• By -


Props for the ability to admit when she was wrong, honestly it's refreshing to see.


So refreshing. Especially when we’ve got Lala and Rachel continuing to double down. It’s normal to be wrong sometimes and it’s okay to change your mind. Sometimes you get new information, sometimes you need time to fully process - whatever the reason, it’s okay to change.


The craziest part of this is all most fans wanted was some humility and an apology from those two dimwits. Neither of them could do it and instead, out of spite and jealousy, continue to trash Ariana on their podcasts.


As much shit as I talk about Billie and like less than a week ago I was literally her biggest hater and now I'm quietly rooting for her. Even BILLIE LEE can own up and say she fucked up and own her shit and she SHAMELESSLY rode so hard for Sandovile more than anyone!! It's very admirable of her and I seriously CANNOT believe I'm saying this 😅


I love your flair haha


Never in a million years thought that I’d appreciate anything about Billie and I stand corrected. Accountability is a beautiful thing, something Blah Blah and Sheener will never understand.


And now Lala has picked up the torch


Lala needs to get a freaking life. I'm sick of her replaying over and over why she's jealous and hates Ariana.


But disguising it as….never mind….it can’t be anything but jealousy!


I feel like she could have worked harder to disguise it better. It would have taken creativity but I appreciate the consistency


“It’s okay to change your mind…” All of this is such a beautiful perspective. To use the same words, it’s refreshing to see.💓


However she is just replicating what she did before. Now she is blaming the new female and making Tom out to be a victim of women. Before it was Ariana and she regrets it and now it’s Victoria. She might be missing the part where the common denominator could be the problem


Agreed 100%. Billie Lee made both Ariana and now Victoria the "bad guys" in their circumstances with Sandoval.


I agree that Billie still has a ways to go with working out her internalized misogyny, but I don’t remember her ever downing Ariana. She’s always been more Tom’s friend but it seems they got along and Ariana was okay with her caring for her animals after the split.


She said Ariana was a liar for saying BL was living in her house. But she was. She was just using the Schwartz/jo method of using “staying” instead of “living”. She also acted like she was Maya’s new mom on insta for awhile last summer so she will always be trash to me.


I don’t disagree with you on principle, but Ariana seems to appreciate Billie walking Maya so I would give her a pass on that. Tom seems to have literally no interest in their pets or he’s in such a bad place he can’t handle the care of an animal. And people still harp on FB about Ariana keeping him from fatherhood. You gotta laugh


Ariana was being diplomatic at the time but I bet if you asked her if she felt hurt by BL claiming possession of Ariana’s dog while she was in Fiji or filming her lifetime movie, she’d probably tell you it hurt. And that’s okay to admit.


She probably felt relieved someone other than the attempted dog murderer was looking after her


Sandovile is incapable of taking care of himself. Dogs and cats don’t use batteries or pens, and since they can’t feed and toilet themselves either, they’re screwed.


I think I remember seeing Ariana say she asked BL to walk Maya?


Ariana likely was relieved that Billie seems responsible and has a kind of mother / caretaker aura, and she had someone like that watching over the house, her plants, and her pets when she had to be out of town. Better Billie to do it than Sandoval, his hanger-on party pals, and his vacant-eyed dates. I’m so glad she has her pets out of the house now that Billie’s not around, because at this point the inmates will be running the asylum at that place.


Exactly. Better Billie than a stranger (we know Tom won’t do it), she already knows the animals and where everything is. None of it was ideal but you’ve got to work with what you’ve got.


Fascinating that everyone refers to the animals as Ariana's. And nobody questions why Tom wasn't walking the dog he now demands half custody for. As big as Billie's mouth is, I expected her to push back on Sandoval's claim on the dog knowing she was picking up his slack. (Btw I think Ariana did express discomfort over Billie being at her house. She was just very diplomatic about it).


Everyone knows the animals weren’t Tom’s and he wasn’t going to take care of them. There’s nothing to question and he was lying when he pretended like he wanted then.


Tom only cares about the animals for the attention it would bring him.


And to stick it to Ariana to hurt her. Just like trying to stay in the house was designed to hurt her.


Because they are Ariana's.


Good point!


Um do you mean Rocky??? /j


It’s a shame she’s been through so many names because Rocky for a girl is super cute!


