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I crave greens. It sounds pretentious and crazy but it's like, a soup or stir fry or smoothie or pasta, fried foods, whatever never feel complete without greens. The herbal tastes, the freshness cutting the fat, the crunch, the bright color. It's so weird to have green cravings.


Yes! I say I'm "thirsty for vegetables."


But I'm "hungry for soups" šŸ²


Lol that sounds so weird I love it


Try growing lettuce in the spring, you can get fancy varieties and its fucking amazing tasting! Well actually any greens, I just love my spring lettuces


Can these be grown in containers?


Yeah! I get a rectangular pot that is maybe 4 inches wide and 14 inches long. You can stuff 6 plants in there (which is good because they come in sets of 6 lol)


Thanks! I will try that!


i know exactly what you mean, and itā€™s totally about the color for me. i love, love, love a naturally colorful meal. thereā€™s something so delightful about eating a rainbow and i always feel physically so good after eating a meal full of greens and colorful veggies. i am an unashamed rabbit food lover


I literally munch like a rabbit on greens. Pick them up with my hands and just chomp away hahahahaa


Yesss I have cravings for shredded cabbage and basmati rice and my boyfriend is like ā€œYOU ARE CRAZY NO ONE CRAVES THATā€ lmao but itā€™s my favorite meal right now šŸ˜‚


I mean I guess it's maybe more commonly known, but I'm so grateful that I haven't struggled to poop in 5 years


Honestly this is the big one for me. Without getting too TMI about it, used to suffer with such bad bloating and constipation. Veganism is worth the perceived inconvenience for that alone.


Number 1 and #2 take me the exact same amount of timeā€¦Iā€™m so proud.


Do you mean you havenā€™t struggled or havenā€™t pooped?


Haven't pooped in 5 years. My body has to use every particle of food I eat, just to keep me barely alive


I almost woke up my husband, laughing at your comment about how your body uses every particle of food. I agree about the pooping and wanted to add: It sounds really arrogant to say out loud, but my farts don't stink anymore. It's like I'm farting air.


Omg thatā€™s me too!!!


I came here to say this. It's amazing. Lol.


The key is water šŸ’¦


That was me until I got pregnant šŸ˜­


I need fruit every day or else. Used to be content with my carbs and starches but now all I have a craving for is cold fresh fruit every day.


Thissss. I never used to eat any fruit now Iā€™m constantly craving apples and bananas. Crazy how your taste buds change


Donā€™t remind me! My ā€œdaily neededā€ fruit wonā€™t be in season again for months! lol (pomegranates, I can easily eat two as big as my head every day which is why I bought a pomegranate colored rug for my living room!) šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


CANNOT get enough of pomegranate oml. The only fruit I can to go through all that effort for with a smile on my face


Right?? So many people always dismiss it because itā€™s ā€œhard work,ā€ but thatā€™s my favorite part! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ The reward for popping all those arils out is soooo worth it!


iā€™m this way with mangoes, i literally used to gorge myself on them until i was sick šŸ˜‚ mango season is the best time of the year! no better feeling than when you go to the store at just the right time and they have a surplus of ripening mangoes and you can get like 3 for a $1


šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤ Mmmmā€¦ ripe mangoesā€¦.


or you have friends that have a mango tree and share!!!


Strawberry season only lasts one month and I always have to eat as much as possible while they're here


Strawberries are my second favorite, and I eat them whenever possible.


We have a pomegranate tree. Canā€™t wait for it to be harvest season. I look forlornly at that tree and our clementine tree, a LOOOOT. lol.


šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m so jealous!!! I donā€™t think I could grow on here in Colorado but if I couldā€¦. Oh manā€¦šŸ˜‚


Cherries for me - season started a few weeks ago and I am so happy :)


Fresh Grapes šŸ‡ are genuinely my biggest fruit craving as a vegan.Ā 


If you ever get the chance to go to a vineyard and have ripe, sunwarmed, just plucked grapes its soooooo good


I love frozen grapes


I have to have berries on my cereal every morning. I have a bowl of thawed frozen raspberries, blueberries, strawberries and maybe peaches with oatmilk and a little cereal or muesli and some ground flax seed sprinkled on top. If I eat something else for breakfast then I just have to eat the fruit & cereal bowl for second breakfast because Iā€™m craving those berries.


I buy so many bananas from the store that the clerks laugh at me.


What fruit?


