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the best thing about all this back and forth is that i saw katie commented "make it stop" on one of the posts. šŸ˜‚ and same kinda. i'm interested in the drama, but damn it's already exhausting.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I love that she doesn't act like she's above checking out the messiness.


Itā€™s really one of the things that makes me love her most, she will not only see whatā€™s happening but also let us know sheā€™s one of us šŸ˜‚


Dayna was in the comments too! I know those group chats are incredible right now.


Omg where


glorifiedgossipgurl's ig post about kyle chan joining the live. looks like it's about 5 posts back rn on her page.


Billie is definitely gonna come back with tea and receipts after this and I can't wait šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤ŖšŸ¤ŖšŸ¤ŖšŸ¤Ŗ


She's going to go scorced earth on all 3 of them.


We deserve this after the production failure that was season 11


OMG, your flair!




I just watched the last 30-45 minutes of that interview on Up and Adam. And I just want to state that I donā€™t like Kyle Chan. Heā€™s admitted to lying to Ariana for Tom. Why does he expect us to trust anything he says?


Agree!! Iā€™ve wondered all season why no one is talking about Kyle Chan, like Ariana and the girls should be coming for him if they are dissing Jo


This. Kyle openly said on that live tonight that he will always cover for Tom (and did cover for him during the affair) bc Tom is his friend, and he wonā€™t expose him publicly. Okay Kyle, so you just told us that we canā€™t trust anything youā€™re saying tonight as truth. Got it


The bear. Always pick the bear.Ā  ETA Isn't saying he will always cover for Tom, did cover for him, and never will expose him...exposing him?


#team bear


Kyle is exposing himself, for sure. But as he said tonight, English is his 2nd language, causing him to sometimes mess up pronouns etc, so I almost wonder if the clear as day message that he will always lie for Tom is not as clear when heā€™s delivering it with slightly confusing English to an audience that is biased to think Kyle is this cute little harmless voice of reason (please)


Kyle Chan is 49 years old. He knows what heā€™s doing.


Oh, I didnā€™t realize he was 49, he comes across as much younger. Partly because of who he is friends with I think. I agree with you, though.


Just like Schwartz.


Right?? Kyle Chan is a snake.


Maybe they did complain about him but it didn't make the final cut?


He was awful on that live! They both seemed like they were lying. Kyle barely let her talk & he was very condescending, sexist, and transphobic. What a mess!


I have never drunk the Kyle Chan kool aid. Ā 


Same! I always thought he came off insincere & thirsty. Did you catch he kept referring to events by seasons of VPR? Kyle you were unnamed in the background until this year.


Honestly Iā€™m sick of hearing his name - why does he even need to be involved here?Ā 


Yes! He talked over her the whole time. It was like watching a hostage video. He's clearly a liar that's normal on VPR, but he's also extremely boring & I personally draw the line there.


If I read one more person say Kyle Chan is the voice of reason/truth after watching him tonight istg šŸ™„šŸ˜­


Today is the day we put a circle of salt around that argument & burn it. I hope all those creators that have been fawning over him feel dumb tonight.


For fucking real. Kyle flat out told us tonight why he lied to Ariana about Tomā€™s affair and why he felt justified in doing so! And he flat out told us that he will never throw his friend Tom under the bus or expose him publicly! I mean come on people - itā€™s right there!!!


Lol...What does Sandoval do to people that they give interviews declaring that they will lie for him? Did you notice Victoria bragging that Sandoval will never cheat on her? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Hahaha i dont know why when you say circle of salt the first thing I think of is when you put salt around things so snails and slugs dont get to it.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ That works too! It's for bad spirits and black magic too.


YES!! It's giving hostage vibes. Tom should not be having these 2 idiots as his mouthpiece. Where is his publicist?? šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Wasn't she 23? She's probably on a date with Schwartz.




Godddd šŸ’€šŸ’€


Her mom doesn't let her stay up late on school nights.


