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No. They are just louder right now, and chronically online. A lot of grifters too. It’ll die down once people realize how unhealthy it is. If you want some anecdotal evidence, I meet people who are vegan all the time. I have never met an actual carnivore IRL. A loooooong time ago I did a version of Atkins called the Duken Diet. First five days of it you can only eat protein. I was a big meat lover back then and even after five days I was so sick of meat I couldn’t wait to scarf down some veggies. It’s not sustainable. It’s not healthy. It’s expensive. Jesus, I sound like one of them. 🥴


Yeah, I tried something similar in the past (unfortunately). I don’t know how anyone could sustain a carnivore diet for more than a week or two. I didn’t sh*t for ten days, my eyes got all bloodshot and I almost fainted while driving..


Probably not enough electrolytes or fat


Humans can survive on both vegan and carnivor diets. It just takes effort which is why omnivore is the most common, it's easy. Just like you can't eat nothing but rice and be healthy, you can't eat nothing but muscle tissue and be healthy. You'd need veggies and organ meat respectively. People are really good at eating things


That's what I don't get as well, just the flatness of it all. I can't imagine not eating all of the delicious veggies out there. Great to hear some confirmation on them being more vocal and I too haven't met another carnivore in real life. There's a page on Instagram that's a bit reassuring called 'carnivorecringe' and it's slowly gaining a following of all the ailments and oddities they are experiencing.


Im not even thinking of not eating veggies (the good stuff). Im scared of thinking of not consuming alcohol, weed, cofee, tea, sugar, herbs and spices, etc. Most people when they think of going carnivore, they only omit the greens not realising they cant even drink coffee.


Wait… what? They don’t drink coffee?!


If they are truly carnivores, they shouldnt, since coffee is a plant. Most meals they should just be eating muscle, marrow, salt, blood, organs, not even black peppers to season their meals. No wine to partner their salted steaks with. Imagine such a sad sad life.


Its easier than you think. Animal foods satiate the body which means hunger isn't as common which means you don't miss other foods. It really is hard to understand until you've experienced it.


Why would I deprive myself of stuff when I can satiate my body using plants? Id rather eat curry bean soup with tomates and red peppers and some wheat bread and some coffee/tea later, and be satiated; vs beef tenderloin boiled in brine without even black pepper and also satiated (if what u say is true). If a vegan diet is restrictive, a carnivore diet is like 10x more restrictive.


Well... like I said, the meat and fat stop you from craving other foods so you don't care so much about givung them up which is why Carnivore is seeing a rise in popularity at the moment. It's great for getting away from the sugar and processed food that have plagued human health for the last 70 years of so. Plus it's ridiculously convenient when it comes to shopping and cooking and time saving. One meal a day is all many people need. Can you do it with plants? Sure, but it's a loooot harder because most people can't deal with the missing nutrients and the complexities of getting it right. Apart from not being normal there's not really any downside.


You can easily avoid sugar and processed food with a vegan diet. Can you give me an example of such a balanced meal /recipe that youre speaking of?


I really would not say easily. If it were easy then there would not be so many leaving veganism. Balanced meal? We're talking about the Carnivore diet which doesn't adhere to the same rules as others. It's possible for people to eat no fibre and poop just fine. To not eat fruits yet get no scurvy. To eat little to no carbs and for life to remain enjoyable. There's a lot more to meat and eggs than most people know.


different uppity swim forgetful cautious slap dolls cake sloppy hateful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s crazy! I can’t imagine doing that as a kid. Brutal.


> They are just louder right now One thing people should pay attention to is that this same general playbook was ran in the run-up to the 2016 elections. It's not that surprising when you step back and look at it with this frame in mind. (I'm not saying the entirety of it should be attributed to that, just that it's one often undiscussed component)


Nah. For every corpse they munch, I'm gonna eat \*two\* falafel wraps!


Keto/atkins/paleo/carnivore come and go in cycles.


There are almost no true carnivore dieters, most eat some carbs or have to reintroduce them and/or fiber cause they feel like shit and can't poop. I doubt they only use salt as seasoning, everything else is plants too. They also need to supplement vitamin C if they don't eat liver, yet say vegans eat unnaturally cause we need B12. It's just a giant grift, a fad diet for influencers to sell books, guides and supplements. Soon most people will realize how unhealthy it is. Recently saw an interview with Dr. that was asked why there are no high quality studies directly comparing carnivores and vegans and he said after the decades of research it would simply be unethical to randomize a group and put people on a meat only diet. It's simply not sustainable.