Apples, bananas, and oranges are my staples, not much nice produce where I live year round but those are always safe. Iā€™ve been counting down the days for berry season, watermelon, cant wait for the poms and plums especially. Grapes, pineapple, guava, kiwi/sungolds, peaches, pears, mangos, cherries, tomatoes, cucumbers. Frozen fruit usually has more variety, its cheaper and consistent in quality, so itā€™s often that.


Frozen Blueberries are my favorite, just pop a few every time I'm in the kitchen.


Itā€™s clementines for me šŸŠ


I have started a love hate relationship with persimmons. I love the tartness of them, but not so much my lips and tongue going numb. I must have apples and blueberries though.


i feel this too. fruit is my favorite food group since turning vegan


Fiber gives me the same satisfaction that eating fatty things used to give me. It is so absurd to get the same pleasure from oatmeal that i used to get from bearnaise sauce.


I feel this way about amaranth; I look forward to it in the morning because it's so viscerally satisfying like fat but without that unclean feeling to it.


I went on an international flight and an attendant gave my vegan meal to a random person which they happily accepted and ate, even though they hadnā€™t ordered a vegan meal and were being served before main service.


Virgin Atlantic did amazing vegan food, and I got treated like a king Delta on the return didnā€™t give me an option on check but said they had the detail from Virgin. And then utterly failed to reserve a vegan meal. The cabin crew said it happened all the time as the it systems donā€™t talk to each other


You gotta call every airline that has meal service for your flight after you book. The systems never actually talk to each other šŸ«£


I did. Delta said it was all good


Nooooooo šŸ˜­


Same thing happened to me. It was at the beginning of a 12 hours flight. Canā€™t tell you how much I was overjoyed that a random person had eaten my reserved vegan meal and that the stewardess hadnā€™t fucking checked it was the right nameā€¦ there was nothing else for me to eat but the few bonus salads, desserts and bread rolls they had.


Itā€™s because of this kind of thing that no matter what is offered on the flight I always bring enough calories with me to be totally self sufficient if I have to be.


I get the feeling that happens a lot. Twice for me so far.


I never have any stomach problems/tummy aches. Wellā€¦I did one night, and thatā€™s how I knew I was pregnant!


My skin got way better after eliminating animal products. Also my cracked heels became smooth


THIS. I swear my face changed so much for the better. I have rosacea and the redness went down by a lot in just one month after I went vegan. Also now I barely get pimples.


This is nice to hear - I've flirted with veganism for a couple of weeks at a time but haven't fully committed and my heels are rough. This is good incentive!


Yooo hopefully my cracked heels go smooth too, i just went vegan a week ago


I overall had way more safe foods and didnā€™t branch out! Iā€™ve tried more new foods in 7 years of being vegan than I probably tried the entire 26 years before that lol


Same as me. I eat so much more variety now and so does the rest of my family. My mum is so happy I introduced veganism to her she loves all the food she's made over the past 6-7 years.


Saaaame. I eat so many foods/veggies I used to hate and have been enjoying vegan versions of food I would have never tried before going veg.


I have to put two here to balance things out (One is NSFW): My nails grow quicker. Unsure if it's stress, but I feel I grow them so much quicker, have to clip them once every few days. I suppose this is another thing so that makes three, but I developed ulcerative colitis whilst vegan, not sure if it's the type of foods I'm eating or what, but someone in my family has a history of IBS so I don't know. Finally, NSFW: >!Gotten somewhat more active down there? Not sure how to describe it, I'm male to make that clear. I had a change of habits and that was noticeable. !<


I like how your NSFW spoilered text is indirect enough that it doesn't even require spoilering šŸ¤£. I assumed it must be pretty NSFW to add the spoilering so not sure what I expected šŸ¤£.


The Game Changers (netflix documentary) covered that. Vegans get more erections for the same reason that men with higher cholesterol get less.


Do you think the increase in fibre just made the UC symptoms more flared up? I have chronic health issues that mimic IBD and I'm so jealous of healthy fibre vegans haha.


