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https://i.redd.it/3fs5x1qtom5d1.gif Using these obvious tokens of the affair to promote her cameos is just so gross and callous to me. Oh, and she’s offering relationship advice.


She’s really grown from her time in rehab etc…wtf is wrong with this chick? She’s so deeply and troublingly dense and tone deaf. ETA spelling


Sadly, people will pay for this. The same people who snark on her. The same people who snark on Sandovile but went to his shows to “boo him”. Prepare yourself for the future post of “Even though I hate her, I got a cameo from Rachel/Raquel for my friend as a joke.”


It was like totally fine because I didnt pay for it, my friend/ spouse/ family did so I didnt 'support' her! Teehee. (Said in the most sarcastic way possible)


You know it’s coming.


"I'm ready for the downvotes y'all 🤪🤪"






Psychotic https://i.redd.it/p57tbdteho5d1.gif


She was on some wild stuff when she was with Tom. Her behavior in the Vegas episode is unsettling.


I hope Ariana gets a restraining order on her, ASAP!


You said it best!!


I guess it is possible to come out of therapy a worse person


Anyone who's watched The Sopranos knows that




Her parents spent a quarter of a million dollars on that.


I was naive and thought she really got got by Sandy and that therapy would help her, but I now stand corrected. She's just a snake.


I think she’s just attached to the high of being a public figure. I thought I read something about her talking about missing the dopamine hits from being mentioned online etc. No one will ever take her seriously anyway. She’s not bright. She needs money and relevance. So I guess she think, why not? But then, that’s me assuming she thinks, so…


We think someone needs to check on her. They need to do a welfare check and get her into treatment because she’s spiraling.




Imagine getting relationship advice from “I love you too!” “Uhh…I said they love you.”


https://i.redd.it/i8cgl6906o5d1.gif Imagine getting advice from “we’re just two people who fucking, were friends” when they are caught having an affair.


>Using these obvious tokens of the affair to promote her cameos is just so gross and callous to me. She must be hurting for money to resort to using Rudy Giuliani's source of income. ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized) I'm surprised she hasn't tried selling pieces of her hair on eBay.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


She’s beyond psychotic. We all know she was never really sorry. Only sorry that she got caught and had to run away to Arizona with her tail between her legs because the group and most of LA turned on her. And rightfully so.


"How to be a mistress"


How to betray your friend and abuse her hospitality.


I took a screenshot of her cameo page yesterday, showing only old videos and this intro (which people are saying is likely from 2022 and I can believe that). She has since gone and updated her page with more recent cameos. Here’s a side by side of her page yesterday and today. https://preview.redd.it/60vq7duens5d1.jpeg?width=1068&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf497aee3b79f8729528a41700b5b7c3ec433940 I don’t care when she made that intro video - she’s leaving it there on purpose, lighting bolt necklace and galaxy lights for full “Raquel from VPR” effect.


I think she saw that Ally was making $195 for an astrology reading and now decided she can do better by charging $219 for a cameo. That’s an insane amount for a short video. 


Especially with her speech pattern you’re gonna get like maybe a sentence in. And it won’t be a complete one


I can't stand her warbling voice. There is no way I would pay to hear or see her.


Worse than (Lala’s) nails on (Summer Moon’s) chalkboard.




Warbling is the perfect word to describe her voice. It's like nails on a chalkboard.


Also, who’s paying to give/get a message from a dirtbag’s affair partner????? If anyone bought me a cameo from her I would be deeply offended!


Me too!




That’s more than Mick Foley and she has neither a leather mask, nor a sock puppet. An outrage.


It’s also more than Sonja Morgan, as pointed out in another comment. Which is absolutely wild to me. 


That is SUCH a good point. Maybe Sonja Morgan took the personality and charisma Rachel was supposed to have. It’s also WAY more than Ann. Everyone get one from Ann instead. Honestly I might buy one for myself for my birthday, I’m lonely. LOL EVERYONE GET TEN ANN CAMEOS INSTEAD OF THIS


I don’t think you’re getting enough credit nor attention for this niche as hell quip that I thoroughly enjoyed 😂


I thought she was going by Rachel now. Why did she call herself Raquel?


