• By -


What a shame though. Getting with Big Ed really blew her ego through the roof. It’s almost like she thought she had ‘graduated’ from the cast. The scene above was just disturbing.


I think she still sees herself as above the cast. She "brought" far less than other cast members this year and still went on her podcast saying she carried the show.


The season where Randall was there, you could see that she saw herself at LVP/ RHOBH level. It was pretty obvious that she felt better than anyone else.


In the first reunion where she openly talks about Randal and talks about the cars he has gave her she names an expensive car and Andy asks her if she owns it and she says "ike Lisa, i just have them for a few months to dink around in" And Lisa says "No... not like Lisa, Lisa works for what she has"


Wow, that is so sad that she would even think to compare herself to LVP. I mean, I'm not saying LVP is perfect, but wow.


It was hilarious, her hosting her PJ to take the girls, her hosting a little girls gathering at her house, she was def trying to play like that BH housewife but she will always be the bootleg housewife 


I still vividly remember the scene where she was in Lisa kitchen, acting as if she was now at the same level as Lisa, just because she was (engaged?) to Randall. She was acting like Mrs. Emmett.


In her rich lady of the manor white blouse.


The Lady of Emmett Manor


so the Lady of Toad Manor?


She was trashing Ambyr right and left and mocking her post partum body. Now they are supposedly besties, and LaLa bots say she "keeps it real" SMH


And the comments at one of the reunions about them going to (I think) the Chanel store and LVP shut her down so fast 🤣🤣🤣


Such the ego and a fool.


Yes she was postering herself for HWBH. That was another fail like her book flop.


Such a small plane, too...


It’s wild to me how better than everyone else she thought she was when she didn’t do anything for what she had and didn’t even own part of that house like Ariana did with Tom.


Lala barely graduated high school..those are her own words. Ariana got a theater degree. I'm not one to say degrees mean everything, but if we're going to compare the two women..we see a more serious, put together, level headed one of the two. Sorry lalask. Maybe try hardersk.


Excusek me! She has a bebessss!!


Seriously! Ariana has worked her ass off for yeaaaarrrrssss for the opportunities she got after the scandal. She has the talent and the work ethic that Lala doesn’t have.


If you look at IMDB she’s done a movie or so a year in addition to VPR, she did drink from home and a bunch of collab appearances for alcohol companies as well, Lala has never actually worked - even as a host so she doesn’t have anything to fall back on.


None of them Beyond katie, James and maybe Ally have.


Not true, she didn’t do nothing, she did bjs for pj 😂


And butt-munching Randall! She even shaved his a-hole! The best part is when she recounted that to Lisa of all people, LMAO. The look on LVP’s face, I could just hear her saying, “DAHLING, I didn’t have to do that for my mansion! How dreadful.”


I can't shake that scene. She said she shaved his "bum bum" so she could "visit" down there, or something like that. Blech! 🤮


Yeah, it’s like no offense to those who enjoy that particular expression of love - to each their own - it’s just the Randall factor specifically that makes it so **GAH**. She *really* thought she’d secured that luxe life too. Nope, LMAO.


You would have to waterboard that information out of me...and she just willingly delivered that to the public ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


It must have been like kissing herself in a mirror.😂


👏🙄👏🙄👏👏🙄🙄YES those anal lips she cannot stop licking . 😛🤪


Bwahahahahaha! Direct hit!


The fact that she goes public with such disgusting personal information. And going to be the Mother of 2 girls. Her brother is going to be the male figure to this second daughter. She says he is wonderful with Ocean and such a key role on her podcast. His role just agree with everything she says and same with her assistant. I watched one podcast because Stassi was on . I cannot understand how Stassi associates with Lala. Knowing how problematic she is.


Wait didn’t she say at some point that she was going to do a Housewives??


How would she possibly fit in there? Good lord, those ladies would tear her to shreds! For one, she doesn't have enough money.


neither did Rand, from what I understand. Certainly not RHOBH. She might have been able to swing RHOC lol


But she does have the lips 😬


She was literally saying “I know when I’m above someone.” She’s always thought she was better than the rest.


She kept telling Rachel that because she always had the hots for James, but James wasn't rich enough for her. I'm not a Rachel fan at all, but LaLa bullied her relentlessly in the beginning. Then Rachel got back at her and said "I always saw you as just a mistress."


Lol, I also hate Rachel but I’m not going to lie and say I didn’t enjoy watching her stand up to Lala. I think too much about how Lala probably stays up at night and kicks herself for letting James go because look at his life now and then hers… You’re right that she always liked him but wouldn’t commit because he didn’t have the money she wanted. It gives me wicked Schadenfreude.🤭🤣🤣


It's odd that someone who likes the taste of ass, cannot abide eating crow!


