit Australia, and then leave again suggests that he was up-to-date on his child support payments.


He could have used that to help his kids and the single mother he hurt. Think of Christmas and Birthdays to make up for. God for bid he used the $ on his kids and his legal obligation not Sheana.. He says she deserved it. What did his children deserve?


I figured Sheana bought her own ring


That’s my theory. Shaena had to have a large engagement ring but Brock couldn’t afford it so she had him charge it on 3 cards for the cameras and paid it off for him off camera. Personally, when bf pulled out the 3rd card, I would have said that the expensive ring isn’t right for US. Who are you fooling buying something way out of reach. Schaena is a money saver so the ring size is something she needs for validation.


I believe his ex is remarried and her husband is the father that her children know


He still is responsible and put them into this world. They may and most likely will have some Daddy issue. She was not married immediately she was single prior to it and I bet it was hard but nobody thinks of her. They will at least question why was he not there or pay to help support them


Have we ever actually heard from his ex or any of the kids? Maybe they have an amazing stepdad who loves them like his own and they’re happier without Brock in their life.


That's pretty much what Brock has said


I sincerely hope that’s the case, and that one day they’ll watch the show and laugh at what a goon Broke is.


That's my thought, it's painful enough to know your dad is off with his new family. But imagine you (and possibly everyone you know) watching your dad do it on reality tv. In bad taste and style. I personally wouldn't be able to cope; my dad did it a bit irl and it was devastating and took a couple decades to repair our relationship.


Yeah I don’t comment much on Brock’s relationship with his kids for exactly this reason. My sister had very valid reasons to ask my dad to stop reaching out and it took him far too long to stop forcing it and respect her boundary. My cousins stopped speaking to their dad and were hurt he didn’t try harder to keep talking to them. The same advice in both situations would have polar opposites effects. Sometimes people should shut the fuck up and realize some situations are out of their league to judge and there is not an obvious right answer. I’m inclined to admire that he doesn’t force it because of my own situation but without hearing from the other parties I have no clue if that’s just projection so 🤷🏻‍♀️


not necessarily if they have a step dad in the picture who’s fulfilling all the roles of the dad.


I have watched VPR from day one and saw the whole evolution in real time. Like I said before, after this reunion is done, I can’t come back. I need to see this through, but the misogyny, hypocrisy, and severe problematic behavior, is not entertaining. It’s gross and I feel dirty watching this. I don’t want to play a part in giving these horrible people a platform and a paycheck. The Toms, Lauren, scheanna, and Brock are too disgusting, and this season has amplified their toxicity. I have to bust my ass to earn a fraction of what they do. I’m choosing to cut out this negativity. I won’t leave the sub because I still like the tea.


Same. I can’t come back, especially not with brick and lala on this show. It’s just rage baiting. It used to be a lighthearted watch. It’s now morphed into real rage baiting content that leaves me feeling worse after watching 


All the men who are part of the main cast are abusers in some way. 1. Jason (Jax): verbally & mentally abused women over the years (especially Stassi, Kristen, Katie, & Britt, & others). Demeans them, reduces them to sexual objects for his pleasure. Potentially exposed the women he was sexually involved with to STDs. Racist. Transphobic. 2. Scumdoval: same as above with the addition of mentally abusing them into thinking they’re crazy (Kristen, attempt with Ariana, a bit with Rachel now that she’s no longer around.) 3. Shorts: physically abusive towards Katie. Extremely sexually abusive towards her by having many sexual encounters counters with others over the years potentially exposing Katie to HPV or anything else that can remain dormant for year. Mentally & emotionally abusive to her. Taking advantage of her while she was still recovering from traumatic brain injury. Played so many games with her mental state that she now has imposter syndrome & had very little self worth for years. We still saw that in the reunion how everyone talked over her, twisted her words, & simply wouldn’t let her speak. 4. James: so many allegations against him. We saw how he was with Kristen, Rachel’s own allegations against him. His verbal abuse towards women. 5. Brock: acknowledged physical abuser towards his ex. Rumors have it that it extended towards his kids which is partially why don’t want anything to do with him now. Still do t get how he was allowed to remain in the US when that came out. Now that he has an anchor baby he’ll be hard to ship back to Australia unless he does criminal stuff here to get him deported & banned ala Joe Guidice.


