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A ball vape is what you seek.


Seconding this. A ball vape will slap you silly.


A bong is a difficult thing to quit


With a ball vape, you don't have to quit bongs.


We don't have those around where I am at, but will look into them, thanks.


OP, try 1 or 2 hit clears instead of 6 to 8 and you'll get high as balls. This is not a session vaporizer. Try using it properly. If you can't clear half a load in a single hit then your device may need to be adjusted to a higher setting or the device may need an adjustment to make it work better


Agreed. I can get almost a full bowl roasted in one hit and the second is typically just get the residuals left over.


1 and a clean up. Yep, sounds about right


I feel like you have to acquire the taste for it. It took me a while to feel stoned after vaping any amount. I would vape for the flavor at first and dab for the effects but I slowly started to get used to the high and I enjoy it a lot more than combustion now. I would suggest pushing temps up and use a water piece with the tm2 if you’re not already.


How do you get the TM2 to fit a water piece? With all my pieces the TM2 stem is either too big to fit or too loose and falls out. Afaik they're all standard diameter.


You need a WPA stem.


Honestly, I didn't even like vaping until I got a WPA and a bubbler. It's just so much smoother and also bigger hits are possible, its like a super smooth bong hit every time.


Wrap a little bit of tissue around the stem so it’s air tight when u push it in the bong for now until u can get a proper wpa. Dont use the cooling unit either if your running it through water


look at tinymigh.t_bowl


Most stems have a taper inside. I’ve found stems like the solo 2 will actually double as a spa. Just insert it till it stops. With the potv stem I put a piece of silicone tubing on the stem. This fits my 14 mm stem perfectly. Try one of these methods before you spend any money.


> How do you get the TM2 to fit a water piece? grab a 1" piece of high temp silicone tubing and pull it almost over the mouth end of the metal tube. then press that against the downstem and fire the button. or get a wpa


Get a WPA. I like the Ed’s TnT wood WPA but glass stems are going to be cheaper.


Bongs hit harder, mainly because they give you mild carbon monoxide poisoning. If you’re associating the head rush and sluggishness with being high the vapes can feel lacking. Switching to vapes exclusively after a short break is the best way to get off the combustion :)


I'll bet you that my vapes hit harder than smoking. With the right tools, you don't have to worry about things like this. With that said, the OP is doing about 6 hits per load on a device that he should be doing 1 or 2 hit clears and is comparing it to a 1 or 2 hit clear from a bong. Bongs don't hit harder unless you want it to hit it harder like the OP. The OP needs to learn how to vape the device correctly. It's not a true session vaporizer. It's not ment for 6 to 8 hits per load like the OP is doing


>It's not a true session vaporizer. It's not ment for 6 to 8 hits per load like the OP is doing It absolutely is, that is how I use it most, but you have to set it a low temperatures. At higher temperatures, it is how you describe it.


Don't get me wrong. I agree with you and many use it like yourself. But it's not aimed at someone who is more or less in your shoes. It's pushed more on people who are trying to compare it to a more bong like experience, as the OP is doing.


I honestly disagree. The TM2 at low temperatures is extremely smooth with great flavour and is great to sip on, specially because the pure convection allow me to have very long sessions going at my own rhythm without having to follow a timer. So in my experience, the TM2 excels as a sipping device, much better than some devices that are supposed to be only for sipping. I know some people here disagree because they think since it does ripping really good it means it is a riper and that's it. But it is a very versatile device, and just because it its a great ripper, I'd does not mean it is not great at sipping.


Try to disagree all you want, I agree with you. Sry that I triggered you so much


Haha, OK, I have been called a liar and a shill in this forum for stating this exact opinion, so I guess I took it a bit too personal. Good we agree.


Non worries bro. Have a great day my friend


My Anvil and my TM2 hits stronger than any bong I've ever had 🙌🏻


It better hit harder or I want my money back 🤣


You're right 😂. For me a OHE with the Anvil (regular/XL bowl) is the stronger hit I can find between my vapes. In second place there is a OHE with TM2. They both are incredible efficient.