Rylie! šŸ¤£


Yes! Itā€™s giving Johnny Depp/Amber Heard apology to Australia vibes.






Same. Honestly his whole fake reason of worrying about sandal's mental health was so bs. They are the same type which is why he goes on trips with Sandals willingly. That plus all the free promo of his brand.


Grifter vibes for sure. Ā 


Hate. Him and Kevin Li (that other young Asian guy that Lisa used as a decorator or event planner or something, idk If that's spelled right) are cut from the same cloth. They have a lot of very clear prejudices and they align themselves the same way LVP does. Very male centered misogynist ways of thinking.


Kevin Li must be approaching 70.


Kyle and Kevin are not young


He barely let her talk and she can barely string a thought together. Most of the questions were answered with "non answers"


I didn't expect much b/c its Adam but that's the worst interview I've ever seen. However, I am looking forward to Ben & Ronnie doing a skit based on it


Adam bombed this interview.


Has Adam ever not bombed an interview? Iā€™ve seen someone suggest heā€™s on Scheanaā€™s payroll. That would not surprise me, tbh.


Adam says during videos about Scheana heā€™s close to her. He caught a ton of shit about that during the season and stopped airing videos about Ariana being a shitty friend or Katie being a bitch. His comment section was getting blown up. He and Zach Peter hate each other and I love it. Zach can be a very petty princess when he wants to


Heā€™s been kissing Scheanaā€™s ass for years. I canā€™t stand Zack as much as I canā€™t stand Adam, but at least Zack stands his ground on his shitty opinions. Adam flip flops as much as Scheana does. This is all so ridiculous and I hate myself for being this entertained by it all. I think itā€™s only entertaining for me because Tom canā€™t comment right now. The second he gets back and can jump in Iā€™m pretty sure my interest will dry right up.


Agree. When Adam got the hate he pivoted. You can tell when Scheana blows him up because he backs off. Zack fights on X with people disagreeing. Hardcore


Why did he keep bringing up she was trans when it wasnā€™t a part of the original argument? That was gross


It was weird, right? At first he brought up that Billie said "trans card" on the show b/c we also found out he's a super fan then he wouldn't stop. I really don't wanna listen again but there was one part where I thought he said something like trans people accuse people of not liking them to ruin their lives, it's scary. Shame on Adam for not shutting it down immediately.


It was such a hard watch! Every direct question was answered in a roundabout way and Kyle led the conversation into so many weird tangents. They both came off worse than they did pre interview in my opinion. Kyle gives me the creeps now and Victoria just seemedā€¦off.


I don't like Kyle Chan one bit after watching this. He tarnished his name here and I think he's an opportunist. Victoria wtf? I have no words.


Why are they trying to make Kyle Chan happen in this world? No one cares


After the live Iā€™m still inclined to side (mostly) with BL. The recaps are amazing and bless those souls but you lose the craziness of it. Kyle Chan looks fed up and as if heā€™s babysitting and Victoria canā€™t string together a coherent sentence. She just keeps recycling the same words over and over again. Also all three were about as entertaining to watch as cardboard.


Victoria literally seemed confused by her own sentences and would lose track of what she was saying. It was wild to watch


By the end she was fully slurring her words and every time she did Kyle Chan would look down really quickly, almost like he felt awkward. They didnā€™t even make sense. And I dunno if Billy Lee is telling truths but Iā€™m more inclined to believe her than those two after that interview.


Can't wait for Kyle Chan's podcast next. He knows where the bodies are buried. Or do women only call Scumdoval out for his behavior?


