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No underaged child needs an IG account šŸ™„


Or any other kind of social media platform imho


Funny that Lala said the same thing on her podcast the other day šŸ¤”


Lala: ![gif](giphy|26BREJOhqNEhmNDxK) **emphasis on flippie-floppies**


OK you win for me today


Textbook Blahla: says one thing one day only to do the exact opposite the next day. 180Ā° Kent!


Theyā€™ve all contradicted themselves so many times, they even contradict their contradictions. They must think that everyoneā€™s an idiot when all they do is leave receipts everywhere since the internet never forgets.


What did she say on her podcast? Sorry Iā€™m out of the loop!!


She asked some screechy lady in a bucket hat if minors should have their own instagrams. Screechy lady said no, and Lala agreed. I believe she even shaded Scheana brining up Sandoval blocking Summer Moon (the dumbest goddamn thing ever) and Lala said, ā€œNo, he blocked *you*.ā€ I only watched the clip once, anyone correct me if Iā€™m wrong.


She is really somethin! Insane for anyone to want their toddler to be a recognizable public figure


Iā€™m childless and never really thought about it, but holy fuck, itā€™s actually sooo scary. People are so gross. If I ever had a kid, theyā€™d probably never be on social media.


tw: csa agree 1000000% and I liked a few videos talking about this and ended up on anti family vlogging tiktok and some of the things these kids who are now adults have talked about is fucking terrifying. I saw a Tiktok from a child of one of the early mommy bloggers/vloggers (child is around 18-20 now I think) and they talked about how men would literally find them based upon all the information posted online. she also said some of these men would get access to her when she was old enough to have her own social media (like high school/early college from the sound of it, so when most kids start having social media but it's usually on private and only adding people they know) and would claim to be a family friend and give context that made it seem legit because they knew all this info from her mom's content and so they could make it sound like they knew her. so she figures she must have met them briefly and by the time she figures it out, they've had access to all the info on HER profile too.


That is terrifying, and knowing her own mother put her in that danger is so sad!!!! It is awful that we live in a world like that where people do that but no shocker to anyone that we do, so be smart and keep ur kids of the internet as long as possible! They'll have plenty of time to ruin their own lives soon enough.


And then announcing their birthdays is even more incendiary because their kids get their identities stolen. Not very bright.


Personally, my kids are on social media every once in a while, like pictures on my instagram at a wedding or something. But the majority of the time you canā€™t even see their face. I have never put their names up and stopped doing birthday stuff so no one knows when their birthdays are, unless they are close enough family and friends to be invited to birthday parties. I have coworkers who are good friends and they realized the other day they donā€™t even know my kids names. I had to explain itā€™s not because we arenā€™t close, I just have gotten used to saying ā€œmy kidā€ or ā€œmy daughterā€ instead of using names. I truly canā€™t imagine having a public profile with my all my kidsā€™ information and pictures just out there for the world.


Screechy lady šŸ˜‚ indeed


The screechy lady is her yes woman, lackey, paid employee Jess. So the conversation is just what Lala wants to say and have someone agree with her.


Exactly! Blahla: Hey Jess, the world is flat today, did you know? YesJess: Damn right it is! Blahla: But it wonā€™t be tomorrow YesJess: Whatever you say, boss!


I just looked up her podcast for the first time and why are the episodes named like episodes of Friends LOL


Screechy ladyšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ her assistant is annoying


I thought they weren't allowed to post her online , that it was part of legal court stuff


I think that only applies to filming. Ocean is all over Lalaā€™s IG the one time I looked at it.


Yes, sheā€™s on Randallā€™s Instagram as well.


Not at all. And I see parents justifying it by saying ā€œIā€™m building a photo album with memories for them to look back on!ā€ My parents have shelves full of photo albums with memories of my childhood that arenā€™t available to every creep on the internet.


Lala talked about this on her most recent podcast that she had made an ig for ocean but then let it go because it was pointless and kids donā€™t need ig


She also said Ocean watches Kardashians and she wants her to look up to them because theyā€™re ā€œbossesā€ and ā€œvery aesthetically pleasingā€. You canā€™t make this shit up.


I feel so bad for Ocean. Her mother is going to give her so many complexes.