I have fairly severe UC. Legitimate doctors (almost) universally agree that diet does not cause the disease. You may have ā€œtrigger foodsā€ that exacerbate your symptoms, but these are typically unique to individuals. I can eat spicy foods, most beans, many green leafy vegetables, etc. I have to limit consumption of things like certain lentils, tomatoes, garlic, and onion. Most cruciferous vegetables and all gluten things cause me GI distress. Thereā€™s going to be a learning process to find out what causes you distress because it can be so different between different people. Being mindful of what you eat is critical, which becoming vegan has helped me with immensely. Listen to your body. Listen to your doctorā€”mine is very supportive of my dietary choices, just constantly reminds me to prioritize soluble fiber. This disease fucking sucks, but I really believe you can thrive as a vegan with UC. I feel like I am.


Definitely agree w the NSFW šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I'm barely allergic to cats anymore. Used to not be able to be in a place they lived for more than a half hour without my throat closing up. Now I actually own a cat and have to only occasionally use allergy medicine and lotion. It's getting less and less the longer I have him


Same thing happened to me but with Guinea pigs!


I've noticed this in general as well, never thought it could be related! Pollen allergies, cat allergies, dust allergies... all very mild or non-existent now, after having been bad enough to need to regularly medicate for it before.


Hm very interesting I have had major improvements in nut and pollen allergies but I hadnā€™t connected it to veganism before!


Oooh, a nurse explained this one to me when I got hospitalized with a freak allergic reaction once- dairy causes so much extra inflammation it can set off all kinds of reactions and allergies in your body. In my case, I think it was some kind of sensitivity to a mold or something I was exposed to in a cheap motel room. Had hives on and off for a couple days, ate some cheesey shit for dinner on the third day, and my feet swelled up to 3x their normal size. Without a doubt the weirdest little medical thing that has happened to me, and Iā€™ve had some fucked up medical shit happen, lol.


You know I think I am too. Hard to tell for sure but lately I can pet kitties and not have to wash my hands right away - I used to touch my face after playing with a kitty and Iā€™d break out there. But not anymore šŸ§


I havenā€™t tested it with cats but I used to take antihistamines daily and couldnā€™t skip them without getting a severe sinus infection. Now I no longer need to take them at all.


oh how interesting. my husband is terribly allergic to cats, but hasn't been near one since going vegan. we'll have to test this out


Wow! Who would have thought?


Everyone thinks donā€™t get enough protein. Give me a break


I ask them if theyā€™re getting their daily recommended amount of fiber


I have found that when I eat plant based I get more protein because Iā€™m actively trying to ensure I get enough


I actually get too much protein. I started to dial it down a bit just now.


It's usually they fixate on finding a flaw in your body to prove that it's the fault of the diet. The reality is, in some positive and negative ways, people do get thinner with plant-based diets. Sometimes they do actually lose muscle mass, even if people want to get their pitchforks out when any negative talk comes up. Meat is not better than whole plant protein (like soy/pea) for building muscle, BUT, it does have the benefit of not having fiber attached for getting better IGF-1 spike continuance. But we have pea protein and soy protein isolates, so if people decide to open their mind to getting more foods that incorporate more bare whole proteins...IGF-1 spikes will go up to some extent, muscle building will happen at some better rates. In the end, exercise is the main way to maintain and grow muscle anyway. It still stands that fiber does get in the way of some muscle synthesis rates, at least after an exercise bout, where you body has more ability to have better hourly protein absorption rates. Usually it's 4g per hour for pea/soy, so fiber won't do much, but it goes up to unknown extent during periods after exercise. There's just some unknown phenomenon going on here with muscle loss and the average plant-based diet. I don't think it's the fault of the diet overall, though, but the implementation.


I hardly ever need deodorant


Apparently dairy has quite an effect on body odour. In Korea they say white people smell like milk, but obviously when you live in the West you wouldn't notice because everyone drinks milk and smells like that. In fact, before I went vegan I couldn't even notice the smell of milk, but now it's quite pungent.


Yes 100%


You should probably still use deodorant, your nose pretty quickly will give up on being able to smell yourself because the smell is so familiar, so you might actually smell horrible and not know it.




Don't use deodorant.




aluminum (the main ingredient in antiperspirant) accumulates in breast tissue over time when you use an antiperspirant deodorant. there is some evidence (but no widespread consensus yet) that high aluminum levels from frequent antipersperant use may be linked to higher rates of breast cancer and alzheimer's/dementia. all evidence so far is correlative, no proof of causation. it needs to be studied further, but it doesn't hurt to be cautious. deodorant without antiperspirant is widely available.