We only saw a little of Billie this season (and most was uncomfortable) but I don’t think she ever badmouthed Ariana. And I seem to remember early on in the affair coming out that Billie was staying at the house while they were both? gone and walking Ariana’s dog and even Ariana defended her being there. Maybe I hallucinated that though? I’m trying to remember why the viewers vehemently disliked Billie when she actually joined the cast. I remember a cringy comment about picking a pretty vagina and her getting super mad at not being included in some girls thing and insinuated it was because she’s trans (when it was more likely just because she wasn’t a real friend and they weren’t close to her). I guess if that was the extent of it and her questionable taste in friends like Sandoval, I suppose she’s not irredeemable as she seems to be capable of reflection? I give up trying to figure these people out other than knowing Sandoval is an asshole who needs to go away.


She completely co-signed Tom’s view of the breakup, saying that they were like roommates at the end and weren’t in a real relationship. I’m pretty sure she said on her podcast she doesn’t know why Tom didn’t cheat on her earlier. She also said on the show Ariana was being ridiculous about acting like Tom was such a bad person while living down the hall from him and that she was scared coming to their house in case she saw her. Billie said a lot of bullshit about Ariana.


She also said Ariana could "go fuck herself" in February when Ariana made a comment that Billie practically lived there, then Billie proceeded to post a bunch of tiktoks in her house acting like she did indeed live there lol


Here's the thread... [https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/comments/1awguth/billie\_ariana\_can\_go\_fck\_herself\_for\_saying\_i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/comments/1awguth/billie_ariana_can_go_fck_herself_for_saying_i/)


I mean I’m glad Billie is talking shit on Tom because I like shit talking Tom, but it does feel a little sketchy (and also completely mundane) that Tom gets a girlfriend that is NOT Billie Lee and BL is now going scorched earth. IMO, she’s not reversing course because she’s seen the light, she’s backpedaling because she laid the ground work in to being WITH Sandoval romantically (it’s what we were all saying last season) and Sandoval found another girl and pretty much kicked BL to the curb. Not saying that that behavior is okay to do to a friend, but Billie had no qualms with Sandoval doing it to his partner of nearly a decade (someone she considered her friend too) and she was like shacking up at his house and shit-talking Ariana (and not even speaking to her in her own home). This whole thing is just weird and I’m tired. Fighting over Sandoval has got to be rock bottom


Billie has a LOT of work to do on her own internalized misogyny. Getting away from Sandoval is hopefully a step in the right direction for her.


It’s a step in the right direction for us all 😂


No I am loving the fact we are seeing more shade and that it is well away from Ariana. So the rest of the world remembers he is s huge nasty shitty person! He needs to change not the rest of the world.


Or: he can stay the nasty, shitty person he is, but get him off the damn show. He adds nothing of value, he’s a con man. He’s an uninteresting liar who has been manufacturing false content for years.


Agree. Billie is acting like a scorned woman now that Victoria is in the picture so her motives are suspect. However, if she has receipts and can prove things that benefit Ariana in court, I am all for it. He is financially abusing her about the house and the allegation of drug use is pretty serious. I would love to see Vom be held accountable for his behavior - finally. Sick of his smirking and stupid jokes as he continues to disrespect Ariana.


I can see why you'd say this but I do think If I was in Billie's position and had given all that support to a friend, to see them sink back into drug (addiction) and fucking their life up could be the final straw. Although yeah, I do think the rageful energy to then expose that on the internet does come from a more personal feeling of being rejected.


I don't really believe the "sink back into" bit. I think Vom tried to dry up for a short while while Rachel was in rehab but started back up when she ditched him. Victoria was part of that lifestyle, so he is with her. I don't know how much support Billie gave Vom to dry up. Billie is a hanger on who is in love with Vom, for whatever reason. In any case, I hope it all comes out in the wash.


Yes, she said some of that on camera. Remember her apparent annoyance that Ariana was living in the home she co-owned. These b's wanted Ariana out so they could move in. Ariana said on a podcast that she was pretty sure Billie was living in her house. Ariana had to pay for an Air bnb in the meantimes Billie's plants are in the house Ariana co-owned and Victoria's eyeing the master. A Bunch of Scoundrels, the whole lot.