This. My vapes put 24/7 stoners out lol. Id pay money to see someone who thinks smoking is stronger take 4 anvil bowls back to back and tell me they dont feel anything. They will probably be fried, and on a fraction of the weed from a single joint. I still smoke if I know I have a long day ahead of me. I'll roll a couple pre rolls and take them. I can smoke two 2g joints and it MIGHT give me a slight mild buzz because of how much I smoke. I also still smoke with in laws when they come to town, and they dont like my vapes because it gets them "too high". They smoke 24/7 too. Vaping just has a pretty decent learning curve, especially TM. I started vaping like 8 years ago purely because weed was way too expensive and vaping is like 4x more efficient. Every single time over the years that ive seen someone say that they dont "feel it", its because they arent using their vape right and arent even getting any vapor. My hits are usually so big it looks like Im smoking 🤷


>Bongs hit harder, mainly because they give you mild carbon monoxide poisoning. Tired of this nonsense assertion.


For real, my research indicates that a wider variety of cannabinoids (and user error) is most likely the major cause. Since smoking reaches a much higher temperature, some THC is lost but many many cannabinoids that are not extracted through vaping shine as well. Also, flavonoids are not extracted during vaping either. light CO poisoning or other toxic substances may play some role, but the majority of effects I believe can be attributed to this, and that you often inhale more THC in a shorter time when smoking (smoking is easier, you can't do anything wrong). Many people drag their vape sessions over a few minutes, this is bound to make you less high than taking a huge bong rip all at once since the onset time is widely different and cannabis loses a lot of THC if subjected to high temperatures even over a few minutes. And since vaporizing generally extracts more THC if you do it correctly (!), you can also get more high through a vaporizer than a bong. The temperature has to be near combustion (like 210 - 220C) and you want a device that can 1 (or 2)-hit extract. Think of a dynavap, ball vape, other butane vapes, and probably TM2 too. (although at this temperature benzene is extracted, if that is something you don't want, don't do it. Still better than smoking) Also if you don't plan to make edibles with the AVB, vape it till it's black or at least very dark brown and nothing's left, otherwise you waste a lot of THC. another thing is breathing techniques, since smoke is very harmful to your lungs you don't want to hold it really, but with vaping this is different. While a lot of cannabinoids are extracted at first inhale, a long draw and short holding (3 - 4 seconds) or rebreathing is crucial in getting the most out of it. This is due to the makeup of vape vs smoke. While smoke is a majority combustion byproduct with a good amount of THC, vaping has a lot fewer by-products but differing cannabinoid concentrations depending on temperature. I gathered this information through many different scientific publications, researching optimal decarboxylation temperatures, cannabinoid profiles, THC Concentrations in smoking vs vaping, and more, combined with my own experience (since this field is pretty thin). some Sources: 1 - [https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/cpb/58/2/58\_2\_201/\_article](https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/cpb/58/2/58_2_201/_article) - researches the complete composition of cannabis vapor and smoke. (the most interesting one imo) 2 - [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.3109/08958370902748559](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.3109/08958370902748559) - researches smoke vs vapor composition with the volcano vaporizer at different temperatures. 3- [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073818308478](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073818308478) - researches lung availability of vapor (here dabbing, but comparable) and smoke. 4 - [https://www.scientificbulletin.upb.ro/rev\_docs\_arhiva/rez0e1\_161311.pdf](https://www.scientificbulletin.upb.ro/rev_docs_arhiva/rez0e1_161311.pdf) - researches decarboxylation and concentrations of different cannabinoids at different temperatures. 5 - [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6676961/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6676961/) - researches blood concentration of THC after smoking and vaporizing in a controlled setting. sadly there are 0 studies on breathing techniques, so I am afraid I can't cite a Source. I gathered this specific info through self-testing and forum experiences (reddit + some other sites). While this isn't definitive, I am pretty confident about it.