Tim's former flame Tii in the comments with a suggestion for Victoria... https://preview.redd.it/33713h5y3c5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fee6dfa69681d6be3619d1fce0175bcd019a571


Oh my god. ![gif](giphy|5YiRHZtcSeiEyOpSV7)


Wow. Thereā€™s been some comments about why would Billie Lee talk about Sandoval being toxic and not relationship material, yet she brought her good friend Tii into it. She did it for exposure, right? Clearly wasnā€™t ever going to be a real thing, but she got views, and probably Billie wanted some people to hang with while she was so involved with Sandoval. Ariana believes Billie us being a good friend, but she was also isolated, and got a lot of hate. Tii stayed back, when Iā€™m sure she couldā€™ve caused a lot more drama during the e season. But she hung with her friend, got done views, dipped her toe into reality tv and dipped out. And it was during the time that Sandoval was ostensibly sober. I see no contradiction here. If anything, I now think Tii can handle her shit.


There were so many contradictions as well. Within minutes of one another. I donā€™t think she was sober during this at all. She was also drinking what looked like coffee. Some people like coffee at night but with all these allegations, it could be an indicator for something.


She would interject an unrelated thought while trying to string words together, and then when she got back on topic, she would contradict herself mid sentence! It was bizarre Eta: I couldnā€™t tell what she was drinking; I figured it was water followed by her 2nd drink of sparkling water but yeah coffee at this time of night is a choice lol


She canā€™t remember dates! Well, except for the last time she spoke to Billie of course. Which was march 25th.


I found that hilarious (she doesnā€™t remember dates when it comes to the timeline of her starting to date Sandoval but her last talk with Billie Lee was March 25, no hesitation about it) Along with her other contradictions that she couldnā€™t keep up with


Isn't it strange that both Shartz and Scumdy got with women who are unstable and probably using. Jo and Victoria can be controlled and much younger than them.


Jo and Victoria are both in their thirties! Theyā€™re full grown adults who need to take responsibility for the shitty choices they make.


They are mentally in their teens, and probably impaired. The Voms pick unstable people to exploit. Yes, they need to have better judgment in whom they date.


She claimed that she had a car accident that caused brain damage so I guess we canā€™t question her, or else weā€™re total assholes mocking a disabled girl. I may to straight to hell but how convenient that she can explain why she sounds out of it and have a sympathetic story at the same time.


Funny, Katie suffered a traumatic brain injury and almost died from it, yet her AH ex husband and Scumdoval had no problem abusing her and yelling at her.




Yeah, the thing that didnā€™t add up for me, though - and the reason why I donā€™t feel like a total asshole for my comment - is that Victoria said the car accident was the reason she slurs her words. I didnā€™t notice her slurring, but I did notice her struggle to form coherent lies (that didnā€™t contradict themselves) in her sentences and that, to me, has nothing to do with brain trauma and everything to do with being unable to keep track of your lies


Yes, I clocked it that she claimed that she slurs her words when sheā€™s nervous, but didnā€™t slur during this interview. She claimed she was nervous to be there and anxious literally during the same interview but how interesting no slurring then šŸ¤”


Brain damage checks out... everyone keeps saying who in their right mind would date tom sandoval.


Yeah and same thing with her taking care of her dad. She also said that she was the first model signed to ford Chicago sight unseen. All very convenient stories šŸ„“ send me straight to hell for doubting this woman!


OMG thank for reminding me about the Ford modeling tall tales! She was the FIRST Ford model signed sight unseen? Shes talking about Ford Models, one of the most prestigious and large modeling agencies big since the 1940s? Ford who has represented Naomi Campbell, Lauren Hutton, Christy Turlington? After that long illustrious history, Victoria was the FIRST signed sight unseen? šŸ§ Her telling of her career was explained so poorly - According to her, THE Ford Models signed her without ever seeing her or meeting her? They signed her by just seeing her mom? What, they thought her mom was pretty so they drew up a contract for her daughter? They saw pictures her mom brought? Pictures that couldā€™ve been fake, photoshopped, or someone this woman didnā€™t even know? My suspicions of her dad caregiving background I wrote in other comments. My dad had glioblastoma and I was his caregiver as a teen and may god strike me down to hell, I donā€™t believe her. Her telling of her career and dad is a jumbled word salad, quickly skipping big details and changing up what she had just said a second before.