Schwartz broke through the door in their home a few seasons ago and everyone on the show glossed over that.


What‽ I stopped watching around the time Jason left the show & didn’t pick up until last season. When did that happen? Cause yeah, that’s abuse as well.


Hopefully, I’m not getting the season wrong, but I think it was season 8? They just flashed a picture of the broken door on the screen while Katie tells the story about Schwartz coming home in the middle of the night and breaking the door.


Thanks. I’ll go watch season 8.


Season 9 Episode 7


Don’t forget Schwartz poured drinks on the heads of two women.


Yup, that one of the physical abuses he did to Katie & I think Stassi.


To add to Schwartz the fact that he and Scheana joked about hooking up behind Katie’s back is despicable.!


well but scheana is also someone who told their alcoholic ex husband to “just drink in moderation” so….


Just take every other shot.


So intelligent Selfish Because she wanted to Drink w him or in front of him. It’s always about her


Technically, he told Andy on the reunion that he can't make child support payments with a credit card. That's why he used credit for the ring.


I don’t recall if it was that reunion or on Scheana’s podcast…. But Brock said he didn’t pay child support because it “would just go to the government “. Isn’t that how it works? In his absence the government steps in and pays the family (welfare?) and they look for the absent parent to get reimbursed?


He’s an idiot She would not have been on welfare if he was paying DAH. They are paying 4 his kids why would she and he not owe them. But she is caring 4 them physically, owing bills 4 them so he owes it. If she does not pursue getting child support they will take the welfare away. She has to go after support then . Now I hate his behavior more. I wish I didn’t know she was on welfare too!!! Was she in a shelter?


Australia has a social security system where it’s common that people will access particularly single parents of young children. Separate from that is a child support agency’s govt department that manages child support. Thats what he’ll have meant about going to the govt. If the other parent doesn’t pay they don’t give it to you and reimburse, but they do have ways to get people to cooperate if pushed. If he recently was in and out of the country I’d say he is all up to date as that will flag with entry and exit.


Get a cash advance then a money order


Use money from the show to fly out and pay cash if u love your children


Or concerned for their well being being supported


How selfish is Scheana? She named their daughter Summer, when his first daughter is called Winter.


💯 this is so relevant. They keep asking him if this is his “second chance at being a dad,” but can anyone EVER have a “second chance at being non-violent and non-abusive to women?” How damn absurd.


I just assumed that Prock was lying about paying $20,000 and it was actually a cheaper ring that he got for free in return for talking about them on the show. If he actually spent this money he is beyond piece of shit.


I was so disgusted by him purchasing the ring. And honestly both of their nasty behavior that season, trying to get married secretly during James and Rachel’s engagement weekend was so low and pathetic, even for scheana. Bravo turns their heads to all kinds of things, so far they haven’t even mentioned Sandoval recording Rachel without her consent. That should’ve been a fireable offense!


Brock has 2 daughters who share the same birthday. His order daughter’s name is Winter Sky. This is the daughter he abandoned. She named her daughter Summer Moon. That tells you everything you need to know about Scheana in a nutshell.


Did anyone else notice scheana doesn’t even wear that ring anymore? She quietly replaced it.


Yeah and Katie and Lauren praising him “as a Dad” was honestly too much to take at the reunion. Even Scheana calling their child “a second chance” WHILE HE STILL HAS OTHER CHILDREN HE COULD BE MAKING IT RIGHT WITH 🤮


I don’t think they care since they aired so many slaps and fights. Tom punching Jax, then James in a bar. Kristen slapped James after he pushed her. Stassi backhanding Kristen. There’s been multiple reports of James abusing Kristen and Rachel.


This is a stretch lol. Should we go back and make every bravo person tell us everything they did wrong when they were 19?


Stassi admitted to punching Jaxhole in the face and making him bleed. I doubt Bravo cares. If it bleeds it leads.


We’ve (unfortunately) had much worse men than Brock be championed at Bravo. Men who have done way more heinous things


??? People have literally been violent with each other ON this show, why do you think they would “investigate” something that happened when he was a teenager? They would have to fire half the cast. Again.


„How selfish is Scheana? -Yes.“ Edit: Typo


It’s really sad, but bravo doesn’t care about domestic abuse, most of society doesn’t. Look at Chris brown, woody Allen, mike Tyson, etc. they’re everywhere. Abusers always get a pass and deadbeat dads do too. Brock is absolute trash but so is his wife and a lot of other reality stars.