Exactly, and had the house, the pig and the child she had *made it*.


If she’s so much better than the rest of the cast then she should just quit. Why does she care soooo much about the show being cancelled? If she’s better than everyone else then she should be fine if she wasn’t on the show right? I’m sooo fucking tired of her bs.


Lala “ Im out here in these streets working my ass off to provide for my Child!!! Lala works to buy Luxury brands with the logo’s all over them. Head to toe . Alright LGU!! we get you can buy or rent luxury items. Take a bow. But maybe stop peddling your junk on Amazon and where ever else. Simply be home with Ocean instead of having your Mother Lisa raising your child.


She’s an actual embarrassment and the only reason she can carry on this is because she’s enabled by some weird fear of her.


I’ve never understood this. If someone like Lala came at me I’d be like….girl are you ok? Lol.


This is why I loved Katie during that night at ally's where lala was doing her typical posturing and Katie basically said yes lala, I do wanna get popped. Go on, go ahead ![gif](giphy|da75JuW2HHuBNqOHHE|downsized) .


😂😂😂😂Katie called bluff 😂😂😂😂


And lala could NOT back it up lol


She is always threatening to eviscerate someone but that is where it ends. "You don't want this." "You want to get popped" "Tell Jax to call me so I can eat him alive." The only time she did eviscerate someone was Rachel and Tom during season 10 reunion, and most of that was rehearsed. And then 3 months later we watched her call Rachel to make Amends and insist on Sandoval, even filming a solo scene with him where he was in "breathing classes". Any scene where she is actually called out on something, you see her brain being to mal function. I just rewatchd the scene where she told Ariana that she called Rachel and then tried to compare it to her situation with Rand??? Ariana and Katie stopped her in her tracks and she stopped, was licking her lips and you could see her eyes moving back and forth completely clueless on how to move forward. Then she hugs Arianna and tells her she loves her. She is such a JOKE!!!!


*"Tell Jax to call me so I can eat him alive".* Don't threaten him with a good time Lala. Lucky for her Jax likely man-grooms himself, so at least she shouldn't have to shave him first.


Katie - say it with your whole chest bitch! Next scene : Lala- can you please be soft with me


Right I would literally humble her by my calmness. Like who are you getting loud with? She just has yet to meet her match.


She was backed off 2-3 x by Charli.


Yesss I miss Charli


It's a great technique I've seen in courtrooms. WHen someone is really loud and screechy, just go silent and let their screeches echo. Harnessing your voice is a talent.


That’s kind of how Ariana responded, right? “I don’t want to get popped…”


No one wants popped 🤣🤣🤣


The only time I believed and felt anything for Lala was when her dad died and she got sober. Other than that, she's brought nothing. Aside from her married boyfriend, she's never even brought any romance to the show. Every single other cast member has. If she really wanted to secure her spot, she should have hooked up with James when she had the chance. It would have been an absolute trainwreck, but entertaining AF. I kinda thought they were going to go there at the beginning of last season when he comes to visit her at her "office" and she's telling him how hot he looks. He was the only guy she ever had any chemistry with, including Big Ed.


It seems like besides being most attracted to black men, she does not see them as worthy of dating or having children with. Her constant fetishisation of them is disgusting. This, on top of her AAVE despite growing up in Utah, is why I can’t take her seriously.


Why isn’t this ever brought up???? It blows my mind.


This take is everything to me ⭐️


Yea I HATE the way she fetishes black men. Remember her and her 'posse' when she was trying to be a singer? The way she drooled over Oliver but then couldn't speak a coherent sentence to him? The AAVE plus the incredibly immature way she talks about sex "Bumping peepees". "Putting the D in the V". Like why can't she just use regular sexual terms like an adult? It's not like it's a joke every so often. I don't think she's ever once referred to sex in normal adult language. Bye Lauren. Seriously.


💯 she always talk abt that is what she wants! Has anyone ever seen a picture of a black guy that she has dated!


Her n Jax would have been fun to watch with how unstable they both are


Next season on the Valley…


She did hook up with him, but kept that off the show as well. It’s almost like she doesn’t actually bring anything onto the show, but yells so loud about other people not bringing anything to get the focus off her lack of transparency in hopes no one will notice that she is actually the one hiding her whole life.


Thank goodness James has moved on. I think he was very into her at one point, but is no longer interested.


She hooked up with him and gloated to Rachel about it when Rachel was in a relationship with him. Again, I've come to dislike Rachel intensely, but LaLA was a total bitch to her.


