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I think they wanted to “wrap up” the Scandoval storyline. with a bow. But they forget this is Ariana’s real life. She should not be expected to just move on because her cast mates and the audience have. Mind you, she’s not even the one bringing it up unless it’s in response to someone asking her something.


Yes, just like he wanted to fool the viewers like he did with Kristen...he wanted to have his Miami scene with Ariana.


And this was exactly what Ariana said in the reunion! He wanted his Miami moment


I feel like that’s so lazy of them, they should have tried harder




Sandoval wanted the extra screentime so he could try performative crying, and probably had a lot of great lines he'd come up for himself to make himself look like he was trying to be a better person.


For sure. I’d be willing to bet one of those lines would somehow be trying to give himself credit for her newfound success. “Dude, if I never cheated, you wouldn’t be on DWTS now!”


I think Sandoval had some delusional idea that him feigning regret and using his trademark at will crocodile tears would somehow make us all forget everything he’s done and wrap a nice little bow on the pathetic attempt at a redemption arc. There is no redemption arc imo. Be like Jax and embrace being trash cuz there is no coming back from this level of behavior and the audience isn’t stupid enough to be manipulated. The production and the obvious plants who I won’t even name dthat were doing their dirty work should be ashamed to treat Arianna like this and attempt to gaslight and manipulate the audience into hating her and seeing her as a villain while acting like she’s the one who isn’t real


I honestly think at this point, Tom is worse than Jax. But I agree he should just accept that this is how a lot of people see him and very few (hopefully none) will think better of him at any point in time moving forward.


to ensure that lisa's bar doesen't get shut down like pump. lisa has a heavy hand in the direction of the season. it was also so obvious with her "lets all sit at the table and say something we like about tom!" bullshit. that wasn't about someone who was worried about his suicidal ideation, that was someone worried about her bag. if lisa had no ties to tom (or if she was not a producer), i have a feeling the season would have gone a little differently.


Yeah that’s a good point! I always forget how much sway Vanderpump has until she’s sitting there at every reunion giving her irrelevant commentary and misogynistic views 🙄


to make ariana look like the bad person when she would rightfully get angry and have sandoval with his usual crocodile tears


It’s giving misogyny at its finest


Don't get it twisted, the production team knew what they were doing when they tried to get that conversation together. They were probably hoping for Ariana to tell off Tom and go die, but what they were probably so happy with how things turned out with Lala and Tom going berserk at the end LOLLL Imo, this was the best possible ending for them because It was probably to continue to push this narrative about how Tom takes 5 steps back every time he takes 1 step forward, and how Lala ends her season as 2-faced.


views & a redemption for tom


We have watched Bravo, production & LVP allow this show to parade around a bunch of misogynistic men (LVP too) while pushing the women to their breaking point emotionally and sometimes physically (eating disorders). Why change what VPR has been about for so long and allow the women to come out on top? Especially at a time when women's rights are being stripped away day by day. Why would Bravo/production do something that we viewers would love to see and that being women striving, succeeding and showing that families can be raised at the same time? Production and Bravo need to be sent a message loud and clear that if we don't get to see women doing what we want to see them doing -empowering others, succeeding in their jobs/careers/etc, raising families..... - we don't need their network/programming and can look elsewhere


Right?! I think production are the ones that NEED to get in the comment section.


It felt honestly petty of production like they wanted one more jab at Ariana to trap her into the conversation they wanted her to have all season I genuinely don’t know how they thought they would come out not looking insane for this -but I guess views*~*~*


A redo of this: https://preview.redd.it/2e0fd5sbg93d1.png?width=763&format=png&auto=webp&s=4560362635dbab39020e36201d93dfd2b9534ffe


For us to see how much the scandal has affected Sandoval and how sad he is. It’s about how everyone else feels and not about how the perks. Who actually got cheated on feels or wants to do


A repeat of his conversation with Kristen. He won viewer sympathy and Kristen looked manipulative and crazy. They told her she probably had BPD.


I know that final scene was bad because Schwartz even agreed that lala was horrible


I think the producers, Andy, LVP, and the Tums over estimated how much we liked Scummo. They thought we’d get back on their sidecar hypetrain and quirky matching outfits and forget. Newsflash, we didn’t really like them, we thought we did, but the revelations these two seasons have cemented how manipulative and shitty both of them are.


Their super sidecar broke down the first time they drove it and that's the perfect metaphor for how we all feel about the Tims. They've broke down on the side of the road and everyone is leaving them behind in the dust!