That’s terrible then. I don’t follow all the SM and podcasts of cast members other than what I see posted here. At least shitty people tend to stay shitty so if that is representative of her true colors, they will fly bright again sooner rather than later. I think the show should move on to Vanderpump pets in the same vein as the old Milo and Otis movie. Like have Maya and Gordo and all the other VPR pets and have voice actors saying their most inner thoughts. Lol


I'd love to hear what Mr. Banks and Kitty have to say.


![gif](giphy|sRzFUnon74Nq) Kinda creepy gif but it’s all I could find. The way I love this movie ♥️ the voice of my childhood!


I loved it too. I have a dog named Milo right now even. Don’t google anything more about the movie though because apparently it wasn’t ethically made.


OH NO!! Thanks for the heads up - I’ll choose to live in ignorance because I can’t tarnish my memories!!


Good plan!


Yup, don't fall for Billie Lee's lies. Her latest post is to share that her new book is now available for preorder. LOL! Billie Lee doesn't even care about Ariana at all. I'll bet Billie Lee is still is in love with Sandoval. She will throw Victoria and Kyle under the bus, but not Sandoval. Billie Lee hasn't bashed Sandoval, but she talks crap about every female he is with from Ariana to Rachel to Victoria. I don't believe that Billie Lee will ever care about being close to Ariana. She just wants to get some of the public back on her side with this new feud, and especially because she is on tour and is selling a new book.


She was ugly about her and would agree with sandoval when he would go on rants about her. It was a very short period of time she thought she was hot shit with Sandoval against Ariana ,not the whole time but a small window.


People respond really well to someone who shows growth, accountability and is willing to own their mistakes.


As we should. None of us were born perfect with the best take on everything through our lives. Thankfully most of us don’t have our worst moments immortalized on a reality show!


She badmouthed Ariana after Ariana said she thought Billie was living in the house with Tom. I think Billie said "fuck you" about Ariana on Tom's podcast in one of the early episodes.


She also cackled at one of Tom's ugly sex comments when they did one of their pap strolls. He said something like Ariana refuses to look at him when they have sex post break up, when of course they weren't even speaking to each other. (Once again trying to be funny and having it come out vile and falling completely flat).


On social media and on her podcast she was pretty gross about Ariana. She was VERY aggressive, and I cannot I overstate this, misogynistic with the women on the show. You know it is bad when Lisa is like yikes, that’s a lot


I don’t follow anyone on social media and have only seen what I come across on Reddit so I fortunately? missed all that. I guess we can call her broken clock Billie then. She may be right now, but she gets it wrong more often. :(


That's a shame. Always trying to like these people but they don't make it easy!


Because as viewers, we already have one Scheaner too many. We don’t need Billie Lee every episode being a second Scheaner.


Excellent point.


Was it the tea party she wasn't invited to? She was at most events for a while, then excluded and took a nasty turn in her attitude. Then when everyone turned against Tom she remained his only friend, and vice versa.


In this season, remember when she was complaining about Ariana living in her own house. All these b's want to act like they weren't vile on camera.


Amen. She should hold a seminar because Sandoval, Scheana, Rachel, and Lala still haven’t figured it out


Billie Lee is so insincere it's comical. Billie Lee is only saying this about Ariana because she is trying to gain the public's favor, but we're not that stupid. We can read all her past digs trolling Ariana and can listen to all the crappy stuff that Billie Lee has said and says about Ariana. Obviously, Billie Lee doesn't give one crap about Ariana, not at all.


What had she said about Ariana? I must have missed any bad comments she ever made towards her


Billie Lee has a new book that she is trying to sell. It's her latest post. She is also on tour. Billie Lee is totally lying. She doesn't care about making up with Ariana.


Yup, good for Billie. Hopefully she sends an apology or something nice to Ariana


I think this could actually be a renewal for Billie. Growth is huge and she has tea to spill, she should take advantage of the attention and get people rooting for her


She enabled Tom to have her 5 minutes on the show at Ariana’s expenses. I’m sure it was designed by the producers, but still, let’s not minimize the impact that this might have had on Ariana’s career and life. It’s too easy to side with Ariana now. Especially when Billie has been alienated by Tom’s gf.


Couldn’t agree more! I never would’ve guessed that I’d come around to Billie Lee. It’s amazing how much lighter, clearer-thinking, and better people become once they pull away from their human-sized, flatulating A-hole.


