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At least your buttons aren't melting.


*Aren’t melting yet


What!? Seriously?


Yes people's shit has been melting I've seen the buttons melt and loading chamber rip to all those people who bought one when they came out


Wow, i saw a image of a melted bowl but i thought it is just one case….damn


Damn S&B what happened…




Nah, they sold out for a good price. Its not greedy to sell your company. The shitbag company that purchased them and uses their name is still trash.


Then it's the new ownership's greed at fault.


Jurgen isn't blameless


Hey, keep me out of this.


He’s talking about Jurgen. You’re Jurgen’s father.


Oh they sold to a new owner? … hmm. I hope that generally doesn’t affect all their vaporizers


A few years back a shit mega corp bought them.


Hmm… The volcano seems to still be good? I’d have to research, but that is the one thing I’ve always wanted from them, but they are pretty expensive. I think the Solo3 is where I’m going ultimately next. Solo2 user so it makes me so happy that Arizer is in the spotlight big time with a new more powerful vaporizer that we all wanted them to make!


How old is the volcano? Prolly 2 decades now. How long has Canopy owned them? Its hard to fuck up a product you didnt design. They slap on a new display or color casing and resell it but the new owners are like Mighty+ and on. Based on Mighty+ being good id guess it was made and ready when they sold.


Just looked it up.... "The Storz & Bickel Volcano vaporizer was **released in 2000**" So more like 24 years..


So the volcano series from them is still probably a safe and good bet?


I wont support the new mega corp with shit ethics. So many more options why? A 2nd hand Volcano from CL, sure. Fuck buying a new one and the $ getting to Canopy.


Good information


> Its not greedy to sell your company. How is taking a bag of money so someone else can make worse products with your brand name not at least slightly greedy? Like I'm not saying that they shouldn't have sold, but they had to have known that the outcome of the sale was going to be worse for their customers, but they did it anyway.


So if you start a business you are never allowed to retire? It's a shame the new owners are bad but it's silly to blame the owners for selling.


You're allowed to do whatever you want. But doing something for personal benefit at the expense of the community is by definition greed. Also they didn't retire, so your argument is irrelevant.


By your definition of greed the people who started the company could never stop running it until they die. It's irrelevant whether they retired or what they did after selling it. I'm trying to make the point that it's not selfish to sell your company, even if it's going to negatively impact the customers. It's just a bad outcome that happened.


They made a good company/product. They were offered a price they saw fit to sell. Its a transaction. What happens after its sold is 100% on the new owners/management.


And what's it called when you make a private transaction that is beneficial for you at the expense of your customers?


Well, when you sell the company they are no longer your customer. Not sure what your trying to get at, but if you sell the company, its no longer your problems. Original S&B was great. New owners are trash.


Seems like the solo 3 is about to eat this things lunch




They were purchased a few years back...


They had issue before. The battery was defective on the first crafty.


Like allways send Out plastic Waste..there are dump enough ppl that buy Everything!


This has become like the red circle of death on the Xbox 360 back in the day. Probably impacting same generation of people as well. Thinking about this is really striking my funny bone- cause I’m high.


*crys in Millennial* I believe you’re right.




_Also high, also crying in millennial_ RIP those xboxs RIP this dudes trust in S&b and... RIP Remy


Never thought id be reminded of the horrors. Nothing worse than a 8hr cod/halo binge in a party with a bunch of unhinged hooligans being interrupted by that fucking red circle of death.


So glad I didn't waste my $ on this unit


Man rip after the 5th one I would just want a refund 😭


Oh that’s the best part, i asked them for a refund and they’ve essentially outright refused that as an option. Not sure how I’m going to convince them.


If you bought it with a credit card just do a chargeback and let them fight it out with Visa/MasterCard/whatever.


Probably the best option.


Are you in the EU by any chance?


By now if you started selling the sold out CU's they keep sending you you will probably begin turning a profit.


Class action


That can’t be right. There’s a literal EU law that the vendor has to adhere to for a faulty product. The refund you should get from your vendor, not S&B (unless you bought it direct). “**Right to Refund or Repair** If an electronic product is faulty or does not meet the expected quality, you have the right to request a refund, repair, or replacement from the seller. This applies to products purchased within the EU, regardless of whether you bought them online or in-store.” [https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/consumers/shopping/guarantees-returns/index\_en.htm](https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/consumers/shopping/guarantees-returns/index_en.htm)


Bought it from S&B directly. Also located in the states.




This is the internet you can write “fuck off” you’re not going to get put in detention. At the very least say it the way it would be written in dialog: “eff off”. Not sure why you censored the word “off”.