Clearly no-one understood what you wrote... But yeah 💯 agree with this, if you could compare *clean* smoke from a bong with the equivalent of vapor, the vapor would win hands down, but bongs have carbon monoxide poisoning on their side, which is cheating 😂


A bong is a smash of carbon to the brain. Asphyxiation is pretty much all of the early buzz from a bong rip. Eventually, the THC enters the blood. With dry flower vaping you are only inhaling the THC with limited to no asphyxiation. Way different. Going to take a lot of change. Getting off a bong requires a ton of will power. The vape will help take the edge off but it will never replace that smash to the face feeling you crave.


Correct!!!! The majority of the combustion high is the carbon monoxide starving your brain of oxygen. Like sitting in a closed garage with car running until you start to feel dizzy. Please don't inhale carbon monoxide.


I’d say you’re doing everything pretty well but might be better going with a WPA and running it through your bong on a higher temp like 8 or 9.


Connect it to your bong and hit it at top temp.


Try hitting it slower. Uneven ABV is the result of trying to extract too fast. It should all be the color of coffee grounds unless you're stopping short of full extraction on purpose.


I thought I was hitting it pretty slow. I take long, drawn out 10-15 second pulls, usually 3 of those hits before stirring it and then a few more. I'll try pulling it even slower and see if it helps.


I had a similar effect after getting the Solo 3 I was pulling too little if that makes sense. I would do 10 second pulls but felt almost nothing, someone recommended this I hit it like I’m sucking a straw for a milkshake, with nice medium-long/hard hits, give this a good try 👌


I love the Solo's but the draw resistance is too high for my tastes.


This to me is the biggest drawback 😎


Try turning it to 9 and see if you can get it to combust on purpose. If you can't, you might have to recalibrate. On the stock calibration, stock stems I get good vapor as low as 4 and can combust over 8.


You mean on 10? On 9 you should not combust. 10 is for.concentrates and can combust herb.


I said what I said. If your device is calibrated correctly, it should be capable of combustion over 8 when the weed is fully dry, and will neve combust below that temperature.


The other thing you could try is pulling harder. (Contrary to what I wrote before) But hear me out- if the heat is collecting at the herb, and not being pulled through, it could be radiant heat cooking the herb. I have a vape at home that unless I rip it, the herb at the top chars a little. But when I do rip it, it stays fairly light and produces clouds. Some sticky brick and similar convection devices are like this. You have to find the sweet spot, or YOUR sweet spot to be more accurate! Do you know anyone that vapes nearby or do you have another device for comparison?


Pack the bowl tighter and inhale harder. The heater can take it. The high is different, lighter, and not as heavy of a feeling as combustion. My tip is to add some cbd flower to the bowl, like 10% of the bowl. I like sativa cbd. It gives you a heavier feel that is missing.


Should have just bought a ball vape.


Came here to say this.


Ball vapes are too big, inconvenient and confusing compared to the TM2


They look more confusing than they are. They're the vapes that are going to be most comparable to bong rips too. They're really not very big either. But, hey, not everyone can have one sitting around their house safely though, so you do you. 


💯 My cat says hello 👋🤣😭🤣


I have 3 cats and my ball vape is on 24/7


I regularly take mine to my cat owning friends house, they have never even given it a second look.


How on earth are they "confusing"? 😂😂 You put weed in your bowl, put the hammer on top and rip the bong. Yeah, super confusing


Because when looking at pictures of ball vapes, there's like 10 different things I need, most of which I've never seen before. The biggest reason is that they just take up too much space, and I don't have a lot of desk space. I barely had enough space for my bong.


You can just get a bundle with everything that's needed. For example the flowerpot bundle from cannabis Hardware. Or the flower kettle from custom flower hardware or the zenleaf from cannabis Hardware if you want a cordless one. You just need your glass piece, that's it. If you are a bong smoker, trust me this experience will leave you speechless.


Sounds like maybe you need to slow your draws down instead of ripping it. This will allow the herb to heat soak and should result in thicker vapour and a slightly more even extraction. It's a great vape, and you chose well, but it's a convection vape and takes a little getting used to, also if you're still smoking you're inhaling a chemical cocktail not just cannabinoids etc as is the case with the vape.


Try a dynavape with armored cap, an anvil or dani fusion 2 with your bong!