Honestly, for that alone I would not mind at all to see her back on VPR! ![gif](giphy|3o7aCWJavAgtBzLWrS|downsized)


Billie Lee probably still hates Ariana, along with Rachel and Victoria, because she wants Tom completely to herself. That is all. Billie Lee is completely obsessed with Sandoval. She just wants to sell her new book that is just available for preorder since yesterday. This totally proves that Billie Lee is creating a buzz for this reason. She is some kind of evil schemer.


Yeah I wasn't a fan of her on the show, but I'm really starting to like her now.


Why? She’s still an awful person who bad mouthed another woman who was lied too and thought it was funny. 2 things can exist at once, she can speak up about being mistreated but also be awful in her own right


Lala: even Billie has shown regrets and admits fault...you've reached Exxon Oil Spill Sandoval level of delusion and hate.


Lala really showing her ass in comparison to this ![gif](giphy|UoLVxIaVtJnKCj5t4U|downsized)


I would not be shocked if Tom told Billie that Ariana hated her and talked all kinds of shit about her and BL is now realizing that prob wasn't true


We do know that Tom loves to triangulate.


Yup- I actually thought the wording on his response was interesting because he's accusing Billie Lee of EXACTLY what he does.


Yup, narcs gonna narc and project their doings on everyone else. I’m just glad people are recognizing his tactics and hope that helps them save themselves from getting narc-ed in the future.


We the audience sees it. Don't know if the players do. :/ All these folks need help.


Yes absolutely and Ariana was gracious about Billie Lee and the amount of time she was spending at her house. She could have thrown her completely under the bus but I remember her responding to someone dogging on Billie Lee for walking Maya and Ariana just said “I’m glad someone is taking care of her while I’m gone”. I thought that was a nice way to shut down some of the hate Billie was getting at the time. And after what we’ve watched, I’m sure she did have a lot of anxiety leaving Maya at that house when she traveled.


This is true. Billie posted recently that she just realized how codependent she was with Tom, but knew that sounded weird because they were not romantic. As someome who has and continues to do the difficult work dismantling my codependency, I feel for her. I hope she sublimates some of this harder emotions that arise into her creative projects.


Ariana said in like episode four this season that Tim would manipulate all her friends and ice her out. We saw him do it with most of them and Billie Lee has a thing for Tim so she was probably the easiest to manipulate... https://preview.redd.it/6pfykk26gr5d1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c39baf7d409ba029529756bc2ece0c10794d8c0


I actually would not be surprised if it went beyond that. We all know Billie has unfortunately and unfairly dealt with a lot of transphobia from the fandom. I wouldn’t be surprised if he weaponized that as well.


I think Billie was/is capable of being disliked on her own.


Billie girl literally every fucking body told you so.


Am I the only one not so quick to forgive Billie Lee? Don’t get me wrong, I love her owning her mistakes now and all the tea she’s spilling, but I find it hard to believe that she isn’t doing all of this for attention. She clung onto Tom when his life blew up in a way that felt opportunistic, knowing that she would emerge as one of the few loyal friends who stuck by his side, and now that she’s seen his failed redemption play out on TV, decides throwing him and his new gf under the bus would be the most beneficial to her. I full-heartedly believe everything Billie Lee is sayin about him and his relationship, but I’m also skeptical that someone who would take Tom’s side in the first place is a good actor.


I wouldn't say I'm 100% a Billie fan at this point, however this is definitely a "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" situation. She's embarrassing Sandoval so I am a conditional fan at this point lol.


I agree. She's just being team Ariana again now that she sees sanderville's redemption arc has failed and she came out looking like a clown with Kyle. Plus no one cares about her national tour and movie. Theres also no season 12 so she is scrambling to stay relevant and drum up some followers so she can keep earning that influencer dough. Her painting victoria as the problems shows she's still misogynistic to the core. Sanderville is never the problem, boys will always be boys and it's the women that needs to be burned for corrupting her little sanderville.


Yeah this feels like damage control


No I agree. I’m glad she owned up to her mistakes but she still sucks. Her and Lala annoy me lol


I won't lie I feel for Billie Lee, but totally see your point of view, too. She returned to be in the chaos ring of the cast. She is going to need to understand that she'll have to expose herself and come-to-jesus a bit, too, in order for her tea (which I'm sure is considerable) to stay hot.