People love to hear good news about their bad habits!


No, because our existence is independent of theirs. If we weren’t vegan, they’d still exist


And if you weren’t vegan, you would be contributing to that number of animal corpses. By being vegan you’re “canceling out” the number of animals you would have eaten otherwise, no matter what other people are doing.


Reckon not, it's just a small, noisy lot of nutjobs, much like flat-earthers or something. Might be wishful thinking, but I'd like to at least believe that the regular folk is immune to that kind of idiocy They really won't go very far on that diet, anyway, sounds like a self-solving issue


I mean, the SAD is really controlled by whatever gets put in the fast-food feedbags by government subsidies. Active consumption from carnists is more-or-less moot because they think so little about what and who they eat.


Pretty much all of them eat carbs / plants again within a month. Even all their “gurus” have abandoned their diet, or they grift and pretend to still keep it.


Joe Rogan is responsible for a lot of it.


Just like any version of low carb meat heavy diets, this one will eventually be mostly forgotten. The meat industry is doing heavy work to keep their product on the market. They have billions of dollars just through subsidies alone. No wonder they are winning the information war.


No, and think of it this way, we have medicine and nutrition on our side and more than likely will outlive them, or they live but not healthily The "carnivore" movement itself is nothing more than a petty response to veganism, anyway. They have no leg to stand on; medicine, nutrition, science, compassion are all on our side and what do they have? Anecdote(at best) and anger because of vegans. If you care about the planet and its inhabitants, veganism is the way to go, otherwise you're only speeding up the doomsday clock not only for your own health but the planets and the other beings that live here. I've come to a conclusion, humans are fucking selfish and evil, this needs to change.


Yes. You're polishing brass on the Titanic.


Youre calling carnivore crazy when you're vegan? Both are extreme diets with extreme people, neither are exactly logical or best for your health, but people will believe anything that makes them feel superior or different. Also as vegan became a fad diet around 50 years ago, carnivore and keto have the last 15 years, neither are sustainable and long term but well have to wait and see


What's extreme about eliminating animal products? Way more extreme to eliminate everything else... Such a small portion of everyone's diet these days... Please share some sources that veganism isn't sustainable and long term.


We are omnivores requiring balance, any diet that eliminates whole food groups is extreme, thats common sense, and there's lots of studies on vegan long term, the average vegan has quite a few nutrient deficiencies that cause a host of problems like osoporosis, anemia, b vitamin deficiencies. Etc, all of this can be easily researched on pubmed


Nothing escapes the laws of biology. It might not be today, maybe not next week, or even the following months, but ultimately people who follow a strict carnivore diet will succumb to its adverse effects. Just let nature and evolution run its course.


I hope the best for them. I don’t want to wish negativity on anyone who wants to get better from whatever illness they may be facing. People get desperate when they are really sick and it’s not fair to hope one day that people eating only meat meet their early deaths. I don’t want to wish death on vegans or carnivores. We are all doing our best. Many are misinformed. Research is not a few YouTube videos of a low carb conference like many carnivores do. So again, I truly hope the best for anyone who is following any of the handfuls of fad diets out there. I hope they get healthy and stay true to facts.


I recognise this will be downvoted, on this sub, but I'm hoping to provide some perspective. I ate carnivore most of last year. I found it out of desperation, as I wasn't able to digest anything else. Switching to carnivore stopped me from being shaky, constantly on the toilet, and dropping dress sizes in free fall. I'm disabled, I have severe muscle wastage, and I'm relearning how to walk. It took a LOT of work to reintroduce plants again, and I'm still on a very restricted diet. I can now have a few specific vegetables and fruits, and (some) rice, buckwheat and potato. I still have to eat protein-heavy, and too many carbs seem to give me palpitations, which is quirky and fun /s. I absolutely cannot tolerate beans, pulses, or legumes yet. I'm not going to be having nutritionally-complete plant-based meals any time soon. Maybe for some this is a fad diet. I'm doing this because otherwise I would have died. I'm not the only one. Bodies don't all work the same.


Came across this yesterday.... https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/03/human-gut-bacteria-that-can-digest-plant-matter-probably-came-from-cows/ Best of luck.


