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Tempest & reload isn't even an option at the moment. Unless your able to find one second hand goodluck they get snatched up in seconds


I don't understand why people would get rid of it. I love mine so much. Tempest>Tm2 by a mile IMO. Since the Tempest came home, I don't use anything else but the Crafty when I work outside.


I got in on the second wave of beta preorders, owned it and sold it about a month later. It’s kind of redundant tbh. But that all depends on what you own. Having a stunner, anvil, dani v3 and fusion, multiple dynavaps etc it just don’t really yaste or hit all that much different compared to what’s currently out. The visual indicator is a cool concept but I feel like it’s heavily overpriced for what it actually delivers vape and taste wise compared to other devices. Now if I only had one and didn’t own other teds than maybe the tempest would be that be all only one I’d need.


I also have Dynas and a Fusion but I like the Tempest better. Never tried an Anvil or a TA though. I don't like to sell vape so I keep them all. If I had to keep only one there is no doubt I the Tempest would be the choice. Over TM2, Crafty, Solo 2, Firefly 2+, M21, Omni, Stick Brixk Jr, Vapman, Lotus and Fusion. But yeah it's redundant 😄.


That’s strong praise for the tempest 😁 it wouldn’t be so hard to choose if solo 3 wasn’t getting some amazing reviews. Even the votes on this thread have nearly double votes for solo 3 than the tinymight Any way on articulating how it’s redundant? As in, other convection devices out there doing the same or better?


They are redundant because they all get me high. Let's be honest here. I could have 1 vape, my first Crafty and be happy with it. If I didn't know what was out there of course. First I must tell you that I like butane vape better. It took me a while to gave them a shot but for me they are superior in many ways. Better ritual, better extraction, better control over temp, and I don't need to pull as much air as I need to with a battery vape nor manage batteries. They last forever. My Omni and after that my Fusion were perfect. VAS got the better of me, and I bought the Tempest. Now, I am disappointed with every other vape I reaxh for. I can get stellar taste or face melting hit with it. I adjust the airflow to have a similar experience to a blunt. It looks good, fit perfectly on a small bong for those ride the line hits. If I want a sipper, it's OK too. The benefits of a ball vape but portable and with a touch of conduction. It's perfect. What can say, I love that thing. Plus they will offer variety of ball to customize the experience even more.


Ah yeah, I see what you mean and agree. I’m happy with my vong and fw7 but always looking for something slightly more convection leaning. Thanks for the write up! The tempest looks awesome, my only worry is the bowl size, but with the reload I guess it’s not that much of a problem 🤷‍♂️ The solo 3 kind of caught me by surprise as well with its release and how popular it’s been, and they are known for their great reliability, but like you I’ve really taken to butane lately and kind of use my vong more than anything else, feel like a similar convection companion should be all that’s needed now


If price is not an issue, you will forget your Vong after one night with the Tempest. I am scared with the Solo 3. There was so much praise here and on website reviews about the Solo 2. It didn't fit me at all. To be honest, it's the only vape I got rid of by giving it to a friend. So no Solo 3 for me. Tbh I will never buy a vape that doesn't have a replaceable battery again.


Forgot, the reload is a must have. The reloads are easy and it will work for your long too. With the good airflow, I sometimes pack it pretty tight and, even though the roast is a bit uneaten, it works well.


Hey, is there a butane vape out of the ones you own that would be a better purchase than the tempest? I’m super tempted by TA, which is essentially the same as a stunner, but am only going to make one purchase for the foreseeable future so thought the ‘more refined’ tempest would be a better option.


So my opinion is based on what I currently own. For me personally a stunner is like a no thrills tempest. My only gripe with the stunner is that the stems are insanely basic (carbon wrapped steel) If you own multiple devices like I do I just didn’t feel like the tempest offered a different experience or a different hit/flavor than what was in my current line up. Once you get the timing down on a stunner they tend to hit insanely similar. I almost think that the stunner hits slightly better because the cap is thicker and it does retain the heat a bit better. It’s just such a catch 22 because I do like how over engineered the tempest is. An audible click has already been done, and the visual click is technically something new I haven’t seen. But it was just really hard for me to justify the cost of the tempest performance wise compared to other devices that are already out. Really wish I could’ve made that answer easier but some people really do value aesthetics of a device. There is nothing that really has more features or looks better than a tempest. A stunner to me is like a caveman version that just slaps. It works so well, hold heat, but isn’t visually as appealing in a sense. I will say it was a no brainer on which one to sell to fund other devices though. I think between a tempest, anvil or a stunner you’ll be super happy! Hard hitting devices, all at different price points.


That was a great response. Thank you ✌️


supposedly end of june for release according to the fuck combustion thread. i plan on only getting the tempest head/bowl ~90 not the full kit cuz way too expensive and i already have revolve gen 2 so i have the DRC guts.


Solo 3 is amazing and getting lots of rave reviews on this sub. Are you coming from joints and bowls or are you a bong smoker? If you're a bong smoker then TM2 might be better (based on comments). Solo 3 can be used with a bong as well of course. The people who prefer Solo 3 tend to be "sippers" (coming from joints and bowl smoking).


This analogy of bongs and joints is stupid and wrong. Joints are quick and portable. Bongs are quick but not portable. A tinymight is a joint or a bong. The solo 3 could be considered a bong at best.


Does it make you angry that all your shit posting about solo 3 and no one is buying it? Those poll numbers must keep you up at night . you must do better!


I don't know how you would know that or why you would care because I don't. I'm just giving my experience.


TBH. Your analogies can be just as stupid. Starting with this comment. Edit: “your analogies can be just as stupid and wrong.”


You don't say why. How should the analogy be?


I’m in a similar boat. My only vape currently is a volcano hybrid. It’s great but I wish it punched a little harder. I am leaning towards a tempest.


i have a tm2 v1 and didn't have a button issue ^yet i like the idea of being able to remove the battery when ever i please vs the built in with solo 3 although i also have a solo 2 and like the build quality of the metal shell. it is bulky too compared to tm2. you can easily get chinaglass for both so stems are pretty cheap ( get a couple of back ups in case of breakage)


I have a TM(1) (well, now my friend has it) and the button is still working fine.


My research told me the fw7 is a beast and on par with the tm2 so a tm2 would be more of a compliment instead of an upgrade. With both devices being hybrid heating, I wonder how does the solo 3 compare to the fw7?


Given all the issues and delays the Tempest has had for the past year+ there's a good chance the first batch isn't going to be perfect either, it just has fiddly little bits that require precise calibration that they haven't been able to nail down yet. I have no doubt that it will at some point be a good device, maybe on release and maybe after, but I would be wary of the pre-release hype.


I’ve been going through fcombustion and it seems a lot of the issues have been ironed out for release, it’s why it’s taken so long! Madheaters would rather release a working product rather than AAA game industry their product… I am half thinking of just getting a thermal accumulator instead of the tempest, but no click, visual indicator, and 10 minute heat retention is holding me off


No love for the anvil? By far my favorite method for one and done


NGL I was super tempted by the anvil, but I can get a 1 heat up 2 hit full extraction on my vong bowl with the armoured cap, I feel spending on the anvil for a similar, if not easier experience is just a waste of money in my case.