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All this is proving is that Tom Sandoval has always been the problem. He’s so desperate for validation that he doesn’t care who he hurts to get.


👏❤️Truer words can’t be said.


Like I get it wanting to make sure someone you viewed as a friend is okay and safe. I hope she’s broken out of the delusion spell Tom seems to weave around him. Let’s be real Billie Lee was minding her own business until Victoria mentioned something about boundaries with her? I am more inclined to believe Billie because up until now she has been pretty quiet and hasn’t aired out any dirty laundry etc. (Although please correct me if I’m wrong). There’s only so much a person can take before they snap


This is true I don’t think Billie would’ve said anything had Victoria not spoken out about her first HOWEVER Jo really kind of started it lol


Jo...the world's most elegant chaos ballerina.


Genius term - confess I will probably steal it! Brings to mind tradition (not sure if it’s still happens) for NYCB New Year’s Eve performance of nutcracker. Basically a whole lot of comic relief - not same as rest of performances. Snowflakes at the beginning running around rubbing their arms like they’re cold — dancers sliding around the floor like they slipped. Not full on - traditional choreography throughout… Looked around for an article about this — guess it was more of an inside joke than I realized — only found it here on a comment on an Insta post… Was definitely still going on in 1990s… https://preview.redd.it/uyrk7kf6zr5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16f7a7687fb8ce4995978aee0ef9c02e1616d7c7 Pretty hilarious. Particularly if one has already started New Year’s Eve celebration so to speak lol.


I had never heard about this. I love that. And my gosh 40 shows. That's intense!


Yeah it was pretty amusing. The uninitiated audience member got confused of course. became a regular thing and one got out in plenty of time to still make it it to parties IRL.. i’ll have to re-Google it using the term prank & see if I get better background. Perhaps see if I can enter inter library loan his book. If I recall correctly, he runs a smaller ballet company (somewhere around LA) now… Edit to add. He was raised in Hollywood, grew up in industry


Oh yeah definitely!


Don't fall for it. Billie Lee is lying and doesn't give a shit about Ariana. Billie Lee's latest post is about her book which is now available for preorder, lol.


I’m glad Tom’s cronies are jumping ship. It’s just a matter of time til Kyle, Victoria and whomever is a paid employee breaks free of that narc.


Vom can always count on Shartz though. I hate them both.


How has he not been called 'Vom' since the scandal hit? Accept my accolades and award.


Thanks for the award! Just figuring out how this works.


You're welcome! I thought I'd heard every crappy nickname ever made for Vom. So you caught me off guard with such an overlooked, yet seemingly such an obvious, perfect dissname that we all missed 😄 🤣


This whole thing has made me realise they probably aren’t very close friends off the show.


Move along Billie that is ruined with Ariana. I still remember for a short period she thought she was hot shit and saying all kinds of ugly stuff about Ariana.


Knowing Ariana, if Billie Lee reached out and tried to make amends, she would show her some grace. Just like she did Tom Schwartz.


Oh I am sure but not to be friends with again imo


Oh yeah, I mean as acquaintances. She's not going to be her bestie.


Yeah now theres no season 12 and she's fading into obscurity she needs to drum up some attention for herself and this tour.


I don’t remember her saying anything about Ariana. Did she say this stuff on the show? 


On a podcast


Good for Billie Lee, admitting mistakes. That sucks, girl, I'm sorry he used you.


This is exhausting


Yeah Im over it. The whole Ill share bits of tea at every tour stop is annoying. Unless her next tea drop is major, I see her fading into oblivion again soon like Rocky bang bang


Rocky and Bullwinkle should go tour together, aka Rachel and BL 😂


She should have regrets for the way she was and treated Ariana. Ariana was a good friend to her as well. More than Tom and we all know that. He did a very shitty thing and she thought she was gonna be able to jump right in and be Toms next lover. That's what I got from watching her towards Tom anyways...So just my opinion but that's the way I saw it. Then when he didn't want to be with Billie Lee shit went south...She owes Ariana an apology I think.


She'll do a public on without talking to Ariana first privately then if Ariana doesnt reciprocate or respond because she's busy then Billie will shit on Ariana again.


Do you guys remember when Tom threw that terrible pool party this season? Billie chimed in loud asf “IF HES SO EVIL WHY ARE YOU LIVING UNDER THE SAME ROOF?!”