Especially when her mother starts admitting that her crazy cute daughter actually looks exactly like her father-despite the mother constantly hating on that fatherĀ 


Gross. Pretty sure she's brainwashing ocean to want plastic surgery bc she's afraid ocean will look like randall


She only said that because she was complaining about Summer Moon having her own page and also because Randall won't let her film with Ocean. Seems as though he is being a good parent in this instance.


Shouldn't this be banned by the ToS


Unsure. It would be interesting in the case of SummerMoon whose account is public if that means that she's covered under some child entertainment law. But that's for a lawyer in CA to tell me about.


Think the child needs to be making money from the social media. For it to fall under entertainment law. It is obvious Scheener is trying to get Summer moon a Disney contract. And Stassi has her kids entire day, night, schedule on social media. The most exploited are Stassiā€™s kids. They are being raised to know performing and being funny on video gets them love and kisses. They used the iphone to get Messer to crawl, Get it! Get It!! How messed up is that?


Youā€™re so right about Stassiā€™s kids being the most exploited! I was genuinely shocked when I watched a clip of her and Beau talking about Hartford and laughing while going into detail about her having skid marks (from her poop) in her underwear bc she will hold in her poop at the last second instead of just letting it out. Seemed like she just has lost any sense of what should maybe remain private.


And they were posting Hartford having really bad raging melt down. Calling it Hartford has a Dark Passenger too. It was often! Not just a one time thing. Also posted Hartford having a medical condition that put her in emergency room. Beau posted the kid breathing with something wrong. It was so exploited . I use to like seeing Hartford on their posts. But it became such a vulgar display of child exploitation. And the child has become obsessed with being recorded and seeing herself. The parents Stassi & Beau are thrilled. They groomed Hartford for the end game. And Messer ( poor child with that name) is being trained to be his version of recorded entertainment for love, affection and other rewards. Stassi & Beau are describing themselves as loving , adoring with the joy of their kids. Self promoting is their true agenda . Their branding.


that is beyond gross


At least itā€™s private


It wasnā€™t private when she started it tho. Now it is so thatā€™s a step. She still posts to her millions of followers tho so she isnā€™t really any better.


It's only private because Rand challenged her in court for exposing Ocean. She would monetize her kid to the max if she could get away with it. She will do it with the second one, just wait and see.


Def! I said that in another comment!! Sheā€™s just as bad


Interesting. And very good point for sure


Pretty sure she went private when Randall said she couldnā€™t be on VPR. If she was so concerned about her kid and the creeps out there she wouldnā€™t post on her mains with ocean.


Will be interesting if the new babyā€™s instagram account is private or public since itā€™s ā€œher babyā€.


You know that will be all over every possible social media outlet. She expressly said she got herself inseminated because she wanted to control the kid.


She is so vile


Most of those are bots though...


Nah. That doesnā€™t make it better. You want your child to have a place to look back create a scrapbook no need to create a social page like why does the account have 3k followers????


We created a Google account for our son when he was born. It gives him a future email address that is simply his name and not some silly kid username as well as gives us a place to put photos and videos. Basically a digital Google scrapbook for him! EDIT: misspelled word


I love this!!! cause I totally understand that not everybody prints photos anymore so this would be absolutely perfect. Only you have access to this not the entire world.


I promise the kids will be mortified when they age. When social media first started we didnā€™t think about it as much, but now that there are people that are old enough to have feelings about it-they can tell you itā€™s mortifying that when a Google search comes up with photos of them as kids they find embarrassing. Facebook and Instagram also own your photos or something like that


itā€™s private. only for her and 3500 of her closest friends


Private with 3k+ followers? At one point it was public. Bla Bla is a hypocrite of the 1st degree.


I thought that too. At least itā€™s private. But thereā€™s still like 3,500 followers :-/ As she said herself, kids shouldnā€™t have social media. I kinda stopped listen to her podcast but Iā€™m curious if she addresses Oceanā€™s IG like she does Summer Moon


Probably because Randall insisted. She's going to do a public one for the one she's baking


It still has over 3,500 followers, though. Since I doubt she knows 3,500 people personally, she's probably accepting anyone's request to follow.


Right and itā€™s a play on her catch phrase or whatever but ā€œgive themā€ in front of a toddlers name grosses me out. Itā€™s so exploitative.