My father in law passed from glioblastoma in 2007, and he lived with my husband, daughter, and I during the last several months of his life. I was 23 with a 1 year old, and it was extremely hard. That being said, I cannot imagine taking care of someone with that condition as a teen. I'm so sorry you and your father went through that.


Right like she says she sometimes slurs because of a TBI. But it wasn't slurring to me... It was being unable to form a complete sentence, staring at herself, and just being really slow that made me think... well I'm not sure what the sub rules are so I'll stop there. When I saw her age... I'm sorry but I cannot compute that she is only 5 years younger than me. And I mean personality-wise, looks are always hard to tell. I'm talking strictly her personality.


Especially tripping over her words trying to say Tom is a good person and looking to kyle for confirmation šŸ˜† Kyle's eyes were giving *lets not get carried away here*


Where did she post?


ā€œUp and Adam liveā€ did a live interview with Victoria and Kyle Chan tonight on YouTube


I thought it was only me, that didn't understand what she was saying. There was a recording, there wasn't a recording...et cet. I was very confused. Billie Lee, however, on her broadcast seemed very clear, so Victoria should have been able to address what he was saying.


Her whole appearance was a jumbled word salad, in which she quickly skipped over some pretty big details, and then rambled endlessly about minute aspects of a nothingburger story. Adding extensive, irrelevant, confusing details to a recounting of something is a big tell of a liar. Itā€™s like she thought if she rambled enough and stuffed her tale with enough random, weird details, we wouldnā€™t notice the contradictions and inconsistencies.


Billie lees rebuttal will probably be much more entertaining


She said she has receipts and Iā€™m here for it!


I believe some of what BL says but don't side with her because she is acting like a scorned woman. I believe he is filthy, does drugs with Victoria, shows up late, etc. Victoria is not credible because she said she dated him without knowing who he is. I think it's disgusting that, once again, there are two women fighting over Scumdoval and he is merrily off in Scotland filming without any real consequences.


Bless that Up and Adam guyā€™s simple heart, Iā€™ve tried watching his regular videos about bravo-real drama and he literally just reads aloud the gossip articles word-for-word in a robotic manner. I donā€™t think heā€™s the sharpest tool in the shed šŸ¤£


I literally fell asleep during the interview.


So did Victoria lol


After watching the whole thing live I believe everything Billie Lee said.


Me too! Victoria and Kyle are full of shit!! Also, I wasn't for sure but now I'm positive Tom and Billie hooked up šŸ¤£


Yep! Billie might be exaggerating but I don't think she's inventing stories. Sandoval is probably responsible for a few of those lies.


10000% Tom is responsible for some of the lies


Triangles aren't just his favorite shape, it's a way of life for him!


But, but, but there was a camera with a red light on it that will verify everything Iā€™m saying. Oh wait, it wasnā€™t recordingšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


The number of times Adam had to question Victoria to get her to finally admit thereā€™s no receipts or evidence or recording despite Victoria initially trying to gain credibility by hinting at there being one (the red light was on, I can prove this conversation happened in the kitchen with Billie, the camera was pointed at us and I knew I had proof of Billie saying this bc it was recording, actually backtrack no it wasnā€™t recording I donā€™t have evidence) was EXHAUSTING


That 15-minute long boring as fuck story ended with there being NO recording at all! Like why even bother mentioning in the beginning about the camera at all. How convenient that sweet victim Victoria was foiled once again by forces outside of her control! So the only ā€œproofā€ we have is Victoriaā€™s word vs. Billieā€™s and considering Victoria could barely speak in complete sentences, Iā€™m going with Billie..:


I didn't watch but an Instagram I followed said they were team victoria/kyle. I have noticed a few instagrams like Kyle Chan a lot and it's so weird to me. I guess bc he gives them access.