I think it's Rockel now


She should just settle on Rockhead


Rock head 😂😂😂😂


Rockhead the blockhead.


Wait, for real?


Haha nah - but she did say something about wanting to be called Rocky this week so in my brain she's Rockel forever




It is and I wouldn’t be supersized if it’s related to her adoption. I am adopted and went through a phase where I wanted to name myself. Of course I was 12 at the time but regardless I was told this can be normal for kids. She’s not a kid obviously so it seems more therapy is needed. It seems she is very regressive in general.


Saw something about Rocky Bang Bang. Girl is bugged.


Maybe she's jealous of Ariana performing as Roxy?


Sorry not sorry I’m forever referring to her as Rockel from here on out.


She's realizing that she has to options: 1) lean into the villain role to garner relevancy or 2) disappear into obscurity.


I think she should have leaned into villain this whole time. Much more interesting than innocent baby.


She wants back on the show


Who would film with her? It wouldn't be organic now. She's screwed over Tom and Scheana. James wants nowt to do with her. The only person desperate enough is Lala and they've always loathed each other.


She should just go by Bambie and be done with it


I have called her Ratchett since Scandoval.


You could tell from her last podcast that she was disappointed she isn't really on anyone's radar anymore & trying to play it off. She talked about the serotonin hits from seeing that people are talking about you and came to reddit to search her own name. Now she's realizing she needs the VPR thing or people are uninterested. Between this and the podcast she really can't complain anymore about public opinion. Most people were understanding of her going away to treatment and saying she wanted a life away from the public eye before she started seeking fame again.


She’ll probably make an emergency podcast responding to this post 😆


“Reddit won’t stop bringing me up”


She totally will. It’s like Ariana’s shirt all over again. She’s grabbing for any way to stay relevant and interesting, and clearly isn’t above flaunting tokens of her behaviour that she’s sooo sorry for to get it.


She needs to go on some hikes


Needs to take a permanent fucking hike


Ricky Byebye


I wish she would just .. do something? She's so boring. Then she has this insane affair, comes back, and she's boring again. We knew this was going to happen to her podcast too. She had so much time to try something... anything. Honestly at this point, I hope she just becomes like every other washed up reality TV star (like the people from Love is Blind, etc). She's got nothing to give. She's truly just boring.


Oh yikessssss


Omg she is really wearing the lightning bolt necklace to promote her cameo ![gif](giphy|7zSzFBQwwGMC54c19q)


Not even THE necklace. She auctioned that off for charity. So she had to have gone and gotten another one. Fucking diabolical and demented. Edit to add: could be an old video. But she’s still diabolical and demented for using it to promote her Cameos. She could easily replace the intro video on her landing page with literally anything else. This is intentional. Or maybe she has an entire drawer of lightning bolt necklaces. We may never know


What if she didn't actually auction it off though 🥴🥴🥴 idk either way she is absolutely unhinged and she done lost her damn mind


Just kept the cool $5,300 it sold for on EBay. Or maybe she was the winning bidder so she could look good donating to charity. She sold nothing and she just has a shrine to Scandoval at home. Only pulls out the necklace for when she needs to feel its power again. Agree though. Any way you slice it, it’s icky.


😳 Holy fucking shit that is wild!! ...and plausible af! 💁‍♀️😂 Just like Helga lol ![gif](giphy|26Ff6PGlqJHFnj9g4|downsized) Omfg guys, I was trying to remember Helga from *Hey Arnold's* last name.... it's Pataki....Rocky Pataki!!🙀🙀😭😭😭😭😂😂




Yes, she claimed that she sold the neckless to charity, and now, here it is!


It looks exactly the same from what I can see but who knows. She is strange that one.


Maybe Kyle Chan gave her a deal on a knock off.


Makes me wonder what she did at that festival to have her acting like this


Her podcast is defunct so she needs a back up career. Gotta pay back that mental health facility bill. Looks like that place did wonders!