Hard disagree all children should have linkden so as to network with other kids. /s


Give the mocean


I'm glad I'm not having a stroke, and that's what other people read it as.


Yep, how I read it.


Somehow I read ā€œgive me the oceanā€ and was like wait thatā€™s not rightā€¦


In my mind it was like "give the motion".


Right, any mixture of the letters that makes more sense lmao


I initially read it as that too. I actually think it wouldā€™ve been a better username




Lauren from Utah is so gangsta šŸ˜‚




Omg it didnā€™t even occur to me it would be anything but give the mocean šŸ¤£


Still lost šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ It's not a play on 'motion', like 'mocean' (motion of the ocean, which ew and idgi but w/e)...what is it?? Edit: dyslexia'ed my 'ew...hold on no I didn't oh motherfluffin autocorrect still ducking me up in this day and age my my


Give Them Ocean, like Give Them LaLa šŸ™‚


That's what I saw too.


I only knew that it was "give them ocean" because sometimes the subscription box I get sends me her "give them LaLa" makeup products


How are her products?


Trash lol. Iā€™ve had a few of her lip products and a palette from a subscription box and I cant say one good thing about any of them.


Oof. I heard it was just repackaged cheap makeup? I always question celebrity makeup that doesnā€™t already have an existing reputation.


Donā€™t give her any ideas, sheā€™ll brand that in some way šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Make her a photo album then? I donā€™t get what my generation has against a good ol scrapbook


Exactly my thoughts. Thatā€™s a ridiculous reason to give to justify her daughter having an Instagram.


With 3500 followers!!


All of her closest friends and family


or a private Google Photos account? Does Flickr still exist?


Thereā€™s definitely plenty of alternatives other than a gram or social media. Even if she wants it all digital thereā€™s many other places. If she really did for some reason want it to be Instagram because she likes the platform she wouldnā€™t have her tagged and would have 0 followers besides maybe family/close friends. But thereā€™s no way she knows every one of those 3000+ people.


I made mine an email account as a virtual scrapbook. I have since forgotten all login info, so you're probably right about the scrapbook šŸ¤£


I will say my parents had a fire and we lost a lot of photos. This wouldā€™ve been cool to have for that purpose


She could save them all to cloud, google drive, Dropbox, etc. The social media thing is ridiculous for this purpose.


Yeah I doubt Lala wouldnā€™t have digital backups of everything. Thereā€™s no reason for social media to be your google drive, especially for a minor child.


Iā€™m SO paranoid of this happening. I have all my old childhood pictures in ziploc bags inside an ā€œemergency proofā€ box that claims itā€™s water and fire resistant but I still donā€™t trust it. I recently looked into the cost of getting all of my photos digitally backed up and itā€™s right outside of my budget currently, but I think it would give me so much peace of mind. I honestly think about them getting ruined wayy more than I should, especially living in California and we could have a devastating earthquake at any time.


You could always take pictures of the physical pictures and upload them to the cloud in the meantime! Wont be the highest quality, but if nothing else it can ease your anxiety of losing those moments (:


one of my aunts has a massive photo collection (sheā€™s basically the family historian), when she turned 50 i coordinated getting all of her photos digitized and the family all contributed money towards that. she loved it, it was a great gift and splitting the cost between multiple people made it much more doable! ask for contributions to this project as a gift on your next occasion (birthday, anniversary, winter holiday, etc).




All I see in that photo is givethemrandall


EXACTLY like him.


I honestly feel like thatā€™s the main reason why she wanted to have another one. Itā€™s gotta be tough to see so much of him in her




I felt this EXACT way after my divorce from a controlling partner. I wanted another baby all my own so badly. Someone to love just me. Instead, I got therapy like I should have. And when I finally had another baby TEN YEARS LATER, it was exactly the right reasons, with exactly the right father and partner. She made her bed over and over, but my heart still breaks a little for the hurt that causes her to think she needs this to be whole again.


Exactly, and it's as if she thinks of the new baby as a fresh start, which can't be a healthy dynamic for Ocean to be in as she grows up either.


Gotta feel like itā€™s gonna be tough on Ocean when the younger daughter is obviously the favorite child šŸ˜• full custody and placement and a sperm donor thatā€™s not Randall


It will be tough on the new baby when she sees Ocean visiting and having a relationship with her dad when she doesnā€™t have one at all.