If they actually watched the whole live and stand by thatā€¦ Thatā€™s embarrassing for them




Me literally any other time: I donā€™t believe a word Billie Lee says Me this week: Billieā€™s word is bible


I feel attacked lmao


Same hahahah


Lmaooooo same!


I believe Billie. I listened to it and she just rattled away. Some things were so specific you could tell she was just vomiting information


She didnā€™t have to do long meandering lead-ins to all her recountings to give her time to come up with what to say. And she didnā€™t need a partner to prompt her along. So for sure agreed.


Iā€™ve been radicalized into a Billie believer, at least for now.


Me too! I think there's a lot of first time Billievers rn


Same šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


This is crazy how all of this is happening while Tomā€™s gone.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ A+ reference! and the fact that he once appeared on the hills makes this even better.


I was hoping you guys would get the reference!




Ref is A++**


Billie Lee is strategic as fuck. Sheā€™s posting and sheā€™s calm, concise and understandable. She knows exactly how theyā€™d react with Tim out of the picture. And I believe what sheā€™s saying. Victoria isnā€™t up for this.


Holy fuck. I'm trying to go to bed. I need an assistant to take notes and recap everything for me when I wake up tomorrow morning.


Maybe Billie can hire one for you šŸ˜œ


Wheres ann?


Victoria said she needs the assistant because she is so busy she can't even get furniture But that she has a new house in the hills and got her dad a different place? What??


She later said sheā€™s been in this ā€œnewā€ house since October lol


So then why are they even AT Tim's house at all? When she has such a big house it takes months and months to furnish?


She also said how successful she was and that she just parted ways with her modelling agency. So bizarre.


ā€œIā€™m a Ford model! Oh um wait, donā€™t check their website. I JUST left them. Iā€™m too busy taking care of my dad and decorating my giant house to work. Do you have any assistant recommendations by the way? I need to book some gigs.ā€


I keep thinking about the obvious lies that they said. Kyle says that Tom has never had a drinking problem and that he only has small gatherings at his house not big parties. Us viewers of VPR for years KNOW thatā€™s not true. Jax even commented on Sandovalā€™s drinking problems last year. And weā€™ve seen the destruction of his ā€œsmall gatheringsā€ on the show! And the. Kyle said that Sandoval doesnā€™t do drugs except for mushrooms once in a while - when Tom said ON THE REUNION just last week that he and Ariana were rolling at a festival. And again - us seasoned VPR viewers know itā€™s all about the pasta. We are not the right crowed to lie to.


So many easily provable lies! It's a shame that I saw VPR creators still defending Kyle Chan today b/c "so many people have told me he's trustworthy". Who? Scheana? She's always picks terrible men's side why would you expect anything else.


This whole thing is weird.


This up and adam interview is sooo bizarre. Kyle Chan just said he was concerned about his reputation but he comes out looking wayyyy worse after this. Billie lee didn't even bring up the thing about Kyle allegedly trying to drug Tom so if Billie Lee was lying about that she obviously wouldnt have brought that up so they really brought that up for no reason šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤” And ETA: it sounds to me like Tom told Billie that in confidence. Not sure if it was true or not but I highly doubt she would just make that up. (Totally speculation but I personally think if Kyle Chan did try to do this to Tom he would overlook it because of the jewelry/LVP connection) Billie then spilled the beans to Victoria and Tom probably didn't think she would do that.


He said the drugging thing was going to ruin his reputation..um sir you are the one who announced this rumor


He was like "Ill sue for slander" and I was like - YOU are the only one saying this publicly, do you understand what slander is?


Danielle from 90 say fiancee did this & cried for years that her ex humiliated her when she's the one that told the audience https://preview.redd.it/jko4blrr9a5d1.png?width=1042&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9289b77e019ba4637dfeaa84f26d90034cbc0f86


Exactly! Billie never mentioned it! So sue yourself brother!