She was the least interesting because she is just a loud blow ass💨. She is delusional and the reunion final scenes of her were her being a … my show Jax 2019 energy. She was banking on having a sperm bank baby to boost her popularity. Personally that poor baby was exploited even before conception. That poor child will be forced to be her show pony cash cow. Randal prevented her from doing that with Ocean. She is repulsive as a human being. After the reunion she ceiled her ⚰️ . LFU and her Black culture appropriating that she shares with that brother of hers. Two whitest Utah people trying to be black. Neither has a clue what a day is like to be black man or woman. The disrespect is beyond unacceptable.


For years I've been embarrassed and cringing that a white woman, from Utah of all places on earth, considered herself somehow entitled to use AAVE. What a platform she has to use her privilege for growth and inclusion and she chooses appropriation. It's so shameful*


I agree it is shameful and I do not understand how she gets away with it. It makes me angry because she knows what she is doing and does it any how. She & her brother are not held accountable.


You’ve nailed this entire take, imo Lala has been hypocritical af and there’s a giant spotlight on it, at this point.


Delusion has always kinda been her niche, from trying to sound hard, to really thinking she carried this season. She went in and went out with full on dilution and delusion. She’s been boring to me.


On the After Show, she had the nerve to make fun of Kristen's BF, Luke, saying he looked like Sugar Bear/a serial killer. Luke's just a wholesome-looking guy, while Lala was with that nasty little troll. She has zero self-awareness.


![gif](giphy|j3nk3EPbPCsGp9JoAp|downsized) I’m thinking this is pot calling kettle black. She’s in no position to pass judgment


I agree, but I think it's even worse than that. Getting him elevated her ego, but her custody battle with him has a chilling effect on her storylines. She cannot legally show Ocean on television at all. And there are rumors that her "softsk" rebrand is because Rand's lawyers use her sexualized role on the show as evidence in court that she is an unfit mother. But she cannot talk about this legal dispute openly, so she has to speak in riddles and code. Lala thought that she found a whale. His CV was proof in her mind that she was smarter and savvier then the other Sur girlies, and she could harness his resources to greater fame. Instead she bedded down with a vindictive man who is using his resources (and allegedly mark walhbergs as well) to quietly ruin her career. I do feel sorry for her as a human for gambling on love and losing so badly, but she might be a lost cause.


When she found that whale she should have reached for her harpoon…😂


What’s this about Rand and Mark Wahlberg?


Rand said the character of Turtle on Entourage was based on him. And… that tracks.


Randall got his start in the entertainment industry by working as Walhbergs personal assistant in the 90s. It's been alleged that Wahlberg secretly pays all or some of Rand's legal bills, I think it was a blind item. I don't see how Rand could afford family law counsel without a silent financial backer. In contrast, Wahlberg is very open about being a devout Catholic and pro-family. It wouldn't surprise me if he was uniquely forgiving of a powerful man accused of moral and sexual misconduct. Even easier if that man is an old friend who wants to ~~punish his ex-mistress~~ unite with his daughter.


Right? Made the audience unwitting participants in their sugar baby kink play. Get her off my screen just b/c of that..... And pulling a knife on Faith. Like...come on. How is she still employed and Kristen and Stassi aren't?Her abusive manatee pulls some strings and it disappears? Wtf?


She really thought she had it in the bag and I love how it’s gone since for her.


She thought he was going to make her A Big Time Actress.


She did the whole casting couch thing.


At the reunion she says something like “even when you all are acting like fools and make me mad I still love you” like she was trying to sound like LVP. Honey you never had LVP money or success with Randall, it was all an illusion and personality wise, Lisa is nothing to aspire to


She definitely does see herself at that level. The whole ‘we are truth tellers’ rubbish was pathetic too. ‘Truth tellers’ don’t cheat with James.


Not Big Ed 😂


And then she was fine with Randal thinking it was hot. Who in their right mind needs a baby bottle as an adult. Fortunately her Mother is actually raising Ocean. Lala is a Disney Land Mom. She makes sure every moment she is around Ocean… she records and posts. As she told her Mother to get off her dick!! She was busy working all week to support her kid. And Lisa is not complaining when I buy her a bag a LV. Or when she gets free shit from stuff sent to Lala. So F’ing disrespectful to her Mother. And Lisa does not need Lala to buy her anything. She deserves to be a Grandmother not Lala’s built in babysitter. The woman is always doing the clean up while Lala is Loud and spouting off about bullshit. I was getting Lala BS in my IG feed. I finally got anything tied to her blocked. She was a herpe blister popping up all over the feeds.


Unfortunately (as no woman in Hollywood should have to) she’s hit the glass ceiling. She had Big Ed and was in his movies *and* was on VPR. She had the platform and fumbled it and now, seeing Ariana ascend (whilst she’s the extra on the only job she’s really got) has got to hurt. Lauren jumped on the wrong side and I’m happy she’s out out.


She never even touched that ceiling. I would not compare lala to talented Hollywood actresses who are often held back/no longer cast, mostly due to (clutches pearls) turning 40.