That's a really interesting read, thank you. I've been trying to take a few probiotics because I need every advantage I can get. Repopulate the gut flora. But a fair number of my issues are an underlying genetic condition, and pushing myself past breaking point because I didn't want to admit how unwell I felt. Apparently my body was partly acting out in desperation, trying to make me slow down, because I'd been ignoring every metaphorical 'check engine' light. What I mean by this is, I'm hopeful I can eat more 'normally' again (and walk better etc), regardless of what it says about urban populations. Also, I really appreciate your well-wishes. I was honestly somewhat expecting death threats, sharing my perspective on this sub. Thank you.


Thanks for sharing your perspective, and sorry to hear about your health woes. It's clear that there're certainly many accounts of people resorting to an all-meat diet for health reasons. It makes sense as an elimination diet. Unfortunately, for every genuine need like yours there are more who are just jumping on it as the next fad weight-loss diet and seemingly many more who seem to find the idea of a culturally-sanctioned all steak and bacon diet to be heaven-sent. It's this element that is making the whole thing more reprehensible and clearly it's something you are trying to distance yourself from. As a vegan, and from an animal-centric pov, it goes without saying how distressing this is. But that aside, the environmental ramifications of such a diet are considerable. At a time when even the most ardent meat-lovers likely accept how we have been used to living is unsustainable, and that planetary reliance on animal foods needs to be reduced, we have a movement that seeks to heavily increase such demands. Such a notion would ordinarily be absurd, but 'conveniently' it seems that the typical carnivore dieter is also a climate-change denier. Anyway, I hope your health improvements continue to go from strength-to-strength, not just for yourself, but so that many others can see such a diet as an elimination plan, with the aim of slowly re-introducing foods when possible. I'm inclined to believe there are many, such as yourself, who feel eating nothing but meat to be more than an imposition. Would be good for most to realise it isn't necessarily a life sentence.


Thank you so much. It's a long road but I won't know what the end looks like unless I keep travelling. I recognise that there are people who do this as a fad, and that this would be very distressing from a vegan moral stance. I appreciate you recognising in return that there is nuance, and we aren't all like that. I'm getting a few downvotes in this sub, but nothing like I expected. (Also I know you weren't making the assumption, but for the record I want to say that I know climate change is a very real thing!)


Yeah! Nuance is important. All carnivore dieters are not crazy, just as all vegans aren't long-haired hippies. And I didn't assume you were a climate denier ;)


It’s desperation, and they’re gonna suffer and die quicker


Hate to tell you, this sub is an echo chamber as well....


I feel like cholesterol will get rid of them eventually.


They feel guilty :)


Carnivores are mostly doing it for their health, and so few of them will actually stick to their diet. There are very few people who stick to a plant based diet long term either. There will also be bunch of studies that will probably show the negative health outcomes from doing it. So, in the end it will probably be just a few people really far down the conspiracy rabbit hole who think that studies are fake and that George Soros wants them to eat bugs. They will probably make vegans look better by comparison.


Strongest will survive so you can be calm. Unhealthy people will die quicker


I’m not worried about a bunch of people online pretending to eat the least healthy possible. I mean, I’m praying for them. I’ve noticed a sad trend where diet grifters who claim they have the secret formula or that eating unhealthy is actually healthy die very tragically. Except the vegans. The vegan doctors and nutritionists with clinical data to back their claims are living well past 100 and doing so vigorously, with no major chronic conditions slowing them down and less noticeable cognitive decline. So.


The Carnivore diet trend or phase is something I'd consider to be a mental health problem, leading to very real physical health problems. It's incredibly important to address and educate particularly young social media users on the impact following one of these extreme diets can have.


This is how many people see a vegan diet as well. If we don't like comments such as no protein, no B12, anorexic, etc, we probably shouldn't tell other people how we think they should eat either.


It's a bit different when there's a conscious and sentient animal being imprisoned, raped, then murdered. Plenty of protein in beans, legumes, nuts. Anorexic? The B12 thing is a slight compromise to make but animals are supplemented with B12 on the farms... So that's not natural either.


Here is one of the, unfortunately, very few studies on carnivore diet. Don't worry though, positive results only. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2475299122106086?via%3Dihub


This doesn't seem like a great study because it is self-reported... Will be interesting as more become available in the coming years.


That's true and that's a shame. But like I said, we don't have anything better, no one did clinical trial for example, on the carnivore diet. Which seems at least odd given the completely incredible results it's saying to provide. Well at least it's not like most of the studies people provide are clinical/conclusive either, so there is that.