I feel like they were trying to force Ariana into having a conversation with Tom because they get off on traumatizing women on the show because everybody said if I was an Ariana situation I would never talk to Tom Sandoval again OK then why are y’all trying to force her to talk to Tom Sandoval. It’s like I understand y’all don’t like Ariana, but for y’all to get off on her suffering is weird Lala.


I've said it before and I'll keep saying it. They tried to jam Scandoval down our throat with the "boys will be boys" and "look he is sorry he did the bad thing" schtick that has worked successfully many, many times before with Scandoval, Jax and Schwartz with a heavy handed amount of "can you blame them, look at the crazy girls they were with" because it worked and they and everyone involved all are shocked Pikachu face that it didn't work this time. It worked like a charm for the better part of a decade. Poor Schwartz, look how he has to deal with Tequila Katie. Don't think to hard about the fact that he was repeatedly unfaithful and prioritized his relationship with literally anyone but her. Look at poor Jax. Stassi has a dark passenger and he said he was sorry. Look at poor Jax again, mean old faith threw herself at him forcing him to have sex with her and really wasn't it all Brittany's fault because she was so pushy to move in with him eventhough he was the one telling her to do it. Poor Sandoval, who can blame him for cheating on crazy Kristen. She is so crazy it is a miracle he survived this long without cheating on her. He should get a medal and so on. The problem is that most of the people that watch VPR grew up alongside them and what was cute and funny stopped being cute and funny and now it is just sad and reeks of misogyny. They only know this one way of keeping the show alive. Boys good, girls bad. Rinse and repeat. What they repeatedly fail to see is that this is not authentic or interesting to watch. Ariana is right. It is better television for her to deny Scandoval his time with the audience than for him to sit there and try to make tears come out while he poorly act out some soliloquy that he rehearsed in his room surrounded by his shitty galaxy light. It is much better tv to watch Katie navigate her newly single life where she is stepping into her own power and living for herself. It is much better tv to see women uplift each other and have disagreements that are authentic when they come up instead of having a water tasting in someone else's house where someone else pays for the pizza. Lala, Scheana and the terrible twosome are dinosaurs. Their time is over and the gnashing of teeth and their shrill shrieks of whatabout me is the death throes of a moment in time that is over and needs to get off our tv.


Amen! 🙏🏽




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LVP has invested in him. So, she's trying to save him for her reputation and bottom line. Nothing more.


The problem with that scenario is that 2 of the women on the show do not support other women. Lala and Scheena only care about themselves and will throw ANYONE under the bus for a storyline. I’m just sorry that Ariana had to find out that the people that were supposed to love and support her are back-stabbing pieces of shit, on national TV no less.


You are dead on. Seeing it all click for her was heart wrenching to watch.


Wrap up a series finale.


Good god, can Lala please shut up already


They wanted another Tom and Kirsten moment.


Drama like everything else on the show


IMO: to open up to convo for Ariana to receive a “heartfelt” apology from Scumdoval for tHe OpTiCs so they can move on with the show. It’s certainly not for her.


Lala just give up. She’s so jealous it’s unreal.


I could not agree with this more. You said everything I wanted to say but couldn't bc I was too busy screaming my frustration into a pillow


Sorry, I’m going to need a moment to press my hands over my face and try to conjure up some tears. (Because I’m trying to think of my next misogynistic dirty quip.) Eat a condom Tim.




Plot twist, the Sandoval redemption arc is because he's the only one coming back next season hahaha


They all do molly and also the whole show is conversations THE ENTIRE SHOW IS FORCED Conversations


They were just trying to keep the show interesting I think. I don’t know the production staff and I don’t know what they are all thinking, but with most bravo shows, they just try to make cast members speak to film scenes people find interesting. I’ve seen this for years on many shows (happened soooo much on the hills)


The problem is they aren’t reading the room I think. Majority of people don’t want to watch Peter Pan men get away with shit anymore.


The fact that he had his “moment in Miami with Kristen” but with Ariana @ the reunion and then turned around and had to slide in a comment when Scheana said that he and Ariana were sometimes all over eachother and making out in public, that they must of been rolling at a music festival was like season 10’s “yeah with her shirt on, it was so hot” comment. He always has to slyly go after Ariana’s looks or basically make it sound like he would never be all over her unless he was rolling and it’s still not “hot enough” cause she has a t-shirt on. It’s again just a show of his true colors.




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Because the point of the show is conflict and resolution but y’all forget this has always been the case.