I remember this and I found that disgusting and unforgivable. I will never see her the same after that one. ![gif](giphy|26ybvVb9iSmht7LdC|downsized)


Lala's mother raised her, so I'm not sure it's great she's raising Lala's kid.


I was thinking the same as I posted it. Lisa raised LFU and that son that is beyond being a shady opportunist.


Big Pred


Big Ed 🤣


I can’t believe she brought the bottle in the first place. Leave that shit at home you nutcase!!!!


I have no interest in watching someone who is inauthentic who tries to self-produce.


Yeah going fully mask off at the reunion about her motivations and what Scheana said about them both acting at the behest of production gave me the ick about the way this show is run. We all know it's "reality" TV but production overstepped and overproduced and knowing that's all they were doing makes it a lot less fun to watch.


Exactly this. I think it was Ariana who said in the reunion that this show thrives on authenticity and that’s exactly it, that’s why we love it so much. Lala came into this show planning to hide everything about her life. From the very beginning, everything about Lala was a secret that had to be exposed or pried out of her. She never wants to be authentic. She always wants to “protect” her life and her people. Somehow despite this she’ll be the first person to call someone out on doing the same. She watches so much housewives you can tell that she aspires to be one of them and thinks she should self produce like most of them do, but this isn’t a housewives show and it doesn’t work the same. I hate that she can hide behind her very loud opinions of other people. The truth is that that’s all there is to her- loud opinions about everyone else. There’s actually nothing worth watching about her own life. Listen, and if there is, I’m open to seeing it. But we have no reason to believe that she brings anything other than being loud and yelling at her friends.


Lala is Rinna 2.0


And Scheana is no Eileen! 😂


I will never get over Eileen “beast?!” Simply aghast Scheana would react the same way lol


It was like Eileen’s soap experience simply could not be contained lol, that delivery lives in my mind rent free 


Definitely not! Eileen has a spine!😂


This. They both, at the very least, need a breather.


She's a wannabe Rinna because love or hate Lisa she was taking people down and BlaBla has never taken down anyone not even the Bambi Eyed Bitch. BlaBla is just a blowhard and yells at people with nothing behind it.


Whenever she feels trapped in a corner she just yells “disengage bitch”. Bitch, you don’t tell someone to back iff from a fight, you back off if you can’t handle it. lol


I still think Randall had a kink for that infantilize shit. Have not seen or heard her talk about it since. Gross.


Oh my gosh I never thought about it like that but now I see it! Yes so true!


So gross.


She ruined the season and really the show in general. Her screaming and negativity is too much and I stopped watching. Other friends also stopped watching, it's not fun anymore. I wish they would make her a peripheral person in the show, but since they dont I bowed out.


The clown producers pegging her as their narrator of the season and I'm so glad it backfired in all their faces. Starting with calling Rachel the first episode till the last scene when she says this... https://preview.redd.it/82n1ccf5t54d1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=326ebb3be12465ba7b363b6bce973da6fe554c42 ...she might as well have had Baskins hand up her ass with how much of a puppet she was.


If I made it this far dealing with scheana I can make it through with Lala’s bs


100%. She’s ruining it for me, after the reunion I really don’t even feel like watching next season.


This. I watched approx 23 minutes of this entire season. Twelve minutes into episode 1 I quit. Then I turned on part 3 of the reunion and fast forwarded to when Arianna went off on Lala and Sandoval. So, yeah, I’m one loyal fan who gave up on the show entirely. And I have NO interest in the Valley because I cannot stand Brittney’s stupid accent.


It’s not the accent that bothers me. It’s her ‘I’m the main character’ energy. Not necessarily having to do with the rest of the cast but just her personality


It’s Brittney’s permanent frown for me! But I actually enjoy The Valley


Aside from her misogyny, what's up with Lala telling Schwartz he could "never survive what she's been through"? I think it was the season before the current one, I just saw the clip in another thread. WTF is she talking about? She's a middle-class white girl from Utah who moved to LA, had her rent paid by her mother, became a yacht girl then landed a spot on a reality show with a history of problematic minority representation. Plus all her nonsense about Tupac and cultural appropriation. I would like to think the viewing public has outgrown this kind of bullshit. eta: married that toad for money


They were only engaged. The token of his affection was an irradiated brown diamond.


Lol right


Look at everything Schwartz has been through with his family. Seems like he has been through a lot too.


Right it seems like some of her cast mates have had a harder time than her. I just read her ancestors are Mormon, it really doesn't get whiter than that.


Whoops she cut off Katie too, I forgot that in my list. In the past year she has cut off Ariana, Katie, Brittany and Kristen and has said she doesn't care about repairing those relationships.