I hate to think how much plastic, packaging, and shipping miles were wasted on these 5 attempts.


They just referb them. I’m very sure they just clean and reuse much of it


Why are you sure ?


Just some of my rma’s looked pretty shabbily put together. And it makes sense. Saves them cash. Get one in, pull it apart and refresh it, new serial label and we’re all happy thinking we have a new device. I’m ok with it


That would make sense why people who get the error continue to get the error on their "new" devices


Fool me once


There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.


😂 my fave quote from junior!! lol


Fool me one time shame on you, fool me twice can't put the blame on you, fool me three times, fuck the peace sign, load the choppa let it rain on you.


Gotta love Cole.




But there will still be fanboys saying this happens often with all brands


Real fanboys realized they got sold a fear years back and stopped supporting them then.


Yup love my old crafty and volcano but glad I moved on for portables


It's true to some extent but "often" is a stretch man


I bet there are still people on this sub recommending it too.


Of course there are. And they all say the same thing: “Well, there’s nothing wrong with *my device*, so it’s still the best product on the market”


Still people here buying them as well, $500 is madness.


I have two (one with a couple of hundred hours on it according to the webapp) and they're both fabulous. There was definitely an issue but since the firmware upgrades got pushed (neither of mine have this upgrade btw, I don't see a point in running it when they both seem fine as is) the E04 posts have definitely thinned out. This doesn't mean that no Ventys will have problems at all - some devices are bound to fail and S&B sell more devices than anyone else. Logically more S&B units will fail overall. So yeah based on my own real world experience with the device I'd still be pretty happy to recommend it.


That’s called confirmation bias


I'd say it's called personal experience. I'm not actively searching for things that support S&B, just making a recommendation off of my hands on experience with the devices rather than something I've read online. They sell tens of thousands of these devices and the people with perfectly functioning vapes are infinitely less likely to make an equivalent post to the one that we're replying to right now.


Of course it’s your experience. That’s what confirmation bias is based off of - your experiences. You are favoring information that confirms your belief, while ignoring/ discounting evidence that contradicts it. You are relying on your personal positive experience, while actively dismissing evidence of defective products. To continue telling people to spend $450 solely because the two in your possession work, while disregarding the daily posts of venty’s shitting the bed, with multiple people on their 4th/5th device, is just disingenuous.


Tbh both sides are doing it. We, as consumers, have no idea how many Ventys have been sold and how many have been faulty.


Confirmation bias is actively searching for/interpreting information in such a way that it supports your pre-determined view, much like you're doing while browsing this sub and making these replies. Most of the time it isn't tied to personal experience at all (it can be, but it definitely isn't requisite.) I'm not making any effort to deny the problems with the Venty - in fact I acknowledged the issues in my initial reply. I'm just adding that I would still recommend this device based on all the information that I have available - my hands on experience is definitely more valuable to me than a slew of negative posts in a forum where people are inherently much more likely to complain than compliment in the first place.


Man, this thing seems cursed.


people really out here paying msrp to beta test


It’s almost like we were mislead or something.




S&B (Canopy) in buying a 400$ brick


god what a disaster of a product - this has honestly talked me out of getting a crafty by proxy, even though a volc is my main go to


Honestly their legacy products (crafty, mighty, volcano) are all still great and going strong with + iterations, but since the sale I don't think they have that same care, and it's showing with their first new device in decades that isn't just a + model upgrade or iteration on existing model (volcano hybrid is still a volcano) and that lack of care is really coming through. Ultimately the venty could have used more time in the oven, but they knew they could just release it prematurely since there was so much hype around it.


And daily over at r/craftymighty it gets asked daily LOL


And these things are $750 here in Australia...if you wanna take that chance. Hell no. Can't even get cooling units.


Are S&B even a reputable vape company anymore? Their slap dash attitude to these failures are astonishing. Someone told me they had been taken over, let's hope they haven't been taken over by sports direct.


whata shitty device


Saw someone on FC claim that the Venty hasn't had a failed launch... Despite the fact that the first 10000 units were recalled immediately, error 04s are still running wild and we're hearing more stories about thermal runaway each week. OH and no more refunds, if your unit bricks it's RMA or nothing. Clearly these are just teething problems, you gotta be patient with these guys they make good products, why should we be expecting a perfectly functional product from the most successful DHV brand?? The TM2 also has problems despite being a small operation that requires each unit to be hand configured and isn't held to corporate standards! I'm totally not coping because the most expensive portable vaporizer from a (formerly) well regarded brand is a £400 brick!


Y’all paid a lot of money for those plastic bricks 😖


“But I’ve had my Venty for 2 months and it’s great! Everyone should still buy one still!”