Maybe, this carnist corporations might attack as in all kind of ways, maybe even physically killing our best activists. So we need to promote veganism hard, to overwhelm enemie's lie about us.


Just so you know most carnis love vegans. This is because more vegans means more meat for them, cheaper meat for them due to lower demand, etc. Also vegans push for better treatment of animals which means more quality products for carnis.


Nope. Lower demand does not mean lower prices or that there will be welfare reforms. That’s a myth.


I have a couple of friends who suffer from particularly nasty autoimmune conditions. They are carnivore, totally, but not by preference. One of them tells me she ‘dreams of broccoli’. Most people aren’t these people, but any new way of eating that has any kind of health effect is bound to get attention (as it should), be involved in research both formal (as it should) and anecdotal (as is inevitable), and generally be a marmite way of eating. It’s nothing new.


I'm in a similar situation. various autoimmune disorders and other conditions like bad kidneys prevent me from subsisting on plants and my diet must be made up primarily dairy and meat. i will postface this with that i understand that veganism is morally correct and i dream of tree nuts and legumes


They have sealed their own fate, their judgement is upon them and try as they might they will never escape the long arm of destiny, so eventually they will die...all of them, they all will die.


Everyone dies...


Every single one of them will suffer the fate that destiny has chosen for them ☠️


momento mori. you to will die


That was beautiful, a gentleman and a scholar, u r.


At last, someone who finally understands the difficult task that is holding up the world, but yet here I sit undefeated, not even filtered comments can phase me, I am still replyin, there is no denying.


Dayum, that was intense as fuck


I didn't make many of the universal rules, I simply abide by them 🤝💀🧟‍♂️🪦


Just remember, it's literally a meat industry psy op. They wouldn't spend so much time attacking a tiny minority of vegans if they truly cared about improving people's health. After all, if the idea of the Carnivore diet is that you cut out all this stuff, shouldn't they spend more time on attacking the standard non-Carnivore diet the average person eats, given that that's, well, about 99% of people? After all, wouldn't the standard "omnivore" diet be more of a cause for concern, a bigger fish to fry, than us lame little vegans eating our turnips over here? The answer is no, because to condemn the standard omnivore diet and not focus their energy on veganism is to condemn MEAT. And to condemn meat is to threaten meat industry PROFITS This is what the Carnivore diet is: not so much to "dismiss" the average diet full of meat as unhealthy, but rather to ELEVATE the status of meat. To put meat "back on the menu".


"echo chamber madness" is a tad funny coming out of here


Ya sure, kid, because agreeing that knifing animals in the throat is bad, and then fighting about pretty much everything else, is exactly the same as psyopping people into believing that carbs and fibers are EEEEEEEVIL lmao


Oh no, the anti-nutrients are gonna getcha!


Yes because that's what I said. No disproportionate, insane responses up in here ever..nope




This sub is not known for its intellectual or reasonable takes. A week ago people were cheering children dying from eating a sea turtle.


Well, that has nothing to do with scientific data. And it's a funny complaint compared to people posting steak and sausage they eat on social media. And to be fair, that was the reaction of people that only read the headlines. And everyone else here agrees that those that support the death of children are sick


I just picture you as one of those south park characters smelling their own farts in enjoyment. You remember that episode. The George Clooney smug one in San Fran lol


It's because our diet makes more sense to a race of beings who evolved as hunters. The success stories on every related video and social media group speak for themselves. No one is paying people to write them and there's no agenda to drive their actions other than the desire to share their health benefits. Also, a person can do better than vegan by doing strict Carnivore. If you can find a local farm to buy grassfed beef from you'll only contribute to the deaths of up to two cows per year and it'll be unbeatable ecologically. A vegan has no idea of the damage they contribute to when it comes to animal suffering or carbon footprint. All they can do is trust the studies and HOPE they are having an impact of zero... which is, of course, impossible.


Please tell me more about how we are contributing more to animal suffering and carbon emissions.


I don't need to tell you more, do I? If all I eat all year is one or two grassfed cows from a farm five miles away then that is a diet that is very hard to beat when it comes to ethics and emissions. It's a tad more expensive, I'll grant you but damn, you'll be getting some high quality food right there. How do you know, personally, that you yourself are beating that? Surely all you have to do is be responsible for three rat deaths on some farm in Spain or wherever to be doing waaay worse. How do you know that's not happened already this year?