Ryan Bailey talked about the season on his podcast today. He said Scheana is just lost and Lala has become awful. He’s usually very politically correct on his podcast and goes out of his way to not say negative things about people Sandoval he uses as an exception. (Loathes the guy as he has spent a lot of time with he and Ariana) He said Lala calling it a job and constantly reminding people that at least she would show up and film with her cast mates ruined her. One because it kept reminding the audience that this is just a job that they have to show up to and it took the fun out of watching it. Two because people started thinking about the houses she bought and all over bills and getting a paycheck “pay off two mortgages two kids and her family +6 figures in legal fees to Randall.” The worst fuck ever.


Oh I'll have to listen to that today, it's good to know other people are feeling the same type of way about how this is all playing out. There have been articles about how the real division in the cast is between the people who think the job is to self produce to manufacture scenes, and the ones think the job is to just live and react to messy situations and it's for production to figure out how to make that into a show. Its always been somewhere in the middle, and going full soap opera because some cast aren't planning for VPR to ever end (unrealistic, this is why smart cast branch out beyond VPR centered content and invest their money).


Do we REALLY believe Lala cut Ariana off? More likely the other way around. And even if it’s true, it was so she could brag about it. 😔


We watched it happen on the reunion. Ariana was giving a lot of grace to them both, said she understood Lala just not the insults and she was hurt, and Lala said she stood by everything she said and was "fine with that" when Andy asked her if she realized how much damage that caused to her friendships. Off camera has reflected the same, Ariana was greeting her happily at BravoCon and she was going to Broadway to see her before Ariana realized what has been going on behind her back. This rift wasn't driven by Ariana.


Truly i feel like she doesn’t have anything to offer to the show anymore. She doesn’t have any interesting storylines of her own. Her only “storyline” this season was either trying to get Ariana to talk to Tom or talking about Ariana. And yes, production this season was trash. We didn’t see much of anybody’s storylines. But when u think about what they *could’ve* shown us, I can think of storylines that don’t revolve around scandoval for everyone except Lala.


She had a much more important storyline than that... don't you know she's a MOTHER??! And she threw a party with the rest of the cast to choose the sperm donor of her second child??! /s FFS. I truly hope that her wanting another child was genuine and not because she wanted to create content.


I’m sure she worked out a deal with that sperm bank so she didn’t even pay for the baby batter. They said their name a bunch of times, so she or production may have even gotten paid for picking that semen source. Sperm spon con. 


Imagine this - Lala actually has a job and is making moves left and right. Approve this design, make this bigger (or whatever). She has a gorgeous corner office in a trendy area of LA. Sexual tension occurs with business partners or, say, her head of creative. There are important lunches at trendy restaurants and interesting friends and or family members with interesting input on how to navigate co-parenting with an asshole. And she has products, like, people actually buy (people actually buy sandwiches so her criticism of Katie doesn't work anymore). But nope, we have someone with crazy baby brain (y'know, when people think they're more important because they have a child) that got a smoothie with Schwartz (why?) and is trying to figure out how to keep her kept mistress lifestyle by doing as little as possible.


I think a show where Lala has to shadow working single moms who have regular jobs would be compelling. Let her see how the other half lives, it might give her some humility.


She'd berate them for something two minutes in while in her confessionals saying how she would be able to do it better/never allow herself to be in such a situation, probably referring to blowing someone for help with the bills or similar.


Once you treat this as just a paycheck - it stops becoming real. Like the fucking water tasting.


I’ve seen this picture and scene so many times but mentally I’ll never get over it 😂


Forever disturbing. Seeing this picture I can’t help but think of the scenes and how she’s acting like it’s totally normal!!! So weird. Can’t wait til she hits her OF era and brings back the baba


Omggggg stop. OF with the baba 💀😂


If she weren’t in a custody battle, she’d be 100% firing up an OF.


How did she get away with this baby bottle cringey period with no criticism. Its also super creepy because it was encouraged by rand. Did she say stuff like “my man ticks me in and gives me my bubba?” Or am I making that up?


No, I also swear she made reference to weird baby-play


in this instance she was rolling on molly


I could be wrong but is this around the time she initially had her lips done? I always thought she did that to plant the seed that bottle sucking made her lips plumper.


I might get hate for this take but Lala the “feminist” really fucking hates women. She CONSTANTLY puts down Katie, Ariana and other women who haven’t given birth like their opinions matter less, or that their accomplishments matter less, or as a way of shutting out criticism from women who haven’t given birth. Congrats lala you shat out a baby - something that billions of humans have done across hundreds of thousands of years. People squat in fields, you’re not that fucking special. She sure as shit can’t levy that kind of criticism against her male cast when they have stupid opinions.