It's not healthy for #2 either because LaLa plans to monetize her kids.


Having a kid for control, as she has admitted, is not a good parenting feature, imo. There need to be checks and balances for a balanced kid.


That manā€™s genes are strong lol Edit: spelling


The ā€œgive themā€ brand is so fucking stupid and self righteous lol


Literally no one wants what sheā€™s giving


Thank you! It's not even creative! She needs to expand her vocabulary ffs


Itā€™s giving nothing.


I heard that nobody was buying that stuff and there was a lot of leftover inventory.


At first, I thought it said "give me the ocean," which I thought was kinda cute.


Ah well here you go! I did comment about this on Scheana vs Lala post but I got the name wrong. Lala is the biggest hypocrite. Shaming Scheana publicly but doing the same behind closed doors. Even if it's private, those photos are now on the internet for all 3k+ followers and that's okay?? Is there anyone she hasn't come for yet who isn't on her payroll?


All 3500 of her closest friends


That's the best part šŸ˜‚ Her next Amazon Live she'll be auctioning off the chance for "Ocean" to accept your follow request on "her" IG page. 3500 to follow a 3 year old and all are close friends and family. Give me a fucking break... https://preview.redd.it/0170ia5f7j6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e18dd04464553c00d5fb5c7ce72ddbf5a55f8a27




I could kind of understand if it was truly a private, discreet account (though I do think there are much more secure ways to share pics with family and friends/save them for kids to look back on later), but 3k followers? Thereā€™s not a chance in hell that those are all people who actually know and are involved in Oceans life, or even know Lala for that matter. Knowing Lala, they could be bots I guess, but odds are there are unfortunately plenty of creeps amongst those 3.5k followers.


I would not judge her at ALL if there were only 50 followers


This. I was getting ready to reluctantly defend her because I know the account is private and figured she probably uses it to share photos of Ocean with family/friends and I personally don't see an issue with that. But 3k followers is completely different.


Also has everyone forgotten about photo albums? Lmao. People are whack. One of my favorite things to do when I go to my parents house is look through old family albums. Iā€™d cry if my mom randomly switched everything over to an Instagram account haha.


Omg yes! I love going through the albums too. Such a nostalgic vibe and sometimes there's some personal note as caption to the photos.


I just can't really understand why she's doing this.. Scheana is one of her last real friends on the show. It really seems like Lala is spiraling and just lashing out at everyone... I'm just waiting for her to diss Love Island


Scheana is nobody's real friend. Throw a dollar her way and she will stab her "bairst Fraind" in the back.


Omg Ocean is Randallā€™s clone


Wait, so Lalaā€™s a hypocrite? šŸ˜‚ Even if Oceanā€™s account is private, tagging the account publicly isnā€™t keeping it to yourself.


Neither is having 3000 + followers


She also just posts ocean constantly on her own page does she not? Is that stopping child pedos? I donā€™t think so . Lala can find any way to be mean and a hypocrite


Yessss. Randall wonā€™t allow her on VPR (which Lala claims she doesnā€™t care but you know she does) but sheā€™s allowed unlimited exposure on IG šŸ™„


Could Ocean look any more her father?


read this in Chandlers voice


Another one for Sandovalā€™s block list


A place for my daughter to look back & see her sweet little journey in life. Ah yes, not like thatā€™s what photo albums are for. Straight to minor child instagram


Lala also had a video of Ocean on her IG February 2024. And her Amazon Live gender reveal. Like, gurl, will there be any tickets left once you take all these seats?


if she doesn't give birth on Amazon Live I'll be shocked


She would gladly sell tickets for her upcoming due date but sadly (haha) filming has been paused for the summer!


Just fyi, Iā€™m 99% sure if Randall hadnā€™t legally blocked her she would have made a public insta for Ocean too. We already know Randall is the one that stopped her from putting her on VPR.


Absolutely. Randall made a better parenting decision than LaLa in this particular case.


Lala is a public figure and posts her kid all over her own instagram, whether Ocean has her own account or not Lala is a hypocrite. If people want access to photos of her kid sheā€™s literally supplying them to the public.


She let's 3500 people follow her daughter? If it was just for Ocean to look back on she wouldn't have 3500 followers...