I am almost fully convinced that she has a deal with the facility because she mentions them by name constantly and it’s one of those shady “celebrity” centers 


She’s gotta chip away at that 200k bill for her visit


Her mentioning the facility is really not the promo that health spa thinks it is...it just shows people pay big bucks for zero outcome. I mean it was a great place to hide from the paps for a few months...


Worst advertisement for The Meadows....ever.




This must be something they taught her there


When your brain is short wiring, blow raspberries.


This gif…what in the salad fingers hell


There is really something so unspeakably sinister about this video.


The sinister is VERY loud!!!


This isn’t even the only promo video she’s done. I saw another one in a bandana on the other sub 


She’s a rare person who just exists in the uncanny valley in her daily life


She banged Tim in their house while Ariana was at her grandmother's funeral. She brought flowers to their house the morning after hooking up with Tim at guy's night. She lied, got closer to Ariana as the season progressed, and laughed when jokes were made about how her type is guys that are taken. She interrogated Ariana on camera about her relationship and sex life while she was banging Tim. She lacked any sympathy during the Season 10 reunion and instead tried to deflect, eye rolled, or stood empty and emotionless when reciting her apology. She suing Ariana after psychologically torturing her for 3 months on camera for the world for see. She's promoting her cameo using props from her affair with Ariana's ex. She went to a mental health facility for 3 months and came out immensely worse. She's gaining steam on the pile of shit that's Tim. https://preview.redd.it/dn40rdq6gn5d1.jpeg?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=448c0ab0420bd581627a0468396fbec1b166b45c


I love that you often post this reminder. No notes. https://i.redd.it/a22uegoxjn5d1.gif


Her face looked really puffy and lips looked too big this season. Huge difference from season 9 where I thought she looked beautiful. The drugs + ugly person inside her really started showing.


This is the face she's making at Teri Maloney!


Sure is! https://i.redd.it/6vo7etm8xn5d1.gif She gave her some eye rolls too.


You always come through with the gifs! I will never not love you!! You're legendary!!


Aww thank you! 🥰


strong agree!


Aw thank you, I really appreciate it


😂 It's at a point with Rachel I'm not wasting effort typing out much. Just cut/paste with a new sentence added on.


Don’t forget totally disrespecting Teri Maloney and not respecting Katie’s boundaries.


yup 100% justice for katie


She really is diabolically evil.


She wants that bag. Give me that bag! Thinks she's entitled to everyone elses bank accounts. She was so pissed James didn't remember buying her the handbag she brought. She's got to be dying now at James success and she's identified with the scandoval albatross. This picture is so telling it's scary




Selfish, abusive people always get worse after talk therapy.


Didn't she go to rehab for this shit?


OMG. Attorney checking in. If I was representing Raquel-Rachel-Rocky-whatever her name will be next week — I’d be furious at this point. All of these Cameos will be subject to Tom and Ariana’s subpoenas!! That will be expensive and a huge pain in her lawyer’s a**. I’d have fired her as my client after she kept on with the podcast. But this is worse. Well, not as bad as OF, but if RRR doesn’t get enough attention, that might only be a matter of time. RRR will probably share her own video recorded by Tom if she thinks she’ll make more money by us viewing that than she will from her lawsuit….


Thanks for this! Yes, she seems like a terrible client. I read through the 140 pages of Ariana’s attorney Margot’s evidence in support of her Anti-SLAPP and honestly my first thought when I saw this too was well there’s more to add to the pile for Ariana’s defence team. I didn’t include that in my post because discussion of the lawsuit here is tricky. But I have maintained that as a non-lawyer I think Rachel’s approach to this suit and her actions are just… stupid. She’s given the defence a load of evidence, contradicts herself constantly, and is not garnering any real public favour out of this either.