I don't understand how Sandoval, a.k.a. the sorry excuse of a man has any fucking friends left.


Billie Lee is clearly just saying this because she is on the outs with basically everyone else. She doesnt give one crap about Ariana. Let's be real.


100%. It's giving oops i need some followers and up by likability so I can come back on season 12 and continue being an influencer.


I hope Ariana never forgives her.


Same! Billie Lee's latest post is for her book that is just now available for a preorder. She is such a liar, lol. She cares nothing about Ariana.


Good on her for admitting she made wrong choices regarding Ari but she should really unpack why she chose to side with a serial cheater and a liar again, over women who have experience with these people. (Stassi, Ariana’s Brother situation) That internalized misogyny she has needs to be confronted and addressed then maybe I can start to root for her


Her number one regret should be the ice bath scene…


Lol Billie Lee: oh crap sanderville's redemption didnt go down how I thought it would. NowIM as hated as him and noone cares about my national tour! Billie Lee next minute: heres some tea and Ill drop more each stop for my national tour that noone is paying attention to so all the vpr fans and bravo accounts will watch my socials. Oh and Im also now team Ariana. Just wait until sanderville is out from traitors and love bombs her by saying everything was victorias fault and she will go back to staring at him with hearts in her eyes. Theyre exhausting.


I like her reply


This is so insincere. I don't believe Billie Lee at all. Billie Lee made both Ariana and now Victoria the "bad guys" in their circumstances with Sandoval. Billie Lee is obsessed with Sandoval and is trying to make him look like the innocent one. This is why she said all these lies (or at the very least, they are half lies because they make no sense) about Victoria while he was away filming Traitors. She did the same bad mouthing of Ariana when Ariana wasn't around. If we watch back Season 11, Billie Lee was way more rude and aggressive than Sandoval when it came to Ariana. Billie Lee would blame Ariana for random things. Billie Lee was even saying that she was scared of Ariana. Billie Lee claimed she didn't feel safe going to the house because of Ariana. She truly tried to make Ariana sound like a psycho. And she also said "Fuck you" to Ariana when Ariana said she thought Billie Lee was living in their home. I do not believe one word that Billie Lee says.


100%. She saw how hated she was after her wide eye stare at sanderville taking a bath. They're either drumming up drama to show they dont need arina and katie for s12 or she suddenly realised being team sanderville is not advancing her 'career' while Ariana is out there living her best life and being the new media darling.


Someone wants to get invited to Chicago. imo, Billie and Rachel swf'd Ariana (aesthetically) to try to attract Tom.


Yep someone sees who the new media darling is and is now scrambling to get a piece of the pie. Agree she swf Ariana. She wished she had Ariana's house with all the pretty furniture and an ongoing main contract on a high paying reality show.


Yes, it's so gross what Ariana was exposed to due to having Tom in her life.


I believe Ariana handled YOU, Billie.


Everything that comes out of his mouth is douche stuff


Enough with Ms. “I chose my own vagina so ofc it’s beautiful”. Let’s stop giving her air pls. She is so desperate to be on this show. And all she gave us this season was a wide eye, drugged out stare.


If anything this shows how easy it is to turn the tide on reddit. Just say Oops I did it again~ Im sorryyyy, drop some tea and suddenly her misogynistic ways are overlooked.


Exactly. BL is no hero and people need to stop acting like it. She is doing this because she’s desperate to be on the show and desperately in love with Sandoval.


Looks like there’s gunna be a season 12 with Billie lee and toms girlfriend earned her spot. … this show is so fake I can’t anymore


That’s what I’m thinking they might center the show around Tom and his chaos. What a bore lol


Eugh. Billie will do down even more if it came out that she's just drumming up for season 12.


I bet Ariana is thankful for rachel every day. Such a trashy national enquirer story.


It’s giving… oops I picked the wrong side


Good for Billie.


I still mostly believe Billie Lee. That Up and Adam interview Victoria and Kyle did was strange. Still not sure why Kyle was there. Billie said nothing about Kyle. It really felt like Kyle was there to handle Victoria. Victoria seems fragile and ill-spoken. She was all over the place, but she has a TBI. She cares for her father who I guess also is in cognitive decline. She still though had the wherewithal to make snide comments. She referred to Rachel as "whatever her name is now." And basically implied Ariana 'allowed' Tom to cheat on her because she wasn't watching Tom enough. I bet Tom the Triangulator, got his falsehoods mixed up, and now that he's gone he isn't there to control and influence behavior. Now that he's in less bad graces and has a new supply of adulation, Billie Lee became unnecessary. I love that this got to him in Scotland and hope he's already having the worst time ever at the airport motel in Scotland, already eliminated.