So true! She says just because something involves or affects her kid, they can’t talk about it. Or that her life is so different than everyone else’s because she’s a single mom. Like dude I’m sure it’s hard to be a single mom but you also have money to help you, your mom, and it was her choice to get with a dude for his money. What did she think was gonna happen? Having a kid doesn’t make you better than everyone. She got knocked up… ummm okay good for you! Also… kinda crazy how her kid looks exactly like Randall. And now she hates him.


In spite of having girls she has such Boy Mom energy I can’t even explain it 


I mean, I feel like Lala is ready-made for a fading era of reality tv. Big Brother/Survivor/The Bachelor...what I think we will later come to think of as VPR Classic, Lala is great for that. But I also think reality tv is changing. Obviously some of the stuff we're seeing is toxic in a way audiences are still watching but uncomfortable with. Also media is different than it was in the oughts by leagues and it's only going to increase with AR/VR and other technologies making things move faster and making them more immersive. We are already in this world of omni-content, but this will hit an acceleration point. I think Bravo is trying to stay in the old format and they got away with it through the 2010's, but now it's not working. The Jezebel article and the excellent post from a few days ago outlined this well. The audience has matured and attitudes around gender are changing, but also the audience is more media literate (we had to be after 45 whether we were Americans or not). I think Bravo recognizes this and knows they need to make major pivots, but they also don't want to lose their existing audience. The fact they are still standing during the death of cable was a feat and I think they can pull it off, but I think we're going to see big changes in how these shows are produced and marketed.


Couldn’t agree more. The “any publicity is good publicity” attitude, the “I’m gonna be loud and abrasive and hatable because attention is king” approach - it’s outdated and doesn’t reflect what the audience wants anymore. We don’t want someone to literally be so annoying that makes us not watch the show. Lala and the producers don’t realize that that schtick is just exhausting. We elected an abrasive reality star to the White House and have had that shoved in our faces for the past 8 years. We’re all way more aware of corruption and inequities. We’re all tired and jaded and it’s just not fucking fun to watch Lala scream in people’s faces and then get to go live a life of comfort and privilege while we spend every day overworking ourselves for the powers that be.


Super good point. Lala is giving us what she thinks fans want based on a production company that refuses to change and a network that has a history of reality TV that she thinks she *should* be emulating. To deny the potential that Lala had in her early days is silly. She WAS good TV, and now she is NOT. She’s lost the plot.


I mean if she wants to "get soft" I would watch Lala crying with her sponsor, crying to her mom about this situation with Randall, and also using her experiencr to advocate for moms with less privilege than she has. The show works best when these people have things happening outside of the show.


You make a great point. Regardless of how I feel about Lala, there are countless women across the country sharing custody of their children with abusive, toxic men. Sometimes even dropping them off and being subjected to their abuser every other weekend. And I feel like so many people don’t understand this!! Even a book I read recently, I saw so many comments bashing it and saying “I can’t believe she let her ex have any custody!!!” Um… excuse me?? In the year of our Lord 2024, people actually still think women *choose* custody agreements? I went on a tangent there, but you’re right- that would all be interesting. Even if she couldn’t talk about Randall, she could have worked with organizations and let other women’s stories work as her mouthpiece. But she said nah, I’ll help redeem a worm instead


I was just mentioning this in another thread. Reality TV as we know it, is dead. Social media has killed any possibility for authenticity. I would love to read that Jezebel article. Gotta link? I guess I could google.


Completely agree Bravo audiences in general are fatigued with the lack of ability to change with the times - and you're right about the format of show she would be good on. VPR is centered on the lives of the people involved being interesting. She needs a task, something to do. Trying to sell us on the idea that she's filming a reality show about her life, when we can all see that isn't the case, is just not fun to watch. Put someone with her personality into a competition type show and she definitely has the personality for it (as long as they don't give her any knives 🫠).


The problem is that her child is her life. She’s not allowed to show her child on TV, therefore there is no storyline for Lala. So she stirs shit up by trying to dissect and destroy everyone else’s lives. And when it blows up in her face, she self-destructs because she has no outlet because…her child is her life. But, if she were to have another bb without a bb daddy, she can show them on TV and can finally have a storyline.


This is so dark! I don't want her other kid on the show. Its so grimmy that part of the reason she was conceived is to keep mommy on TV. The fact that she's already being monetized before she's even born😒. An what is it going to do to the eldest when the younger one is moms clear fave coz she's the moneymaker and she gets to go to work with mom and therefore bond more? I dont need to be adding to children's trauma just for my entertainment. I hope Bravo know that. None of these kids should be on TV. 


When Lala & Scheana were at Coachella this year they looked so lame & dated. They had that sad group dance, the photo shoot on a vintage car, and group costumes. It looked like a genz skit about millennials.