I’ve had clients like this before. Sadly I’m in public defense so the standard for being relieved as counsel is a high one, but let me be the first to say: when you get that client that seems bound and determined to do anything and everything they can against their own interests, it makes you wanna try. Lol


That’s distasteful


Incredibly distasteful. The bar for what I expect from her at this point is so low. And I tried to have an open mind and give her grace. Then she came back into the public eye and opened her mouth and that evaporated pretty quickly. https://i.redd.it/433cjjdqun5d1.gif All this “work” on herself and still doesn’t give a shit about other people. She watched the reunion and commented on basically all of it on her podcast, except the part where Ariana cried about having to hear Rachel keep talking about her. Didn’t even mention that. Because maybe then she’d have to consider how her actions continue to hurt Ariana, and I don’t think she cares about that at all.


I really, really, reallly want her to go away. She’s not a value add to any conversation in the VPR universe because she’s not a trustworthy narrator. I’m so tired of her milking this for all it’s worth while also escaping any sort of culpability.


Someone needs money badly...


It's gonna be a rude awakening when literally nobody requests these. Lol. God the desperation is oozing...really the lightning bolt?


She'll get a few troll requests I'm sure but nowhere near the millions the rabbit at the controls in her head thinks are going to come in.


"I think this is a great way to"...pay my bills and fund my lifestyle now that my podcast is tanking.


Ding ding ding! https://i.redd.it/y8dfkxat2o5d1.gif


![gif](giphy|Hsjxoi5WcJl4Sj90WT|downsized) Me when I saw her dab


I notice she still has that awful quiver in her voice. All her cameos will be people asking her to say the most iconic line she had in the show. "I'll have the cheeseburger with cheese."


Lol desperate throws to remain relevant


Oh, so she’s not actually suffering financially or emotionally from people discussing Scandoval, right? Cuz I sure as shit don’t go around flaunting tokens which remind me of my abuser. This woman is going to blow her own case bc she is too self-obsessed to even recognize that her behavior has yet to align with her words. What Tom did was wrong. If Ariana did show the video, that was also wrong. But JFC this woman is behaving like an insane person and making it really damn hard to empathize with her.


OP: "To me it seems like she’s using recognizable/controversial things from the affair and S10 of VPR to get attention, cause controversy, and drum up interest in these cameos she’s offering." I agree. And I think the shirt that she wore at Stage Coach--the exact one Ariana wore \*on camera,\* was intentional as well. These are all choices that she is making to get attention / clicks, and it's actually pretty diabolical. I am legit. scared of this person.


I completely agree about the shirt too. She used it as a reason to draw viewers into her podcast, get comments on her IG posts, and views on her stories. She played dumb about that shirt, lying about where she got it (it was from Urban Outfitters not some Boutique like she claimed). Diabolical and demented were some of Ariana’s descriptors at the S10 reunion. And I fully understand why she was in tears talking about how Rachel just won’t stop talking about her. It’s beyond. She honestly seems like she has no scruples. She doesn’t care how this shit will affect Ariana, because she’s said her sorries and deserves attention toooo. She hasn’t changed. I was so wiling to give her the benefit of the doubt for a while, but she quickly showed with her podcast that she’s the same and just trying to rebrand, stay relevant, and be liked. Pass.


“People are talking about my recent joining of cameo” episode 15 of the podcast 🙄


Why would anyone want a message from someone who sounds shaky and terrified every time she opens her mouth?


And who “can’t make a prowwperrr toawwwst”


Gahhd. Just thinking about her saying that annoys the f outta me. 




omg the image at the end looks like raquechel cosplaying LFU in the bandana 😭


I hope all this hurts her lawsuits somehow….


Margot (Ariana’s lawyer who seems like an absolute boss) already complied 140 pages of evidence to support Ariana’s anti-SLAPP. This evidence included many excerpts from Rachel’s podcast and some social media posts. I wouldn’t doubt they are continuing to keep a close eye on everything she says. She just keeps giving them material that can be used against her.


girl just sign the contract for s12 of vpr and give it a rest already


Baskin has said she won’t ever be allowed back. And now that’s she’s suing two main cast members and mentioned Bravo and production numerous times in her lawsuit I’d be surprised if any show ever hires her. She’s a liability that doesn’t offer enough reward.