To be fair the garlic smell is somewhat noticeable, if you use it as much as me


I use it by the bulb! Perhaps itā€™s just me who thinks I donā€™t smellā€¦ hmmm


Iā€™m the same, but thatā€™s cos Iā€™ve got no mates


Iā€™m now wondering if this is also why I have few matesā€¦


iā€™m jealous, i need more now than before!


I'm jealous


Oooh same, I thought it was my genetic or something like that but I donā€™t even own any deodorant !


I donā€™t know if this is obscure but it helped massively with my disordered eating. Suddenly I can eat when Iā€™m hungry and stop when Iā€™m full, because I donā€™t really ever feel guilty for putting plants or plant derivatives in my body. I feel more free from the control of food issues than I ever have been before.


I used to really limit my food as well, but now Imndon f slot better after going vegan both because of what you said and I feel like I canā€™t be the underweight vegan everyone thinks about and that now Iā€™m just trying to get all my nutrients and stuff.


Oh me too!! I found plant-based veganism after years of binge eating. Itā€™s been 7 years now and I actually havenā€™t binged since. I suspect that itā€™s because Iā€™m getting a lot more nutrients from plants, so my body isnā€™t constantly seeking out more food


If I go too long without eating a raw veggie something I feel gross. Cooked food for a few days in a row is too much. And when Iā€™m high all I want to eat is strawberries or blueberries


They are like candy šŸ¬ I currently have a full freezer, we just had cherry season here & I made a lot of jam and ice cream, it came out objectively amazing. Weed is illegal here, sad : (((


That ice cream sounds bomb af (and jam!) Weed is illegal here too šŸ˜‰


Yes it's really yummy, I'm def making next year too šŸ¤¤ next up is peach, my favorite šŸ‘ I'm very lucky we have a few fruit trees! Haha right? F them conservative countries and their 'values'


Started vegan, now am looking into fair trade and sustainability more than ever. The subject is consuming me and my everyday life, and I keep realizing that so much mundain stuff requires us fucking something up. Realizing pretty quickly that living away from the typical society sounds better by the day. Also, ik it sounds very generic, but since going vegan, I feel more aligned with nature. Like no more pollen allergy kind of aligned and more.


Can't stop farting


Seasonal allergies have practically disappeared. I used to have the worst time in spring and fall. Not anymore! :)


This happened to me too, I attributed it to dairy mostly but whatever it is, it's great


Iā€™m lucky to have a lot of vegan friends. This combined with the fact that I am a long time vegan causes me to forget sometimes that other people might not be vegan! Especially when I get introduced to new people, I might start yapping about the new vegan cheese and get confused stares.


This happens to me constantly even with people I know are not vegan, I just get lost I swear


If I'm out eating with a friend and they order non-vegan food (which doesn't happen that often even with my just-vegetarian friends) I always need a second to remember that me saying "Careful! That's not vegan!" Is not a helpful information to them.


My sense of smell changed, so certain foods I used to love now smell completely disgusting now, and other things that used to smell gross now smell great.


Same here. The smell of eggs (raw or cooked) or raw meat, especially chicken, became revolting. I have to avoid the butcher parts of the grocery store to not smell those things. My overall sense of smell has become stronger too, for any kind of smells, not just food related.


The dairy aisle in the supermarket šŸ¤¢


Iā€™ve become a stereotype and I both love it and hate it. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I grow my own microgreens now and sprout my soy beans and lentils. Iā€™m ā€œhigh rawā€ completely by accident and last week I folded and did something I swore Iā€™d never do: buy a dehydrator. (It was cheap and tiny so how could I have resisted?). Iā€™ve been making my own laundry detergent and deodorant and toothpaste since before becoming vegan. But now itā€™s seems almost like: of course I wound up vegan. Of COURSE! šŸ™„šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ I also just discovered soap nuts. Send help!


My nails got so much harder and tough, as a man I would constantly have trouble with nails splitting and it would really hurt and bleed sometimes


I used to have frequent stomach issues and acne and both went away completely when I stopped consuming dairy. Now I only get a pimple or two very rarely before my period and I only get a stomach ache when I have too much hot sauce.


Not afraid of common household critters now. I see a lizard or a mouse? Iā€™ll take it outside no problem. Before I would have been screaming and flipping out. Now the lines have blurred and I only want to react with compassion now


Yeah i noticed my relayionship with my dogs became a lot better too


I haven't been sick in forever. No colds, flu, no stomach viruses. Even no COVID19 even though I have been exposed a number of times (I know, it could still happen). I used to have chronic bronchitis, pneumonia a couple of times, all sorts of ailments. Nothing in like 20 years.