Controversial take but we have to let people learn and grow from being an idiotic 20 year old. Im good with a 2nd chance if signs of change are evident ..ruin that and you lose any other opportunity to change..dv is bad bad bad though. that's a tough one. I think the multiple cards was a bit though.. I go back and forth with brock but from what we're shown he seems a hands on dad with summer.


They didn't need to investigate the slap because he admitted it and had been arrested/charged for it and the child support thing is Scheana's problem. She paid it and that's the end of that.


The reality is a standard background check would not pull from another country and in order to get a work visa the government requires a background check but maybe like here domestic violence wasn’t a big deal then. This doesn’t excuse anyone letting it go once they know but there is a way Bravo at least did not know before.


If I was him I would’ve used that first season I appeared on to pay off my child support debt then planned the engagement/wedding and everything afterwords..but that’s just me..hahaha.


They care more about Ariana’s supposed wrongdoings than an actual abuser on this fucking show


This sub has a super interesting dichotomy- I often call out that every single dude on this show is an abusive piece of shit and shouldn’t be given a platform, at all. Every.single.one. And I’m met with ‘but it’s good tv’, ‘good people don’t make good reality tv’, etc. It seems people really want it both ways. And yes, Brock is a huge abusive shit bag who shouldn’t be given a platform of any kind. And yet here we are. Maybe people should stop watching the show so that bravo discontinues giving these men air time.


What would they “investigate”? It was a done deal. His ex took the kids away from him, remarried, has a life with the kids and her husband. They paid all back child support. The ex has said she isn’t going to demand the kids have a relationship with Brock and they haven’t asked to be in his left. Bravo has no place to get involved in an international family law case. I understand people are reacting to how terrible it sounds now, but it was years ago. It would be much worse for the kids to be forced into a relationship they don’t want or dragged to court over something just because the American public is upset about something a reality spouse did when he was 19.




Im still confused by scheana multi tasking- casually slapping mascara on 3 yr old kid


I bet she payed him back


> bet she *paid* him back FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Bravo's signature these days is enabling toxic white men. It is enough.


Bravo employs many problematic people because they are willing to whore themselves out to make “good tv”, so I’m not shocked in the least.


This is not a discussion about Stassi being on . She was fired. We were talking about Brock. Nobody said he has a huge history. U are forgetting THE MENTAL DAMAGE physical abuse from somebody bigger than you that is your significant other can cause. Or the verbal abuse can to which I am not saying he did.


300 voted up I guess they are biased too. That’s a personal attack not accepting others opinions


I respect that if Brock’s ex requested he stay away that he did , if he was violent. If he wasn’t, why should he have to. But his kids will still question him not being there someday. They are small kids who cannot make that decision yet . I said if he was violent he should stay away If what he did was no big deal why not fight to see your kids? I never said he should force his ex or the kids to see him


Why would bravo investigate lol


I really think we need to hear from the mysterious Courtney (not sure how she spells her name). Her take on things would be extremely interesting and a lot of things wouldn’t be a mystery anymore. I can only IMAGINE how a woman would feel whose babies father went to another country to end up on a reality tv show crying about his “second chance at fatherhood”… 🥴


He paid it after spending thousands on a new family. Or wife. And the wedding. U go w out support taking care of kids even if u we’re working and see how long you would want to wait for the support to provide 4 them


OMG He looked so confused like he did not know the vocabulary that Ariana was using with him.


I’ve never gotten mad enough to hit someone it’s just not excusable and there’s never just one hit he is a terrible human and the thing with his kids is glossed over by the cast because now he’s “trying” the only reason he try’s is because of the backlash of it


I don’t think Bravo is to blame for this because it’s more so scheanas issue she should be looking into. I thought it was more bizarre that she didn’t care about it. The only person that actually brought it up and seemed to care was Lala two seasons ago, remember? I thought it was brushed under the rug too fast


I will die on the hill that Brock, Scheana, and Bravo are monsters


Bravo openly supports domestic violence abusers and sexual assailants


What's there to investigate? He admitted what happened and why they split. He owed back child support in Australia, and he was paid up by the time he got engaged to Scheana. He's now on good terms with his ex wife and trying to build a relationship with his kids. This is addressed in episode 1 of this reunion.