Billie sent KC a text during/before the pod, saying, ā€œV was the one that said you tried to drug Sandoval, why are you going on a podcast with herā€. He showed his phone, with a screenshot in the edit mode. Weird. I think the drug use has got them concentrated on the wrong things. In their head, whatā€™s a big problem, actually isnā€™t. Theyā€™re not thinking straight.


Yeah itā€™s like first of all Kyle, what reputation? Heā€™s acting like some big household name. Billie didnā€™t even mention Kyle first, besides saying she wanted to host an intervention at his shop. Hardly business- or reputation-ruining. So his answer to that is go on a podcast and make a fool of himself.


Yeahā€¦ Victoria has a beautiful house, we swear, she just never brings her boyfriend there because her sick dad is there. Her sick dad, who she cares for, because sheā€™s a saint who works so hard to keep him alive. (Who takes care of him when sheā€™s away all the time at Sandovalā€™s and on tour with him - unknown!) She had a tragic accident so thatā€™s why she seems off. Sheā€™s so professionally successful she needs an assistant (but sheā€™s not on the roster of the Ford Models website?). She never watches tv and doesnā€™t keep up with the Bravo drama. Next weā€™ll hear sheā€™s finishing her PhD in physics and bioengineering.




She got fired last month. Thereā€™s just too much in this vomit itā€™s impossible to catch everything. And Billie was in the life and commented a few times.


If sheā€™s taking care of her father, why isnā€™t she at her house? Heā€™s sick enough to live there, but weā€™ll enough to live alone? I mean, we donā€™t know, but thatā€™s why you donā€™t go off in comments and ho in a podcast unless youā€™re willing to mention it all!


Why arenā€™t they this dramatic on the show?! Iā€™m EXHAUSTED and need them to organize their drama for tuesday tv!!! Not podcasts/Instagram/etc!!!!


Seriously we wanted soapy drama and we got the most depressing season ever.


I donā€™t know - at least this way Alex Baskin canā€™t turn it into a manufactured story that makes Tim look good in the end.


Such a bummer that they went on pause when this is some drama we would have loved to see. Slur-town girl demands the Master Bedroooooom! Billy Lee holding furniture in place while Slurtown tells her "oh, it's getting moved... this room needs to be EMPTY. I want it now!" (Veruca Salt from Willie Wonka voice). Billy Lee holding firm while also trying to explain while we no longer use the term "Master" bedroom because it has racist connotations to slave-owning. A touch-a-truck standoff ensues. Brock and Sheana show up as "Mom and Dad." Brock uses his thick Aussie accent to try to explain to Slurtown that "See heeyuh, two people own this house, and they can both make decisions about this house, legally. Those two people are Tom and Arianna. But you, you aaaan't those two people." Sheana "and this place is so messy! I can't take it! It's bad for your mental health. Im losing my shit just BEING in here with all this .... disrespectfull mess. You're not even re-stocking the toilet paper! Where do you belong? Who are your parents, child? Do you have an ID? What is the address on your ID? Mail! Mail.... where do you get your mail. THAT's where you should be. Not here making messes at one of - two of my - BEST fucking friends' house!"


This whole strange thing felt like Victoria's audition, and I don't think it went well. She can't organize her thoughts on the fly and has this very strange energy. She's like the medicated version of Jo.


I know I keep commenting but I'm still watching it and don't want to forget my thoughts. All this talk about how she takes care of her dad, id really hate to accuse her of lying but again why would Billie Lee say she does nothing all day if she knows Victoria could easily dispel the rumors and confirm she takes care of her dad???? I have soo many questions. Hopefully Billie Lee clears all this up šŸ¤£šŸ™šŸ»


Wasnā€™t she touring with Sandy too?


Yes. They had no reason to do this. Makes me wonder if the reason theyā€™re trying so hard to paint Billie Lee as an unhinged TRANS person has yet to be brought up. Weā€™re the wrong audience for this. Right? I know Iā€™m right. Her gender/sexual identity mean no more to us than James being British.