Lauren being a hypocrite ya say??? She's also an animal lover... https://preview.redd.it/btdce8lzmi6d1.jpeg?width=877&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6809bafdccfdba8727279640ae575337db7bdd6a


Still really pissed that she didnā€™t get more shit for saying this. It was so disgusting especially knowing what those poor dogs went through.


The only reason ocean isnā€™t being used for marketing is because Randall isnā€™t allowing it. Sheā€™s acting like itā€™s her choice, but if she could, she would have ocean be a full time toddler influencer. Sheā€™s just being loud to say HA, see Rand? It doesnā€™t even bother me!


Just like it was HER choice to leave Randall's personal residence. She was being the bigger person and really thinking of her mental health, not staying and squatting in someone else's home.


Lala preparing for her newest boring low stakes fight to get attention. https://i.redd.it/u33vil1yzi6d1.gif


Ocean looks just like Randall!


Why is Scheana tagged as "cartelcrystals"? šŸ¤£


Gross. Stop posting babies/young children in public platforms. PEDOs get off on this stuff and share it on the dark web. Stop. Just stop.


Children arenā€™t content. I think itā€™s not only gross but itā€™s super dangerous. If you look at the followers on young childrenā€™s accounts, itā€™s mostly older men. And AI CSAM is a real and terrifying thing. Protect your kids, folks! They donā€™t need a social media following.


It took me way too long to NOT read Give The Mocean. Itā€™s been a really long weekā€¦


she also posts ocean on her main so even though its not an account sheā€™s still exposing her daughter to millions of strangers. during a time where shes not a fan favorite no less. my guess is that this is scheana and lalas plan to stay relevant since they are not involved in the tom billie kyle victoria drama. itā€™s giving desperate.


How could there possibly be 3500 people who need private access to pictures of your baby? Girl, please run to therapy!!!


This kills me when people try to act like itā€™s for the kid to see someday. Lady, by the time your kid is grown, IG will probably be obsolete.


So theyā€™re hocking crystals huh? šŸ¤” Ainā€™t nobody want that energy. Wrong spokespeople šŸ¤£


Didn't Lala complain about children having an IG account? Hypocrite.


"Givethemocean" pushing mommy's brand on her 3 yo šŸ¤® Also, yet another lala contradiction; boo-hooing over Randall potentially being a pedo but offering her daughter up to the internet pedos willingly. It's private but no way she knows all 3,000+ followers personally.Ā  She'll make it public as soon as she has the opportunity. These types of parents make instas for their kids as soon as their born so that they can give it to them when they're teenagers and they'll already have a shit ton of followers.Ā  I want lala and scheana to read the expose article that revealed the followers of these child accounts. It was a sickening article. And one mom regretted making influencing so important to her daughter bc as soon as her daughter became an adult, she felt all she had to offer were her body and looks so she moved on to only fans. Nothing wrong with only fans but her daughter had no other dreams or aspirations bc she didn't feel worthy or capable of anything else.


Oceans bio about a place for her to look back and see her journey in lifeā€¦. why canā€™t she just look through a photo album? Lala can get so many pics printed for less than like 10 cents each and iā€™m sure Ocean would have more fun looking through that than the 16 posts Lala edited for followers sheā€™s never met šŸ˜‚


She looks like Randall.


Ofc they both capitalize on their child. Gross.


SponCon Sperm has no ground to stand on


Yep deadbeat mums monetizing their children. I feel sorry for both daughters already, they donā€™t have a chance.


Bingo!!! That is exactly what BlaBla and Schemer are doing or want to do as much as they can. Randall intervened to a certain extent, thankfully for Ocean.


Bet itā€™s private because of Randall but whatā€™re the chances she has her next childā€™s insta public and sponconned all the way? Because you know, for her livelihood as a motherā€¦ (/s)


Sad that the kids are the source of her livelihood, as she sees it.


Wow she looks so much like Emmett.


baby rand


Donā€™t she make fun of Shena for making summer moon and insta


Yeah but it is private and looks like a place where sheā€™s just saving pics for her


I donā€™t want to see anyoneā€™s fucking children online.


Sincerely, I would not want my weirdo mother making me a social media site I have no control over.


thereā€™s something really sinister about a baby having an instagram named ā€œgivethem*babyā€™sname*ā€


Both kids look like their dads


I cannot lie they are sooo cute


She already have ā€œgivethemlakeā€set up for the next kid? You canā€™t tell me that kids name isnā€™t gonna be lake or snowstorm or some shit like that


Bla Bla, it's called a photo album. Get one.