Wondering if this is all FAKE NEWS, them trying to make another season happen🙄


I wonder if Billie and Ariana are going to speak or have already spoken. Feel like Billie would reach it but she's probably blocked on everything.


Yeah but why is she changing her mind . Because people are coming for her ?


The thing is - most of us just want accountability and then we will move on. We all learn from our mistakes as long as you are growing.


Billie Lee is completely full of it. I just saw on her latest post that she has written a new BOOK that is available NOW for preorders. I knew it! She is lying. Also, Billie Lee is on her "comedy tour", so with that and her trying to sell her book, I can see right through this. Billie Lee doesn't care about making up with Ariana. Billie Lee just wants attention to sell her book. I'll bet anything she will still try to be close to Sandoval because she is obsessed with him. Once her book is out (October?) and her tour is over, Billie Lee will go back to talking shit about Ariana. Billie Lee has talked poorly about Rachel (blaming her for Tom being sad while Rachel was in rehab) and now is talking poorly of Victoria. Billie Lee is obvviously jealous of anyone who is close to Tom. Billie Lee wants Sandoval completely for herself. She is delulu.


I’m gonna call this VPR Season 11B. The B-character plot line we didn’t know we… didn’t need? Congrats to Billie on losing 170ish(?) lbs of DB!


Whether she’s genuine about her admission of guilt or not, we all know it’s still at least pissing Sandoval off. And that’s enough for me.


Whenever I read anything, billie lee says I bulge my eyes out and nod my head "yes."


There’s no way this came from Tom lol Victoria definitely wrote that post … isn’t he filing the traitors right now?? Prob has no idea this is happening LOL


I dont like Billie or Tom but I do like her response to this. 


![gif](giphy|135WB62wCqL2Y8) He’s got to be out of Traitors. If his PR hasn’t pulled him, his lawyers will.


Good for her on both accounts. On supporting her friend until she couldn’t and for admitting she took some missteps.


Does anyone know when Billie plans to respond to the Victoria/Kyle video, did she say yet?


Her next tour stop so people will keep following her socials.


I think her podcasts uploads on Wednesday


Shorts isn’t safe from Tom, he’s just beat down. [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLETxUs3/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLETxUs3/)




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Does this mean he’s an early boot on the traitors ♥️🙏🏼


Who gives af about Billie? Why is she even on the show?


I don't think Schwartz is safe from him. I just don't think schwartz will ever have the maturity and self worth to actually stand up to him in a meaningful way.




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she's trying so hard to get another season and be a star on it lmfao


I don't understand why anyone cares about Billie Lee..


Calling Ariana a bitch for being uncomfortable that she was living in her house without her permission always rubbed me the wrong way


How much do you wanna bet that he will go against schwartz as well if schwatyz has the balls to publicly accuse him and confront him


Nah girl, you’re a shitty person. Exit stage left.




A sign of maturity is being able to admit to faults, take responsibility for your actions, and change your opinion based on new information. So I’ll give kudos where it’s due to Billie! I do think it’s nice that Ariana never went that hard at criticizing her and trusted her enough to watch her pets when she was away. She probably saw Billie as the only responsible person who was around Sandoval and relieved that at least one person with a bit of maturity was watching over her house, keeping it from getting too wrecked. I’m so glad Ariana has her pets somewhere else now that Billie is out of the picture and the inmates are running the asylum over there.


You kind of buried the lead which is that She said she regrets how she dealt with Ariana in the immediate aftermath and long-term fallout from Tom‘s affair when she was “being a supportive friend to Tom”


I think my title of saying Ariana being vindicated was better 🤷🏾‍♀️ thanks


honestly she’s being super real rn and that’s more than i can say for 99% of this cast and those adjacently involved so… keep it coming tbh












I hope this means he was voted off.


I don’t think that’s him I think that’s Victoria 😭


I hope she and Ariana can make up


I’ll accept it


Sorry what did she say about Kyle and Victoria?