There's software updates on their products?


Only the Venty I believe.


Volcano Hybrid also has software updates.


I wonder what the overall failure rate is on these things


I already said this like a month back.. The S&B team used the cash infusion from Canopy Growth to expand their in-house manufacturing which is an over-the-top facility that may be nicer to live in than most of our homes. If they didn't just lie about where the money was spent then all the Venty vapes were made nearly identical, by hand, and the assumption going into this was that E04 was a component supply issue and the replacements were built with newer components? But if the component supply isn't changing, and almost all the units are built close enough to specifications, then all of them should eventually hit that error? I guess either S&B isn't sure what it is, or it's their staffing, otherwise they would have made a very clear statement?


Man, I'm so glad I went TM2 instead of Venty after waiting until the Venty release to decide. Granted, I know some have had button issues with the TM2 but the Venty is a shit show.


I'm glad the Tm2 is just press the button and inhale. No software bs, why would a vape need one? I don't get it anyways. My tm2 was expensive but at least isn't a paper weight 😂


I was between the venty, mighty + and the tiny might after seeing it recommended on here. So glad I got the TM2. It works great and all absolutely loving it


Hope everyone is enjoying the chance to pay Storz and Bickel to beta test their new product No software updates required for a DynaVap, just saying...


just to confirm, you did try resetting it correct? and are you using the supercharger to charge it? thanks i want it to work.


Is everyone who's getting this error using the official fast charger?


I haven’t had an eo4 yet but would see the eo5 on long draws. After I updated it doesn’t happen anymore. Sorry about your luck, fingers crossed your next one is the last one.


Get a tm2 😂


At some point you got to wonder, is it user error?


I use nothing but the stock charger that comes out of the box with the unit, it doesn’t get dropped or thrown around, it’s taken care of extremely well. I’d love for someone to point out how this issue is my fault cause I’d love to correct it if that’s the case. But I highly doubt that.


Impossible to answer over the internet. I’ve always wondered if these errors are cause by a combination of over packing or pulling too hard. Those two variables are what I believe caused me to get this error on my Mighty+


Definitely not over packing, definitely not “pulling too hard” because i get pain if i do.


After the update mine is working perfectly . So I can't complain .


Pax owners be sippin' back 😂


When did you get this unit and do you know which firmware it came with? It's odd the update seems to have fixed some units but not others and appears even newer revisions aren't out of the woods yet. Unfortunately S&B has been mostly quiet about the issue so we're left in the dark.


It's not odd, but people here can't seem to understand that er04 is a generic fault error. There is diagnostic information that can be produced that is coded where only S&B can understand. This means multiple different types of faults can show an er04. The firmware fix that went out was to address one of those faults.


I miss mine so much , still in warranty


It wasn’t meant to fix every possible glitch that could cause the E04 error to display. There are more bad Ventys than there should be. That said, if you get one that works like I did, it’s truly unparalleled.


It’s a shame this crap coming from a German company. Although, the cheep electronics are more than likely Chinese .


Damn that sucks, mine is going strong despite me abusing the shit out of it and replaced my ball vape


As in my Mighty+


Better luck with number 6. Or maybe, you know, try a better vape.


Why do you wanna be a dick? What did I do to you?


Yeah, not sure why you deserve the snarky comment but some ppl just like to talk shit behind their keyboard. Seriously tho, thanks for posting about your train wreck of an experience. You’ve been factual and really fair imo, I’d be livid and freaking out at this point. Especially considering S&B have refused to refund, seems you’re doing all you can to resolve it. So I’m not sure why TheDickStreetBand being such a dick to you? “Better luck… *not really!*” like, why even bother making such a childish, worthless comment? Edit: to fix a word


Greedy US Company’s, gotta love em.


You mean the German company that was bought by a Canadian company? If you’re gonna talk shit, you might as well do research beforehand. I’m a S&B hater too, but do your due diligence.


Very good or very sad life you have HATING a Vaporizer Company. You’re right so I should have said greedy NA company but I’m pretty sure with Canopy US lately is not as far anymore. Happy Hatin


It would be so easy for other companies to just post shit in this sub about S&B.


Ah yes, the Venty fiasco is actually an Arizer psyop to encourage sales of the Solo III.


Am actually the CEO of Arizer, buying Ventys and breaking them to show the internet how bad S&B is.


That shit happens and you’re naive to think otherwise


If you are the CEO, sort the airflow out on solo3 you’ll have yourselves a decent vape then




Unnecessarily rude comment. Do better.


Good for you?


It's all good, karma gonna bite soon


Be civil. No personal attacks. Harassment or bullying will not be tolerated.