"Taking care of dad" probably means checks in over texts and maybe stops by the house occasionally to say hi and run an errand. I doubt it's all day care like a nurse


Exactly! I feel like Iā€™m a demon for saying this but I donā€™t believe Victoria. She didnā€™t name a condition for her dad - just that he has ā€œbrain swellingā€ and ā€œmemory loss.ā€ When someone is talking about a family member in their care, they name the diagnosis - ā€œlike, I need to take care of my dad with dementia.ā€ She of course just said some vague symptom and quickly skipped past it. Her dad is so sick that he can no longer live independently? But why is always going over to Sandovalā€™s, traveling with him, going clubbing? Whoā€™s taking care of this very sick man when sheā€™s doing that? And sadly I have experience with family members who are sick, and even at hospice level sick, the regular family members still stayed in the house like normal and still had guests over. Why canā€™t Sandoval and Victoria spend all their time at her place then?


The B team is doing way too much this weekend


They heard that Brock worked his way up to a paycheck and they said let me clock in


Has anyone checked on Scheana? She's got to be devastated that her name wasn't mentioned.


Has the #1 Logan in the group commented on the claims about them moving Arianaā€™s belongings?


Adam said Logan is one of his best friends, so it shouldnā€™t be hard for him to confirm, right? Edited: a word Edit 2: idk if it matters tho bc ultimately Billie said Tom ended up hiring a moving team to do it


He posted that he had some thoughts. Heā€™s not going to/has never interjected himself in this shit for a decade. Heā€™s not going to go all Main Character, especially with Ariana in Fiji. Unlike Tim, she doesnā€™t surround herself with peeps that are more concerned with socials than their friend.


I can't believe I watched part of that mess. Am I right that Billie Lee didn't even mention a text, the one Kyle Chan showed during the interview? What in the what is all of that?!


Theyā€™re scrambling about the ā€˜Kyje drugged Timā€™ shut that BM didnā€™t bring up. Thereā€™s something else going on.


I need Andy and a camera STAT


They lost me as soon as they spoke about the sperm donor!


And acting like it was such a huge deal? It was so odd.


Sandovalā€™s MO is to tell stories about women in his life who are so desperate for his sperm and completely unhinged about it! What a weird fucking habit he has. Like saying Ariana was asking him to fertilize her embryos after they broke up and how it was ā€œeerie and scaryā€ because she seemed ā€œdetached from reality.ā€ I really truly canā€™t believe that actually happened. Now Billie is the bunny boiler obsessed woman lying all about Sandoval donating his sperm to her. So weird!


I am now a Billie fan. And I have respect for Rachel leaving him. Tides turn.


Does anyone else feel like Billie and Victoria are just doing this to ā€œshowā€ production that theyā€™re good drama and should be on S12 (maybe with pay)


I would believe it was a fake storyline if all the factors did not prove that it was true. We know Tom Sandoval has allegedly done drugs. We know that the women he likes have to be a certain type of skinny three he likes women who does drugs with him for that man is a hot mess right now Financial struggles, sex addiction substance addiction, fame whoring to top it off everybody around him is desperate to be famous, including himself. Because this wouldā€™ve been a fantastic storyline, and this wouldā€™ve shown Tom Sandovalā€˜s true downfall.


Victoria said she "doesn't do drugs". Sweety - your past and current boyfriend choices are saying that's a lie.


I hope this somehow plays out on TV because I don't care enough to watch their videos.