I was just like you, not even a cold until Covid!!! And now I get 2-3 colds per year šŸ˜”


That's interesting, I wonder if it trashed your immune system? Hopefully this will pass for you.


I don't think I've been sick since COVID in March 2020. It's weird to think about since that was 4 years ago.Ā 


I could cut of 2 minutes on all my hikes, same routes I usually go, and I hadnā€™t exercised more or anything. Just eating a vegan diet, donā€™t remember how long it took, but I guess 6 months into my vegan journey my stamina was a little betteršŸ™‚


Oh, easy. My heartburn that I had even as a child? Gone completely.


Same! This was the biggest change for me. I just accepted my fate as someone with a ā€œsensitive stomachā€. Nope, changed my diet and havenā€™t had heartburn in years.


Yuuup i had really bad indigestion which is now gone


I'm shittin like 3 times a day and have had the most energy I've ever experienced. I've also noticed a difference in how I feel towards other living things. I feel like I have a soft spot for fish and other ocean life where I didn't really care that much before.


I can't go a day without fruit or I will think about eating some all night. I also have more stamina. Another thing is that I used to be sick with colds all the time. Vegan since 6 months and cold-free for that entire time as well despite working with little kids a lot.


My body odor has completely changed. I donā€™t need deodorant on the reg. If itā€™s really hot out Iā€™d describe my scent as a little musty at worst but I donā€™t ever ā€œstinkā€ anymore.


Same. If I drink liquid chlorophyll consistently too, I donā€™t ever really ā€œstinkā€. Thereā€™s a scent, but itā€™s not that typical onion stench that I used to get.


Iā€™ve began to question capitalism and how vegan ethics could be used to improve it.


Capitalism is working exactly as intended. I would recommend a different economic model if you want to improve society.Ā 


Like what?


An economic system that prioritizes the well-being and happiness of living beings over the profit motive.


This sounds both imaginary and unimaginable at once.


Ah damn. I guess we should just settle for the brutal selfish world we live in then. Good point.


Capitalism can never be improved. :/


Capitalism can never be improved :D ā˜­


Capitalism is constantly being improved. It's just that the goal of capitalism isn't the wellbeing of the masses, but the hoarding and concentration of wealth in an ever dwindling bourgeois class. The system is working exactly as intended.


My vision improved. Not sure why but 2 straight exams over 4 years and it got better.


My over-dependence on food as a coping mechanism plummeted. I used to feel hungry every second of every day. I was always eating, never feeling full or satisfied. And while I never really felt "full" after switching to a vegan diet, I now never truly feel hunger either. I'm just able to not think about food anywhere near as much and move on with my life.


Getting laughed at by non-vegans when they find out Iā€™m Vegan.


I stopped sneezing constantly! It's been a huge relief in my life. I used to constantly get sinus irritation as a vegetarian and I'd sneeze and have a runny nose the whole day. It was awful. After becoming vegan, it disappeared overnight. Having done some research, it seems that the lactose in dairy is designed to trigger/stimulate the immune system. I think cutting out dairy was key to giving my immune system relief after years of oppression šŸ’š


To my core, Iā€™ve started to view all animals as equally valid (& probably more valid) than all this human made stuff. And not a nuisance. Or lesser than us. Theyā€™re just living out their lives and trying to survive, itā€™s a cutthroat world but thereā€™s so much beauty in appreciating the NON-humans on this planet. So when I hear bird calls or see packs of deer, I try to look at their family dynamics and whoā€™s doing what. When I see ant hills I see like a huge compound thatā€™s all working together. Most noticeable thing Iā€™ve noticed about my body though, is that i just donā€™t get out of breath unless Iā€™m really really pushing myself. Even at the end of a sustained workout, Iā€™m able to gain that breath so quickly. Also, I havenā€™t gotten a stomachache in maybe three years. I used to always struggle with that, especially with dairy.


Menopausal symptoms nearly all disappeared. (My friends my age complain about hot flashes and what not...and I keep telling them, try a whole food, plant based diet. One did and had the same experience I did.) Also, my brain fog and fatigue from epstein barr got soooo much better. I notice the difference if I have a few days where I don't eat as clean (still vegan just eating junk).