She should’ve just taken her S11 offer. But they weren’t going to pay her as much as Tom and Ariana and pay for her mental health treatment (that she said she planned to go to before Scandoval). Every step of the way post Scandoval breaking she has handled this poorly.


I don’t think she can bc of her lawsuits against castmates. But I bet she wishes


oh damn i forgot about those.


It's probably what she wants - maybe she'll offer to drop the lawsuits for a S12 contract (if there is a S12)


She needs Jesus... and I don't even believe in God... but this is clearly a demon.


Funny enough, as an ex-vangelical, she would probably thrive in the Christian influencer space. She could have all her sins forgiven and be accepted into that sphere. She’d be redeemed by the blood of Christ and then her past would just be her inspirational transformation testimony. She could grift the shit out of that, get loads of attention, and change her “reputation.” She actually posted a bunch of videos from a “spiritual centre” on Easter Sunday (seemed like a charismatic church, a lot of the same “love and improve yourself and thrive” talking points from the guy yelling his inspirational bs at the crowd. Wouldn’t be surprised at all if she migrates over to the Christian crowd at some point.


I agree with you, she'd grift the shit out of the the Evangelicals. She was briefly dating a MAGA guy, apparently. I can honestly see her in that community, or in a cult.


She’d be perfect for them and they’d be perfect for her. A match made in hell.


Did they break up?


They broke up?


I mean, she took the first step by dating some MAGA weirdo.


You're right, but we don't need another nauseating Taylor Ann Green.


Oh hey I just started a book called Exvangelical today


Yes! I agree too! Christians love a spokesperson who is impressionable and can wear a cross and blink their eyes lying about shit.


So funds have dried up huh


God forbid she 'heal from her trauma' by living a normal life and getting a normal job, rather than piggybacking on a scandal and trying to make bank from it, all while playing the victim. This woman is beyond D&S.


Therapy was never gonna work for her. Let’s admit it, we tried. We sympathized with her after the scandal started to impact her mental health and applauded her for prioritizing her own wellbeing. BUT she just can’t move on! Everyday that passes she reverts back to the selfish, self-serving, victim of self-made circumstances we saw during season 10. I believe that’s who she is at her core, not an aspect of her personality during a difficult time. but who she is when the mask comes off. Rachel understands the concepts she’s learned in therapy but she is nowhere close to implementing them and applying her new standards to herself. I hope her family and friends recognize this and encourage her to continue therapy. I also hope any adversary of hers clocks it too, because this woman’s behavior is concerning at the least. I’m sorry to say it but after a full year I still see the mistress bunny-boiler vibes behind those eyes. I really hope I’m wrong but I’m usually not lol.




She has always been thirsty. Even though the world hated her she was pleased to be talked about. Just like Mr. Sandyballs


What happens to selling the necklace for a mental health charity lmfao


I’m guessing the podcast and brand deals aren’t going well… I bet she really regrets not going back to VPR. Cameo seems like a last resort.


Girl is broke.




I think she just reused the video from the first time she launched her cameo before scandoval maybe


https://preview.redd.it/0wdvlfbeon5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00761606072a4d424e664eec3582e1c9acc4c9f0 The only other videos on her page are from before she cut her hair. She also hasn’t had reviews since 2022. She hasn’t updated that account or done cameos for 2 years. Even if the video was recorded pre-Scandoval, she only just days ago went back on the platform and was advertising it via her IG stories. She could’ve recorded a new video. She knows that this will be controversial and get her attention. So whether the video is old or not, she’s *choosing it* as her account into. It’s intentional.


Thank you for sharing this!! I love this subreddit nothing gets past some of you


You’re welcome! I think it’s more than distasteful to leave that video as her intro, whether it’s from 2022 or more recently, because it’s still serving the same purpose. But yeah if someone just found this video and shared it, but it wasn’t part of her landing page, then that would be totally different. Her notoriety is based on Scandoval. She’s just capitalizing on that (and a bit too late I think).