This was too messy for that to be true. It was embarrassing


Victoria looks so out of it I think sheā€™d be too high a liability to put under contract. Theyā€™d then have some responsibility for her. After watching a couple of 30ā€ clips of her slurring and struggling to speak I canā€™t imagine the production wanting to get into a business relationship with her.Ā  The drama is entertaining and although never been a Billie Lee fan - go get your fofty weekend - but I donā€™t like the darkness of people in their 30s and 40s having an addiction problem. Thatā€™s not entertaining and I hope they accept this isnā€™t going to end well and get professional help asap.Ā 


Stupidass Alex Baskin would NEVER let his baby boy Sandoval get dragged on his show and have yet another woman antagonize him, so I donā€™t even think we can look forward to a messy S12 featuring this wild drama šŸ˜©


Nah this was way too tragic and embarrassing to be produced


This. Interesting timing as it happens to coincide with Tom conveniently being sequestered filming The Traitors unable to comment. It smells of desperation and manufactured storyline.


Billie Lee definitely chose the time. Although, Victoria had no reason to be posting snappy lines about BL. I think Tim/KC/V have more to lose than BL, and they donā€™t seem to get that.


I don't know who is managing Billie Lee these days but they are earning that percentage. Spillie Tea come through!


Im just watching now!!! So much tea and its only 6.35am


LOL. Three people sitting around (4 with Billie), talking about the most hated guy on social media. While trying to be taken seriously. You really can't make this stuff up.


The fact that Victoria constantly looks high in all Tomā€™s videos is pretty telling. Saying you donā€™t do drugs but canā€™t open your eyes fully in any video he posts is just silly goose behavior


Is Tom truly cut off from all contact while filming Traitors ? Because this mess almost seems like he wrote the bones of a script for them but this set of minions couldnā€™t pull it off either šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Why couldn't we have had this filmed? Where are the cameras? Alex Baskin, gold is slipping through your hands right now buddy.


That Up and Adam live was difficult to get through! I don't know who to believe. I think there is probably some truth to both just embellished for added drama.


It's an upside down world where I'm siding with Billie, but also being friends with Sandoval...she's only now seeing why that a bad choice huh.


Victoria says she got signed to ford models sight unseen šŸ„“šŸ¤„


Omg the fandom hasnā€™t really bed fed since the og Scandoval. And theyā€™re hungry. And this bootleg drama is just reviving the beast


You know who I lost most respect for? Leo. Itā€™s itā€™s one thing to date young, itā€™s another thing to date dummies who canā€™t form a coherent sentence. His relationships must be so empty.


You still had respect for Leo?Ā 


Not to absolve Leo of his other questionable relationships but there are some things coming out that question if they were even truly together. Quite a few models/influencers have been found out to have called photographers to set up pics of them with him to appear as if theyā€™re dating for publicity.


All youth and appearance based, he also is probably looking for people who just want to party with him a lot.


ā€¦ you donā€™t think those relationships are real right? Because theyā€™re very clearly PR contracts to help boost the womanā€™s career. I donā€™t think either party cares about other one.


Ok, I've watched far too much of this stuff and here's my take: ā€¢ Billie Lee likely slept with Sandoval and continues to carry a torch for him ā€¢ Kyle Chan is an asslicker and a bad choice to send out to plead Sandoval's case ā€¢ Victoria is dumb as a box of rocks and/or off her head on drugs ā€¢ Sandoval surrounds himself with hangers on in order to boost his fragile ego ā€¢ We'll never see any of this on VPR because Baskins won't let his boy be tarnished


What set is she on?


Movie, some independent film. Good for her.


I kinda wish all this was playing out in front of cameras šŸ‘€


Did that up and Adam guy really used to work at TomTom ?!


Oh my god šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø I donā€™t want to listen to these peripheral peopleā€™s life stories. I do not care. Cry more. I wish they would just skip to the relevant tea or piss off please. Fucking Klingons. ![gif](giphy|vNmTsLl4cildm)


I thought I was keeping up with these latest updates... but have a question.. Where is Tom Sandoval during this latest mess.. he usually doesn't shy away from it.. thanks !


Hes filming the traitors


Oh, well that makes sense.. guess he'll have a lot to say when he returns then.. lol Thanks.