Yeah that's another thing. Millennials are in middle age. It's time to further disrupt and stop clinging to youth. Taking careof ourselves, taking joy in things we loved as young people? Love it. Here for it. Staying in a state of arrested development? Hate it. Go away!


I oftentimes wonder how much happier these people would be if they spent more time at home with a hobby. Like a real hobby.


fame is their hobby


It’s really gotta be exhausting. Scrolling and scrolling, bitching, texting others, making a note or two, preparing their authentic lines, practicing the lines, making faces (practice), maybe doing normal meals and chores, sex possibly, and gossiping! Daily! Whew. It pays well, but it sounds tiring.


Yup. Let’s not forgot almost all of them moved to LA from other states specifically to become famous.


Absolutely! I still go to concerts & a few festivals but I don't bother wearing uncomfortable clothes/shoes anymore. If I'm tired I go home early. There was a huge difference in the stuff I saw Ariana & Dayna posting vs the Scheana group. It probably helps that the Ariana group seemed to have regular non-influencer types. It was kinda strange to see Lala at all these festivals this year. I thought she was a pretty big homebody for several years now..


I thought so, too. And she's pregnant. I'm not a mom bit pregnancy seems fucking awful. Second trimester pregnancy in the heat and dust sounds even worse. I figured Lala was there because her and Scheana are trying to stay trending/maintain the bag. They get paid to go to certian lounges and parties right?


Never was. Show lost all “reality” when they added her.


I say this all the time! I lost interest in a lot of bravo shows when they started forcing this “friend of” I’d prefer if they were just like “random person we casted”


I’d be perfectly content never seeing lala again. She’s the one who is bringing nothing to the show. What did we see from her this season? All I saw was her cooking up a baby scheme to use as an excuse and exploit without having to consider the other parent’s opinion and her being overly aggressive constantly and yelling about how she’s “soft” now. She seriously needs therapy. She’s incredibly jealous and insecure and overcompensates by yelling at everyone else. Everything that she yells about is a projection. She’s mad as fuck that she didn’t get the attention that Ariana got for her break up with Randall. In her head her breakup was much worse, however the difference is that people like Ariana they don’t like Lala and nobody believes her act about how she didn’t know anything about what Randall was really like and had no money. Everyone but lala knew apparently. If anyone dared to tell lala to get over her breakup she would’ve been screaming and crying that she has a custody battle etc. but it’s ok to just constantly tell Ariana to get the fuck over it. Lala went to the LA times to out Randall for being a POS and was the source for multiple other stories and documentaries, but Ariana can’t just choose to not speak or be around Tom and she’s acting like she’s beyonce? Gtfo lala


She was *everywhere* for a long while after their break up. She trashed him and gave a lot of graphic details in order to trash him personally and their relationship. I get that he's a seriously horrid and creepy person, but that's also her child's father and her daughter will one day see those stories and hear those interviews where Lala crows about how ugly and gross he is.. when her daughter quite strongly resembles him.  Every single negative thought she has doesn't need to be put out everywhere for public consumption and sometimes it's better to publicly take the higher road (like Ariana has been doing this whole time) instead of dishing out seriously low blows to make herself feel better for a fleeting moment. Those fleeting moments get recorded and rehashed and brought up years later; she can't make them disappear when she no longer feels that way or wants to change her image.  Katie realized this which is why she didn't want to rehash a year old vent session on camera when she had already worked things out with Ariana and moved past those feelings.


My son had a friend on Xbox many years ago. I am not sure if this screen name is more appropriate for Lala or Jax, or, well… this is a good game. But they’re both Toxic McBunion.


I made a mistake reading this comment while taking a sip, and I nearly fucking died choking on it while laughing


Choke, I don’t care (Kidding!! I just really wanted an excuse to say this)


I made my husband watch vpr from the beginning and when he saw this he laughed uncontrollably.


I don’t feel like we really know her on a personal authentic level…and that’s unfortunate because she’s been on the show a long time. We only know surface level things about her. I don’t feel like she’s authentic, and I also don’t think she is really friends with anyone besides Scheana irl. If anything she’s kinda similar to Sandoval.


Blah Blah is that strange anomaly where she is outrageous and what should be “good Reality TV” (baby bottle, bombastic fashion: giant hoops/JLo Dress, a music performer, epic fights, ridiculous cringe personas, going topless, announcing that she ate Mucinex’s ass on National TV), objectively one of the most beautiful VPR cast, had a dramatic infamous Hollywood break up… And yet she’s still BORINGKK, and a second banana. How?!


She failed at an acting career, she failed at a music career, she failed as author and now she's failed at reality tv.


It’s kinda funny the ONLY season I truly enjoyed her was when she was supporting the girls and being all pussy power. Definitely didn’t last.