This woman claims to move on from VPR yet still promotes herself as Raquel from VPR🙄


219$$$ who does she think she is? BEYONCE? 😆 can't imagine what her relationship advice is- just coz he's taken doesn't mean he can't b yours too! 🙄


Gross behavior


The only way to get rid of her…and have her be something else…is to UNFOLLOW her on all social media. It would actually be best for her.


Oh wow. Not a single ounce of growth. But when you need money, you need money.


Why would I purchase something from this low life for my family and friends…I like them and would rather give them something of value lol


She needs a refund from that place she went


Nose still crooked


As a seasoned pageant attendee, she is surprising bad at memorising a pre written speech and delivering it properly.


she needs to put that college degree she blabbed on and on about to use and get a job


For someone who claims the show is bad for her mental health, she sure continues to ride hard on its coat tail.


Come on guys, she graduated from college- with a Degree!




Is this an old video she filmed for cameo that she’s reusing now? Otherwise it makes no sense bc she sold that necklace


Did she sell it? I don’t believe a word she says. Did she ever show the charity and her giving them a check or a thank you from the charity? I wouldn’t put it passed her to have her parents/friend/family member or herself be the winning bid. She looks as if she’s donating to charity but doesn’t and keeps the necklace.


Whether it’s old or new, she’s only recently announced being back on the platform and she chose this as her intro video. She could’ve very easily recorded a new one. She has this video up on purpose.


Not questioning you OP, but are we sure this is recent? I mean, she may have called herself Raquel because that’s how most people knew her. She made some statement about wanting to be called Rocky, but ai didn’t think she was going back to Raquel. She also claimed she sold the necklace, so that’s interesting.’


https://preview.redd.it/omlzutc2jn5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85693441ab9f21457c2c4b4862392248524cc702 Her last reviews on Cameo are from 2022, and her last videos viewable on her account are from then as well, with long hair even. She posted to her IG stories within the last few days saying she’s “back on Cameo” and to buy a video for Father’s Day, relationship advice, pep talks, and other random reasons. I didn’t think to screen record, because it seemed innocuous and expected. But this “intro video” on her cameo page seems intentional to me. She introduces herself as “Raquel from Vanderpump Rules.” So I think she’s using Raquel because that was her name on the show, and she’s trying to use the show to stay relevant. I also think she’s using the necklace and galaxy lights to get attention and be controversial while pretending like she’s not. If it’s an old video, she still only recently went back on the platform and has been telling people about it. She chose to leave that video there - that’s intentional. So yeah, I think it’s recent and I think she knows what she’s doing with it.


Yeah, what most dads want for Father's Day is a cameo of a currently reviled ex-reality tv star they've never heard of.






She sounds like she’s 7 years old


I feel like I’m in the frickin Twilight Zone


And it costs 200 plus dollars omg I will rather buy a Jean jacket and then eat that Jean jacket then doing this pukeeee




No shade but for real I genuinely want to know how many people are actually buying that.


"What can Raquel possibly say that is going to make anyone look at her in a better light?" LVP, VR Season 11, Episode 12.


It’s giving substances


She obviously needs funds for her attorney fees.


trying to garner attention to get back on the show. ![gif](giphy|vtBMnEl4XT3Ow|downsized)


Isn't this old? I thought she was promoting her cameos in summer 2022.


Very well could be. She’s promoting her cameos again now https://preview.redd.it/hlcpijie7o5d1.png?width=1282&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce4fb2c897c014c5f548a18d329c9f3a76683f73 This is from the last couple days. But new or old, it’s a conscience choice to leave that video as the intro to her Cameo page. She could’ve recorded a new one, or replaced it with what she posted to her IG. She didn’t, and I think that was intentional


Does anyone know where her galaxy light is from? Mine doesn’t look like that but I want it to lmao


I always forget how unbearable her voice is. It’s possibly the worst American voice I have EVER heard.


Her voice makes me so uncomfortable.


It feels like the video is probably from awhile ago. The picture after looks different. Maybe it’s from when she originally set up her cameo?