I'm not sure posting pictures of her kid while calling her a hypocrite for posting pictures of her kid is the way.


my kids have a gmail account that i have sent things to since the day they were born. they can have access to it when theyā€™re late teens. thereā€™s no need to have an ig!


Does LaLa not realize that is the reason photo albums exist? But then they couldn't make a cash grab if they kept their children's lives off line.


This is so fucking weird


These idiots should start savings account or college savings accounts when theyā€™re young but obv followers will pay the bills in the future. (Obv they can do both but Iā€™m being /s about the fact that Iā€™d be livid and feel fucking violated if my parents had just posted my whole life for the internet).


Lauren from Utah is going all in on being a villain. She out there picking fights with absolutely everyone!


Mean girls


Ok I get this isnā€™t the point of the post but Iā€™m not on insta can someone tell me why scheana is tagged as cartelcrystals? Has that always been her name on social media? It doesnā€™t seem very on brand for her On a separate note the Gucci Disney sweaters are the peak definition of tacky šŸ¤®


The bio.. thatā€™s what photo albums used to be for


funny, canā€™t she do that with a photo album or just like, on the phone in a ocean specific album thatā€™s synced to icloud? why does it need to be on instagram.


Give them Ocean? Srsly šŸ˜‘


Is it wrong to note how much Ocean looks like Randall


No. Thatā€™s why I think itā€™s extra effed up when Lauren talks openly about how ugly she thinks Randall is. Itā€™s one thing for the audience to say and think that. Itā€™s another when your own freaking mother is saying it. She says a lot of things that could be hurtful to her daughter later down the road. People always say I look like my father. My mom always points out how cute the features we share are. I canā€™t imagine the complex it would give me if my mom kept talking about how ugly my dad isā€¦


Right?! Like this kid looks way more like Randall than Lala. Itā€™s also a general rule not to badmouth the other parent, no matter how contentious things are. When Ocean is old enough, this is all going to be a lot to unpack for her and that sucks.


i could get behind this i guess but THREE THOUSAND FOLLOWERS?! Like maybe close friends and family thatā€™s it but girl what?!


Ocean looks like Randal


These people are monsters.


I'm so done with lala...and that obnoxious assistant of her.


i hate that itā€™s called ā€œgive them ocean.ā€ she is a child.


The unborn child of Lala has been exploited by Lala from the moment she conceived the idea to ā€œ have a kid all mineā€. She went on The View to exploit this sperm donor child and why ā€œ all mineā€. As if a child having a father is not good for Lala and her agenda. Randal took legal action to prevent Ocean from being on VPR and exploited on social media by Lala. Lala is as delusional Nar. Lala cannot even get a man to buy her dinner. So yah!! The only guy she got was Fat boy without a neck. Even he lost interest in her and her angry dry drunk attitude. *A person that gives up alcohol but is angry and not evolving is called an angry dry drunk. The once pretty person has altered her face to be morphed into a cartoon character with puckered anal lips.


Well shes got to make her coin some how since ariana isnt doing her part to make her money/s




sheā€™s going to look back on this along with 3,500 random people šŸ’ž


ā€˜A place for her to look back at her sweet little journey in lifeā€™ yeah and all the weirdos too! Itā€™s called a camera roll Lala! No need for an Instagram.


Are they friends with Queen Rachel Reilly? Bring her and Brennan to The Valley. I would want them on over Larlar and Scheana.


Yeahā€¦.Lala may need to keep Ocean off of any social media for a while. From that pic, I can ā€œfeelā€ the comments.


I honestly canā€™t wait for 20 years from now weā€™re going to get Tell Alls from Summer Moon and Ocean about how their parents used them for content and money and they have no idea what a non-parasocial relationship looks like. Itā€™s truly heartbreaking. All the people who follow those accounts are just creepy


Yeah exactly! This is why I didnā€™t understand her being critical of the other parents who have one. She literally has one for Ocean!


I can't remember where I saw it, but someone posted about Lala and Randall attending the same event and they were very friendly with each other. All is not what it seems with Lala as she's is always looking for a storyline and attention.