That was so fake because the season before she was fat shaming Katie… who wasn’t even fat! Lala just saw the negative backlash online about her anti-feminism and all of a sudden did a 180 and called herself a “feminist”. No girl. You can’t just decide to be a feminist one day but still act like you hate on women. She’s the worst


What's her storyline? The new baby, one that can film I'm sorry but yawn I'm not here for babies. She already did the documentary about Rand. Her weird emeshment with her mother and her brother? I've got sister wives for that. There's literally nothing interesting about her life. I don't know how she thinks she carries the show when her only storylines are who she's fighting with as a way to involve herself in others' storylines. Good on her for her sober journey though 🤷‍♀️ but that's about as deep as I care about knowing about it.


She’s doing lisa Rinna and it’s old


This is a damn good point!


She said it herself at the reunion that she was ready for her tv life to reflect her real life...or, to rephrase, that she wanted to continue for that to happen. She's always been as "real" as one can get in these shows, but it's clear she's relying on the VPR fame for her future paychecks. She's wrong in a lot of her viewpoints about Ariana's reaction to filming with Sandoval, and her own refusal to speak or film with Randall, however it's disappointing that someone who truly could have made a huge impact on the future of the show, accidentally got confused on what's right and what's wrong. Not sure why she and Scheana thought choosing the Sandoval redemption route was for the best for the show? And it's super sad that that's what exposed them as reality tv hoes instead of actual real life friends 😢 As someone who watched Season 1, episode 1 the night it aired, it sucks to have to see so much of the behind the scenes bullshit. There were practically neon signs that said "support Ariana, champion for women, show these loser men the door!" so how and why did the two of them get it so twisted?


She has been a fraud for years & years. I've found her intolerable since she "wasn't dating a married man."


Lala should do a Rock of Love/Flavor of Love dating show and I’m not even kidding. I’d watch the shit out of that for pure trash tv. ETA: the theme song should be Ashlee Simpson’s “Lala”. Obviously.


Mark my words if she doesn't get cast on The Valley, she is gonna end up on The Amazing Race or some shit competition show with her 'squad'.


Checks with her trying to be Stassi lol


She’s a producer minion.


Always has been


Legit worst person in show she gives me the ick


I’m drunk watching a baseball game debating buy doggles for my pup, even I can tell my tv would be fine without her on it.


No matter how much someone is "hated" they can always make some form of return. But Lala trashed the fans, stated she wasn't friends with everyone, wanted to stop pretending. I don't know how you come back from that. 


Lala has NO story line. The only thing she has is the sperm donor thing and it seems like the general consensus is that people don’t want to see that. She has no business on reality tv. She’s the least interesting to watch.


If i knew the final reunion was the Lala show i would not have wasted my time


Nah. She’s a mess. Get her off the telly


I don’t think she was ever right for VPR!


She needs to stop and just focus on being a mom, especially since she intentionally got herself preggo!


she was trying so hard for a storyline here


Its just really sick that she did the above scene on TV to satisfy Rand's pedo fetish. She has a child. Its so awful and someone should look into this for the well being of her kids


It makes me feel weird when she makes overtly sexual comments but uses like weird like names for genitals. Like just say penis and vagina, those aren’t dirty words. You don’t need to say pp in the pp.


Nope. She’s boring AF. She offers nothing but judgment and vitriol towards other cast mates, but nothing about her or her story is like, interesting- unique- worthy of delving in to.


My god it’s like I’m looking at Tupac.


I don't think many of them are any more honestly. What are we as viewers going to do? Watch Sandoval go to band practice, date around (if the rumors are true about the breakup)? No thanks, his hitting on women was so cringe this season. Watch Schwartz cheat on his young girlfriend, lie at her unconvincingly and then try to awkward his way around her forgiving him? Watch Lala try to shoehorn her brother into the show, turning her storylines into essentially a family vlog? Same with Scheana, watch her stage mom Summer Moon, fight with Brock about childcare (when he doesn't work) and actively not seek treatment for her mental health disorder? Even James, Ally, Katie and Ariana they're on their grind which is great but there's not a whole lot of interpersonal conflict here. James is the wild card since his grown-up arc is newest but none of them are going to put up with him backsliding. I think the ones who haven't just straight up outgrown the show (as much as I want to see the girls dating, and SAH thriving) I don't want to watch anymore. The guys are just gross and I'm not here for Lala or Scheana being puppeteered by production.


As soon as they start producing and trying to protect their spot on the show, they need to leave. I don't enjoy her trying to manipulate the show and protect her check or "livelihood" or whatever she referred to it as. Next! Lauren from Utah needs to go back to Utah.


Grown ass woman with a bottle in her mouth 🤦🏽‍♀️


This scene was the weirdest