I almost completely stopped suffering feom seasonal allergies.


Every once in a while I have a fear that Iā€™m becoming nutritionally deficient so I binge on food till Iā€™m stuffed and take a multivitamin just in caseā€¦ Ive always had a fear of losing my teeth and eyes. But Iā€™m the healthiest looking person i know.


I was menopaused for about half a year when I became vegan, my period came back less than a month into being vegan and looks like it's here to stay


I donā€™t get sore after working out anymore


I met my partner of 12 years (also vegan) at a vegan fundraising dinner I hosted.


Every once in a while, totally at random, I used to puke. Just once, not feeling sick. A quease would just come over me, I would barf, and then my day would go on. This happened maybe a couple of times a year, but it totally stopped when I ascended to veganism.


"Ascended", I like that.


My child who was always extremely selective about what they were willing to eat before we were vegan now tries pretty much everything I serve. They donā€™t always like it, but they are a much more adventurous eater now. They also now eat foods with much more flavor whereas previously they would only eat things that were very bland.


I actually think about what I eat now. My entire life Iā€™ve struggled with my body, food, and depression. I just ate to eat. Now, Iā€™m thinking of each meal. The calories, the vitamins and the nutrients. I want to feed and care for my body as I care for animals and itā€™s really, really helped me improve my health. I feel so much better than I did


Ear wax. I used to have wet, yellow earwax before I went vegan. Now I have dry, flaky white colored ear wax. Iā€™ve looked it up and other vegans have talked about it but nothing scientific I can find on it. Itā€™s thought to be linked to your genes but I think diet plays a much bigger role in it.


I donā€™t know if this is true but Iā€™ve heard this is fat related! If you eat a lot of fat, youā€™ll have sticky yellow ear wax and the less fat you eat, the drier your ear wax will get.


It is interesting, isn't it? Asians definitely have dry ear wax so genetics must play some role, but I've noticed the same thing (although I still occasionally have the wetter earwax). The flaky earwax never appeared until I went vegan.


Oh WEIRD, I'm experiencing this too


Huh. Wait . I barely replace my hearing aids their wax filters anymore. I noticed this but a while ago but never really considered what might havs caused this


My photosensitivity (PMLE) that I experienced since childhood was eradicated. I used to blister 6 - 12 hrs after even indirect sun exposure. I absorbed the power of the sun.


No headaches. I used to take Excedrin on the regular for headaches. I donā€™t get them anymore since I went Vegan


my cum tastes better šŸ’…


I feel like my sense of taste has enhanced. I'm mostly whole food plant based so that also could be contributing, but I feel like I can taste more flavors and additives. Nothing tastes better than veggies and fruits now. I'll take a watermelon over a cake any day.


Since going vegan my periods last 6-7 days instead of 3/4 Has anyone else noticed this?


Mine are a little longer now, but a lot less painful.


Mine have gotten shorter, lighter, and less painful too. I am almost looking forward to them too. I am 29, and also have given birth to 3 children if itā€™s relevant. Been a little over 2 years vegan.


Omg that's funny you say that because my hair has also grown super fast after going vegan


My hair also grows super fast. I cut my hair from my butt/lower back to my collarbone area 2/23, and now 6/24, itā€™s literally almost at my lower back again. I feel like I didnā€™t even get to enjoy the haircut šŸ˜‚ I also feel less ā€œgrossā€ after eating a meal and I donā€™t get tired mid day as often, but I agree itā€™s not a magical burst of energy and health just by going vegan.


Being able to ask people where they get their fiber from is always a fun way to rebuttal "Where do you get your Protein from?", that is after listing off foods loaded with protein.


My finger nails are like steel


IBS is no longer a pressing issue for me... I also feel a weight off my shoulders knowing I don't choose to harm animals. Disordered eating has been something I struggle with, but it certainly got better without the cognitive dissonance.


I hardly ever have "sleep" in my eyes in the mornings anymore šŸ˜… And my hot flashes got dramatically less intense.


I swear my reflexes got faster. I catch things that people drop midair. I catch flies with my hands. I dunno. It's crazy and no one believes me


I got fat because I try a lot more things now and have no more disgusting things on my plate that I struggle to eat.


I became more able to look at and sit with the suffering of all animals and all sentient beings in general. Before becoming vegan, it was so overwhelming that as a coping mechanism I would block it. As a follow up on that "door" becoming open, slowly I connected more with old spiritual traditions which have at their core non-violence.