You doing session mode or the other? I prefer session mode and I find it a lot more effective.


I felt that way for a couple of days but now the opposite. I’m sitting in my driveway cooked atm.


have you considered tolerance reset/break


what you need is a ball vape, portabales are fun and all but i find that in comparison they just dont hit hard, thermal twist is 20% off on vgoodiez 140 to 180 usd depending on the model.


What number is it set at? What’s your AVB look like?


It's set at a 7. The ABV is pretty unevenly vaped, some of it's dark brown while other bits are light brown or even still green. I'm not packing it at all, very loose, so I don't quite understand why it's so uneven.


What temp are you vaping at?


The temp is set to slightly above 7 (pretty sure that's around 400F roughly)


You said "same amount" - how much bud are you putting in? The TM2 responds best to "loosely" loaded bud...like...straw-suck method to get the bud into the stem. Don't pack more in just tap it a little so it doesn't fall out. I've been doing like... 0.06 to 0.07 g and it hits me almost as much as a full bowl in a small bong (\~ .25g or so). I'm at a temp about 6 right now. A few hits and the bud is not quite coffee ground dark, but definitely pretty well used. I initially overfilled it when I got it (moved the "cooling unit" up higher in the stem and tried to put .2g in.) Very uneven toasting and less effective.


You should be able to clear the bowl in 2 hits without a bong. The following things helped me get more medicated. Grind your herb finer. Use a rimmed basket. Use a stem with good airflow and cooling. Get a WPA and run it through your bong.


Ur tolerance is too high atm. Hitting nothing but the vape will eventually bring it down enough to the point that you're able to feel how high you actually are again. I had the same problem when I did nothing but bong rips for 2 months. It destroyed my tolerance. Fun for bongs, not fun when I tried to get back to healthier ways of smoking.


It took me about a week to start to fully understand how different the vape high was. It took another few days after that for me to realize I was getting way higher than I was before. Keep going, it gets better!


Wait til u eat the avb. Holy Jesus I was high yesterday. I thought I dosed myself with meth! I was so crazy high I was gon a have a panic attack and shit xD thank goodness it all chilled out and I slept like a baby when I did fall asleep :D


Clean the tm2 maybe?


Have you taken a tolerance break? Even for a few days? I suggest you detox the carcinogens from smoking and then go back and try the dry herb vaping again. It’s a different high and all the junk from smoking hinders that in my opinion. I actually don’t get very high from combustion anymore. Also, as someone else said, a bong is very hard to quit.


Tiny might is for when your on vacation or traveling. You need a ball vape to compare to your bong


Not everyone wants a blazing hot coil of metal floating around their desk. This CANNOT be the ultimate solution.


I use on demand only when I'm using it and then turn it off completely when not


Get yourself a ballvape with your bong.


I notice no one has suggested a t-break? Even a week of no bongs should have you feeling something, at least


Tinymight 2 needs to be on full power and cleared in no more than 2 hits through a bong to actually feel like a bong hit Get yourself a quartz cap from the rogue wax works if you want to feel like you’ve actually smoked a bong Source: 20 year long bong smoker now converted via the quartz cap. Tried ball vapes and all the portables and it’s the only thing that hits the spot.


Yea the Tinymight 2 doesn't vape evenly, you can mitigate it somewhat by pushing the screen up a few millimeters deeper into the stem to create more a gap between the flower and the opening of the stem, if it's too close to the oven you get more hot spotting. You'll need to try a different draw speeds at different temperature settings to figure out what works for you, it's a fiddly device and not particularly consistent. I also didn't find the effects of the high from it to be impressive, even killing bowls in 1-2 hits the effects came on quickly but also faded quickly.


Forget about a tolerance break (no one like a quitter,lol), get a megacicle, and forget about it, lol. Pack er up with 3/4 of a gram, heat with a torch for less than 60 seconds, and you’ll have clouds that will rival any ball vape out there. The deluxe kit, with tongues and a stand, can be had for $65, to your front door. Keep the TM2 for when you’re on the go and definitely try the WPA. I just think that ultimately, the megacicle is gonna get you where you really wanna go on a bong.