I became spiritual. Normally itā€™s the other way around, more spiritual people will decide to go vegan. However it just kind of happened and caught me off guard. Probably because Iā€™m now treating my body more like a garden than a graveyard. Now a proud vegan hippy šŸ˜‚šŸ¤


I originally went this direction for health, but after you make the commitment to not eat animals, your world sort of opens up and you can look at the horror of force-feeding, slaughtering, etc. When I ate meat, I knew those things but tried to not think about them since I was a participant. That opening up extended to being a more spiritual being, as well. Your image of the body as a graveyard is one I'm going to hold onto.


I eat faaaaar less. And feel full much faster. I think for me personally meat and cheese was easy to gorge on, which are both super high in calories. So my portions were bigger and my calories were much higher. Iā€™m listing this as obscure because itā€™s not something Iā€™m doing on purpose, itā€™s just something that randomly happened for me! Losing weight fast without really trying.


My PMS got so much better. Less bloating and less cramps and less stomach upset. It was kinda crazy how much it improved. I have endometriosis and PMDD so my periods always suck but going vegan really helped the physical symptoms.


I needed a more powerful plunger.


Used to have debilitating stomachaches at least weekly, haven't had one since. Also I feel generally more limber and emotionally straight, if that makes sense.


My husband and I have both experienced this since going vegan but our sense of smell has gotten heightened and its super sensitive now. Like in a grocery store being around people I feel like I can smell everything!! Which isn't always the greatest! No idea why ..


Common stuff I think but 1-more energy, 2-clearer skin, 3-no digestive issues ever.


I learned I can eat half a kilo of broccoli in one sitting after becoming briefly addicted to it .-.


More vivid dreams


Iā€™m way less likely to get sick when I travel now that Iā€™m eating only plant based food. Went around the whole world last year and didnā€™t get so much as a tummy ache.


Oh, I got one. Geographical tongue. Have ya heard of it? I had it since I was a kid till my twenties. But after I became vegan at age 26, I noticed it just went away. Still don't have it. I can't be for sure going vegan changed my tongue back to normal, but i kinda think so. Also, my tongue didn't look all weird like the pics online if anyone does a web search, it just had weird patterns/directions. That's all.


I never get food comas. Even if I over eat, I'm almost always down for a walk or something after. Recently went to a buffet with the boys. Watching them flat line after their heavy af meat dishes while I lorded over them with my superior vegan fuel was pretty satisfying.


I used to be on seroquel and they have anti-histamine in them. So at the beginning of this year when i stopped taking them i developed REALLY vad allergies. I've been taking anti-histamine pills for most of the year because of this. I basically stopped taking them because i wanted my body to get back to baseline so i was just suffering with really bad allergies for like 2 months now. When i became vegan and cut out milk in particular (because i had cut out milk a little while before that) my allergies spike REALLY HARD the next day and then almost dissapeared. I still have them but its soo much better Tldr; allergies mostly gone


Farts donā€™t stink anymore, lol.


Iā€™m not 100% vegan, but I try to make the most ethical choices with what is available to me. The thing that happened to me which I never expected is that suddenly strangers give me a billion reasons on why I should be vegetarian (which I am, and have been for 10 years) instead of vegan. Before I did this, and I was only ever vegetarian, they would either tell me to go all the way and go vegan or to just eat meat. Never expected that now Iā€™d be told to ā€˜justā€™ go vegetarian. EDIT: What I mean by not being 100% vegan is that sometimes all there is available in the stores is either organic butter from a local farm or palm oil margarine from a company that uses slave labour and is a leading force in rainforest deforestation in the global south, with no recyclable packaging and international plane shipping. In that case, Iā€™ll pick the organic local butter, even if it is an animal product. To me veganism goes beyond just not eating animal products because sometimes the vegan alternatives here are worse for the environment and exploited peoples in the global south.


I struggle with this too. There are so many ethical angles to consider


My farts stink.


Turning 60 and minimal white hairs.


My sleep apnea got better


I became a new age hippie


I crave Marmite. My bodyā€™s asking for B12. I hadnā€™t eaten it for a decade before becoming vegan. Then suddenly it just popped into my mind that I HAD to get some. So weird.


Subjective, ymmv, whatever. My orgasms have been better. More intense, longer, stronger, you name it.